Eye drops for eye injury. How to properly instill eye drops

- this is a protective, as well as adaptive reaction of the organ of vision to the action of a pathogenic stimulus of any origin. It occurs at any age and regardless of gender.

Inflammation of the eyes is a complex adaptive reaction of a compensatory nature in response to the action of factors both external and internal environment. It can be localized both in the eye itself and in the periocular region. The severity of inflammation depends on the cause of its cause. The reaction of the eye to an irritant is expressed in a whole complex of symptoms, of which the most common are: redness, pain, swelling, lacrimation, visual impairment, etc.

The eye is a complex organ responsible for human perception of up to 90% of information. Inflammation may be subject to such departments as: lower and upper eyelid, cornea, mucous membrane, eye socket,. Any, even minor inflammation visual apparatus should not be ignored, finding out the causes of its causes and appropriate treatment.

Causes of eye inflammation

The causes of inflammation can be many, so they can be divided into four main groups:

    Causes of an infectious nature.

    Causes of traumatic origin.

    Exposure to aggressive substances.

    Causes of allergic origin.

If we consider diseases that cause inflammation of the eyes, then we can distinguish among them the following:

    Blepharitis is characterized by inflammation of the eyelids, is bacterial in nature, can sometimes be caused by fungi, mites, allergens and other inflammatory diseases eye. Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of crusts on the edges of the eyelids, fatigue organ of vision uneven growth eyelashes, their loss and severe itching. The disease is common, 30% of the entire human population meets with it at least once in a lifetime, develops bilaterally, and often recurs.

    Conjunctivitis is one of the most common causes of inflammation. It has a different origin, the disease can be caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses and allergens. In each case, the symptoms and severity of inflammation will differ. All conjunctivitis, except for allergic ones, is contagious and requires an appointment with an ophthalmologist and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

    Keratitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the cornea of ​​​​the visual apparatus. it serious illness caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi entering the eye. In addition to the standard set of symptoms in the form of inflammation of the eye, its redness and visual impairment, it is often characterized by clouding of the cornea and an increase in its sensitivity. Keratitis is dangerous for its complications.

    Iritis, endophthalmitis, uevitis, iridocyclitis, choroiditis- these inflammations affect the choroid of the eye. If iritis and iridocyclitis affect the anterior choroid eyes, then choroiditis causes inflammation of it back section. v

    Corneal ulcer is a destructive process, inflammatory eyeball, he is accompanied by pain, decreased vision, clouding of the cornea. An ulcer can be either infectious or non-infectious.

    Barley is common cause inflammation of the eyelids and the appearance of redness in the eyes. It appears against the background of the fact that it is infected either hair follicle, or sebaceous gland eyelashes. always accompanied by the appearance of an abscess.

    Maybomite - ophthalmic disease leading to the development of inflammation. It is characterized by the appearance of internal barley, is located in the cartilaginous plates of the inner and outer eyelids, and is caused by pathogenic flora.

    Impetigo is a skin disease caused by bacteria of the cocci group and sometimes affecting the conjunctiva.

    Erysipelas is a disease that affects the mucous membranes, including the eyes, due to the development of group A streptococcus.

    An abscess of the eyelids is their inflammation caused by the penetration of bacteria into their tissues. - a dangerous process accompanied by accumulation of pus, swelling, fever, inflammation and redness of the eye, etc.

    Phlegmon is a process of inflammation and suppuration of the orbital tissue, characterized by rapid development, acute course, and other symptoms.

    A furuncle is an edematous purulent nodule with a rod inside, most often localized in the region of the eyelid. Causes inflammation of the eye, often accompanied by fever and headaches.

    molluscum contagiosum caused by the corresponding virus and dermal eyelids, as well as the conjunctiva, stimulating eye inflammation.

    Dacryocystitis is an inflammation localized in lacrimal sac characterized by constant tearing, swelling, soreness, redness and narrowing palpebral fissure.

    Canaliculitis - inflammation of the eyelids, lacrimal sac and conjunctiva as a result of the penetration of bacteria, viruses, fungi. Symptoms: swelling, enlarged lacrimal openings, discharge different nature, depending on the type of pathogen.

    Dacryoadenitis is a disease that is caused by multiple endogenous infections, such as mumps, etc. It is characterized by swelling and redness of the eyelids against the background of headache, weakness and fever.

    Exophthalmos - protrusion of the eyeball. With a pronounced form of the disease, there is swelling of the conjunctiva, redness of the eyelids, and displacement of the apples themselves.

    Tenonitis is an acute disease of the orbit, most often affecting one eye.

    Thrombophlebitis of the orbit – acute process inflammation, localized in the veins of the orbit and often arising after infectious diseases.

All these diseases lead to inflammation of the eyes to a greater or lesser extent, are localized in different departments organ of vision and is caused by various pathogens.

