What causes colic in the right side. Sharp and dull pain in front in the right hypochondrium

Pain between ribs or below them is a cause for concern, since the chest contains organs that are vital. This article is relevant for anyone who has ribs hurt: in it you can find out about the most common causes of this clinical manifestation.

Causes of pain in the ribs

Pain on the left or right under the ribs can have a different character - as well as the reasons that cause it. It can be strong and almost imperceptible, aching or sharp, arising at certain moments or incessant. In almost every case, the cause of pain can be a disease that develops in the chest area.

Chest injury

Chest injuries are usually referred to as fractures or bruises of the ribs. Fractures are characterized by breaks in the bones and cartilaginous joints of one or more ribs. Depending on the injury, pain symptoms can be constant aching in nature or be acute, intense.

Bruises are characterized by mild pain, which is accompanied by swelling and the appearance of a hematoma in the area of ​​injury. As a rule, pain symptoms disappear after seven to ten days. Fractures require a mandatory diagnosis in order to exclude the possibility of injury to the soft tissues of the lung or other internal organs. Depending on the side of the injury, pain can be localized to the right or left under the ribs or between them. Its intensity and duration depends on how severe the injury was.

Intercostal neuralgia

Pain between ribs along the course of the nerves can occur due to the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
  • protrusion of the vertebrae;
  • intervertebral hernia.

Attacks in the form of shooting pain, similar to an electric shock, occur due to pinching or irritation of the nerve roots, and the following factors can provoke their appearance:

  • hypothermia;
  • infection penetration;
  • getting a back injury.

The pain becomes stronger with strong inhalations / exhalations or attempts to change the position of the body.

Costal chondritis

Costal chondritis (or, as it is also called, Tietze's syndrome) is a disease in which there is a thickening of the cartilage tissue of the ribs, leading to their soreness. Pain is not localized in one place and can spread to the entire sternum. They are strong enough and appear brighter with sudden movements, deep breaths / exhalations or coughing. Pain may be accompanied by:

  • local edema;
  • an increase in temperature in the area of ​​the pathological process.

It appears suddenly and in its manifestations is comparable to an angina pectoris attack.

angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is characterized by constant, pressing pain behind the sternum and sometimes between the ribs. It is localized in the retrosternal region and can spread to the left side of the neck, left arm and left side of the chest and may be accompanied by:

  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • feeling of fear.

Other reasons

In addition, pain symptoms in the ribs can occur with the following diseases:

  • malignant neoplasms (in particular, osteosarcoma of the ribs) are characterized by dull pains at the beginning of the disease, which become more and more pronounced as it develops;
  • fibromyalgia - pain occurs when you try to raise your arms or turn your torso;
  • pleurisy - pain symptoms manifest themselves when coughing and deep breaths / exits;
  • shingles - characterized by intense pain under the ribs in the right or left side, which is accompanied by itching or burning.

Another reason is the hypertonicity of the pectoral muscles, which occurs as a result of intense physical exertion. The pain in this case increases and is localized in the intercostal space.

Our doctors

Diagnosis of pain in the ribs

If you suffer from pain in the ribs, contact the CELT Pain Clinic. We have doctors of various specialties who will direct the entire arsenal of diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of our multidisciplinary clinic to solve your problems. Since there are many reasons that cause pain symptoms in the ribs, it is very important to correctly diagnose. This is the only way to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

If you experience pain, contact one of our specialists:

  • therapist
  • pulmonologist;

Diagnosis at our Pain Clinic, in addition to an examination by a doctor and taking an anamnesis, may include:

  • laboratory research methods;
  • cardiography;

Rib pain treatment

Treatment of pain in the ribs is primarily aimed at eliminating the original cause that caused it. In case of severe pain, symptomatic therapy is used. It involves the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the case of diseases in which thermal procedures are indicated, ointments with a warming effect are used, if the pain occurs due to muscle spasms - antispasmodics.

The passage of physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and manual therapy allows you to relieve pain in the ribs with osteochondrosis and hypertonicity of the pectoral muscles. After the pain subsides, the patient may be prescribed physiotherapy exercises.

