Why dream of great height and fear. Height: why dream

In dreams, everything is literally riddled with riddles, hints, secrets.

Sometimes dreams have everyday, everyday plots, and sometimes the symbols and signs are so bright and specific that immediately after waking up you want to interpret and find out the secret - what does the dream promise?

One such striking symbol is height. A sign that can promise a lot - both good and desirable, and disturbing. Heights are different, and someone experiences fear and fear, sometimes even panic, and someone, on the contrary, cravings for heights and euphoria from being above the ground.

Height in dreams can be a symbol of reaching heights in reality, it can indicate the dreamer's ambitions or his fear of serious decisions and actions, or it can hint at mistakes and warn of something. It depends on the details of the "high-rise" dream, and these details can be as follows:

  • You fall in dreams from a great height.
  • Stand high above the ground, fearful of falling.
  • You fell to the ground from a height.
  • You are on the roof of a building.
  • Are you going to jump down in your sleep.
  • Fly on an airplane.
  • Stand on a high tower, on the observation deck.
  • Be in a dream on a high mountain.
  • Skydiving in dreams.
  • Watching someone fall from a height.
  • Look down from a height calmly, without fear, with pleasure.

All these "high-altitude" dreams can carry different emotions to the dreamer, but the main thing is that they carry different meanings, and sometimes very important ones. Remember not only the details of your dream, but also the emotions that you experienced - this will also help you understand the dream in the right way, and make the right decision in reality.

Fall or fly...

In order to explain why the height is dreaming, the dream book should be asked the right question, given everything that happens in dreams. Where exactly the dreamer had to be, what to experience at the same time - all this is extremely important for the interpretation of the "high-rise" dream.

1. Falling in dreams from a great height, flying down, experiencing fear - this can be a serious shake-up and scare, but it does not promise any disaster. This indicates that the dreamer sets himself in reality too serious, sometimes impossible tasks.

You are probably putting too much on your own shoulders, demanding the simply impossible from yourself - you should not do this, slow down. Set realistic goals and goals, accomplish them calmly and confidently, and then set the next ones.

2. T what kind of dream in which height seriously scares you, you experience terrible fear and panic - a hint that you are not only too demanding of yourself, but also too critical. Again, the interpreter recommends being more realistic, soberly assessing one's own strengths, and setting tasks according to one's capabilities.

3. Falling to the ground in a dream from any height is a good sign, it portends you to overcome obstacles. If now some goal seems unattainable to you, be sure that you will overcome everything and reach great heights.

4. As the dream book says, the height below you, if you are standing on the roof of a building, indicates your ambitions. You plan a lot, and perhaps even talk about your plans, but you do little. It's time to use your strength and start to act actively.

5. If in your dreams you not only stood at the top, high above the ground, but also intended to jump down, such a dream may indicate your desire or readiness to leave your usual life.

Change, for example, a noisy city to calmness, to do something more measured. A reassessment of life awaits you, and perhaps you will radically change a lot by understanding what your heart wants.

6. Flying in dreams high in the clouds on an airplane or other flying vehicle is a hint of your habit of building ghostly dreams and hopes, sand castles. Be more realistic, evaluate life more soberly in order to avoid disappointment.

7. Were you dreaming on a high tower? A high position or an attractive new position awaits you. In any case, boldly expect recognition and honor, you will soon deserve it.

8. Standing on a high mountain in a dream is a wonderful sign. You will achieve something very serious, make a breakthrough, and you will reap the fruits of your achievements for a long time. So now work with firm confidence that it is not in vain.

9. If you jumped in your dreams with a parachute, you clearly lack some sharp or just fresh sensations. You are probably spinning in everyday life for too long, you are used to routine, and your soul asks for vivid experiences, shake-ups.

10. Watching someone fall from a height in dreams means experiencing a reassessment of values. Someone's experience or example will make you think very seriously about your own life, about goals and dreams, and you will want to change a lot in your usual reality.

11. If you looked from a height in a dream calmly, without fear, or even with pleasure, know that you will soon achieve incredible heights and take a high position and honors with dignity. It's fine!

“High-altitude” dreams are an occasion to carefully think about your life, look at your daily actions and deeds, and listen to your own heart. What does it want, and do you live like that, are you moving there?

