All about anxiety disorders and their treatment. Calming pills for nerves and stress: a list. The best pills for nerves: the name Which pills help with fear

In psychiatry, it is customary to distinguish between normal manifestations of fear in response to external circumstances and pathological, irrational fear. Chronic anxiety not only exhausts emotionally, but also contributes to the development of vegetative and somatic disorders. Anxiety is relieved with special pills.

Indications and contraindications for use

Pills for fear are prescribed for the following complaints:

  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased fatigue;
  • psycho-emotional exhaustion;
  • nervous tics;
  • hysterical convulsions;
  • vegetative disorders;
  • intrusive anxious thoughts;
  • strong fears and phobias;

Pills for fear include drugs of various pharmacological groups that differ in chemical composition, mechanism of action on the nervous system and the body as a whole and, accordingly, contraindications.

As a rule, the list of contraindications includes the following conditions:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • serious violations of the function of the kidneys, liver;
  • acute febrile conditions;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • precomatose state;
  • suicidal tendencies.

Pills against fear have age restrictions. Not all drugs can be taken by children and the elderly. And if they are allowed, then at a much lower dosage.

We recommend that you use alternative methods in the fight against fears and phobias, for example, contact the psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Side effects of medication for anxiety and fear

At the initial stages of taking, as well as with an overdose and improper combination with other pills and substances, a number of severe side effects can be observed:

  • slow reactions;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • lack of coordination;
  • stomach upset;
  • allergic reactions;
  • constipation, difficulty urinating;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • decrease in the level of leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood;
  • euphoria and depressed mood;
  • confusion;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • heart failure.

Fear pills can also cause psychological and physical dependence. If the list of contraindications and side effects makes you doubt the advisability of taking pharmacological substances, you can turn to an alternative method of treating fear and phobias - hypnosis:

Hypnotherapy is allowed at any age and has practically no contraindications. The exception is acute psychosis and acute somatic conditions. The choice of tablets must be approached with great care. Consider their varieties and scope.

Features of sedatives

Under sedative means substances of vegetable and synthetic (sodium bromide, potassium bromide) origin. They reduce emotional stress without a hypnotic effect, however, with increasing doses, they help facilitate the onset of sleep and make it deeper.

Sedatives are usually well tolerated and rarely cause side effects, do not cause chemical dependence. Therefore, most of the data is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. However, in order to achieve a tangible improvement in mental state, a long course of treatment without interruptions is required. The most safe are sedative drugs based on herbal ingredients.

Sedative pills for fear and excitement: name


Valerian extract can act as the main substance in the medicine for fear (Valerian Forte, Valevigran and others), and as one of the ingredients (Dormiplant, Novopassit, Phytorelax,).

Removal of symptoms of anxiety in case of serious fears can only be achieved with large doses of the drug - from 300 mg at a time. Valerian extract in a dose of 600 mg helps to normalize the pulse rate and reduce blood pressure. Valerian is contraindicated in depressive disorder.

Passiflora incarnate

Produced in the form of syrup. It has antispasmodic and anticonvulsant properties, improves mood. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day before meals. In the treatment of insomnia - 2 teaspoons before bedtime. Contraindications: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebral atherosclerosis.

Tablets with motherwort extract

Contribute to the normalization of blood pressure. It is recommended to take with cardiovascular neuroses. Dosage: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Special contraindications: tendency to arterial hypotension.

Hypericum preparations

These include tablets Negrustin, Life 900, Neuroplant, Gelarium Hypericum, Deprim. Help with depressed mood, chronic fatigue. It is not recommended to take in severe depression, accompanied by suicidal thoughts and the use of contraceptives due to the risk of reducing their effectiveness.

Peony extract

Preparations based on peony extract relieve anxiety, have an anticonvulsant and antihypoxic effect. Tablets are prescribed mainly at vegetative-vascular dystonia, often accompanied by panic attacks. It should be taken with caution in case of severe impairment of liver or kidney function.

Sedative drugs cause a decrease in the reaction rate and drowsiness, so during the course of treatment it is not recommended to drive a car and engage in other work that requires concentration. Elimination of symptoms does not occur immediately. The treatment course should last about a month. If during this time there is no improvement in the condition, it is worth contacting a psychiatrist to prescribe more powerful remedies.

Tranquilizers (anxiolytics)

They quickly and effectively eliminate and relieve fears, relieve convulsive syndrome and have a moderate muscle relaxant effect.


Trade names: Relanium, Seduxen, Valium Roche, Diazepex. One of the most popular remedies for phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Effectively fights insomnia. It has an antiarrhythmic effect. Inhibits parasympathetic paroxysms. Dosage: 2.5 mg 1-2 times during the day and 5 mg in the evening. If necessary, the daily dose is increased to 40 mg.

Easily causes the development of pharmacological dependence and withdrawal syndrome. Contraindications: first and third trimester of pregnancy, ataxia, sleep apnea and other disorders of the respiratory system.


