The drug "Bronchomunal": use in various diseases. The drug "Bronchomunal": use in various diseases Bronchomunal indications for use

Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract today are a significant problem in Russian medicine - these ailments are too common among both children and adults. At the same time, the highest level of growth of these annoying, dangerous diseases is observed among children of preschool and primary school age, who spend their time in kindergartens, development circles, schools and other organized groups.

Factors that explain this high prevalence of respiratory tract infections among children include:

  • adverse environmental factors (for example, the extremely rapid spread of infections in a closely communicating children's team, smoking of parents, unfavorable environmental conditions);
  • variety of existing bacteria that cause disease.

The main factors influencing the growth and constant relapses of the disease can be called the physiological specificity of the maturation of the immune system of children, the low resistance of immunity to a certain type of infectious agents.

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Infectious diseases are a group of diseases caused by the penetration of microorganisms with pathogenic characteristics into the human body.

Where there is a low resistance of immunity, the most common medical recommendation will definitely be used - immunity must be strengthened. At the same time, one should rely not only on one's own strength, but also on the pharmaceutical industry, which creates various drugs to strengthen the body's resources, including the drug Bronchomunal, well-known to Russian parents.

The action of Bronchomunal and indications for use: when immunity is at risk

The drug Bronchomunal belongs to the group of immunomodulating agents of bacterial origin. The basic tasks that Bronchomunal quite successfully performs are:

  • modulation of the body's immune response;
  • stimulation of immunity (cellular - protecting the cells directly, humoral - protecting the extracellular space).

The use of Bronchomunal can reduce the frequency of respiratory tract infections, reduce the severity of the onset of the disease, reduce the likelihood of taking antibiotics - drugs, of course, effective, but negatively affecting the strength of the body's own resources.

Let's define the main indications for the use of Bronchomunal for children:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (in such cases, Bronchomunal is part of a complex of drugs in the form of an immunomodulator) for children aged from six months to 12 years;
  • carrying out preventive measures with frequent recurrences of infectious diseases of the upper and lower parts of the respiratory tract - with constantly recurring

Broncho-munal is an immunostimulant of a bacterial nature. It is used for microbial invasions of the respiratory tract as part of combined pharmacotherapy in children under 12 (dosage 3.5 mg) and older than 12 (dosage 7 mg) years, as well as to prevent recurrence of the above infections and chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. Despite the active introduction of new antimicrobial drugs into clinical practice, there is an increase in resistance to them in key pathogens of acute respiratory infections around the world. Obviously, the drugs used today in otorhinolaryngological practice are far from always effective. This leads to increased interest in immunotherapy. The drugs that can significantly affect the manifestation of the immune response against the main microbial pathogens include Broncho-munal. The medicinal product includes a multi-component lyophilized bacterial lysate (destroyed cells), the components of which are (pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, pyogenic streptococcus, streptococcus viridans, pneumoniae Klebsiella, Klebsiella ozena, Staphylococcus aureus, Moraxella). Broncho-munal acts like a vaccine, stimulating the production of specific antibodies in the body. In the case of penetration into the body of the pathogen included in the composition of the lysate, the antibodies already present in it by this time prevent the development of infection. The use of Broncho-munal ensures the development of a pronounced immune response against the most common ARI pathogens and makes it possible to prevent infection or achieve its easier course. A convenient dosage form increases compliance (patients' adherence to treatment). Unstable and short-term immunity against ARI pathogens often determines the need for seasonal prophylaxis, which is especially important for people whose pathological process in the upper and lower parts of the respiratory tract has passed into the chronic phase. Broncho-munal activates macrophages, stimulates the capture and destruction of foreign agents, intensifies oxygen metabolism, which results in the formation of compounds that have a destructive effect on bacteria.

