What to do if pulling a kidney? Drawing pain in the kidneys

12 February, 2017 Vrach

Quite often you can hear complaints of discomfort and pain in the lumbar region. There may be several reasons for this. These are diseases of the spine, and muscle problems, and of course kidney disease. For proper treatment It is important to find out what exactly is happening in the body. How to understand what pulls the kidneys and what pathological process lies in them? It is worth paying attention to some of the signs of this particular problem and the signals that our body gives.

Causes of pathology

Nagging pain in the kidneys may be the first signal of the trouble of this body. It is with pain sensations of varying intensity that the manifestation of kidney disease begins. Other symptoms join later. This may be the process of stone formation, inflammation, possibly on kidney structures or urinary tract there is pressure from other organs or due to a tumor.

Similar sensations can be with appendicitis, abdominal hernia, inflammation of the gallbladder, or with some gynecological problems among women. A feeling of heaviness, discomfort or soreness in the kidney area is also characteristic of nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidneys), because a change in their natural position affects the functions of the organ. Violation of the outflow of urine leads to an increase in the size of one or both kidneys, which sooner or later causes pain and complications.

The main causes of pulling pains:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • inflammatory process;
  • hydronephrosis;

How to understand that the kidneys hurt

Most often, the pain is one-sided, because only one of them is affected, moreover, the right one is more often. If you take a closer look at yourself, you can find additional signs confirming that the problem is in this organ. For example, if the kidney is pulled on the right, the pain increases on palpation, is accompanied by a violation of urodynamics, changes in the urine, then most likely some kind of disease has appeared.

One of characteristic features renal pathologies- this is a condition when it pulls the kidneys in the morning. It's worth paying attention to Special attention and in the presence of any additional features you need to go to a specialist.

Almost any disease can be the cause. Discomfort and pain during the day, when the body is actively working, may not be felt, and at night the outflow of urine slows down, which causes discomfort.

Inflammatory diseases

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • nausea;

Urolithiasis disease

Drawing pains in the area of ​​one or both kidneys may be due to the presence of stones or microliths in this organ. Small stones, sand and crystals for the time being do not make themselves felt.

However, they can become an obstacle to the outflow of urine, cause damage to the walls of the kidney or ureter, as well as a factor in the development of inflammation.

Painful sensations appear when stones move or in such an arrangement when they press on tissues that have nerve endings. The most annoying thing about urolithiasis- this is an attack of renal colic. The pains are unbearable, while the temperature rises, blood appears in the urine, and the person's condition can be critical. To prevent this, do not ignore the initial pain, because they indicate trouble.

Kidneys and alcohol

One factor that damages the kidneys is alcohol. People who regularly consume alcoholic beverages large quantities, greatly risk the health of this organ. Beer is especially harmful, as it makes the body work in an enhanced mode. They "try" to filter out harmful substances that enter the bloodstream with alcohol. If there are a lot of them, and they come often, then the kidneys simply do not have enough resources, and their functions suffer.

If you notice that pulling the kidneys after alcohol, you should definitely take care of your body. Most likely, there is already some kind of trouble in this body. This could be a sign of inflammation kidney failure, tissue damage, gout and some other problems.

What to do for kidney pain

Causes of pulling pains need to be clarified with the help of an examination in medical institution. Do not put off a visit to the doctor, because the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the sooner you can get adequate treatment.

It is necessary to contact a specialist nephrologist or urologist, and it is possible that you will have to start with a visit to a therapist who will collect an anamnesis, prescribe diagnostic procedures and according to their results will refer to a narrower specialist.

The main diagnostic measures:

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  • urine and blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys.

Additional diagnostic methods:

  • Urography;
  • CT scan;

Already by the results of a urinalysis, it can be assumed that there are inflammatory processes or metabolic disorders that promote stone formation. This will affect the composition of urine and its properties. For example, with pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis, leukocytes and protein will be present in the urine. The presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) indicates tissue damage by an inflammatory process or stones. Hardware studies will show the condition of the kidney tissues, the location and size of the kidneys, as well as how well they cope with their function.

Treatment depends entirely on the disease. Whenever possible, efforts are directed to eliminating the cause, and symptomatic therapy. If the appeal to the doctor and the start of treatment were timely, at the stage when pain, then almost always it is possible to completely cope with the problem. With advanced forms of organ diseases, there is a high risk of irreversible tissue damage, in such cases, treatment will be less effective.

Tired of dealing with kidney disease?

