Diarrhea before death in old people. How does a person die of old age? Hearing, vision, perception problems

End-stage cancer is a sentence. The moment when doctors shrug their shoulders and admit defeat becomes the most terrible for loved ones. And here a dilemma arises - whether to inform the patient himself that there is no hope left? How to behave? Where to find strength for support? And how to help the patient to live the remaining time?

  • The very first thing worth remembering is freedom of choice. When we try to decide, even for a very close and beloved person, how he will react to this or that event, we take on more responsibility than we can afford. Everyone lives their own life. Therefore, if you are asking yourself whether it is worth reporting how much time is left, it is better to report. A person must decide for himself how he will spend this time. Perhaps he has plans and deeds that he put off until the last moment. Do not forget that a person himself knows that he is suffering from an illness that can be fatal. So he was already considering the possibility that he could die.
  • Second, be sincere in your emotions. There is nothing more frightening for a dying person than the cowardice of loved ones. If you understand that you cannot cope with emotions, connect a psychotherapist. The presence of a figure that is not included emotionally helps to maintain balance for everyone.
  • Third, don't avoid talking about death. If your loved one wants to talk - be there, talk to him about it. Death scares everyone. For a person who understands that he has a limited amount of time left to live, the thought of death haunts. Attempts by loved ones to distract only lead to the fact that the dying person withdraws into himself and plunges into his fear alone. Speaking from time to time his thoughts and feelings, he makes attempts to accept the inevitable.
  • Fourth, help him keep his dignity. If he does not want to see anyone, then do not insist. Death is rarely beautiful. Death from cancer is also painful. If your loved one asks to protect him from contacts - let him do it, take care of him.
  • Fifth, take care of yourself. If your loved one dies, you do not have to sit next to him around the clock. It is difficult to understand and comprehend. This phrase can cause anger, but being constantly around, you deprive yourself of the strength to support it. You “fall” into pity for yourself and for him. Periodically absenting yourself, allowing yourself to continue living, you save yourself and the patient from feelings of self-pity, feelings of guilt.
  • Sixth - if your loved one is ready, invite him to discuss his funeral and his disposal of property. Listen to all wishes. Give him the opportunity to feel that he can control something else and manage something. The funeral ceremony is a symbol. A symbol of transition to another existence, a symbol of farewell. Say goodbye to him the way he likes it.
  • Seventh - invite your loved one to write letters to those with whom he would like to say goodbye. Not just letters, but parting words that can remain even after death. Which will keep it in the memory of people.
  • Eighth - if the physical condition of the patient allows, try to fulfill his cherished desire.
  • Ninth - if you are believers, then let your loved one confess and take communion. Communicating with a confessor can help to cope with the fear of death and gain hope for the immortality of the soul.
  • Tenth - draw up for yourself a clear action plan for the time of the funeral and be sure after. The time after the funeral is the hardest. When you have a clear plan of action, at first you can just stick to its points. This creates a sense of control and security. The death of a loved one inevitably confronts us with the thought of our own vulnerability and mortality.

What can be expected and how to respond to the process of natural death.

No one can predict the moment of death. But the doctors and nurses who care for the dying know certain symptoms of the body dying. These signs of impending death are inherent in the process of natural dying (as opposed to the symptoms of certain illnesses that a person may suffer from).

Not all symptoms of dying show up in every person, but most people, in the last days or hours, show some combination of the following:

1. Loss of appetite

Energy needs are decreasing. The person may begin to resist or refuse to eat or drink at all, or take only small amounts of soft food (such as warm porridge). The first will probably give up meat that is difficult to chew. Even favorite foods are consumed in small quantities.

Just before death, the dying person may be physically unable to swallow.

Reaction: do not stuff; follow the person's desires even though you may be concerned about losing interest in food. Offer ice chips periodically ( so in the text - ice chips - I don't know what it is, translator's note,perevodika.ru), popsicles, or a sip of water. Use a moistened warm washcloth to wipe around your mouth and apply lip balm to keep them moist and supple.