In case of chest injuries, the specialists of the CELT Pain Clinic will recommend a state of rest, in which not only the injured area, but also the patient as a whole should remain. Thus, healing will be much faster. Can use a chest bandage, excluding sudden movements and deep breaths and exhalations.

Turning to the CELT Pain Clinic, you can count on professional treatment that will definitely be successful!

Excruciating pain in the right hypochondrium? This means that some of the systems in the body failed: the kidney function, liver, gastrointestinal tract, or something else suffered. So why is it colitis in the right side under the ribs? Let's find out the cause of painful spasms and how you can help yourself.

Remember, incessant spasms are the basis for going to the clinic.

Cause of colic under the right rib

The basis for the characteristic sensations can serve as a harmful diet, intense exercise, brisk walking, or the development of any disease. Under the right rib are the following organs: liver, part of the intestine, adrenal gland, right kidney, biliary tract, diaphragm. To accurately determine the location of the organs, you should go through the topography of the anatomy. Remember that frequent stabbing spasms may indicate an unhealthy body, so medical or surgical intervention may be required.

Causes associated with malnutrition and exercise can be corrected on their own, but only a specialist will help to cope with diseases of the body. What diseases can cause stabbing pains in the right side under the ribs, how do the symptoms manifest themselves?

We list diseases with characteristic signs:

In addition to these major diseases, discomfort occurs due to vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician after passing special tests and studies.

What should be done?

If stabbing spasms appear during exercise, it's okay. Experts recommend slowing down, relaxing, breathing deeply, and relief will come after a while.

Remember, before playing sports, do warm-up exercises.

If the pain occurs after a rich and fatty meal, you need to lie down, wait until it is digested, after which the discomfort will pass.

If, for unknown reasons, constantly colitis in the right side under the ribs, immediately consult a doctor.

  • spasms began suddenly, characterized by a sharp tingling;
  • when a person cannot endure aching pains that last more than an hour;
  • painful spasms that occur during movement for more than half an hour;
  • when he colitises on the right under the ribs, he feels sick and vomits.

Do not self-medicate. Without identifying the true cause, this will not lead to anything good, but will only worsen the general condition.

Type of pain

Discomfort may occur in the right side in front or behind. To understand the causes of the disease, we will analyze in detail the characteristic diseases.

  1. Spasms in the right side in front

They arise from diseases of adjacent and neighboring organs, either periodically, or they are constantly disturbed.

  1. Pain in the back of the right side

Discomfort appeared under the shoulder blade on the right side. Causes: rib injuries, neuralgia, impaired kidney function.

  • When the genitourinary system is destroyed, a burning, severe pain occurs. If there are sand and stones in the kidney, then when moving, they begin to scratch the inner pelvis of the organ, then go to the ureter. Painful attacks can be given throughout the reproductive system, manifested by gag reflexes, urine with blood.
  • Pyelonephritis. It is manifested by an infectious inflammatory process in the renal system, the patient has swelling on his face, the temperature rises, and frequent urge to urinate appears.
  • The death of the renal papillae develops from clogging of blood vessels, as a result of which the kidney cells do not receive the right amount of oxygen and begin to die.

The patient may die due to septic shock!

  • Paranephritis occurs from infection of the fatty layer of the kidneys in the upper part, usually after inflammation of the tonsils, affected gums. A cancerous tumor of the kidneys manifests itself in the last stages, growing and interfering with urination, pain is felt under the right rib.
  • Intercostal neuralgia is manifested by numbness of the right side. Begins to pull in the back, up to immobility, as the movement increases the malaise. When the muscle tissue becomes inflamed, colic can suddenly appear under the skin, the nerve begins to twitch.

During a bruised rib, you can hear a characteristic crunch, feel a sharp, severe pain, especially when bending over and coughing.

  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar is characterized by immobile muscles that limit movement, shooting pain from top to bottom.
  • Thrombus in the vena cava. The plaque closes the trunk of the vein, as a result, the stomach swells and intense pain appears on the right side of the abdominal cavity.

