Baby has seizures. Night leg cramps - a sign of growth? Convulsive syndromes in children. Tonic and clonic seizures in childhood

Children suffer from convulsive syndromes much more often than adults. This is due to the many various factors. We will figure out what can provoke convulsions in a child, and how to quickly deal with the problem.

There are many prerequisites for malaise, and only the attending physician can understand them. After all, the range of syndromes is quite wide - from muscle contractions during falling asleep and during sleep to epileptic seizures. Night cramps in children are far from always referred to as pathologies, because impulses to nerve endings may be due to bright dream or an uncomfortable posture.

Convulsions in children under one year old are also explained by the rapid excitability of the central nervous system (CNS) due to its immaturity.

Similar reactions in babies are divided into epileptic and non-epileptic. Risk factors for the latter include:

  • hereditary disposition;
  • Psycho-emotional disorders;
  • CNS dysfunction;
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Reaction to vaccination
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Internal hemorrhages.

The cause of cramps in a child in the legs can be a deficiency of calcium, iron and magnesium.
In a newborn, seizures can occur due to asphyxia, birth injuries, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and perinatal encephalopathy.

What are respiratory-affective seizures? These are involuntary muscle contractions due to an excess of emotions. They usually appear in crumbs from six months to three years and are considered the most harmless.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of seizures. If they are accompanied by others painful symptoms and often repeated, medical attention is needed.

Types of convulsive manifestations

From how the seizures manifest themselves, they can be divided into several varieties:


The nature of muscle contraction: prolonged. Because of this, the limbs seem to freeze in the process of flexion or extension. The baby's body is stretched, and the head is thrown back or lowered to chest. Tonic convulsions last a long time. Their appearance indicates an overexcited state. brain structures. More often occur in the limbs, for example, when a child has leg cramps. But they can also capture the stomach, neck, face.


The nature of muscle contraction: fast. Periods of muscle contraction in children and relaxation occur dynamically and visually resemble twitches. They begin when a pathological discharge occurs in the brain centers or in the muscles. If you do not eliminate their cause, but the attacks become more frequent.


Clonic-tonic seizures are characterized by alternating muscle contractions and their increased tone. The final may be loss of consciousness or even coma. Seizures of this type are often manifested due to epilepsy.

There are also myo clonic convulsions. Their difference is that they pass completely without pain. Most often, myoclonic seizures occur during sleep. These include leg cramps at night, from which the child wakes up. But they can be caused by fear or overeating (for example, hiccups). In the newborn, myoclonic seizures are often associated with inherited ailments. Also by coverage skeletal muscles doctors classify everything seizures into two types: partial (local) and generalized (general).

Seizures are usually solitary. When repeated, we can talk about the occurrence of secondary myoclonus. The reasons for this may be various neurological diseases.

Febrile seizures in children

So called convulsions at a temperature in a child. Preschool children are prone to such manifestations. Febrile convulsions in children with fever develop due to the fact that the brain of the crumbs is not sufficiently formed and is sensitive to various stimuli. They are observed in a child at a high temperature: 38-39 degrees and above. Moreover, seizures are possible, even if they did not appear before.

What do seizures look like at a temperature? This variety appears as follows:

  • Detachment up to loss of orientation;
  • Paleness and retention of breath;
  • Muscle twitching and stiffness.

Convulsions in a child at a temperature are not considered the norm, but in isolated cases they are not dangerous. The causes of febrile seizures are various infections bacterial and viral nature. Children may be genetically predisposed to such a reaction.

It is important to note: the faster hyperthermia develops, the higher the likelihood of convulsive conditions. However, there are also subfebrile convulsions. Such convulsions occur after a high temperature in a child, when the thermometer drops to 37 degrees. Usually they are repeated, with complications of the disease. However, such convulsions may occur against the background of vaccination.

Temperature cramps often occur in a child with a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Such an ailment is called. It is often confused with a sore throat, but the Epstein-Barr virus is a herpes virus. The carriers of Epstein-Barr infectious agents are the majority of the world's population. But in preschool children, due to an underdeveloped defense system, the Epstein-Barr virus is activated and provokes complete disease. Fortunately, after illness, immunity is developed. Even for those who have easily suffered an indisposition, the Epstein-Barr virus is no longer terrible. And the painful condition that provokes the Epstein-Barr virus is easily removed by modern medicines.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of seizures depend on the nature of muscle contraction. But in general, we can talk about the following common features:

  • Various tics and twitches;
  • Uncontrolled movements of the arms or legs;
  • Distortion of facial features;
  • eye rolling;
  • Lockjaw;
  • Paleness of the skin and a bluish tint to the lips;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Freezing in an unnatural position;
  • Nausea and even vomiting.

