Spa program “Russian Traditions” Salon “Beauty House & Spa. Modern technologies and traditional medicine – Cedar barrel Roscedr

Cedar barrel or phyto barrel is useful for those who want to lose weight without harmful effects, and for those who want to rejuvenate the skin and improve their health. After visiting such a spa, a good mood immediately appears, and you feel a surge of vivacity. Phyto barrel is arranged like a Russian bath. A cedar barrel is made from cedar, a tree that can accumulate healing energy. Cedar has a softer wood than other conifers and has a low resin content. The cedar barrel is arranged like a sauna: it has a bench, armrests, which you can lean on so that the whole body is relaxed. A thermal conductor is connected to the body itself, and a steam generator is located outside.

For those who do not feel well in baths and saunas, the head is not heated in a phytobarrel, so it is safe. Various phytocollections are added to the water and essential oils to increase the efficiency of the procedure. Six drops of sage essential oil and three drops of fir or cedar oil are added to the phyto barrel for colds. Also add five drops of lavender oil, two drops of lemon and mint oil for fatigue. Exposure to vapors has a healing effect. After the procedure, essential oils are applied to the skin for smoothness and softness of the skin. Also, for complete relaxation, it is recommended to drink a cup of herbal tea with honey. Herbal treatment should end with rubbing healing balm to the spine through massage.

The removal of toxins, harmful salts and slags from the body is facilitated by the action of steam on the skin, which opens the pores and sebaceous glands. In a phytobarrel, the body differs at the cellular level. Intensive sweating removes the load from the kidneys, electrolyte and water balances are regulated. The steam room improves the activity of the adrenal glands, genitals and thyroid gland. Also, the procedure increases the body's resistance to ailments, gives physical and mental strength, normalizes metabolic processes is a prophylactic.

It has been scientifically proven that one session in a cedar barrel relieves stress, relieves swelling, relieves muscle tension reduces the appearance of cellulite. In addition, using this procedure, you can lose weight (by 500 g - 1 kg), increase joint mobility, restore and strengthen the nervous system, reduce the manifestation of psoriasis, remove the syndrome chronic fatigue reduce cholesterol levels, relieve complications varicose veins veins, prevent an asthma attack, relieve headache. And it's not yet complete list! Phytobarrel is used not only for SPA. Its design allows you to install it in a country house, apartment. It takes up little space, is autonomous and safe. It is not yet fully understood how the cedar barrel affects the human body. Cedar is considered the most ancient pharmacist.

It is necessary to highlight the factors that take into account the influence of a cedar barrel on a person:

  • ambient temperature;
  • physical and chemical composition of air;
  • time factor;
  • air humidity;
  • general condition of a person;
  • mechanical irritation on the skin;

Temperature has a stimulating effect on thermoreceptors. Temperature, air humidity and its composition cause gas exchange in the body, thermoregulation, steam condensation on the mucous membranes and skin. Mechanical irritation spreads due to segmental-visceral reflexes (irritations internal organs). The time factor is adaptation and accumulation of irritation.

Modern technologies and traditional medicine – Cedar barrel Roscedr

The ancient monks used unique properties cedar in the treatment of fever, backache, muscle and joint pain, diseases of the back and neck. Cedars live from 300 to 600 years and carry the life-giving force of nature. Phytoncides (biologically active substances) inhibit the development and growth of bacteria and microorganisms, flavor coniferous tree favorably affects the nervous system.

Phytobarrel is contraindicated in liver diseases, oncology, as well as in cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases in the stages of exacerbation and bleeding and arrhythmias. Not recommended for pregnant women, children under seven years of age, six months after a heart attack or stroke, elevated temperature. Before the procedure, you need to consult a doctor.

Recipe for medieval warriors

For those who do not quite understand what is at stake, I will explain. A long time ago, in the Middle Ages, it was considered very good luck for the warring parties to grab the Belgian village of Spa. Her only merit was mineral springs, seething around in abundance. If the wounded warriors sat down to soak in the springs at night, then in the morning they literally got up as heroes and fought for ten. For such a miracle, it’s not a pity to fight. Over time, the name of the village became a household name. And what now they just don’t mean when they say “spa”: and water procedures, and a hydromassage pool ... But in general, this is a quick and comprehensive recovery. That is, just what we all, nervous and hurried, urgently need.

