Ultraviolet irradiation for the prevention of SARS. Methods of ultraviolet therapy

Full description

UV is ultraviolet radiation, and ultraviolet rays are the shortest wavelength part of the overall electromagnetic spectrum. In irradiated tissues, light energy is transformed into chemical and other types of energy, and at the same time, a large amount of biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin, etc.) are released, which are carried throughout the body with the bloodstream and cause complex responses of various organs and systems. The therapeutic effect of UVI consists in analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, immunostimulating and restorative effects. UFO also has systemic effects. It is known to lower blood pressure, affect vitamin D metabolism and calcium metabolism, as well as the population of T-cells in the peripheral blood. And, finally, UVR gives a certain psychological, distracting, that is, a placebo effect. The combination of these effects explains the ability of UVR to significantly reduce the feeling of itching in systemic diseases. In this regard, it is worth noting that in the autumn-winter period, when we lack natural UV radiation and the body's immune forces are reduced, it is useful to visit the solarium, but the total time spent in the solarium should not exceed 30-35 minutes per week. Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI) is used for chronic infections, purulent-inflammatory diseases (furunculosis, pyoderma, phlegmon, purulent bronchitis, adnexitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), immunodeficiency states, atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, peptic ulcer, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in the rehabilitation of postoperative patients. To conduct UBI, a patient's vein is punctured and the blood from it passes through the system through the apparatus, in which it is irradiated with UV rays, and then comes back. The procedure consists of numerous phases of blood collection and return and can last up to 1 hour.

Indication for UV therapy

General UV therapy is used to increase the body's resistance to infections, in the treatment and prevention of rickets, in dermatological diseases with widespread skin lesions (pyoderma, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc.), to correct solar ultraviolet insufficiency, stimulate hematopoiesis, immunostimulation in sluggish inflammatory diseases . During the procedure, the patient is in a special cabin with mirrored walls and vertically arranged ultraviolet lamps. Local UV therapy Local UV therapy is used in the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, arthritis, osteomyelitis, burns, bedsores, purulent wounds, neuritis, spinal osteochondrosis, local forms of dermatological diseases, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, weeping navel in newborns, etc. The procedure is carried out with devices for local UV irradiation. The distance from the patient to the emitter and the time of the procedure are selected in accordance with the individual biodose.

Contraindications for UV therapy

In addition to general contraindications to light therapy, UVR is contraindicated in albinism, precancerous skin lesions, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, xeroderma pigmentosa.

We take your health very seriously
that's why
before starting the procedures, a mandatory consultation with a physiotherapist

Have with you:

  • The passport
  • ECG results (not later than 1 year)
  • Complete blood count (no later than 2 months)
  • Urinalysis (no later than 2 months)
  • for women, gynecological consultation (not later than 1 year)
These examinations can be done at your local clinic. is free or the examination data can be done on the spot at the PhysioClinic by appointment (Consultation of a gynecologist 1129r, complete blood count - 436r, urinalysis - 354r, ECG - 436r.