The child may describe himself, faint. After an attack, most likely, he will become capricious, but at the same time he will be sleepy and lethargic.

How to recognize epileptic seizures? During them, the baby falls to the floor and begins to convulse. His eyes roll back, his lips foam, his jaw clenched. The child loses consciousness. The patient is able to urinate or make an involuntary defecation. The exit from the attack is accompanied by disorientation and loss of memory of what happened. Finishing epileptic convulsions the child has muscle relaxation, and he falls asleep.

Only a doctor can determine exactly why convulsions began. He decides which therapeutic course to choose.

But before that, the doctor collects an anamnesis, analyzes how the seizure began, and prescribes research. They usually include a blood test, electroencephalography. Sometimes computed tomography, pneumoencephalography, angiography, spinal puncture are required.

Convulsions are dangerous because their consequences are unpredictable. In a child during an attack, brain functions are weakened, oxygen is practically not supplied. Because of this, necrosis of brain cells begins, which leads to problems with the neuropsychic system, developmental delay.

General convulsive syndromes are the most serious, since the baby does not control the body at all and is unconscious. With an uncontrolled seizure, epileptics have a risk of choking on saliva and vomit, biting off their tongue.

Why are night attacks dangerous? The baby is alone with the disease, without the help of adults. This condition can even lead to death.

First aid for seizures in children

What to do if a child has a seizure? Call ambulance. But since the child struggles with spasm from 2 seconds to 10 minutes, the doctors may not have time to arrive. Parents need to provide some help to the baby, using the following algorithm:

The position of the child with convulsions

  1. Remove tight shoes and clothing, and also open the window for fresh air.
  2. Lay the crumbs on the barrel on a flat, not soft surface. Or at least turn your head to the side.
  3. While convulsions last, clear your mouth of mucus, while laying a roll of cloth between the teeth. This will help to avoid biting or dropping of the tongue. Hard objects should not be used, so as not to damage the teeth.
  4. If the baby fainted, try to bring him to his senses and hold out until the doctors arrive. Fainting syndrome helps to remove cotton wool from ammonia, affectionate conversations, touches.

It is especially difficult and scary in such a situation for parents of babies. The baby not only does not understand what is happening to him, but he cannot say anything either. It is important not to panic, to act clearly and systematically.

When the baby cries a lot, he may also experience spasms. He needs to be calmed down. An attack that has already begun is stopped by sprinkling a little cool water or patted on the cheeks. Then give sedative, for example, valerian in the proportion: 1 drop for 1 year of life. A sedative will also help to cope with seizures caused by vivid dreams. And the cramps of the calf muscles, when the crumbs had a cramped leg, are eliminated with a light massage.

From febrile convulsions, manifested against a background of high temperature, they will save (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). You can also do cool compresses or wraps. In a feverish state, when the heat is combined with pallor and chills, cooling procedures should not be done. These symptoms are very dangerous state The child has.

The doctor may prescribe injections in the proportion of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight. An older child can be given a tablet of this drug - No-shpa is well tolerated by children. And emergency assistance must be called.

Treatment of seizures in children and prevention of seizures

With convulsions in a child that are not associated with age-related changes or excessive emotional arousal, immediate treatment is required. Therapeutic tactics are chosen by the doctor depending on the causes muscle spasm.

The doctor may prescribe anticonvulsant drugs, sedatives and symptomatic remedies, as well as drugs to normalize metabolism.

Additionally prescribed massage, reflexology, therapeutic gymnastics, other physiotherapy. At serious violations brain function, surgical intervention is possible.

In order for convulsions to bypass your crumbs, you need to take care of this before he is born. One month before the planned pregnancy, take drugs with folic acid. During gestation, do not allow the influence of any adverse effects, infectious diseases, drink vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by a doctor. A newborn must be examined by a pediatric neurologist. A baby at the age of one month needs to undergo a neurosonography procedure.

Children need physical activity on the fresh air- Walk with your baby more often. When falling asleep crumbs and during sleep, the environment should be calm and peaceful. It is important to compose for children balanced menu, since the lack of valuable elements can also provoke convulsions in a child.