The nature of the spasms affects the definition of the disease. Acute discomfort is manifested by severe pain, warning the body of damage that may require surgical intervention. Dull pain is characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

What medications to take if colitis in the right hypochondrium

You should know what to do and how to remove unpleasant spasms. Experts recommend using antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles. The dose for taking medications is determined by the frequency of spasms and the suspected disease. Doctors recommend taking No-shpa, Duspatalin tablets with a dosage of 1-2 pieces for moderate pain.

Discomfort due to the bile ducts can be relieved by taking nitroglycerin, half or 1 tablet under the tongue.

With very severe pain, it is better to administer medications through injections or a system. The following drugs are offered: Drotaverine, Papaverine, Platifillin. They lower the tone of muscle tissue, soothe the internal organs.

You can take combined products containing analgesic and antispasmodic ingredients: I took Spazgan 1-2 tablets.

If antispasmodics do not help with intolerable spasms, you can additionally take strong painkillers of a non-narcotic analgesic composition: Tramadol, Ketorolac.

The listed pills do not cure diseases, but only alleviate the symptoms until the ambulance arrives. For a complete clinical picture, you should contact a specialist.

General prevention for the whole body

Start with an appointment with a specialist to check your overall health. On the recommendation of a doctor, take tests, undergo an ultrasound of the internal organs in order to timely detect the presence of stones, tumors, blisters with fluid and other pathologies. Complete the entire course of treatment. Maintain your body and stay healthy by observing the following rules:

  • switch to proper nutrition, periodically follow a diet;
  • exclude alcohol, cigarettes;
  • give up junk food: carbonated drinks, fried, smoked and fatty foods, muffins, strong coffee;
  • avoid psycho-emotional and physical overwork;
  • add physical activity to your schedule;
  • actively take vitamins, trace elements.

Tune in to positive and health, restore your state of mind, take active rest. Introduce foods containing magnesium into the diet: buckwheat, wheat bran, oatmeal, which help to relax muscle tissue.

Seek help from specialists.​​

Pain under the ribs is a very common symptom. Most often it occurs in the following pathologies:
1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum (gastritis, ulcers, stomach cancer);
  • diseases of the pancreas (acute and chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer);
  • diseases of the gallbladder (acute and chronic cholecystitis, hepatic colic, biliary dyskinesia);
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, neoplasms).
2. Enlargement of the spleen:
  • hemoblastic pathologies (leukemias and lymphomas);
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • acute infectious diseases (infectious mononucleosis);
  • septic conditions (bacterial endocarditis, septicemia);
  • chronic infections (tuberculosis, malaria);
  • immune disorders (systemic lupus erythematosus).
3. Trauma to the liver and spleen.
4. Subdiaphragmatic abscess.
5. Retroperitoneal hematoma.
6. Myocardial infarction (gastralgic form).
7. Lung diseases (right-sided lower lobe pneumonia, dry pleurisy, lung cancer).
8. Diseases of the urinary system (acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis).
9. Osteocondritis of the spine.
10. Violations of neuro-endocrine regulation (neurocirculatory dystonia).

A thorough analysis of the pain syndrome in conjunction with the accompanying symptoms, taking into account previously diagnosed diseases and the history of the onset of pain, will help determine which doctor to contact and allow a preliminary diagnosis to be made with sufficient accuracy.

Sharp pain under the ribs requiring emergency medical attention

Acute pain under the ribs in front in the middle with a perforated stomach ulcer and

An unusually sharp pain under the ribs in the front in the middle is a characteristic symptom of a perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. In medicine, it is called "dagger" pain, because patients compare their sensations to an unexpected stab in the stomach. The pain syndrome is so strong that the patient is forced to take a forced position: lying down with legs brought to the stomach.

Initially, the pain is localized in the epigastrium (under the pit of the stomach), and then shifted under the right lower rib. Such migration is associated with the spread of gastric contents in the abdominal cavity. After a severe pain attack, a period of imaginary well-being begins, often leading to erroneous waiting tactics. If the patient does not receive adequate treatment, diffuse peritonitis develops, which can cause the death of the patient.

The history of the disease can help in the diagnosis. As a rule, patients have a long history of ulcers, and the perforation of the ulcer is preceded by a period of exacerbation of the disease. The exception is the so-called acute ulcers, which sometimes occur in the postoperative period after serious surgical interventions, with polytrauma, septic conditions, etc.