The drug is successfully used in patients with a combined viral-bacterial infection characterized by a protracted course and a high risk of recurrence. In clinical studies conducted, Bronchomunal has reliably proven its ability to reduce the risk of developing an infectious lesion of the upper respiratory tract, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the frequency and alleviate the course of recurrent bronchitis, reduce the need and shorten the duration of hospitalization, reduce the need for antibacterial and antitussive drugs, mucolytics which reduces the pharmacological burden on the body and makes the cost of treatment cheaper. The drug has proven itself in pediatric patients, significantly reducing the risk and severity of relapses in inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, palatine tonsils, larynx, pharynx, sinus sinuses, nose, and middle ear. Best time to take: in the morning, half an hour before breakfast. In patients of the younger age group, if it is impossible to swallow the capsule, it is allowed to open it with the subsequent dissolution of the contents in a small volume of liquid. To prevent infectious lesions of the respiratory tract, the drug is used in three courses lasting 10 days with twenty-day breaks between them. As part of combination therapy, Broncho-munal is used for at least 10 days. The drug has a favorable safety profile and in most cases is well tolerated by patients. The most common side effects are: dyspeptic disorders, allergic reactions, manifested by skin rashes. Broncho-munal can be combined with antibiotics: no pharmacological incompatibility has been found in this pair.


Immunomodulatory drug of bacterial origin. Modulates the body's immune response, stimulates cellular and humoral immunity.

Reduces the frequency and severity of infections, thereby reducing the need for antibiotics.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Broncho-munal ® are not provided.

Release form

Capsules hard gelatin, size No. 3, opaque, with a blue body and cap; the contents of the capsules are a light beige powder.

Excipients: propyl gallate (anhydrous), sodium glutamate (anhydrous), mannitol, magnesium stearate, pregelatinized starch, indigotine, titanium dioxide, gelatin.

10 pieces. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.


Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed Broncho-munal ® at a dose of 7 mg; children aged 6 months to 12 years are prescribed Broncho-munal ® P at a dose of 3.5 mg.

The drug is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 capsule / day. If the patient/child cannot swallow the capsule, it is recommended to open it and dissolve the contents of the capsule in a small amount of liquid (tea, milk or juice).

For the prevention of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, the drug is used in three 10-day courses with 20-day intervals between them.

In the acute period of the disease, 1 capsule / day is prescribed until the symptoms of the disease disappear, but not less than 10 days. In the next 2 months, prophylactic use of the drug is possible, 1 caps. within 10 days with a 20-day interval between courses.


There were no clinical symptoms of overdose. There are no reports of intoxication due to an overdose of the drug.


The drug can be used simultaneously with other drugs, including antibiotics.

Side effects

During the entire period of clinical use of the drug, undesirable effects were recorded extremely rarely.

In some cases: disorders of the digestive system (pain in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), fever.

If the side effects are mild, discontinuation of the drug is not required. If a hypersensitivity reaction occurs, drug withdrawal is recommended.


  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (as part of complex therapy as an immunomodulating agent) in children aged 6 months to 12 years (for 3.5 mg capsules);
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (as part of complex therapy as an immunomodulating agent) in adults and children over the age of 12 years (for 7 mg capsules);
  • for the prevention of recurrent infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis).

special instructions

Between the use of oral vaccines and taking Broncho-munal, a 4-week interval should be observed.

Pediatric use

The drug is not prescribed to children under the age of 6 months.

To avoid overdose, children from 6 months to 12 years of age are prescribed only Broncho-munal ® P (capsules containing 3.5 mg of lyophilisate).

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

No special precautions required.

Medical experts note a significant decrease in immunity in modern children under 12 years old. Parents try to maintain and restore the health of the child by all means available to them, they acquire vitamin complexes and immunomodulators, often without consulting a pediatrician. Doctors also recommend choosing such drugs, taking into account their mechanism of action. "Bronchomunal", for example, increases the natural protective functions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and ENT organs.

Features of the drug "Bronchomunal" for children

This tool belongs to the group of immunomodulators of bacterial origin. The drug stimulates cellular and humoral local immunity. Humoral protective functions are formed on the basis of already transferred diseases, the immune memory of the child. The cellular defense mechanism is an innate function that is weakened by viruses and bacteria. In fact, the children's "Bronchomunal" is a vaccine, but administered not by injection, but by oral route, with a less aggressive effect, but a pronounced effect when compared with conventional vaccinations.

The developers included lyophilized lysates of pathogens of the respiratory system, which most often affect the child's body and significantly weaken its congenital and acquired protective functions, in the composition of the drug. The children's "Bronchomunal" contains:

  • pneumococci,
  • gram-positive streptococci,
  • haemophilus influenzae,
  • low pathogenic streptococci,
  • klebsiella pneumonia and ozena,
  • Staphylococcus aureus,
  • positive diplococcus (oxidase).