Question to the pediatrician: My child is 1 year 2 months old. Over the past 1.5 months, we were sick for 3 weeks (snot, cough), then healthy for two weeks, now snot-cough again. Friends advised me to buy "Sunshine" (OUFB 04) and quartz the room-mouths-spouts. I figured out how to quartz the room. But how to determine the quartzing time for the child and for yourself? How long to keep the tube in the nose, and how long in the mouth? And how often? (Olga) ANSWER: Dear Olga, the ultraviolet lamp "Sun" OUFK 04 is designed for general and intracavitary irradiation. The procedures carried out by means of this device are necessary in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of otolaryngology. Procedures can be carried out both in specialized medical institutions and at home. Also, the bactericidal lamp Sun can be tried on for disinfection of air and surfaces in rooms of small dimensions (about 20 sq.m). The OUFK 04 Sun lamp is designed to fully compensate for ultraviolet deficiency and, as a result, increase the body's resistance to infections transmitted by airborne droplets during seasonal epidemics (for example, SARS or influenza). The irradiator OUFK 04 Sun will help relieve pain and inflammation in case of ailments of the respiratory, muscular and nervous systems, as well as age-related and traumatic diseases of the joints. Neuritis, radiculitis, myositis, bronchitis, gynecological problems, skin rashes and lesions, metabolic disorders in the body and much more are treated using OUFK 04 Sun. In pediatrics, quartz lamps are successfully used in the fight against acute respiratory diseases, childhood rickets, and also help to increase immunity. Instructions for use: The ultraviolet lamp Sunshine is designed to carry out wellness procedures aimed at compensating for solar insufficiency in the autumn-winter season. Irradiation with quartz has a positive effect on the processes occurring in the body and contributes to its stable functioning. Obviously, even the best quartz lamp is not able to fully replace the natural solar radiation. However, the ultraviolet lamp Sun is a real panacea for a huge number of people suffering from a lack of light in the cold season. Dosed irradiation has a beneficial effect on the state of the body: it speeds up metabolism, regulates blood circulation, enhances overall immune activity and promotes the development of protection against seasonal viral infections. You can also buy a Sunshine quartz lamp to combat local skin diseases that are not transmitted by contact (in any case, you should consult a doctor before use). The bactericidal ultraviolet lamp Sun can have a negative effect on the retina of the eye, so all procedures must be carried out in special glasses or isolate the eyelids from ultraviolet radiation with cotton pads. Neglect of protective agents can lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles, since the skin around the eyes is very sensitive, the eyelids are devoid of fat! The duration of one session (general UVR) should be started from one minute and gradually, gradually increased to 5 minutes. In most cases, the Sun bactericidal lamp is not allergenic, however, due to the characteristics of the body, some people cannot tolerate either natural or artificial radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your condition during the procedures. The bactericidal UV lamp Sun is not suitable for people who experience headaches or dizziness during irradiation, nervous irritation, etc. Before a session using an ultraviolet irradiator, the skin must be moderately treated with a cream or oil, which must be applied in a uniform thin layer. With the help of a quartz lamp, skin inflammations are successfully treated, especially relevant for people in adolescence. Procedures for oily skin with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands must be carried out under medical supervision. If the skin is sensitive and dry, as well as prone to cracking, then the use of an irradiator is not recommended at all (in this case, the Darsonval apparatus is more suitable). Buying a quartz lamp Sunshine for permanent use is necessary for people who are worried about the presence of freckles on their faces. Regular quartz irradiation several times a week can give the skin a beautiful shade and make freckles less noticeable. You can buy a Sun lamp and for effective medical procedures for hair (including hair loss). The ultraviolet lamp Sun OUFK 04 is NOT intended for sunbathing, since it does not have the function of a mini-solarium. For topical application of an ultraviolet lamp, especially in children, it is first necessary to determine the biodose, on a specific person. Put on the nosepiece, place it on the inside of the forearm (the part of the arm between the hand and the shoulder, the skin is very sensitive here), turn on the device and note the time. After 30 seconds, evaluate the reaction, if a clear circle of redness remains on the skin from irradiation, then this is the biodose, if there is no reaction, then extend the irradiation to a minute and evaluate the reaction again. For mucous membranes, the exposure time is equal to half the biodose. For children, the first procedure cannot last more than 15 seconds for each nostril or pharynx. Local ultraviolet radiation of the mucous membranes can be carried out for no more than 5 procedures and should be used only for treatment, and not for prevention. For prevention, it is better to use general UVR or UVR with fields on the adrenal glands. UV fields on the chest (between the shoulder blades, the rest of the body and eyes must be covered with a cloth) helps very well with bronchitis, tracheitis.

Be healthy!
Sincerely, Pediatrician
Ragozina Christina

Phototherapy is widely used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The most commonly used exposure to ultraviolet rays, or UVR.

What is UFO

Ultraviolet irradiation is a method of physiotherapy, which is based on the influence of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is between the visible and X-rays. The wavelength of this radiation is different, and the effect produced on the human body will depend on it.

Long-wave causes erythema, that is, redness of the skin and increased metabolic processes in it. The medium wave treatment stimulates the production of vitamin D and strengthens the immune system. And short ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal effect.
In UFO physiotherapy, 2 types of devices that generate UV rays are used:

  • integral - produces the entire spectrum from long to short;
  • selective - a source of one type of radiation.

General UV irradiation is used for preventive purposes. Often it is prescribed for those who have recently had a disease and are in a weakened state.

Local UVR is used to enhance blood circulation and lymph flow, as well as stimulate the immune response in the affected area. Radiation contributes to the prevention of purulent complications in the presence of wounds and the prevention of rheumatism with frequent tonsillitis.

Another application of ultraviolet light is the disinfection of premises. Bactericidal lamps are installed in children's, medical institutions, sometimes at work and in public places.

How is physiotherapy done?

Artificial total UVI can be performed both individually and in groups. More often group exposures occur in special rooms. An irradiator is installed in the center of the room, around which up to 25 people are accommodated at a distance of 3 m. The procedure takes only 3-4 minutes.
Often this technique is used in pediatric practice to prevent vitamin D deficiency and rickets.

During local physiotherapy, ultraviolet is directed locally to the affected area due to special nozzles. These can be reflexogenic zones, mucous membranes or fields located near the injury site. The course consists of 6-12 procedures prescribed 2 or 3 times a week.

In case of acute respiratory infections, ultraviolet irradiation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is prescribed, special tubes are used for this. A session for an adult is 1 minute, for a child 30 seconds. They also irradiate the chest in the fields, applying a special oilcloth with windows on it. This is necessary so that a new zone is processed each session.

Pustular lesions of the skin are processed only after the sanitation of eruptive elements, abscesses and boils - after excision. The emitter should be at a distance of 10 cm from the skin.
Regardless of which method is chosen, the physiotherapist determines the minimum effective biodose for each patient before treatment. Most often, the course begins with 1/4-1/2 biodose.

Contraindications to the procedure

For some diseases and conditions, UVR is not prescribed. The procedure is contraindicated for:

  1. The presence of malignant neoplasms.
  2. Fever and hyperthermia.
  3. Overproduction of thyroid hormones.
  4. Immune diseases.
  5. Recent myocardial infarction.
  6. Acute cerebrovascular accident.
  7. Insufficiency of liver and kidney function.
  8. Blood coagulation disorders.
  9. Photodermatoses.
  10. Exacerbations of chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis.
  11. Cachexia.

