How long is a cat's whiskers? Do cats need a mustache? The appearance of worms in the body

Vibrasses or vibrissae (in everyday life - whiskers) - tactile mechanosensitive long and hard hair in many mammals, protruding above the surface of the coat.

Physiologically, each vibrissa is located in a hair bag, each of which has hundreds of nerve endings. All vibrissae are uninterruptedly supplied with blood, and each vibrissae has its own area in the brain. Nerve impulses from the vibrissae and the eyes enter the brain, which sums up the signals of the two systems and, based on these data, creates a three-dimensional picture of the surrounding world. The slightest fluctuations in the environment do not go unnoticed by the cat: air currents are reflected from objects and are captured by vibrissae.

The fact that whiskers are the first hairs that develop in future kittens in the womb of a mother cat is another confirmation of the importance of whiskers. Sometimes mother cats gnaw off small vibrissae of kittens, probably, the cat, in this way, wants to prevent inexperienced and unnecessarily restless kittens from leaving the house. Only after 5-6 months, kittens acquire "normal" vibrissae. Vibrissae in a cat

So, vibrissae in cats are special sense organs, a kind of receptors tuned to the perception of the world around them, and depending on the location, they help the cat to more accurately navigate in space. And it’s not for nothing that they stick out to the sides the width of the body of a proportionally developed animal - based on their signals, the cat always knows whether it can pass through the hole it needs.

In addition, they have another function - navigation, helping cats move silently in the dark. Since they react to the slightest movement of air, including the one that forms around the obstacle in front, the mustache system allows you not to stumble on this very obstacle even in pitch darkness. Cats, when hunting, use vibrissae as a sight to more accurately aim at the prey.

Location of vibrissae: above the upper lip - the longest and most sensitive (in four rows on both sides) cheeks - several shorter vibrissae and usually 1 long chin - short and inconspicuous superciliary vibrissae - several tufted vibrissae of different lengths tail - inconspicuous, almost completely merging with wool ankle vibrissae - short vibrissae, located in a small tuft of paw pads - located between the pads.

According to the position of the vibrissae, a competent owner of a cat can always guess about her intention and mentality.

Vibrissae position:

Vibrissae stretched forward - acquaintance with a new subject / object, a sign of location and friendliness

Vibrissae pressed to the muzzle, tense - an indicator of aggression on the part of the cat

Vibrissae, sharply pressed to the muzzle - an indicator of cat fear

Vibrissae are widely spaced to the sides - the cat is trying to determine the size of the object / object

The vibrissae are tensely spaced apart - a common position during hunting and tracking prey, or controlling the behavior of already caught game

Vibrissae move easily - detection of weather conditions and adjustment / preparation of the jump (direction, strength, body position)

Vibrissae - movements during yawning after sleep - an indicator of complete calmness and a state of satisfaction of the cat.

Loss and damage of vibrissae.

Security measures.

Like any other hair, vibrissae in cats alternately fall out during life and new ones begin to grow. There are cases when during the life of a cat's vibrissae change color. For example, in a light red cat, in place of the fallen out white, a completely black superciliary vibrissae can grow, which either falls out or remains. Remember, no matter how much you like the look / color of the vibrissa, never touch it to preserve the health and even the life of your pet.

There is an unspoken rule: you should never cut/pluck/remove vibrissae.

A cat, having lost vibrissae, will lose partially or completely the ability to navigate in space, which can lead to her death. Also, the animal loses the ability to successfully hunt. This is especially dangerous for animals living in the wild or free range.

If the cat has lost its vibrissae for one reason or another, it is necessary to follow some safety rules: observance of the "bed" (home) rest - it is not recommended to let the cat out into the street, where it may encounter obstacles and not recognize them due to damage to the vibrissae habitual environment in the house / apartment - if you have planned a rearrangement, or the purchase of new pieces of furniture, it is better to wait until the cat's whiskers are restored in order to avoid injury. Moreover, without vibrissae, the cat may not be able to correctly calculate the distance between new objects and get injured while playing/jumping. At the level of instincts, cats understand how the owner reacts and whether he is trying to help her, therefore, during this difficult period of a cat’s life, you either gain her trust, love and disposition, or lose everything.

Always love and take care of your Cat (and her whiskers!!!) and she will love you back.

The cat has tactile hairs that are located on the front paws and head. With the help of them, the cat can navigate in space, and this happens without direct contact of the hairs with obstacles, but at a distance.

