Hydrosalpinx is a severe complication of inflammation of the appendages. Causes and signs of hydrosalpinx - how to identify the disease and cure it

Is it possible to treat hydrosalpinx without surgery? Will there be an effect or is it worth resorting to surgical intervention? Many women are terribly frightened when, having come to a regular routine examination to a gynecologist, they suddenly hear a scary-sounding diagnosis: hydrosalpinx on the right or left. What is it and what can be advised in such a situation? First of all, don't panic.

Causes and symptoms of hydrosalpinx

Hydrosalpinx is an ailment that disrupts the patency of the fallopian tubes. What are the causes of hydrosalpinx? The disease occurs against the background of a previous inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes, transferred without appropriate treatment.

A fluid forms in the tubule of the tube, which blocks the lumen. From this point on, the chances of a woman becoming a mother are significantly reduced.

Then, as the disease develops, the first symptoms of hydrosalpinx of the fallopian tubes appear: aching pains in the lower abdomen. Periodically, the body temperature rises for no reason. Emergence appears, which until this moment was not.

All these symptoms can be manifestations of a variety of diseases, therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate examination.

Almost the same signs have a tumor located between the uterus and the ovary. Therefore, upon examination, the gynecologist first of all excludes this particular disease, and only then the question arises about the presence of signs of hydrosalpinx.

The pathological process can spread to both one and two pipes. When the disease is advanced, the pipes are completely sealed.

How to treat hydrosalpinx

Now let's figure out how hydrosalpinx is treated. Doctors usually advocate a conservative way to treat the fallopian tubes. The second way is operational. It is considered more effective, but can lead to various complications.
Conservative treatment of hydrosalpinx is longer in time, requires considerable effort and patience.

But in the end, it leads to the restoration of the fallopian tubes without any threat to reproductive function. This means that a woman who has undergone hydrosalpinx will be able to give birth to a child without any problems. While during the surgical intervention, the pipes may be damaged, and then it will no longer be possible to become a mother in a natural way.

Therefore, it is not surprising that most women who are diagnosed with hydrosalpinx on the right or hydrosalpinx on the left or bilateral hydrosalpinx choose conservative treatment. But here it is definitely worth mentioning that drug therapy is possible only with a mild form of the disease.

In more severe cases, you will have to agree to the operation. The problem lies in the fact that at the initial stage the disease goes unnoticed by the woman. She does not feel any changes in her condition, and the pathology is detected by chance during a routine examination.

Treatment of hydrosalpinx without surgery

How is hydrosalpinx treated without surgery? First of all, it is worth remembering that the inflammatory process is at the origin of the disease.

Therefore, treatment should begin with antibiotics.

The dose and the drug itself are selected by the doctor on an individual basis, taking into account all the characteristics of the woman's body. As an additional tool for the treatment of fallopian tubes, physiotherapy is used. In combination, these two tools give excellent results.

Also widely at the initial stages of the disease, microclysters can be used. Very often, the patient is prescribed autohemotherapy. The essence of this procedure is that blood is taken from a vein and injected intramuscularly. In this way, the defense mechanisms of the body itself are spurred on, and it begins to fight the infection intensely.

To maintain the patient's condition at a certain level, the patient is prescribed a course of vitamins, which can be taken either orally or by injection. A positive result is the use of physiotherapy procedures.

In various sources, you can find information that the use of leeches has a positive effect on the patient's condition. In fact, no studies have been conducted on this issue and there is no evidence of the effectiveness of such treatment.

Traditional healers also give recommendations on the treatment of this disease with their own methods. It should be noted right away that these funds should not completely replace the medical treatment prescribed by a specialist doctor.

Otherwise, the disease will be launched and there is a risk that it will become chronic. Alternative methods of treatment should be used as an additional remedy.

Medicinal preparations offered by folk medicine for the treatment of hydrosalpinx act selectively on some properties of the body, affect the menstrual cycle, can slightly slow down the formation of adhesions, and relieve pain. Here are some simple recipes:

  • Collection 1. Consists of St. John's wort, sage, currant leaf, chamomile. It is used as an infusion.
  • Collection 2. Includes an infusion of adonis. In order to prepare the remedy, take 1 tbsp. l. pre-chopped herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. They let it brew. After 30 minutes, the product can be used. Take it for 1 tsp. 3 times a day at regular intervals. This remedy must be used with great care after a mandatory consultation with a doctor, since the adonis (second name - adonis) in case of an overdose gives a lot of unpleasant side effects.
  • Collection 3. Infusion of branches and berries of juniper. Used for taking baths.
  • Collection 4. Consists of oak bark, calendula, pharmacy chamomile. Used for microclysters.