There are no contraindications for quartzing, but when the lamp is on, it is necessary to leave the room, and upon completion of disinfection, ventilate the room well.

Treatment of ENT diseases is carried out in various ways. The composition of therapy can include both the intake of medications and a variety of procedures, among which UVI occupies a special place. Nasal ultraviolet irradiation is very often performed.

Effects of the procedure

UVI, or as it is also called Tube-quartz, helps to cope with various unpleasant symptoms of ENT diseases. The principle of the method is based on the use of ultraviolet radiation.

Many studies have shown that ultraviolet light in moderate amounts can provide a good therapeutic effect.

It has a bactericidal effect, which allows you to get rid of microbes and viruses that have caused various diseases.

With the help of UVI, the pharynx, throat, nose and other parts of the body are irradiated. Ultraviolet radiation has a shallow penetration method, which avoids negative consequences, but at the same time this exposure is enough to activate organic bioprocesses.

The most useful short rays are provided in the Quartz Tube, which have the following positive effects:

  • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
  • Removal of pain syndrome.
  • Improvement of blood circulation.
  • Increase in general organic resistance to the action of adverse factors.
  • Promoting tissue regeneration.
  • Acceleration of recovery processes after injuries.
  • Bactericidal effect, which allows to suppress pathogenic microflora.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.

When tissues are exposed to ultraviolet rays, biologically active components are released, which, entering the bloodstream, increase blood flow to the affected area, transporting leukocytes to the sites of the inflammatory process.

Due to such a wide range of actions, physiotherapy is successfully used in the treatment of various ENT diseases. Very often, UVR of the nose and pharynx is performed, since these areas are most susceptible to inflammation.


UVR of the pharynx and nose are necessary to eliminate the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms in various diseases. It is used in the following cases:

  1. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The procedure is performed after washing the sinuses. The action of ultraviolet rays is directed to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.
  2. Salpingo-otitis. This disease is a consequence of acute rhinitis. The quartz tube in the treatment of the disease affects the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall, as well as the nasal passages. Separately, irradiation of the external auditory canal can be carried out.
  3. Chronic tonsillitis. The action of the rays is directed to the palatine tonsils with the help of a tube, which has an oblique cut.
  4. ORZ. The method of treatment is used at the very beginning of the development of the disease. The pharynx and nose are irradiated.
  5. Flu. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the procedure is not carried out. It is prescribed after subsiding of all acute symptoms in order to prevent the development of complications. The places of exposure to ultraviolet rays are the pharynx and nose.
  6. Angina. The procedure is prescribed in the first days of the development of the disease. In this case, the patient should not have purulent plaque and high temperature. When the disease is in a catarrhal form, a further complication of angina can be prevented. Also, the procedure is relevant in the recovery period, after cleaning the tonsils from pus. This allows for faster recovery.
  7. Acute rhinitis. Tube-quartz is prescribed both at the beginning of the development of the disease, and during its remission. This allows you to exclude a secondary type infection, as well as to avoid various complications. The pharynx and nose are irradiated.
  8. Sinusitis and sinusitis. The method is relevant only for the catarrhal form of diseases. When carrying out, it is important that there is no pus, it is also prescribed during the recovery period.
  9. Adenoids. With the help of UV radiation, swelling can be removed and mucous membranes can be disinfected. Helps prevent inflammation.
  10. Rhinitis. The method is very effective in all forms of bacterial rhinitis. It actively eliminates inflammation, suppressing pathogenic microflora.


The UVI procedure is performed in the clinic and in the hospital. There are also devices that can be used at home, but following all the doctor's recommendations and strictly following the instructions.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. For each patient, special sterile tubes are selected. They can have different shapes and diameters, this is necessary for the convenient use of the element for the nose, throat and ears.
  2. When the tube is selected, the lamp turns on and heats up to the set temperature.
  3. You need to start the course of treatment from a few minutes. Further, the duration of the session increases.
  4. When the procedure is completed, the quartz is turned off.

Methods of quartzing will directly depend on the type of disease. For example, with acute pharyngitis, irradiation of the back of the pharynx is performed.

Such therapy should be carried out every 1-2 days. The initial biodose is 0.5. Then it is gradually increased to 1-2 biodoses.

The frequency of exposures is determined individually.

In the case of chronic tonsillitis, a tube with a beveled cut is used. The beginning of the procedure is carried out at a biodose of 0.5, after which it is increased to 2 biodoses. The irradiation of the right and left tonsils is performed in turn. The course of treatment is 2 times a year.

UVR of the nose can be done in various forms of rhinitis. The tube is inserted alternately into each nasal passage. With chronic rhinitis, the method is applied several times a year.

Use at home

Tube-quartz can also be used at home. For this, a special apparatus "Sun" is provided.

It provides safe doses of ultraviolet radiation.

Before starting treatment with such a device, you need to consult a doctor, as contraindications may be identified.

As for children, their treatment is carried out with special care. The course of quartz therapy should last no more than 5-6 days. The session is performed once a day or every other day.