Swelling of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, PERMANENT weakness and fast fatiguability, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, then there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

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Probably everyone has experienced heaviness in the kidneys. This symptom is quite dangerous and it must be given due attention. After all, both SARS and neoplasms can manifest themselves in this way. What can be the cause of such sensations, how to behave and where to turn, will be discussed in detail in our article.

Why can there be heaviness in the kidneys?

The reasons for this pathological condition quite a lot, here are the main ones:

  • inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • structural anomalies urinary system congenital nature;
  • violation of the normal location of the kidney (nephroptosis or congenital dystopia), which leads to a malfunction this body with subsequent congestion and, as a result, pain;
  • pregnancy (the uterus grows and presses on the kidneys);
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • neoplasms of benign and malignant origin;
  • with soreness, at the location of the right kidney, appendicitis can be assumed, while the feeling of discomfort extends to the lower back;
  • with pain in the left steam organ attention should be paid to the possibility of pancreatitis or inflammatory process in the intestines;
  • hydronephrosis.

Also, pulling pain in the kidney area can indicate the pathology of the gallbladder, hernia, and problems in the genital area.

Install exact reason a detailed examination will help, it is prescribed by a nephrologist doctor

What symptoms can accompany a pulling pain?

Those manifestations that accompany pulling pain in the kidney area depend on the underlying cause of the disease. With inflammation, pain may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a violation normal act urination, pain and burning during urination may occur.

In addition, the syndrome of intoxication of the body is added (weakness, fatigue, headache, nausea). If the kidneys go severe inflammation. That urine can acquire a characteristic color (the color of meat slops with glomerulonephritis).

An important point is the appearance of pulling pains after a person has been ill infectious disease respiratory organs. After all, this indicates pyelonephritis. At chronic course inflammation symptoms are more blurred.

Kidney stones as the cause of pathology

Separately, it is worth mentioning such an ailment as urolithiasis. With it, you can notice a dull pain in the kidney area. If there is an exacerbation (renal colic), then pain syndrome becomes intolerable. Also, with urolithiasis, blood impurities may appear in the urine.

Do not discount the causes of a neurological nature that mimic kidney disease. So, vertebrogenic lumboishalgia can manifest itself. The doctor will be able to differentiate it when examining the patient, as well as with the help of tests. However, the most common causes of pulling pains are nephroptosis and hydronephrosis, let's consider their manifestations in more detail.

Nephroptosis is a prolapse of the kidney. Its causes may be a sharp weight loss, intense exercise stress, generic activity, injury, birth defects. Most often, nephroptosis affects the kidney on the right.

The main manifestation will be a pulling pain at the location of the kidneys, it is intermittent, it can intensify and disappear altogether. During an attack, there may be diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. The patient has no desire to eat, he is tired. Body temperature may rise, sleep is disturbed. You may also feel dizzy and nauseous. Nephroptosis can be suspected if one of the reasons for its appearance is present.

Pain appears with this pathology due to a violation of the outflow of urine.


This pathology is an extension pelvicalyceal system. Usually due to a violation of the outflow of urine. A large volume of urinary fluid accumulates in the kidney cavity, as a result of which the pressure increases. The organ increases, the tissue becomes thinner. At the same time, hydronephrosis is fertile ground for the development of infection and the formation of stones.

Usually, this process one-sided, more often it is observed in the beautiful half of humanity. Hydronephrosis often accompanies pregnancy, because the growing uterus compresses the ureters, thereby preventing the outflow of urine. Also this disease accompanied by irregular urination, hypertension.


To understand the root cause of pulling pains in the kidneys will help experienced specialist. First of all, he will ask about the presence of accompanying complaints, about the time of occurrence of discomfort. He will also examine the patient.

Mandatory moment in the production correct diagnosis are laboratory research, namely:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.

From instrumental techniques important are ultrasound procedure kidneys, X-ray. Sometimes magnetic resonance imaging is needed and CT scan. Rarely use scintigraphy, biopsy, urography.


Treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis made by the doctor. If a we are talking about the inflammatory process in the kidneys, then the therapy is based on antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed, drugs that improve blood supply to the kidneys.

In neoplasms, as a rule, surgical treatment. If they are malignant, chemotherapy or radiotherapy is prescribed.

Hydronephrosis is usually treated promptly.

As for nephroptosis, there are two approaches to treatment. The first conservative method is to wear a support bandage, which is put on in the morning and worn until bedtime. In addition to this, massage and sanatorium treatment are prescribed.

The second one is surgical intervention. It is carried out with complicated nephroptosis. Complications can be hypertension, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis. The operation is the attachment of the kidney in the right place (nephropexy).

Hydronephrosis is also treated conservatively and promptly, the approach to treatment depends on the stage of the disease. conservative method includes the appointment of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, hypotension, sorbents.