The main active ingredient in tablets: Elenium, Napoton, Radepur. The drugs are used for obsessive-compulsive, generalized anxiety disorder, hysterical states, fears, hypochondria, insomnia of non-organic etiology, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

Initial dose: 5 mg twice a day. During the course of treatment, it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages. The drug is not suitable for depression, as it provokes the occurrence of suicidal thoughts.


It is prescribed for agoraphobia and other fears, post-traumatic syndrome and panic attacks. The drug has antiemetic and anticonvulsant effects.

Dosage: 2 mg divided into three doses throughout the day. It is not recommended to abruptly stop taking these pills for fear, as this can cause a variety of negative consequences: nervous excitability, sensitivity to light and auditory stimuli, psychotic conditions, migraines, insomnia.


Not only eliminates anxiety and insomnia, but also treats somatic disorders of psychogenic origin (pseudoangina pectoris, hypertension with emotional stress, hyperventilation, stomach pain).

Dosage: 1.5-3 mg at night. It is allowed to increase the daily dose to 6 mg. Reception of bromazepam is contraindicated in alcohol dependence and myasthenia gravis. The course of treatment is stopped, gradually reducing the dosage.


One of the few anxiety pills allowed for children. Assign to stop panic attacks and eliminate irritability. Atarax eliminates autonomic symptoms of anxiety: sweating, high blood pressure, dizziness. Helps with itching and chronic dermatoses accompanied by anxiety. Gently acts, with proper cancellation is not addictive.

Dosage for adults: 50 mg divided into three doses in the morning, afternoon and evening. Children no more than 2 mg per day in divided doses. Contraindications: problems with urination, constipation, liver failure.


It can be taken as a single treatment for panic attacks and for long courses to relieve general anxiety. Assign for the treatment of agoraphobia, depressive syndrome.

Initial dosage for anxiety relief: 0.75-1.5 mg. With panic attacks, the daily dose is increased to 6-8 mg. Treatment course - up to three months. You can not abruptly cancel the drug. To complete the course, you need to gradually reduce the daily dose over 3-6 weeks.


The drug is classified as an anti-anxiety and nootropic drug. Mebikar restores healthy sleep without having a direct hypnotic effect, does not disturb coordination. It is used to eliminate neurological and somatovegetative side effects caused by other psychotropic drugs. Daily rate: 0.3–0.9 g three times a day.

In the field of action of some anxiolytics, a vegetostabilizing effect is noted, which is expressed in a decrease in the physical manifestations of fear (blood pressure jumps, sweating, heart palpitations, nausea attacks). The necessary vegetative-stabilizing effect is possessed by fear pills Tofisopam, Diazepam, Gidazepam. The most pronounced hypnosedative effect is demonstrated by Diazepam, Nitrazepam, Phenazepam, therefore they are prescribed for.


Antidepressants are also prescribed to relieve anxiety and a negative emotional state in phobic disorders. Consider the most popular drugs for depression.


Assign for depression, accompanied by fears. Persistent improvement occurs 3-4 weeks after the start of treatment. It improves mood and social functioning, therefore it is prescribed for social phobia.

It belongs to one of the most inexpensive and affordable drugs in this group. Convenient to take: daily dose - 1 tablet in the morning. It is worth reducing the dosage for diseases of the liver, kidneys and diabetes, however, compared with other drugs, fluoxetine causes a minimum of side effects and is considered safe.


It is prescribed for obsessions, panic and phobic disorders. The medicine helps with post-traumatic stress. Dosage: 20 mg per day. A gradual increase in dose up to 50 mg per day is allowed. Paroxetine is used with caution in cardiac pathologies and the presence of risk factors for increased bleeding.


It has an anti-anxiety, sedative effect, but does not provoke lethargy and drowsiness. It is prescribed for the treatment of intrusive anxious thoughts and agoraphobia.

Initial dosage: 25 mg / day, which is increased within one week to 50 mg. Well tolerated, can be taken for a long time without the development of side effects.


An analogue of other expensive pills for fear - Cipralex. Does not cause sedation, allows you to stay active in the daytime. The drug is effective in agoraphobia and panic attacks. Dosage: one tablet in the morning. Of the negative points - often occurring psychological dependence. Contraindications: pregnancy and age up to 18 years.


Affordable, inexpensive medicine against fear. It relieves anxiety well in just 2-3 weeks of regular use. Effective in stopping panic attacks. Some clients at the beginning of taking the drug note the appearance of drowsiness, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, changes in taste, problems with urination.


Included in the list of the best remedies for fear. Quickly relieves panic attacks and eliminates general anxiety. The drug helps well with aerophobia. Also, phenazepam is often prescribed to eliminate an excessive response to stress.

To combat the fear of flying, 1 mg of phenazepam is placed under the tongue until resorption (3 mg per day). The daily dose of the drug with severe fear can be increased to 6 mg. When taking Phenazepam, care must be taken. The drug leads to a decrease in concentration in the morning, muscle weakness. Physical dependence develops after a month from the start of admission.


Another group of substances used to relieve anxiety are nootropics. They help to improve the blood supply to the brain and the formation of the resistance of the brain tissue to oxygen starvation, which occurs as a result of hyperventilation during panic attacks.