First aid for perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer consists in emergency transportation to the surgical department of the hospital.

Sharp girdle pain under the ribs in acute pancreatitis

The first and main symptom of acute pancreatitis is a sharp girdle pain under the ribs, which, as a rule, occurs suddenly, quickly covers the entire upper half of the abdomen and radiates to the back under both shoulder blades. Another characteristic feature is that the intensity of pain does not change when coughing, inhaling, straining, changing body position.

The second characteristic symptom of acute pancreatitis will help in the diagnosis - nausea and repeated vomiting, which occurs both spontaneously and when trying to eat or drink a few sips of water. Pain after vomiting does not decrease, and sometimes even intensifies.

The pancreas contains many enzymes, which, when it is inflamed, enter the bloodstream and cause severe intoxication, manifested by characteristic symptoms: cyanosis (cyanosis) of the face, trunk and extremities, marbling of the skin of the abdomen, petechial hemorrhages on the lateral surfaces of the body and in the navel area. In extremely severe cases, collapse develops (a sharp drop in blood pressure), often leading to the death of the patient.

When making a diagnosis, it should be taken into account that, as a rule, acute pancreatitis develops after a heavy intake of alcohol in combination with fatty sweet foods (doctors often call the pathology a "holiday" or "New Year's" disease).

If acute pancreatitis is suspected, emergency hospitalization in the intensive care unit is necessary, since delay is fraught with the death of the patient.

Severe pain under the lower right rib in front with acute cholecystitis and hepatic

Acute pain under the lower right rib in front is the leading symptom of acute cholecystitis. The pain radiates to the back and up under the right shoulder blade, to the right supraclavicular region, and even to the neck. The pain syndrome, as a rule, is so intense that patients constantly rush about, trying to find a position that reduces pain.

The clinical picture is complemented by severe fever, nausea and repeated vomiting, which does not bring relief. Often there is jaundice of the skin and sclera (eyeball proteins).

Acute cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder, should be distinguished from an attack of hepatic colic that occurs when a gallstone moves along the duct.

Hepatic colic is also characterized by acute pain under the right rib with the same irradiation, but repeated vomiting and fever are usually not observed. An attack of hepatic colic lasts several hours, and goes away on its own. The pain syndrome is relieved by antispasmodics, while in acute cholecystitis they are ineffective.

If acute cholecystitis is suspected, emergency hospitalization in the surgical department is indicated.

Sharp pain when inhaling under the ribs in front in the middle with a subdiaphragmatic abscess

Sharp pain when inhaling under the ribs in front under the left or right rib may be caused by a subdiaphragmatic abscess.

In such cases, the pain is quite intense, aggravated by coughing, sneezing, deep breathing, sudden movements, and makes the patient take a forced position (half-sitting in bed or lying on the sore side). The pain radiates under the scapula and into the supraclavicular region of the corresponding side.

Pain in a subdiaphragmatic abscess, as a rule, is accompanied by severe fever and severe symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

Significant assistance in the diagnosis of pathology will be provided by the fact that the most common cause of a subdiaphragmatic abscess is surgical intervention. Another common cause of pathology is trauma to the abdominal organs. Less commonly, a subdiaphragmatic abscess occurs as a complication of purulent processes in the liver and as a result of local peritonitis (acute cholecystitis, appendicitis, etc.).

Pain in the side under the ribs with severe injuries of the liver and spleen

Pain under the ribs is the leading symptom of severe injuries of the liver and spleen, requiring emergency surgical intervention. Such injuries (ruptures and crush injuries) are typical for strong mechanical impacts (railway and car accidents, falls from a height, the collapse of weights on the body).

Contribute to the rupture of the liver and spleen, some serious diseases that lead to disruption of the structure of the body (enlargement of the spleen in leukemia, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.). In such cases, a rupture can occur even with a slight force of the traumatic factor.

A characteristic difference in the pain syndrome in severe injuries of the liver and spleen is the symptom of "roly-poly": the victim cannot be in a horizontal position, since the pain in this case increases many times. This feature is due to the ingress of blood under the dome of the diaphragm, and irritation of the nerve endings located there.