Inflammation of the upper and lower eyelids is caused by various pathological agents and includes a large group of eye diseases.

Among them are such as:

In order to prescribe treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused inflammation of the eyelids. Only an ophthalmologist can do this. General symptoms, characteristic for inflammation of the eyelid, both lower and upper, are: swelling, hyperemia, discharge, photophobia, burning, narrowing of the palpebral fissure, lacrimation. Depending on the type of pathogen and the nature of the disease, symptoms such as headache, skin rashes, fever, nasal discharge, etc. Since the symptoms of many milestone diseases are quite similar, sometimes a doctor’s examination is not enough, it may be necessary to take a scraping, a study of secretions, a blood test. Only after that treatment is prescribed.

If the cause of inflammation is an allergy, then the patient is prescribed antihistamines, also, if possible, it is necessary to minimize contact with the allergen. It can be dust, cosmetics, medications and other chemicals.

In other cases, drops are prescribed to fight viruses, fungi or bacteria that led to inflammation. The basis of the treatment of any disease of the century is the observance of its hygiene. For this, it is important to regularly wipe the edge of the eyelid with antiseptic solutions or rinse boiled water. This procedure will help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, cleanse purulent and other secretions.

In order to reduce the traumatic effect on the eyelids, it is important to stop wearing contact lenses and using eye cosmetics during their treatment.

If the treatment was started on time and carried out according to all the rules, then after two weeks the inflammation of the eyelids most often disappears. Otherwise, this condition threatens with serious complications, which are not always completely eliminated.

Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye

Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye is called keratitis. The disease affects the anterior part of the organ of vision and largely affects its sharpness. There are several reasons for the occurrence of keratitis, it is not only infection with fungi, viruses and bacteria, but also mechanical trauma, as well as thermal and chemical burns.

    Viral keratitis in most cases caused by a virus. This type of keratitis is dangerous with a decrease in vision with prolonged ignoring of the disease.

    Herpetic keratitis It can be both superficial and deep. If with a superficial form of the disease a person does not experience special problems in terms of treatment and recovery, then a deep one can provoke the development of an ulcer or thorn. This is due to the fact that it captures the deep layers of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye.

    Ochnocercus keratitis. The result of a strong allergic reaction can be ochnocercus keratitis, which is dangerous because it can lead to total loss vision.

Unlike conjunctivitis, any keratitis leaves marks on the cornea. If at surface form diseases, they are almost imperceptible, then with deep, serious scars are formed, leading to varying degrees decrease in vision.

Treatment of inflammation of the cornea

As for the treatment of keratitis, it completely depends on the cause of its cause. Antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal drugs, supplemented by diet, may be prescribed.

In no case should treatment be completed after the disappearance of the first signs of the disease. This is a long and systematic process that takes months. Only in this way will it be possible to avoid formation on the cornea, which lead to visual impairment. The decision to end therapy can only be made by an ophthalmologist.

Creeping ulcer of the cornea. Separately, it is worth highlighting such a disease as a creeping corneal ulcer. This is a severe disease of the corneal membrane caused by pneumococci, streptococci and other pathogens. The disease develops acutely, a person suffers from severe photophobia, severe lacrimation, in the place where the infection penetrates, an infiltrate appears, which, after its decay, forms an ulcer. Treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision with the determination of the agent that caused pathological process in a hospital setting.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is the most common ophthalmic problem. Doctors with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ of vision make a diagnosis - conjunctivitis. The reasons for the development of the disease can be very diverse: this is a metabolic disorder, and the penetration of allergens, viruses, bacteria, fungi into the conjunctiva, and malnutrition, and eye injuries, and inflammatory diseases of nearby organs, and vitamin deficiencies.

The disease can occur both in acute and have chronic form. acute illness cause pathological agents - viruses, bacteria, fungi. chronic inflammation mucous membrane develops against the background of a decrease in the body's immune forces, or with improper treatment acute infection.

What is characteristic of conjunctivitis of any origin is the similarity of symptoms. A person feels itching, burning, tingling and pain in the eyes, photophobia appears, tear production increases. All of these features are enhanced in evening time. The discharge from the eyes will differ, they can be catarrhal or purulent, depending on the type of pathogen. Some conjunctivitis are characterized by the appearance of grayish films that are easily removed.

Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye depends on the cause of its occurrence. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that provokes the development of the disease. In all cases, long-term local antiseptic treatment is prescribed, if necessary, use antibacterial drops, hormonal eye remedies, specialized ointments. Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is a process that is extended in time and its mildest forms pass after only two weeks.

Inflammation of the eyes in a child

Inflammation of the eyes in children has some features. Infants most often suffer from dacryocystitis. This pathology is characterized by complete obstruction of the lacrimal canal, or its significant narrowing.

There may be several reasons - this is the presence of an overlapping membrane that does not completely resolve by the time the baby is born or a stagnant gelatin plug.