You build your own reality, remember this, and do not let circumstances rule your life - and amazing heights will await you. Author: Vasilina Serova

Even in ancient times, people are trying to unravel the secrets of dreams, or rather, what kind of information load they carry. The experience of the ancestors was set forth in numerous dream books, which today make it possible to interpret completely different dreams.

Why dream of height and fear of falling?

Most often, such a dream is the personification of self-doubt. It's time to cast aside all doubts and move towards the goal. In one of the dream books, the fear of heights is a symbol that prophesies changes in life. A dream in which a person is at a height and is afraid to fall indicates a desire to break the law. If the dreamer falls from a height and experiences strong fear, it means that he will soon encounter problems, but do not worry, because by overcoming them, you will be able to achieve good results.

It is important to figure out what the fear of heights is for people who, on the contrary, love extreme sports in real life, and they don’t have it. In this case, such a dream may mean that a person simply does not have enough freedom. Maybe someone from the inner circle constantly controls or indicates what should be done. The dream book says that it's time to get rid of the shackles. Even such a dream can personify the need for rest. We will find out what the fear of heights is in a dream for people who are currently facing a serious choice. A similar plot can be taken as a recommendation that you should pull yourself together and make an important decision.

Now let's find out why people who have such a phobia in ordinary life dream about in front of a height. In most cases, such a plot means that you should not set yourself huge goals. It is important to think over your every step and not build castles in the air. Another such night vision can be considered advice that you do not need to be too demanding of yourself.

Anchor points:

The meaning of "high" dreams

A dreamed height can become a symbol of the fact that you always achieve what you want. However, the dream in which you fell from a height warns of illness. Did someone else fall in your dream? It means that troubles threaten your relatives, close people. As a result of the fall, you crashed - your hopes are not given to come true, if someone else died in a fall from a height - do not take risks in vain, the risk during this period will not be justified. You have reached the height which allows you to touch the stars, which means that now is the moment favorable for all undertakings. If you admired the heavenly heights, then a joyful event awaits you. To material wealth, there is a dream in which you aspired, rose in height in absolutely any way. You saw in a dream how climbers conquer - this dream means your timidity, even cowardice. Competitors in reaching the goal, guarantees a dream in which you climbed up not alone. Soaring above the ground at high altitude is a resounding success. During the ascent, something interfered with you - it means that you have to work hard to achieve your goal - there will be constant interference and obstacles. Being at a height, you felt an unstable support under you, a swaying surface - such a dream speaks of your instability, you are unsteady on your feet.

You, being on top, experienced a feeling of fear- you should be more responsible and serious, otherwise you may soon face the letter of the law. If you feel comfortable and free, you will soon achieve success in your career. To observe what is happening below from a height means to be a stubborn and hardworking person.

Height is a subject of fear and adoration for many people. There is a huge number of lovers of skydiving, flying on an airplane. And no less than those who bypass high buildings, will not go to the balcony in someone else's apartment, will avoid traveling by plane to the end. Height is both exciting and scary at the same time. Height in a dream can be both a sign of great achievements, and a harbinger of decline in business, ruin, and so on. To figure out why the height is dreaming, it is necessary to analyze the entire dream in detail.

  • Why dream of height? Each person has individual reasons. Someone dreams of heights because they are waiting for their first flight on an airplane, and someone sees heights because they are close to achieving their goals.
  • Why are you afraid of heights in a dream? This may be dictated by a real fear of heights or a fear of change that will force a person to leave their comfort zone and change their usual way of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: height in a dream portends great success in business, acquaintance with influential people who will help you in acquiring material wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: height is a symbol of your achievements, ambitions and desires. You have a long road to success, but you will get there.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a height portends the appearance of rivals at work and in your personal life, which will force you to resort to aggressive actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a height promises the beginning of spiritual growth. You will be interested in practices that will allow you to take a different look at this world.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a height means that you still do not have enough strength to start great things.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping from a height promises changes in life, a change of residence, a change in image, a new circle of friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: fear of heights symbolizes your modesty and indecision. These qualities can prevent you from being successful in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: high altitude in a dream reflects your ambitions in reality. The details of the dream will tell you whether you are destined to realize your desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: being afraid of heights means that you need to be active in order to conquer your fears and open up to new opportunities.
  • Dream Interpretation: crashing from a height portends the collapse of plans and the destruction of hopes. Use these unpleasant circumstances to become stronger and wiser.
  • Dream Interpretation: a jump from a height symbolizes your desire to become independent and free. Remember that your possibilities are endless and you can always change your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: looking from a height means that you have achieved or will soon achieve everything you wanted. After that, you will be able to deservedly reap the fruits of your labor.