However, more often they resort to an operation that is aimed at eliminating the factor that caused hydronephrosis. For example, ureterolithotrepsy is used for stones that cause hydronephrosis. With urolithiasis, either a medical approach or an operative approach (crushing stones) is used. Pulling pains in the kidneys should not be ignored, if they appear, consult a doctor immediately.

The main sensation arises from the side of the back under lower ribs and above the pelvis. This state accompanied by an unpleasant pain syndrome of stabbing, aching, pulling, cutting or acute paroxysmal nature.

Definitely diagnose the cause of the problem only with the help of visual inspection or human sensations are impossible, since in the immediate vicinity of the kidneys there is a liver, intestines, spinal column, urinary system and spleen, so in any case you will need complex diagnostics most likely in a hospital setting.

Possible causes and diseases

Urolithiasis disease

One of the most common factors is due to the presence of stony formations in the kidneys themselves or in the adjacent ureters. Direct pain syndrome is formed after spasms caused by the movement of the stone, a violation of the outflow of urine or an increase in pressure in the pelvis, as well as damage to the edges of the formation, the mucous membrane of the organ.

It is urolithiasis that causes renal colic- acute pain, often unbearable, not suppressed even by strong painkillers. It does not bring relief and the adoption of any position convenient for a person. Also, the temperature rises slightly, the state of health worsens significantly, blood clots may appear in the urine.


Infectious bacterial damage to the kidneys and related organs causes aching pain in the corresponding area, the sensation itself is static, the temperature rises significantly (up to a fever), and normal health is disturbed.


Inflammation in this case affects the glomeruli / tubules of the kidneys, occurs severe swelling predominantly on the face, increases arterial pressure, blood clots there is a lot in the urine, very little urine is excreted throughout the day.

Atherosclerosis of the renal arteries

One of the manifestations of classical atherosclerosis with clogging of channels cholesterol plaques provokes periodic aching pain and increased pressure. Symptoms of the problem of descent from hypertension.

Thrombosis of the renal artery

This sharp and very dangerous state requires immediate hospitalization: a blood clot enters the kidney artery, blocking the blood flow. It causes severe pain, increased pressure, vomiting, nausea / constipation, fever.

renal cyst

A relatively rare but poorly diagnosed cause of pain in the kidney occurs gradually, interferes with the outflow of urine and induces frequent pyelonephritis and infectious lesions kidneys.

Benign tumors and cancer

Adenomas, oncocytomas, hamatomas and other benign / malignant formations most often cause prolonged periodic aching pain in the kidneys or simply discomfort in the corresponding area, which increases as the neoplasm grows.

Over a long period of time, appetite decreases, anemia occurs, low temperature, there is periodic drowsiness, a person quickly gets tired and sleeps poorly.


Stagnation of urine in the pelvis and violations of its outflow provoke moderate back pain, infectious lesions, dysfunction digestive system pain syndromes in the abdomen.

Congenital malformations of the organ and VUR

Improper development of the kidneys in childhood (congenital stenosis of the ureter, duplication of parts of the organ, cysts, etc.) can lead to pain in adolescence or adulthood. Malformations are often asymptomatic and manifest on late stages in the formation of organ dysfunction.

One of frequent varieties and complications of such disorders can be considered vesicoureteral reflux - urine in this case can penetrate from Bladder back into the ureters, irritating its walls and provoking inflammatory processes of a bacteriological nature. At the same time, the person feels constant malaise, dull aching pain in the lower back, suffering from swelling.

Various organ injuries

Bruises, ruptures and damage to the kidneys always cause pain syndromes of the organ, lead to the formation of its persistent dysfunction and require immediate hospitalization and outpatient surgical treatment.


A terrible disease of our time can affect not only the lungs, but also other organs. human body especially the kidneys. At the same time, the symptoms of pain are similar to classic renal colic, and in addition to blood clots, pus can also be found in the urine.


Pain in the kidneys can be caused not only by diseases and injuries, but also by physiology, in particular pregnancy, especially if a woman carries large fruit with low presentation, which begins to put pressure on nearby organs, and causes discomfort, especially in the later stages.

Damage to other organs

Pain in the kidneys is sometimes caused by problems of neighboring organs or related systems, in particular hernias. intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis, appendicitis, prostate and prostate adenoma, various injuries.


The cause of the pain syndrome in the kidneys must be found out and this comprehensive study possible only in outpatient settings. Most often, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Inspection with palpation and percussion, analysis of anamnestic information from the patient.
  2. ultrasound abdominal cavity with kidneys.
  3. Bakposev and.
  4. Antiography.
  5. X-ray of the spine.
  6. Urography of the kidneys.

