Ovarian cyst pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Why does pain occur? Aborted tubal pregnancy

Most women are familiar with unpleasant, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. There can be many reasons, one of them is the appearance. Many patients with this diagnosis are interested in the question: “If an ovarian cyst hurts, what should I do?”.

It is worth noting that a cyst is a small neoplasm filled with some kind of content that can occur in a woman of reproductive age. The amount of secret contained in it is gradually replenished, this leads to an increase in education. Often a woman is unaware of the presence of pathology in the body until she makes herself felt with painful sensations.

Multiple neoplasms on the ovary

While the cystic formation is gaining growth, the development is completely asymptomatic. When the cyst reaches a certain size, the first signs of the disease begin to appear in a woman. An enlarged neoplasm requires more space, and soon begins to put pressure on neighboring organs.

Pain with an ovarian cyst is of varying intensity. In some cases, only a slight discomfort, a feeling of pressure, is felt. Sometimes the growth is accompanied by mild pulling or jerking pain. This is due to physical overexertion or hypothermia.

If there is severe pain, from which the lower back hurts, vomiting opens, the temperature rises, or general weakness appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst. This condition is dangerous, because the secret contained in the neoplasm can pour into the abdominal cavity and provoke infection of the body.

Features of pain in different types of cystic formations

All types of cysts differ not only in the causes and nature of development, but also in their symptoms, intensity and duration of painful sensations. Let us consider in more detail the painful threshold of each type of neoplasm.

Follicular cyst

Each menstrual cycle in a woman, a follicle matures, which must burst and release an egg. If the maturation process has been disturbed, then the follicle remains inside the ovary and develops into a cyst. This type of neoplasm is not dangerous and can resolve on its own, medical assistance is not required. Unfortunately, such a cyst can hurt. However, the pain is not strong, the place of localization is the right or left side.

Dermoid cyst

Until now, the exact causes of the appearance of this neoplasm have not been identified. There is a hypothesis that during fetal development, a cavity is formed that contains particles of various tissues. It is quite large and puts pressure on nearby organs. Education on the ovary of this type can cause severe prolonged pain. Painkillers and other conservative methods relieve symptoms little or do not help at all.

Mucinous cyst

Painful sensations with this type of cyst are pronounced. A woman urinates more often, pressure appears in the lower abdomen. Pain of a pulling, aching character, radiating to the leg. The more the neoplasm increases in size, the more neighboring organs are affected and the pain increases.


This disease is characterized by the simultaneous accumulation of several cysts, which leads to infertility. The nature of the appearance of the disease is quite complicated, associated with serious metabolic disorders. The presence of a neoplasm of small size is usually diagnosed by chance. There were no particularly pronounced symptoms, but if it hurts, then not much.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

The formation appears at the site of the follicle released from the egg and dissolves on its own during menstruation. However, there have been cases where the cyst remained in the ovary for several months. This type of neoplasm does not cause much discomfort, only sometimes there is a slight pain in the right or left side of the abdomen.

Endometrial cyst

It is a consequence of endometriosis. In the body of a woman behaves quite aggressively. May cause prolonged pain in the lower abdomen, muscle spasms (cramps) in the legs, constipation, or severe diarrhea. An endometrioid cyst slowly depletes the body and disrupts the activity of almost all organs. The only method of treatment is surgery.


If an ovarian cyst hurts, what should I do first? There are several ways to relieve pain:

  • ensure complete physical rest;
  • take painkillers (Ibuprofen, Analgin);
  • use an electric heating pad (hot water bottle) or take a warm bath. Helps to quickly relieve spasms and relaxes muscles. However, be careful, a heating pad or a bottle should be applied to the place with the greatest pain and only on clothes (towel), and not on the naked body.

Remember! The most reliable way to get rid of pain is to eliminate its cause!

Surgery involves the removal of not only the ovarian cyst itself, but also small formations that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.

If their development proceeds without complications, conservative treatment can be dispensed with, including the use of biphasic and monophasic contraceptives, vitamins. Physiotherapy exercises, acupuncture, adherence to a certain diet give positive dynamics.

When is emergency medical attention needed?

If the disease is left to chance, this can lead to a situation where conservative treatment will be useless, painkillers will not help. You need to sound the alarm if:

  • pain does not subside, but, on the contrary, becomes stronger;
  • the right or left side becomes larger, it seems that it does not move when breathing;
  • pains become sharp, pulsating even with the slightest physical exertion;
  • high fever, general weakness, dizziness.