Symptoms characteristic of dacryocystitis are increased tearing, it is observed when the child is at rest. Then the eye begins to redden, and the process is most often one-sided. Stagnation of tears provokes the development of an infectious process, and after an average of 10 days, the baby has purulent discharge from the eyes, which appear when pressing on the lacrimal sac.

Most often, this pathology disappears in children by six months and does not require surgical intervention. The doctor recommends massage using a special technology, washing the eye with antiseptic solutions. If these measures do not help, the child is prescribed special drops with an antibacterial effect.

Older children often get conjunctivitis from other people. Children who start attending kindergarten are especially susceptible to this disease.

Often, the eyes of young patients undergo various inflammatory processes as a result of contact with them. external stimuli. It can be bath, pool, light, dust inflammation.

Treatment is based on finding out the cause of inflammation and eliminating annoying factor. Never wash your eyes with saliva or breast milk, because in this way you can bring the infection and aggravate the pathological process. Also, babies under one year are contraindicated antibacterial ointments based on antibiotics. It is better to use antiseptic solutions in a certain concentration. In any case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is fraught with the fact that it is possible to spoil the child's vision due to the immaturity of his visual apparatus. In addition to pharmaceutical products, after consulting a doctor, you can use infusions of herbs, such as chamomile, to wash your eyes. It is always important to treat both eyes, regardless of whether the infection has affected one or two organs of vision.

In case of an eye burn, it is important to deliver the child to the ophthalmology department as soon as possible. Before that, you can drip adrenaline, apply a cotton pad and cover your eyes with a dark bandage on top.

A disease like congenital glaucoma can be detected immediately after the birth of a child, or during the first year of life, due to an increase in intracranial pressure.

The eyes of children meet, but quite rarely, however, and in childhood they can be either benign or malignant.

Eye injuries are most common in children school age and may lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to explain to children how to preserve their eyesight and stipulate the rules of safe behavior.

Inflammation of the eyes is treated depending on which area was affected and what caused the onset of the pathological process.

Therefore, we can consider the basic principles of treatment for the area of ​​​​inflammation of the eyes:

    Therapy aimed at eliminating inflammation of the eyelids depends on pathological factor that called it. Processes such as abscess, barley, furuncle, phlegmon require oral administration antibiotics. It can be ampicillin, oxacillin and other agents. Sulfamilanide preparations are also prescribed - Biseptol or Bactrim. The locally inflamed area is treated with various antiseptic solutions. Sometimes required surgically open abscesses. Pronounced effect comes from the imposition eye ointments with antibacterial effect. For the treatment of blepharitis, local treatment is carried out with mercury ointment, and then with tetracycline, furacilin, gentamicin and others. Drops of sodium sulfacyl, Sofradeks and others are shown. For treatment molluscum contagiosum it is necessary to carry out scraping of the nodule, and then processing with brilliant green. Impetigo is also treated topically, after surface treatment salicylic alcohol, it must be lubricated with brilliant green or iodine. The instillation of sodium sulfacyl and the application of ointments - erythromycin or tetracycline are shown.

    Treatment of the cornea depends on the pathogen that led to the inflammation. For this, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal drugs in combination with eye treatment with solutions of antiseptics, penicillin, furacillin, sodium sulfacyl, etc. After the organ of vision is cleaned and disinfected, ointments are placed inside the eyelid - gentamicin, erythromycin and others. If local therapy was not effective enough and keratitis does not go away, then intravenous or intramuscular injection antibiotics. Concerning herpetic keratitis and creeping ulcers of the cornea, these conditions need to be treated in a hospital.

    Treatment of conjunctivitis, like other eye diseases, depends on what caused it. Antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agents. If conjunctivitis becomes chronic, then long-term treatment is indicated. local preparations- solutions of antiseptics and antibacterial agents. In some cases it is recommended to use hormonal drugs such as prednidazole or hydrocoritzone. When the disease is complicated by blepharitis, it is necessary to apply ointments with an antibacterial effect, for example, gentamicin, tetracycline and others.

Most inflammatory eye diseases can be successfully prevented by following simple recommendations. Sometimes it is enough to stop rubbing the organs of vision with a handkerchief and rub your eyes regularly. If a person is prone to frequent irritation of the conjunctiva and allergic reactions, then you need to wash your eyes as often as possible with ordinary boiled water, saline or chamomile decoction.

Do not forget about glasses with dark glasses that can protect your eyes from burns.

Do not use eye drops on your own in order to prevent diseases. Such self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of loss of vision and the occurrence of side effects.

It is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist once a year for preventive examination organ of vision.

How to wash eyes with inflammation?