What to do in case of pain?

First of all, don't panic. If the pains can be small or moderate passing character without additional symptoms then make an appointment with a qualified doctor. If you have an attack, It's a dull pain constantly increases and does not go away, other symptoms begin to appear, in particular nausea with vomiting, irradiation to neighboring organs and areas, then it is better to call an ambulance that will take the person to the hospital or hospital, where the maximum operational diagnostics and made different necessary complex restorative-stopping measures.

Left kidney hurts. What to do?

Most often, pain in the left kidney occurs due to developing pyelonephritis, cancer, nephroptosis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis. Accompanied by moderate to severe paroxysmal pain syndrome, high temperature. chills frequent urination, vomiting and nausea. If possible, call an ambulance and carry out a set of measures to relieve pain.

Right kidney hurts. What to do?

The right kidney is slightly lower than the left and is very close in location to the liver, while it has an anatomical identity with the "twin brother".

The pain syndrome is accompanied by renal colic with irradiation to the groin, lower back and partially abdomen, headache, increased heart rate, pain during urination, hematuria. They cause nephroptosis syndrome, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, tumor processes, urolithiasis (up to two-thirds of all cases), cysts, stenosis of the right renal artery, as well as problems with neighboring organs, in particular the liver. The pain itself can be chronically aching, pulling or acute with signs of an attack.

Diagnosis of the problem is carried out exclusively on an outpatient basis, in the case of serious condition patient needs urgent hospitalization. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a professional doctor.

Both kidneys hurt. Reasons to do what?

Bilateral pain syndrome in the region of the kidneys most often indicates the activation of the inflammatory process of an infectious or autoimmune nature. At the same time, the pain itself is clearly expressed in the case of acute form or somewhat lubricated in the chronic stage.

How to relieve kidney pain?

The pain syndrome is almost impossible to endure, and the caused Ambulance still haven't gotten to you? In this case, you can try to relieve the pain yourself. As practice shows, classical analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers (respectively, analgin, paracetamol with ibuprofen and even ketanes) are of little help in case of acute pain of a paroxysmal nature in the kidneys, especially if it is caused by spasmodic colic and most often only “lubricates” a little syndrome, complicating anamnestic diagnosis.

In this situation, best solution there will be intramuscular sequential administration of drotaverine, spasmalgon and diclofenac (1, 0.5 and 2 milliliters, respectively). This "cocktail" will work effectively in 10-15 minutes. In the case of taking the tablet form of the above drugs, they will help after an hour.

None at hand medicines? Renal colic can be relieved by applying heat to the problem area - a heating pad, or by immersing this part of the body in a bath with hot water. The effect of suppressing unbearable pain disappears very quickly when the thermal factor disappears, but you can endure until the ambulance arrives and hospitalization.

Useful video

Elena Malysheva about pain in the kidneys.

Good luck and don't worry!

People often ask themselves: what to do if the right kidney hurts? It should be noted that pain does not occur just like that and is a signal of the development of the disease, which can only be diagnosed and cured by a specialist. Therefore, it is important to deal with the symptoms that accompany colic and cramps. right side, and when it appears, do not delay visiting the doctor.

Classification of pain and other symptoms

If a person feels pain in the kidneys, this indicates the appearance of disorders in the activity of the kidneys and other organs. The patient feels different character pain:

  • aching and drawing pain in the right side;
  • colic on the right, which give to the groin area;
  • sharp pain on the right side, disappearing at vertical position body;
  • strong pain in the region of the right kidney and peritoneum, radiating to the lumbar region;
  • pain in right side that radiates to leg.


Pain in right kidney and temperature have additional symptoms:

  • the appearance of blood impurities in the urine;
  • cramps during urination;
  • skin allergies;
  • changes in the color and smell of urine;
  • pain in the head;
  • rapid pulse.

Causes of pain in the region of the right kidney

Pain in the region of the right kidney indicates a number of diseases.

The causes that provoke pain in the region of the right kidney can be such conditions:

If the patient has acute pain in the right kidney, it is often caused by the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis, during the development of which the patient feels acute colic on the right side, which often give to the upper and lower peritoneum;
  • thromboembolism (acute blockage blood vessel thrombus), in the development of which the patient may experience blood impurities in the urine.

What causes pulling pains?

Pulling pain in the kidney area is characteristic of a cystic formation on the organ.

If the kidney hurts on the right side, this indicates the development of such diseases:

  • hepatic diseases, since the liver is located directly above the right kidney and exerts pressure on the organ;
  • cystic formations on the organ, which are on initial stages have no symptoms and only through certain period time the patient feels a pulling pain in the right kidney and lumbar region;
  • violation of the outflow of urine.