If a woman has any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Traditional medicine

If you are in pain with an ovarian cyst, you can turn to traditional medicine. Many women are dismissive of non-traditional treatment, others are interested - can such treatment get rid of pain?

Of course, folk methods help, but they should be used only after consulting with your doctor. To your attention the TOP 10 effective traditional medicine for the treatment of ovarian cysts -.

Watch the video "Pain with an ovarian cyst":

Among female diseases, ovarian cyst is very common. The formations of a benign nature bring a lot of trouble to their mistress in the form of menstrual irregularities, pain, discomfort. Knowing the main signs of the onset of this disease, a woman will be able to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Types of ovarian cysts and their characteristic features

Why does inflammation of the ovarian cyst occur, how does it appear and how do the types differ? First you need to understand what a neoplasm is, which often appears in women of childbearing age. A cyst is a sac-like cavity filled with fluid that appears on or inside the ovary. The dimensions, structure, reasons for which it appeared, the method of detection may be different.


The most common type is functional, it can appear on both the left and right ovaries. It is formed during a hormonal disorder, if the overripe follicle could not burst on time before the onset of the next menstruation. The main signs of a functional ovarian cyst are that it disappears on its own in one or more menstrual cycles and does not require surgical intervention, although sizes sometimes reach several centimeters in diameter.


The female egg matures in a small vesicle attached to the wall of the ovary called a follicle. With a hormonal imbalance in the body or in the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvis, ovulation may not occur. In this case, the follicle does not burst, but is increasingly filled with fluid, forming a voluminous capsule. Over a certain period of time, the reverse process occurs, the cavity with the liquid decreases in size, signs of cystosis are not visible.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

A similar process can occur in the corpus luteum, which is formed on the basis of a ruptured follicle. The expansion of the walls of the cavity where the egg matured is provoked by the presence of endocrine diseases and the failure of the ovaries during inflammation. With insufficient production of the desired hormone progesterone, a seal appears with liquid contents inside. Discomfort will be felt when the formation grows to a large size (diameter 8-10 cm). Resorption of the corpus luteum cyst occurs independently.


A very dangerous form is mucinous. The structure has a multi-chamber hilly surface. According to the signs, the ovarian cyst is distinguished by the presence of internal partitions, the chambers are filled with mucous secretion. Very often, the mucinous type is diagnosed in women before menopause. Strong pulling pains appear, the cystic formation in a short time reaches a huge size, sometimes the diameter reaches 30-35 cm. Urgent surgical care is able to stop the process, which can degenerate into a malignant tumor.


The reasons why a dermoid appearance occurs are not fully understood. Often this happens in the presence of abdominal injuries. Due to the large accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, the capsule reaches a size of about 12-18 cm in diameter. Often, during ultrasound diagnostics, torsion of the legs of the dermoid cyst, in which nerves and blood vessels are located, is fixed. This results in sudden, sharp pain. It is possible to get rid of the tumor only by performing a surgical operation, with further rehabilitation treatment.


The endometrioid ovarian cyst got its name for the similarity in composition of tissues with the mucous membrane inside the uterus. Small dense capsules that appear on the surface of the ovary are filled with a dark thick liquid, consisting of the remnants of blood released during menstruation and lymph. Depending on the stage of development of the formation, treatment is surgical or hormone therapy is prescribed.


Gynecologists categorize the hemorrhagic type as functional. It differs from others in that blood vessels rupture inside the corpus luteum or follicle. Signs of a hemorrhagic cyst are hemorrhage with severe pain in the lower abdomen. It is impossible to do without surgical intervention. The removed ovary or part of it, together with an unwanted formation, undergoes a histological examination to exclude the diagnosis of a cancerous tumor.

Common symptoms of cystosis

It often happens that a woman finds out about the presence of a disease in the gynecologist's office during an examination or during an ultrasound scan, where changes in the ovaries are recorded in the photo. At the initial stage, the formation of formations at the physical level does not manifest itself in any way, does not disturb the patient, but all types have similar signs of the appearance of a cystic formation, which should not be ignored. Get tested if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent pains of aching, pulling nature, with exacerbation;
  • uncharacteristic discharge;
  • erratic menstrual cycle with frequent periods or their absence;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • increased volume of the abdomen;
  • low, but persistent temperature;
  • unexplained constipation;
  • pressure on the bladder with frequent urination.