Everyone wants to have a kind of "village of Spa" nearby. But not everyone lives in Belgium, in Kamchatka, in Kislovodsk, etc. Therefore, in the West (and in the east in Japan) they did not wait for favors from nature and began to open spas. These are places where a person comes to have fun, only, unlike clubs and restaurants, it is good for health. Crowds of people in all countries of the world go after work to these salons, lie in capsules, splash in hot tubs, drink carrot juice and go home cheerful and rested. Unless, of course, they overdo it with loads or something else: no one particularly watches their activities. We are not like that. We need everything to be “according to science”. As a result, we got a spa in Russian style, where you can have a good time and at the same time be sure that everything went with exceptional benefit. Because, firstly, the doctors picked up exactly those pleasures that you need, and, secondly, they followed everything. By the way, Ben Orshtein (owner and publisher of BeanlyPro magazine) said so: “Finally, there are salons in Russia that can be called “spa”.

What would you like?

In principle, you can follow in the footsteps of foreigners. Say, I want to go to the sauna, then a haircut with a manicure, and I don’t need your advice. But why, if you can get much more and really understand your health? You will be examined, a “sore” place will be revealed and a comprehensive individual program will be drawn up. Perhaps you need treatment for your skin, nails, or hair, perhaps you need body shaping, cellulite removal, or postpartum recovery. Although most of us just need a little pep and Have a good mood. As a result, a menu will be compiled for you from sessions of the Alpha-33 capsule, hydromassage, massage, solarium, algae wraps, saunas, Turkish bath hammam and other benefits, selected in the right combination and in the right proportion. This capsule contains main idea spa. For 25 minutes of the session, while your face is blown by sea ionized air, heat, oils and vibration massage work on your body, and special music sounds in your ears, you are cleansed, relaxed and ready for the next pleasures. What they will be depends on the individual menu. As for the usual, edible menu, they will also make it for you. You can support your strength in the salon bar: vitamin cocktails, fresh juices and healthy food. One course of 8-10 visits to the salon is enough for you for about a year of healthy existence.

Women's magazines love to entertain readers with articles like "Half an hour for beauty" and "Two hours before a date." The topic becomes especially relevant if you need to recover after a not-too-pleasant pastime like a business trip or a week without sleep and rest. Another little consultation in the salon, and you will knock on an effective, rich plan for two hours. During this time, you will have time to drink the same vitamin cocktail, lie down in a capsule, swim, sunbathe, do a back or head massage, tidy up your head, hands and mood.

*(SPA is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "SANUS PER AQUA" - health through water.
SPA- is a set of medical and recreational procedures, which are based, as a rule, on the contact of the body with warm or hot water. The SPA complex (SPA) -procedures includes visits to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, massage, mud, salt and other baths, as well as healing showers and some therapeutic procedures - aromatherapy, thalassotherapy, balneotherapy and herbal medicine.)

It is impossible to say exactly when SPA procedures appeared in Russia. But even before baptism, there was a set of customs, rules and instructions known as " Russian health».

"hello"- means to live according to the laws of white light. "Ra" is the sun that gives joy, burning, creativity. Our ancestors knew how to live in joy. The ability to turn grief into flowers of joy is a trait that helps to withstand all trials and supports youth.

Equal attitude to death gave strength, in critical cases, difficult life situations. This feeling helped to overcome death and start living again. "Childhood of the soul", that precious national feature which gave ease in overcoming difficulties.

But the main factor supporting health was a reasonable attitude to life, which means to form in oneself sound thinking, a sound psyche, healthy body. And these secrets were passed from the older generation to the younger. Traditional education consisted in the transmission and teaching of two basic principles of life: common sense is the balance of the world, a healthy body is the proportionality of the physical with the spiritual. And if a person fell ill, they knew that the primary disease of the soul, and then the body.

All people are different, each has its own destiny, road, but everyone is obliged to strive to strengthen their health, to improve, thereby caring for the future generation, for all of humanity. And Starting point life on earth is the moment of conception of a human being. "This sacred moment must be illuminated by the spark of love, the fire of life, then the fire of life is laid, healthy program. The conception of a child must also occur in energetically strong days and of course during sunny days. There are rites of purification before such days: Mermaid week, Agrafena-bathing. Part of the ceremony was a cleansing in a bath with Fire-grass - nettle, which is still used today as a strong medicine.

In the pre-Christian Vedic worldview h man appears as a product of four elements: fire, water, earth, air. Domestic Russian tradition considers them an expression of global universal forces:

Reality - active start(heat, movement, etc.).
Nav- passive beginning (cold, hunger, thirst, pain).
rule- the result of the interaction of reality and Navi, their balance.
curve- violation of the balance of waking and navi.

The Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan wrote: “ I have not seen people with more perfect bodies than them. They are like palm trees, blond, beautiful in face and body ...". And Slavic girls - “prison for merchants ...” - were fabulously valued at auction.

This perfection was determined by the way of life, the national character. There was an ancient Slavic health system, which is a complex of rituals and games, purposeful rituals. On Shrovetide in Russia, peculiar wrestling joys were held, they were also called - “ Youth fights". Approximately in the middle of March, melt water appears under the snow with healing properties for the human body. The battles looked funny and spectacular - to win, you need to drive your opponent in melted snow.

And here, let's say, how they improved vision. When the day left the earth, and the setting sun filled with strength, shining with a crimson glow, people watched him and "ruled the eye."

The Slavs have always loved water, they have such a developed bath cult. When washing used - up to 40 buckets of water. To use a lot of water means to be reborn. The bath is more effective if you take into account the lunar and solar calendars. So, according to the calendar, there are auspicious days for female beauty and health and for the heroic forces of men. Vedovskie baths are baths that were arranged in the lunar and solar phases and relieved of illness and curse. It was believed that on such days a person is reborn.

Rites, holidays were always accompanied drinking good drinks, honey, honey surya. According to the law of the Sort, it was allowed to drink only twice: the first - to relieve fatigue, the second - for joy. The third glass was never drunk.

Surya is considered not only a drink, but also the benevolent state of a person, ancient knowledge, truth, solar energy.

Breathing exercises, as in the East, did not exist among the Slavs; instead of exercises, the Slavs sang songs and hymns. Singing rejuvenated, healed, gave integrity to the mind and heart, built the Soul and Spirit.

In the process of life, a person will be healthy and develop correctly only if he is in the right relationship with the elements. First of all, you need:

- Water. Drink cleanly (do not drink cloudy).
- Earth. Eat cleanly (do not eat stale foods or reheated food not from the first fire).
- Air. Breathe clean.
- Fire. Properly use the heat of your body.

All four laws are observed at once and constantly. To calm the psyche and harmony vitality you must not forget: walking barefoot on the ground / it doesn’t hurt, it’s not hot, it’s not cold /, swim and wipe yourself with snow, look at the live fire-bonfire more often, stand on peaks and hillocks, feel like flying, sing in the open area with Vision and sunrise, and sunset.

In the traditions of "Russian Health" it is necessary to live in accordance with natural cycles, get up at dawn, go to bed after sunset, work in the summer and rest in the winter.

Can't endure seven nave: pain, hunger, cold, lack of sleep, thirst, natural need, resentment.
Can't give in and seven waking: pleasure, overeating, dependence on heat, oversleeping, excess need for drink, unbridled urges, flattery.

If you manage to balance between extreme manifestations, then your health is little threatened. Reality and Nav do not contradict and do not conflict with each other, they just show where the rule can appear, making them dependent.

The fundamental basis of Russian natural faith and philosophy was the concept of a universal universal law as the personification of truth. Therefore, the law has never been artificially created. Law-law could only be found on life path if you look around wisely. Nature itself gives answers-laws. Have a pure state of mind and spirit and you will find the answers, which means strength for a fulfilling life.

Russian health is, first of all, a school of spiritual health, harmonious life. Those who did not follow the laws of the Family, the circle of life, the laws of the gods, were immediately visited by Marena, who knocked down feelings, the will to perfection and brought a person to death. Our ancestors knew that primary diseases of the soul, and then the body and tried not to allow sin. Life is a "Flower of Seven Flowers", where all shades of life must be in harmony, while in a fairy tale all desires will come true.

Now another time and other customs, only man has created problems that were not in the past. Therefore, everyone needs to think with his head, learn anew, listen to his heart, soul and body. The well-being of man is linked to the well-being of nature. Health first of all belongs to you and depends on you, and the health of the family, clan, nation and all people of the world depends on your health.

In the dry residue we have:
Live in joy! Go to the bath! Drink pure good drinks (not cloudy)! Sing songs! Eat cleanly (only fresh food or hot only from the first fire)! Breathe clean! Swim and get covered in snow!
Massage and mud treatment (due to excess mud and lack of roads) are already provided for you!
Conspiracies, prayers or materialization of thoughts - on demand.

Undoubtedly, the appearance of the spa has expanded our understanding of how to take care of ourselves and how to take care of ourselves. However, in the Russian tradition, there have always been procedures that help strengthen both the body and the spirit. The Moscow spa-center "Palestra" offers several original Russian ways of reviving the body and spirit.