The method can be used more often, depending on the nature of the disease.

To conduct such therapy for a child, it is important to visit a pediatrician and clarify whether this is possible if you decide to use quartz at home.

Also, a prerequisite for the procedure is the absence of high temperature. In some cases, the session will be canceled even at subfebrile temperature. For example, when a patient has a temperature of 37.2 degrees, but there is a purulent runny nose.


Despite the high effectiveness of UVI, it may be contraindicated. In such cases, it is better to abandon the ultraviolet treatment method so as not to cause negative consequences.

The main contraindications are:

  1. The presence of oncological diseases.
  2. Increased sensitivity to light.
  3. Nosebleeds.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. Heat.
  6. Acute purulent inflammation.
  7. Intoxication of the body and fever.
  8. Increased vascular fragility.
  9. Arterial hypertension.
  10. Stomach ulcer.

The presented list of contraindications is far from complete, therefore, before applying the procedure, you should consult a doctor.

Source: http://elaxsir.ru/lekarstva/dlya-nosa/ufo-nosa.html

Nose and pharynx UV procedure

Not only medicines help to cope with diseases, but also physiotherapeutic methods of exposure.

Physiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. One of the most famous methods of such treatment is UVI.

Consider what this procedure is and how UVR of the nose and throat helps with various diseases in this area.

What is this method

UVR, or ultraviolet irradiation, is a method of exposing the invisible eye to electromagnetic radiation in a certain wavelength range. This method is widely used in the treatment of various inflammatory pathologies.

Due to the action of these rays in the irradiated area, biologically active components (histamine, etc.) are released. When entering the bloodstream, these substances increase blood flow to the affected area and ensure the movement of leukocytes to the site of inflammation.

What are the effects of this technique?

  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Pain reliever.
  • Promotes tissue regeneration and accelerates recovery processes after injuries and injuries.
  • It has a bactericidal effect. UV radiation causes the death of microbes both on the surface of the wound and in the foci of inflammation.
  • Contributes to the normalization of all types of metabolism (protein, lipid, etc.).

Important! For children, this procedure can be prescribed for anti-rachitic purposes. Under the influence of UV radiation, vitamin D begins to be synthesized in human skin, which is sometimes so lacking in babies, especially in winter.

Thanks to such a versatile influence, UV radiation is used to treat various diseases. This method of treatment has found wide application in the treatment of ENT diseases.

With the development of ENT pathology, a specialist may recommend UVI in the following situations:

  1. With angina, it is prescribed in the first days of the disease with a catarrhal form, when the patient does not have a high temperature and purulent raids. At this point, early exposure to the inflamed tonsils can prevent further sore throats from developing. UVR is also recommended at the recovery stage, when the tonsils have already cleared of purulent deposits and the patient's condition has returned to normal. In this case, the procedures help to shorten the rehabilitation period and speed up the recovery process.
  2. With sinusitis and other types of sinusitis. UVR can only be recommended for catarrhal form, when there is no pus yet, or at the recovery stage, in order to speed up the healing process.
  3. With adenoids in children. This method helps to remove puffiness and disinfect the mucosa. The course of such procedures helps to prevent the development of swelling and inflammation.
  4. With a runny nose. The procedure copes well with bacterial rhinitis at all stages.
  5. For the treatment of ear diseases. With external and non-purulent otitis media, this method helps to cope with the infection and relieve inflammation.
  6. With inflammation of the back of the throat (pharyngitis). It works well in both acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Important! UVR can be prescribed to increase the body's natural immune defenses during the period of seasonal exacerbation of viral infections or to compensate for ultraviolet deficiency.

UV radiation of the nose and pharynx helps to fight both acute and chronic inflammatory processes

There are many conditions in which the doctor may recommend supplementing the treatment with physiotherapy. Before this, it is necessary to clearly establish the cause of the disease, since this method has a number of contraindications so as not to harm and cause serious complications.

Despite the positive effects of ultraviolet radiation, there are a number of contraindications for its use:

Fairy nose device

  1. In patients with or suspected of having cancer.
  2. Autoimmune lupus and other diseases accompanied by hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. At the stage of acute purulent inflammation, which occurs with high fever, intoxication and fever.
  4. Tendency to develop bleeding and increased fragility of blood vessels.
  5. With a number of other diseases and conditions, such as tuberculosis, arterial hypertension, stomach ulcers, etc.

Important! Given the large list of contraindications, only the attending physician should prescribe UVI after examining the patient.

During pregnancy, the appointment of physiotherapy should be agreed with the doctor. This method is allowed to be used during pregnancy with inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and throat after consulting a doctor.

How it's made

In order to perform the procedure, you can contact the clinic or hospital. There are special devices that generate the necessary ultraviolet radiation.

When it is not possible to do the procedure in the clinic, you can purchase a portable device for use at home

In addition, a portable UVI device was developed for patients. It is very easy to use at home. It is suitable for both adults and children.

How is the procedure:

  1. For local irradiation, special sterile tubes are used. They come in different shapes and diameters for irradiating different areas.
  2. Preheat the lamp for several minutes so that its parameters stabilize.
  3. Begin the procedure with a few minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the session.
  4. After the end of the procedure, the lamp is turned off, and the patient must rest for half an hour.

