Constipation in dogs: common causes and treatment. Constipation in a puppy: causes, symptoms, treatment The dog has severe constipation than to help

What to do if it started in a dog? Is it possible to treat a pet with folk remedies or is it better to use medicines? In what cases is self-medication strictly contraindicated? Let's take a look at everything below.

Each owner must understand that home treatment without consulting a veterinarian is always fraught with risks and complications. For effective and correct treatment of constipation in a dog, it is necessary to clearly understand the reasons for which the violation of the digestive process was divorced.

Important! If you are in doubt about accuracy, it is best to contact a veterinarian who can conduct a comprehensive examination.

Constipation can have different causes, it develops against a background of unbalanced or serious pathological disorders. If a dog has developed constipation, against which there are no other symptoms or a sharp deterioration in health, you can try to help with folk remedies.

Most often, constipation occurs against the background of a lack of water in the dog's body. Try to enrich the pet's diet with water, transfer it to liquid food and partially replace the water with Regidron's solution. Caution must be exercised with Regidron solution, since an overdose is fraught with an increase in the load on the kidneys.

Dogs love liquid food. From fermented milk products, you can offer your pet kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt, yogurt or cottage cheese, diluted with milk to a liquid consistency. You can saturate the body with liquid with the help of broth, to which chopped meat is added. Raw eggs can be introduced into your pet's diet as a source of fluid, protein, and fat.

Most dogs enjoy eating vegetables, boiled beets has a mild laxative effect. If the dog is not accustomed to consuming beets, the product must be administered in small doses. Considered as a natural laxative raw liver(chicken or beef), oily ocean fish or fish fat. Flaxseed or olive oil should be added to each serving of food.

Important! With a sudden change in diet, the dog's body can go into "savings" mode, which will make the owner consider the therapy ineffective. If you do not notice positive changes in the first hours, continue therapy anyway. However, the slightest signs of intoxication are a reason for an urgent appeal to a veterinarian.

Against the background of an increase in the fat content of the diet and the introduction of laxative products it is necessary to increase physical activity on walks. It is important to choose exercises that do not cause the dog to tense the peritoneum. Make your pet run or walk at a fast pace. Jumping and pulling weights are strictly prohibited.

During therapy, to eliminate constipation in a dog, it is important to control the load. Being in a state of monotonous stress, the body slows down the metabolism, which leads to an aggravation of the animal's condition. Provide maximum comfort and peace to your pet when he is in the home. If there are children in the family, try to control their communication with animals. If the dog goes to the place and tries to sleep, it is better not to disturb him.

Advice! When treating constipation in a pet with folk remedies or medications, almost all manipulations are stressful. The treatment of the animal should be carried out by a family member who is most trusted by the dog.

Read also: Gamavit for dogs: instructions for use

When providing self-help to animals, it is necessary Adhere to the principle of "do no harm". Closely monitor changes in the pet's condition and contact your veterinarian if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, vomiting- symptoms indicating development
  • Ammonia breath odor i - indicates acute, which can develop against the background of intoxication.
  • - indicates damage to the intestinal walls or blockage of the paranasal glands.
  • Putrid-smelling blood or mucus coming out of the anus- may indicate the development of a viral pathology or bleeding in the intestine.
  • Body change- an increase in temperature indicates the excitation of immunity and the development of pathology. A decrease in body temperature indicates a breakdown, severe intoxication or a necrotic process.
  • Discoloration of mucous membranes- paleness and cyanosis may indicate a malfunction of the product. An intense pink or red color of the gums indicates an increase in core body temperature.
  • Instead of feces, mucus comes out of the anus(sometimes mixed with feces) is a sign of acute constipation, which is often confused with.
  • Stools in the form of dense, dry balls- a symptom of chronic constipation, which develops as a sign of a more serious, systemic disorder.
  • Profuse bowel movements with wet, shapeless feces and - indicates atony of the intestine, that is, the loss of its contractile activity and emptying only upon overflow.

Treatment of constipation in a dog at home is strictly not recommended if the pet refused water appears lethargic or very weak. You can do without going to the doctor if constipation is due to previous treatment (), recent, stress or age.

Treatment of constipation in a dog folk remedies

Among folk remedies for the treatment of constipation in pets, a suspension prepared from condensed milk and water is in the lead. The components are mixed in equal proportions and fed to the dog every 30-40 minutes, 3-4 times a day. Such a suspension should not be given to a healthy animal, as it will lead to the development of diarrhea. With constipation, condensed milk with water helps to saturate the feces with moisture and their natural exit from the body of the animal.