For washing the eyes, both folk and pharmacy products are used, which have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. One of the effective solutions for washing the eyes is a solution of furacilin. You can prepare it yourself, just dilute 2 tablets with 200 ml of boiled water and let them dissolve completely. With the help of such a solution, you can cope with conjunctivitis, scleritis, dacrocystitis, blepharitis in complex therapy. The remedy is also shown in case of contact with the eye of any foreign body, as well as at mechanical damage its mucous membrane.

Often, for washing the eyes, it is recommended to use an infusion of chamomile. It can also be used in the form of lotions, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to quickly and safely remove small foreign objects from the eyes.

Not less than effective tool for washing the eyes is strongly brewed tea. It helps relieve inflammation and has an antiseptic effect.

When starting to wash the eyes, it is important to remember these two rules: one swab is used for one eye, and the other for the second. Moreover, each of them must be sterile. The direction of movement is from the temple to the bridge of the nose, this will avoid the spread of infection to the inner layers of the eye, in particular, to the cornea.

Eye drops have a local effect, affect the mucous membrane of the organ of vision, the cornea and surrounding tissues. They differ in composition and effect, so their use is possible only after consulting a doctor. For elimination infectious inflammation most often prescribed drugs such as sodium sulfacyl, levomethicin, sulfapyridazine. The term of their use and dosage is determined by the ophthalmologist.

To eliminate inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, sodium sulfacyl, dexamethasone, norsulfazol are used.

Children can not always use drops prescribed to adults. Therefore, to combat eye inflammation in a child, drugs such as Atropine, Florax, Levomecitin, Albucid, synthomycin, Torbex are used.

In order to remove redness from the eyes and moisturize the mucous membrane, the following drops are used: Vizin, Oftolik, Oksikal, Inoksa and others.

If inflammation of the eyes is caused by allergies, then in order to reduce the effect of the allergen, special antihistamine drops, it can be Ocumentin, Vizin, Naphthyzin, Dexamethasone. It is important to note that last drug in addition to eliminating the symptoms of allergies, it is able to save the organ of vision from non-purulent inflammation that has developed as a result of injury or other mechanical irritation. Dexamethasone is often prescribed for people who have undergone eye surgery. However, it should be used with caution in women who are carrying a child, since hormones are part of the remedy.

For very young children, at the age of 1 month, you can use tools such as Cromoglin and Hi-krom. Older children who have reached the age of 4 are prescribed Opantol, Allergodil, Lekrolin and others.

As prophylactic, improving vision and moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eye, apply Vizomax, Optometrist, Zorro and others. They nourish the cornea, relieve irritation and tension.

By its action eye drops can be divided into several large groups:

    Antibiotics - aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, glycopeptides, etc.

    Antibacterial synthetic drops - fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides.

    Antiseptic drops.


    Antifungal drops.

Combined drops that combine antiviral and immunomodulatory effects include Oftalmoferon. Also antiviral action have drops Aktipol, Oftan-Idu.

Treatment of eye inflammation with folk remedies

To eliminate inflammation of the eyes, you can use folk remedies. These include, first of all, chamomile. Eyes are washed with her infusion. For the same purpose, you can use tea leaves. To do this, cotton pads are moistened in it and applied to the organs of vision.

As a compress, you can use a decoction of yarrow, tea rose,. Leaves are popular. To do this, they should be crushed, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew, then you can wash your eyes with this remedy to relieve inflammation.

Folk remedies can be used as helper methods fight the disease. However, they cannot replace a full-fledged therapeutic course prescribed by a doctor.

The modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions - a person spends more and more time on electronic gadgets. And they are known to be very hard on the eyes. Therefore, the latter often become inflamed. But walking with red eyes is quite unpleasant, and sometimes impossible. After all, there are often situations when you need to make a good impression: on a date, interview or negotiations. Red inflamed eyes spoil appearance and on a subconscious level can cause negative associations in the opponent. Medicine comes to the rescue. Eye drops for inflammation will help to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of pathology

Each person will agree that the eyes cannot get tired and blush just like that. There must be a source that provokes this phenomenon. And in order to choose the right drops against inflammation of the eyes, it is necessary to find out the causes of the pathology.

Most often, this phenomenon is observed as a result of:

  • excessive load on vision (long work at the computer, with documents);
  • impact negative factor environment(dirt, dust, exhaust, smog);
  • allergic reaction;
  • exposure to heat, cold, wind or dry air;
  • wearing lenses, in case of non-compliance with certain rules;
  • vision pathologies (glaucoma, blepharitis, conjunctivitis);
  • other diseases ( diabetes and even banal SARS);
  • corneal damage;
  • pathologies of cardio-vascular system(organs of vision suffer from impaired blood circulation).

Varieties of drugs

On the pharmacological market, there are completely different eye drops for inflammation. However, not every remedy effectively relieves redness and fatigue. Because you should know the true cause of the occurrence of unpleasant phenomena.