The excipients used are magnesium stearate, gelatin, sodium glutamate, titanium dioxide and indigotine. With just one 3.5mg capsule daily, your child is protected from airborne viruses and germs, the most common way influenza and colds are transmitted.

The principle of action of the drug is based on stimulating the production of type B lymphocytes by the body. It is they who are responsible for the ability of the mucous membranes to resist the penetration of viruses and microbes into the child's body. An increase in the number of lymphocytes during epidemics of influenza or SARS prevents infection, and if the child is already sick, it helps to avoid the development of purulent complications against the background of an increase in the pathogen population.

Indications for taking "Bronchomunal"

Children's "Bronchomunal" can be used in the complex therapy of colds and their complications, and as a prophylactic against the background of epidemiological situations, to strengthen and restore the child's immunity. The instructions for use of the drug lists the indications for its use:

  • ARVI and ARI,
  • bronchitis or pneumonia
  • angina and stomatitis,
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis,
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis,
  • tracheobronchitis or tonsillitis,
  • stimulation of immunity during the epidemic,
  • prevention of recurrence of these diseases.

How long the course will last, what dosage should be applied to the child - only the pediatrician observing him determines. The appointment is carried out according to individual indications - the intensity of the manifestation of the disease, the general condition of the patient, his weight and the functionality of immunity.

If the natural protective functions of the body are significantly reduced, then even with a high body weight, a children's dosage is prescribed so that secondary infection does not occur while taking the drug. When prescribing "Bronchomunal" for prophylactic purposes, when the child is healthy, an adult dosage can be prescribed to a 10-year-old child. It is important to understand that these parameters are determined by the doctor, based on examination and diagnostic measures. Self-medication with "Bronchomunal" is unacceptable.

"Bronchomunal" can be taken in parallel with antibiotics of any type. The effectiveness of the immunomodulator and antibiotics is not reduced. It is also possible to simultaneously take expectorants and antiseptics, both orally and locally - in the form of sprays or lozenges.

How to take children's "Bronchomunal"

It is necessary to take the immunomodulator "Bronchomunal" only after its appointment by a pediatrician and strictly according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer to the drug. Recommended admission rules:

  • 3.5 mg for children under 12 years old,
  • frequency - once a day,
  • conditions - in the morning, before breakfast.

If it is difficult for the baby to swallow the capsule with the drug or he simply does not want to do this, you can open it, dissolve the contents in a small amount of pure water, tea, sweet natural juice. Drinking should not be hot, its temperature cannot exceed room temperature. The capsule powder is tasteless and will not change the quality of the drink. As a rule, kids do not even notice that they have dissolved something in their favorite drink.

"Bronchomunal" for children is approved for use by babies from 6 months. The duration of the course is determined individually. For medicinal purposes, against the background of a progressive viral disease, the drug is taken from 10 to 14 days, depending on the intensity of the symptoms. Reception is stopped 2 days after the runny nose and cough disappear.

In order to strengthen the immune system, "Bronchomunal" should be taken in three courses - 10-20-10-20-10, where 10 are the days of admission, and 20 are the "rest" period. There should be at least 2 such courses per year. Only regular preventive measures will help increase the child's resistance to viral and microbial infections, and eliminate the development of complications after them. It is permissible to prescribe longer courses, up to 30 days. But it is impossible to practice such a long-term use of the drug without the recommendation of a doctor.

Possible side effects while taking the drug

During the course of taking the Bronchomunal immunomodulator, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. In case of unusual symptoms or worsening of the condition, stop treatment immediately and contact the doctor who prescribed the drug or any pediatrician. Possible side effects when taking Bronchomunal, which you should definitely pay attention to:

  • abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, nausea or vomiting,
  • increased intensity of cold symptoms,
  • the appearance of a rash or other sign of allergy,
  • increase in body temperature.

It is important to understand that the composition of the product includes viral bacteria. And even the fact that their vital functions and activity are artificially weakened does not exclude their negative impact on the child's body. If the baby is severely weakened, then the risk of side effects is quite high. This should be taken into account not only by the doctor, but also by parents - when describing the condition of the child at the pediatrician's appointment.

Even taking it as a preventive measure in a perfectly healthy child can cause a response to the work of the drug. That is why pediatricians recommend starting a course at the weekend in order to track the manifestation of side effects and exclude the development of infection while taking the Bronchomunal immunomodulator.


