What happens if you don't brush your teeth for a long time? What happens if you don't brush your teeth? 24/7 dentistry

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Brushing your teeth is perceived as an everyday ritual, which we sometimes do not think about. From maintaining the oral cavity to healthy condition many processes occurring in our body depend, up to the state of the immune system, therefore, this significant procedure should be treated responsibly.

The main task of the jaw apparatus is the grinding of food for the further process of digestion. Human teeth are adapted for food of different hardness, and the jaws themselves are very complex structure. During chewing, food particles remain on the surface of the teeth and between them, forming a soft plaque. Soft plaque over time, it turns into tartar, for the removal of which you need to contact the dentist.

Harmful bacteria that accumulate in oral cavity, multiply, destroy tooth enamel. This is how caries occurs, the teeth begin to crumble, hurt, over time, pieces break off from them, and loss begins. The existing microflora of the oral cavity is disturbed, bacteria spread uncontrollably, which provokes persistent bad breath.

To avoid this, you need to brush your teeth regularly and undergo an examination by a dentist at least once a year, following all the doctor's recommendations on oral hygiene. You need to properly and thoroughly brush your teeth, select good pasta and other hygiene products (rinse, freshener, threads and powders). If teeth are misaligned—they are crooked, crowded, or have space between them—more food particles become trapped, which are more difficult to clean out with regular brushing. In such a situation, you should contact an orthodontist, since even teeth are not only aesthetics, but also a guarantee of health.

Besides modern nutrition simply obliges to clean even perfectly healthy teeth. Coffee, sugary drinks, chocolate and other sweets, juices, foods rich in fast carbohydrates- all this destroys our teeth, disrupts the microflora of the oral cavity. If you do not brush your teeth, but eat only healthy and natural food, exclude sweets from the diet, do not drink sugary drinks - you can delay the defeat of caries, but without cleaning the oral cavity will not be in the best condition.

You should devote time to hygiene from the very beginning. childhood, even when milk teeth have not yet been replaced by molars. Developed in early age habit will save you from further problems.

The issue of hygiene should be considered from the position of communication. In addition to the main purpose (chewing food), the oral cavity is involved in the implementation of speech communication. Communication is necessary for people to study, work, interact with others. When building relationships - business, friendship, romantic, family, it is important for us to make a good impression. Bad smell from the mouth, caries visible to the naked eye will repel any interlocutor and can cross out the development of relationships in the future.

Dental health largely depends on genetics and is determined at birth. If by nature the enamel is weak, the teeth are crooked and prone to crumbling, then regular and thorough cleaning will not save you from the need for fillings and prosthetics. Such cases happen, nothing can be done about it, the only way out is to find good dentist and prevent launch.

Let's not miss another one important point. Teeth are the same part of the human body as other organs and are subject to psychosomatic phenomena. Books on psychology on the topic of psychosomatics reveal the features of influence psychological problems on physical state human body. Such literature may help to understand real reasons problems of the oral cavity and solve them first on the mental and then on the physical level.

Plaque in the form of a film of food debris forms on the surface of the teeth within 2 hours after brushing. As it develops, it creates conditions for the filling and surface of the teeth with bacteria that can cause caries.

However, according to dentists, the main problem of oral hygiene is not caries at all. As stated in some specialized publications, the most common symptom of education pathological processes in the mouth - this is bleeding gums in the process of brushing your teeth. Bacteria, having multiplied excessively, cause inflammation of the tissues of the oral cavity, and this, in turn, leads to the appearance of bad smell. Even more serious consequence- development of gingivitis.

If you do not brush your teeth, so-called tartar can form. This is hardened plaque that occurs at the site of plaque and consists of bacteria, food debris, dead cells, as well as salts of iron, phosphorus and calcium. Bad breath can also indicate the existence of tartar. In this case, brushes and pastes are powerless - only professional cleaning in the dentist's office.

