Composition and instructions for the use of Morozov drops - dosage and contraindications, analogues and price. "Morozov's drops" - an excellent sedative

Modernity is cruel to man. The fragile nervous system of city dwellers is so vulnerable to constant stress. All diseases are from nerves. And this is not a banal phrase, but a sad truth, because all body systems suffer from constant shocks! Pharmacologists have long learned to use this, offering at fabulous prices "magic pills" from anxiety and sorrow. Meanwhile, there is a cheap and very effective remedy that can compete with Afobazoles and Novopassites - these are Morozov's drops. The instructions for using the drug are very simple, and the effect on the body is simply magical. What is this medicine?

Morozov drops: what is it?

Morozov's drops are a liquid remedy used as a sedative. The drug has a mild sedative effect. Droplets are prepared directly in the pharmacy, but if desired, they can be made at home.

The shelf life of a product just purchased at a pharmacy is 3 years from the date the drug was manufactured. After opening the vial, the medicine is valid for 10 days.

Morozov drops: composition

The composition is attractive already because its main ingredients are time-tested and familiar preparations:

  • valerian tincture, which has a pronounced sedative effect and helps to reduce the level of excitability of the nervous system;
  • hawthorn tincture, known for its ability to relieve vasospasm, lower blood pressure, normalize heart rate, and have a sedative effect on the body;
  • motherwort tincture, which has a pronounced positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, reduces pressure and has a mild vasodilating property;
  • corvalol, which has proven itself as an effective drug that relieves spasms, lowers the excitation of the central nervous system, which helps restore sleep;
  • diphenhydramine, which inhibits the excitation of the central nervous system, blocking histamine receptors.

All components of the drops are available at the pharmacy (with the exception of prescription diphenhydramine), which makes home preparation of this medicine possible.

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Morozov drops: indications for use

The main purpose of the remedy is to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Indications for taking the drug are:

  • somatoform autonomic dysfunction (vegetovascular dystonia);
  • high pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nervous state, anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance, problems with falling asleep and insomnia;

Despite the fact that the composition of the drug is very simple, the ingredients in the drops cannot be called harmless! Particularly "dangerous" is diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine), which in recent years has been dispensed from pharmacies by prescription. An overdose of the drug is fraught with serious side effects, and the ban on free sale came into effect after equating diphenhydramine to narcotic drugs.

Reception of drops must be agreed with the attending physician!

Morozov's drops: instructions for use, dosage for adults

Before using the drops, the bottle must be shaken, and the measured amount of the drug is mixed with a small volume of water (about 50 ml per dose).

As with the use of any drug, it is important to observe the dosage, depending on the diagnosis, it may vary.

  1. as a sedative take Morozov's tincture in the amount of 10-20 drops three times a day before meals;
  2. to lower blood pressure, about 40 drops of tincture are required once;

The course of admission is about 2 weeks (according to indications), after which a break of 2-4 weeks is necessary. Then it is possible to re-course application of funds. Subject to all the rules for taking Morozov's drops, there is practically no harm to the body. The main side effect is manifested in the form of drowsiness and lethargy. Long-term use can cause persistent addiction, and the drug ceases to be effective.


The drug is one of the safest drugs of a similar series. But it is worth remembering that alcohol in its component composition makes the product dangerous for:

  • alcohol addicts;
  • pregnant and lactating;
  • children;
  • people employed in work, where increased concentration of attention is required.

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug is another contraindication to use. Allergic reactions that occur after its use are a reason to immediately stop using it.


Morozov's drops have been considered for more than a decade an effective sedative drug that does not have side effects and has a minimum of contraindications.

However, doctors rarely recommend a remedy, offering expensive analogues. And in vain! In terms of their beneficial effects on the body, they are in no way inferior to the advertised pills with a sedative effect. The components of Morozov's drops, almost identical in pharmacological properties, enhance each other's action, having a more pronounced effect on the body. Of the shortcomings, people note not the most pleasant taste and specific smell of the drug.

Among physicians, one can hardly find negative reviews about the drug, so you can safely ask your doctor to write a prescription for this particular mixture with appropriate indications.