How does an ovarian cyst hurt?

The leg of the neoplasm has nerve endings, so when it is squeezed or twisted, pain occurs, often very strong and sharp. The same symptoms of acute pain occur when the capsule ruptures. In other cases, it is aching pain, which is of a protracted nature, not associated with the menstrual cycle. There are pain sensations in the groin of the abdomen on the left or right side, depending on where the neoplasm is located. Without treatment, pain in the ovaries can go to the legs, lumbar region.

What is the discharge with an ovarian cyst

During the growth of a cystic formation in the ovary, one of the signs is small spotting that does not coincide with the schedule for menstruation. The color is observed from dark brown to red. Scanty sanious discharge may appear at the time of pressure on the abdomen during a gynecological examination in the presence of an endometrioid ovarian cyst.

Can there be bleeding with an ovarian cyst?

Bleeding, different in intensity, occurs when diagnosing a hemorrhagic type of cyst, left or right ovary. Bursting vessels, accompanied by acute sharp pain, allow blood to flow into the abdominal cavity or through the vagina. There are cases when uterine bleeding is provoked by a corpus luteum cyst, as a result of uneven exfoliation of the endometrium. Bleeding can occur during the most terrible course of the disease - the transition to the oncological stage.

What are the symptoms of an ovarian cyst in women with a rupture

Signs of an ovarian cyst during a rupture are characterized by intense pain that blocks the independent movement of a woman. An ambulance call is necessary if a woman has the following symptoms:

  • sharp, paralyzing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bleeding, both internal with swelling of the abdomen, and external;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure;
  • dizziness, in some cases loss of consciousness;
  • an increase in body temperature, which is not affected by antipyretic drugs;
  • blue lips, pale skin.

Possible complications and consequences of the disease

If a cystic disease of any type is detected, treatment should not be ignored, even if it is a functional type that does not require special intervention and resolves on its own. The processes occurring inside the body do not always signal the failure of any system in a timely manner. In order not to miss the important time allotted for the beginning of treatment and blocking the development of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a regular examination by a gynecologist in a timely manner.

In some cases, the disease progresses very intensively, which leads to the degeneration of the formation into a cancerous tumor, which is rarely treatable and leads to death. The rupture of the seals and the ingress of cystic fluid into the abdominal cavity in a short period of time leads to an inflammatory process, peritonitis and, as a result, to blood poisoning. Often this occurs in the presence of a serous, dermoid cyst.

Untimely seeking medical help out of ignorance or under other circumstances during bleeding will lead to a critical loss of blood, which is fraught with the death of the patient. At best, a woman is predestined for a long-term rehabilitation treatment after the removal of the female internal organs of the small pelvis, which were affected by an irreversible inflammatory process due to bleeding.


Dear Elena!

Cysts on the ovaries are a common occurrence in women, and they are usually found by chance during an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, not showing themselves in any way for months. However, depending on the size of the formation and its location, there may be sensations of heaviness inside the abdomen (if the cyst exerts pressure on neighboring organs), dull and muffled pain (acute pain occurs with various complications that require immediate surgical intervention: when the cyst leg is twisted, it ruptures, bleeding, etc.), painful menstruation. Your further actions and treatment tactics depend on the type of cyst.

Follicular cyst

In 7 out of 10 cases, cysts on the ovaries are follicular. They arise as a result of hormonal disorders or inflammatory processes in the appendages. The follicular cyst has one chamber and a cavity with a diameter of 2.5 - 10 cm. The cyst is formed at the site of one of the follicles if ovulation has not occurred in the dominant follicle and the fluid in it continues to accumulate, and its size increases accordingly. Normally, in 60% of cases, such a cyst resolves on its own within several menstrual cycles.

If the size of the follicular cyst does not exceed 8 cm, specialists use expectant tactics, recommending that the patient undergo monthly ultrasound examinations on the 7th - 8th day of the menstrual cycle. Depending on whether the cause of the cyst formation is hormonal disorders or inflammation, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Large cysts are removed due to the risk of complications.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

A corpus luteum cyst rarely develops - only in 5% of cases out of 100. This formation has thick walls, a folded surface, and inside there is a clear, light-colored liquid. Cysts of the corpus luteum do not exceed 8 cm in size and are most often found in women 16-50 years old. Like the follicular cyst, the corpus luteum cyst resolves within 2 to 3 cycles. During this period, a woman may experience menstrual irregularities, nausea, pain in the mammary glands and lower abdomen.