Remember what to put correct diagnosis only a doctor can, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

Convulsions in children can be judged by signs such as short-term muscle contractions various groups skeletal or facial muscles. As a rule, these manifestations are accompanied by acute phases serious illnesses. Convulsions can be general and local, clonic or tonic. If you are faced with such a phenomenon for the first time, it is important not to get confused and follow a clearly defined algorithm of actions.

Why does a child have convulsions: the main reasons

Most often, the onset of seizures is sudden, the child is excited, his movements become erratic, his head throws back, his jaws close. Then respiratory arrest occurs, cyanosis of the skin increases, convulsions intensify. After deep breath breathing becomes “snoring”, noisy, cyanosis is replaced by pallor of the skin. After a seizure, lethargy, confusion, or sleep occurs.

Why does a child have seizures, and what symptoms are they characterized by? The main causes of seizures in a child are:

1) epilepsy:

  • tonic phase (duration about 10-20 seconds) - after a sudden cry, the child loses consciousness, he starts convulsing, tension appears chewing muscles, and then the whole face, the eyeballs deviate to the sides, the pupils dilate, there is no breathing;
  • clonic phase (duration from 30 seconds to several minutes) - there are short-term contractions of various groups of skeletal muscles.

Then convulsions decrease, breathing is restored, involuntary urination and defecation often occur. 15-30 minutes after the attack, the child falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he does not remember what happened to him.

2) rapid rise body temperature at viral infections- short-term convulsions (last no more than 2-5 minutes), usually tonic-clonic. characteristic symptom such convulsions in children - loss of consciousness;

3) spasmophilia - tonic convulsions muscles of the face, feet, hands, loss of consciousness are typical for children from 3-4 months to 1.5 years;

4), encephalitis - seizures are accompanied by neurological symptoms.

What are convulsions in children and how to provide first aid

convulsions- sudden involuntary muscle contractions, often accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Distinguish between local and general convulsions. What are the convulsions in children by the nature of the manifestations?


  • clonic convulsions - short-term, sweeping, rhythmic contractions of body parts;
  • tonic convulsions - longer muscle contraction, accompanied by extension of the limbs and torso;
  • tonic-clonic - tonic and clonic contractions replace each other.

Seizures can occur with brain diseases (abscesses, tumors, cerebral palsy, congenital anomalies etc.), epilepsy in response to various damaging factors (trauma, neuroinfections, fever, intoxication, vaccination, etc.).

What to do with convulsions in a child to alleviate the condition of the baby before the doctor arrives?

First aid for convulsions in children is to ensure patency respiratory tract: you need to free the child from restrictive clothing, clean the oral cavity from mucus, vomit, foreign bodies. To prevent injury to the tongue, he is allowed to bite on a hard object (pencil, spoon handle). Enter 0.5% Relanium (0.1 ml / kg, but not more than 2 ml once) in an enema or intramuscularly; 25% solution of magnesium sulfate (0.2 ml / kg, but not more than 5.0 ml) intramuscularly; 20% sodium hydroxybutyrate (0.3-0.5 ml/kg) diluted via enema.

When assisting with convulsions in a child, if breathing stops, they switch to mechanical ventilation and do indirect massage hearts.

With convulsions against the background of a strong increase in body temperature, 50% analgin (0.1 ml / year of life) and 2.5% pipolfen (0.1 ml / year of life) are additionally administered intramuscularly.

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If a child begins to have seizures, it means that the nervous system has been damaged. Seizures are usually observed in children with epilepsy. This phenomenon in children may appear in different period life and depends on various reasons. Toddlers are more likely to have seizures than older children. age category.

The progression of the disease can be provoked by causes, pathologies of the fetus in the womb, and a few months after the birth of the baby. Premature babies are more likely to have seizures. Visit immediately at the first symptoms medical institution to prescribe the correct treatment.

In children, especially preterm infants, low threshold excitability of the central nervous system, the brain is not mature enough, there is a strong tendency to convulsive muscle contractions. Non-epileptic convulsive reactions are common. The formation of convulsive reactions in infants can be the result of trauma during childbirth, a manifestation of abnormalities in the central nervous system, and prematurity of the fetus. Furthermore, convulsions may be the result of unsuccessful vaccination.

Causes of seizures in a child:

  • chronic or acute form brain diseases;
  • seizures in babies up to a year old, even in sleep, can occur as a result of toxic damage to the brain;
  • manifestation as side effect endocrine disorders;
  • cramps during sleep occur as a result of increased high temperature body;
  • convulsions as a reaction to vaccination;
  • convulsive syndrome occurs as a result of a strong fright, the baby may turn blue or lose consciousness;
  • disturbed mineral and carbohydrate metabolism, there is a decrease in the blood of sodium, magnesium, glucose, calcium, the work of the parathyroid glands is disrupted;
  • medication can be traced in children whose mothers are sick.