The cost of the drug is about 50 rubles per vial. Buying ingredients for self-preparation of a home-made analogue of the drug, it turns out to spend a little more.

Morozov drops: how to cook

Preparing the drug at home is not a difficult task, and one of the components can be excluded if, for example, an allergy is manifested to it. So, a drug from a pharmacy is not suitable for many because of the content of diphenhydramine in it.

Morozov's homemade drops should not be prepared in large quantities, since the contents of the opened vial should be stored for no more than 2 weeks. So, you will need:

  • 10 milliliters of alcohol tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort and valerian;
  • 15 milliliters of corvalol;
  • 0.3 milliliters of diphenhydramine (can be completely excluded).

All components are mixed in a dark glass vial with a tightly screw cap, then stored in a refrigerator.


The simplest and most affordable analogues of Morozov's drops are its independent components: corvalol, valerian, motherwort. There are other complex preparations on sale that are similar to Morozov's drops in terms of pharmaceutical properties:

  1. Alora. The drug is available in 2 forms - syrup and tablets. The active ingredient is passionflower extract, which has a sedative and hypnotic effect. The cost is 250-300 rubles for syrup, 300-400 rubles for a pack of tablets. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - by prescription.
  2. Valemidin. It consists of: tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, mint, alcohol, diphenhydramine. The cost of Valemidin is from 120 rubles, a pharmacy can be dispensed without a prescription.
  3. Cardiovalen. Drops, which consist of tinctures of valerian, jaundice and hawthorn, camphor, alcohol and sodium bromide. The cost of the drug is about 200 rubles, the sale is over-the-counter.
  4. Cute. Tablets, which include extracts of escholcia and hawthorn, magnesium and additional components. Tablets are released without a prescription, they cost about 200-250 rubles per pack (40 pcs.).
  5. Phytosed. The composition of the drops includes: extracts of hawthorn, coriander, oats, lemon balm, sweet clover, motherwort and hops. Drops are dispensed without a prescription, they cost about 70 rubles per bottle (100 ml).

When choosing one of the drugs with a sedative effect or to restore sleep, you should pay attention to an inexpensive and effective remedy with a simple and well-known composition. "Drops of Morozov". Instructions for use to it is simple and understandable, and subject to the dosage, the drug is absolutely safe.

It just so happened that life in a modern big city has not only pleasant aspects, including a good job, high technology and developed infrastructure. Almost all residents of cities, and even more so, millionaires and megacities periodically experience stress, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the nervous system. As you yourself know perfectly well, the cause of most diseases, to one degree or another, are various malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system. It is problems of this nature that are often capable of provoking much more serious diseases. So is there any way out of this situation? The most adequate and balanced solution is the periodic use of sedative medications, one of which is a tincture, also known as Morozov's drops. It is about its composition, instructions for use, how to cook it at home, as well as other interesting issues, that we will talk about in today's article.

Today's Choice

It is unlikely that anyone will object to the argument that today we are more and more accustomed to trusting advertising, and often simply blindly relying on it. As a rule, large manufacturers, many of which are foreign, can afford expensive advertising campaigns. This, to a large extent, is the reason for such a high popularity of the drugs they produce. Of course, one cannot say that all these means are bad and ineffective. However, they are usually overpriced.

At the same time, sometimes it happens that the medicines of domestic manufacturers, well known to us for a long time, which have shown themselves perfectly and have repeatedly proved their worth over the years, are undeservedly forgotten. In most cases, they do not have a better price, but sometimes they even have a better effect on the patient's body.

Attention! Morozov's tincture just refers to such medicines that have proven themselves well, and at the same time are quite cheap, and, as a result, accessible to citizens with little financial capacity. In addition, this drug is also supported by the fact that, unlike some more expensive imported analogues, Morozov's drops do not contain any chemical components.