2. Excessive fatigue and sleep

A person may begin to sleep for most of the day and night as the metabolism slows down and the reduced amount of food and water contributes to dehydration. It becomes difficult to awaken him or her from sleep. Fatigue intensifies so much that understanding, perception of the environment begins to become clouded.

Response: let sleep, do not wake or push the sleeping person. Assume that everything you say can be heard, as hearing is believed to persist even when the person is unconscious, in a coma, or otherwise unresponsive.

3. Increasing physical weakness

Decreased diet and lack of energy lead to a lack of physical strength to perform even such actions as lifting the head or moving on the bed. The person may have difficulty even taking a sip of water through a straw.

Response: Focus on making the person comfortable.

4. Clouding of consciousness or disorientation

All organs, including the brain, begin to gradually fail. Higher consciousness tends to change. "Only in rare cases do people remain fully conscious when they die," says palliative care physician Ira Biok, author of Dying Well.

A person may not know, not understand where he or she is, or who else is in the room, may talk to or answer people who are not in the room (see "Passing Away: What to Expect When Witnessing a Loved One" s Death" - "Death: what to expect, being present at the death of a loved one"), may say seemingly meaningless things, may mix up tenses, or may become restless and begin to pick at bedding.

Response: Stay calm and comforting. Talk to the person gently, and identify yourself when you approach.

5. Difficulty breathing

Inhalation and exhalation become intermittent, irregular, and labored. You can hear the specific "Cheyne-Stokes breathing": a loud, deep breath, then a pause without breathing (apnea) lasting from five seconds to a minute, then a loud, deep exhalation and the cycle slowly repeats.

Sometimes excessive secretions cause loud throat sounds when inhaling and exhaling, what some people call a "death rattle."

Reaction: Stopping breathing or loud wheezing may cause alarm in those present, but the dying person is not aware of this altered breathing; focus on total comfort. Positions that may help: head or upper body, well supported, slightly raised on a pillow, or head or body lying, tilted slightly to one side. Wipe your mouth with a damp cloth and moisten your lips with lip balm or petroleum jelly.

If there is a lot of phlegm, allow it to drain naturally from the mouth, as its selection may increase salivation. A humidifier in the room can help. Some people are given oxygen for comfort. Be calm, indicate your presence by stroking your hand or speaking soft words.

6. Withdrawal

As the body fails, the dying person may gradually lose interest in their surroundings. He or she may begin to mumble something unintelligible, or stop talking, stop answering questions, or simply turn away.

Sometimes, a few days before withdrawing into himself for the last time, a dying person can amaze his loved ones with an unexpected burst of unsettling attention. This can take less than an hour or a whole day.

Reaction: Know that this is a natural part of the dying process and not a reflection of your relationship. Show your physical presence by touching the dying person and if you feel the need, the need, then continue to speak without demanding an answer. if it feels appropriate without demanding anything back. Treasure these moments of unsettling attention if and when they happen, because they are almost always fleeting.

7. Changes in urination

A small entry (as the person loses interest in eating and drinking) means a small exit. Low blood pressure, part of the process of death (and therefore untreated in this case like other symptoms), also contributes to kidney failure. Concentrated urine is brownish, reddish, or tea-colored.

In the later stages of dying, loss of bladder and bowel control may occur.

Response: Hospice caregivers sometimes decide that a catheter is needed, although not in the final hours of life. Kidney failure can increase the presence of toxins in the blood and contribute to a peaceful coma before death. Add a mattress topper, put on new sheets.

8. Swelling of the legs and ankles

Since the kidneys are not able to excrete fluid, it can accumulate in parts of the body far from the heart - especially in the legs and ankles. These places, and sometimes also the hands and face, may swell and become swollen.

Response: When the tumor appears to be directly related to the death process, usually no specific treatment (eg, diuretics) is given. (The tumor is the result of the natural death process, not its cause.)

9. Cooling hands and feet

Hours or minutes before death, circulation to the periphery of the body stops to help the vital organs and therefore the limbs (hands, feet, fingers and toes) become cold. The nail beds may also look pale or bluish.