Autumn dream book

  • What is the dream of height? Such a dream suggests that you are a very insecure person. If you stay like this, you are unlikely to be able to succeed in life.
  • Why dream of jumping from a height? A dream in which you jump from a height means that you are tired of everyday life and want something new and interesting. Try to start small and master a business that interests you.
  • Why dream of height and fear? Those complications that are present in your life now will soon turn into great success in your life.
  • The dream book “what the height is dreaming of” is interpreted as the probability of an early air travel to another country.
  • Why dream of a child falling from a height? If you see someone else's child falling from a height, difficulties and dangerous situations await you that will test your strength.
  • Why dream of sitting at a height? Your ability to make the right contacts will help you achieve great business success and get rich quick.
  • Why dream of a huge height? The dream symbolizes your plans and ambitions. The higher the height you see, the bigger and bigger your plans for life are. Whether they come true or not - will help determine the details of sleep.
  • Why dream of hanging at a height? The dream portends problems in life that will be difficult to solve without outside help. Do not reject the help offered to you, otherwise you may regret it very much.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling in a dream from a height promises adverse events in life, loss of trust in friends and family, material difficulties.
  • The dream of “falling in a dream from a great height” portends drastic changes in life that will destroy everything familiar and comfortable.
  • The dream “a person falls from a height” means that your friend will need your advice in a difficult life situation.
  • The interpretation of dreams “height” comes down to the following: you will be able to break through to success, realize yourself in life and do what you love.
  • The dream of “a man falling from a height” portends problems with your close friends that you will be able to solve.
  • The dream of “falling into water from a height” promises problems and difficulties from which you will be able to hide. (cm. )
  • The dream of "being on top" portends the achievement of one's goals, the emergence of useful acquaintances.
  • The dream of "jumping from a height" portends an acquaintance with a person who will radically change your life. Don't resist change, you'll love it.
  • The dream of “sitting at a height in a dream” suggests that you are absolutely satisfied with your life and do not seek to change something in it.
  • The dream of “falling into water from a height” portends help from strangers in a difficult situation.
  • What does sleep mean when you fall from a height? Such a dream portends a stop in business, a decline in mood and a lack of energy.
  • The dream of “seeing the city from a height” portends a long business trip, leaving your hometown for a long time.
  • The dream of "diving into the water from a height" means that you will soon take the plunge and start a new life.
  • The dream of “being scared of heights in a dream” promises a loss in an important matter due to your indecision.
  • Dream Interpretation: fear of heights in a dream means that it’s hard for you to leave your comfort zone and go on an adventure.
  • What does it mean to fall from a height in a dream? Such a dream promises temporary problems at work, deterioration in relationships with people. Watch your words carefully and you can avoid many problems.
  • A dream about fear of heights and overcoming fear suggests that you will be able to cope with all the tasks that life will prepare for you.
  • A dream about falling from a height tells you to be more careful in starting business and new projects. They are unlikely to end well.
  • Why dream of a fear of heights in a dream? Such a dream suggests that you have sat up in the old place and it would be time to change it.
  • The interpretation of the “fall from a height” dream boils down to the following: you should be more attentive to new acquaintances. They can harm you and ruin your reputation.
  • The dream of "falling from a height to the ground" means that you have not done enough to get the desired result. Prepare the foundation for building a sustainable future.
  • The dream of “seeing the sea from above” means that soon you will be given a huge number of opportunities that it will be important not to miss. They will help you become successful and fulfilled.
  • To see a fall from a height: the dream book interprets this dream as a desire to take possession of other people's property, to appropriate easy money.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see how people fall from a height - you have to witness someone's death.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a height to the ground - you missed a good opportunity to start a new life and now you must rebuild your future.
  • Dream Interpretation: is on top - wealth and recognition are already in a hurry to you. Be patient and carefully respond to what is happening.
  • Dream Interpretation: sitting on top is now the best time to start a new business, find a new goal in life, or take up a new hobby.
  • Dream Interpretation: to fall from a height - the excessive self-confidence inherent in you will bring decline and decline.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a person fall from a height - be ready to help a loved one in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping from a height to the ground - you will want new experiences because of which you will take a big risk.
  • Dream Interpretation: jump from a height into the water - new feelings will overwhelm you and make you forget about everything.
  • Dream Interpretation: flying down from a height - your energy is now at zero, so it’s better not to start new things, but to finish old ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: fear of heights in a dream means that you are afraid of everything new and unknown, and strive only for proven and familiar places.