The first in the list of Palestra branded spa pleasures is “Spa in Russian”. As it is easy to guess we are talking about our most famous method of healing - in the bath. The effect of the bath is based on the alternation of high and low temperatures. It promotes the elimination of toxins and slags, improves kidney function, water-salt exchange making the skin supple and silky. In addition, the bath energizes us, relieves nervous tension and stress, improves sleep, appetite, performance, trains the endurance of the body and strengthens the immune system. The program "Spa in Russian" also includes soap or aroma massage, honey wrap and herbal decoctions. This pleasure lasts as long as 3 hours.

Do not hesitate - after such an intense exposure, you will feel reborn to a new life!
Those for whom the bath is contraindicated for medical reasons, "Palestra" offers a branded program "Flax". It was developed on the basis of the old Russian method of healing, also based on the alternation of temperatures, but in a more gentle mode compared to the bath. From the seeds of flax and herbs collected in ecologically clean regions of the Volga region, Siberia and Baikal, a composition for wrapping is prepared. First, you are wrapped in a linen cloth soaked in hot goat milk, and after a while - in a cloth soaked in already cold goat's milk. The impact of herbal wrapping and alternation of temperatures helps to cleanse the body, activate blood circulation, strengthen nervous system and immunity. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and toned, and the energy of herbs nourishes the body for several more days.

Program " Altai herbs» suitable for those who want to relieve the load of fatigue, improve well-being and take care of the smoothness of the skin of the body. The Ayurvedic approach to spa treatments is applied here, oriental traditions massage and healing effect herbs collected on the mountain slopes of Altai. If you want to get rid of excess weight, output excess liquid from the body, in the "Palestra" you will be advised to resort to the ancient Russian method - honey massage. This procedure is a natural peeling, after which blood circulation improves, the skin becomes smooth.

A wonderful body treatment - spa-massage with currant seed oil. Medicated oil currant contains essential fatty acid omega-6 and omega-3, rich in gamma-linolenic acid. Massage with currant seed oil will help to quickly and effectively restore tired skin and moisturize it. In addition to Russian methods of recovery, Palestra offers many spa programs and procedures.

And especially for brides, the program "Three days before the wedding" has been developed. It includes a session with a beautician with a mask "for special occasions”, the Fake Bake instant tanning procedure, epilation, manicure, pedicure with wedding design and, of course, the bride’s hairstyle.

Only the best

Beauty salon equipped with modern equipment

We work only with professional cosmetics

Flexible system of discounts and bonuses for our regular customers


In T-Style Central and Cultural Center you will be offered unique programs that you will not find anywhere else. Thanks to our procedures, you will not only take care of your appearance, but will also be able to disconnect from everyday hustle and bustle, be alone with yourself, with your inner self. Paying attention to emotions, thoughts and feelings, you will see how easily internal contradictions are resolved, doubts disappear and the soul and thoughts come into harmony with the body.


This program is for two people who are comfortable doing everything together. This is a great opportunity for couples to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and be alone with each other. Find emotional balance and vitality with the help of peelings, body wraps, and massages. “HE + SHE” is a program aimed at bringing two halves together, it will help you tune in to a romantic mood and improve mutual understanding.

Program duration: 3 hours.
The program includes:

  • soaring in a bath with brooms;
  • pilling;
  • wrapping;
  • massage;
  • tea drinking.

6500 rubles


Now you can combine business with pleasure and spend time with friends during SPA treatments. You can order an individual program for two, three or four people. At your disposal* is a spacious Russian banya, a bubbling Jacuzzi and douche showers. A wide selection of teas and honey for every taste will complement a pleasant evening and turn any program into a fun bachelorette party. Peeling with coconut flakes will relax you, relieve fatigue and prepare you for further procedures of the program. A chocolate wrap will improve your mood, moisturize the skin and give it softness and elasticity.
- when ordering a program from 3 people

Program duration: from 3 hours
The program includes:

  • soaring in a bath with brooms;
  • steaming in an infrared sauna;
  • pilling;
  • wrapping;
  • massage;
  • tea drinking.

4500 rubles per person


If you are tired from work and exhausted, the SPA program IN RUSSIAN the best solution! Especially for you, we have created an express program that combines European and Asian massage techniques. She will help you in as soon as possible restore strength and energy balance of the body.

Program duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.
The program includes:

  • soaring in a bath with brooms and bamboo;
  • chopsticks;
  • steaming in an infrared sauna;
  • back massage;
  • tea drinking.

