The high sensitivity of the glans penis is a disadvantage that interferes with normal sexual intercourse. Loss of sensation in the penis: causes and how to improve

The increased sensitivity of the head of the penis brings discomfort to men in the form of rapid ejaculation during sexual contact.

As a result of the dissatisfaction of the partner, problems in family life may begin, complexes may appear. Sometimes the condition normalizes on its own, in some cases treatment is prescribed.

In contact with

It is possible to decide how to reduce the sensitivity of the head after establishing the cause, which may be congenital or appear throughout life.

boys can be born with high sensitivity of nerve endings, however, they can understand this only at the first sexual contact.

Acquired causes are:

  • the presence of phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin);
  • balanoposthitis (staphylococcal infection) due to this disease can be both high and low sensitivity;
  • inflamed prostate;
  • irregular sexual relations;
  • mental disorders;
  • hormonal disruptions.

The increased sensitivity of the penis worries many men, some are accustomed to the sensations and are in no hurry to seek advice however, the condition is not considered normal unless it is temporary.

Congenital or acquired pathology may have different symptoms. In the first case, it is always felt, the duration of subsequent contact with a woman does not increase, it is only prolonged when using condoms or an ointment with cooling properties, ice cream or alcohol.

Acquired hypersensitivity of the head, the symptoms of which began after the factors provoking it, may appear periodically, that is, the first sexual intercourse may be short, and the subsequent one may be long, as well as:

  • ejaculation can occur without contact with a partner;
  • the duration of the act is not affected by lubrication and alcohol;
  • pain after ejaculation.

The result of the condition is the dissatisfaction of both partners, in addition, the problem often interferes with the conception of a child.

For more information about the causes of a sensitive head and premature ejaculation, see the video:

Diagnosis of causes

Diagnostic methods may include:

  • Ultrasound of the prostate and scrotum;
  • x-ray of the pelvis and spine;
  • bacteriological analysis of discharge from the urethra;
  • research for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • examination of the prostate by palpation.

The results of the obtained studies will help to establish the diagnosis and choose the appropriate way to solve the problem.

How to reduce head sensitivity

It's no secret that there are several methods, their choice depends entirely on the causes of the disease.

The sensitivity of the head after circumcision of the foreskin becomes less pronounced and sexual contact is prolonged.

Circumcision is considered almost the only way to solve the problem if a man has phimosis or balanoposthitis.

The operation to circumcise the foreskin should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.

There is another method to reduce the susceptibility of the head, for this men need to learn how to control ejaculation.

When the moment of intimacy comes to an end, you need to stop the process for a few seconds, take deep breaths, after the tension drops, you can continue the interrupted act.

A decrease in the sensitivity of the penis will occur after training the muscles of the urethra, it is not difficult to detect them, for this you need to delay the flow.

It is these movements that need to be done several times throughout the day at a fast and slow pace, as a result, it will become easier for a man to control ejaculation.

You can also reduce the sensitivity of the head with the following exercises:

  1. For this exercise, a man needs to stand up straight and lower his arms along the body, then, start walking in place with a drill step, raising his knees as high as possible.
  2. The next exercise, which helps to reduce the sensitivity of the head at home, is to strongly tighten the buttocks, simulating the clamping of a stone between them. To do this, you need to stand up straight, bending your knees slightly and pinching your buttocks, then slowly squat without unclenching your muscles.

After completing these steps, you should do a warm-up by running in place, while keeping your feet off the ground. Don't expect quick results from exercise. to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, you need to perform them regularly.

The result is achieved by using antiseptic condoms. Part of the liquid benzocaine delays premature ejaculation, as a result of which sexual intercourse is prolonged.

However, this the effect will be achieved only during the use of a contraceptive, in its absence the problem will resume. The most popular manufacturers producing such condoms with an antiseptic are:

  • Contex;
  • Sico;
  • Durex;

Do not allow the substance to enter the walls of the vagina and into the oral cavity.

Men can buy tablets, spray, gel, lubricant or ointment for decreased sensitivity of the head.

Usually tablets are drunk in a few hours, external funds are applied to the frenulum 10-15 minutes before having sex. Most commonly used drugs:

  • block nerve impulses (Tifen, Papaverine, Spasmolitin);
  • eliminate psychological stress (Meprotan, Trioxazin, Elenium, Andeksin);

You have to be careful in using, since some components can provoke a burning sensation of the vagina in a woman and cause allergic reactions.

If you are concerned about earlier ejaculation, we recommend watching this video:

How to downgrade at home

Our ancestors also experienced similar problems, so they came up with solutions using unconventional methods.

We, in our age of high technology, you should not look for ways for home use without visiting a sex therapist and not identifying the underlying causes.

However, here are a few common methods:

  1. You can remove the increased susceptibility of the head by using infusion of hops, in the amount of 5 gr. and 15 gr. motherwort. Dry mixtures are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and infused for at least an hour. The course of admission lasts 30 days, use 3 times a day for half a glass.
  2. Infusion of rose hips, mountain ash, viburnum and nettle leaves helps to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis. To prepare the product, 1 large spoonful of the mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted and divided into 2 doses.
  3. To prepare a remedy that can dull sensitivity, use 30 gr. periwinkle and pour a glass of water, then put for 15 minutes in a water bath. The duration of admission is 5 days, after, they take a break for 3 days, the decoction is consumed 15 drops 2 times a day.
  4. You can reduce the sensitivity of the head at home lubricating the skin with mint juice.
  5. Half an hour before having sex apply cabbage or burdock leaves to the genital area.
  6. You can lower the sensitivity of the head ingestion of cornflower tincture. The flowers of the plant are dried, taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons in a glass of water and cooked in a water bath. The finished broth is stored for 48 hours, consumed 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach.
  7. At inhalation of wheat oil vapors, the man receives entemorphine. It is believed that the substance helps not only to reduce sensitivity, but also to enhance pleasure.
  8. Part raspberry and currant leaves felamine enters, taking the substance helps to rebuild the work of the nerve endings of the penis, as a result of which it reduces perception.