Tonic convulsive manifestations (tonic seizures) - long contraction muscles of the arms, legs, in which there is a freezing of the arms and legs in a bent or unbent position. The body of the baby during a tonic seizure is stretched, the head is thrown back, there is a loss of consciousness. Muscle contractions are formed slowly, but last a long time. The appearance of a tonic form signals an overexcitation of brain structures.


Clonic convulsive manifestations - there is a dynamic muscle contraction, uncontrolled chaotic movement of the arms, legs and torso. Tonic-clonic clonic seizures are often observed during sleep in the prone position. There is a combination of symptoms of tonic and clonic seizures.


Febrile seizures in children - a form of the disease progresses in children under the age of 6 years. The reason is an increase in body temperature. There are seizures that have not previously manifested. Important factorgenetic predisposition baby to convulsive phenomena. As a result of the febrile form of seizures, an external detachment from the world occurs, loss of consciousness, the baby turns blue and holds its breath. Febrile convulsions in children are accompanied by disorientation, the patient does not understand anything and slowly comes to his senses.


Respiratory-affective convulsions - sudden manifestations arise as a result of a transferred baby a large number emotions. This form occurs in the age category from 6 months to 3 years, especially in preterm infants, convulsions can occur during sleep in the prone position.


The causes of the formation of epileptic seizures are the formation of strong neural discharges in the cerebral cortex. have the following symptoms: the work of the arms and legs is disturbed, the muscles are reduced, the sensitivity is lost, the mental and mental function, loss of consciousness. Epileptic seizures are the most terrible, especially at night. The consequences are varied: injuries, a bitten off tongue.


If the child has seizures, symptoms are easy to recognize: the head is thrown back, arms and legs are stretched forward. The baby loses consciousness, clenching his teeth and rolling his eyes - everything happens involuntarily, often while sleeping on his stomach. Sometimes there is the appearance of foam on the lips. The whole body is tense, twitches are observed in the arms and legs. The child develops cyanosis of the lips, involuntary emptying may occur. After convulsive phenomena, the baby looks sleepy, tired, cannot explain what happened.

  • Interesting to read:

Symptoms of a typical generalized seizure occur abruptly, suddenly, are possible during sleep on the stomach. Signs: there is a floating movement eyeballs, loss of contact with the outside world.

Seizure time up to 20 seconds. There is a slowdown in the pulse, the baby can bite his tongue, breathing stops, there is a loss of consciousness. Tonic attacks last no more than one minute and are replaced by the restoration of consciousness. The consequences can be dire Small child may injure himself.

Clonic seizures begin with the fact that reduces the muscles of the face, then reduces the muscles of the arms and legs. Clonic seizures are characterized by noisy rapid breathing, loss of consciousness.

Clonic seizures are different duration, with repetitions. After the restoration of consciousness has occurred, the spasm of the arms, legs, face has passed, the baby falls asleep. Urgent help from a specialist and the appointment of treatment are desirable, because clonic seizures are very dangerous. Untimely assistance can lead to death.

tetanic attack characterized by the fact that it reduces the muscles of the arms, legs, the attack occurs with painful sensations. The probability of occurrence at night while sleeping on the stomach is high.

Spasm time 10 - 15 seconds. Symptoms are pronounced, the cause is overexcitation throughout the day or heat with illness. Tetanic seizures are observed in children under the age of 2 years, especially in preterm infants.

In the process active growth the newborn may have leg cramps. As soon as the first symptoms appear, and you do not know what to do, you need to seek help from a doctor. Urgent care is required and treatment is prescribed exclusively qualified specialists.


Different types of epileptic seizures have the following symptoms:

  • Generalized tonic-clonic. Symptoms of the clonic stage are a sharp loss of consciousness, the patient falls, arms and legs twitch. Then there is a tonic stage - the body tenses up, a cry. The tonic stage lasts no more than 20 seconds. Generalized types of seizures occur as a result of lack of sleep. Generalized seizures are characterized by a fall muscle tone. In time, it lasts from 10 seconds. Often occur during sleep on the stomach.
  • Absences. The causes of this type of epileptic seizure are the formation of epidischarges localized in the occipital zone. There is a violation of consciousness, a slight twitching of the arms and legs.
  • Myoclonus. Felt in the legs swipe, reduces the body. Sometimes there is muscle twitching. The time of this type of attack is from 1 to 15 seconds.
  • Final attacks. In children, they are extremely rare, but very dangerous. Possible high temperature.
  • focal. The reason why a focal attack occurs is the formation of epidischarges in the occipital zone. The patient sees hallucinations, "butterflies" are felt in the stomach, heard, voices and music are varied. There is tingling in the legs, hands go numb.