Methods of quartzization depend on the disease. So, for example, in acute pharyngitis, the posterior surface of the pharynx is irradiated. The procedure is carried out every day or every other day, starting with 0.5 biodoses, and if everything is in order, bring it up to 1-2 biodoses.

For different irradiated areas, different sterile sheath-nozzles are needed, suitable in size and shape

In chronic tonsillitis, a special beveled tube is used. Begin to irradiate with 0.5 biodoses and gradually increase to 2 biodoses.

The right and left tonsils are irradiated alternately. Such courses are repeated for prevention purposes 2 times a year.

With otitis, the external auditory canal is irradiated, and with a runny nose, the tube is inserted into the vestibule of the nose.

Questions to the doctor

Question: How often can UVI be done to a child?
Answer: The standard duration of treatment is 5-6 days. Procedures are done once a day or every other day. However, it all depends on the disease and concomitant diseases of the patient.

Question: If a lump appears on the nose, then it can be irradiated with UV radiation.
Answer: No, before using UVR, you need to find out what kind of formation it is. This method is contraindicated in malignant tumors and suspicion of them.

Question: Can I use this treatment if I have a temperature of 37.2 and a purulent runny nose flows from my nose?
Answer: No, if you have a purulent process, then UVR can provoke the development of complications and an increase in the inflammatory reaction.

With proper conduct, UVI can be an excellent tool in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nose and throat. It must be remembered that such thermal procedures have a number of contraindications and limitations, so their appointment must be agreed with the doctor.

Source: http://SuperLOR.ru/lechenie/procedura-ufo-nosa-zeva

Throat and nose kuf: hardware physiotherapy for home use

Physiotherapy offers numerous techniques that actively contribute to the destruction of the most dangerous toxins and viruses.

Widespread use in complex therapy allows you to effectively treat and prevent colds, acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of muscle tissue and joints.

A very popular procedure is CUV - directed beam of short ultraviolet waves.

Kuf of the nose and throat: the essence of the procedure

The essence of the treatment process lies in the fact that the short waves of the ultraviolet spectrum have a beneficial effect on the organism affected by viruses.

In addition, the flow provokes the production of biologically active radicals and destroys the protein structures of pathogens.

There are several wave ranges:

  • 180-280 nm have bactericidal, mycocidal and antiviral effects;
  • 254 nm cause lethal mutations of bacteria and viruses, in which they lose their ability to reproduce. They are especially active in the pathogens of diphtheria, tetanus, dysentery.


Indications for the appointment of KUF are numerous and multifaceted. Due to the high effectiveness and productivity of the procedure, the course is prescribed for both young children and the elderly.

The appointment of KUF is carried out exclusively by a doctor after a comprehensive examination and diagnosis. Indications in the field of ENT are as follows:

How is it carried out

Features of the procedure depend on where exactly the focus of the disease is located.

The irradiation of the KUV nose is carried out by the patient sitting, with his head slightly thrown back. Using a special nozzle, a medical worker introduces a wave emitter to a shallow depth into each nostril in turn.

In the photo, the physiotherapy procedure of the KUF of the throat and nose

What you need to know

Therapy through the use of CUV is a surprisingly effective physiotherapy procedure that, when used correctly and under the constant supervision of a doctor, brings great benefits to the body.

Its appointment as a therapeutic or prophylactic course is made exclusively by a doctor on a strictly individual basis.

It is recommended for children from a very young age, KUF has no contraindications during normal pregnancy, does not affect lactation and does not complicate symptomatic diseases in elderly patients.

Special preparation for KUF is not required, you just need to go through a set of diagnostic measures in a medical institution.

It is possible to carry out therapy at home, having a quartz apparatus with an established special range.

Details of use should be studied according to the attached instructions and get advice from the attending ENT doctor.


The procedure is carried out in a medical institution in a specially adapted room - a room or office. At home, it is necessary to carry out procedures in a clean, well-ventilated room.

  • Starting work, you should turn on the device and leave it on for 3-5 minutes to set the required irradiation intensity. To switch on and off, special protective goggles must be used.
  • The device is installed on the table, the patient must sit on the chair necessary for the procedure, so that its height does not require tension and does not cause discomfort.
  • Irradiation is carried out under the supervision of a nurse, especially if it is necessary to use additional ENT instruments.
  • The duration of the session is chosen by the attending physician, it is carried out according to an increasing scheme from 15 to 25 - 30 minutes. The course, depending on the task, consists of one or three biodoses.

The benefits and harms of the procedure

As with any treatment technique, CF has its pros and cons. The obvious priorities of the ultraviolet method include the stimulation of vitamin D, which is vital for the body, the development and compaction of the epidermis, and the production of melanin.

Thanks to the course of treatment, urocanic acid accumulates and forms in the body, damaged DNA fragments are restored, replication is normalized, enzymes are formed that are necessary to neutralize unbound oxygen.

Negative factors and consequences are few, however, CUF can cause the following complications:

  1. damage to the cornea of ​​the eye;
  2. The effect of aging from the light flux;
  3. Radiation burn of mucous membranes;
  4. Probably a distant development of oncological processes.