Doctor's advice on reducing the sensitivity of the glans penis at home:

Eating the right foods will help not only reduce the susceptibility of the penis, but also improve overall health. Food should be rich in vitamins, especially E, zinc, magnesium.

To prolong sexual intercourse and to improve potency in general, it is useful to use:

  • nuts, sunflower seeds;
  • liver;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products, cheese, eggs;
  • wild rose, figs, apricots;
  • wheat, peas and other cereals;
  • honey, propolis, etc.

Foods rich in vitamin E have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive and cardiovascular systems. Zinc-rich food normalizes testosterone production. Magnesium-rich foods protect against heart disease, prostate cancer, and mental disorders.

For more information about the methods of prolonging sex, see the video:


In conclusion, it should be noted that treatment should first of all begin with the elimination of psychological factors capable of inducing such a state.

Men need to avoid stressful situations, as well as do not get hung up on how the sexual intercourse will go, the fear of doing something wrong can lead to complexes and serious psychological disorders.

High sensitivity of the head, for which there is no treatment, is considered the first stage on the way to serious problems, from which we can conclude that this is an unnatural condition for a man that requires a medical examination.

A variety of deviations during the reaction can scare any man. Premature ejaculation, weak or too strong arousal, insufficient subjective impression of the duration of the act - deviations are innumerable, and, alas, each is accompanied by many psychological problems. Low sensitivity of the head of the penis is one of these deviations.

Essence of deviation

Erection is provided by the action of vascular and neurogenic mechanisms. It can arise both spontaneously and under the influence of some exciting factor. An erection that occurs when you touch a penis is called reflex and is provided by a number of tactile sensations. She, caused by the action of erotic stimuli, is called psychogenic.

The reflex reaction is called automatic. In this case, the stimulus - touch, acts directly on the nerve endings that the glans penis is so rich in, impulses are transmitted along the nerves to the spinal cord. It is here that the control centers of reflex reactions are located.

When a signal is fixed about the stimulation of nerve endings, nitric oxide is released, which provides relaxation of the walls of blood vessels in the cavernous bodies. At the same time, they fill with blood and an erection occurs.

The reflex reaction is not "stronger" than the psychogenic one, but it is less dependent on external factors.

However, the operation of such a mechanism requires the fulfillment of the initial condition: a sufficient number of nerve endings in the head and their sufficient sensitivity. The lower the sensitivity, the less pronounced orgasm, the weaker ejaculation and the feeling of pleasure. Moreover, the brightness of orgasm often rests on the state of the head: according to research, this is the most sensitive part of the penis.

There are many reasons why the sensitivity of the head decreases. It can be purely physiological phenomena - poor blood circulation, ailments, and age-related, as the functionality of almost any tissue decreases over time, and psychogenic.

Alas, under the influence of stress, suggestion and self-hypnosis, even such a powerful reflex reaction as an erection is suppressed.

According to statistics, 3–7% of men complain that the sensitivity of the head has decreased. Moreover, this problem appears regardless of age.


The decrease in sensitivity can be expressed in different degrees. Perhaps the most distinguishing feature from other erectile dysfunctions is the reduced level of pleasure while maintaining the functionality of the penis.

  • Loss of sensation of the penis - the sensitivity of the head decreases, there is a feeling of numbness, which requires longer and stronger stimulation than normal. This situation indicates dysfunction of the nerve endings.
  • Sometimes sensitivity disappears not only in the head, but also on the entire penis, which makes stimulation quite difficult.
  • A man experiences an orgasm after a long intense sexual intercourse, but the feeling of satisfaction does not come. Most often, this indicates muscle fatigue and circulatory disorders, which does not allow achieving the necessary intracavernous pressure.
  • Achieving orgasm becomes difficult, even after prolonged sexual stimulation. In this case, the matter, most likely, is not limited only to the low sensitivity of the head.
  • The absence or weakening of ejaculation indicates the pathology of the organs, although it may also have purely psychogenic causes.
  • Lack of erection - indicates dysfunction of the organs of the genitourinary sphere.

If the sensitivity has disappeared in any way, you should consult a urologist. You may need to consult with other experts.

Why there is reduced sensitivity of the glans penis

The sensitivity of the penis is influenced by a wide variety of factors.

General condition - that is, a variety of ailments that affect blood circulation and blood composition:

  • diabetes mellitus - the disease gradually reduces the tone of blood vessels, which, of course, affects the completeness of blood supply. Among other things, this leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the head, as it limits blood flow;
  • heart disease - the poor condition of the heart and blood vessels simply does not allow for normal blood circulation. In addition, in a severe form of the disease, the increase in pressure, which is necessary for erection and orgasm, is either impossible, or painful and dangerous.
  • infectious diseases;
  • obesity - an excess of adipose tissue interferes with normal blood circulation, which not only reduces the functionality of organs, but also reduces sensitivity;
  • nerve damage - rather, should be attributed to injuries. In this case, the signal transmission process itself is disrupted, respectively, the reflex center in the spinal cord does not work;
  • spinal injuries - determine the functionality of the reflex centers, so damage here will certainly affect the ability to experience orgasm and have sexual intercourse.

Psychological factors - erectile function is unusually sensitive to the psycho-emotional state.