It has a good anti-anxiety effect and normalizes sleep. Dosage: 10 mg morning and evening. The duration of the course of treatment is no more than 3 months. Next, you need to take a break of 5 weeks.


The drug is prescribed for mild neurotic, stress disorders. The advantage is that it is easily tolerated by patients, there are practically no side effects. Increases motivation, self-confidence and stimulates mood.


An excellent tool for the treatment of anxiety disorders, elimination of hyperexcitability and sleep problems. Even with a single application, it significantly reduces the feeling of anxiety. It is effective for obsessions in both adults and children. It has a positive effect on the emotional background, gives a surge of strength. Helps to increase stress resistance and performance.

With prolonged use of more than 5 weeks, the drug often causes the opposite effect, increasing anxiety. Therefore, it is advisable to take breaks in the course of treatment.

Do not forget that thoughtless self-medication with pharmacological substances can lead to poor health. Only a qualified specialist in the field of medicine will be able to take into account all the nuances of your condition and select the most effective drugs and the appropriate dosage.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Anxiety Disorders and Panic: Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Therapy

Under anxiety disorders imply conditions accompanied by excessive excitability of the nervous system, as well as a strong unreasonable feeling of anxiety and signs observed in the presence of certain pathologies of the internal organs. This kind of disorder can occur against the background of chronic overwork, stress, or a severe illness. Such conditions are often referred to as panic attacks.
The obvious signs of this condition include both dizziness and an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, as well as pain in the abdomen and chest, fear of death or an imminent catastrophe, shortness of breath, a feeling of "coma in the throat".
Both the diagnosis and the treatment of this condition are handled by a neurologist.
Therapy for anxiety disorders includes the use of sedatives, psychotherapy, and numerous stress relief and relaxation techniques.

Anxiety disorders - what is it?

Anxiety disorders are a number of pathologies of the central nervous system, which are characterized by a constant feeling of anxiety that occurs for unknown or insignificant reasons. With the development of this condition, the patient may also complain about the signs of some other ailments of the internal organs. So, for example, he may experience shortness of breath, pain in the abdomen or chest, cough, feeling of a lump in the throat, and so on.

What are the causes of anxiety disorders?

Unfortunately, until now, scientists have not been able to establish the true cause of the development of anxiety disorders, but its search continues to this day. Some scientists argue that this disease is a consequence of a malfunction of certain parts of the brain. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that this kind of disorder makes itself felt due to psychological trauma, against the background of excessive overwork or severe stress. It is psychologists who are sure that this condition can also arise if a person has a very erroneous idea about certain things that causes him a constant feeling of anxiety.

If we take into account the fact that the modern population is simply forced to lead an active lifestyle, it turns out that this condition can develop in each of us. Among the factors that can provoke the development of this type of disorder, one can also include psychological trauma resulting from a severe illness.

How can we distinguish between “normal” anxiety, which enables us to survive in a dangerous situation, and pathological anxiety, which is the result of an anxiety disorder?

1. First of all, it is worth noting that senseless anxiety has nothing to do with a specific dangerous situation. It is always invented, because the patient simply imagines in his mind a situation that does not really exist. The feeling of anxiety in this case exhausts the patient, both physically and emotionally. A person begins to experience a feeling of helplessness, as well as excessive fatigue.

2. "Normal" anxiety is always related to the real situation. It does not tend to disrupt human performance. As soon as the threat disappears, the person’s anxiety immediately disappears.

Anxiety disorders - what are their signs and symptoms?

In addition to a constant feeling of anxiety, which is considered to be the main symptom of this type of disorder, a person may also experience:

  • Fear of situations that do not really exist, but the person himself believes that this can happen to him
  • Frequent mood swings, irritability, tearfulness
  • Fussiness, shyness
  • Wet palms, hot flashes, sweating
  • Excessive fatigue
  • impatience
  • Feeling short of oxygen, inability to take a deep breath, or a sudden need to take a deep breath
  • Insomnia, sleep disturbances, nightmares
  • Memory impairment, impaired concentration, decreased mental abilities
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat, difficulty swallowing
  • A feeling of constant tension that makes it impossible to relax
  • Dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations
  • Pain in the back, waist and neck, a feeling of muscle tension
  • Pain in the chest, around the navel, in the epigastric region, nausea, diarrhea

It is important to note the fact that all the symptoms that were presented to the attention of readers a little higher very often resemble signs of other pathologies. As a result, patients turn for help to a huge number of specialists, but not to a neurologist.

Quite often, such patients also have phobias - fear of certain objects or situations. The most common phobias are considered to be:

1. Nosophobia- fear of a certain illness or fear of getting sick in general ( for example, carcinophobia - the fear of getting cancer).

2. Agoraphobia- fear of finding yourself in a crowd of people or in an excessively large open space, fear of being unable to get out of this space or crowd.

3. social phobia- fear of eating in public places, fear of being in the company of strangers, fear of speaking in front of an audience, and so on.