On the face of the cat there are movable whiskers: about 12 whiskers on each side. At the base of the whiskers there is a significant number of nerve endings, thanks to which the cat can receive information about the world around it: objects, wind, temperature, etc. If the cat is left without a mustache, then it will be much worse to navigate in space, for example, its hunting will be unsuccessful, and its mood will not be the same as usual.

With whiskers, a cat can find out if she can squeeze through a hole!

The whiskers of a cat are scientifically called vibrissae.

Because of this, they are called vibrissae in Russian-language literature. The mustache actually creates vibration.

If the cat's whiskers are directed forward, it means that she is interested in something. Or with a similar look, she wants to frighten her opponent. If the cat turned its whiskers back, then it is likely that something scared her, or she does not want to be touched.

In conditions of complete darkness and silence, when a cat does not have the ability to navigate in space using its eyes and ears, it does not mean that it has completely lost this ability - because it has tactile whisker hairs. The cat uses vibrissae as high-sensitivity antennas - they are indispensable for her when she orients herself near nearby objects. Vibrissae are located on several parts of the body - on the upper lip, cheeks, chin, on the underside of the front paws. Vibrissae have a very rigid and thick base; compared to other hairs, vibrissae roots are located much deeper, so the hair root is penetrated by a significant number of nerve endings.

Among all parts of the body, vibrissae are most pronounced on the muzzle. Just they are called mustaches. The mustache is located above the upper lip and is arranged in four rows horizontally. The mustache, which is located in the middle - the third and fourth rows - stands out for its powerful structure and length.

The cat's whiskers are not used as decoration.

They are an essential element of her life. With the help of them, the cat learns a variety of information. Whiskers are surprisingly sensitive to subtle irritations, able to distinguish between air vibrations, and there is no need to contact objects, you just need to recognize the air currents that form when a cat approaches various obstacles. Even with a barely noticeable fluctuation of the tip of the hair, the signal is transmitted to its root, where it is processed by very sensitive nerve endings, which immediately transmit the information received to the brain.

Equally important is the role of beautiful cat whiskers in facial expressions. If the cat pushes them forward, then this means that she is waiting to be petted, or she presses her whiskers to her muzzle, baring her teeth angrily.

The tactile hairs of cats act as very sensitive antennae. The hairs allow the cat to register the received information, which then enters the brain, thus, the functioning of the cat's oscilloscope, which is of natural origin, is carried out. In a similar way, a cat usually explores the territory where it usually hunts.

Shedding of vibrissae and tactile hairs does not occur at the same time as the coat when the cat is in its hormonal shedding period. When they are lost once, they are permanently restored. However, vibrissae should never be trimmed.

Sometimes the whiskers of small kittens cause irritation in mother cats and then they begin to gnaw them off. However, it is not clear whether this is done for a different purpose or not? Perhaps, by gnawing out vibrissae, the cat is trying to reduce the likelihood that the kitten, who is interested in everything, does not start to master everything on his own and does not leave the nest ahead of time. Only after 5-6 months does the formation of a real mustache occur.

The base of the vibrissae is the surface layer of the skin. Vibrissae have a sufficient blood supply - it is provided by the root of the sensitive antennae, which is located in the blood vesicle, which is called the sinus or blood lacuna. Vibrissae are pierced by branches of the facial nerve. The cat will feel even a slight fluctuation of the environment - with a barely noticeable touch to the vibrissa, a signal arrives at its root, which is located around it, and the nerve endings transmit it to the brain.

Cat whiskers- this is one of the direct participants in the creation of sensory areas of the brain. In any of them, each vibrissa is represented as a separate sense organ.

Vibrissae have the ability to move, which was obtained by them through the contraction of striated muscles. Probably, you have seen more than once how a cat can quite cheerfully move its "eyebrows" or antennae on its muzzle. The rest of the coat is surrounded and penetrated by fairly smooth muscle cells.

As the vibrissa wears out, they are replaced, which occurs as needed and has nothing to do with the general molt.

The development of vibrissae was still observed in the ancestors of mammals, and there is a hypothesis that they had an older formation, in contrast to hair. The importance of vibrissae for a cat is obvious, which once again proves the following fact: in kittens that have not yet been born and are in the womb, whiskers develop one of the first hairs.

If a cat is left without a whisker, then it will lose the ability to navigate in any conditions: both at night and during the day - such experiments can kill the animal. So those owners who, in order to give the cat a more "attractive" look, cut or pull out vibrissae that have an uneven shape, are very humiliating their pets.

