Treatment of atopic dermatitis with traditional methods. Multiform exudative erythema. Folk remedies for atopic dermatitis

Quartzization is very effective method combat various diseases, and is also widely used for prevention. Quartz lamps are used in medical, preschool and other institutions, they are also used at home. With the help of ultraviolet, the premises are treated, that is, they are disinfected. It is effective for the prevention and treatment of rickets, some skin diseases, as well as diseases respiratory system.

Ultraviolet radiation can be:

– local (local) UFO skin,

- in-band,

— UFO premises and household items.

Total UV shown for:

  • Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
  • Treatments inflammatory diseases internal organs(especially the respiratory system), peripheral nervous system;
  • Prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • Treatments for pyoderma, common pustular diseases skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • Normalization of immunity in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;
  • Normalization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improvement of reparative processes in case of bone fractures;
  • Compensation for ultraviolet (solar) insufficiency to persons who have professional activity in the absence sunlight;
  • Treatment of widespread furunculosis and other pyoderma of the skin;
  • Treatments atopic dermatitis(common neurodermatitis);
  • Treatment of the winter form of psoriasis.

Local UVR is indicated for:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Prolonged course of chronic bronchitis;
  • Acute and chronic neuralgia and neuropathy of peripheral nerves;
  • Deforming arthrosis, reactive and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Traumatic injuries of the skin and musculoskeletal system(bone fractures);
  • Purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, inflammatory infiltrates, boils, corbuncles;
  • Acute and chronic erysipelas;
  • Shingles (herpes zoster);
  • Acute and chronic inflammation of the female genital organs.

Intracavitary UVI is indicated for:

  • Periodontitis, periodontal disease, ginguinitis;
  • Chronic tonsillitis;
  • Chronic subatrophic pharyngitis, acute pharyngitis;
  • Acute and vasomotor rhinitis;
  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Acute and chronic inflammation of the outer and middle ear;
  • Acute and chronic inflammation of the vagina.

UVR of premises and household items used to disinfect them. You can irradiate the room, children's toys, dishes, and other household items. This helps in the fight against infections, because sometimes it is not enough to treat only the people themselves - pathogens can remain in the things that surround us.

Follow the instructions!

Before using a quartz lamp at home, be sure to consult a doctor about contraindications and a suitable dosage. desired effect This can only be achieved if you strictly follow the doctor's instructions. After all, each person reacts to treatment in his own way, so you can’t do it alone. general recommendations. Ultraviolet rays are biologically active and, if the irradiator is used ineptly, can cause serious harm. The sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation in people is different and depends on many factors: age, skin type and its qualities, the general condition of the body and even the time of year. By the way, blondes after irradiation may experience more pronounced redness than brunettes.

The two main rules for using a quartz lamp are to always wear safety goggles and do not exceed the recommended exposure time. Goggles, as a rule, come with a quartz machine.

All areas of the skin that are not planned to be irradiated should be covered with a towel. It is important to observe the recommended exposure time because if it is exceeded, there is a possibility of overdrying of the skin and the appearance of pigmentation.

It is necessary to start irradiating a person 5 minutes after the quartz lamp lights up, it is during this time that a stable mode of its operation is established.

UV lamp should be located at a distance of half a meter from the irradiated skin area.

Before irradiation, evenly, lightly smear the skin with oil or cream (sunscreen is best).

The duration of irradiation should be increased gradually, starting from 0.5 minutes, increasing by 0.5-1 minutes in each session, eventually bringing it up to 3 minutes. One area can be irradiated no more than 5 times, no more than once a day.

At the end of the session, the quartz lamp must be turned off, and it can be turned on again only 15 minutes after complete cooling for 15 minutes.

Do not use a quartz lamp for tanning.

Animals and domestic plants should not fall into the irradiation zone.