In addition to pain under the ribs on the corresponding side (with rupture or crushing of the liver - on the right, with damage to the spleen - on the left), the clinical picture is supplemented by symptoms of acute blood loss (pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes, rapid pulse with reduced blood pressure, dizziness and weakness).

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the so-called two-stage ruptures of the liver and spleen. They occur in those cases when, during an injury, the parenchyma of the organ is torn, and the capsule remains intact.

The blood poured out from the affected area accumulates under the capsule and gradually stretches it. Then, as a rule, with a minor injury (a slight push, a careless turn in bed) or a slight physical effort (sometimes even when coughing or sneezing), the capsule ruptures, and the collected blood is poured into the abdominal cavity, causing symptoms of peritonitis. Bleeding from the damaged organ after the rupture of the capsule increases, so that a sharp drop in blood pressure and death of the victim is possible.

The difficulty in diagnosing two-stage ruptures of the liver and spleen is that immediately after the injury, the victims feel relatively well, do not go to the doctors, and sometimes even do physical work, which is extremely dangerous in their situation.

Pain under the ribs with two-stage ruptures of the liver and spleen increases gradually, sometimes there are mild signs of blood loss (shortness of breath with little physical exertion, weakness, dizziness).

At the slightest suspicion of damage to the liver and spleen, you should contact the surgical hospital for an additional examination, since the sooner the operation to suture the torn organ is performed, the better the prognosis.

Pain in the abdomen under the ribs in front with gastralgic form of myocardial infarction

Pain in the abdomen under the ribs in front occurs with the so-called gastralgic form of myocardial infarction. Such a clinical variant of the course of a heart attack is observed in 2-3% of cases, and indicates damage to the lower or lower posterior part of the left ventricle.

Patients complain of pain and a feeling of support under the heart. The pain syndrome is often quite intense, the pain causes increased sweating and is accompanied by a fear of death, so that patients behave very restlessly.

Diagnosis of heart disease is complicated by the presence of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, painful hiccups, frequent stools. Because of this, patients are often misdiagnosed and prescribed inappropriate treatment.

Help in the diagnosis will be the presence of symptoms such as expiratory dyspnea (difficulty exhaling), which increases with the movements of the patient, and central cardiac cyanosis (a puffy, yellowish-pale face with a bluish tinge, purple-blue lips).

The pain may radiate downward and cause protective tension in the abdominal muscles. Therefore, with this pathology, patients are often diagnosed with acute appendicitis, and life-threatening surgical treatment is prescribed.

However, in contrast to the "acute abdomen", the pain in right-sided pneumonia does not have a clear localization, and the patient cannot name the exact time of the onset of the pain syndrome.

Other symptoms of pneumonia can be of great help in the diagnosis. Often the pain is preceded by one or more bouts of fever, which is not typical for abdominal catastrophes. Like all febrile diseases, pneumonia is accompanied by constipation, while diarrhea is more characteristic of pathologies that cause an "acute abdomen" picture. Often, with pneumonia, a very characteristic symptom is observed - flushing of the cheek or herpetic eruptions on the side of the lesion.

In addition, with abdominal catastrophes, the patient takes a forced position in bed, and with pneumonia, he can move, but often his movements increase shortness of breath. Shortness of breath and a pale bluish color of the nasolabial triangle is also a common sign of pneumonia and can be helpful in diagnosis.

And finally, for a preliminary diagnosis, a thorough history taking is necessary - pneumonia often complicates SARS.

If right-sided pneumonia is suspected, emergency hospitalization, additional examination and treatment in a hospital (therapeutic department) are necessary.

Pain under the ribs in chronic diseases

Dull aching or sharp pain under the ribs in front in the middle with chronic
diseases of the stomach and duodenum

The most common causes of dull or sharp pain under the ribs in the front in the middle are the following chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum:
  • gastritis type A (gastritis with high or normal acidity);
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis type B (gastritis with reduced acidity);
  • stomach cancer.
Treatment of gastritis is carried out by a gastroenterologist, with peptic ulcer, surgical treatment is sometimes required, and if gastric cancer is suspected, they turn to an oncologist.