Indeed, in the world there is a breed of cats that do not have hair - sphinxes. Their vibrissae are short or curly, or they may not exist at all, and what is most surprising, having no whiskers, such cats practically do not differ in terms of their behavior and in the process of hunting from ordinary cats. This is the secret of cats, which is still unsolved by anyone.

Cat skin is highly sensitive. The pads of their paws have the ability to feel the structure of the surface on which they move. Cats prefer fabrics with a warm and soft base, so it is not surprising that they do not want to sit with someone who is wearing cold clothes or made from coarse woven fabric. Especially they sensitively show their sensitivity when in contact with external stimuli: having got their paws into water or mud, they begin to shake them.

In ancient times, it was believed: if a kitten has long whiskers, then it will be an excellent mouse hunter. This, of course, is a little not true, although the mustache helps in catching rodents. And if the cat is domestic, then she doesn’t need a mustache at all? But no!

Let's start with the scientific definition of a cat's whiskers - vibrissa, in Latin "vibra", i.e. vibration, and they really do vibrate with the air she touches. By the way, do you know how many of these antennae are and how they work? I'll explain now.

If you look at the antennae of a cat, it seems to be just a thickened hair, well, like the bristles of our men, but everything is much more complicated. Each antennae is an organ of touch, which is directly connected with the brain, the subcutaneous part of the vibrissae is three times deeper than ordinary hair. So if you pull the cat's whiskers, or something else that was not enough to pull out, it will be very painful for him.

Around each antenna there is a network of nerve endings, information from which enters a specific part of the brain. And that's not all, except for the nerves, there are muscles that help the mustache to stretch or press against the muzzle, and this set is different for everyone.

As for the quantity, then an adult pet has twenty-four “hairs”, and if you look closely, you will see small antennae on the cheeks, chin, eyebrows, and the back of the front paws. And each such antennae corresponds to a separate part of the brain. That's how serious it is.

Whiskers help cats hunt

At the moment of hunting, the cat uses not only the organs of hearing, vision, but also vibrissae. Touching the antennae to the ground, the kote feels the slightest vibration coming from the small paws of the mouse. So she broke loose and ran, the air flow stirred up sensitive “hairs” and the cat already knows in which direction the victim rushed. When the rodent is caught and clamped in its teeth, the antennae wrap around and determine whether the sufferer is alive or already. If you can’t eat it alive, otherwise it gnaws on the cheek. This method of determining food safety concerns not only mice, but also the food bowl.

Take a closer look when you give your "Vaska" some kind of treat, he pulls his antennae forward to determine if it will attack him.

Whiskers help a cat navigate

Sometimes it happens that the antennae break. The reason for this may be their active use in orienteering. In the dark, in addition to the fact that she sees well, by the way, read why the cat's eyes glow in the dark, she uses her whiskers as an aid, pressing them to the ground. Even in pitch darkness, without a single husk, with the help of their miracle hairs, they can pave their way, like a soldier with a night vision device.

Cat whiskers as a way to communicate

If you look at the whiskers of a cat while communicating with another cat, a person, a stranger, you can understand how it is set up. The antennae are stretched forward - she is not against acquaintance, communication; scattered in different directions - do not come, I am aggressive; pressed to the muzzle - I'm scared, I'm not up to you now.

It is interesting and not completely clear why mustaches fall out in cats? There is an opinion: when two cats live in a house, one pulls out the antennae of the other, and we think that they themselves fall out. This is like a way of superiority over a fellow tribesman - without vibross, the cat becomes insecure, shy, it is easier to control it.

Can you shave your cat's whiskers?

Your cat had a misfortune, she had a fight with someone, she has a wound on her face, an abscess, then, of course, the veterinarian will have to shave off her mustache in order to treat the sore spot. Can they grow back after this? Naturally, even much faster than ordinary wool, which speaks of the great importance of having a mustache in the life of a kote.

But such a procedure is the most serious torture for the animal, because it becomes disoriented in space, perceives changes in the environment much worse. Knowing all the consequences of removing a mustache, let's answer the question: "Is it possible to shave off a cat's mustache?". Of course not, if there is no other way out (muzzle injury). And the removal of vibrissae for the sake of beauty is generally wildness! It doesn’t matter that she lives in an apartment and doesn’t go outside while a new mustache grows, she is in constant shock.