Most owners know that pet constipation can be treated. The drug is considered safe because it passes through the body of the dog "in transit" and is not absorbed. After entering the intestines, vaseline oil envelops its walls, preventing the absorption of water. The water that is retained in the intestines is absorbed into the feces, softening them.

Vaseline can be used in two forms: oil and candles. For an average dog, the maximum dosage of oil should not exceed 50 ml at a time. The oil is evaporated every 1–2 hours, no more than 5 times. Usually defecation occurs after 2-3 doses.

Vaseline suppositories are inserted into the anus. For small dogs, the candle is pre-divided into two parts. Candles are administered at intervals of 1-2 hours, but, like oil, they are not recommended to be used more than 5 times. Defecation can occur 2-3 hours after the first injection of the suppository.

Many experienced pet owners know that pumpkin. Usually, dogs are happy to take sweet medicine in its raw form. If the dog is not accustomed to eating vegetables, the pumpkin can be steamed and mixed with cottage cheese. In addition, boiled beets, raw liver and vegetable oils have a laxative effect.

Advice: if the dog refuses dietary products, crushed sunflower seeds can be discreetly added to the food. The shelled, unroasted seeds contain enough oil and fat to relieve a recent onset of constipation.

Read also: Kvamatel for dogs: general information and purpose

Often used in the treatment of constipation glycerol. As an independent drug, glycerin is almost powerless, but against the background of a diet and increased physical activity, it is quite effective. In addition, after applying glycerin, for a more comfortable and faster elimination of constipation, it is recommended to conduct a cleansing enema.

Enema as a way to treat constipation in a dog

As a treatment for constipation in a dog, an enema with pure water or oil is quite effective. If you cannot guess what causes constipation, it is better not to use any enema supplements.

All preparations must be made in advance. To carry out an enema, you will need absorbent diapers, wipes, disposable gloves and the solution itself. All manipulations are preferably carried out indoors. Since during the enema the dog will feel discomfort She will most likely try to get up and run away. To prevent escape, secure your pet in advance with a collar and leash.

For an enema, the dog is laid on its side, although some animals endure the procedure even in a standing position. The nose of the enema is liberally lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into the anus, no deeper than 2.5 cm. After the introduction of the liquid, the enema spout is carefully withdrawn. The dog's tail must be pressed against the anus and held for at least 1-3 minutes.

After the manipulations, there are three options for the development of events:

  • Get the animal outside quickly, as most dogs will hold back a bowel movement, knowing that such activities are not allowed in the home.
  • Place an absorbent pad under your pet.
  • Put a diaper on your dog.

Note! After an enema, most animals cannot hold back a bowel movement, so a bowel movement may occur before going outside. Be prepared for such consequences and in no case do not scold the dog!

After the enema, if defecation has not occurred, the dog can be given belly massage. To stimulate peristalsis, it is necessary to stroke the abdominal cavity clockwise with light palpation. If, in response to pressure, you feel a gurgling in the intestines, then massage helps.

After the dog has had a bowel movement, carefully inspect the stool. There should be no inclusions of scarlet blood in the feces! Small clots or threads of clotted blood are the consequences of damage to the intestinal walls during the movement of feces.

After a cleansing enema, the defecation time can stretch for 2-3 hours. If during the specified period nothing but water came out of the intestines of the animal, it is urgent to contact a veterinarian. Most often, the lack of bowel movements after a cleansing enema indicates or intestines.

Treating constipation in dogs with medication

What to do if folk remedies did not help eliminate constipation in a dog? Gentle remedies may indeed not have the expected effect if constipation lasts more than 2 days, because the feces have become too dry. This constipation can be acute or chronic and should be treated with a safe medication.

The owner of the animal needs to know how to treat constipation in a dog. Dogs, like all other animals, are prone to various diseases. Therefore, caring owners should carefully monitor the condition of their pets, their diet and activity. If the dog is not behaving normally, it may be a sign of illness.

Possible signs of constipation in a dog

Many owners are faced with the problem of difficulty defecation in the animal. The reasons are different. Let's figure out why such a nuisance may appear and how to help with constipation.

Common causes of bowel problems in dogs include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • obesity;
  • dehydration;
  • insufficient amount of fiber in;
  • low physical activity;
  • the age of the animal.