More about the drug

The use of Morozov's tincture helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system, since this drug belongs to the category of sedatives (sedatives), and the composition of natural components speaks in its favor: valerian root, motherwort herb and other natural components based on herbs and plants. It is a very effective remedy in the treatment of such ailments as:

1 Neurosis, anxiety.

2 Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

3 Insomnia and other sleep disorders.

4 Rapid heartbeat.

5 Nervousness and excessive excitability.

How to make at home

It is quite possible to prepare Morozov's drops on your own. Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to have the skills of a pharmacist. Just follow the recipe exactly.

So what you need to do:

1 To begin with, we select the composition: 2 parts of alcoholic tinctures of motherwort and valerian, 1 part of hawthorn tincture, as well as a few drops of Corvalol.

2 Mix all ingredients well.

3 If available, you can mix in 2 parts of peony tincture.

Attention! If you buy the drug in a pharmacy, then it contains diphenhydramine in a small amount. It is not necessary to add it when cooking at home.

Admission rules

To begin with, before taking the remedy, thoroughly study the instructions. In cases where you make the infusion yourself and do not have instructions, it is advisable to consider the following recommendations:

1 Shake the bottle thoroughly beforehand.

2 Single dosage is 20 drops dissolved in a small amount of water (40-50 ml).

3 Drink the remedy three times a day.

4 With severe sleep disturbances, as well as high blood pressure, it is necessary to take 30-40 drops of the drug at a time for each dose.

5 The course of treatment is 14 days. Then you need to take a break for a month, after which you can resume taking. This is done to avoid addiction.

As for contraindications, then nothing special was noticed in medical practice. Also, side effects have not been identified, of course, in cases where you strictly observe the dosage. With a single dose of more than 40 drops, drowsiness may occur. Reviews of Morozov's drops are very positive. Almost all patients note the natural composition, a calming effect on the nervous system and the body as a whole, as well as the absence of contraindications. In any case, in view of the fact that each person has his own characteristics of the body, before drinking the tincture, it is advisable to consult an experienced specialist.

Overexertion and fatigue negatively affect sleep and mood. Sedatives help manage stress. In standard cases, it is recommended to use natural herbal medicines, for example, Morozov's solution. This is a mild sedative drug with a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

Morozov drops - composition

The officially described medicine is prepared in pharmacies and is issued only on the recommendation of a doctor. This is due to one ingredient that contains Morozov's tincture, the composition includes Diphenhydramine. It is released exclusively by prescription due to the narcotic effect (when used in large dosages). The full composition of Morozov's drops:

  • alcohol tincture of hawthorn;
  • alcohol tincture of valerian;
  • alcohol tincture of motherwort.

The ingredients of the drug do not affect the intensity of the processes in the cerebral cortex, so the intellectual abilities and the speed of reactions do not change. The pharmacological action of each component includes:

  • decrease in heart rate;
  • ease of falling asleep;
  • strengthening the inhibition of the nervous system;
  • weakening of arousal;
  • correction of nervous processes in the subcortical part of the brain;
  • decrease in sweating;
  • normalization of physiological sleep;
  • decreased sensitivity to external irritating factors;
  • stopping trembling of hands and fingers;
  • relaxation of spasms in the intestines.

Morozov drops - indications for use

All components of the drug individually have sedative properties, calm the nervous system, normalize sleep and lower blood pressure. Morozov's drops are characterized by similar qualities. Due to the mutual action of the active ingredients, their effects are enhanced and more pronounced. Morozov drops have the following indications:

  • stress;
  • temporary or permanent insomnia;
  • neurosis, neurasthenia;
  • vegetative and vascular disorders;
  • increased excitability;
  • irritability;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • anxiety;
  • panic and transient ischemic attacks (as part of complex therapy);
  • bouts of hypertension;
  • menopause;
  • hormonal disorders, accompanied by a sharp change in mood;
  • exacerbation of chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • angina, .

Morozov drops - side effects

The presented remedy is based on plant components, therefore it is well tolerated. Morozov's drops cause side effects extremely rarely, mainly when the recommended dosage is exceeded, they include:

  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • deterioration in the ability to concentrate.