Pain under the ribs in the front in the middle with gastritis with high or normal acidity
For gastritis with increased or normal acidity, the onset of pain on an empty stomach is characteristic, caused by irritation of the mucous membrane with gastric juice. One and a half to three hours after eating, the pain may increase due to a mechanical effect on the inflamed mucosa, therefore, patients with gastritis are advised to take mucous soups and other dishes that have a softening and enveloping effect.

In addition to pain under the ribs in the front in the middle, gastritis with high acidity is characterized by such a symptom as excruciating heartburn. On the part of the intestines, there is instability of the stool with a tendency to constipation.

Sharp pain under the ribs in front in the middle and under the left rib with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
With a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, a special cyclical pain is characteristic. Pain often occurs at night, while exacerbations of the disease are most often observed in spring and autumn. They can radiate under the left rib, in the back and lower back.

Often, to alleviate the pain syndrome, patients take a forced position: they squat, clasping their stomachs with their hands, press their stomachs against the edge of the table, or lie on their stomachs.

Just like with gastritis with high acidity, pain occurs on an empty stomach (especially for duodenal ulcers, “hunger pains” are characteristic) and 1.5-3 hours after eating. By the time interval between eating and the onset of pain, one can judge the location of the ulcer (the closer to the entrance to the stomach, the shorter this interval).

Provoke pain physical and nervous strain. Removes - taking antacids (often patients use baking soda) and a heating pad.

In addition to sharp pain under the ribs in front and under the left rib, stomach and duodenal ulcers are characterized by heartburn and constipation, flatulence. With a long course of the disease, patients lose weight, they develop asthenic syndrome: weakness, irritability, and headache increase.

Aching pain under the ribs in front in the middle and on the left with gastritis with reduced acidity
For gastritis with reduced acidity, pain and a feeling of heaviness under the ribs in front in the middle or on the left, after eating, are characteristic. Vomiting in this case brings relief, therefore, in the old days, gastritis with reduced acidity was called "indigestion."

The disease proceeds with a decrease in appetite and a tendency to diarrhea. Also very characteristic is the eructation of sour, bitter or eaten food.

With a significant violation of absorption, common symptoms appear: weight loss, hyperhidrosis of the extremities, seizures around the mouth. Chronic anemia associated with vitamin B 12 deficiency may develop.

Sharp or aching pain under the ribs in front in the middle and on the left with stomach cancer
Pain under the ribs in front, in the middle and on the left with stomach cancer, as a rule, is manifested already in the later stages of the disease, when the tumor grows into the wall of the stomach and compresses the surrounding organs and tissues. The initial period often goes unnoticed.

It is possible to suspect an oncological cause of pain in the presence of the so-called "small signs" that appear already in the early stages of the disease:

  • weight loss;
  • change in taste habits, picky attitude to food, aversion to meat;
  • signs of anemia and early intoxication (yellowish-pale complexion, yellowness of the sclera);
  • progressive weakness, general decrease in performance;
  • psychological changes (depression, loss of interest in the surrounding reality, alienation, apathy).

Most often, gastric cancer occurs against the background of gastritis with reduced secretion of gastric juice. Polyps and ulcers of the cardia of the stomach are very prone to malignancy, therefore, with these diseases, special vigilance is necessary.

Girdle pain under the ribs in chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer

One of the leading symptoms of chronic pancreatitis is pain under the ribs in front, extending to the left and right hypochondrium. Often the pains are girdle in nature, and radiate to the back under the left and right shoulder blades. Occurs after eating, especially sweet and fatty.

A characteristic feature of the pain syndrome in chronic pancreatitis is the intensification of pain in a horizontal position lying on the back, so that patients during an attack try to sit, leaning forward.

In addition to a specific pain syndrome, chronic pancreatitis is characterized by pronounced signs of malabsorption of substances in the intestine - diarrhea, "fatty feces", sometimes meat fibers can be detected in feces with the naked eye. As a result of insufficient intake of nutrients in severe cases, patients lose a lot of weight (sometimes up to 20 kg), vitamin deficiency and general exhaustion of the body develop.