Consider the most popular eye drops for eye inflammation:

  1. Antibacterial. They are effective when symptoms develop as a result of an infection. The most popular drugs in this group are "Levomethicin", "Tetracycline", "Tobrex", "Floxal", "Tobradex", "Maxitrol", "Vigamox", "Combinil-duo", "Aktipol", "Poludan", "Ophthalmoferon ".
  2. Vasoconstrictor drops. Redness and fatigue can be provoked excessive load. The most popular representatives of the group are the drugs "Vizin", "Octilia".
  3. Anti-inflammatory. This group includes NSAIDs and corticosteroids.
  4. Antihistamines. With allergic reactions, such remedies can relieve inflammation of the eyes. Drops that are most often prescribed: "Allergoftal", "Kromheksal", "Allergodil", "Opatanol", "Lekrolin".

In addition to the above, there are:

  • healing drops used for injuries;
  • therapeutic, intended to affect the disease;
  • vitamin, nourishing the lens and cornea;
  • moisturizing, protecting against drying of the cornea.

But in any case, drugs should be used only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. If you know the cause of inflammation of the eyes, what drops can correct the situation?

Medications for bacterial infection

Pathology can be provoked viral conjunctivitis, non-compliance with hygiene, ingress of dirt, dust.

  • "Albucid";
  • "Sulfacyl sodium";
  • "Levomitsetin";
  • "Tobradex";
  • "Sofradex";
  • "Sulfapyridazine";
  • "Maxitrol";
  • "Garazon".

With inflammation of the cornea, drops are suitable:

  • "Sulfacyl sodium";
  • "Norsulfazol";
  • "Albucid";
  • "Dexamethasone" (if the inflammation is non-infectious).

Remedies for reddened and irritated eyes

If this pathology is based on fatigue, prolonged work at the computer, lack of sleep, then keratoprotectors are used - eye drops from inflammation and redness:

  • "Oxial";
  • "Vizin";
  • "Likontin";
  • "Oftolik";
  • "Innox";
  • "Hilozar-dresser".


Allergic reactions can cause a lot of discomfort. One common manifestation is redness of the eyelids and cornea. In such cases, get rid of pathological reactions allow drops:

  • "Okumetin";
  • "Naphthyzin" (with great care);
  • "Vizin";
  • "Dexamethasone".

Vitamin and mineral drops

They are used in preventive purposes recovery normal functioning eye. They protect against infections, radiation, nourish tissues, relieve stress, moisturize the cornea.

Most in demand:

  • "Reticulin";
  • "Cytochrome C";
  • "Oftan Katahrom";
  • "Visiomax";
  • "Oculist";
  • "Kuspavit";
  • "Sante 40";
  • "Zorro";
  • "Focus".

These are eye drops of a new generation that help improve vision.

What drugs can be used for children?

It should be recalled that any drugs used for babies should be without fail be approved by a doctor. It is quite dangerous for children to apply eye drops for inflammation on their own.

At bacterial infections drugs can be prescribed in the organs of vision:

  • "Atropine";
  • "Tobrex";
  • "Albucid";
  • "Syntomycin";
  • "Levomitsetin";
  • "Floxal".

At the same time, you should be prepared for the fact that Albucid drops can cause severe pain in the eyes, swelling and redness of the eyelids. But at the same time, such a drug is the most effective remedy against infections in the organs of vision.

Unfortunately, crumbs can also suffer from the manifestation allergic reactions. To save babies from such unpleasant manifestations, pediatricians recommend using eye drops.

For babies from 1 month, drugs can be used:

  • "Hi-krom";
  • "Kromoglin".

From the age of 3, the choice of drugs is wider. Excellent drops that protect the baby from allergic reactions are:

  • "Ketotifen";
  • "Lecrolin";
  • "Opatanol".

And children over 4 years old are allowed to use Alergodil drops.

Reviews of some eye drops

If you are concerned about reddened and tired organs of vision, do not forget that before choosing a drug, it is necessary to establish the source of this pathology. Only in this case, eye drops for inflammation, selected by a doctor, will bring benefits and significant relief.

Consider the most popular drugs to get rid of redness and fatigue of the organs of vision:

  1. "Innox". The medicine is quite old, but well proven. It perfectly relieves dryness, redness, tension. Helps moisturize and soothe the eyes. Recommended to use after long work at the computer or negative impacts on the visual organs (smoke, dust).
  2. "Oxial". The components contained in the drops are as close as possible in their structure to a tear. This allows you to restore and moisturize the cornea, protects against adverse impact environment of the conjunctiva. The drug perfectly relieves redness and fatigue.
  3. "Oftagel". The tool protects against unwanted effects on the cornea. The components of the drug contribute to the retention of tear fluid on the surface of the conjunctiva. This property reduces the load, eliminates redness. Drops are prescribed for dry eyes, injuries, wearing lenses.
  4. "Vial". The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties. In addition, it has vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effects. The medicine is in demand for allergies, damage to the conjunctiva, inflammatory processes occurring in certain diseases.
  5. "Systain". The tool protects against adverse factors environment. The ingredients of the drug create a thin polymer film on the cornea that protects the eye from dust and other particles. The tool is effective for dryness and fatigue of the visual organs.
  6. "Vizin". Drops contain herbal ingredients, the composition of which resembles a human tear. The tool forms a certain film on the eye, which eliminates irritation and dryness. It is advisable to use such drops in case of damage to the cornea, inflammatory processes.
  7. "Octilia". Drops are in demand for swelling and redness of the conjunctiva. The tool is quite effective, but has a number of contraindications. Moreover, it can provoke side effects.
  8. "Vizomitin". Drops contain substances that improve metabolic processes, regeneration and protection of the cornea. In addition, they perfectly relieve inflammation. Doctors prescribe such a drug in case of heavy loads to the visual organs. They are in demand for age-related changes, as well as for pathologies: cataracts, glaucoma.


Do not forget that the eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also a reflection of your state. Therefore, if the organs of vision very often become inflamed, redden and show unpleasant symptoms, before using even the most effective drugs, consult your doctor. This will rule out serious diseases.

Eye injuries can occur in every person at the most unexpected moment. They cause a lot of trouble and deliver discomfort.

What drops to use for eye injury?

As a rule, many people try to deal with eye injuries immediately. In fact, there are now many various means to help relieve all symptoms. Therefore, in this article, we decided to tell in detail which eye drops to use for eye injury in order to speed up the healing process.

What can cause eye injury

Some of the most common causes that can lead to eye injury should be highlighted:

  • Foreign bodies.
  • Chemical substances.
  • mechanical injury.

Foreign bodies are considered the safest injury, the average course of treatment in such a situation is from two days to a week.

If we speak for burns and mechanical injury, then everything is much more serious here and the course of treatment can be about one month. Also, with such injuries, you must immediately contact the hand, self-treatment- forbidden!

What drops to use for eye injury

Before using drops for trauma, you must clearly understand their action, side effects and indications. In such a situation, you will be able to find an effective remedy.

List of drops for eye injury

Remember! It is possible to independently select drops from injuries only if they are not significant. In other situations, contact your ophthalmologist immediately.

Drops for foreign bodies

If a foreign body gets into your eye, you should immediately start rinsing your eye. For such purposes, it is recommended to use antiseptic drops that have antimicrobial activity.

The list of drops in such a situation looks like this:

During installation, it is necessary that the liquid enters the palpebral fissure.

Drops for chemical and mechanical injuries

If we are talking about injuries that are associated with mechanical and chemical effects, then in such a situation it is necessary to use drops that have anti-inflammatory. action. Suitable for such purposes:

  1. Indoclear.

Pay attention! If the injury has triggered infections, it is necessary to use drops with an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Among the main ones it is worth highlighting:

Recommendations for taking eye drops for injuries

Let's single out a few more drops that have a certain effect and are able to relieve pain or dissolve blood effusions from the cornea. So, following list drops for injury can also be useful:

  1. Contrykal. This drop should be used if there is an injury with damage and hemorrhages. The agent effectively absorbs blood and stabilizes the functioning of the eye.
  2. When to remove severe pain, you can use drops of inocaine.

Remember! Only minor injuries can be treated on their own. In case of serious ones, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this can cause consequences.

For our subscribers, we found another video on what to do with an eye injury. After looking at it, you can understand the seriousness of the situation and determine for yourself which tool is best to use.

How to drip an eye with an injury? This question is asked by every person who has ever experienced this on himself. Eye injuries accompany us from birth to old age. There is, perhaps, no one who could have avoided them. But eye injuries are a special case. You cannot smear a damaged organ of vision with brilliant green, you cannot disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide.

To begin with, it is worth understanding the classification of such damage.

The first classification works for any injury. Depending on the type of active agent, eye injuries are divided into: mechanical (strike with a branch, any foreign body getting into the eye), chemical (exposure to aggressive chemical agents - acids, alkalis), thermal (exposure to very high or, conversely, low temperatures). Some authors separately single out radiation injuries, where ionizing radiation acts as a damaging factor.

In addition, there is a classification depending on the severity of the damage. From this point of view, eye injuries are divided into light (not violating the functions of the organ of vision), medium degree severity (visual impairment is present, but is temporary), severe (permanent visual impairment) and extremely severe (up to the loss of an eye).

And finally, the last classification allows you to divide eye injuries according to the depth of the lesion. If there is damage to the fibrous membrane, the injury is considered penetrating, if not, respectively, superficial, or non-penetrating.