With hydrosalpinx, you can not self-medicate. Mild pain syndrome, slight vaginal discharge may suggest that the disease is not serious and that it is possible to cure it on your own.

In fact, the consequences of improper treatment can be very serious. Therefore, if you suspect this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

- pathology of the fallopian tubes, caused by one- or two-sided accumulation of transudate in their lumen. May be asymptomatic and first detected due to infertility. Clinically pronounced forms of hydrosalpinx are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen (pulling, bursting, pulsating), profuse watery leucorrhoea, febrile condition and general weakness. In order to diagnose hydrosalpinx, a gynecological examination, ultrasound of the OMT, USGSS and hysterosalpingography, sampling and evaluation of smears, and diagnostic laparoscopy are performed. Treatment of hydrosalpinx is most often surgical - salpingostomy, tubectomy.

Hydrosalpinx classification

A serious complication of hydrosalpinx can be a rupture of the fallopian tube, the occurrence of which is indicated by a sudden sharp pain in the corresponding half of the abdomen, tachycardia, arterial hypotension, pallor of the skin, cold sweat. In case of rupture of the pyosalpinx, there is a high probability of developing peritonitis, pelvioperitonitis, Douglas space abscess. In some cases, the breakthrough of pus does not occur in the abdominal cavity, but in the bladder, vagina or rectum.

Hydrosalpinx and IVF

Research in the field of reproduction convincingly proves the negative impact of hydrosalpinx on IVF prognosis. At the same time, not only the chances of a successful embryo replanting are significantly reduced, but the risks of developing an ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion in the early stages, also increase. This causal relationship is explained by a number of pathological effects that the contents of the hydrosalpinx can cause:

  • mechanical action. It is assumed that the draining hydrosalpinx, emptying into the uterine cavity, can “wash out” early embryos.
  • Embryotoxic action. In addition to the direct mechanical removal of embryos from the uterine cavity, the contents of the hydrosalpinx have a destructive effect on them. The liquid from the hydrosalpinx contains a large amount of microorganisms and their toxins, lymphocytes, prostaglandins, pro-inflammatory cytokines, etc., which have a pronounced cytotoxic and embryotoxic effect. This effect persists even at 50% dilution of the contents of the hydrosalpinx.
  • Endometrial damage. With the help of morphological and immunohistochemical methods, pathomorphological changes in the endometrium were revealed under the conditions of the existence of hydroalpinx. Decrease in local immunity, expression of receptors for progesterone and estradiol, decrease in subendometrial blood flow, structural disorders of the glandular and stromal components of the endometrium - any of these factors can cause a violation of embryo implantation.

Diagnosis of hydrosalpinx

Clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics aimed at identifying hydrosalpinx includes examination on a chair with the collection of swabs from the genital tract, examination of the patency of the fallopian tubes, sonography, laparoscopy. During vaginal examination between the uterus and the ovary, the formation of a round or ovoid form of a tight-elastic consistency, usually moderately painful, can be palpated.

The most reliable data for the presence of hydrosalpinx can be obtained during diagnostic laparoscopy. At the same time, thickened fallopian tubes with edematous fimbriae, thinned tube walls through which watery contents shine through are visible on the monitor. Laparoscopy is also the main component of the conservative surgical management of patients with hydrosalpinx.

Treatment of hydrosalpinx

It is not possible to cure hydrosalpinx only in a conservative way. The preservation of pathomorphological prerequisites for the accumulation of transudate causes a recurrent course of the pathology. In addition, the presence of hydrosalpinx calls into question the successful implementation of reproductive plans. Currently, all patients with this problem are undergoing two-stage treatment. Initially, adequate anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, aimed at stopping the activity of the infectious process in the fallopian tubes. Antibacterial drugs, vitamin therapy, physiotherapy are prescribed (artificial insemination electrophoresis, reproductologists recommend performing laparoscopic tubectomy (salpingectomy). Removal of the fallopian tube increases the effectiveness of the IVF program by three or more times.