Spring dream book

  • What is the dream of "height" for? If you dream of height, you will be able to fulfill your main dream.
  • Why dream of a great height? Seeing yourself standing at a great height portends the risk of getting a serious illness that will be difficult to cure.
  • Why dream of "looking from above"? Such a dream suggests that you will be able to achieve your goals without spending a lot of energy. Plan your day in advance and clearly prioritize. Then you will succeed.
  • Why dream of people falling from a height? The dream portends a loss of control over your life and the events taking place in it. Probably, soon a black streak will come in your life that will need to be overcome.
  • Why dream of jumping from a height? Very soon, you will decide to reconsider your life goals and begin the journey of a radical lifestyle change.
  • Why dream of descending from a height? Your preoccupation with current affairs prevents you from enjoying life and its beautiful moments. Give yourself time to rest and relax.
  • Why dream of jumping from a great height? You will want to change your life dramatically and update the list of friends and acquaintances.
  • Why dream of climbing to a height? The dream suggests that you will be able to achieve great professional success thanks to your eloquence and hard work.
  • Why dream of a fear of heights in a dream? The dream is a symbol of your modesty and fear of innovation. You are afraid to step out of your comfort zone and deprive yourself of the wonderful opportunities of life.
  • The dream "great height" speaks of the heights that you can achieve if you work hard.
  • The dream of “standing on top” portends the successful completion of the project, the achievement of new heights and goals.
  • Dream Interpretation: fear of heights in a dream portends a stop in business due to your insecurity and complexes. Find a way to overcome doubt and the sun will shine on your life again.
  • The dream “a child falls from a height” means that you are not devoting enough time to your child. The dream "the child fell from a height" tells you that the lack of attention to your child will negatively affect him in the near future.
  • Seeing a person falling from a height in a dream portends you getting into a situation where you can show off your mind and erudition.
  • Seeing a height in a dream portends new opportunities for acquiring material wealth, it is important not to miss them.
  • The dream "sea from above" is a symbol of new opportunities that will open up for you if you are more open to people. (cm. )
  • The "flying from above" dream tells you to acquire a wider social circle if you want to achieve something in life.
  • The dream of "falling from a height and breaking" promises the betrayal of friends, ruin and the complete collapse of plans. The positive is that you will be able to start life anew and rehabilitate after the defeat.
  • The dream “almost fell from a height” suggests that you will be able to avoid difficulties and dangerous situations thanks to your ingenuity and intelligence.
  • To dream of a person falling from a height means that you are energetic enough to come to the aid of another person if necessary.
  • The dream of “jumping into water from a height” promises a sharp jump in life that will change your life.
  • In a dream, rolling from a height promises a bad mood and a decline in business. Because of your temper, you will make a lot of mistakes that you will regret.
  • The dream book interprets the interpretation of dreams “falling from a height” as the need for finances, the ordinary course of life, boring tasks and everyday chores.
  • The interpretation of dreams “stuck at a height” boils down to this: you have achieved such great success that now you don’t know where to go next.
  • The dream of “falling from a height, but getting out” predicts getting into a delicate situation from which you can get out thanks to your dexterity.
  • Jumping into the sea from a height in a dream promises the appearance of a person who will make you experience a whole gamut of feelings from love to hate.
  • Dream Interpretation: hang at a height - despite the fact that you have achieved significant success, relax early. Your opponents are building insidious plans for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: diving into the water from a height - you are so bored alone that you are now ready to throw yourself into the arms of the first person you meet, not knowing where it will lead.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping down from a height is successful - you can safely start big things. Difficulties are left behind, it is only necessary to carefully check all the information.
  • night from a height - you will receive a lucrative job offer, but you will have to leave your home for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: “elevator height” - riding to the top in an elevator means that soon you will run into a person who will help you get out of poverty.
  • The dream interpretation of dreams “falling from a height” gives the following: you have to go through many problems before you can again live a full life.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping into the sea from a height - you will need tremendous willpower so as not to run away from problems and not make mistakes.
  • Dream Interpretation: to experience fear of heights - you are afraid to take the first step, because you are afraid of being rejected.
  • Dream Interpretation: mom fell from a height - your mom will need your attention and support in a difficult life period.
  • Dream Interpretation: to be afraid of heights in a dream - you are too shy and this prevents you from achieving what you want.