The regimen for taking "Bronchomunal" is similarly described both in the instructions for use and on the official website of the manufacturer. There you can find out about contraindications to its use. In addition, the pediatrician prescribing the drug should also know about them. "Bronchomunal" should not be taken by children under 6 months old and babies with hypersensitivity to the ingredients that make up the product.

Despite the fact that cases of drug overdose have not yet been identified, it is necessary to exclude the child's access to the package with Bronchomunal and its uncontrolled intake. This rule must be observed even by parents of children 10-12 years old. The fact that the facts of overdose have not been revealed does not mean that the excess of the dose is not dangerous. A large number of even weakened bacteria can cause an unpredictable reaction of the child's body with serious consequences.

B ronchomunal is a drug with a pronounced immunostimulating activity. It is widely used in the treatment of diseases affecting the ENT organs and the respiratory tract. Besides considered one of the most effective drugs to increase immune defense, which is especially important for people who often suffer from viral and bacterial infections.

However, due to the relatively high cost of the original, some patients have to choose an analogue of a Russian manufacturer, the cost of which is lower.

A similar need also arises if the drug is not suitable for the patient by age or health condition (for example, an allergy to the active ingredient). At the same time, the effectiveness of the substitute should not be lower than the original product.

Bronchomunal contains a lyophilisate of bacteria that are the causative agents of infectious diseases of the respiratory system, including Streptococcus pneumonia, S. viridians, S. pyogenes, Klebseiella pneumoniae, Kleb. ozaenae, Staphylococcus aureus, Moraxella catharalis, Haemophilus influenzae.

This drug activates the immune defense against pathogens of infectious diseases, thereby reducing the frequency, duration, severity of the course and reducing the likelihood of complications.

Due to the unique composition, the humoral and cellular immunity in the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are stimulated. In addition, nonspecific immunity increases.

The results of preclinical and clinical trials have proven the following effect of Bronchomunal on the defense mechanisms of the human body:

  • increased activity of macrophages in the walls of the alveoli, secreting cytokines;
  • the number of T-lymphocytes increases;
  • the production of peripheral mononuclear cells that perform a protective function is activated;
  • the level of secretory immunoglobulin type A on the mucous membranes of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract increases;
  • the production of protective cell adhesion molecules is stimulated;
  • the titer of immunoglobulins E in the blood decreases, which prevents the development of sensitization reactions;
  • metabolic processes are enhanced;
  • improves oxygen uptake by cells and tissues.

Indications for use and dosage

According to the instructions for use, the drug is prescribed as part of immunotherapy to prevent the recurrence of respiratory infections and possible complications.

Bronchomunal is used as a concomitant drug for the treatment of ARI, acute and chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma.

The drug is produced in two dosages:

  1. Brochomunal, caps. 7 mg each, for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age;
  2. Bronchomunal-P, caps. 3.5 mg, for children from six months.

As a preventive agent and in complex treatment, 1 caps is prescribed. per day for 10 days monthly. The course of admission is 3 months in a row with a break of 20 days, the dose is selected taking into account the age of the patient (it is recommended for children if the child is sick more than 4 times a year).

The drug should be taken in the morning half an hour before breakfast with plenty of water. If a dose is missed, the next dose should be taken in the morning of the next day.

For children, the contents of the capsule can be dissolved in water. Bronchomunal can be taken in conjunction with antibacterial and antiviral drugs.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication to the use of Bronchomunal is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, acute intestinal infections.

Due to the lack of clinical data on the use of the drug in the treatment of pregnant women and women during lactation, Bronchomunal can be prescribed only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

When taking the drug, the following side effects may develop:

  • immune system: skin rashes, swelling of soft tissues, itching;
  • nervous system: headache attacks;
  • respiratory system: productive cough;
  • gastrointestinal tract: pain in the stomach, bouts of nausea and vomiting, stool disorder in the form of diarrhea.

In addition, according to the reviews, increased fatigue, apathy, an increase in body temperature above 38 are possible. If there are signs of side effects, the drug should be interrupted and contact your doctor to select an analogue.

If vaccination was carried out using a live vaccine, Bronchomunal can be taken only after a month.