Violations in this area always lead to deviations:

  • depression, apathy, even severe fatigue do not allow a man to fully feel the incoming signals. In this case, the psychogenic reaction, as it were, suppresses the reflex, which leads to a low quality of orgasm;
  • a stressful situation that creates a sense of danger - with a low production of adrenaline, sexual function decreases sharply;
  • interpersonal conflicts - a feeling of hostility, partner's dissatisfaction, lack of psychogenic stimulation reduce pleasure to a minimum and can lead to a complete lack of erection. If this happens to only one partner, it is obvious that weak sensitivity is not a pathology, but is only an isolated case;
  • low self-esteem no less sensitively "beats" the erectile function. In this case, there is a kind of psychological self-restraint that does not allow a man to experience a full-fledged orgasm. As a rule, everything is in order with the sensitivity of the organ.

Lifestyle can also lead to a temporary or permanent decrease in the sensitivity of the penis:

  • smoking causes spasm of blood vessels. Accordingly, there are various disturbances in blood circulation, including in the pelvic organs;
  • drugs - disrupt the brain so much that it almost eliminates the possibility of getting pleasure in any other way than getting a new dose.

Trauma is a very common cause for erectile dysfunction:

  • frequent masturbation "dry" - the skin on the head of the penis is very delicate and sensitive, precisely because it is rich in nerve endings. Dry rubbing damages the skin. Over time, the skin becomes coarser and, accordingly, becomes less sensitive, which leads to the need for longer stimulation. This is a normal defensive reaction, it is not a pathology, but in order to avoid such a phenomenon, it is recommended to use a lubricant;
  • penis and groin injuries, in which the mechanism of blood flow to the penis is disrupted;
  • rough sex - the mechanism is the same as with dry masturbation. The skin becomes rougher and tougher over time and loses sensitivity;
  • sports - some sports lead to a decrease in sensitivity. According to statistics, 61% of cyclists periodically experience penis numbness for no apparent reason. This is not a reason to give up cycling, but a reason to diversify physical activity;
  • coarse underwear is quite capable of irritating and damaging the skin of the penis;
  • clothing that exerts excessive pressure - overly tight pants and underwear lead to impaired blood circulation, and this, in turn, causes numbness and loss of sensation.

Metabolic disorders and any other abnormalities associated with hormonal imbalance lead to the same result:

  • endocrine disorders - an excess or lack of hormones has a very noticeable effect on erectile function. So, for example, an excess of serotonin reduces the sensitivity of the penis and makes sexual intercourse problematic;
  • taking some hormonal drugs has the same effect, up to the complete absence of an erection. However, this phenomenon is temporary.

On the video about the reasons for reducing the sensitivity of the head:


By itself, the symptom says little about the mechanism of its occurrence. Diagnostic measures are aimed at finding out the real cause of the deviation.

First of all, they turn to the urologist after visually examining and probing the penis - thus establishing the presence of tumors, prescribing tests:

  • urinalysis - general, to assess the number of red blood cells;
  • bakposev - allows you to establish the presence and absence of genital infections and determine their nature;
  • analysis of prostate secretion;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland - the state of the organ affects erectile function. Numbness and lack of erection may be due to its inflammation;
  • MRI of the pelvis - allows you to evaluate blood flow and the functionality of blood vessels. In this way, any circulatory disorder can be identified and assessed.

An important step in the diagnosis is a blood test. At the same time, they assign:

  • a blood test for sugar is the main indicator of diabetes mellitus;
  • analysis for sex hormones - allows you to assess the degree of hormonal imbalance.

The next important specialist is a cardiologist. As a rule, ailments that cause circulatory disorders are fully reflected on the ECG:

  • A psychologist and a neuropathologist are mandatory participants in the research and treatment process. Violations in this area lead to numerous psychological problems. So the help of experts is needed.
  • If possible, the patient should contact a sexologist.

How to increase sensitivity

How to treat, the doctor prescribes after an accurate diagnosis. Its methods differ significantly: with the psychogenic nature of the disease, no medications to improve blood circulation will have an effect. And if it's an infectious disease, mind control methods will be powerless.

Drugs and surgery

If the head has lost sensation due to an infection or a disease of the cardiovascular system, or a spinal injury, it is obvious who the course will be aimed at solving the primary problem. As a rule, after healing, the sensitivity returns on its own.

If the low sensitivity is explained by some disturbances in blood circulation, drugs are used that promote blood flow and arousal. For example, VigRX Plus contains herbal stimulants and increases blood flow to the penis.

Ointments and creams also work, for example, Man Oil. They allow you to increase sensitivity due to some irritating effect, which also contributes to blood flow.

Psychological support - nervous tension, stress, low self-esteem lead to a weakening of erectile function. Here, both a psychologist's consultation and appropriate drugs can help to block anxiety states. Medicines of this kind are selected by the doctor after a thorough examination.

Surgical intervention - if the cause of the decrease in sensitivity was damage to the nerves, that is, changes in the nerve roots of the foreskin, an operation is prescribed for its complete or partial removal. Today, such operations are performed using a laser, which significantly reduces the recovery time.

Folk methods

You can improve the sensitivity of the head with a kind of training.

Sometimes, in order to return the nerve endings to normal sensitivity, it is necessary to act on the contrary, using weak stimuli:

  • Receptor training - during masturbation, the goal is not to achieve orgasm as such, but to maximize the duration of the act. Stimulation is done with slow movements, always with lubrication. Moreover, as the excitation increases, it is recommended to alternate fast enough movements so that the excitation does not disappear, with slow ones, in order to increase sensitivity.
  • Feathers are a weak irritant, which in many people causes a strong reflex reaction - when tickled. The penis is tickled with feathers or a piece of cloth. The purpose of the exercise, again, is not the achievement of orgasm, but the opportunity to fully appreciate the sensations. Tactics need to be changed: use different feathers - soft and hard, heat and cool a piece of fabric, and so on.
  • The use of aphrodisiacs in food can significantly affect the sensitivity of the penis and the quality of orgasm. Seafood, chicken eggs, parsley, walnuts belong to this category.
  • Also, general stimulating agents can restore libido: ginseng tincture, ginger tea.
  • Special ointments with an irritating effect will also help restore the sensitivity of the head.