4. Claustrophobia- Fear of being in confined spaces. In this case, a person may be afraid to remain both in a locked room, and in transport, in an elevator, and so on.

5. Fear in front of insects, heights, snakes and the like.

It is worth noting that normal fear differs from pathological fear, first of all, by its paralyzing effect. It occurs for no reason, while completely changing human behavior.
Another sign of anxiety disorder is considered to be obsessive-compulsive syndrome, which is constantly emerging ideas and thoughts that provoke a person to some of the same actions. So, for example, people who constantly think about germs are forced to wash their hands thoroughly with soap almost every five minutes.
Psychiatric disorder is one of the anxiety disorders characterized by sudden, recurring panic attacks that occur without any reason. During such an attack, a person has a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, as well as a fear of death.

Features of anxiety disorders in children

The feeling of panic and anxiety in a child in most cases is explained by his phobias. As a rule, all children who have this condition try not to communicate with their peers. For communication, they choose grandmothers or parents, because among them they feel out of danger. Quite often, such children have low self-esteem: the child considers himself worse than everyone else, and is also afraid that his parents will stop loving him.

Diagnosis of anxiety disorders and panic attacks

A little higher, we have already said that in the presence of anxiety disorders, the patient has numerous symptoms similar to signs of diseases of the nervous system, digestive tract, goiter, asthma, and so on. As a rule, the diagnosis of this pathology can be established only after all pathologies accompanied by the same symptoms are excluded. Both diagnosis and therapy of this disease are within the competence of a neuropathologist.

Anxiety Therapy

Therapy for this kind of conditions involves psychotherapy, as well as taking medications that tend to reduce anxiety. These medicines are anxiolytics.
As for psychotherapy, this method of treatment is based on numerous techniques that allow the patient to really look at everything that happens, and also help his body relax at the time of an anxiety attack. Psychotherapeutic techniques include both breathing exercises and breathing into a bag, auto-training, as well as the development of a calm attitude to obsessive thoughts in the case of obsessive-compulsive syndrome.
This method of therapy can be used both individually and for the treatment of a small number of people at the same time. Patients are taught how to behave in certain life situations. Such training makes it possible to acquire self-confidence, and, consequently, to overcome all threatening situations.
Therapy of this pathology through drugs involves the use of medications that help restore normal metabolism in the brain. As a rule, in such cases, patients are prescribed anxiolytics, that is, sedatives. There are several groups of such medicines, namely:

  • Antipsychotics (Tiapride, Sonapax and others) is often prescribed to patients in order to relieve them of excessive feelings of anxiety. Against the background of the use of these medications, such side effects as: obesity, lowering blood pressure, lack of sexual desire can let you know about yourself.
  • Benzodiazepines (Clonazepam, Diazepam, Alprazolam ) make it possible to forget about the feeling of anxiety in a fairly short period of time. With all this, they can also cause the development of some side effects such as impaired coordination of movement, decreased attention, addiction, drowsiness. The course of therapy with these medications should not exceed four weeks.

Stress has become an integral part of our lives. Chronic stress, anxiety and fears drive us into a corner, contributing to the manifestation of insomnia, neurosis and depression. Acute and chronic stress can provoke all sorts of diseases, among which the most dangerous is oncological pathology.

Causes and manifestations

In modern life, there are many reasons that can provoke the onset of neurosis. If you dig deeper, then stress and neuroses arise on the basis of a conflict between a person’s inner desires and the ability to realize them in life. The trigger factor can be either one traumatic situation of great power, or chronic troubles that unsettle a person.

The main causes of neurosis and stress include failure at work (men suffer more), unfavorable marriage, unconscious internal conflicts, stressful work (doctors, teachers, hospice workers), chronic diseases and many others.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of temperament and the stability of the psyche, but even the most persistent of us sometimes need help to successfully cope with stress.

Neurosis is the most common type among all mental disorders, but most of these patients seek help from family doctors or therapists, or try to treat their illness on their own.

Stressful conditions are characterized by the occurrence of the following conditions:

  • insomnia, superficial and interrupted sleep;
  • increase in appetite or decrease (up to absence);
  • feeling of depression, fatigue, emptiness, physical weakness; headaches, decreased memory and attention;
  • increased irritability, depression, high sensitivity to stress factors, excessive vulnerability;
  • tearfulness, tearfulness, feeling of melancholy, increased anxiety, emotional lability;
  • fatigue and inability to concentrate;
  • decreased libido.

Vegetative disorders can also join: palpitations, sweating, hand tremors, fluctuations in blood pressure, problems with the intestines.


It is necessary to treat stressful conditions comprehensively and competently, since self-medication in this case is not the best choice, since it is very easy to suppress the symptoms, but not get rid of the very cause of stress: do not try to fight it yourself - this will not help you cope with the problem, but will only aggravate the situation !

There is a certain list of drugs that help get rid of neurosis and stress.