When diagnosing an attack, qualified specialists are primarily interested in the hereditary factor, find out why an attack occurred, what ailments were previously transferred during the gestation period, whether there were any pathologies during the period labor activity or childbirth. It is determined in what period and what provoked convulsive seizures, the amount of time between seizures.

To determine the cause of spasms, the child needs to undergo a detailed neurological and somatic examination. Delivery is due general analysis blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid.

Electroencephalography is also scheduled. An examination of the fundus is practiced, which allows you to find certain pathologies in children. If necessary, small patients are prescribed the passage computed tomography and spinal puncture.


First aid

As soon as the parents notice the onset of an attack, emergency care is needed in the form of an ambulance call. Waiting for the medics, start active actions, no panic. Timely help can save a child's life.

  1. The child is relieved of tight clothing.
  2. Lay on a flat, not soft surface on its side. If it does not work out on its side, the head turns to the side.
  3. Provides airway patency.
  4. Clean the mouth so that the baby does not bite the tongue, put something hard between the teeth.
  5. Provides access to fresh air.

When the spasm occurred during the period nervous excitement crumbs, a calm atmosphere is created. There is a reflex recovery of breathing. It is necessary to sprinkle water on the child, gently press on the root of the tongue with a spoon, bring cotton wool with ammonia. Gently pat on the cheeks, after bringing to life a sedative medicine is given. Valerian will be enough, dosage based on the age of the child: 1 drop for one year.

With febrile convulsions in children, urgent measures to help lower body temperature. The baby is given an antipyretic, you can do a rubdown with vinegar.

Do not take your eyes off the little patient until the convulsions have passed. If the attack does not go away, moreover, there is pallor of the skin, blue lips - it is forbidden to use vinegar. The most dangerous attacks are at night, while sleeping on the stomach, since no one may be around.

After rendering little patient first aid is hospitalized in the neurological department of the hospital. Treatment is prescribed as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. Doctors prescribe treatment for the baby in the form of anticonvulsant medications, massages and thermal procedures are prescribed.


Medications are prescribed to improve performance metabolic processes body. If seizures occur intermittently, treatment is urgently needed. In the worst case, swelling of the brain will occur, breathing will be disturbed. If the weather is hot, keep an eye on water balance baby, don't get dehydrated. To improve blood circulation, treatment is necessary in the form of alternating a hot compress with a cold one on the affected areas. Do not ignore the rise in temperature, you need to do something. If the temperature is high, give antipyretic syrups.

If the disease is diagnosed in this moment impossible, treatment is carried out in the form symptomatic therapy with the help of medications that help block convulsive paroxysm.

Treatment is aimed at restoring normal breathing, reducing the excitability of the central uneven system. What to do? It is impossible to stop the attack that has begun, to reduce the time of the attack, to alleviate the symptoms - all that can help the child.

The development of muscle spasm after sports, twitching of the legs - these and other involuntary movements occur with abnormal electrical activity the brain and the flow of impulses to the muscles. Convulsions in a child during sleep are a typical example of this process. In most cases, such attacks pass without a trace, however, some spasms are a sign of metabolic disorders and require prevention and treatment.

Preparedness for convulsive reactions certain conditions can manifest itself in every person when abnormal discharges occur in the brain regions. For this reason, uncontrolled tension and muscle twitching occur. Seizures are mostly single and harmless unless they are epileptic seizures.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of night cramps in children:

  • hypoxia, inflammation meninges(meningitis);
  • flickering light, for example, when the TV is on;
  • various brain damage, trauma;
  • congenital malformations of the brain;
  • deficiency of mineral elements (K, Mg, Ca);
  • malignant brain tumors;
  • intoxication;
  • lack of sleep.

A child during a convulsive attack may feel a headache, rotates his eyes. Muscles are very tense or twitch.

Febrile convulsions, which occur mainly between the ages of six months and five years, occur in a baby on the background of a fever (high temperature above 38–39 ° C). The duration of the attack is on average 1-2 minutes. About 30% of children suffering from this form of seizures have a hereditary predisposition to them.