Forecast and prevention of hydrosalpinx

Hydrosalpinx is associated with low chances of pregnancy, both when trying to conceive on your own, and as part of IVF protocols. Functional reconstructive surgery does not always make it possible to achieve the desired pregnancy in a natural way, therefore, in a significant proportion of patients, tubectomy followed by an IVF cycle becomes the method of choice (.

Prevention of hydrosalpinx is the prevention and adequate treatment of PID (salpingoophoritis, endometritis) and STDs, the exclusion of casual sexual contacts, the rejection of abortions, regular monitoring by a gynecologist.

Hydrosalpinx is a pathology that occurs in the fallopian tubes and is characterized by a violation in their patency. Hydrosalpinx, the symptoms of which are manifested due to the accumulation of fluid in the lumen of the tube, mainly occurs as a result of salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tube).

general description

First, consider the features of the fallopian tubes. They represent a hollow two-lumen tube, one of the ends of which is open directly into the uterine cavity, and the other ends with fimbriae opening into the abdominal cavity. The inner surface of the tubes is presented in the form of a mucous membrane covered with many villi and cells that produce mucus. Further, there is a muscular coat, extremely pronounced in its features. The outer side of the tubes is covered with peritoneum.

The fallopian tubes themselves are more than important in conception. So, from the moment of ovulation (exit from the ovary), the egg is captured by fimbria, after which it ends up in the lumen of the fallopian tube. Here her meeting with the sperm takes place, after which she is fertilized. Further, the already fertilized egg (that is, the zygote) due to the peristaltic movements produced by the fallopian tube (during muscle contraction), as well as due to the vibrations produced by the villi of the mucosa, is moved by the mucus current to the uterine cavity, where the zygote is introduced into its mucosa.

In the same case, if the patency of the fallopian tubes is disturbed, fertilization simply becomes impossible, which determines the diagnosis. In addition, if the villi of the mucosa or the tubal muscular membrane are damaged, respectively, the progress to the uterine cavity is greatly hampered. This, in turn, may lead to attachment of the zygote to the tube, which occurs, in particular, when it is in it for more than four days. This process is defined as a pipe process, that is,.

Mostly, the functions that the fallopian tubes perform are violated due to the transfer of the inflammatory process, which may be, for example, salpingitis, or salpingo-oophoritis. Due to these pathologies, the proliferation of connective tissue begins with the formation of adhesions and scars. In this case, all departments and layers of the fallopian tubes are affected with varying degrees of their severity. Death comprehends the villi of the mucosa, in addition to this, the muscular membrane loses the ability to contract, which is characteristic of it. Additionally, the lumen of the tube gradually begins to grow with adhesions, due to which the patency is disturbed, while the fimbria begin to “stick together”.

In the event that both openings in the tube are closed with spikes at once, its lumen will gradually accumulate in itself the mucus produced by the cells, after which the tube begins to expand and, in fact, a hydrosalpinx is formed, which is otherwise defined as a sactosalpinx.

Following the suppuration of the contents in the tube, the development of pyosalpinx occurs. In some cases, the so-called “valve” hydrosalpinx is formed - if the adhesions have a slight density, they break through due to the pressure exerted by the accumulated fluid. In this situation, this leads to a systematic emptying of the pipe.

Considering that the fluid in the tube undergoes inflammation, and the tube wall stretches and disrupts contractile activity in it, along with structural damage provoked in the fallopian tube, inflammation of the wall in the tube leads to an increase in the adhesive process in the small pelvis. Thus, it can be argued that such a course of the process follows a vicious circle.

Hydrosalpinx: symptoms

Oddly enough, the symptoms accompanying such a serious internal process are characterized by relative scarcity, if not ambiguity and inconsistency of their own manifestations, moreover, in some cases, an asymptomatic course of the disease is possible. The severity of the pathology, as well as the duration of the disease, determines the severity of these clinical manifestations. In particular, they include weakness, fever and pulling pains that occur in the lower abdomen. Also, the pain can be pulsating or bursting in nature. Against the background of this manifestation, it may develop.