Usually, all these unpleasant moments occur due to improper and unprofessional handling of the device, as well as during self-treatment.

Indications, benefits and harms of the procedure:


Despite a wide range of prescriptions and an excellent therapeutic effect, KUF has a number of categorical contraindications. Procedures are not assigned

  • With increased sensitivity of mucous membranes;
  • Against the background of the presence of a mental or nervous disease;
  • Nephropathy, hepatitis, porphyria in any phase of the course;
  • In the presence of callous ulcers of the stomach and DVP of the intestine;
  • Acute form of cerebral blood flow disorders;
  • With hyp coagulating syndrome;
  • In the acute period of myocardial infarction.

Before treatment with short ultraviolet waves, it is necessary to determine the level of individual radiation tolerance of the patient. If during the procedure a person's general condition worsens, it is necessary to stop the course and replace the KUF with other methods of treatment.

How to use KUF for the treatment of ENT diseases:


Today, medicine uses the most advanced achievements of science, innovative technologies are being introduced and developed. Nevertheless, physiotherapy is still popular and in demand today as an addition to the complex of therapy for a wide variety of diseases.

KUF is very popular in infectious and viral pathologies of ENT organs.

Ultraviolet radiation destroys viruses, has a bactericidal effect and stops the aggravation of inflammatory processes.

The procedure is used in various fields of medical and preventive medicine, as well as in cosmetology.

Source: http://gidmed.com/otorinolarintologija/lechenie-lor/fizioterapiya/kuf.html

UV device at home

Quite often, parents ask themselves if a UV device (ultraviolet radiation) is needed at home and in a kindergarten group? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand what is the mechanism of action of ultraviolet radiation and in what cases it is necessary.

Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic radiation, the main source of which is the sun. That is normal sunlight.

In 1877, scientists discovered that sunlight stops the growth of microorganisms.

Of course, they studied this phenomenon and identified which particular spectrum of rays of sunlight has the desired effect and called this radiation ultraviolet.

At present, a huge number of devices with an artificial source of ultraviolet radiation have been created. These devices are used in medicine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, for disinfection of premises.

What diseases can be cured with ultraviolet radiation?

With the help of the most common quartz lamp (UV device), you can:

- Treat inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (runny nose, sore throat - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis media).

Be sure to coordinate the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs with the help of a home UVR device with your doctor, since in acute forms of inflammation, ultraviolet radiation can lead to a deterioration in the condition and the development of complications.

- To treat and prevent rickets in children. The main treatment for rickets in children is ultraviolet radiation. Under its influence, vitamin D, which is so necessary for the growth and development of babies, begins to be synthesized in the child's body.

- Treat skin diseases. Ultraviolet radiation helps to cope with bacterial skin diseases (streptoderma, furunculosis, youthful acne, pyoderma, etc.), fungal skin diseases (candidiasis, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.), promotes rapid healing of wounds.

- Increase the body's resistance to infections (immunity).

– Treat myositis, neuritis, etc.

Ultraviolet radiation on the human body has:

- bactericidal,

- anti-inflammatory,

- pain reliever

- reparative,

- general strengthening and immunostimulating effects,

– restoration of bone tissue and cells of the nervous system

Do not use ultraviolet radiation:

- in acute purulent processes or exacerbation of chronic diseases,

- prone to bleeding

- with active form of tuberculosis,

- in the presence of tumor processes,

- with systemic blood diseases.

How to use the UV device at home?

When using ultraviolet radiation in the treatment of a child, every mother needs to remember the basic rules:

1. Use protective equipment: goggles, screens. When quartzing the room, there should not be people in the room. In children's institutions, quartzization can be carried out using a special recirculator apparatus.

In this device, the quartz lamp is located in a closed tank, through which air is forcibly passed and cleaned. Such recirculators can be used in the presence of children.

Quartzization of the room avoids the spread of infections in the children's team.

2. Before using ultraviolet radiation in the treatment of your baby, be sure to consult a pediatrician or physiotherapist.

Doctors will help you choose a treatment regimen in accordance with the course of the disease, the age of the child and his individual characteristics.

Also, you can always check the results of treatment with a doctor.

3. When using the UV device at home, remember the individual characteristics of children's skin. So, in children with a fair skin type (blonds, blue eyes), as well as in red-haired children, sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation is increased. Prolonged exposure may cause burns.

4. After quartzing the room with a quartz lamp, be sure to ventilate the room, as a large amount of ozone is released. After air disinfection with a bactericidal lamp (ozone-free), ventilation is not required.

What does a UV device for home use look like?

The following devices are currently in use:

– Devices for air disinfection (quartz lamps, bactericidal lamps, recirculators).

- Devices for the treatment of diseases. These devices are a plastic case with a bactericidal lamp inside and a set of tubes of different sizes. With the help of even such a device, it is possible to disinfect the air in the room. After use, the tube must be washed in soapy water.

Source: http://dar-baby.ru/content/article/6651

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home. The principles are the same for children or adults. Of course, babies have their own characteristics. Mom would like to know this. It is better to start treatment as soon as it appears. Consider how everything happens and why something helps and something does not.