Response: A warm blanket will help the person stay warm until he or she forgets. A person may complain of heaviness in the legs, so leave them uncovered.

10 Spotted Veins

One of the latest signs of approaching death is that skin that has been uniformly pale or ashen develops many purplish/reddish/bluish patches. This is the result of reduced blood circulation. The first spots may appear on the soles of the feet.

Response: No special steps need to be taken.

Note: In different people, these common signs of impending death may appear in different sequences and in different combinations. If a person is on life support (respirator, feeding tube), the process of dying may be different. The signs of death listed here describe the process of natural death.

Sadly, but any human life sooner or later comes to an end. And even the latest developments of scientists in this matter are unlikely to be able to invent an elixir of immortality in the near future. Therefore, each of us at least once wondered how exactly death would find him and what sensations there would be.

To date, many studies have been carried out that can shed light on some issues, but not all, since the process of passing away occurs in different ways, someone due to old age, and someone leaves this world due to a serious illness . However, it should be noted that the symptoms of an approaching death, as a rule, are similar and relate to a change in the emotional and physical state of a person.

Let's take a look at some of them:

  • a person has constant drowsiness and weakness throughout the body, the time of a vigorous state approaches zero, a decline in energy occurs;
  • the respiratory rate changes, namely, rapid breathing changes to weakened;
  • there is a change in visual and auditory perception, hallucinations can be observed;
  • the appetite disappears, the excretory organs function with disturbances: the color of the urine becomes close to brown or red, the stool is irregular with frequent delays;
  • the temperature varies from very high to below normal;
  • there is an apathetic state and an indifferent reaction to everything around.

Signs of imminent death and how to alleviate the suffering of the dying

The cause of approaching death depends on the disease that the sick person suffers. At this stage, relatives should find out from the doctor a further picture of the course of the disease and clarify all possible consequences in order to be ready for anything.

It should also be clarified about possible methods for alleviating severe symptoms in the last days of a dying person. The more information you have, the better prepared you will be for that sad moment.

Be that as it may, the main task of close people is to be close to the dying, communicate frankly with him and forgive each other in order to let him go to another world with peace of mind.

It is not customary to talk about death out loud in our time. This is a very touchy subject and not for the faint of heart. But there are times when knowledge is very useful, especially if there is an elderly person with cancer or a bedridden person at home. After all, it helps to mentally prepare for the inevitable end and notice the changes taking place in time. Let's discuss the signs of death of the patient together and pay attention to their key features.

Most often, signs of imminent death are classified into primary and secondary. Some develop as a consequence of others. It is logical that if a person began to sleep more, then he eats less, etc. We will consider all of them. But, cases may be different and exceptions to the rules are acceptable. As well as variants of a normal median survival rate, even with a symbiosis of terrible signs of a change in the patient's condition. This is a kind of miracle that happens at least once in a century.

Changing sleep and wake patterns

Discussing the initial signs of impending death, doctors agree that the patient has less and less time to stay awake. He is more often immersed in superficial sleep and seems to be dozing. This saves precious energy and less pain is felt. The latter fades into the background, becoming, as it were, background. Of course, the emotional side suffers greatly.

The paucity of expressing one's feelings, the isolation in oneself, the desire to be silent more than to speak, leave an imprint on relationships with others. There is no desire to ask and answer any questions, to be interested in everyday life and people around.

As a result, in advanced cases, patients become apathetic and detached. They sleep almost 20 hours a day if there is no acute pain and serious irritants. Unfortunately, such an imbalance threatens with stagnant processes, mental problems and accelerates death.


Edema appears on the lower extremities.

Very reliable signs of death are swelling and the presence of spots on the legs and arms. We are talking about malfunctions of the kidneys and circulatory system. In the first case, with oncology, the kidneys do not have time to cope with toxins and they poison the body. At the same time, metabolic processes are disturbed, blood is redistributed unevenly in the vessels, forming areas with spots. It is not for nothing that they say that if such marks appear, then we are talking about complete dysfunction of the limbs.