How to distinguish between a cat's whiskers falling out or broken?

Like fur, a cat's mustache has its own lifespan. And when we find a fallen mustache at home, we think: “Maybe the cat is sick, why does her mustache fall out?” Usually, one or two antennae that have fallen out are not a cause for concern: they have outlived their own and fell out, others will appear in their place. Our hair and koti coat also change, this is a normal phenomenon.

It is important to understand when the “hair” just fell out, and when it broke. A used vibross has an onion at the end, a broken one has a beveled base. There are many reasons why mustaches often break, for example, mechanical impact.

But if you notice that they constantly break, split, often fall out, bend to the sides, consult a veterinarian, there may be a lack of some vitamin or a fungal infection. This is with regard to ordinary breeds, but there are also “original”, for example, curly cats - Cornish Rex. Like wool, the mustache is also unusual - it can be thin or, on the contrary, thick, stick out in different directions, split.

And what about the naked breeds of the Don Sphynx, the Canadian Sphynx? It all depends on the degree of “hairiness”, they can be short, like bristles, they can be thin, or they can not be at all.

Mustache- hair growing on a person's upper lip. Everything is simple and clear.

Another thing is a cat. She has a mustache - and not a mustache at all, but rather transformed receptors, sensory organs that perceive the slightest changes in the environment.

cat whiskers- vibrissae (lat. vibrissae, from vibro - I hesitate, wriggle) - long, hard tactile hair protruding above the coat. Vibrissae are several times longer and thicker than ordinary hair. The longer and more sensitive ones are located above the upper lip in four rows on either side of the nose, and the upper two rows can move independently of the lower ones. Vibrissae are shorter on the cheeks, on the chin and above the eyes, on the ankles of the front paws and on the tail, they are also between the pads on the paws.

These mustaches are not for beauty!

The base of the vibrissae is located in the superficial layer of the skin. The root of each sensitive tendril is located in the hair bag, to which many nerve endings fit. They also transmit information about the environment. In the cat's brain, each vibrissa has its own area. Therefore, even slight fluctuations in the environment will not go unnoticed by the animal - any touch to the vibrissae instantly sends information to the brain through the surrounding nerve endings.

With the help of whiskers, a cat navigates in space, receiving information about obstacles in its path from changes in air currents.

The cat also uses whiskers to more accurately measure the size of objects and distances to them. So, touching the walls of the hole with her mustache, she will instantly determine whether this hole is sufficient for her passage.

This allows the cat to determine the location of objects and avoid obstacles even in complete darkness. Nerve impulses from vibrissae enter the brain and, together with information from other organs, recreate a three-dimensional picture of the surrounding world.

Vibrissae are indispensable for a cat when hunting. With their help, she determines the speed and direction of the wind in order to make the most accurate jump. Using whiskers, the cat controls the behavior of the victim when he holds it in his teeth.

The vibrissae on the paws of the cat feels the vibrations of the floor, for example, from the movement of the mouse. Eyebrow vibrissae play a protective role, forcing the cat to close its eyelids in time.

In addition, the cat's whiskers are an indicator of the mood of the animal. So, in an excited or interested cat, they are widely spaced and directed forward, in a frightened or aggressive cat, they are pressed to the muzzle.

:-) I was always tormented by the question: why do such super-mega-sensitive cats with all their miracle radars allow their owners to stumble about themselves in the dark?! Apparently, they either completely trust us and do not expect a dirty trick, or they believe that people also have a couple of built-in sensors.

Well, who's longer?

The average length of a cat's whiskers is 6-7 cm. But, of course, there are record holders.

The owners of the longest mustaches are representatives of the Maine Coon breed. So, on December 22, 2005, a new feline achievement was established, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The length of the mustache of the Maine Coon Missy (owner Kayei Kyllenen) from Finland was 19 cm.

Don't pull the cat's whiskers!

Cat whiskers are very sensitive. Therefore, they do not like being touched. And even more so, you don’t need to cut them - after all, this is an organ of touch that serves for balance and orientation in space! Cats with whiskers cut off become confused and their movements unsteady and unbalanced.

But! There are breeds of cats that go beyond the general rule. Cornish Rex and Sphynx whiskers are short, twisted or curled, the latter may be completely absent, but for some reason this does not affect their behavior in any way. What is this, another riddle of the Sphinx?