Summer dream book

  • Why dream that you are standing on top? Thanks to your hard work, you will be able to complete what you started and achieve the desired heights.
  • Why dream of being "afraid of heights"? Such a dream suggests that you underestimate your talents and capabilities. Moderate exactingness in relation to yourself and to people. This will make your life much easier.
  • Why dream of standing on top? A dream portends the fulfillment of desires, the achievement of goals. Likely to receive a job offer from the field of politics.
  • What is the dream of "a child fell from a height"? If until now you have not given enough time to the child, in the near future the situation will change dramatically. You will find yourself in a situation where you will have to devote a lot of time to your baby.
  • Why dream of height and fear of falling? Your excessive modesty will prevent you from succeeding in life and expanding your circle of useful acquaintances.
  • Why dream of being at a height? A dream portends a major advancement in life that will help you do what you love and not worry about the material side of life.
  • What is the dream of height and? You will be able to achieve great heights in life and move to a higher standard of living.
  • Why dream of falling from a height? The business that you started will be doomed to failure due to poor thinking through the details.
  • The dream of “falling from a height in a dream” portends difficulties in business that will arise due to your inattention. To avoid them, carefully check all the information you receive.
  • What is the dream of "height" for? A dream means that soon you will be able to achieve what you want easily and without much effort.
  • Crashing in a dream from a height promises the collapse of affairs, but this will help you strengthen your willpower and develop patience for difficulties.
  • The “jump from a height” dream means that new goals and new people will appear in your life, which will make you forget about the old life.
  • Going down from a height in a dream promises getting rid of a heavy load of problems. You will again be ready to reach new heights in life.
  • A dream about height promises wealth and inspiration to achieve goals. Use your talents to get what you want.
  • The dream of “climbing to a height” means an early fulfillment of desires, obtaining a cherished position, mastering a new professional height.
  • Dream Interpretation: being afraid to fall from a height in a dream promises indecision in business, suffering from unhappy love.
  • The dream “height is fear of falling” means that it’s hard for you to leave your comfort zone and start a new life because of the fear of repeated betrayal.
  • The dream of “falling down from a height” portends a decline in business, a deterioration in relations with loved ones. You will be able to turn the situation in your favor if you are more tolerant.
  • What does the dream "fall from a height" mean? Perhaps now is not the best time to start new business and make plans for the future. Take care of current worries and affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: fear of heights in a dream means that you risk missing out on a good chance in life due to your indecision.
  • In a dream, falling from a height to the ground means that your overconfidence will play a cruel joke on you and force you to submit to circumstances.
  • The dream “a friend fell from a height” means that in the near future your friend will need your support and help, for which he will be very grateful. (cm. )
  • Why dream of a fear of heights in a dream? Such a dream portends the rejection of everything that can bring you the slightest discomfort.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping from a height into the water promises you the emergence of new opportunities for development and enrichment.
  • Dream Interpretation: a person’s fall from a height predicts the appearance of people who may need your help and knowledge.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping down from a height portends a change in lifestyle, new acquaintances, new interests.
  • Dream Interpretation: "height, fear of falling" symbolizes your reluctance to start something new and learn new things.
  • Dream Interpretation: a child fell from a height - such a dream portends health problems in your child. If you don’t have your own child, take a closer look at your health, problems may arise in the female part.
  • Dream Interpretation: fear of heights is a sign that you are too modest and this prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest.
  • Dream Interpretation: standing on top means that very soon you will achieve unprecedented success in your business.
  • Dream Interpretation: “I stand on top” - a well-deserved triumph awaits you after hard work.
  • Dream Interpretation: descending from a height means that you will want to give your life under someone else's control and calmly go with the flow.
  • A person falls from a height: the dream book interprets this dream as the probability of soon getting into a situation where a lot will depend on you.
  • The dream interpretation interpretation of “falling from a height” uses the following: circumstances will force you to give up your desires due to an emergency.
  • Dream Interpretation: jump from a height down to the ground - you will be able to achieve success in a difficult matter. Possible change of residence.
  • Dream Interpretation: fall from a height into the water - your feelings will interfere with your business and you will fail.
  • Dream Interpretation: diving into the sea from a height - the long-awaited love will overshadow your eyes and you will forget about all your affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a height to the ground - you should trust people with your secrets less. They won't be able to keep them.
  • Dream Interpretation: “almost fell from a height” - you will receive help from other people at the very last moment.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling in a dream from a height - you will go through a lot, but as a result you will reach your goal.
  • Dream Interpretation: “fear of heights balcony” - moderate the requirements for others and get everything you need.