Symptoms of the disease are easy to notice. If the animal is pushing, making an unsuccessful effort to empty the intestines, then the dog has a problem with intestinal obstruction. Due to such a nuisance, feces will accumulate and harden, while they can injure the intestinal walls. The owner should take steps to improve the condition of his dog.

Causes and effects of bowel problems

In order for stool to move through the intestines, sufficient peristalsis is needed, that is, wave-like movements of the walls. If the intestines can not cope, the reasons may be: infections, obesity or exhaustion of the body. The intestines can "get up" and because of any disease of the internal organs.

By the way, a decrease in peristalsis can also occur due to anesthesia. After anesthesia, soups and liquid cereals should be included in the dog's diet. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, because constipation after surgery can lead to negative consequences. Adhesions in the abdominal cavity may also be the cause.

A certain amount and moisture of the animal's stool testifies to normal defecation. Fecal masses in large quantities can accumulate inside the intestines. The same phenomenon is observed if the feces are too dry. Due to the dog's diet with boiled bones, the intestines can become clogged. Dogs that drink little enough should be given more liquid food. Dry dog ​​food, however, does not cause constipation in the animal.

If a dog has the following symptoms: weakness, pain in the abdomen, decreased interest in food, constant thirst, as well as vomiting and blanching of the mucous membranes, this may indicate intoxication. In this situation, the pet needs urgent help from a veterinarian.

If intestinal obstruction, laxatives can worsen its condition, therefore it is recommended to take the dog to the veterinarian at the first signs of illness and find out the reasons for the difficulty in defecation.

Prevention of constipation

First, the dog needs to be properly fed. If the dog has constipation, this indicates, first of all, an improper diet. A dog is an excellent walking companion, but it should not share the owner's food. You can’t feed a dog with sweets, feed him bones. Overfeeding the animal is also strictly prohibited. Steep broth or a large amount of dry food also provoke constipation.

Constipation in a dog can be the result of such health problems:

  1. prostate diseases (in males);
  2. diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  3. neurological or orthopedic problems.

Correction of the diet, constant monitoring of the dog's nutrition, maybe with a bowel movement. It is better to feed the dog food. Never feed your dog table food. This can cause not only constipation in dogs, but also obesity. Boiled tubular bones also do not benefit.

Fragments of bones can accumulate in the intestine and injure its walls. Also, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of liquid. You can add a little vegetable oil to dog food no more than twice a week. Walks, active games will help your pet stay healthy and cheerful longer and help digest food.

Treatment of constipation in animals

How to treat constipation in a dog, every owner needs to know. First, eliminate sweets and other handouts from the table from the diet. Don't give your dog small boiled bones because they can break. Feed your pet vegetables, such as pumpkin and unprocessed bran. This diet has a positive effect on peristalsis.

Vegetable oil is also considered a good laxative. Another laxative: white magnesia. Give your pet no more than one teaspoon about twice a week, although white magnesia can be given more frequently.

Vaseline oil is often prescribed for a dog with constipation. This drug helps to empty the intestines. For the treatment of constipation, give twice a day, one tablespoon on an empty stomach. The amount also depends on the weight of the animal. The remedy is given at the rate of one tablespoon of petroleum jelly per 20 kg of weight. Therefore, the puppy should not be given more than 1-2 teaspoons of petroleum jelly. The laxative will not work immediately, but after five or six hours.

Vaseline oil is used for no longer than five days, otherwise side effects are possible, for example, hypovitaminosis. Also, you can not give vaseline to dogs with certain diseases: in the presence of inflammation in the abdominal cavity, an acute febrile condition. Vaseline is contraindicated in pregnant dogs.

Enema is also good for constipation. But this requires certain knowledge in order to correctly calculate the volume of water depending on the weight. Any funds and tablets should be given to the dog only after a visit to the veterinarian. The veterinarian must prescribe a course of treatment, which must be strictly adhered to.

postoperative constipation in dogs

Postoperative constipation can often occur. This is a side effect of the operation. If the veterinarian has diagnosed a bowel obstruction, it may be necessary to perform another operation, or to give an enema if the obstruction has been avoided.

It happens that the funds in the postoperative period do not help your pet. You have to use drugs such as antispasmodics, no-shpa, baralgin. They also use suppositories and additional preparations that restore the normal intestinal microflora. Of course, the diet should be prescribed in the postoperative period by a veterinarian. During the period set by the veterinarian, the dog should not be fed or watered. After that, you need to give food often, but in small portions.