AfobazoleSynthetic drug, the action is aimed at a combination of anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and mildly stimulating effects. Afobazole reduces anxiety, tension, vegetative manifestations. This medicine is available in tablets and is not addictive. Released without a doctor's prescription.300 rub.
AtaraxThe drug is a daytime tranquilizer (anxiolytic). Released without a doctor's prescription. Atarax tablets have a moderate sedative, antiemetic, antihistamine effect. This drug improves memory and attention, relieves anxiety, helps get rid of itching in eczema and dermatitis. Penetrates through the blood-brain barrier, is not prescribed during pregnancy.270 rub.
GrandaxinDaytime tranquilizer, which belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives, mainly has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect, does not have a sedative (sedative), muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant effect. It is used to normalize psychovegetative reactions, eliminate autonomic disorders. It has an average stimulating activity on the higher centers of the nervous system. It is released in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.From 203 to 607 rubles.
AdaptolIt is a mild tranquilizer, it does not have a hypnotic effect, it has a calming effect on the nervous system, and also increases efficiency and mental activity. Can be used as a daytime tranquilizer. Adaptol is available in tablets.600 rub.
TenotenNootropic drug with antixiolytic activity. It has a calming and anti-anxiety effect, without causing hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. It is mainly used for chronic intoxication, hypoxia, and various circulatory disorders of the brain. Released without a doctor's prescription.196 rub.
PhenibutA nootropic drug that has a moderate tranquilizing, psychostimulant effect, reduces the manifestations of nervous asthenia and vagovegetative symptoms, moderately increases physical activity and mental activity. Phenibut tablets help to reduce anxiety, tension, restlessness and fear, normalize the physiology of sleep. Released without a doctor's prescription. This drug is used in the treatment of acute and chronic stress.123 rub.
NovopassitThe preparation of plant origin, in its composition contains an extract of valerian rhizome, hop cones and starflower. Well relieves nervous excitement, restores sleep.280 rub.
PersenSedative (soothing) drug, has a plant origin, has a calming and antispasmodic effect. Contains in its composition an extract of rhizomes of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint leaves.320 rub.
AzafenA drug from the group of tricyclic antidepressants. It improves mood and has a slight sedative effect. It is released according to the prescription of the attending physician.192 rub.
AmitriptylineA drug from the group of monoamine neuronal uptake inhibitors. Helps to get rid of depression of any etiology, as well as with severe neurosis with a predominance of the anxiety componentFrom 38 to 62 rubles.

When prescribing any of these drugs, it is very important to take the full course prescribed by your doctor. This should be done to consolidate the effect and prevent possible relapses.

Patients with severe cases of neurosis should be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Separate groups of drugs

The main drugs for treatment are divided into two groups - these are plant and synthetic origin. Medications from the group of psychotropic drugs are prescribed by a psychiatrist, these include antidepressants, antipsychotics, nootropics and tranquilizers.


Antidepressants are drugs belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs. They are used to eliminate the symptoms of depression, reduce the feeling of melancholy, anxiety, remove the feeling of apathy and lethargy, reduce internal emotional stress, normalize sleep and appetite. The basic antidepressants include the following drugs - fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), Fevarin and Azafen. Antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist, starting with small doses, the duration of treatment is several months to consolidate the effect. Antidepressants also have side effects - hypotension, arrhythmia, dry mouth, pruritus, weight gain and more. These drugs are dispensed in pharmacies only by prescription.


Nootropics are drugs that have a specific effect on the nervous system and are neurometabolic stimulants. Nootropics stimulate human mental activity, activate the cognitive function of the brain, increase the ability to learn, and also increase the resistance of the brain to damaging factors (for example, to hypoxia). A prominent representative of this group is piracetam. The group of nootropics also includes glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), phenotropil, mexidol. These drugs (except GABA) are sold without a doctor's prescription. Glycine is available in tablets and is successfully used to treat stress and neuroses.


This is a group of drugs that are used to reduce the symptoms of anxiety, irritability, fear and emotional tension. This is due to a decrease in excitation processes in the subcortex of the brain. There is also a mild hypnotic and sedative effect.


Antipsychotics are antipsychotic drugs. They affect the higher centers of the brain. The group of neuroleptic drugs includes chlorpromazine, eglonil, clopixol, sonapax. Antipsychotics have a different effect on the body - they calm, lower the threshold of reactions to stimuli, help reduce the symptoms of psychomotor agitation and tension, reduce the level of fear, anxiety and aggression. They suppress productive symptoms in schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations). They are prescribed only by a psychiatrist and are dispensed in a pharmacy on a prescription form with doctor's prescriptions.

Herbal preparations

Soothing herbal medicines can be produced in the form of various herbal preparations and in tablets, capsules, syrups. Herbs with a sedative (calming) effect: chamomile, sage, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort. There are tablet forms for the release of motherwort and valerian.

Every person goes through feelings of fear and anxiety, and more than once. After some time, the anxiety goes away, but there are cases in which it is worth taking pills for fear.