Kidney pain that radiates to the leg

Pain in the kidneys on the right, due to which the leg begins to hurt, appear due to the following factors:

  1. Dull and severe pain indicates chronic diseases, the development of which was facilitated by infections. Pain that passes into the legs can also cause neoplasms of a different nature.
  2. Aching pain, starting to give in the leg, is observed when the organ is displaced and pyelonephritis.
  3. The condition, when the kidney aches and pulls, also provokes hydronephrosis, which is characterized by a violation of the outflow of urine. The pelvis and calyces of the organ increase in size, which increases the internal renal pressure, causing the development of painful sensations that turn into lower limb, inguinal zone and hips.
  4. The kidney may also hurt due to cystic formations, which cause both pain in the leg and in the peritoneum.
  5. Colic on the right provokes kidney stones, during which it hurts lumbar region and lower limb.


At the first appointment, the doctor examines the patient and palpates the kidneys.

If there is pain in the kidney area on the right, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist who will prescribe the necessary studies. Diagnostics is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. A survey of the patient, during which the doctor asks the patient about the symptoms of pain in the right kidney and how long ago they began. This is followed by inspection and palpation. This is done to confirm or refute symptoms that are not related to the reasons why there were violations in the work of the organ.
  2. General analysis of blood and urine. With the help of it, the presence of inflammation in the organ and the state of urine are studied.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the kidney, which shows appearance organ, the state of its tissues and possible problems at work.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging. It is used in situations where there are doubts about the diagnosis. MRI provides more accurate indications of kidney function.

What to do with pain in the right kidney?

Conservative treatment

If there is pain in the kidney on the right, the doctor prescribes a number of drugs, including anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, steroids, antibiotics, and diuretic drugs. In situations where the organ is severely damaged, the doctor prescribes dialysis, which is an artificial purification of the blood from harmful substances using a special apparatus. Pain in the right side, in addition to the use of drugs, involves compliance with a special diet food assigned by a specialist. The patient will need to exclude fatty, spicy, highly salted, spicy and smoked foods from their diet.

People often mistakenly think that back pain is caused by kidney problems. Indeed, what else can hurt in the lower back? In fact, there are a lot of diseases that cause pain in the kidney area, and only medical diagnostics will help to understand whether the kidneys hurt or something else.

Pain in the kidneys, not associated with their pathology

There are several diseases in which the kidney area will be disturbed. It:

  • Acute appendicitis, cholecystitis. As a rule, there are problems with urination.
  • Manifestation of osteochondrosis (sciatica, lumbalgia). Kidney pain or are these signs neurological pathology, will help determine a simple observation: in patients with sciatica, pain occurs only in the case of sudden movements and slopes, while kidney disease characterized by the presence of pain in any position and position.

Symptoms of sick kidneys

To understand whether the kidneys hurt or it is about another violation, the following symptoms will help:

Types of kidney pain

All diseases and pathologies associated with an increase in the kidneys, displacement, germination of the capsule cause certain kind pain. There are 3 types in total:

  1. Aching. It is characteristic of any tumors (benign and cancerous), polycystic, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, hydronephrosis. If the kidneys and temperature are constantly hurting, this is a direct sign of pyelonephritis.
  2. Pulling. Such pain is characteristic of diseases associated with increased pressure on the organ and its displacement (nephroptosis). During pregnancy, pulling pain may indicate a displacement of the kidney under the influence of an enlarged uterus.
  3. mixed. It occurs, for example, during pregnancy, when there is an increased pressure of the uterus on the kidney, and at the same time its displacement. Similarly, the kidneys hurt after alcohol.

Major kidney diseases

  1. Pyelonephritis is acute inflammation intermediate tissue in the kidney, vessels or tubules.
  2. Urolithiasis - the deposition of salts and calcium in the channels.
  3. Hydronephrosis is a violation of the outflow of urine.
  4. Kidney cyst - a tumor formation on the organ.
  5. Nephroptosis - develops in connection with the displacement and twisting of the kidney around its axis.
  6. Renal failure - is expressed in the fact that the kidneys cease to perform certain functions. It may appear due to improper drinking regimen, after an abortion and intoxication of the body.
  7. Hypothermia - more common in the cold season, when the temperature is significantly lower. To chill the kidneys, it is enough to chill the legs.
  8. Kidney dysfunction during pregnancy - suggests that very huge pressure on the body, and each organ works to the limit.

If you have kidney pain or pain in the kidney area, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor!

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