Don't give your dog heavy, hard, or dry food. Soften food with water or replace with wet canned food. So you should feed the dog for about a month. After that, you can return to a normal diet. However, this should not be done immediately, but gradually.

You can start with broth, kefir, liquid cereals with wet minced meat. No matter what diet is chosen for the dog, it should always have clean water in a bowl. This is the only way to stabilize the bowels. In case of changes in the behavior of the dog, increased thirst, refusal of food, weakness, lack of activity, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will tell you what to do if the dog has constipation.

Severe cases

Treating constipation in dogs is a matter that needs to be approached responsibly. In especially severe cases, such as intestinal obstruction, tumor, volvulus, or a foreign object entering the digestive tract, surgery is needed.

If the dog is not helped by diet changes or other remedies, the problem may be much more serious than you previously thought. Do not leave the problem unattended, because due to the intoxication of the body, the life of the dog may be in danger.

The accumulation of hardened masses, especially with fragments of bones, will burst the intestines and may even lead to its rupture. In the most difficult cases, animals even remove part of the intestine with undigested masses.

The main and condition for the treatment of constipation, regardless of age and size, as well as the breed of your dog, is to see a doctor. Do not save on the health of your dog and do not neglect medical recommendations.

Self-treatment can even harm your pet. A mild case of constipation will not cause much discomfort to the dog, and such a problem is quite easy to solve, but in any case, get the opinion of a doctor first. It can be difficult for a non-specialist to determine how severe a problem you are facing. If you do not know how to give an enema, you can injure the walls of the dog's intestines. An overdose of laxatives will also not benefit your dog.

constipation in a puppy

A special case is constipation in a puppy. This is a serious problem, because the puppy's body is much more sensitive. Constipation in a puppy can occur due to the accumulation of a hairball in the intestines. These lumps are called trichobezoars. They are formed from the wool that the dog licks. Usually, the hairs pass through the intestines unhindered, but their accumulation in a certain area is possible.

Sometimes puppies will swallow completely inedible objects due to their inexperience or out of curiosity. Stagnation can be affected by lack of physical activity. Each puppy needs to go for a walk several times a day, engage in active games.

It is also possible that you are overfeeding your pet or that they are not drinking enough pure water. Puppies can have their belly massaged or placed on a warm heating pad, and include pumpkin and celery in their diet.

In difficult cases, laxatives will help. However, medication cannot be used without a doctor's prescription. After all, the body of a puppy is very susceptible. A side effect of the use of laxatives is a violation of the function of the colon.

An enema is an effective remedy, but if you do not have experience in washing the intestines, it is better not to take it yourself. You need to rinse several times before the onset of the effect. Use a warm decoction of chamomile flowers. It is necessary to perform the procedure with gloves, and grease the tip of the pear with Vaseline.

Be careful as the dog will most likely feel uncomfortable with the procedure and will try to wriggle out and bite. You may need help holding your pet during the bowel lavage. Surgery may be needed only in the most severe cases of constipation.

In this article I will talk about constipation in dogs and what to do. I will describe the main symptoms and reasons why a puppy cannot go to the toilet for the most part. I will list the possible methods of helping a pet and what medicine to treat constipation at home. And whether it is necessary to resort to operation.

Constipation is a difficult, systematically insufficient bowel movement (defecation), characterized by a small amount of feces, its increased hardness and dryness.

Reasons why a dog cannot go to the toilet for the most part

The main causes of constipation in an animal are:

Wrong (not high-quality) diet

Difficulties with stool arise when the animal is fed from a human table.

In the event that the pet receives less coarse fibers (fiber), and eats mainly meat, intestinal motility worsens.

Much depends on proper nutrition, including the quantity and quality of bowel movements.

As a result, feces are difficult to move through the intestines and are excreted.

The composition of industrial dog food includes the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The balance of all components helps to raise a pet strong and healthy.

Wrong drinking regimen

Insufficient water intake makes feces dry and hard. This complicates the process of defecation and even a small dog whines and cannot poop. Sometimes without special help, makes it impossible.

Please note that the pet should always have a bowl of clean drinking water! The pet needs to be watered.

Sedentary lifestyle, short and rare walks

For each breed, a mandatory norm of physical activity is prescribed.