Hearing, vision, perception problems

The first signs of death are a change in hearing, vision and a normal sense of what is happening around. Such changes can be against the background of severe pain, oncological lesions, stagnation of blood or tissue death. Often, before death, a phenomenon with pupils can be observed. The eye pressure drops and you can see how the pupil deforms like a cat when you press it.
Hearing is all relative. It can recover in the last days of life or even worsen, but this is already more agony.

Decreased need for food

Deterioration of appetite and sensitivity are signs of imminent death.

When a cancer patient is at home, all relatives notice signs of death. She gradually refuses food. First, the dose is reduced from a plate to a quarter of a saucer, and then the swallowing reflex gradually disappears. There is a need for nutrition through a syringe or tube. In half of the cases, a system with glucose and vitamin therapy is connected. But the effectiveness of such support is very low. The body is trying to use up its own fat stores and minimize waste. From this, the general condition of the patient worsens, drowsiness and shortness of breath appear.

Urination disorders and problems with natural needs

It is believed that problems with going to the toilet are also signs of approaching death. No matter how ridiculous it may seem, but in reality there is a completely logical chain in this. If a bowel movement is not carried out every two days or with the regularity to which a person is accustomed, then feces accumulate in the intestines. Even stones can form. As a result, toxins are absorbed from them, which seriously poison the body and reduce its performance.
Roughly the same story with urination. The kidneys are harder to work. They pass less and less fluid and as a result, urine comes out saturated. It has a high concentration of acids and even blood is noted. For relief, a catheter can be installed, but this is not a panacea against the general background of unpleasant consequences for a bedridden patient.

Problems with thermoregulation

Weakness is a sign of imminent death

Natural signs before the death of the patient are a violation of thermoregulation and agony. The extremities begin to get very cold. Especially if the patient has paralysis, then we can even talk about the progress of the disease. The circle of blood circulation is reduced. The body fights for life and tries to maintain the efficiency of the main organs, thereby depriving the limbs. They can turn pale and even become cyanotic with venous spots.

Weakness of the body

Signs of imminent death can be different for everyone, depending on the situation. But most often, we are talking about severe weakness, weight loss and general fatigue. There comes a period of self-isolation, which is aggravated by internal processes of intoxication and necrosis. The patient cannot even raise his hand or stand on a duck for natural needs. The process of urination and defecation can occur spontaneously and even unconsciously.

Clouded mind

Many see signs of impending death in the disappearance of the patient's normal reaction to the world around him. He can become aggressive, nervous, or vice versa - very passive. Memory disappears and attacks of fear on this basis may be noted. The patient does not immediately understand what is happening and who is nearby. In the brain, the areas responsible for thinking die off. And there may be obvious inadequacy.


This is a protective reaction of all vital systems in the body. Often, it is expressed in the onset of stupor or coma. The main role is played by the regression of the nervous system, which causes in the future:
- decreased metabolism
- insufficient ventilation of the lungs due to respiratory failures or alternating rapid breathing with a stop
- serious tissue damage


Agony is characteristic of the last minutes of a person's life

Agony is usually called a clear improvement in the patient's condition against the background of destructive processes in the body. In fact, this is the last effort in order to maintain the necessary functions for the continuation of existence. It may be noted:
- improved hearing and vision
- adjusting the rhythm of breathing
- normalization of heart contractions
- recovery of consciousness in the patient
- muscle activity by type of convulsions
- decreased sensitivity to pain
The agony can last from a few minutes to an hour. Usually, it seems to portend clinical death, when the brain is still alive, and oxygen stops flowing into the tissues.
These are typical signs of death in bedridden patients. But don't dwell too much on them. After all, there may be another side of the coin. It happens that one or two of these signs are simply a consequence of the disease, but they are quite reversible with proper care. Even a hopelessly bedridden patient may not have all these signs before death. And this is not an indicator. So it's hard to talk about commitment.

Reflections on the theme of life and death have always occupied the human mind. Before the development of science, one had to be content with only religious explanations, now medicine is able to explain many processes that occur in the body at the end of life. But here's what a dying person or a person in a coma feels before death, until it comes out exactly. Of course, some data is available thanks to the stories of survivors, but it cannot be argued that these impressions will be completely analogous to the sensations during a real death.