The tactics of managing a patient with a corpus luteum cyst is approximately the same as in the case of follicular cysts: establishing the cause of cyst formation, prescribing drugs to eliminate the causes, monthly ultrasound examination in phase II of the menstrual cycle, etc.

Dermoid cyst

In 20% of cases, women are diagnosed with a dermoid cyst - a benign ovarian tumor of an oval or round shape with a smooth surface, up to 15 cm in size. Dermoid cysts are the result of violations of the fetal laying. In the cavity of such cysts, fat, hair, cartilage and even teeth are found. This type of cyst does not have hormonal activity and does not pose a threat to the body, however, sometimes the pedicle of the cyst is twisted, which leads to disruption of its blood supply. The symptoms of torsion are very acute and require immediate surgery. Since the presence of dermoid cysts disrupts the functioning of the ovaries, their removal (or removal of the entire ovary) is most often recommended.

Endometrial cyst

An endometrioid ovarian cyst is not quite a cyst, but an accumulation of endometrial cells in extragenital endometriosis. The size of such formations reaches a maximum of 10 - 12 cm. Cysts of this type are found in women of reproductive age. Due to their dark brown color, they are often called "chocolate". An unpleasant feature of cysts of this type is the outpouring of their contents during menstruation, i.e. the endometrium contained in the cyst exfoliates in the same way as in the uterine cavity.

In the presence of an endometrioid cyst, a woman is tormented by pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes very strong. The presence of extragenital endometriosis leads to the formation of adhesions and disruption of the intestines and bladder, therefore, if an endometrioid cyst is detected, its immediate removal is required. The operation is carried out in a sparing mode and allows you to save the ovarian tissue.

Regardless of the type of cyst, this formation belongs to the class of potentially dangerous. You need to tell your gynecologist about the pain in the lower abdomen, clarify what type of cyst is found, and discuss with the doctor your next steps. If the size of the cyst does not require immediate surgical treatment, then use the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of diseases that caused its appearance. Avoid heavy lifting and any other physical activity. If you experience symptoms of an "acute" abdomen (sharp pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, loss of consciousness), call an ambulance immediately. Monthly monitor the condition of the cyst by ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages.

Sincerely, Xenia.

Refers to the number of benign formations, which is a cavity filled with fluid or blood. For a long time, such a tumor may not cause discomfort to the patient and not disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

This factor is the basis for optional treatment. Pain with an ovarian cyst is considered an alarming symptom and may indicate on the progression of pathological processes.

Why does it hurt?

The absence of pain may be accompanied only by the growth of a cyst of a small diameter. With a significant increase in it or the occurrence of complications, discomfort and pain of different localization become an integral symptom of the pathological process.

The duration of the asymptomatic development of a cyst depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the stage of progression of the neoplasm.

Causes of pain are the following factors:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • a rapid increase in the size of the neoplasm;
  • a serious violation of the process of blood supply to organs located in the pelvic area;
  • inflammatory process (progression of inflammation can spread to the abdominal cavity);
  • the occurrence of complications (risk of rupture of the formation or presence);
  • compression of neighboring organs by an overgrown formation.

Pain in this pathology is accompanied by additional symptoms. Its intensity may vary. The main symptom is a feeling of bloating and unpleasant heaviness in the abdomen. With muscle tension, its asymmetry can occur.

Pain occurs after physical exertion, before menstruation, during sexual intercourse or when urinating. Its localization depends on the location of the cyst and the diameter of the formation.

Accompany pathology may have the following symptoms:

  • deviations in the menstrual cycle (delayed menstruation, their irregularity);
  • discomfort at night (unpleasant pulling sensations appear in different parts of the abdomen);
  • difficulty urinating (may be accompanied by false urge to empty);
  • the appearance of bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • painful and profuse periods (if earlier they were meager and painless);
  • bouts of profuse or scanty vomiting and regular nausea (a sign appears in combination with general weakness of the body);
  • the appearance of signs of intoxication of the body (weakness, headaches, dizziness, chills, drowsiness, etc.);
  • wandering pain in different parts of the abdomen (discomfort radiates to the lower back, unclear localization, left or right side).