In addition, infertility is an actual symptom, which is noted in the futility of attempts aimed at achieving pregnancy, as well as when making this diagnosis on the basis of an examination.

Valve hydrosalpinx is characterized by the systematic appearance of abundant watery secretions from the genital tract.

Diagnosis of hydrosalpinx

Diagnosis of the disease we are considering is carried out in several stages. Among them are the following:

  • Gynecological examination. In this case, it is possible to determine between the ovary and the uterus a tight-elastic formation of an ovoid or rounded shape, which, as a rule, is painless or slightly painful.
  • ultrasound. Ultrasound examination determines the presence of a liquid formation between the ovaries and uterus.
  • Hysterosalpingography. The nature of the x-ray picture may be similar to the nature of the obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In the case of valve sactosalpinx, filling the tube with a contrast agent determines its external resemblance to a twisted "sausage".
  • Laparoscopy. As in a number of other gynecological diseases, this method is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic.

Treatment of hydrosalpinx

The current methods of treating this disease are reduced to two, namely, conservative and surgical methods of treatment.

Conservative treatment

The first stage involves focusing treatment on eliminating the inflammation that led to the appearance of hydrosalpinx. In addition, physiotherapy and antibiotic therapy are prescribed. In general, conservative treatment has an effect only with adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis and salpingitis already listed by us.

Conservative treatment of hydrosalpinx with the achievement of proper efficiency is practically an excluded option. It is for this reason that the development of hydrosalpinx provides for the need for surgical intervention. The remaining methods in the form of microclysters and other things are only supportive methods of therapy, and, accordingly, do not lead to a cure.

Surgical treatment

Laparoscopy is the preferred surgical treatment for hydrosalpinx. During the operation, attempts are made to carry out plastic surgery of the affected fallopian tube, which involves restoring its patency by separating adhesions from its outer and inner sides.

In the absence of the desired effect, the pipe is removed, because it is an active source of chronic infection while lacking proper functionality in it. If treatment is ineffective when removing the fallopian tubes, pregnancy becomes possible only with the use of assisted reproductive technologies. In particular, this includes IVF (or “test tube baby”).

With the restored efficiency through the surgical intervention of the fallopian tubes, we are not at all talking about restoring their usefulness. In this case, the villi of the mucosa have already lost their own mobility, while the contraction of the muscular membrane is not as good as it is necessary to ensure the required mobility of the egg. Given this feature, women who have undergone an operation to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes belong to the risk group regarding the possibility of developing an ectopic pregnancy in them.

Pregnancy with hydrosalpinx, preservation of fallopian tubes

In the case of pregnancy planning, the preservation of the fallopian tubes during the surgical treatment of the hydrosalpinx we are considering is recommended only for women whose age is up to 35 years. At the same time, an important condition is the absolute state of health of the husband in the relevant area. Otherwise, as a measure to increase efficiency for IVF later, it will be necessary to remove the tube, because the inflammation in it becomes an obstacle to the implantation of the egg, which is fertilized for this. Accordingly, in this case, there is a serious risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

In the event of the presence of these symptoms characteristic of hydrosalpinx, as well as in the absence of results in attempts to become pregnant, one should, without delay, contact a gynecologist.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Ovarian apoplexy is a sudden rupture (that is, a violation of the integrity) that forms in the tissue of the ovary. Ovarian apoplexy, the symptoms of which are bleeding passing into the abdominal cavity, is also accompanied by an intense pain syndrome.

Hydrosalpinx is a gynecological disease that can go unnoticed for a long time. It is better to start treatment as early as possible, since hydrosalpinx often leads to infertility.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

What is "hydrosalpinx"?

Hydrosalpinx is a disease that occurs as a complication after. It is considered quite dangerous and often leads to infertility. Pathology is the accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the fallopian tubes. In many cases, the problem is asymptomatic and is detected when a woman undergoes an examination due to infertility that has already taken place. Diagnostics is carried out by instrumental methods, and surgical intervention is usually necessary for treatment.

Serous effusion accumulates in the fallopian tubes and disrupts their patency. Every year the problem occurs more often and becomes the cause of miscarriage, non-engraftment of the embryo and ectopic cases of attachment of a fertilized egg.