Irradiation cannot be elevated temperature, after the transferred serious illness. If a quartz lamp is used to disinfect rooms, then you can ignore the contraindications, since there should not be people in it during the quartz treatment. But in UVI, which directly affects a person, contraindications for use are:

  • kidney failure;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • neoplasms (tumors);
  • hypertrichosis (thickening of the nail plate);
  • dilated superficial blood vessels;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • hypertension stage II-III;
  • circulatory failure stage II-III;
  • thyrotoxicosis (damage to the thyroid gland);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • advanced atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain and coronary vessels;
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

If during the procedure or some time after its completion, a strong headache, appears nervous irritation, dizziness, it is better to stop quartzing or, on the recommendation of a doctor, at least reduce the exposure time.

Wide selection in center of medical technology, st. Bekeshkaya, 6

Have you noticed that some skin diseases disappear without a trace as soon as the body succumbs to a natural tan: when visiting the beach, for example, or while working on fresh air under open sky? Surely, many, having not found already rather annoying spots on the surface of their skin, were surprised and enthusiastic at the same time. The secret is that some dermatovenereological ailments do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight on their foci. More specifically, ultraviolet. With his help modern medicine learned to win and atopic dermatitis! Special hardware for customization desired length waves, is able to effectively eliminate the manifestations of dermatitis, restoring the skin and giving it a natural healthy look.

Why Atopic Dermatitis Should Be Treated

It acts as one of the most common skin ailments among children and the general population. adolescence regardless of gender and social status. According to statistics, about 7 out of 10 children feel the manifestation of its symptoms from time to time. It is good that the pronounced, and even more so chronic, form is much less common.

Dermatitis, by itself, is not life-threatening. But it can be a reason to join secondary infections, which will not be difficult to penetrate thin, cracked skin. Yes, and a lot of other troubles, he can deliver. What is the danger of atopic dermatitis:

- increases the likelihood of connecting secondary infections;

- is a serious cosmetic defect;

- causes physical suffering to the patient: pain, itching, and so on;

- does not go away on its own, enters a period of remission with frequent relapses.

It looks like a bright red color of multiple rashes, different in compaction and pigmentation (dry), localized primarily in the face and lower back, on the bends of the knee and elbow statutes, on the wrists and hands, pubic and ankle zone. It is better to get rid of it as soon as possible. And modern medicine has all the tools for this!

Treatment of atopic dermatitis with ultraviolet light

In the treatment of dermatosis, including atopic dermatitis, UVA, UVB spectra are used. ultraviolet radiation. In English interpretation: UVA, UVB. This is the waves different lengths(300 - 1800 nm). It directly affects the degree of penetration of radiation deep into the skin, which is of great importance.

They are divided into general and local. It should be carried out at an average ambient temperature of about 19.5-20.5 degrees Celsius. Not so long ago in medical practice bulky stationary irradiators were used, which were installed at a distance of 0.7 to 1 meter from the patient. Today, they have not been replaced by more convenient, compact and efficient directional irradiators that can be used even at home, after reading the instructions for their use.

For the effective treatment of dermatitis at home, a modern, effective and easy-to-use device is perfect: a UV lamp. With her help positive result can be achieved quickly, while minimizing your own discomfort, the impact on your body pharmaceuticals and getting rid of the need for regular long-term visits to medical institutions.

The device works in different modes. Waves middle length affect the spiny and stratum corneum of the skin dermis. The long waves emanating from the irradiator reach the layers of the papillary type and the mesh type. Thus, ultraviolet (its safe for human body, but detrimental to the disease, doses) can penetrate deep into the skin, working along the entire depth of the lesion, and not only in the very upper layers. Such abilities are possessed not only by stationary devices installed in specialized medical institutions, but also "manual" home compact modern devices.

In total, phototherapy is divided into four types!

  1. Long-wave irradiation with a narrow wave spectrum.
  1. Selective phototherapy, which is an optimally selected combination of long and medium wavelengths.
  1. Photochemotherapy: An effective combination of long wave irradiation with photosensitizers.
  1. Narrowwave UVB - ultraviolet therapy, characterized by the maximum possible emission at a wavelength!

In the treatment of atopic dermatitis, one should focus not only on general indications and frequency of procedures. Main landmark - individual reaction skin. Positive effect from regular procedures comes, in the vast majority known cases, pretty fast. As a rule, changes in the skin condition in the desired direction can be observed after 1-2 weeks, and in some cases even after a few days. However, the result can also disappear very quickly. Given such nuances, experts advise: resort to maintenance therapy!