To completely get rid of the problem, restore sensitivity and prevent relapses, you need to change your lifestyle.

  • normal blood circulation is the key to the functionality of any organ. And the best way to do this is affordable physical activity;
  • Be sure to drink enough water. Its deficiency affects, first of all, the organs of the genitourinary sphere;
  • quit smoking and drugs;
  • hygiene rules should be followed: daily washing of the penis with a mild special soap is a must;
  • with obesity, you should reduce weight with the help of physical activity and a reasonable diet;
  • you should adjust your sexual habits: dry masturbation and sexual intercourse are prohibited;
  • you need to choose underwear and clothes that do not exert excessive pressure.

Low sensitivity of the penis is most often caused by external factors, and not by any ailment - improper sexual habits, stress, smoking. It is enough to eliminate them to return the pleasure of orgasm.

Excessively high sensitivity of the male organ causes a lot of discomfort and leads to a quick misfire in bed (“sensitivity” from English sense - feelings).

This problem negatively affects sexual life. Therefore, we will analyze in detail the topic of how to reduce the sensitivity of the head at home.

Signs and symptoms that indicate a disorder

It is possible to distinguish congenital high sensitivity from the one that appeared due to an acquired disease by a number of signs.

Signs indicating that the disorder of the male organ was from birth

  1. The male all life suffers from the problem of finishing quickly in bed.
  2. The duration of intercourse is always the same and does not increase with repeated intercourse.
  3. The duration of intercourse increases with the use of drugs with anesthetics(painkillers).
  4. The duration of lovemaking increases with the use of alcohol.
  5. Coition time is obtained to increase when using lubricant, tablets or contraceptives.

Signs of an acquired organ disorder after the onset of any disease

  1. Premature misfires in bed were not observed before illness.
  2. With the repetition of sexual intercourse, its duration increases.
  3. There is painful sensations during sexual intercourse and upon reaching the finish line (or there are no pleasant sensations at all).
  4. The duration of intercourse does not increase when using male contraceptives or lubricants.
  5. Alcoholic drinks do not affect for the duration of lovemaking. And in general, alcohol is not needed to treat hypersensitivity of the glans penis and when symptoms appear.

Reasons for high sensitivity

There are the following reasons for the occurrence of high sensitivity of a comrade:

  • hereditary - present from birth, appear throughout life;
  • phimosis(a disease where the end of your organ is too tightly pulled together by the foreskin, not being able to open, which entails inflammation, the development of infections and more serious diseases);
  • available prostatitis, which affects the nerve endings of the penis;
  • balanoposthitis (inflammation of the skin on the male tool);
  • it was a long time abstinence(it causes an increase in sensitivity and a quick finish in bed due to the long absence of a partner);
  • psychosomatic problems (arise under the influence of psychological factors: stress, phobias, overwork);
  • hormonal failures, especially occurring in adolescence and leading to increased sexual excitability;
  • transferred or chronic diseases of the reproductive system;
  • there are injury spine.

21 problem solving methods

1. Minimize your body contact

What Men Don't Know

During lovemaking, the more your bodies touch each other, the faster you approach the peak and intensity of sensations, and the faster the finish will come.

This is a very useful realization for men who often ask about how to reduce the sensitivity of the head at home, reduce risks and remove misfires at night in bed with a loved one.

  • Use this knowledge to your advantage. try don't touch breasts and belly of your partner. That is, the maximum you touch at one point, it is clear which one. It is most convenient to do this in a position where the man lies down on the back. Let her not lie on you with her whole body, but sit upright.
  • You can even make it easier for yourself to control, for example, by not completely removing your outer clothing. Or put on on a girl's t-shirt, minimizing touch and friction. Thus, your night of love will increase many times over.

2. Tablets

Excessive susceptibility of manhood is reduced by drugs that stop the transmission of nerve impulses and improve the blood supply to the organ.

Capsules EroForce

  • Compound. Eroforce is made on the basis of natural ingredients: serenoa, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, zinc, which increase endurance in bed and normalize prostate function.
  • Action. The medicine eliminates problems associated with a lack of desire and testosterone. Removes the high sensitivity of the organ and increases the duration of intimacy.
  • Advantages: fast-acting drug (action is manifested within 20 minutes), effective in 100% of cases, natural composition, no side effects, there are practically no contraindications. Unlike various creams, sprays and ointments to reduce the sensitivity of the head at home, these capsules affect the better blood supply to the organ.


  • essence. Tifen is an antispasmodic (relieves spasms). Improves blood circulation in the reproductive system, as well as other muscles.
  • What gives. The drug has a local anesthetic (analgesic) effect, suppresses the excessive tangibility of dignity, as a result, increasing the duration of intercourse.


  • essence. It acts similarly to the drug "Tifen", but has a weaker effect. The drug has a limited effect on the central nervous system (central nervous system), but with a large dosage it becomes sedative.
  • What gives. Removes excessive sensitivity of the body and improves the general condition, oppressed due to stress or nervous tension.


  • What gives? Speman affects the metabolism in the prostate and regulates potency. Eliminates inflammation, stimulates the development of male germ cells and improves blood circulation, normalizes prostate function, improves reproductive function.
  • About application. Tablets are used to relieve high sensitivity of male dignity in the presence of prostatitis, sexual diseases. Helps stop overexcitation.