Pills for fear - only as prescribed by a specialist

What is fear

Today, man lives with a constant sense of fear. “Will they kick me out of school”, “Will I have enough money to live on”, “Will everything be fine with my loved ones”, etc. At moments of particular aggravation of anxiety, our body begins to produce hormones, the main of which is cortisol. During a panic, it is produced in fairly large volumes, which reduces immunity and worsens the psychological health of a person. In such situations, doctors recommend taking special drugs against fear.

The meaning of these pills is to suppress an excessive amount of the hormone - cortisol.

Fear is an uncontrollable state

Indications for taking drugs

Calming drugs have the following characteristics:

  • soothe;
  • relieve anxiety;
  • relax muscles and relieve spasms;
  • inhibit the functioning of the human nervous system.

Indications for taking tablets:

  • sleep problems, such as insomnia or lack of sleep;
  • a state of constant anxiety;
  • tension;
  • a state of constant fatigue;
  • excitation;
  • different types of epileptic seizures;
  • vegetative deviations from the norm;
  • involuntary twitching of different parts of the body;
  • strong irritation.

Varieties of drugs

You can try to develop and drink a course of drugs that suppress anxiety yourself, but it is better to consult a specialist.

Consult your doctor and get the appropriate prescription. The drugs themselves are divided into different groups that the doctor prescribes when various symptoms of fear occur:

  • tranquilizers;
  • mood stabilizers;
  • antidepressants.

Each group has its own advantages and disadvantages. All of them are prescribed after over-the-counter remedies no longer help.

Stabilizers - what is it

  1. So, tranquilizers are prescribed if the patient has frequent panic attacks for no good reason. They quickly provide assistance, but the person feels severe drowsiness and mental retardation. And when used in especially large volumes, they cause serious memory lapses and problems with attention. Sometimes there are cases of development of dependence and addiction. But when used under the supervision of a doctor, problems should not arise.
  2. Mood stabilizers will help slowly, but they are less harmful. They have practically no side effects, are addictive only in some patients. If you take them under the close supervision of a doctor, then problems are excluded.
  3. Antidepressants are good for anxiety attacks, but after 3 weeks of active use, they can cause a constant feeling of drowsiness and addiction.

Valerian is the most popular remedy

Get rid of fear quickly

There are also situations when there is simply no time for a consultation with a doctor or all of the above does not help. In such cases, try turning to over-the-counter drugs. Before using, you need to find out more information about each of them.

Herbal preparations

Notable remedies in this category are valerian, roseola, and motherwort. All of them are produced on natural raw materials. They are effective, but can cause severe drowsiness and addiction.

herbal tablets


Often used in the CIS countries, and in the West they are not common due to the lack of confirmed safety information.

Preparations: Phenibut, Pantogam and Adaptol help get rid of fear or panic.

Although they are sold without prescriptions, it is recommended to take them under the supervision of a doctor.

homeopathic medicines

These drugs can be bought at any pharmacy. They are harmless, but there are doubts about their effectiveness. The fact is that scientists have proven that homeopathic remedies do not work better than placebo: if after taking the pill the patient believes that he will feel better, then this may happen. But with the same success, you can drink the usual ascorbic acid.

Grass Motherwort

Biologically active additives

They are most often used to prevent illness. How can they help with fear and anxiety? An amino acid - L-theanine - will help to cope with stress without causing drowsiness. If all the above drugs cope with anxiety by suppressing brain activity, then this amino acid normalizes the functioning of neurons.

Wild yam extract will help to normalize the hormone cortisol, which is produced during fear. It produces diosgenin, which brings the hormonal background back to normal.


Any medicine has its contraindications. It is forbidden to take medication for fear if the patient has a history of:

  • myasthenia gravis;
  • infectious diseases that affect the organs of the nervous system;
  • liver failure;
  • intoxication with agents acting on the nervous system;
  • diseases that make it difficult to breathe;
  • shock state;
  • no perception of galactose;
  • the patient is breastfeeding.

Relanium - tablets

All of the above excludes the possibility of prescribing serious remedies that suppress fear. With extreme care, doctors will look closely at people:

  • suicidal;
  • taking the drug in increased doses;
  • with brain disorders.

Taking pills for fear during pregnancy

We need to remember a simple truth - there are no harmless pills. In order to show its medicinal property, the drug must act on the entire body. Because of this, there are no completely harmless pills.

In those moments when the female body bears a child, it becomes especially susceptible to various drugs. And even if before pregnancy a woman did not show any allergic reactions to certain components, then during pregnancy the situation may change. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is harmful to drink pills for anxiety and fear during pregnancy is obvious.

There are many other ways to relieve stress that you should definitely try before thinking about pills. May help: massages, soothing music, outdoor activities, animal contact, relaxation exercises. Before you think about drugs, you need to try all the methods!

Sedatives for pregnant women

Only in the case of complete inactivity of the previous methods, it is worth thinking about herbal teas and, at most, herbal preparations. And still, it is worth taking them under the careful supervision of a gynecologist who monitors the development of the fetus. It is the doctor who will help you choose the most effective and harmless drug.

Before prescribing any drug, the doctor must conduct a series of tests that will confirm that the drug will not harm either the mother or the child.