  • Dream Interpretation: a child fell from a height and crashed - you will not be able to protect your child from all adversity, so sometimes trust his opinion.
  • Dream Interpretation: jump from a height to the ground - you want to escape from the usual course of life as soon as possible.
  • Dream Interpretation: “I climbed to a height and I’m afraid to get down” - success has overshadowed your mind. Your fear of losing what you have accumulated can lead to trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see yourself at your best - very soon all your desires will come true and you will live happily.
  • Dream Interpretation: climb to a height - your efforts will not be in vain. Very soon you will enjoy what you have achieved.
  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased is jumping from a height - you will receive important news that will allow you to solve your problems.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Why dream of falling from a height? Life can play a trick on you, as a result of which you risk losing your accumulated wealth and good reputation.
  • Why dream of being afraid of heights? Because of your perfectionism, you often set difficult goals for yourself. If you fail to achieve them, you get frustrated and give up. Look objectively at your capabilities and be able to slowly achieve your desired goals.
  • Dream Interpretation: if you dream that a child is falling from a height, you should better look after your child, because in the near future he may be in serious danger.
  • Dream Interpretation: “I dream that I am falling from a height in a dream” - there is a high probability that all your secrets and mysteries will soon be known to the public.
  • Why dream of falling down from a height? In the near future, you will have to go through a lot of difficulties and overcome great obstacles on the way to your goal.
  • Why dream of jumping down from a height? You have reached a new level in life, your views on the world have become wiser, tolerance has overcome impulsiveness and irascibility. You can safely look at new horizons.
  • Why dream of a fear of heights in a dream? The dream suggests that you are overly restrained and modest. This prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest and taking everything from it.
  • Why dream of descending from a height? You will be delivered from problems and a heavy burden of difficulties. You have to learn to live anew in harmony with yourself and with the world.
  • The dream "to be afraid of heights in a dream" means that you will suffer from your modesty and silence. Learn to be active in life.
  • What does height mean in a dream? Height is a symbol of your achievements in life, ambitions, desires. Being at a high altitude in a dream, you give yourself energy to do business in reality.
  • The dream of “falling from a height and not breaking” means that you will be able to cope with the upcoming difficulties easily and simply.
  • Falling from a great height in a dream means that you will make a mistake in business, which will cost you money and relationships with your superiors.
  • The dream of "jumping down from a height" promises a change of mood, a desire for change in life, a desire for new acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams "height" reduces to the following: you will be able to achieve your goal if you work hard on it.
  • The dream of "falling from a great height" means that your plans are not destined to come true, at least in the near future.
  • In a dream, jumping from a height to the ground portends a risk that you will consciously take and will not regret the consequences.
  • Climbing to a height in a dream means that soon you will be able to achieve great success in your favorite business.
  • In a dream, experiencing a fear of heights means that you have to overcome your shyness under difficult circumstances for you.
  • Falling from a height in a dream of a loved one means that he will need your help, attention and sympathy.
  • Dreams about a child falling from a height portend health problems in your child. Take care of the good condition of the little person in advance.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping from a great height - you have to finally end your old life and start a new one away from everything familiar.
  • Dream Interpretation: jump from a height - you will want adventure and novelty in your life. By following the safety rules, you will be able to achieve what you want.
  • Dream Interpretation: to fall from a height and not crash - you will be able to avoid big trouble thanks to heightened intuition.
  • Dream Interpretation: look down from a height - you will get tired of the burden of problems hanging over you and you will look for the best way to solve everything at once.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream about height - a dream portends a successful resolution of problems, a rest from everything that poisoned your life.
  • Sea from a height: the dream book interprets this dream as obtaining additional opportunities for enrichment and inspiration.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping into the water from a great height - your recklessness will make you do stupid things.
  • Dream Interpretation: a child falls from a height - with your indifference, you hurt your child painfully and he will seek solace elsewhere, which will not do him any good.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from the height of another person means that you have to save the life of a person to whom you have been indifferent until now.
  • Dream Interpretation: “height, afraid to fall” - despite your desire to start a new life, you lack the confidence and determination to take concrete action.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a great height symbolizes your fatigue from problems and difficulties. You will try to run away from them, but you will not succeed.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man fell from a height - if it was your friend, in the near future he will need your support.
  • Dream Interpretation: jump from a height - you need to make a choice how you better live. Inaction will confuse you and plunge you into depression.
  • Fall from a great height: the dream book says that despite all the efforts that you make, you are not yet destined to succeed.