Pathology may appear in one of the fallopian tubes or have bilateral localization. The contents of the cavity are serous fluid or pus.

Depending on the number of pathological formations, there are simple and multi-chamber hydrosalpinx. The second type is diagnosed in the presence of several cavities. Their sizes can reach several centimeters. The valve form of the disease is called cases when the cavity bursts and the contents come out through the uterus and vagina. At the same time, the woman feels a sharp pain and notices a watery discharge. When the fluid accumulates in a small amount, the discomfort may not be severe.

The disease has an acute and chronic course. In the first case, the symptoms are pronounced, in the second - they are erased and non-specific.

What does hydrosalpinx look like with a photo

What a hydosalpinx looks like is shown in the picture.

The fallopian tube may have one inflated area or several, depending on the number of pathological cavities.

The first signs of hydrosalpinx

Pain is not the first sign of a disease. On the contrary, they join when the pathology progresses, accompanied by inflammation or activation of the bacterial flora. Pain may occur in the acute course of hydrosalpinx, but this is preceded by earlier symptoms:

  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • temperature rise to subfebrile values;
  • pulling sensations, which many patients attribute to the past.

If the cavity with the liquid bursts, then the woman has a watery discharge. With a small size of hydrosalpinx formations, many patients do not attach importance to such a symptom, which leads to an untimely visit to the doctor.

In a chronic course, the first signs of the disease are generally absent. Pathology is detected by chance during an ultrasound examination.

Symptoms of hydrosalpinx

Hydosalpinx appears as a complication after inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. The cavities themselves with liquid may not cause discomfort, and the inflammatory process becomes noticeable by the following symptoms:

  1. Fever, headache, weakness, nausea, which appear as a result of intoxication of the body. In a chronic course, the temperature rises slightly, in an acute one, it reaches a value of 39 degrees.
  2. Failure of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Watery discharge from the vagina.
  4. Aching pains on the side of the lesion.

When the hydosalpinx ruptures, there is a sharp pain, dizziness, deterioration in general well-being, cramping spasms, tachycardia.


For the diagnosis of the disease are used:

  • examination on a chair, during which smears are taken from the genital tract for further analysis;
  • sonography;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy (thickened fallopian tubes with watery contents are displayed on the monitor);
  • palpation, in which rounded formations are palpated (the patient may feel pain when pressed);
  • Ultrasound (superficial or transvaginal);

When examining a patient, the doctor evaluates the size of the ovaries and uterus. The study of a smear for microflora makes it possible to identify the presence and strain of an infectious agent. As confirming methods, a woman is given:

  • Hysterosalpingography is an x-ray with a contrast agent that is injected into the fallopian tubes.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging - shows the image of the pathological area in the section, where you can see the location of adhesions and the size of the capsule with the liquid.

Causes and prevention of hydrosalpinx

Hydrosalpinx is a complication after. It, in turn, can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Hypothermia. Promotes the activation of pathogenic flora, the weakening of protective functions and the inflammatory process.
  • Abortions or miscarriages in the past. The role is played by mechanical damage to the appendages, as well as the introduction of infection during the operation.
  • - Inflammation of the uterus.
  • Incorrectly placed uterine coil.
  • - reduces the patency of the fallopian tubes.
  • Gynecological operations in history - scars or adhesions may remain on the uterus and ovaries, which violates the protective properties of organs and makes them more susceptible to negative factors.
  • Protection by non-barrier methods of contraception - an increased likelihood of infection and chronic inflammatory processes;
  • Urinary tract infections - inflammation and the pathogen are easily transmitted to the genitals.
  • Uterine fibroids - mechanically squeeze the appendages, which provokes the formation of adhesions, inflammation and hydrosalpinx;
  • Dysbacteriosis of the vagina and even intestines - leads to a decrease in protective forces, activation of pathogenic flora, which spreads through the genital tract.

On the right side, hydrosalpinx may occur as a complication. An important role in the formation of hydrosalpinx is played by systemic endocrine diseases, as well as the psycho-emotional state. Constant stress and frequent hypothermia cause many diseases in the field of gynecology.