3. Sprays

  • Compound. Sprays that suppress reactions to feelings of male dignity contain lidocaine at a concentration of about 10%. This substance is widely used in medicine, as it prevents the occurrence of nerve impulses and causes local anesthesia.
  • How does it work spray in solving questions on how to reduce and reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis? Not every family member is ready to trust such a drug. And the bottom line is that the anesthetic (pain-relieving) effect of the drug dulls the perception of sensations in manhood.
  • Application. They are sprayed 15 minutes before proximity to the entire surface of the male organ to its base. Average dose: about 2-3 sprays. The effect lasts from 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Subtleties in use. It is necessary to wait for the anesthetic (pain reliever) to be completely absorbed. Then it is better to go to the shower and wash everything off, otherwise getting on the female charms, lidocaine can cause her discomfort and pain.
  • How to avoid this? To avoid such situations, it is recommended to combine the use of a spray with a contraceptive. You can either put a contraceptive on an already treated comrade, or spray it with an anesthetic from the inside.
  • Minuses: contact with the mucous membrane of the female genital organs causes a burning sensation, an overdose causes a complete loss of sensation. Lidocaine is an allergen. The spray gives temporary crutches and does not solve the problem completely.
  • Examples: "Lidocaine spray" and many others.

4. Creams and ointments

  • Description. Creams and ointments, like sprays, are local anesthetic drugs. They contain painkillers in a lower concentration than sprays.
  • Compound creams and ointments contains the following active substances: lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine (ethylaminobenzoate).
  • Application. Cream or ointment is applied in advance. Before intimacy, it must be washed off in order to avoid spreading to other parts of the comrade, the appearance of discomfort and pain in the partner. The time of action varies, depending on the drug, from 15 minutes to an hour.
  • Minuses. It can cause a burning sensation if it gets on the girl's intimate organs. In case of an overdose, it can cause a complete loss of sensation, allergic reactions to painkillers may occur. Cannot be combined with contraceptives, as the fats contained in the base destroy the latex. Symptoms disappear for a while, but the problem itself may return.
  • Examples: anesthesin ointment, lidocaine ointment, Emla cream and others.

Let's analyze other products that answer the age-old question of men about how to make the head less sensitive.

5. Special male contraceptives

Such contraceptives do not require special preparation, they can be put on immediately before intercourse.

Condoms for minimal sensitivity and prolongation of sexual intercourse are made from high-quality latex. There are two types of such products.

1. Contraceptives with an anesthetic (pain reliever)

  1. What substances are included? Latex products are treated on the inside with lidocaine or benzocaine, which acts on the male organ and the area around it. The anesthetic blocks nerve receptors, suppresses the tangibility of the organ and increases the duration of intercourse by one and a half times.
  2. Minuses: contact with the mucous membrane of the female genital organs causes burning and numbness, in the presence of allergies, a slight burn is possible. After application, the symptoms may disappear, but then the problem will return.
  3. Recommendations: avoid getting the anesthetic on the outer surface of the contraceptive, choose trusted manufacturers.

2. Contraceptives with high density

  1. essence. Contraceptives with improved density were invented for safer intercourse, as there is less chance that they will break.
  2. How they work. The thickened walls of the product transmit less sensations than conventional condoms, so the high sensitivity of dignity is dulled, which contributes to an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.

We turn to the analysis of nozzles on the head to reduce sensitivity. These remedies, unlike ointments and other drugs considered, are distinguished by their fine mechanics at work.

6. Special rings to keep the combat state

  • What is the point. There are special rings. They fit just right for your weapon. Their essence is that by putting it on an already elevated dignity, the ring does not allow blood to leave the organ during intercourse. Thanks to the preservation of blood and swelling of the veins, the combat state of a comrade lasts longer.
  • Material. There are silicone, rubber, latex, and also from harder materials. Chosen individually for size. Before putting on, apply a small amount of lubricant to avoid strong friction.
  • Contraindications. However, do not get too carried away with this tool. After 30 minutes of use, it must be removed to restore normal blood flow. Otherwise, new problems may appear. Not recommended for those with blood vessel or heart problems. Beginners are generally advised to periodically shoot every 10 minutes. There are many other ways to maintain potency, which we talked about in another.

7. Other folk remedies

  1. Oregano and calendula. Mix grass and flowers in a ratio of 2 to 1. Place a tablespoon of the collection in 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. Take orally half a cup after meals for 6 weeks.
  2. mint juice also has a cooling and prolonging effect. Therefore, they are smeared with manhood.
  3. celery juice. Drink throughout the day.
  4. Peanut. Eat 1000 grams of roasted nuts for prevention and also 12 hours before intercourse.
  5. Pumpkin seeds and honey. Grind 300 grams of seeds, fill with water until a homogeneous gruel, add honey (no more than a tablespoon). Take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  6. pod roots and nails. Mix in a ratio of 3 to 2. Place a tablespoon in a glass of boiled water, cook for half an hour on low heat, insist until completely cooled and strain. Drink half a glass at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  7. Calendula, wild rose, watch and motherwort. Mix the crushed components in the same proportion. Place 2 tablespoons of herbal mixture in 1000 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes and leave overnight. Take ¼ cup orally at breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3-4 months.
  8. Mint, oregano, motherwort and yarrow. Grind the ingredients and mix in equal proportions, pour 2 tablespoons of the mix of these herbs with 1000 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes and leave for 12 hours. Drink 50 grams 3 times a day for 3-4 months.
  9. Rose hip, angelica, lyubka and colza. Mix the crushed components in the same proportion. Place 2 tablespoons of herbal mixture in 1000 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes and leave overnight. Take ¼ cup orally at breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3-4 months.

It will also be useful to add protein foods to the diet and exclude fatty and fried foods. There are many different edible products for potency that we wrote about.

For the treatment of high sensitivity of the head and strong aggravated sensations in this place, it is useful to use the following proven technique.

8. Apply the technique with pressing on a specific point of your body

  1. Where is this point? This point is in a line from your balls closer to the back hole. There is a special recess, dimple. Press it when the wave comes (2-3 fingers).
  2. With what force should this be done? Hold with slightly above average strength without stopping (beginners should not let go of the point for 1 minute) until the wave subsides and the sensations go away.
  3. Subtleties. In general, it is better to start pressing on it in advance and hold it, so that later it will not be too late. This pressure will relieve excitement and calm the ardor. We talked about similar techniques in another.