Mustache problems

Mustaches are made up of keratin and the structural components that form the basis of our hair and nails. Like ordinary hairs, a cat's whiskers periodically fall out and are replaced by new ones. Therefore, do not worry if you find your pet's mustache falling out on the carpet, this is normal. Moreover, according to an old belief, if you find a cat's whisker in a barn near the house and make a wish, it will surely come true! In general, for the whole life of a cat, you can collect a decent collection of her whiskers.

However, if too many mustaches fall out constantly, they grow poorly or do not grow at all, then it makes sense to consult a veterinarian, as this indicates an imbalance in nutrition, a deficiency in vitamins and minerals.

Short, broken mustaches, split ends may indicate the presence of some underlying disease, too rapid weight loss - it is better to do diagnostic tests.

Cats are curious animals. Interested in burning candles or the process of cooking, the cat in the first place runs the risk of singeing its whiskers.

Kittens often have bitten mustaches as a result of playing with their peers, sometimes they are chewed by the mother cat.

But the most common cause of mustache damage is scissors in the hands of children or an unsuccessful haircut.

Without its sensory whiskers, the animal becomes helpless, disoriented, and simply miserable.

Damaged vibrissae grow back in a few weeks , and with them coordination and a sense of confidence return to the cat.

The cat rightfully ranks first among the most comfortable pets. Her purring soothes and relaxes, soft fur gives a pleasant feeling, and unobtrusive nature makes communication comfortable. The structure of a cat sometimes raises many questions among lovers of this animal. In particular, whiskers: what are they for, what functions do they perform, how important is it for a cat to have them? It's time to sort out this issue.

What is the name of the mustache and why

In fact, a mustache is the common name for a very important organ. Vibrissae - this is their scientific name (from the word "vibrate", translated from the Latin vibro - to oscillate, wriggle), which they received due to the constant fine trembling, vibration. If you look closely at the muzzle of a cat, you can see that the whiskers are constantly trembling.

Features of the structure of the mustache in cats and cats

There are no differences in the structure of vibrissae in cats and cats. This body is not associated with the gender of the animal, it performs the same functions. The difference may be slight in length and thickness. But this is determined solely by genetics.


There is a popular belief that vibrissae in cats are only on the muzzle. Long, thick hairs have been seen here and everyone knows. They are located:

  • around the nose;
  • on lip pads;
  • above the eyes;
  • on the lower jaw, more precisely, on the chin.

But the same is on the front paws. True, they are not so noticeable. But it is enough to look at the paw just above the place where the dewclaw is located, and you can easily find them.

Vibrissae are located not only on the muzzle, but also on the paws of the cat


The length of the whiskers on the face of a cat is on average 5–7 cm. But in this matter, much depends on the breed. So, the owners of the longest whiskers are Maine Coons. Their vibrissae give an incredible charm to an already charismatic appearance. In Sphynxes, on the contrary, vibrissae are very short, moreover, they are often twisted. Curly whiskers are carriers of the Rex gene. The name of these breeds contains the prefix "Rex". For example: Cornish Rex, Devon Rex and others.

The length of the vibrissae is also determined by the nutrition of the cat. If it is balanced, the mustache will be truly luxurious.

There is an opinion among the people that the longer the mustache of a cat, the more mice it catches. So our ancestors considered this relationship.


The thickness of the whiskers differs only by gender: cats have thicker whiskers than cats. Location differences can also be identified:

  • on the cheeks the mustache is much thicker than above the eyes;
  • on the forelegs, the vibrissae are only slightly thicker than the guard hairs of the animal.

In general, the thickness of the vibrissae is explained by the fact that the growth site of each hair is rich in nerve endings. And if we take into account that their number is quite large, it becomes clear why the vibrissa has a tubercle at the base.

Other structural features

By themselves, vibrissae is already a very mysterious organ. Each hair has a connection with its own part of the brain and is responsible only for a certain function. Therefore, if a cat loses one of the antennae, then it temporarily experiences problems in hunting, coordination, touch, etc.

Each antennae is equipped with nerve endings and has its own "representation" in the brain

Photo gallery: whiskered cats

Maine Coon - a breed that differs in the length of the mustache Small curled antennae are allowed in the Don Sphynx For some cats, whiskers are not only a necessity, but also an ornament. Fluffy cats have whiskers to match them

What are the functions of the mustache in cats and cats

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the mustache is not just ordinary wool. This is a whole sense organ in an animal, the so-called mechanosensitive, which regulates the whole cat's life: from safety to communication with its own kind.