Cramps and muscle twitches

What happens to children during an attackCauseHelp
Twitching of the muscles of the head or face, such as frequent blinkingTeakFrequent and mostly temporary. The child usually does not feel discomfort. There is no reason to worry about his health.
Hand cramps on both sides, mainly in older children, possibly after games, classes. Feeling of tingling in the handsChange in the level of mineral elements in the bloodCalm down, ask to breathe more slowly. Offer to inhale and exhale air into a small plastic bag until you feel better. Treat deficiency conditions
Convulsions in a child during sleep or during wakefulness occur in individual muscles or muscle groups when physical activity(sports, games). The child has leg cramps shortly after falling asleep. There are twitches of individual muscles or muscle groups. Painful condition passes within a few minutesFatigueStop stressing the muscles, stretch and massage them. medical care not required. These are harmless cramps, but frequent repetition indicates metabolic disorders.
Spasm of the jaw and face, difficulty opening the mouth and swallowing. Fatigue, headache, chillsAfter vaccinationCall an ambulance
Light muscle twitching occurs on both sides of the body, pallor of the skin is observedStuffiness in the room, strong emotions in young childrenIf the child does not come to his senses for a long time, call an ambulance. If he quickly recovers, then the help of the medical team is not required. It is necessary to visit a pediatrician, discuss a plan for an examination for anemia
The child does not respond to the voice, within 10-20 seconds he has bilateral twitching of the arms, legs and head. Possible blue skin, foam at the mouth, involuntary urination. After a few minutes, the spasm stops.Increased body temperature in children from 6 months to 5 years, toxicosisCall an ambulance, before the doctor arrives, provide first aid: lay on your side, protect against sharp objects. When the spasm stops, the baby will sleep in the side position.
No visible triggerEpilepsyPass a medical examination

Leg cramps - a symptom of a serious illness?

Approximately 7% of children occasionally develop calf cramps. About 30% of the adult population experiences intermittent nocturnal cramps in the calves. Among the elderly, every second suffers from this disease. In most cases, the causes of leg cramps in a child, as in adults, are due to magnesium deficiency.
Diseases that are characterized by convulsive twitches in the calves at night:

  1. myositis - inflammation of the skeletal muscles;
  2. hepatic and renal dysfunction;
  3. restless legs syndrome;
  4. hypothyroidism.

During an attack, children suddenly experience sharp pain strong muscle tension. If parents are nearby, they can relieve leg cramps in a child by stretching, kneading the calf muscles. It is not uncommon for babies to have several seizures in one night. The convulsive event will recur on subsequent nights if nothing is done.

Prevention of night leg cramps in children

Muscles often lack inorganic elements - magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. That is why it cramps the legs in a child or an adult. Often by various reasons in the body there are violations of the water and mineral balance, which affects the functioning of the brain and the circulatory system. Should be given to the child enough water to maintain the level of water and electrolyte metabolism.

Prevention of cramps of the calf muscles will serve gymnastic exercises. Special movements will help improve muscle function and circulation.

They will tell you what to do with night leg cramps, herbalists, herbalists, representatives alternative medicine. Children are encouraged to drink tea from medicinal plants containing some form of coumarins. They improve lymphatic drainage help to improve blood supply to the muscles. Coumarins are found in anise seeds and chamomile flowers.

Help your baby cope with night calf cramps smoothies and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins. Dilute drinks with herbal extracts with carrot or apple juice. There is a lot of potassium in spinach, parsley, dandelion leaves, cabbage. Magnesium is rich in seaweed, sunflower seeds, almonds, dried bananas, figs, apricots. There is a lot of calcium in cottage cheese and other dairy products. Source of sodium - salt- ordinary and marine. There is also a lot of potassium in almond milk, dates, sesame seeds.

Parents should choose comfortable shoes for the baby. Inappropriate sneakers, boots, shoes and sandals squeeze the feet and strain the calf muscles. This is one of the causes of leg cramps at night in a child. During games, sports, children need to rest more often, do stretching exercises.

Night leg cramps - a sign of growth?

Rarely occurring involuntary muscle contractions during sleep should not bother the parents of babies. Why spasms recur periodically, only a doctor can say after a thorough examination. Possible cause twitching during sleep in children 2-5 years old is considered overexcitation ( outdoor games in the evening, watching cartoons, exciting atmosphere).