Insufficient physical activity leads to a weakening of the muscles of the whole body, including the intestines.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the causes of constipation.

Binge eating

Dogs, for the most part, do not control their appetite and the amount of food they eat. How much food is available - so much will be eaten. Therefore, portions should be dosed according to the age and weight of the animal.

If the pet eats industrial feed, you must follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

In the case of feeding human food, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Eating small bones, especially birds

The bones break easily and clog the intestines. Large bones should be given raw.

Other reasons why the animal cannot go to the toilet can be serious dog illnesses, such as:

  1. Neoplasms in the intestines, abdomen or perineum.
  2. Diseases of the prostate.
  3. Pain in the spine.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system.
  5. Blockage of the intestine by a foreign body.

X-ray, dog constipation after bones

Only a specialist can diagnose these diseases and prescribe treatment.

constipation symptoms

There are several signs of constipation in an animal:

  1. The pet tries to perform the act of defecation, but cannot. During attempts, he experiences pain. Often squeals.
  2. The animal does not empty its intestines for several days.
  3. The animal feels worse, appetite disappears, the pet looks lethargic and inactive.
  4. The abdomen increases in size and becomes tight.

These symptoms may also indicate the development of a serious illness.

Which requires competent diagnosis by an experienced veterinarian and the appointment of special treatment.

Symptoms of constipation in a dog are simple - rare (less than 1 time per day) bowel movements

Treatment methods at home

If constipation in an animal is associated with malnutrition, low physical activity or a violation of the drinking regimen, you can help the pet yourself. In addition to eliminating these factors, there are several options for solving the problem.


This procedure can be carried out at home. This will require the help of one person to hold the animal, a douche (sold in a pharmacy), clean cool water. It is possible to add glycerin or a special oil solution to improve peristalsis and lubricate the anus.

Enema has a large number of restrictions and contraindications. If there is no certainty in the true cause of constipation, the procedure is prohibited!

Enemas with drugs should be prescribed only by a veterinarian!

dog enema

The use of vaseline oil

This event is aimed at softening the feces and their speedy removal. Vaseline oil is sold in a pharmacy. It is safe for dogs.

It is not absorbed in the intestines and is completely excreted with feces.

How to use: Mix 1 teaspoon with food and feed to your pet. If the appetite is completely absent, it can be given through a syringe (without a needle!) into the dog's mouth. The procedure is carried out twice a day, until the end of constipation.

Massage for constipation

Light stroking movements in a clockwise direction in the abdomen can improve intestinal motility and stimulate the act of defecation.

Massage can be performed only in the absence of a pain symptom!


In the case when constipation is noticed in a pet, it is urgent to adjust the diet:

  • exclude bones and dry food (we are not talking about industrial feed, but food from the human table);
  • exclude fatty and broths;
  • add 1-2 drops of vegetable oil to food;
  • dilute food with vegetables as much as possible (beets, carrots, pumpkin). You can stir with meat, but not with broth!
  • avoid pastries and milk.

To restore normal bowel function, a diet is shown


Perhaps with constipation in a dog, the use of ordinary soap: toilet, children's, household. To do this, a piece of soap is cut into small pieces and inserted into the anus.

The alkaline soap composition irritates the intestinal walls and stimulates contractions, helping in the speedy emptying.

This measure should often not be resorted to, since manipulation carries the possibility of developing dysbacteriosis and corroding the intestinal walls.


Medications for treating constipation in dogs are aimed at stimulating bowel movements.

These include: guttalax, bisacodyl, etc.

Magnesia is an effective drug with a laxative effect.

The action is to attract fluid into the intestines with further liquefaction of feces.

Constipation is one of the manifestations of serious disorders of the digestive system. Often this symptom is a manifestation of a serious disease that requires urgent professional veterinary diagnosis and treatment. Be attentive to your pets and do not put off a visit to the veterinarian.

In this article, I talked about constipation in dogs. She gave the main causes of the problem with the stool. Describe the symptoms of constipation. Listed ways to help a pet at home.

What to do if you suspect constipation in a dog? Is it possible to make a quick and correct diagnosis and provide assistance at home? What are the consequences of mistakes and ignoring the problem? Let's take a look at everything below.