The main factor that allows to consolidate the effect of intensive treatment, and hold it, is the impact minimal doses ultraviolet irradiation narrowband type. During the period of remission, one should not forget about the exclusion of common provoking factors that can cause a relapse of the disease!

What should be excluded:

- mechanical trauma, chapping of the skin;

stressful situations, strong emotional outbursts;

- anything that can lead to a decrease immune protection;

serious violations diet (eating very spicy, sweet, salty, fatty foods in large quantities) and so on.

This will help prolong the period of remission and even, quite likely, completely eliminate relapses.

So, don't be upset if you've been diagnosed with the loud and intimidating sound of "atopic dermatitis"! Naturally, we will have to take appropriate, possibly emergency, measures. Achievements modern science will help this. Treatment of dermatitis with UV radiation is now available both in stationary and at home (using individual irradiators).

Since May 1, 2015, the assortment line of Academy of Health LLC has expanded - the ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01 has been released in a new configuration! The device loved by everyone now has two versions - "Family" and "Standard".

Features of the "Family" and "Standard" configuration are presented in the table:

Set Irradiator OUFK-01 Storage bag Goggles with adjustable temples Large tube (15 mm)/pc. Small tube (5 mm)/pc. Tube (with bevel 450)/pc. Manual Instructions for use
Standard + - + 1 1 - + +
Family + + + 1 2 1 + +

To know detailed information You can find out about new configurations and cost of the OUFK-01 ultraviolet quartz irradiator on the website of JSC GZAS im.A.S. Popov”, as well as in the “Medtech” section and at the sales office by phone: (831) 2-600-300; (831) 2–600–259.

Quartzizer OUFK 01

Purpose of the OUFK-01 irradiator

1. General quartzization of premises (used in all medical institutions, can also be used at home)

We open the front damper of the OUFK-01 quartzizer, turn it on, leave the room for 30 minutes - and as a result we get a room with clean fresh air without germs and harmful bacteria.

2. Treatment of ENT diseases with quartz OUFK-01 (rhinitis, runny nose, otitis media, flu symptoms and others)

Quartz lamp OUFK-01 is completed with special tubes for treatment. The procedure is very simple: we put the tubes (either for the nose or for the throat), plug it into the socket, wait until the lamp flickers. According to the instructions, we quartz the nose, throat, and from now on you are treating yourself and protecting others from harmful viruses and bacteria.

The main advantages of the ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01:

  • 2 devices in one case: can be used both for general room quartzization and for the treatment of ENT diseases
  • Affordability
  • Small dimensions and weight (less than 1 kg)
  • Throat, nose and ear tubes included (all family members can use them)
  • Operates from a household outlet

Indications for the use of the OUFK-01 irradiator:

Total UVR is indicated for:

1. Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;

2. Treatment of inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially the respiratory system), peripheral nervous system;

3. Prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women, especially in areas of the Arctic or in areas with a low amount of solar radiation;

4. Treatment of pyoderma, common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;

5. Normalizations immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;

6. Normalization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improvement of reparative processes in case of bone fractures;

7. Compensation for ultraviolet (solar) insufficiency for persons whose professional activities are in the absence of sunlight: submariners, miners, during the polar night;

8. Common furunculosis and other pyoderma of the skin;

9. Atopic dermatitis (common neurodermatitis);

10. Widespread psoriasis, winter form.

General UFOs are assigned, taking into account individual features and skin sensitivity to UV radiation.

Indications for local (local) ultraviolet radiation of the skin:

1. Bronchial asthma;

2. Chronical bronchitis, protracted course;

3. Acute and chronic neuralgia and neuropathy of peripheral nerves;

4. Deforming arthrosis, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis;

5. Traumatic injuries skin and musculoskeletal system (bone fractures);

6. festering wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, inflammatory infiltrates, boils, corbuncles;

7. Acute and chronic erysipelas;

8. Shingles (herpes zoster);

9. Acute and chronic inflammation of the female genital organs.

Indications for intracavitary UVI:

1. Periodontitis, periodontal disease, ginguinitis;

2. Chronic tonsillitis;

3. Chronic subatrophic pharyngitis, acute pharyngitis;

4. Acute rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis;

5. Acute respiratory disease;

6. Sharp and chronic inflammation outer and middle ear;

7. Acute and chronic inflammation of the vagina.

Application of quartz lamp OUFK-01

1. Quartzization of premises (air disinfection)

Also, with the help of quartz treatment, dishes, children's toys and other household items should be disinfected.