Do not forget that the organ of vision consists of both the eyeball and its location - the orbit, which has a bone structure and, like any bone, can be prone to fractures and cracks. Among other things, there is an auxiliary apparatus of the eye, including the eyelids, muscles that ensure the movement of the eyeball, and the lacrimal gland. All this soft tissues, which may be injured, bruised, crushed, etc. It is clear that each type of injury requires individual approach, so let's try to deal with each separately.

The most common type of injury is superficial eye injury. These include foreign bodies, scratches and erosions on the cornea, non-penetrating wounds. Such damage is manifested by symptoms familiar to everyone: pain, lacrimation, photophobia, hyperemia and swelling. With timely treatment, such injuries can be easily healed.

What to do with a blunt eye injury? Most often it is a contusion of the eyeball. Penetrating injury does not occur, but mechanical force, acting directly, that is, directly on the eye, or indirectly (as a result of shaking the head or torso as a whole), can cause tearing and even rupture of the membranes. Blunt trauma can also lead to a fracture of the orbit. As a result, a visible hemorrhage is most often formed, and in addition, the victim is worried about nausea, dizziness, a veil before the eyes, and even a decrease in vision.

If a lung injury or moderate, possibly conservative treatment i.e. with medication.

In this case, the outcome is most often favorable. If the injury is moderate, severe and extremely severe, it is required surgical intervention, sometimes up to the removal of the organ of vision.

Penetrating wounds are the most severe and unpredictable of all types of damage. They account for the highest incidence of complications, such as infection, prolapse of eye structures, bleeding and, as a result, permanent loss of vision. To prevent all these backfire, it is necessary to prevent infection of the wound after an eye injury, that is, bandage it as soon as possible with a sterile dressing material. Separately, it is important to carry out the primary surgical treatment of the wound and stop bleeding, if any. Further development events is determined by the extent of the damage, as well as the timing of first aid.

Eye burns are also quite common. They mixed up the drops, looked at the sun or welding, burned their eyes with hot steam. The manifestations of burns will be very diverse, depending on what exactly the burn was caused by. These can be erosions, opacities, changes in the level of intraocular pressure. There will definitely be swelling, redness, lacrimation and photophobia.

So what to do if an eye injury does happen, what measures to take and who to contact?

First, let's talk about what you definitely shouldn't do. In no case should you touch the eye, and even more so the damaged one, with hands that you have not previously washed. No need to attempt to remove a foreign body on your own, if it is not just a mote, of course. In all other cases, you can remove the damaging agent incompletely or do it carelessly, which will make the damage deeper and open the way for infection.

You can not press on the eye and scratch it, no matter how much you want to do it. All these actions can lead to the fact that further treatment will be delayed. Rinse the eye only if a chemical agent has entered the eye. It is better to use warm boiled water for this. AT this case such a simple measure - not only urgent care but also the main treatment. In other situations, rinsing the eye is not necessary. Even if you remember from a school chemistry course that alkalis neutralize acids, and vice versa, in no case try to use this knowledge when chemical burn. Do not try to rinse the eyes with a solution of soda into which it has got acetic acid. By doing this, you will not only not help yourself, but also decently harm.

If there is no bleeding, then it is better to refuse cotton bandages. Cotton wool is known to have a fibrous structure and can end up in an already damaged eye as a foreign body. As a first aid, on which treatment directly depends, you need to stop the bleeding, if any, drip drops containing an antibiotic, after making sure that these are eye drops. These include levomycetin, albucid, sodium sulfacyl. Then you need to apply a sterile gauze bandage and deliver the victim to the emergency room, ophthalmology department or a specialized clinic. Further treatment, as we have already said, will largely be determined by what kind of injury and to what degree of severity it belongs.

If you have a mote or eyelash in your eye and you do not have time to see a doctor, you can try to remove it yourself. Wash your hands thoroughly and then examine the eyeball. If the mote is visible, then the whole treatment will come down to the fact that you remove it with cotton swab or the edges of a clean handkerchief. If you feel a sting but can't see anything, try pulling back on your upper eyelid. When your eye fills with a tear, it will simply wash away the speck. After removal, it is necessary to instill chloramphenicol or albucid to prevent the development of infection and remove pain. And in order for your treatment to be as effective as possible and in order to remove residual redness after an eye injury, you can use Taufon or Dexamethasone.

Do not forget that these drops can be used for a maximum of 3 days. If during this time unpleasant symptoms will not stop worrying, you will need to see a doctor. The doctor will conduct all the necessary range of examinations in your case. An external examination is mandatory, which reveals swelling, redness, hemorrhage, hematoma. Then visual acuity is determined, since it often decreases due to a decrease in the transparency of the media of the eye. Be sure to make an inversion upper eyelid. This procedure is uncomfortable but painless. It helps to detect foreign bodies that are not visible at first glance. Be sure to stain with fluorescein in order to establish how deep the damage is.