Pain under the ribs at the back with kidney damage has two mechanisms. In acute or chronic inflammation, an increase in the size of the organ occurs, which leads to stretching of the capsule. The pain in this case is constant, but they are not very intense, and most often have the character of a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region.

At the heart of another mechanism for the occurrence of pain is a spasm of the smooth muscle muscles of the initial sections of the urinary tract. Such pain resembles renal colic, it is acute, paroxysmal, gives down to the groin and genitals, is relieved by heat and antispasmodics.

Back pain under the ribs with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine occurs as a result of inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves. In such cases, the pain spreads along the fibers of the corresponding nerves down to the buttocks, and the outer surface of the thighs and legs.

Pain syndrome in osteochondrosis can also have a different character. Patients are often worried about aching pain after a morning sleep or a long stay in one position. Another type of pain is shooting. They occur with sudden movements, and cause the patient to freeze for a long time in one position.

When a prick in the right side under the rib, people usually think that this is how the liver makes itself known. In fact, such a symptom is more often manifested by diseases of other organs, and the liver rarely hurts, even with serious tissue destruction. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what can cause tingling in the right hypochondrium, what to do at home and which doctor to contact if your side hurts.

What can prick in the right hypochondrium

In the right hypochondrium are located many organs of the digestive system:

  • Liver.
  • Bile ducts and gallbladder.
  • Pancreas (head of the organ).
  • Part of the duodenum.
  • Colon (its hepatic angle).

In addition, in the right hypochondrium can rise and the appendicular process cecum (this placement of the process is considered abnormal), as well as the upper pole of the right kidney. In diseases of any of these organs, intense or not very tingling in the right side may occur.

If a person has an inflamed right lung and pleura, pain may appear in the right hypochondrium, although the lung itself is located higher. In the same way, do not forget about the numerous nerve formations that extend from the spine and go to the ribs. With inflammation or pinching of these nerves, it can stab in the right side from above and along the costal arches.

Liver diseases, in which it pricks on the right under the ribs

The liver is an organ that does not have nerve endings in its thickness. If some pathological changes occur in the hepatic parenchyma, the patient does not even know about it - nothing hurts. Because of this feature, such dangerous diseases as chronic or can be completely asymptomatic until the moment when it occurs. Nerve endings are present only in the capsule that covers the organ. With its stretching, which occurs against the background of an increase in the size of the liver, and unpleasant sensations may appear. In what situations can the liver increase and tingle?

Diseases of the gallbladder, accompanied by pain in the right side

The gallbladder is the repository of bile, which is synthesized by the liver. Bile is directly involved in the process of digestion. When a person eats, the gallbladder contracts and spills its contents into the bile duct, which carries bile to the intestines. Gallbladder stones often form in the gallbladder. This disease is called. Stones can almost completely fill the organ, therefore, when it is reduced, a sharp stabbing or cutting occurs. But if the stones are small and few, this is even worse, because they can clog the exit from the gallbladder or clog the bile duct. At the same time, a severe pain attack develops.

At inflammation of the gallbladder (), which is acute or chronic, there is also pain in the right side. In the acute course of the pathology, it is intense and growing. In the chronic variant of the pathology - moderate intensity, transient. The main factor provoking stabbing pain in cholecystitis is the intake of fatty foods.

Other causes of tingling in the right side under the ribs

In the right hypochondrium, it can stab with various diseases:

  • , especially when the inflammatory process is localized in the head of the pancreas (cysts often form in it).
  • Neoplasms of the head of the pancreas (with this disease, tingling occurs for two reasons - firstly, the capsule of the organ is stretched, and secondly, the bile duct is squeezed and bile stasis occurs).
  • Inflammation or.
  • Narrowing, deformation, inflammation of the major duodenal papilla, through which pancreatic secretions and bile enter the intestine.
  • Inflammation of the colon, accumulation of gases in it.
  • if the appendix is ​​located atypically.
  • Inflammation of the right lung.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Inflammation of the intercostal nerves.
  • Injuries of the ribs, liver.
  • Pinched nerve roots in osteochondrosis and vertebral hernias.
  • Inflammation or swelling of the right kidney.