Where is the pain located?

The location of pain depends on many factors. An important role is played by the size of the formation, the presence of additional inflammatory processes and the degree of risk of complications.

The first pain sensations in most cases occur in the lower abdomen or in the side (left or right, depending on where it is).

If the growth of the cyst occurs at a rapid pace, then the pain may have a wandering character.

Discomfort of varying degrees of intensity occurs in adjacent areas of the body. May be pain:

characteristic sensations

When the cyst is torn

Cyst torsion occurs as a result of structural features of the neoplasm. The tumor may have peculiar leg. The ovary, in turn, is attached to the abdominal cavity with special ligaments.

An increase in the size of the cyst provokes its movement around its axis. The result of this process is the torsion of the ligaments of the ovary or the legs of the formation. This process is accompanied by pain sensations of varying intensity.

Pathology is the reason for the hospitalization of a woman and the elimination of the problem.

Pain features:

  • pathology provokes squeezing of blood vessels (impaired blood supply to the ovary causes pain);
  • with severe torsion, the process of necrosis of ovarian tissues begins (pathology cannot develop asymptomatically and is always accompanied by intense pain);
  • complete torsion causes not only an attack of pain, but also additional symptoms (nausea, vomiting, fever, drop in blood pressure, general weakness and sudden loss of consciousness).

When it breaks

Pain with a sudden rupture of the formation occurs abruptly and is spasmodic. In some cases, it is difficult for a woman to withstand an attack, and she may fall into a state of shock.

First, the pain occurs in the lower abdomen, and then spreads to its upper sections. The implementation of movements provokes the transition of pain to the lumbar region, back or pelvic region. These symptoms may occur after the rupture of the formation or shortly before.

Pain features:

  • pain is accompanied by tachycardia and changes in blood pressure;
  • an attack can cause loss of consciousness;
  • the nature of the pain is prolonged and intense.

What to do?

If pain suddenly arises, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In the event of severe spasms, it is recommended immediately call an ambulance. If complications are the cause of such a symptom, then timely and qualified medical care may be the only way to save a woman's life.

After the patient is admitted to the hospital, she is examined and identifying the cause the emerging state. Diagnostics is carried out by the following methods:

How to get rid of pain?

Measures to eliminate pain can only be taken when it is of low intensity or to alleviate the condition before the arrival of an ambulance (in emergency cases).

The presence of such a symptom indicates the development of complications. Medicines cannot eliminate them. Trying to get rid of the pain can endanger a woman's life. Painkillers relieve the condition, but does not solve the main problem that caused the pain.

The following medicines can be used to relieve pain:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nise);
  • drugs of the antispasmodic group (No-shpa, Spazmol, Duspatalin);
  • sedatives with a sedative effect (Afobazol, Mebikar).

If pain occurs, provoked by an ovarian cyst, it is necessary to provide the woman with peace. Physical activity should be excluded. Sudden movements can complicate the situation and cause premature rupture of the formation.

Internal bleeding increases risk of death female patients. An ambulance should be called immediately, even if the condition is relieved after taking painkillers.

Why does the stomach hurt with an ovarian cyst, Elena Malysheva will tell in her program:

Each disease can take place in a mild and complex form, accompanied by pain and require special attention. If an ovarian cyst has already been diagnosed, pain should be taken seriously. The disease itself has a positive prognosis, but if it starts to hurt, this may indicate complications.

A little about the disease

If we consider anatomical changes, a cyst is a neoplasm that has a rounded shape, thin walls and mucous filling. Dimensions, depending on neglect, can be from 1.5 cm to 20 cm.

The first periods are asymptomatic, but with an increase in size, signs of varying complexity appear:

  • Change in the course of menstruation - regularity, profusion;
  • Intensive excretion of urine;
  • Unpleasant sensations during sex;
  • stool problems;
  • Pain in the pelvic region;
  • An increase in the size of the abdomen, often unilateral;
  • Even small portions of food can give a feeling of a full stomach;
  • General weakness;
  • Nausea;
  • Periodically lack of orientation in space.

The causes of the disease are many, they are the most diverse, up to early menstruation. More often it is the result of surgery or endocrine dysfunction. Among the options is the use of oral contraceptive methods, since hormonal changes are included in the list of causes. There is a genetic predisposition, therefore, when collecting an anamnesis, questions are asked about the presence of the disease in relatives.