Death - what does a person feel before it?

All experiences that can occur at the moment of loss of life can be divided into physical and mental. In the first group, everything will depend on the cause of death, so let's consider what they feel in front of her in the most common cases.

  1. Drowning. First there is laryngospasm due to water entering the lungs, and when it begins to fill the lungs, there is a burning sensation in the chest. Then consciousness goes away from the lack of oxygen, the person feels calm, then the heart stops and brain death occurs.
  2. blood loss. If a large artery is damaged, it takes several seconds for death to occur, it is possible that the person does not even have time to feel pain. If not so large vessels are damaged, and no help is provided, then the process of dying will drag on for several hours. At this time, in addition to panic, shortness of breath and thirst will be felt, after the loss of 2 liters out of 5, loss of consciousness will occur.
  3. Heart attack. Severe prolonged or recurring pain in the chest area, which is a consequence of oxygen deficiency. Pain can spread to the arms, throat, abdomen, lower jaw and back. Also, a person feels nauseous, shortness of breath and cold sweat appear. Death does not come instantly, so with timely help it can be avoided.
  4. Fire. Strong pain from burns gradually subsides with an increase in their area due to damage to nerve endings and the release of adrenaline, after which pain shock occurs. But most often, before death in a fire, they feel the same as with a lack of oxygen: burning and severe pain in the chest, there may be nausea, severe drowsiness and short-term activity, then paralysis and loss of consciousness occur. This is because in fires they usually die from carbon monoxide and smoke.
  5. Falling from height. Here they can be different depending on the final damage. Most often, when falling from 145 meters or more, death occurs within minutes after landing, so there is a chance that adrenaline will blur all other sensations. A lower height and the nature of the landing (hit your head or legs - there is a difference) can reduce the number of injuries and give hope for life, in this case the spectrum of sensations will be wider, and the main one will be pain.

As you can see, often before death, pain is either completely absent or significantly reduced due to adrenaline. But he cannot explain why the patient before death does not feel pain before death, if the process of leaving for another world was not fast. It often happens that seriously ill patients get out of bed on their last day, begin to recognize their relatives and feel a surge of strength. Doctors explain this by a chemical reaction to the injected drugs or by the mechanism of the body's surrender to the disease. In this case, all protective barriers fall, and the forces that went to fight the disease are released. As a result of disabled immunity, death occurs faster, and the person feels better for a short time.

State of clinical death

Now let's look at what impressions the psyche "gives" during parting with life. Here, the researchers rely on stories that have passed the state of clinical death. All impressions can be divided into the following 5 groups.

  1. Fear. Patients report a feeling of overwhelming terror, a sense of persecution. Some say they saw coffins, had to go through a burning ceremony, tried to swim out.
  2. Bright light. He is not always, as in the famous cliché, at the end of the tunnel. Some felt that they were in the center of the glow, and then it subsided.
  3. Images of animals or plants. People saw real and fantastic living creatures, but at the same time they experienced a sense of peace.
  4. Relatives. Other joyful sensations are associated with the fact that patients saw loved ones, sometimes dead.
  5. Deja vu, top view. Often people said that they knew exactly about subsequent events, and they happened. Also, other senses were often heightened, the impression of time was distorted, and a feeling of separation from the body was observed.

Scientists believe that all this is closely related to a person's worldview: deep religiosity can give the impression of communicating with saints or God, and an enthusiastic gardener will rejoice at the sight of blooming apple trees. But to say what a person feels in a coma before death is much more difficult. Perhaps his feelings will be similar to the above. But it is worth remembering about the different types of such a state, which can provide different experiences. Obviously, when brain death is recorded, the patient will no longer see anything, but other cases are the subject of study. For example, a group of researchers from the United States tried to communicate with patients in a coma and assessed brain activity. A reaction arose to some stimuli, as a result, it turned out to receive signals that could be interpreted as monosyllabic answers. Probably, in the event of death from such a situation, a person can experience different states, only their degree will be lower, since many functions of the body are already impaired.

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