So for the reasons given above, the use of drugs for stress is applied purely on an individual basis.

Anxiety pills

In the life of every person there is a moment when he cannot collect his thoughts because of fear, excitement. It doesn't matter if it's a student who is nervous before an exam, or if it's an artist who is afraid to perform in front of a huge audience. It is at these moments that special preparations that suppress excitement will help.

Well-acting in such situations are drugs: "Mexidol" and "Glycine".

The first drug is usually prescribed in the following dose: 1-2 tablets three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 8 tablets, but not one more! Take this medicine for two to six weeks. Abrupt cessation of use is prohibited, you need to gradually reduce the dose consumed.

The second common drug is "Glycine". Even children are allowed to use it. It is taken either under the tongue, or resolves between the gum and upper lip. The schedule for taking this drug is purely individual: only as directed by a doctor. The body absorbs this medicine well, and the only contraindication to its use may be intolerance to the components.

Tablets Glycine

If, for some reason, the patient cannot take either the first or the second drug, then the solution may be a safer, but no less effective medicine - valerian tablets. True, they also have their drawbacks. The fact is that they have a cumulative effect, so you should not expect an instant result. You will feel it after three weeks.

A good option may be "Pasit", which has recently proven itself well. This medicine can calm a person in minutes. But, despite the naturalness of raw materials, it should be taken carefully.

It is advisable to consult a doctor and take sedatives under close supervision!

Anxiety pills for kids

Children also often experience intense fear. At these moments, an adult should try to overcome it on a psychological level and eliminate the problem. But sometimes there are situations in which it is not possible to extinguish fear. At such moments, medical remedies for fear for children come to the rescue. But you need to look closely at them, because in addition to their main function - the suppression of fear - they must be non-toxic and not harmful to the child's body.

Remedies for fear for children

Tablets "Tenoten" effectively cope with their task. Or safe, but less effective - valerian tablets.

Side effects of sedatives

Even if there are no contraindications, and the doctor has prescribed drugs for you, it may be that you have some kind of side effect.

Side effects may include:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • impaired appetite;
  • violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus;
  • disorientation in space;
  • severe dry mouth;
  • retardation in movements and impaired coordination of movements;
  • problems with concentration;
  • severe dizziness and headaches;
  • allergic reaction;
  • severe fatigue.

Other side effects are much less common:

  • memory problems;
  • constipation or diarrhea, urinary incontinence;
  • slow speech;
  • heartburn;
  • development of dependence;
  • tremor;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bouts of euphoria;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • weakness.

There were also cases when the drug caused a reaction opposite to what it should be, namely: fear, panic, anxiety attacks.

In any situation, self-medication can be harmful to health, so it is always necessary to consult a doctor before taking pills.

The rhythm of modern life can unbalance even the most persistent person. Constant haste, confrontation with aggression, anger, irritation - all this negatively affects the nervous system. The latter simply can not withstand such stress. As a result, there are various neuroses, depressions, nervous breakdowns. But waiting for such serious consequences is not at all necessary. After all, modern medicine has offered many drugs that can timely eliminate the symptoms of systematic stress. In any pharmacy you can buy pills for nerves. However, how to choose the most effective from an extensive range?

Important warning!

It must be clearly understood that pills for nerves and stress should only be prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to take such medicines on your own. They can provoke the occurrence of dangerous consequences for the human body.

It is allowed to use medicines if the ailment is temporary. For example, if these are worries about entrance exams or an upcoming wedding. But in the case when stress and depression are observed for a long period, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Self-selection of drugs is strictly prohibited.

Varieties of drugs

Pills for nerves and stress are an extensive group of medicines that provide a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system. They provide restoration of balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition.

According to the pharmacological effect, all tablets from the nerves are divided into groups:

  1. tranquilizers. Such drugs relieve anxiety, emotional discomfort, fear. However, they do not impair cognitive function. A person is able to speak, think, perceive information. The drugs do not cause various psychological manifestations (hallucinations, delusions). This group includes drugs: Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, Lorazepam, Bromazepam, Phenazepam, Atarax. However, these drugs can be addictive. That is why tranquilizers can be used only under the strict supervision of a doctor and in short courses. Sometimes they can provoke side effects, such as muscle weakness, trembling fingers, slowed down the speed of mental reactions.
  2. Sedative drugs. These are medicines that are made on the basis of bromine or plants. Compared to the group described above, they differ in less pronounced sedative properties. These drugs have a mild effect on the human body. In addition, they practically do not have side effects. The most popular medicines are based on motherwort, lemon balm, valerian rhizomes. Sedatives are often taken for heart palpitations, hypertension. This group includes the following drugs: Validol, Valerian, Barboval, Valocordin.
  3. Antipsychotics. These are very strong pills for nerves and stress. List of drugs included in this group: "Sonapax", "Tiaprid", "Azaleptin". Such medications are used in psychiatric practice. They are prescribed by a doctor for serious illnesses.
  4. Normothymic drugs. Psychotropic drugs. They are aimed at stabilizing the mood in sick people. Such drugs can mitigate the phases of mental disorders and inhibit the development of seizures. Prominent representatives of the group are the drugs "Carbamazepine", "Oxcarbazepine", "Lamotrigine", "Sodium Valproate", "Risperidone", "Olanzapine", "Quetiapine".