  • Runny nose is a defensive reaction of the body
  • Physiotherapy
  • Heal quickly:
  1. Blowing your nose
  2. We wash the nasal passages from the common cold.
  3. Bury drops

Self-cleaning of the nose in a newborn

Normally, it is believed that in a newborn child, the nose is reflexively cleared during sneezing. If small crusts appear in the nose, and sneezing does not help to quickly clear the child's nose, you can drip saline solution or spray it with a spray.

Nasal saline solution is a pharmacy medicine that contains sea water or 0.9% saline sodium chloride solution. For example, aqua maris, aqualor for the nose or saline.

These medicines moisturize the inside of the nose, which helps to naturally cleanse it.

But often in young children up to a year, crusts still remain in the nose. They must be removed. In no case should cotton swabs or cotton wool wound around a match be used for this. This is dangerous.

We make a flagellum from cotton wool, use it. Personally, it was more convenient for me to make flagella from the edge of a thin diaper. They are not as soft as cotton. And they are not dangerous to clean the nose of the baby.

We roll up the weave of a clean, ironed diaper with a cone, we introduce it about half a centimeter into the nasal passage. We scroll a little. The crusts adhere well to the flagellum and are pulled out.

You can also clean your nose from a runny nose. For each nasal passage we make a separate flagellum.

I must say that a runny nose in a very small child up to a year old can be dangerous for him. Therefore, you do not need to treat it yourself. Be sure to invite a doctor for a baby with a runny nose.

After the inspection, we receive his appointments, we fulfill them accurately, in a timely manner.

The condition of a child up to a year old can worsen in a few hours, therefore, in case of illness, even if it is a simple runny nose, medical supervision is desirable.

Particular attention should be paid if the baby is breathing loudly or heavily, refuses to eat. When the wings of his nose swell when he breathes, he may have a runny nose. So he needs to be cured.

Where do snot come from

A runny nose is a quick reaction of the body to the invasion of a foreign substance. The nasal mucosa is needed to protect the respiratory tract and warm the inhaled air.

This is the "pass gate". As soon as the "enemies advance", the "gate" closes.

That is, the nasal mucosa swells and secretes mucus - a runny nose begins, which can be quickly cured by eliminating the cause.

If the cause of a runny nose is an infection, such as SARS, antiviral treatment should be used.

There are good reviews about preparation Derinat that enhance immunity. But personally I have doubts about the effectiveness of this medicine.

Too many ailments can be cured by them. It looks like a miracle from the realm of fantasy.

If a runny nose is caused by an allergy, it will not be possible to cure quickly until the allergen is identified and gets rid of it. Long-term allergy treatment is required, and for the nose - vasoconstrictor drops, but not more than 7 days.

If, nevertheless, the reason is SARS, while the common cold can join cough, which is needed treat with expectorants. that is, a viral or bacterial infection, a runny nose can be cured quickly as follows:

How to cure a runny nose quickly:

1. Blow your nose. To blow your nose safely, it is better to follow the rules: do it with your mouth open so that the runny nose does not get further into the ear.

Use only disposable handkerchiefs and take a new one after each blowing so that the infection does not get back into the nose.

For young children, it is necessary to remove a runny nose by carefully using an aspirator.

2. We wash the nasal passages from the common cold. You can wash with different liquids. The most popular is 0.9% saline sodium chloride solution.

It can be prepared at home: take 1 liter of cooled boiled water and dissolve 10 grams (1 heaping teaspoon) of table or sea salt in it. It is good to rinse with a decoction of chamomile, if there is no allergy to it.

You can even use plain water. When rinsing, do not forget to leave your mouth open so that your ears do not block.

Previously, they washed the nose of children with a rubber pear. The procedure is brutal, but very effective. Especially if the snot is green, thick, stuck in the nose and does not allow breathing. With such a runny nose, washing with lightly salted water (saline) is simply necessary. But medicine does not stand still.

More gentle methods have been invented for washing the nose of children who cannot blow their nose. Now pharmacies sell a variety of devices for easy cleansing of the nasal passages. For example, the so-called "dolphin" or DOLPHIN. With it, you can quickly clear your nose.

Washing will be easy, painless.

3. Bury the drops. With a runny nose with a liquid discharge, you need to instill vasoconstrictor drops, such as Nazivin, Naphthyzinum, Galazolin and others.

These drops relieve swelling of the mucosa for several hours and it becomes easier to breathe. The disadvantage of vasoconstrictor drops is that you can get used to them, after which they will no longer help. Adults should drip such drops for up to 7 days.

A child can cure a runny nose with these drops only if they are prescribed by a pediatrician!

It must be said that despite the apparent simplicity of the drops, their effect is quite strong.

In case of an overdose, the active vasoconstrictor affects the entire body, of course, not very well.

In adults with angina, such droplets can even cause an attack. In children, the dosage of the active substance should be lower.

It is safer to treat a runny nose with a spray. It well irrigates the nasal mucosa, causing a therapeutic effect with less medication consumption. The only negative of the spray is the higher price. But health is more valuable.

If the discharge from the nose has ceased to be liquid. The runny nose became green and thick, which means a bacterial infection has joined.