But leg cramps at night can provoke active growth processes in musculoskeletal system. We need to get rid of the child pain, reduce the severity of spasm. Then the baby is not afraid, calms down faster and continues to sleep.

What to do to prevent seizures in children in a dream:

  • In the evening, massage the legs and feet in order to relieve fatigue and muscle tension.
  • Spend contrast pouring legs - water the legs and feet alternately with warm, then cool water.
  • Create a comfortable sleeping environment in the children's room. Ventilate the room, give the baby pajamas in the cold season.
  • Socks will help babies, because one of the causes of leg cramps is their hypothermia.
  • Before going to bed, children are given warm milk, read a book.

Help with leg cramps

In agreement with the pediatrician, children are given asparks to increase the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, reduce symptoms associated with a lack of these mineral elements. The drug is prescribed for circulatory disorders, with cardiovascular diseases, muscle cramps. Asparkam is produced in the form of tablets and solutions for injection. The drug contains two salts - magnesium and potassium asparaginates.

Insufficient maturity of the brain and the entire nervous system, a low threshold of excitability - this is the background against which a convulsive attack occurs in children. Convulsions in a child in the first years of life are a reaction to brain pathologies, high fever, and toxins. The first thing adults do is call an ambulance. Is it possible to help a small patient with something before the doctor arrives?

Involuntary muscle contractions are noticeable by unusual shuddering of the limbs or the whole body. Changes that occur in a limited part of the brain are manifested by an increase in its electrical activity. Muscle fibers respond to signals from the "control panel" with tingling and contractions that are felt in the arms and legs. If the electrical imbalance of excitation and inhibition continues to spread, then convulsions occur throughout the body, in more severe cases the person loses consciousness.

The causes of seizures in a child are most often associated with high body temperature (> 38 ° C). It is possible to develop an attack during a cold, SARS, especially in weakened, often ill children. Important role played by heredity and metabolic rate.

Causes of non-epileptic seizures:

  • birth trauma, asphyxia, hemolytic disease in a newborn;
  • cardiovascular disorders (congenital defect and others);
  • pathology of the development of the brain, the entire nervous system;
  • infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • vaccination, prophylactic vaccination;
  • metabolic changes;
  • hydro- and microcephaly;
  • blood diseases;
  • brain tumors;
  • intoxication.

Unusual electrical activity in the parts of the brain occurs when there is a deficiency of vitamin B6 in the body.

Convulsions in a child are not necessarily associated with a high body temperature. The nervous system of children is not very resistant to various influences, therefore, in response to strong stimuli, the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition is disturbed. Changes in metabolism, in particular calcium and phosphorus, also cause seizures. So, with a decrease in the level of calcium in infants of 6–12 months, a convulsive illness occurs - spasmophilia.

Types of seizures in children

Tonic convulsions lead to tension of the entire body, stretching it into a "string". Then there are muscle twitches as a result of contractions, shuddering of the arms and legs. Gradually, the baby's body returns to normal condition. Atonic convulsions are manifested by muscle relaxation, then urination and defecation involuntarily occur.

Clonic seizures are characterized by involvement different departments muscular system into the process. During an attack, flexion, stretching and shuddering of the limbs are observed. Myoclonic convulsions develop as short muscle contractions following each other. Tonic-clonic are characterized by the presence of two phases, during which there is a twitching of the arms and legs, the baby's head throws back, the torso is extended. Generalized seizures are tonic seizures that involve the entire body. Breathing is disturbed, the skin turns blue.

Convulsions in asphyxia of newborns occur due to circulatory disorders leading to cerebral edema. Hemorrhages during birth injuries lead to the appearance of convulsions of the face or limbs. At the same time, the baby's temperature rises, regurgitation and vomiting begin.

Convulsions provoked birth trauma, may not appear immediately after birth, but during infectious diseases, after vaccination, physical stress during feeding in children under one year old.

Convulsive phenomena are often observed in premature babies, as well as in micro- and hydrocephalus, insufficient brain development, intracranial pressure. Hemolytic disease in a newborn provokes tonic convulsions. The loud and piercing cry of the baby will help to recognize this condition in time.

The predominance of excitation over inhibition in the nervous system during fear, anger, aggression and other strong emotions in young children explains why respiratory-affective convulsions occur. Children prone to hysteria are more susceptible to them. Before an attack, they become more agitated, screaming or crying louder, but suddenly begin to gasp for air. Breathing becomes irregular, tension arises in the body, skin turn blue.