Popular runtime errors

If, nevertheless, a misfire occurred, then:

  • you either pressed in the wrong place;
  • either came to their senses late;
  • or applied insufficient force.

9. Use correct postures that do not create tension in the body

  1. Relax your body. Choose positions where the body is as relaxed as possible, even the muscles of the arms and shoulders should not be loaded, not to mention the muscles of the pelvis or legs. Approach this wisely.
  2. Best Pose. The most relaxed position is when you lie on your back. Here the body experiences a minimum of stress. Any tension, pressure in the muscles also leads to the fact that you "pull the trigger."
  3. bad posture- this is a pose when you are on top facing her. There is a large area of ​​contact of the bodies, higher excitation, the buttocks, legs, and pelvis are loaded. This pose does everything to ensure that the finish line comes as soon as possible.

Therefore, remember that the position where the man lies on top is frequent.

10. About surgery

Practice 3 types surgical intervention in cases of regular premature termination of the session:

  1. circumcision (cut off the foreskin);
  2. frenulotomy (truncate the tissue holding the foreskin of the penis);
  3. denervation (dissect the nerve endings of a comrade).

More resort to the first two methods.

When is circumcision ineffective?

  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • prolonged abstinence;
  • hormonal changes.

When the skin heals, the organ stops reacting too violently to tactile sensations.

11. About dubious methods of treatment with rice and iodine

There are questionable unconventional methods.

Especially for those who asked how to reduce the sensitivity of the head with iodine at home, we wrote answers.

About the method with iodine

The method is extremely simple: it is necessary to smear the end of manhood with iodine. Some make a neat mesh, like with a sore throat.

It does desensitize, but there are many risks.


  1. may cause chemical burns;
  2. if it enters the urinary canal, a burning sensation will appear;
  3. not combined with drugs containing lidocaine.

About the rice method

In the states of the Ancient East, the following method was popular: every day a man had to put his dignity into a vessel filled with rice or sand.

Why is this practice dangerous?

  1. you can get hurt and then there is a risk that an infection will get into the wounds;
  2. grains of sand can get under the foreskin or urinary canal, exacerbating the problem.

12. About minor tranquilizers and antidepressants

1. Definition of tranquilizers

The term "tranquilizer" is based on the Latin word tranquillo, which translates as "calm down". Tranquilizers are psychotropic drugs that depress the nervous system.

Why a tranquilizer is not the most suitable option, although some people use them?

  • Subtleties. It should be noted that not all tranquilizers have a calming and inhibitory effect. Separate drugs, on the contrary, are stimulants. Selectivity does not hurt here.
  • Small tranquilizers effective if the high sensitivity of the organ is caused by psychological factors. Drugs relieve feelings of anxiety, fear, insecurity.
  • Examples tranquilizers: Meprotan, Elenium, Grandaxin.
  • Minuses. They can cause a lot of problems, ranging from addiction to weakness, hand tremors and sleep disturbances.

We have considered small groups of tranquilizers.

Large tranquilizers are in no way applicable to our topic, since they are used only for severe psychological disorders and are out of place here.

2. About antidepressants and their disadvantages: why are they not suitable for many?

Certain antidepressants have a positive effect on the level of serotonin (“happiness hormone”) in the body.

  • How they work. These drugs are called "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors". Delayed finish in bed is like a side effect of these medications. Therefore, it is not the most efficient choice.
  • When it fits for application. They are used for excessive sensitivity caused by prostatitis and chronic inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. Or in cases where a man is overly worried and anxious before intercourse.
  • Minuses antidepressants. Medicines do not have an immediate effect. The result becomes noticeable within 1-2 weeks, depending on the dose. Dosage and frequency of administration are similar to the treatment for depression.
  • Examples antidepressants: Fluoxetine (Prozac), Paroxetine, Sertraline (Zoloft).

You can always find safer ones that are not harmful to health.

13. White cabbage and burdock

There is a folk way that you can practice at home to remove the sensitivity of the head with the help of the leaves of one vegetable.

30 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse, attach over the inguinal zone with pins and a long towel encircling the lower back, fresh cabbage leaf white or burdock.

These plants relieve excessive excitability of the contact zone. There are various folk methods for increasing potency, which we talked about.

Other Great Techniques

14. Know who should set the pace and how to set the pace correctly

  • About the initiative. Do not give the initiative to the girl, set the pace yourself. First of all, you should move, and then the partner.
  • Only you know your body is better, only you know which movements are the least risky, and which movements make it hard for you to keep the situation under control.
  • Better make small pendulum circular motions or short oscillations than high frequency heavy movements that can cost you the night.
  • Chat with her. The girl does not know how to and how not to. Sometimes it's even better for you to tell her not to move when another wave of uncontrollable sensations begins to approach. Similar to this we described earlier.

15. Use the secret of proper breathing

  1. Error the majority. A misfire in bed happens much faster if a man breathes very intensely and often. Breathing should be deep, 2-3 times slower than usual. It's like meditative breathing.
  2. How to breathe? Take a breath for a few seconds, slowly interrupted and the same leisurely exhalation in time. Make sure that you breathe evenly during the entire intercourse. Otherwise, if you greedily swallow the air and almost suffocate, you are doomed to failure.

16. Use 3 Distraction Techniques

Sometimes excessive sensitivity is due to the fact that you are completely focused on your organ, and as a result, a large amount of energy begins to accumulate in it. From here it becomes more and more difficult to hold back.