The mechanism of the development of the disease is as follows:

  1. As a result of the action of a provoking factor, a woman begins a disease of the genital organs in the small pelvis.
  2. During it, structural changes occur in the tissues - the connective fiber grows, partitions, pseudocysts and adhesions appear.
  3. The lumen of the tube narrows, in some areas complete obstruction is possible.
  4. In the pathological area, microcirculation and lymph circulation are disturbed, which leads to the accumulation of fluid - transudate. It consists of blood plasma, extracellular fluid and secretions of the mucous membranes of the tubes.
  5. The amount of pathological fluid increases, which is why the walls of the fallopian tube are stretched. Over time, this leads to their deformation and thinning of the walls.
  6. The fluid may periodically come out of the formed bubble, but later the disease recurs, as adhesions remain on the pipes.

Thus, the main causes of hydrosalpinx are local infectious and inflammatory processes, as well as mechanical damage after surgery.

Treatment of hydrosalpinx

Conservative treatment of hydrosalpinx is ineffective. Medications are not able to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes and eliminate adhesions. Due to the fact that structural disorders of the organ persist, the disease is prone to recurrence. Another reason in favor of surgical intervention is the big problems with carrying a pregnancy due to the presence of pathological cavities with fluid.

To date, the tactics of treating hydrosalpinx consists of two stages. The first is to stop the very cause of the disease - stopping the inflammatory process and the active growth of pathogenic microflora. For this, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. This also includes vitamin remedies, as well as physiotherapeutic techniques - electrophoresis, laser exposure.

After the pathological process is stopped, surgical treatment is prescribed. Preference is given to laparoscopic surgery, as it is a modern, minimally invasive and effective method. Given the individual course of hydrosalpinx and its localization, fimbriolysis, salpingostomy and other types of interventions can be performed.

After the operation, the patient is waiting for a rehabilitation period. Mud therapy, electrical stimulation of the fallopian tubes are often prescribed here.

Complications and consequences

Unfortunately, even the successful removal of hydrosalpinx is not a guarantee of pregnancy. In addition to structural damage, in the fallopian tubes after the disease, there is a violation of peristalsis.

The sooner hydrosalpinx treatment is started, the higher the woman's chances of maintaining reproductive health. Hydrosalpinx is not a sentence and there are quite a lot of cases of successful childbirth after recovery.

The main complication is the rupture of the capsule with liquid. It may contain protein, white blood cells, and pus. When a transudate enters the abdominal cavity, peritonitis occurs, which is dangerous to health. In addition, the accumulation of a large amount of fluid increases the pressure on the fallopian tube, the walls of which are thinned. If the fallopian tube ruptures, the woman's condition will be critical and will require urgent hospitalization.

Hydosalpinx complications are also:

  • change in the position of the uterus;
  • development, since a fertilized egg cannot pass through the fallopian tube;
  • abscess due to accumulation of pus;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina and intestines;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle.


According to statistics, left-sided hydrosalpinx is more common. The disease is dangerous by rupture of the fallopian tubes, the onset of an inflammatory or infectious process, as well as infertility.

With unilateral hydrosalpinx, the chance of becoming pregnant remains, since the adhesive process affects only one fallopian tube. Patency in it can only be restored by surgery, but even this does not guarantee its normal functioning and peristalsis. With bilateral pathology, doctors consider the chances of getting pregnant almost zero.

When the fallopian tube ruptures, the patient falls into a critical condition and requires urgent hospitalization. The release of transudate into the abdominal cavity will lead to peritonitis - an inflammatory process with the development of edema, intoxication and circulatory disorders. The ingress of pus and serous contents from the sac into the blood is dangerous for a woman's life and can be fatal.

Hydrosalpinx is a common gynecological disease that causes malfunction of the female reproductive system. It is characterized by the development of the pathology of the fallopian tubes, which at the same time are filled with a mixture consisting of blood plasma, extracellular fluid and secreted secretions. Because of this, the disease is often called dropsy of the fallopian tubes.

The formation of such a pathology is associated with impaired patency in the fallopian tubes. With a disease such as hydrosalpinx, treatment without surgery is possible. It occurs as an independent disease or the result of inflammatory processes progressing in neighboring organs and / or tissues. Hydrosalpinx can be bilateral or unilateral (right or left).

Medical therapy

Conservative treatment is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes that affect the development of pathology, reducing the risk of recurrence of the progress of the disease.