Morozov's drops - contraindications

Most of the ingredients of the solution in question have practically no contraindications. Morozov's tincture is often prepared at home and does not contain Diphenhydramine, therefore it is allowed for use even by people who cannot use this drug. The only strict contraindication to the drug is intolerance to any component of the drug, including ethyl alcohol. With caution, Morozov's drops are prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, it is better to first consult with a therapist. Children under 14 years of age are undesirable to give a solution.

How to make Morozov drops at home?

You can make your own natural sedative, it only takes 5 minutes and is very cheap. The only thing that distinguishes Morozov's pharmacy and home drops is that the recipe in the second case does not contain Diphenhydramine. This does not affect the sedative properties of the drug, it just acts a little slower and softer. The first option, how to prepare Morozov's drops, is considered simple, you need to mix 25 ml of the following tinctures:

  • hawthorn;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • Corvalol.

The second way, how to prepare Morozov's drops at home, includes an additional ingredient - tincture of an evasive peony. This is a good sedative drug that helps get rid of insomnia. In this case, the proportions of tinctures also change:

  • hawthorn - 1 part;
  • motherwort - 2 parts;
  • valerian - 2 parts;
  • peony - 1 part;
  • Corvalol - 1 part.

Morozov drops - application

Given the content of ethyl alcohol in this medication, it is recommended to take it after a meal or a light snack. Before drinking Morozov's drops, it is necessary to dilute them with clean boiled water at room temperature. Standard proportions - 50 ml of liquid for every 20-25 drops of the drug. If the solution is taken for the first time, it is better to use the minimum amount of the drug in order to check the tolerance and reaction of the body to the components of the solution.

Morozov's drops - dosage

A single dose of the drug depends on the goals of therapy. The daily number of receptions is 1-3 times. Morozov drops - how many drops to drink:

  • with insomnia - 40 pcs. (dissolve in a glass of water) 1 time before bedtime;
  • with stress, increased nervous excitability - 10-20 pieces;
  • with an increase in blood pressure - 30 pcs.

How long can I take Morozov's drops?

Even completely natural medicines cannot be used constantly, this can lead to allergic reactions and the body's addiction to active substances. Drops (mixture) of Morozov are recommended to drink no more than 2 weeks in a row. After the course of treatment, you should take a long break, about 1.5-2 months. Before taking Morozov's drops again, it is advisable to consult a doctor. If there is a need for constant use of sedatives, it is better to choose a more potent agent.

The drug belongs to the pharmacological subgroup of sedatives. It has a sedative, hypotensive, antispasmodic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Drops are named after a doctor who decided to combine the benefits of several natural tinctures and extracts in one drug. The drug accumulates in the body, so the maximum effect is achieved a week after the start of use. Shelf life before opening - 3 years. After the drops are opened, you need to use them for no more than 2 weeks.

Based on simple components that you can mix yourself. Many people make their own homemade sedative by buying the right ingredients and combining them in the right proportions.

For the manufacture of sedative drops, the following components are used:

valerian tincture - 2 parts;

corvalol - 4-5 drops;

peppermint - 3-4 drops;

hawthorn tincture - 1 part;

motherwort tincture - 2 parts.

If you prepare Morozov's tincture at home, then you need to take a dark glass bottle and measure all the components in the right proportions. The drug can be consumed immediately after mixing, it is not recommended to store the drops for a long time.

Indications for use

According to experts, Morozov's tincture is not a serious drug. When prescribing, the stage of the disease is taken into account: it is better to use them when the first symptoms are only noticed.

Here are the main indications for the use of drops:

stressful conditions;

nervous excitability, anxiety;

the initial stage of hypertension;

vegetative-vascular dystonia;

cardiopalmus; neuroses;

sleep disorders;

recurrence of cardiovascular disease.

The composition of Morozov's tincture is recognized as gentle and effective. Absorbed in the stomach, the drops begin to act within a few minutes. If after taking there is no effect (the pressure does not decrease, the excitement does not go away), you need to inform the doctor that the remedy is ineffective. In this case, Morozov's tincture will be replaced with a stronger medicine.