What to do with a fever in children

Febrile seizures develop at high temperature or its sharp rise per short period time. Most often this variety convulsive state occurs in babies of the second year of life. Exposure to toxins released by infectious agents is one of the main causes of this form of seizures in babies. It is confirmed by the fact that seizures occur when viral diseases right at the height of the outbreak.

The risk of convulsions in febrile conditions remains high between the ages of 6 months and 6 years.

What do children who have become a victim of febrile seizures look like (symptoms):

  1. become lethargic, the face turns pale, breathing quickens or slows down;
  2. the body is stretched, legs and arms are tense;
  3. limbs and torso shake from uncontrolled movements;
  4. lips turn blue, saliva, foam appear;
  5. do not respond to stimuli for some time after the attack;
  6. can sleep soundly.

What to do with seizures in a child:

  • carefully turn on its side, avoid sudden movements;
  • do not stir up and do not tolerate without special need, so as not to induce vomiting;
  • clean the mouth and nose, as excessive salivation, foam, vomit can block the airways;
  • make sure that there are no dangerous objects around, and the child will not get hurt;
  • reduce fever by rubbing the body warm water, introduce suppositories with paracetamol;
  • if the convulsions last more than 10 minutes, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

The special sensitivity of the baby's nervous system to elevated temperature does not entail serious consequences for good health. In the vast majority of cases, the resulting disorder spontaneously disappears after 5 years without consequences for mental and physical development children.

Decreased body temperature during febrile seizures

Speaking about what to do if a child has seizures, one cannot ignore the elimination of the causes of their appearance. For a febrile seizure, this is a high temperature. Many antipyretic drugs are available over the counter from pharmacies, but not all are safe for children. Paracetamol is different medicines optimal ratio effect and toxicity (according to WHO).

The children's form - syrup - acts in 20-30 minutes, the effect lasts for 4 hours.

Children's forms of paracetamol - tablets, syrups, suppositories, granules. The names of the drugs are "Panadol", "Efferalgan". It is possible to add them to milk mixtures, water, milk, juice.

When babies have nausea, vomiting, paracetamol is administered in suppositories. It helps if at night one year old baby fever and symptoms of febrile seizures. The action of suppositories begins after 3 hours, they are administered 2 or 3 hours after the solution was given.

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen is used to treat children after 12 months. Preparations based on it combine antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action. The main disadvantages of ibuprofen are the risk of complications and hypothermia in children (temperature drops below 35 ° C). Also, when a child has a fever, analgin is used, but only intramuscularly. To increase body heat transfer and prevent febrile convulsions in babies aged 4 months and older, wiping with wet wipes on the wrists and forearms (where the vessels pass) is used.

Subfebrile convulsions

Prolonged seizures that occur without fever in children older than 5 years are characteristic of neurological disorders. According to statistics, in about 2% of babies, seizures become harbingers of epilepsy. In these cases, the risk of chaotic electrical activity of the brain remains. Just before an epileptic seizure, the child opens or rolls his eyes wide, his body tenses up. If it does not fall, is conscious, then in emergency care does not need doctors.

In any case, adults need to remain calm and provide first aid for convulsions in children. An unconscious child is laid on its side, choosing a safe, flat surface for this, such as a clean floor. Move away objects that may be dangerous during a seizure (glass vases, furniture with sharp corners). baby infancy support for the torso, arms.

Children should not be shaken or exposed to other sudden movements. Care should be taken that the jaws of babies do not clench with force.

Epilepsy can be defined in a child older than 5 years if the seizures last more than 15 minutes, often recur (compared to febrile seizures). If there are doubtful, uncharacteristic signs, the neurologist will prescribe lumbar puncture, electroencephalography (EEG). Additional examinations help to identify epilepsy, or signs of neuroinfections (meningitis, encephalitis).

Seizures in children do not necessarily lead to epilepsy

The forms of manifestation of various attacks depend on the strength of the stimulus and its effect on nervous system little patients. Usually, all types of convulsions in children last less than 10 minutes, during which time there is muscle tension, shuddering and twitching of the limbs, the whole body can stretch out in a “string”. But how to understand that the attack ends? Gradually, the symptoms fade away, the skin becomes normal color, the baby quickly comes to his senses.

Most babies who have had one or two short seizures in the first four years of life get rid of this problem without drug treatment. However, after an episode of seizures, the child should be shown pediatric neurologist. It is also recommended to discuss with the pediatrician ways to reduce fever in various infectious and inflammatory processes. FROM preventive purpose you can take a course of vitamin therapy and massage.

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