Proctogenic type of constipation due to the individual characteristics of the body and the sensitivity of the digestive system. Also, the proctogenic type of constipation can develop against the background of diseases that affect the intestines. Sooner or later, this type of disorder leads to an acute course of the disease, the development of an inflammatory process in the large and small intestines, the formation of ulcers and fissures, the development of diseases such as colitis or gastroenteritis. Regardless of the causes of proctogenic constipation, the animal needs emergency care and treatment.

Read also: Food allergies in dogs

Aggressive treatment often causes constipation in dogs. For example, antibiotics cause dysbacteriosis in an animal, which leads to general digestive disorders, diarrhea or constipation. Prolonged use of antispasmodics can provoke the development of constipation, from which traditional treatment does not help. The use of narcotic drugs to immerse the animal in anesthesia also causes a violation of elasticity and contraction of muscle tissue, but in this case such a “side effect” is expected.

Endocrine type of constipation known to veterinarians and exists in theory, but it is extremely difficult to diagnose. Violation is a symptom or consequence of any disease associated with the thyroid gland. For example, with hypothyroidism, regular hormonal disruptions, or diabetes, a dog may develop endocrine constipation. The most common cause of chronic endocrine constipation is hormonal failure due to "empty" estrus.

Important! For the prevention of thyroid diseases and other equally serious ailments, it is recommended to castrate animals that do not have breeding value before the onset of the first estrus or entry into the age of estrus.

Another type of constipation that is practically not diagnosed is atonic.. Atonic constipation is not accompanied by the inability to empty the intestines, on the contrary, the dog goes to the toilet, but the volume and density of feces are disturbed. Too rapid emptying of the intestine leads to injury in the lower section. It is important to understand that with the atonic type of constipation, the dog cannot go to the toilet in a timely manner, because he does not feel the urge. The emptying of the intestine occurs at the moment when it is full. The cause of the violation is the disruption of the intestinal motility.

Note! The concept indicates a violation of the muscles or the loss of the ability of tissues to contract.

Megacolon is a disease that develops against the background of an enlarged colon. Usually, the disease develops against the background of congenital pathologies or a violation of intrauterine development. The first symptoms appear in puppyhood, as the baby often suffers from constipation despite adequate feeding. To establish a diagnosis, the puppy must be shown to the veterinarian and examined in detail. It is not worth panicking in advance, because dogs are prone to digestive problems in puppyhood.

Causes of constipation that are not related to the digestive system

A common cause of constipation, not associated with systemic disorders, is. The para-anal glands secrete a pungent-smelling fluid with every bowel movement. If the metabolism is disturbed, the fluid may become thicker or thinner. In the first case, the emptying of the glands does not occur completely, in the second, their work becomes hyperactive. Regardless of the causes and ways of development, violations lead to inflammation of the paraanal glands with all the ensuing consequences.

The first and obvious symptom of inflammation of the paraanal glands is severe itching in the anus. Owners note that dogs begin to ride on the priest on the floor surface in an attempt to relieve itching. Such instinctive actions lead to scratching of the anus and its infection. Some dogs begin to pay too much attention to licking the perineum or biting the fur in an attempt to soothe the itch.

The blockage of the paraanal glands is eliminated by mechanically squeezing the fluid out of them. Regular cleansing of the glands is not a solution to the problem, since it is necessary to find the root cause to eliminate it. In rare cases, for example, when a dog suffers from, cleaning the paraanal glands becomes a lifelong necessity.

The development of spastic and proctogenic type of constipation can lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system. With pain during movement, the dog cannot take a comfortable position for defecation. To avoid pain, the dog delays the urge to have a bowel movement as long as it can. It is important to understand that the pet cannot empty the intestines normally without taking the usual position for this.

A hernia can lead to the development of any type of constipation. In a general sense, a hernia is a modification of an organ or its protrusion. For dogs, the most common type of hernia is the inguinal hernia.

Usually, immediately after birth, the hernia is mobile and is reduced with a slight mechanical impact. However, there are also strangulated hernias, in which fragments of the intestine can fall. In addition to constipation, a hernia can lead to the death of intestinal fragments, necrotic processes, sepsis and death.

Consequences of frequent constipation in a dog

It is important to understand that there is a lot of information available about the treatment of constipation in dogs, but most of the indications are given with serious reservations. The success of treatment depends on many factors and cannot be guaranteed. Diagnosis of this ailment is also difficult, since the first main symptoms are associated with behavioral changes.