With incorrect or untimely treatment, the disease can become an obstacle to the birth of children, so you need to take seriously the choice of a specialist and, in the future, the implementation of his recommendations.

Causes of pain

You need to start with the fact that the pain can be permanent and acute. In the latter case, it is better to seek medical help quickly. Acute pain is most often characteristic of serious complications requiring urgent surgical intervention - rupture of the cyst or its twisting.

Ovarian cyst hurts and when:

  • the development of inflammatory processes;
  • acquiring too significant sizes, which causes disruption of the work of neighboring organs and tissues;
  • contact of the cyst with nerve endings and their squeezing;
  • atrophy of organ tissues;
  • oncological changes.

Pain relief

It should be recalled that the ovarian cyst is indeed treated with folk methods. Give good results herbal preparations, special diets. In addition, there are specially designed complexes of recreational gymnastics for this disease. But if the pain has already appeared, most likely, the use of all these possibilities is left behind, and serious medical care is no longer enough.

Pain with an ovarian cyst is a reason for the patient to urgently come to the attending gynecologist. Depending on the results of the examination, various treatments may be prescribed:

  • You can limit yourself to analgesics only if the patient is constantly monitored by a doctor, the pain appeared against the background of a decrease in the neoplasm.
  • Conservative therapy is indicated for a small cyst size, when processes complicating the course of the disease have not yet appeared. Thus, you can remove the inflammatory process and swelling of the tissues. In addition, medications help to gradually reduce the size of the cyst.
  • Physiotherapy procedures are auxiliary, but sometimes very effective. They cannot be carried out at home, since special equipment is used: heating, electrophoresis and magnetotherapy are carried out. During the period of remission, it is recommended to use spa treatment. There, patients are prescribed mud applications, a course of mineral waters.
  • Surgical intervention is indicated only in emergency conditions when:
  1. There are strong suspicions of a cancerous tumor;
  2. The cyst has become too large and can burst at any time or threaten with dysfunction of neighboring organs;
  3. There was a rupture of the neoplasm;
  4. There is a history of cyst torsion.

But even in this case, surgeons take care of the female body and try to save the ovary, choosing, if possible, the method of minimally invasive endoscopy.

Recovery period with hormonal therapy to prevent possible recurrence of the appearance of the cyst.

If the diagnosis is not made

If a woman has suspected symptoms, but she did not go to the doctor, it is necessary first of all to visit a gynecologist. When you visit, be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • name the symptoms that cause concern;
  • describe their intensity and approximate time of occurrence;
  • the nature of these sensations;
  • describe menstrual irregularities, how long they occur, in what form;
  • name all drugs that you have to take at the moment, including those related to contraception;
  • name the available gynecological diagnoses;
  • Is there any cancer in the family?

Naturally, in order to accurately answer questions, it is better to prepare in advance by making brief notes in writing. This will help to more accurately not only identify the disease, but also prescribe treatment.

After that, studies will be scheduled, including blood tests, smear, ultrasound, if necessary, MRI and laparoscopy.

It should be borne in mind that the ovary can hurt or other symptoms can be observed in the course of completely different diseases. There are a number of gynecological diseases that are similar in symptoms, but seriously differ in disorders in the body and treatment methods.

If studies do not find violations of the gynecological plan, studies are possible with a gastroenterologist, proctologist, endocrinologist. But in any case, you need to find out why it hurts, what hurts and start treatment. Pain is always indicative of serious disorders. This is its inherent function.

Preventive measures

In order to be able to be treated exclusively by conservative methods, it is necessary:

  • Conduct regular medical examinations and timely detect the disease. The survey period is 6 months.
  • In addition, special attention should be paid to examinations of women who have already been treated for this disease. Many types of cysts are prone to recurrence. Besides:
  • Avoid casual relationships, as inflammatory processes and infectious diseases are a provoking factor.
  • Adhere to a single temperature regime, avoiding hypothermia of the body and its overheating.
  • Use hormonal methods of contraception after consultation with your doctor.
  • Plan your personal life in such a way that there is no need for abortions.
  • If you are overweight, consult an endocrinologist to normalize hormonal levels.

These simple measures will help prevent major health problems and preserve reproductive function. After all, procreation is the main task and the greatest joy for every woman.

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