Contraindications for taking sedatives

It is important to understand that not all people are allowed to use nerve pills. It is best to consult your doctor before using these medications.

The following conditions require special attention and caution:

  1. Pregnancy. Many women experience anxiety and stress during childbearing. However, such persons should not take pills or brew fees. Sedative medications must be prescribed by the attending physician. As a rule, funds based on valerian, motherwort are allowed.
  2. individual sensitivity. If a person has a tendency to allergies, then you should very carefully select sedative medications. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions and be sure to consult a doctor.
  3. Childhood. It is strictly forbidden to independently use sedatives for babies. Such medicines can be prescribed by a doctor only in case of psychological illnesses. It is absolutely not necessary to use sedatives for children whose emotional state and nervous system are in order. In addition, one should not forget that all the guys can be capricious, throw tantrums. Such manifestations are not a reason for the use of medicines.
  4. Traumatic brain injury. It is not recommended to take sedatives in case of mechanical damage to the head. Doctors say that these drugs often provoke the occurrence of adverse reactions.

Calming pills for nerves should not be taken by individuals who have:

  • brain tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • drug, alcohol addiction.

The best pills for nerves

The doctor will be able to choose the most effective drugs, having familiarized himself with the history of the disease, finding out the causes of the ailment and analyzing the contraindications of medications. The following are popular pills for nerves.

List of the best drugs:

  • "Afobazol".
  • Validol.
  • Valoserdin.
  • "Glycine".
  • "Nitroglycerine".
  • "Donormil".
  • "Persen".
  • "Phenozepam".
  • "Novo-Passit".
  • "Tenotin".
  • "Phenibut".
  • "Cytoflavin".

The range of effective means is very extensive. It is not easy to find a safe and high-quality medicine. Therefore, when thinking about which nerve pills can relieve anxiety, be sure to study their instructions. For example, people whose activities require concentration of attention are categorically contraindicated in potent medicines. They can pose a real threat to human life.

The medicine "Afobazol"

The active substance of the drug is a selective anxiolytic. Such a remedy reduces the mental discomfort characteristic of anxiety states, eliminates anxiety, irritability, negative forebodings, fears. The medicine perfectly relieves the effects of overvoltage. It eliminates tearfulness, fearfulness, helps to get rid of insomnia, causeless fears. The drug "Afobazole" allows the patient to relax.

In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the general condition. It corrects cardiovascular, muscular, sensory, respiratory and digestive disorders caused by somatic problems. The drug is able to cope with some autonomic disorders, such as dizziness, sweating, dry mouth. The medicine provides concentration, favorably affects memory.

A positive effect can be observed 5-7 days after the start of therapy. The drug is usually prescribed at 30 mg per day. This dose is taken in 3 doses. Therapy can be 2 weeks. In some cases, it is extended up to 3 months.

The drug "Persen"

These are quite effective pills for nerves. The name of the drug is well known to the population, since the medicine is very popular. After all, it has a minimum of contraindications. In addition, the medicine is made from herbal ingredients.

The drug has a mild sedative effect. It effectively eliminates irritability, significantly improves mood and helps the patient to calm down. The drug effectively copes with arousal, psycho-emotional stress. It relieves insomnia. It does not cause daytime sleepiness.

The drug "Tenoten"

Calming pills are an excellent homeopathic remedy. They perfectly cope with anxiety, anxiety, eliminate excessive irritability, emotional lability.

The drug "Tenoten" improves memory and concentration. Such a drug increases the body's resistance to various stresses.

The remedy is prescribed 4 times a day, 1-2 tablets. The pill should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. It is recommended that this procedure be performed 30 minutes before eating. Treatment with Tenoten can last from 1 to 3 months.

Means "Phenibut"

An excellent effect will provide such soothing pills from the nerves. They contain an active substance - a tranquilizer.

The medicine helps to cope with fear, anxiety, a feeling of tension. In addition, the tool improves sleep. The drug "Fenibut" is able to save the patient from headaches, irritability, emotional lability.

The drug perfectly improves performance, attention, memory, speed of sensorimotor reactions.

The patient is prescribed 250-500 mg of the drug three times a day. Such therapy can last 1-1.5 months.

The drug "Phenazepam"

These are very strong pills for nerves. The tool is a tranquilizer. The drug perfectly eliminates anxiety, fear, emotional instability, increased irritability. The drug effectively copes with various psychopathic, neurosis-like, neurotic conditions. Its reception allows you to get rid of panic reactions, insomnia.

However, this remedy has an intense sedative effect. It is absolutely not recommended to use this medication without a doctor's prescription. This remedy is most often prescribed two to three times a day for 0.25-0.5 mg.


However, do not forget that all drugs have contraindications. In addition, they often cause unpleasant side effects. Therefore, before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

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