List of cheaper analogues

Bronchomunal has only one structural analogue - Bronchovax, however, there are drugs that have a similar mechanism of action. The price of the original is quite high: package No. 10 is about 600 rubles, and No. 30 is 1500 rubles.

The following analogues of a domestic manufacturer are well replaced by Bronchomunal:

  • Amiksin, tab. No. 3 - 550 rubles;
  • Imudon, tab. No. 24 - 225 rubles;
  • Anaferon, tab. No. 20 - 215 rubles;
  • Methyluracil, tab. No. 10 - 155 rubles;
  • Cytovir-3, caps. No. 12 - 340 rubles;

The list of foreign-made bronchomunal substitutes with a lower cost is as follows:

  • Ribomunil, tab. No. 4 - 295 rubles.
  • Bronchovax, tab. No. 10 - 600 rubles.

However, all of these drugs have a list of contraindications and side effects, therefore, before replacing a bronchomunal prescribed by a doctor with a cheaper analogue, you should consult a specialist.

List of analogues for children

Immunomodulating and immunostimulating drugs for children are prescribed only by a pediatrician. Such drugs are not used on their own, due to the immaturity of the child's immune system. The replacement of Bronchomunal with a similar remedy is also carried out exclusively by a doctor.

The closest in composition and mechanism of action analogue of Bronchomunal for children is Bronchovax. The cost of the children's release form in the form of 3.5 mg capsules can vary from 1100 to 1600 rubles per package No. 30.

Also in pediatric practice, Ribomunil (295 rubles), Anaferon for children (300 rubles), IRS 19 (490 rubles), Imudon (225 rubles) are widely used.

Bronchovax or Bronchomunal - which is better

Bronchovax is a drug similar to Bronchomunal. This is the only structural analogue (generic) of the original remedy. Only this medicine has an identical composition, form of release and dose of administration, the mechanism of action on the body. In view of this, there are no significant differences between the two means.

Bronchovaxom, as well as Bronchomunal, is recommended to be taken by patients suffering from manifestations of viral, bacterial infections more than 4 times a year. These drugs stimulate the body's immune defenses, are taken both as part of complex therapy and for the prevention of seasonal infections.

The only difference between the drugs is the manufacturer. So, Bronchomunal is produced by Sandoz, Switzerland, and Bronchovax by Om Pharma, Switzerland.

The cost of Bronchovaxom differs slightly from that of Bronchomunal, so this drug is not considered its cheapest analogue.

Ribomunil or Bronchomunal

The most similar in principle to Bronchomunal is Ribomunil. This is a preparation of bacterial origin from a subgroup of immunostimulants, which is a ribosomal-proteoglycan complex from lysates of bacteria that cause the most common infectious diseases.

Due to the content of antigens, when taking ribomunil, the active production of appropriate antibodies to pathogens begins, which is equivalent to the effect of a vaccine. The drug helps to increase nonspecific and specific immunity.

Ribomunil has a different composition than Bronchomunal, but is also successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, can reduce the duration of treatment, reduce the likelihood of using antibacterial drugs.

Like the original drug, ribomunil is used in pediatric practice in the treatment of children older than six months (production form - sachets).

IRS 19 or Bronchomunal

The composition of IRS 19 is similar to the composition of Bronchomunal. The preparation also contains lyophilizates of bacteria. However, the spray contains a lysate of 19 bacteria, while Bronchomunal contains only 8.

For prophylaxis, bronchomunal should be taken 3 months before the expected peak of incidence, and IRS 19 - 3 weeks, which is suitable for "forgetful" patients.

It should also be taken into account that, due to the increased antigenic load, side effects develop much more often when using IRS 19. In addition, the cost is not much lower than that of Bronchomunal.

Ismigen or Bronchomunal

Ismigen is an analogue of Bronchomunal from an Italian manufacturer. The drug also belongs to the group of combined immunostimulants of bacterial origin.

This is a polyvalent complex of antigens, which contains lyophilizates of bacteria that most often cause respiratory diseases. It has a non-specific immunostimulating effect and a specific vaccinating effect.

Due to the sublingual form of release, Ismigen stimulates cellular, humoral, systemic immunity, activates phagocytosis, increases lysozyme in saliva.

Unlike Bronchomunal, the analogue is more often prescribed for complex treatment and as a prophylactic agent for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media. In addition, it is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

The cost of Ismigen is about 1300 rubles per pack of 30 tablets.