Spastic and neurogenic constipation, which we talked about above, may not be accompanied by obvious symptomatic changes. The owner may note that the dog went to the toilet during the walk, but overlook the fact that the amount of stool is insufficient. This type of development of the disease is called secretive, it is often overlooked even by experienced owners and leads to very serious consequences.


Constipation is an irregular, incomplete, painful bowel movement. The large intestine becomes clogged with hard, hardened feces. Old, obese and sedentary dogs suffer. Irrational nutrition, overfeeding, deficiency of plant fibers in the diet, lack of regular walking, lack of drinking, contribute to the compaction of fecal matter and constipation.

The causes of constipation in dogs are diseases - intestinal atony, oncological neoplasms, complications after surgery. Constipation can be provoked by side effects of medications, a stressful situation, neurological pathologies.

The reasons

Delayed bowel movements in dogs are provoked by the following reasons:

  • Stern. To move the fecal masses, a certain intensity of peristaltic movements is necessary.
  • Infectious.
  • Medical.
  • Mechanical. Blockage of the digestive tract by bones. Formation of bezoars from swallowed wool and foreign objects.
  • Neurological. Disorders that cause paralysis, diseases of the intervertebral discs, spinal cord, rabies, toxicosis, congenital autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, enlargement of the large intestine.
  • Metabolic. Endocrine disorders disrupt the passage of feces through the large intestine.
  • Postoperative. Intestinal obstruction is considered a common postoperative complication. If symptoms of constipation are detected, immediate veterinary attention is required. Delay leads to the need for repeated surgery.
  • Lymphadenopathy is the proliferation of lymph nodes in the large intestine.
  • Tumors of the rectum, polyps, diverticula.


Constipation in dogs is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • The urge to empty is accompanied by the absence of feces or a small amount of it.
  • Anxiety.
  • The abdomen is swollen, hard to the touch.
  • The consistency of feces is hard and dry.
  • Defecation does not occur daily. Normally, an adult dog heats up twice a day, a puppy - five.
  • After prolonged attempts, a small portion of liquid feces is excreted.
  • Vomit.
  • Lethargy, sad look.
  • Refusal to feed.
  • Congestion caused by a large volume of bones is accompanied by severe pain.
  • The dog whines when trying to empty the bowels.

The initial diagnosis is based on history and examination. More research is needed to determine the cause of constipation:

  • Standard blood test.
  • Urine research.
  • X-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment at home

When the owner notices that the pet is not getting along with defecation, he should not yell at the dog, try to remove foreign objects from the anus, or give an enema. Sometimes drotavegil, baralgin, other antispasmodics and analgesics help. Setting an enema for a dog is acceptable in a clinic and under the supervision of a veterinarian. Often the problem is solved without contacting a specialist. It is important to remember that the absence of a bowel movement for two days is the reason for the immediate delivery of the pet to the veterinary clinic. Fecal masses stuck in the intestines begin to decompose with the release of toxins and threaten the life of the animal.

Attempts to solve the problem yourself are as follows:

  • Exclusion from the diet of muscle meat, rice, corn, cottage cheese, eggs, yesterday's homemade yogurt. Feeding your dog small portions of warm semi-liquid food:
  1. Thoroughly boiled buckwheat milk porridge.
  2. Stewed vegetables - cabbage, carrots, zucchini.
  3. Boiled sea fish.
  4. Fresh kefir.
  5. Raw beets.

The best solution to the problem is to switch to canned puppy food or easily digestible food for sick dogs.

Sometimes it helps to add linseed or vaseline oil to the feed in the amount of one tablespoon (tablespoon) per 20 kg of body weight. The agent is not absorbed, passes through the anus and contaminates the litter.

In the absence of a positive effect, you should seek veterinary help.

The success of treating constipation at home depends on the patience and conscientiousness of the owner, who follows the instructions of the attending veterinarian. They are as follows:

  • Cancellation of medications that cause constipation.
  • Exclusion from the diet of food capable of swelling - bran, dry food.
  • The use of rectal suppositories and laxatives.
  • Staging a dog with an enema with boiled warm water (with the permission of a doctor).
  • Diet correction.

Particular attention is paid to the rational nutrition of dogs in the postoperative period. The initial diet consists of weak broths and liquid cereals. Dry food is soaked in water.

The sparing diet continues for more than a month. Boiled chicken heads of small bones must be discarded. Regardless of the method of nutrition, the dog must be provided with constant access to clean drinking water.

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