3000 rubles


Winter is over, but it's still good to take a steam bath. Alone or with a friend... It's up to you! And we, especially for you, have prepared a bathing ritual. The combination of two types of brooms in the work of our specialist will make your visit to the bathhouse unforgettable!

Program duration: 1 hour
The program includes:

  • soaring in a bath with oak or birch;
  • broom;
  • tea drinking.

1 person 2000 rubles
2 people 3300 rubles

SPA for hands with hot paraffin

The age of a woman, first of all, is given out by her hands. That is why you need to watch your hands especially carefully. In order to give the skin of the hands the necessary nutrients and make it soft and smooth, you need to go through our miracle procedure.

Procedure scheme:

  • Scrubbing of the hands;

Scrubs are designed to deep cleanse the skin. They contain small particles that exfoliate dead epithelium. Depending on the purpose (for hands, for the face, for the body), these particles can be different sizes. Beauticians recommend using a scrub no more than once every seven days, after thoroughly cleaning the skin from makeup and impurities.

  • Paraffin therapy of the hands;

Over time, hand creams become ineffective, because they are not able to tighten the skin on the hands. You can use plastic surgery, but if the seam after surgery in other parts of the body can be hidden under clothing, then after plastic surgery of the skin of the hands, you will have to make a lot of effort to hide the traces of rejuvenation. There is an alternative to rejuvenation of the skin of the hands - this is paraffin therapy.

Due to the uniform heating of the skin that occurs during the procedure, the number of functioning capillaries increases, microcirculation and lymph flow increase, the work of all skin glands. Together with sweat, toxins circulating in the lymph come to the surface of the skin. And since paraffin is a very dense substance, it does not allow air to pass through, creating " Greenhouse effect", the water released with sweat does not evaporate, but is absorbed through the epidermis, but toxic substances suction are not exposed. That is why the procedure has both moisturizing and detoxifying effects. Even after one paraffin therapy, turgor, skin elasticity and elasticity increase noticeably.

  • Therapeutic mask for hands;

Unlike daily cosmetics, hand masks have a deeper therapeutic effect, and also help a woman keep her hands in good shape for longer.

  • Hand massage;

Massage of the hands relieves tension in the muscles of the hands, stimulates blood circulation to the fingertips, acupressure of the hands promotes the work of all organs by stimulating certain points associated with the muscles of the whole body, relieves stress and helps you relax and enjoy.

Price of the procedure: 350 rub.

Subscription price (10 procedures) 3 000 rub.

Our reviews

Antonina Svetlitskaya

Galina Voznyuk

Viola Strelnikova

Margarita Flerova

Makar Kholodnitsky

Visited your infrared sauna out of curiosity. Thanks, that was something! Climbed into the booth and warmed up to complete, as they say, satisfaction. I work in the north, it’s a pity we don’t have such booths in our city. I started to feel better after this infrared bath. All harmful substances completely removes from the body, and not a trace of alcohol intoxication. You come out cheerful, all as if on springs. A regular steam room also helps a lot, but not like that, far from it.

Julia Shaposhnikova

Antonina Svetlitskaya

What should a woman over 30 who is unlucky in love do? Engage in personal fitness training! I went to the center on Altaiskaya with the firm intention of putting my figure in order. And in order not to relax (which you always want), there is an option to work with a trainer. Constant work on yourself makes you proud and independent. Well, it turns out that when you stop sticking to the peasants, they begin to stick to you in droves. Such is the law of the genre.

Galina Voznyuk

Many people are afraid surgical facelift skin, and I understand them. It is unpleasant when a surgeon of an incomprehensible degree of sobriety cuts you with a knife. But what is typical, approximately the same results can be achieved if you go to the T-style health center for body cosmetology procedures. Unpleasant sensations none, but hot tubs and ultrasonic cavitation work miracles. You become slim and get younger right before your eyes - if I exaggerate, then not much.

Viola Strelnikova

Went to T-Style with a friend a month ago. Well, imagine, all these peelings and wraps. Specific delight! I don't know when I will get out in the near future, but I have to go again. This is far from the first beauty salon that I visit, but the difference in the quality of the procedures is very well felt. I will recommend to all my friends who have not yet gone. There you can choose different programs by time - from an hour to three. Very convenient for those who have a busy work schedule.

Margarita Flerova

A friend needed a facial treatment. She had an acne rash, various small inflammations there. In general, I advised her to sign up at the T-Style center for treatment sessions. They have very effective programs for oily skin- they will clean it there, and treat the face with therapeutic cosmetics. plus massage and different tricks to restore skin elasticity. It doesn't work right away, but it does help. Full course medical procedures have to go through.

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