Shift your attention 3 ways:

  1. mental. Shift your attention to thinking about something inappropriate that has nothing to do with your partner. Anything - cockroaches, rain, cold, evil woman Manya and so on.
  2. visual. Shift visual attention. Start looking at abstract things - the corner of your bed, the headboard, the dot on the wallpaper, the linens, the pillowcase, and so on. Sometimes men make the mistake of looking at the beautiful figure of their woman, and then they are carried away into the distance and control is lost.
  3. Tactile. Pinch your chest, ask the girl to bite your earlobe or pinch your other body parts. If a girl pinches the inside of a man's thigh with her long nails (behind the area closer to your boyfriend), this knocks down the excitement. Checked.

17. Good technique for improving blood flow

  1. essence the method is to bounce your guns in the morning, when your cowboy is usually "charged for battle". At the same time, you don’t need to move yourself, only one lx-muscle, located inside the body behind the balls, is tensed.
  2. What is a muscle, which swings at the same time? You can put your hand in this area if you want to feel the location of this muscle. With the effort of the same muscle, you interrupt the stream in the toilet. It’s just that now in the morning, by tensing this same muscle, you make your weapon bounce.
  3. pros. Increase the number of repetitions every day by a few percent compared to the previous day. Thus, the swelling of the organ and blood supply will improve, which will calm the sensitivity and reactivity of your weapon. Those who have intercourse are also recommended to perform this exercise.

18. Reprogramming the reflexes of the body

Your balls tend to reach closer to the body when discharge is near. After all, they usually just hang.

Now in bed you can pull "their two" with your hand way down from the body. You can even stop intercourse for a while and pull your belongings away for a while and hold it there until the wave subsides.

Gently pull them Push and holding it like that will make you feel better.

19. Golden rule: the more often the better

  • Know the fact that the more often you have intimacy, the less you burn out at night with a girl and you have better stamina. The frequency of intercourse directly affects your control. You are already becoming not so violently susceptible to them, the body gets used to and reacts differently to intercourse.
  • At least 1 time making love a day or every 2 days is already good. But since some don't have a girlfriend, it doesn't hurt to practice alone. Of course, if you have a choice, then choose to practice with a live and beloved woman, and not alone. But not everyone has this opportunity.
  • essence such practices is to be on the edge and in no case to let go. If the wave hits hard, you can always stop everything, wait until you let go and only then continue.

20. Technique of pauses and waiting

  1. The essence of the method is that during the next attack of the peak of sensations, you take out comrade and take a wait-and-see attitude.
  2. You can even just lie on your back and translate breath. If you still haven’t let go, you don’t return to frictions.
  3. At first, you will have to make a lot of such pauses, but after a while minutes 15-20 the number of waves will be minimal, and your control over the situation will be maximum. This rule applies to everyone.

21. Train and keep in shape specific areas of the body

Excessive sensitivity is well controlled by those men who have trained and are in good shape some parts of the body.

These are body parts that speak of high potential with a woman and great opportunities in bed.

What are these body parts (download them)

  1. Press(in no case do not allow a fat belly, strive for a beautiful beautiful press).
  2. Buttocks(inflated buttocks will say a lot about a man). So do squats, make it a habit.

Keep these areas in good shape, and it will always be easier for you to stay in bed with a girl when you are "on edge" and approaching the point of no return.

Also know that on our website you can buy a leading drug to prolong lovemaking.

The problem of increased sensitivity of the glans penis in men is particularly relevant. It is associated with various sexual problems that arise on this basis. In a man with a sensitive head, sexual intercourse is less prolonged, which is often accompanied by a feeling of dissatisfaction both in himself and in his partner. Currently, in the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many ways to reduce the sensitivity of the head, which are complemented by effective folk remedies. The rational use of several methods allows you to postpone the process of ejaculation and prolong sexual contact.

Description of the problem

Hypersensitivity of the skin of the penis is accompanied by premature ejaculation. Its symptom is bright and sharp sensations during intercourse, which leads to its reduction.

The reasons for too high sensitivity can be:

  • congenital or acquired diseases of the penis (phimosis, balanoposthitis);
  • a short frenulum that prevents the necessary opening of the head;
  • individual features of the innervation of the skin of the penis (dense accumulation of nerve receptors).

Correction methods

Treatment of this pathology involves the use of external agents and tablet preparations designed to reduce the sensitivity of the head in men.

One of the effective non-drug methods is the use of special condoms.

To reduce the sensitivity of the penis, it is recommended to use contraceptives made of dense latex or apply them in two layers. Additionally, you can remove the hypersensitivity of the penis with the help of condoms with an anesthetic component. On their inner surface are applied substances that reduce sensitivity, which are also used in dentistry to "freeze" the gums. Lidocaine, benzocaine, novocaine can act as such compounds.

Brands that produce such contraceptives are Contex, Durex, Sico.

These contraceptives should be used with caution, as they can cause allergic reactions. Before using them, an individual tolerance test should be carried out.

Other non-drug methods for correcting the sensitivity of the head are nozzles on the penis.

They are put on the erect organ and fix it in this position. Thick material prevents excessive stimulation of the nerve endings of the head and, as a result, its sensitivity.

External means

Topical treatment is also carried out with the help of local anesthetics. They are available in the form of gels, creams, ointments, sprays and have a similar mechanism of action. You can buy them in specialized stores.

These funds are applied to the penis and gently rubbed until completely dry, allowing you to reduce sensitivity in a couple of minutes. Types of dosage forms and their representatives are indicated in the table:

Dosage form Representatives Tool example
Gels and lubricantsIce, Stimulus, Long Play, Desire
SprayLonginex, STUD 5000, M-16, Pelneili, Rhino, Wimax, Hercules, Ironman
Cream"Harmony", Sex expert, Erotist

Oral preparations

In order to lengthen the time of sex by reducing the hypersensitivity of the head, tablets and drops for oral administration are produced. The main substance in them is dapoxetine. It is part of the following drugs:

  • Poxet.
  • Vriligy.
  • Daposum.
  • Delgra.

Taking the above medicines on an ongoing basis (every day for a month) allows you to achieve a stable and long-lasting erection.