At blunt trauma eyes produce radiography of the orbit in the anterior and lateral projections. To determine a foreign body located inside the eyeball, ultrasound or CT is used, which is an expensive, but very informative procedure. After the examination, the doctor will decide whether hospitalization is necessary. Determine conservative management or plan surgery to treat eye injury.

Separately, it is worth talking about the prevention of such damage. Most often they occur in everyday life: at work, at work, at school, in transport, in nature. Try to follow safety precautions. At work, do not neglect personal protective equipment. In nature, protect your eyes from overexposure to the sun. When playing sports, do not forget about protective equipment. Remember that vision gives a person eighty percent of all the information that he receives about the world. At the same time, the organ of vision is so complicated that eye injuries are not always treatable. Be careful and do not practice self-treatment. If trouble does occur, take the time and contact a professional.

In what situations do we have to instill drops in the eyes? There are many examples. With the help of drops, you can anesthetize the eyeball in case of injuries, stop the infectious process with viral, bacterial or fungal conjunctivitis, improve the circulation of intraocular fluid, reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma, and even slow down the progression. In addition, many people use eye drops as symptomatic remedy for fast withdrawal redness and irritation (including allergic) from the eyes, some instill eyes with solutions of vitamins and nutrients in order to improve tissue trophism. Whatever you use eye drops for, it is important to know how to properly instill your eyes, because the effectiveness of the entire treatment often depends on the method of instillation.

How to properly bury your eyes? Instillation eye drops- so scientifically called instillation of the eyes. This manipulation is often used in ophthalmology in the treatment of eye diseases. Performed by trained nurses. However, after reading the information below, you can easily properly drip your eyes at home on your own:

1. Wash your hands with soap. There is no need to use antiseptic solutions. Thorough washing of hands with soap under running water is enough, because during the manipulation there is no direct contact conjunctiva with the skin of the hands.

2. If the bottle is equipped with a built-in dropper, then simply remove the cap from it. If a dropper is not provided, you will have to use a pipette (pipettes with a narrow nose are best). Dial a small amount of medicines into a pipette using a large and index finger working hand.

3. To properly instill eyes, a person must sit or lie down. AT sitting position head should be tilted back. During the instillation of drops, the patient's gaze should be directed upwards.

4. Gently pull the lower eyelid with the index or middle finger of the non-working hand (for right-handers - left, for left-handers - right). For convenience, place a clean and slightly damp cotton or cotton pad under your finger. gauze swab. It will help you absorb excess liquid if excess drops leak from the eye.

5. Hold the pipette or dropper bottle at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from the eyeball. During manipulation, do not touch the tip to the eye, conjunctiva or eyelashes. Any contact with the surface of the body is a risk of infection of the pipette. If this does happen, then the pipette is washed and boiled, and the vial is replaced with a new one.

6. Press the pipette (bottle) and inject 1-2 drops of medicine into the conjunctival sac (this is the volume that the human conjunctival cavity can accommodate).

7. It is recommended to keep your eyes open for 30 seconds to active substance better distributed over the entire surface of the conjunctiva. However, the introduction of some drops is accompanied by a burning sensation. It's okay if you immediately close your eyes and gently massage them by placing your finger on the upper eyelid.

8. At the inner corner of the eye is a lacrimal lake. From there, a tear (or any liquid that has entered the eye) can flow freely into the nasal cavity through the lacrimal canal. For 1-3 minutes, press on the inner corner closed eye to prevent the medication from leaking into the nasal cavity. If this is not done, healing effect will be significantly less. In addition, the nasal mucosa is densely supplied with vessels through which the active substance of eye drops can be absorbed and lead to undesirable systemic effects.

9. Done! You have performed the manipulation.

Instillation into the eyes: how to

1. All eye drops are produced and packaged under sterile conditions. When opening and using the vial, we violate sterility. To prevent excessive contamination of the drug by microorganisms, do not use the opened vial for more than 30 days. Store the medicine in a dark place at a temperature below 30 degrees. When stored in the refrigerator before use, the drug is heated to body temperature, which reduces discomfort when instilled.

2. If you are using contact lenses, then at the time of instillation of drops it would be more correct to refuse to wear them in favor of traditional glasses. If this is not possible, put on the lenses no earlier than 30-40 minutes after the manipulation.

3. If the doctor has prescribed to instill several drugs, the interval between injections different means should be at least 15-30 minutes (the more the better).

4. When infectious process that affects both eyes, the least affected eye is first instilled.

5. How to properly bury a child's eyes? Basically, the technique is the same, but if the child resists and does not allow the eyelid to be pulled back, closes his eyes, then you can drop a drop of medicine on the skin of the eyelids in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corner of the eye. When the baby opens his eyes medicinal substance enters the conjunctival cavity.

Now you know how to properly bury your eyes, and you can easily complete this simple manipulation on one's own.

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