In this case, the destruction of harmful microorganisms is required.

With such a runny nose, you can apply, again after washing the nose, bactericidal drops, for example, albucid or pinosol, it will also help to eliminate the swelling of the mucous membrane.

If there are a lot of green snot, doctors, in order to cure quickly, prescribe “heavy artillery” - combined drops with antibiotics, for example, isophra or polydex.

Addition: I wrote in a separate article tips on what else to do to alleviate the condition of a child with a runny nose.

It must be said that if a runny nose was not cured in a timely manner, sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses) developed, then you won’t get off with just drops.

The maxillary sinuses are located too dangerously close to the brain, and are poorly cleaned during inflammation. Therefore, the risk of bad complications is high.

With sinusitis, the antibiotic lincomycin is prescribed intramuscularly 2 times a day, plus physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy for colds. To quickly cure a runny nose, UHF and UVI are prescribed. UHF (ultra-high-frequency therapy) is carried out as follows: electrodes are applied to the nose on both sides and currents are turned on.

The patient feels a pleasant warmth. The swelling of the nasal mucosa disappears already in the first minute, it immediately becomes easy to breathe, all the phlegm in the nose disappears.

Then the procedure UVI (ultraviolet irradiation) is carried out. At home, for the treatment of a runny nose, it is good to have the Sun apparatus.

If you start irradiating the nasal mucosa from the onset of the disease, then in a couple of days the snot will disappear completely.

A patient suffering from a runny nose, treated on UHF, sits down to the apparatus, from which ultraviolet rays are sent through a special tube in a therapeutic dose in order to kill the infection. It will not work to cure an allergic rhinitis in this way, physiotherapy is ineffective.

And how do you manage to quickly cure a runny nose? It will be interesting to know reviews about the rapid treatment of the common cold.

There are a large number of methods used in the field of otorhinolaryngology for the treatment of pathologies associated with the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Traditional activities in combination with physiotherapy show good results.

One of the most common and often prescribed, for various diseases associated with the ear, throat, nose, is ultraviolet irradiation (UVI).

The physiotherapeutic procedure UVI is based on electromagnetic rays of various sizes. Their action range is 400 nm. The wavelength of ultraviolet radiation depends on the diagnosis of the patient:

In otorhinolaryngology, ultraviolet irradiation is used to treat a number of diseases associated with the nasopharynx, which include:

  • , ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed at the first stages, if there are no purulent formations and at the final ones;
  • sinusitis or, use UVR to improve the effect of drug treatment;
  • , the application of the procedure will have a disinfecting effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal passage and relieve swelling;
  • with a runny nose, UVR destroys bacteria and viruses at all stages of the development of the disease.

Physiotherapy with ultraviolet waves has proved to be effective in the treatment of pharyngitis. Both at the time of exacerbation and in chronic form.

When ultraviolet waves are prohibited

Local irradiation with UV rays triggers the processes of a chemical reaction in tissues, while a small amount of histamine, serotonin, a vitamin D metabolite is released. When they enter the bloodstream, they increase blood flow, which delivers leukocytes to the site of inflammation.

Attention. UVI is prescribed strictly according to clinical indications and with a certain time limit.

There are also contraindications in which ultraviolet radiation will not be acceptable:

Important. Before using UVR, it is necessary to consult a physiotherapist to prescribe an individual dosage.

Especially if the UVR procedure of the pharynx and nose is performed at home. The frequency of procedures is determined by the doctor as needed.

Physiotherapy nose procedure

Each physiotherapy room has a device that generates the necessary amount of ultraviolet radiation for UVR. Also, there are portable devices with attached instructions on how to do UVR of the nose and pharynx at home.

It can be used by both adults and children. Carrying out the procedure:

When using the UVR device for the treatment of pathology associated with the nasopharynx, it is necessary to take into account an important factor. People with light skin types (redheads or blondes) are less resistant to UV radiation. Therefore, the time for the procedure should be less.

There is no age limit for the use of ultraviolet irradiation, except in cases of contraindications.

How often can UVI of the nose and throat of a child be done so that the procedure is beneficial, and not harmful? Pediatricians recommend using the device during an exacerbation of the disease. Especially during the off-season period of viral epidemics. After consultation with the attending physician and strictly age-appropriate doses. In the presence of chronic tonsillitis, physiotherapy with ultraviolet light is carried out twice a year.

Possibility of the procedure during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy imposes restrictions on taking medications. If a woman is sick, and treatment with traditional methods can do more harm to the child than good to the mother. The question arises, is it possible to do UVI of the nose during pregnancy? It is possible, after consultation with the doctor, he will determine the time for the procedure, the sequence and the dose.

As a rule, if there are no concomitant diseases that are at risk, the parameters are the same as in ordinary patients.

Physiotherapy using UVR for a woman and an unborn child is completely harmless. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, bacteria and microbes are destroyed, so it will be a good alternative to nasal preparations. Many of them are contraindicated, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.


Physiotherapy UVR can benefit the body, enhance the effect of drug treatment. But when used correctly.

Only a doctor will be able to determine the appropriateness of the procedure, the dosage of radiation, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease.

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