Likopid or Bronchomunal

Licopid is a substitute for Bronchomunal from a subgroup of immunostimulants. The main active ingredient of the drug is glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide. There are 2 forms of release: 10 mg for adult patients, 1 mg for children.

Likopid is approved for use in pediatric practice in children older than 3 years, and Bronchomunal - from 6 months. In addition, the cost of the analogue is much higher than the original remedy: at a dose of 1 mg - 350 rubles, at 10 mg - 1700 rubles.

However, the indisputable advantage of licopid is a wider spectrum of action. Thus, the drug is used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, infectious diseases of the respiratory system, acute and chronic course of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues, herpes virus infection.

What is better Immunal or Bronchomunal

Immunal is an immunostimulant of plant origin. The main active ingredient is Echinacea purpurea juice. Instructions for use states that the drug is approved for use in adolescents over 12 years of age.

Broncho-munal (Bronchomunal) belongs to the group of immunomodulating agents of bacterial origin.

The use of Bronchomunal can reduce the frequency of respiratory tract infections, reduce the severity of the onset of the disease, reduce the likelihood of taking antibiotics - drugs, of course, effective, but negatively affecting the strength of the body's own resources.

The mechanism of action of the drug is similar to the mechanism of action of vaccines. A certain dose of lysate (destroyed cells) of bacteria, which are most often the causative agents of respiratory infections, is introduced into the body, in response to this, specific antibodies are produced in the body. This action of the drug allows you to achieve stable immunity against these pathogens, prevent the disease or alleviate its course.

For children under the age of six months, Bronchomunal is not suitable - such an early age is a strict contraindication for taking the drug.

Broncho-munal: Instructions for use

Composition and form of release

Capsules Broncho-munal (10 per pack)- hard gelatin, size No. 3, opaque, with a blue body and cap. Capsule contents: light beige powder.

1 capsule contains:

Active substances:

And also contains: Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus pyogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella ozaenae, Staphylococcus aureus, Moraxella catarrhalis.


Capsule shell:

Capsules for children

10 pieces per pack.

pharmachologic effect

MIBP (Medical Immunobiological Preparations), has an immunostimulating effect. Increases humoral and cellular immunity. Stimulates peritoneal macrophages, increases the number of T lymphocytes and antibodies - IgA, IgG, IgM (including those circulating in the blood and in the respiratory tract). The immunostimulatory effect of bacterial lysate is due to the effect on Peyer's patches in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Reduces the frequency and severity of infections, thereby reducing the need for antibiotics.

Indications for use

For the prevention and as part of the combined treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis
  • bronchial asthma (infectious-allergic origin)
  • tonsillitis
  • pharyngitis
  • laryngitis
  • rhinitis
  • sinusitis

How much the drug helps, you can read in the article

Dosage and administration

For children aged 6 months to 12 years - 3.5 mg capsules (Broncho-munal P (children)).
For adults and children over the age of 12 - 7 mg capsules.

For the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, Broncho-munal is taken 1 capsule per day for 10-30 days. If necessary, you can take antibiotics at the same time.

For the prevention of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract - 1 capsule per day for 10 days.

Bronchomunal is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Broncho-munal P (for children) is a white-blue gelatin capsule containing a white, cream-colored powder. In combination with other drugs, it is used to treat many diseases of the respiratory tract.

Side effects

Pain in the epigastric region, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting (if the listed symptoms are mild, drug withdrawal is not required), fever.


Hypersensitivity, early childhood (up to 6 months).

Pregnancy and lactation

It is not recommended to use Bronchomunal in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Clinical studies of the safety of the use of the drug Broncho-Munal during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) have not been conducted.

If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should decide on the termination of breastfeeding (due to the lack of data on the release of the active substance with breast milk).

Interaction with alcohol

Bronchomunal, unlike many drugs, is quite compatible with alcohol. However, it should be borne in mind that alcohol abuse has an extremely adverse effect on the state of the immune system. So regular intake of alcohol (even in small doses) can negate the immunomodulatory effect of Bronchomunal.

special instructions

Broncho-munal can be used for respiratory tract infections that are difficult to treat with antibiotics, as well as for complicated viral respiratory diseases (especially in the elderly and children).

Price for Bronchomunal

Prices may vary in different cities. Approximate prices for October 2017.

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