The duration of quartzization is determined depending on the size of the room: 15-30 m3 are quartzized for 15-30 minutes. When carrying out quartzization of the room, the protective screen is removed. After removing the screen, the stream of rays spreads throughout the space. This is the most effective method disinfection of not only air, but also surfaces of the room. During quartzing, you can not be indoors.

Turning on and off the irradiator must be done in light-protective glasses.

During the procedure or after completion of disinfection, it is recommended to ventilate the room.

Purifying the air with ultraviolet radiation reduces the spread of infectious diseases and complements necessary measures prevention of infections in the autumn-winter period. The main route of spread of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other infections is airborne. You can prevent their spread by disinfecting the air in the room. Conventional means disinfection in this case is not suitable due to harmful effects per person (especially in everyday life), but ultraviolet effectively fights viruses and microbes that move freely in the air.

2. Prevention and treatment of flu and colds

UV exposure to the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, throat is widely used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx (ARI, SARS and other colds).

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation in these cases leads to the removal of pain, swelling, and inflammation.

3. Local and intracavitary irradiation

Local and intracavitary irradiation is effective in complex therapy the following diseases:

  • - sharp respiratory diseases;
  • - diseases of the respiratory system (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy);
  • - skin diseases acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, herpes, herpes zoster, erysipelas, long-term non-healing burns and wounds);
  • - dental diseases(stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis);
  • - diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis);
  • - diseases of the joints.

The doctor will help you determine the methods of exposure.

Technical characteristics of quartzizer OUFK-01

Built-in lamp type: DRT-125

Effective spectral range: 230-400nm

Irradiance in the effective spectral range:

  • with total exposure at a distance of 0.7 m from the irradiated surface, not more than 1.0 W/m2
  • at local exposure at the cut of the tube Æ 5 mm - not less than 0.8 W/m2
  • with local irradiation at the cut of the tube Æ 15 mm - not less than 1.0 W/m2

The device is powered from the mains alternating current frequency ~ 50 Hz (+0.5, -0.5), voltage ~ 220 V (+22, -22 V)

Power consumed by the device from the mains, not more than 300 VA

Overall dimensions no more than 275*145*140 mm

Weight not more than 1.0 kg

The irradiator provides continuous operation for 8 hours: 10 minutes work -15 minutes break, and when quartzing rooms up to 60 minutes followed by a break of 15 minutes.

The ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01 was awarded the Medal of the V International Forum "HIGH TECHNOLOGIES of the XXI century" - "VT XXI 2004"

Contraindications to the use of quartzizer OUFK-01

1. Malignant neoplasms at any time during the course of the disease, incl. after radical operations;

2. Systemic diseases connective tissue;

3. active form pulmonary tuberculosis;

4. Hyperthyroidism;

5. Feverish conditions;

6. Tendency to bleed;

7. Insufficiency of blood circulation II and III degrees;

8. Arterial hypertension III degree;

9. Severe atherosclerosis;

10. Myocardial infarction (first 2-3 weeks);

11. Acute violation cerebral circulation;

12. Diseases of the kidneys and liver with insufficiency of their function;

13. peptic ulcer during the period of exacerbation;

14. chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis with manifestations of process activity;

15. Cachexia;

16. Hypersensitivity to UV rays, photodermatosis.

There are no contraindications for quartzing rooms.

This skin disease is common and quite severe, it allergic origin. Treatment atopic dermatitis- the problem is complex, the doctor should be helped not only by the patient, but also by family members. Main symptom wherein allergic inflammation skin - . First atopic dermatitis may occur in children early age(6 - 12 months), less often - after a year.