Before prescribing a course of treatment, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out, including a gynecological examination and ultrasound, sometimes laparoscopy is used.

Drug treatment is used in the initial form of the disease or is practiced in women who do not plan pregnancy in the future. Widely used in the treatment of antibiotics that destroy the source of infection. One of the ways to deal with pathology without surgery is autohemotherapy. The procedure consists in taking blood from a vein and its further intramuscular injection. The protective mechanisms of the body begin to work more actively, the suppression of infection occurs naturally.

If the disease provoked an adhesive process in the fallopian tubes, then Longidaza is prescribed. The tool removes puffiness, has a resolving and regenerating effect, prevents the appearance of scars.


The most effective methods of physiotherapy in the treatment of hydrosalpinx:


Treatment with leeches is carried out both independently and in addition to the main method of therapy. Vaginal hirudotherapy brings good results in the treatment of various gynecological pathologies.

The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures. The duration of 1 session does not exceed an hour. Leeches are placed in the vagina, perineum, sacrum and anus.

The leech is brought to the selected part of the body, after which it itself chooses a place and sticks, injecting useful substances into the blood.

Folk remedies

The action of traditional medicine recipes, with which you can be treated at home, is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome, slowing down the formation of adhesions. They also affect the menstrual cycle.

Means Cooking Application
Adonis, infusion 1 tbsp chopped herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for half an hour. Drink 1 tsp. three times a day at regular intervals (you can use this remedy only after consulting a doctor).
Borova uterus, infusion 1 tbsp crushed plant is poured with cooled boiled water (1/3 cup), stirred, left to infuse for several hours. Take 2 times a day, 1 tbsp.
Carnation uterine, tincture 30 g of raw materials are poured into 500 ml of vodka, let it brew for 2 weeks in a dark place. The tincture needs to be shaken occasionally. After that, it is decanted and poured with the same amount of vodka, insisted for 2 weeks, filtered. Both tinctures are mixed. Take 30 g half an hour before meals. The interval between doses should be at least 6 hours.
Plantain seeds, decoction 1 tsp plantain seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for several minutes. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day.
Red brush, decoction To prepare a decoction, take 1 tbsp. root of the red brush and pour 300 ml of water into a container with raw materials. Boil for at least 5 minutes in a closed saucepan and let it brew for about an hour. Drink 0.5 cup three times a day half an hour before meals, mixing with 1 tsp. honey. The course of treatment lasts up to 45 days.
Acacia, infusion 20 gr flowers and 2 tbsp. the bark of the plant is poured into a dark glass container and filled with water, so that the water level slightly covers the contents. Let it brew for 10 days. Drink 25 drops half an hour before meals.
Oats, decoction A glass of pre-crushed oats is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, allowed to brew for at least 10 hours. After that, boil and filter. Take 0.5 cup three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.
potato juice The peel is removed from the tubers and grated (can be chopped with a blender). The resulting mass is squeezed to obtain a glass of juice. Drink in 3 doses in equal parts throughout the day.
nettle juice Young leaves and shoots of the plant are collected, washed and dried. Pass through a meat grinder, and, using a fine mesh, squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass. Nettle juice is diluted with water in equal proportions. Drink once 0.5 cup in the evening before going to bed.
Aloe juice The leaves of the plant are cut and kept in the refrigerator for several days. Then they are thoroughly washed and crushed into gruel, mixed with butter and honey in the following proportions: 1:6:6. Use for at least 2 months, 1 tbsp, previously diluted in a glass of warm milk.
Juniper bath 50 g of berries and dry stems of the plant are poured into 1 liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 3 hours, then filter. Pour the resulting infusion into the prepared bath. You need to take such baths daily for 5 days, preferably at bedtime.
douching The solution for douching is prepared from the following medicinal plants:
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • salvia;
  • Oak bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • cinquefoil root.

Pour 2 tbsp. selected plants with hot water, insist. Plants can be combined.

Before the procedure, the infusion is heated to room temperature, poured into a douching device. Procedures are done in the morning and in the evening.

Non-standard methods of treating hydrosalpinx include Sytin's moods, listening to which has a beneficial effect on the body. There are settings that help treat various diseases, including gynecological ones.

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