First of all, vibrissae are responsible for touch. With the help of whiskers, the cat will accurately determine the degree of freshness of food and its safety.

Mustache before tongue will determine the quality of food and water


Any owner of his cat knows about her ability to move in absolute silence and darkness, when the eyes and ears can absolutely do nothing to help the animal. This “trick” is obtained only thanks to vibrissae. Being in absolute darkness, the cat, touching the objects with its whiskers, will calmly go around them. She does not even have to touch them: moving hairs, vibrating, create air vibrations, which in turn, reflected from objects, come back and are captured by vibrissae. The received signals are transmitted to the brain, and the animal receives a three-dimensional picture of the surrounding space.

Whiskers help the cat navigate even in pitch darkness

Another nice moment for the animal is the ability to determine the diameter of the hole into which the cat is going to crawl. Since the length of the whiskers is greater than the width of the head and equal to half the circumference of the cat's body, the animal can easily understand whether it will crawl through this gap or not (even rushing headlong from danger).


Whiskers are also indispensable helpers of a cat on the hunt. The slightest fluctuations in the air created by a running mouse are instantly caught by a cat. The huntress will easily determine the location of her victim, her position, condition, direction of movement. As soon as the victim is caught, it disappears from the field of view of the cat. The vibrissae located on the front legs come to the rescue. With their help, the cat will determine the position of the prey, assess the situation and be able to control the behavior of the victim.

Whiskers help the cat to hunt by communicating the slightest changes in the position of the victim's body.

During the hunt, navigational and tactile functions are connected and closely intertwined.


For their fellows, during communication, the cat uses not only whiskers. Everything is clear there. But what about a person? An attentive owner understands what the position of the whiskers on the muzzle of the animal means, but it would be useful for guests to find out the reaction of the cat to the appearance of a stranger next to her:

Whiskers are the first to form in a kitten during its embryonic development. This is not accidental, because it is this sense organ that helps the baby to establish contact with the world around him.

Can you trim a cat's mustache?

Because whiskers are vital to a cat, losing them can make life difficult for a cat. Of course, over time, compensatory mechanisms will come into effect, and the animal will adapt to do without additional information about the world around it, but it will still not be such a full life that an animal could have. Therefore, you cannot cut a cat's mustache.

In rare cases, veterinarians shave off the vibrissae on the cat's face to improve the effectiveness of the treatment, for example, from a fungal infection. But such actions are dictated by necessity, when the benefits for the animal from such actions outweigh the possible risks.

Video: why mustache cats

Mustache problems in cats and cats

Whiskers are not only an organ that helps a cat in its difficult life as a predator, it is also a good signal of health problems. Whiskers can reduce a cat's quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of vibrissae and take timely measures to eliminate all sorts of troubles that may affect them.


Mustache fragility appears due to some deviations in the environment. So, for example, dry air in the room leads to the drying of the hair and its breaking off. The absence of fresh water in a cat and, as a result, insufficient fluid intake also affects the mustache in the same way. Frequent bathing also has a negative effect on the elasticity of the antennae. If you still use a low-quality tool, then the result will not be long in coming.

Broken whiskers can be a sign of insufficient fluid intake by the animal.

The solution to these problems is obvious:

  • normalization of humidity (if the pet lives in an apartment);
  • availability of fresh water;
  • using quality hair care products.

Dropping out

Loss of mustache is a more serious signal than breakage. If fragility is mainly influenced by the environment, then loss is caused by health problems.

Vibrissa prolapse often accompanies cat allergic reactions. An allergy in a pet occurs, as a rule, to food, most often to milk and fish. Associated symptoms are clearly visible:

  • hair loss;
  • lacrimation;
  • stool disorders.

Faced with mustache loss, you should pay attention to the cat's diet.

Vitamin deficiency also causes massive mustache loss. It occurs against the background of a monotonous diet, which causes a deficiency of important trace elements and vitamins.

A fungal infection of the skin, causing peeling and itching, also signals its appearance by the loss of vibrissae.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, who will prescribe treatment.

bad growth

Poor whisker growth depends primarily on the general condition of the cat. The quality of food, the presence of vitamins and microelements, good hair care - all this is directly related to the growth of not only the mustache, but also the animal itself. Poor mustache growth can also be caused by endocrine problems, metabolic disorders.

If the improvement in the quality of keeping a cat has not led to a positive result, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

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