Miller's dream book

Women's dream book

  • Why dream of falling from a height? The dream portends a successful ending of affairs, despite significant difficulties.
  • What is the dream of a falling man from a height? If in a dream you see your friend falling from a great height, he will need your help and support in the near future. If a falling person is your enemy, at the subconscious level you want this person to suffer and suffer.
  • Why dream of jumping from a height? Such a dream means that you are bored with the usual regime in life and there is an acute desire to try something extreme.
  • Why dream of falling from a great height? Perhaps soon you will arrange a strength test for your friends, some of whom may not pass it.
  • Why dream of falling from a great height? You should revise your to-do list, as a large number of items will affect the quality of the implementation.
  • Dream Interpretation: if you dream that a person has fallen from a height, he experiences mental anguish and needs the good advice of a friend.
  • Why dream of climbing to a height? The dream portends success in your business. Luck will be on your side, and obstacles will not interfere on the way to your goal.
  • Why dream of being at a high altitude? If you see yourself standing at a great height, then soon you will achieve unprecedented success at work and reach a new level of life.
  • Sleep "height" promises successful career achievements, improved living standards, success in any area of ​​​​life.
  • The dream of "falling from a height in a dream" portends a sharp leap in spiritual development. It is possible to get into a situation where you have to show all the strength of the spirit.
  • Dream Interpretation: fear of heights in a dream means your fear of going beyond your comfort zone. By overcoming fear, you will achieve great results in life.
  • Watching from a height in a dream portends victory over enemies and a long-awaited triumph in life.
  • The dream “I stand on a height in a dream” means that you will very soon reach your desired goal and will live in peace and harmony for a long time.
  • The dream “a man fell from a height” portends a difficult period of concern about his friends and loved ones. Offer them your help if needed.
  • What does it mean to fall from a height in a dream? Such a dream means that in the near future you will face difficulties at work, in finances and on the personal front.
  • If you dream that you are “falling from a height in a dream”, you should reconsider your plans for the near future. They take a lot of your time and effort, although they are not important to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping in a dream from a great height means voluntarily getting rid of everything that prevented you from living freely and enjoying life.
  • The dream of “falling off a height in a dream” means that something will get in the way of your dream and you will have to start all over again.
  • The dream of “falling from the height of another person” means that those who are close to you will soon need your attention.
  • To dream of a child falling from a height means that you should devote more time to those you love. If you have a child, pay attention to his health. There is a risk of getting sick with something difficult.
  • The dream “thrown from a height in a dream” promises a betrayal of loved ones or friends. Those whom you once trusted will lose your trust.
  • Fear of heights in a dream - what does it mean? You have to overcome your fears and doubts in order to reach a decent standard of living.
  • The dream of “jumping into the water from a height” means that soon you will find yourself in circumstances that will force you to change your usual way of life.
  • Why dream of being afraid of heights in a dream? The dream says that in your life there is no place for adventure and impromptu. You have everything thought out, calculated and planned. On the one hand, this is good and saves you a lot of effort and nerves. On the other hand, you deprive yourself of wonderful moments of freedom and surprise.
  • In a dream, descending from a height without fear portends an easy solution to problems and a quick overcoming of obstacles. You can easily overcome all difficulties thanks to self-confidence.
  • In a dream, climbing to a height promises a stunning success that awaits you in your business.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling in a dream from a height promises you the emergence of obstacles on the way to your goal, which will make you wiser and smarter.
  • Dream Interpretation: “balcony height” - standing on a high balcony and watching a beautiful view of the city means that soon all your desires will come true and you will achieve prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see how you fall from a height - an unpleasant moment will soon come in your life when it will be important to gather your will into a fist and adequately get out of the situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: “height ladder” - climbing a high ladder indicates that your efforts will bring generous results.
  • Dream Interpretation: to fly from a height - your inattention will lead you to the collapse of affairs and trouble at work.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling down from a height - you have to go through an obstacle course and problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: to fall from a height and not crash - if a difficult moment has come in your life now, in the near future everything will be resolved and you will again be on the wave.
  • Dream Interpretation: a jump from a height into the water - you will consciously take risks in order to get a livelihood.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fall from a height of a loved one - your loved one will need help and support from you and other relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a height into the water - a certain man will make you forget about everything and plunge headlong into feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from the height of a child - you have to go through a period of problems with your child. However, you will be able to solve everything.
  • Dream Interpretation: a city from a height - you will be given a chance to start a new life in a new place.
  • Dream Interpretation: climb to a height - you will be able to achieve success at work and in business thanks to penetrating power and frenzied energy.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a height into water - you will be able to avoid great danger thanks to your discretion.
  • Dream Interpretation: fear of heights in a dream - your desire for comfort can leave you lonely for the rest of your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man crashed from a height - you have to watch how things are falling apart for your friend and you can’t help in any way. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a great height - your love of risk can ruin your life completely. Be more careful.