Manifestation of atopic dermatitis

During the period of exacerbation, red spots, swelling may appear. The patient often scratches the skin, so erosion occurs. If an infection is brought to the affected skin, pustules may appear. Places of localization of atopic dermatitis - forehead, temples, flexion surfaces, skin of the hands, wrists, feet.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

The manifestation of the disease in the infant (up to 2 years), childhood (up to 12 years) and adult (12 years and older) stages are different. In young children, skin lesions are in the form of vesicles, they get wet, merge into crusts (they happen on the face, limbs, neck). In older children, it is flaky skin, cracks in the skin, irritation. In adults, these can be very large lesions that spread over almost the entire upper body.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis

Diagnose and treat atopic dermatitis only a doctor can. The task of patients is to try not to come into contact with allergens and strictly follow a diet, keep the house clean. Treat your skin very carefully, do not wear clothes made of synthetic fabric, preferring cotton, use moisturizing skin cosmetics taking baths.

IMPORTANT!!! In no case do not self-medicate - it is dangerous. When applied medicines, their dosage and combination can be prescribed by the attending doctor, having coordinated the appointment with other specialists: a cardiologist, a nephrologist, etc. , based on medical tests and the course of the disease.


To date various methods physiotherapy has shown its high efficiency, and in some cases it required component with complex treatment. Influencing the affected areas of the body, electric discharges, ultrasound, em radiation, heat, cold. All these methods can have both positive and negative effect Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the appointments of a physiotherapy doctor.

Spa treatment

If the disease has passed into chronic form, most doctors agree on the need for balneotherapy. However, it should be remembered that this should be done only during periods of remission, and also exclude contraindications. Spa therapy includes: climatotherapy, heliotherapy, balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, pelotherapy.

Climate change, air pollution, viruses and infections all weaken our immunity and make us more susceptible to various diseases. How to improve your condition indoors? There is a way out - treatment quartz lamp. This method is used in medical institutions, physiotherapy rooms, you can do it yourself at home. Treatment with a quartz lamp can be carried out for the whole body, you can correct general state body after suffering colds. Also, the device is used to treat skin diseases.

Thanks to ultraviolet light, many ailments associated with a lack of sunlight, skin problems and diseases of the joints can be cured. Most wide application quartz lamps - in the treatment of colds.

Treatment with a quartz lamp at home is affordable and effective!

In our store there is a large selection, you can choose the most suitable one according to the power and design. Quartz lamp for the treatment of skin diseases is the most suitable model Sunshine, this model is used as a mini solarium, making up for the lack of sunlight and at the same time improving the skin. Before use, it is recommended to read the instructions and if there are concerns that your skin may be sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the treatment procedures with a quartz lamp.

In addition to skin diseases such as acne, eczema or blackheads, psoriasis is also an indication for use, treatment with a quartz lamp for psoriasis is also recommended after consultation with a specialist.

Almost all ENT diseases can be effectively treated, the lamp warms up the affected areas, there are models that are equipped with tubes specifically for procedures with the ear, throat and nose. It is very convenient to treat sinusitis with a quartz lamp. You can also treat otitis, cough and other diseases. The instructions for quartz lamps describe in detail the methods of treatment, in addition you can read about the methods of treatment with a quartz lamp on the pages of our website.

Treatment of skin diseases and colds with a quartz lamp - reliable way improve your health!

Quartz lamp renders complex treatment, procedures are carried out for children and adults, it is worth remembering a few simple rules, which should be observed when treating with a quartz lamp:

Be sure to use safety glasses if you have skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, treatment with a quartz lamp must be carried out carefully, following the instructions;

You must first turn on the lamp and let it stabilize, it will take about five minutes;

Treatment is recommended to be carried out from 1 to 3 minutes, then you can increase the time, depending on the indications, the treatment of sinusitis with a quartz lamp is carried out using a tube, and diseases of the ear and throat are also treated with tubes;

Before using quartz lamps, it is worth finding out if you have ultraviolet intolerance, or, if you do not know about this problem, carry out the first procedure as short as possible, if the condition worsens, you have headaches, perhaps treatment with a quartz lamp is contraindicated, you should consult on this issue with a doctor;

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