How to determine the cause of tingling in the right hypochondrium

In order to somehow understand why the right side is pricked, it is necessary:

Which doctor to contact

Diseases in which it can hurt in the right hypochondrium are treated by doctors of various specialties: gastroenterologists, surgeons, neuropathologists, cardiologists, hepatologists. Therefore, in order not to guess who to go to, it is better to immediately contact a general practitioner - a generalist who understands many ailments and can make a preliminary diagnosis based on the results of a survey and examination of the patient.

To establish a more accurate diagnosis, an instrumental laboratory examination may be required, including:

If the tingling under the lower rib arose suddenly and the pain does not go away for a long time, they have an increasing character, you need to go to the hospital on your own or call an ambulance. So they can manifest surgical diseases that require emergency surgical intervention - acute and.

What to do at home

If tingling occurs periodically after eating, it is advisable to monitor your diet and figure out which foods the body reacts to in this way. Perhaps it is worth sitting on a diet a little, and everything will pass. In addition, it is imperative to find time for a visit to a gastroenterologist.

In case of acute pain in the abdomen, it is impossible to take painkillers before a medical examination. Self-medication can “lubricate” the manifestations of the disease and the doctor will not be able to diagnose it correctly and in a timely manner.

In addition, heating pads and hot compresses should not be used to relieve pain. With an inflammatory process in the gallbladder or pancreas, heat does not help, but, on the contrary, accelerates the progression of pathological changes in these organs.

Drinking enzyme preparations, antispasmodics, painkillers is possible only for those patients who know exactly their diagnosis and, accordingly, the cause of the tingling in the right hypochondrium. For example, in acute pancreatitis, enzymes are not used, but in chronic inflammation of the pancreas, they are indicated. But such subtleties are hardly known to a person far from medicine, therefore, self-medicating, he can greatly harm his health.

If the right side began to prick during physical exertion, it is worth stopping to lean forward a little, as if supporting the liver and rest in this position for a while. The pain must go. If it doesn't go away, be sure to see a doctor.

Pain in the right hypochondrium, associated with inflammation or pinched nerves, can be treated at home - with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs (they are used externally and internally), vitamins and physiotherapy exercises. However, for this, again, a diagnosis must be made and appointments given by a neurologist.

If the right side pricks under the ribs, this is a symptom of one of the many diseases of the internal organs of a person.

In the abdomen, as in other parts of the human body, there are many tissues and cells, but in the abdomen they are more sensitive.

That is why a malfunction of any tissues or organs can lead to this symptom.

When a person notices that he has colic in his right side under the ribs, then do not hesitate. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance. With such a symptom, the consequences can be dire.

Part of the organs located in the abdomen are hollow: the gallbladder, intestines, stomach. If any organ ceases to function, it will immediately burst or clog, and a person’s life is in danger. If surgical intervention is necessary, this will save the patient's life.

Diseases in which it hurts in the right side.

The pain may be concentrated in the upper part of the right side. Here are the following organs: part of the diaphragm, pancreas, part of the intestine, gallbladder and liver.

Any pathology of one of these organs or their injury will be expressed by pain in the right side. However, the nature of the sensations and their strength can be different, depending on what exactly caused the pain. If pain is felt on the right under the rib, then the cause may be the liver, or rather, its defeat by viruses - viral hepatitis.

If the right side is colitis, then you should think about diseases of the gallbladder. This organ produces bile, a substance that is very important for the process of digestion of food. Bile is produced in the liver, if an excess of its volume has formed, then it accumulates in the gallbladder.

Bile is designed to break down large amounts of fat, so the contents of the gallbladder pass into the intestines after a person has eaten too much fat. The gallbladder can become infected, stones form in it, all this causes pain in the right upper abdomen.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen can be triggered by diseases of the pancreas. This organ is located in the abdominal cavity, its function is to produce enzymes for digestion, insulin and juices.

Pancreas, as the pancreas is also called, has an elongated shape, its head is on the right, and the tail is on the left, the body is located between them. In some cases, when the patient has pain in the right side, we are talking about pancreatic pain caused by inflammation of the pancreas.

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