Height is such an attractive phenomenon that it attracts everyone to itself. She fascinates those who fear her and delights those who admire her.
The height in our dream is a symbol of our capabilities, our potential. It shows our weaknesses and strengths. Height shows how much we can achieve if we work hard and work hard. Height is like a dream - this is a positive phenomenon in most cases. It warns of dangers and shows opportunities. Height tells us that our fears are absolutely meaningless, useless. It is much more pleasant to live life to the fullest and enjoy the world around you.

People see a variety of dreams, some very rare and individual, and many, on the contrary, very common. For example, why see a height in a dream and feel the fear of falling?

The question of the interpretation of sleep itself is very debatable. Some psychologists believe that dreams, which have a vivid emotional saturation, are rooted in our subconscious, which thus expresses its fears, anxieties and hidden desires.

Others believe that dreams are a mystical phenomenon, carrying an omen and hidden hints of possible future circumstances.

What is the dream of height?

Height has two meanings. On the one hand, it can bring the desired, and on the other hand, on the contrary, anxiety and excitement. The interpretation depends on the dreamer's own emotions: one experiences delight and even euphoria, while the other person, on the contrary, fears or even real panic.

Why dream of the fear of falling?

Why dream of being afraid of heights? Great height is a sign of high achievement and ambition. In this regard, a dream can carry a warning and hint at wrong actions. In any case, such fears hint at changes in life.

Most often, such fear is the dreamer's experiences of life's difficulties. However, do not worry - difficulties will bring a happy resolution of all problems.

Career growth also promises a dream in which you climb a mountain peak. At the same time, even in the event of a fall from a height to the ground that escapes, grandiose victories should be expected.

In the event that the dreamer stands at a great height and is afraid of the possibility of falling, you should pay attention to your family and friends: someone needs support. An alternative interpretation of such a dream is the upcoming journey, and in the very near future.

In general, the fear of heights is a good sign, it says that all the changes will be for the better. The only thing you should pay attention to is your own concentration of forces. It will be necessary to do everything possible to conquer the summit. What is the interpretation of this "top", the dreamer can try to answer for himself.

What does it mean if you dream of falling from a height?

Such a dream warns of some difficult circumstances, but they are likely to be successfully overcome. The fall can also warn against possible family conflicts. It may be worth working on your own dreams and goals, it is likely that the bar will need to be revised.

It is also worth becoming softer to yourself if a fall from a height causes you to panic. Perhaps you are too critical of yourself.

The high level of your own ambitions is also indicated by the dream in which you are standing on the edge of a building or roof. Such a dream indicates that most of your plans need to be implemented. Some of your dreams should have become a reality long ago, and this requires active action.

The dream tells you the same thing in which you are flying in the clouds or on an airplane. Moderate your ardor to avoid future disappointments.

Skydiving in a dream

If the dreamer jumps from a parachute, this is a sign that in real life there are not enough vivid emotions and adrenaline. In the event that some other person falls, the dream invites you to reassess your values. Watching someone else fall will allow you to use someone else's experience for your own growth.

Calm observation of heights in a dream is a good symbol. You will achieve good results in all endeavors. The absence of fear means that you will come out of all situations with dignity.

Dreams in which height appears speak of life and its changes. Perhaps the subconscious mind tells you that some habits in life need to be changed. Probably, something needs to be changed in oneself.

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