The composition of Morozov's drops includes natural extracts and tinctures. The finished drug and the ingredients for its preparation (except diphenhydramine) are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. However, this does not mean that there are no contraindications for the use of drops.

You can not drink Morozov's tincture:

children under 14;

patients allergic to the drug;

hypotensive patients.

During lactation and bearing a child, drops are prescribed with extreme caution, as well as during pregnancy.

For children under 18 years of age, a cocktail of medicines is used under the supervision of a doctor.

decrease in heart rate; hypotension;




nausea and vomiting.

How to take Morozov's drops

Morozov's tincture is taken orally, observing the dosage indicated in the instructions. Before use, shake the vial, measure the right amount of the product and dilute with a little water. For 25-30 drops, 50 ml of liquid is required.

For different diseases, different doses of the drug are used. :

high blood pressure, stressful conditions - 30-35 drops;

nervousness, anxiety - 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day;

insomnia - 40 drops 20 minutes before bedtime.

The decision on the duration of therapy is made by the attending physician. For the treatment of the initial stage of hypertension, the course should be at least 2 weeks. After this period, it is recommended to take a break for 1 month. If the drops were taken correctly, according to the instructions, then the substances accumulated by the body will help maintain the desired pressure indicators.

Modern man quite often finds himself in stressful situations. This is due to the rapid pace of the metropolis, and turmoil at work, and often with personal unsettled life. A variety of troubles await people in all areas of activity, and hence insomnia, and other complications arising from this. Maybe the reason for this is our constant haste - everything needs to be done in time, so we are in a hurry, but often we do not meet the allotted time. A proverb has been forgotten, which has a deep meaning and which, perhaps, should be heeded, saying that the one who is not in a hurry is not late ... Indeed, people who plan ahead are, to some extent, less prone to stress. However, it is impossible to constantly live according to the plan - and it doesn’t work out, and it’s not interesting, after all.

That is why every person who monitors his health should from time to time, in addition to taking vitamins, also use sedatives. Undoubtedly, the pharmaceutical industry has all sorts of widely advertised novelties, among which anyone in need of such drugs will find suitable ones after consulting a doctor. Nevertheless, recently there has been a trend that most people adhere to - to use time-tested medications that do not need additional advertising in treatment. It's no secret that valerian and motherwort have soothing properties. But not everyone knows that these are the main components of an excellent remedy for neurosis and insomnia. "Morozov's drops" - this is the name of the drug, which includes tinctures of the above-mentioned herbs and it turns out that it can be prepared even at home, when it is not possible to order it in the prescription and production department of the pharmacy. It is important to strictly observe the dosage, in which case the treatment will be truly effective.

"Drops of Morozov". Instruction

Indications for taking this medication are:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diseases;
  • insomnia;
  • neurosis.

"Drops of Morozov". Compound


  • motherwort tincture - 2 parts;
  • valerian tincture - 2 parts;
  • tincture of hawthorn fruit - 1 part;
  • corvalol - a few drops;
  • dark glass medicine bottle.


Mix all the prepared components in a dark glass bottle, strictly maintaining the proportions. A distinctive feature of the drops is the absence of diphenhydramine in their composition, but its content in the original pharmacy preparation is so scanty that, in the end, it has an insignificant effect on the treatment. In some recipes, in addition to the named components, there is also a peony tincture.

How to take "Morozov's Drops"?

Be sure to shake the contents of the vial thoroughly before use. It is recommended to take the composition as a remedy for increased nervous excitability, 10-20 drops diluted in 50 ml of water three times a day. They drink in one gulp. In case of an increase in blood pressure, it is enough to drink 30 drops of the drug. Just 40 drops of this drug taken before bed will relieve insomnia.

There is an opinion that "Morozov's Drops" are addictive. To avoid this, you need to take the remedy for no more than one and a half to two weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the course, after a month and a half.

It is important, in addition to the correct dosage of the drug, to adhere to the necessary conditions for its storage. Store "Morozov's Drops" in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 10-15 ° C, for ten days. In the case when a longer intake is recommended, a new composition is prepared.

Take care of your health, do not forget that there is simply nothing more expensive in the world.

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