Some folk remedies are quite effective in solving this problem. Particularly popular:

  1. 1. Decoction of oak bark. For its preparation, the crushed bark is insisted on boiling water until it cools. The resulting solution is used in the form of baths for the penis. Oak bark has an astringent effect, which also contributes to the anesthesia of the head. The effect is achieved with a course application of about two weeks.
  2. 2. Mint leaf juice. Freshly squeezed juice is applied to the scalp. Thanks to the menthol, which is part of the composition, a cooling effect is achieved, the result of which is a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin. The course of application is no more than 10 days. Then you need to take a week break and only then conduct a second course of treatment.
  3. 3. Iodine solution. This method involves the use of an alcohol solution sold in a pharmacy. It is applied with a cotton swab in the form of a mesh on the head area once a day for about three weeks. This method must be used carefully, since iodine can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

It is important for every man to feel at his best in the intimate sphere, even if he does not attach much importance to her in his life. Indeed, for a strong half of humanity, any failures are perceived extremely painfully.

Hypersensitivity of the head of the penis, which leads to a reduction in the time of sexual intercourse and too rapid, uncontrolled ejaculation, even in an emotional temperamental teenager does not always cause delight, and for a mature man it becomes a serious obstacle to normal sexual contacts. Is it possible to fix this?

Why does hypersensitivity occur?

If we talk about situations that are not associated with pathologies, then most often the problem of too high sensitivity of the glans penis occurs in adolescents at the age of 16-18, when a hormonal surge occurs, marking the end of the formation of the reproductive system.

As a result, the first attempts to touch adulthood are characterized by very rapid excitability, the same rapid ejaculation. The inability to control the pace and duration of sexual intercourse, as well as the reaction of the body for a teenager, can be the cause of embarrassment, self-doubt, although this does not always happen.

However, over time, the body returns to normal, the sensitivity of the head returns to "standard parameters", and failures, characterized by its exacerbation, occur extremely rarely, mainly due to hormonal surges. However, sometimes it happens that even an adult man experiences inconvenience during intercourse due to the inability to control the reactions of the body.

Read also:

As a result, this gives rise to many complexes, and in addition, it can cause discomfort for his partner. For this reason, the search for a solution begins, how to reduce the sensitivity of the head at home. And, preferably, how to do it forever, and not until the next attempt at sexual contact.

  • It is worth saying that even if this nuance does not negatively affect a man’s sexual life, doctors still advise a visit to a urologist, since permanent hypersensitivity can be not only an independent deviation from the norm, but also a symptom of some kind of internal pathology.

In particular, a prolonged increase in the sensitivity of the head can lead to inflammation of the foreskin, which is called balanoposthitis, or to phimosis - i.e. inability to fully open the head due to hardening of the foreskin and narrowing of its ring. Thus, it is imperative to look for a solution to the problem.


Experts prefer to divide all the variety of options for getting rid of this trouble into 3 categories:

  • psychological impact;
  • medicines and condoms;
  • surgical intervention.

As for the impact on the subconscious, this option is not possible in every case. If what a man perceives as heightened sensitivity is in fact only his reaction to women's excessive demands, as well as discrepancies in the desires of both regarding sexual contact, there is a point in self-control and persuasion. After certain training, you can influence the duration of sexual intercourse, its quality component, the speed of ejaculation. However, if the “root of evil” is pure physiology, backed up by internal pathologies, even hypnosis from a psychotherapist will not give any results.

Nevertheless, it is still worth considering the method of self-control, since the reviews of men still make it possible to verify its effectiveness, albeit not for everyone.

  • The essence of an independent psychological impact on the subconscious is the training of control of the muscle group that is responsible for ejaculation. The procedure is most convenient to carry out during urination, arbitrarily interrupting it and trying to make the delay as long as possible.
  • An alternative way to train ejaculation control is to retract the testicles and scrotum.

Only after a man has mastered this “gymnastics”, you can try to repeat the same thing, but in the process of sexual intercourse with respect to sperm. Doctors note that for a noticeable result, training should be done daily, and not from time to time, since the intimate muscles relax even faster than the rest.

Measures to solve the problem from modern medicine

One of the easiest methods that doctors call is the use of thick-walled condoms. Some manufacturers even offer options with an anesthetic gel, which for some time reduces the sensitivity of closely located nerve endings, working like a dentist's application.

  • A similar effect can be achieved using single gels or sprays that contain lidocaine. The drug does not process the head, but the bridle. Its duration is about a quarter of an hour.

When choosing an anesthetic spray/gel, be sure to check for skin reaction with a standard wrist or elbow test. However, it is best to entrust the selection of such a drug to a specialist.

  • You can have an impact on the nervous system as a whole, using sedatives: "Trioxazine", "Andeksin", "Meprotan". Drugs that block the transmission of nerve impulses - Tiphen, Papaverine, etc., may also be effective.

However, the test of such medications should be carried out before sexual intercourse is planned, since the number of side effects they have is no less than that of any other drugs. In addition, they have a very weak effect on the inhibition of ejaculation, so the doctor may additionally select an alpha-adrenergic blocker or an antipsychotic. Again, it is impossible to predict the exact outcome of taking such drugs - they can reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, at the same time completely turning off the erection.

  • A milder effect on the central nervous system - herbs used in traditional medicine. For example, infusion of cornflower, motherwort. Mint leaf juice is also effective. But their effect is weaker than that of drugs, and the result is also unpredictable.

The latest option, which is used only in the absence of positive changes from the previous methods, is surgery. Circumcision is a method too radical to be resorted to without explicit indications from a urologist. After it, the sensitivity of the head really decreases significantly, but the quality of sexual intercourse also changes. If the new sensations do not suit a man, he will not be able to change anything. On top of that, as after any operation, the body needs a rehabilitation period, so 1-1.5 months (and for some more) sexual contacts will be impossible.

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