All of the above dangers can lead to the development of periodontitis. Signs of the disease are inflammation and bleeding of the gums, abnormal tooth mobility, bad breath, pus discharge from periodontal pockets. This will require surgical treatment.

Irregular brushing of teeth or complete neglect of this procedure can lead to the appearance of psychological complexes. Bad smell, feeling of staleness in the mouth, yellow or gray coating on the teeth can affect the internal sense of self, worsen the quality of life.

Alternative dentifrices

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to use toothpaste and brush, use dentifrices.

For example, you can use a disposable natural toothbrush. It is done in an elementary way. Take a sprig of pine or cedar, soften its end with your teeth to a fibrous state and use it to your health. Chewing needles, as well as resins of pine, cedar, larch and spruce in the fight against any disease.

To make natural toothpaste, you need to grind into dust a few dry ingredients: 1/2 tsp. sea ​​salt and dried tree resin, 3 tbsp. l. ash from a banana peel (it is a natural fluorine). Mix it all up, adding little by little olive oil until you get a pasty consistency. Use this tool should be 2 times a day, cleaning the gums and teeth with a toothbrush (ordinary soft or natural) or fingers.

To prepare a natural tooth powder, carefully grind cinnamon, cloves, chamomile, turmeric, lava, thyme and pepper to a powder. All this should be in equal proportions.

After brushing your teeth with such means, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction oak bark, salt water, strong brewed thyme or mint.

Willow bark also cleans teeth well when chewed. It has a bitter taste, but a thin twig is enough to achieve the goal. You can also use calamus root. It is even more bitter, but even very neglected diseases.

Cope with cleaning the oral cavity and cereal herbs. To do this, you need to chew oats, wheat, wheatgrass, rye with all your teeth, adding to them a leaf of St. John's wort (mint, yarrow, thyme) or a sprig of mountain ash (willow, bird cherry).

Irregularly, or not cleaned at all, they will sooner or later deteriorate.

According to dentists, the cleansing of the oral cavity should occur not only with the help of and, but also with the use of and.

What threatens the lack of proper oral hygiene?

The most durable fabric in human bodytooth enamel. However, it is also susceptible to degradation due to acid attack. But sour food has nothing to do with it. food types acids - acetic, lactic or citric are not harmful to the teeth. And others are dangerous - oil, propionic and formic.

They arise in the oral cavity due to the bacteria that live there, absorb food residues and form. These bacteria are the source of carbohydrate fermentation, which is the reason for the release of these acids. Great danger in this regard, they represent sweets.

If a person does not regularly brush their teeth, then in addition to microorganisms and bacteria that constantly multiply on the surface of the teeth, tongue and cheeks, sooner or later this can lead to the following consequences:

Some may be lucky - but you?

Uncleaned teeth are terrible...

Will such a fate affect all the malicious "uncleaners"? Most. There are, of course, people who are missing, but the condition of their teeth is excellent.

The reason for this may be good heredity, strong enamel, which was able to absorb enough calcium in due time, salivary composition and other factors.

But such lucky ones are a big exception to the general rule.

There is a different point of view

There is another opinion about regular dental care, or rather, its classical understanding: toothpaste cannot

... and well-groomed perfectly

adequately clean from food debris and microorganisms. But eating an apple or carrots can. Dental health is thus related to the quality of what we eat.

And they say that our ancestors did not have a brush and paste, and somehow they lived. After all, a person did not immediately appear along with the now numerous means of hygiene.

Unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity, even the highest quality hygiene does not eliminate. It appears if:

  • there are teeth in the hollow;
  • in case of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

In any case, only the deodorization of the smell with the help of toothpaste occurs, and not its removal. Freshness remains for a short time. Therefore, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of food.

If you like a modern approach

If you still decide that you need to brush your teeth, then it is very important right choice hygiene products. It is believed that the type of brush used plays a fundamental role. enables high-quality and gentle cleaning of enamel.

This is the case when it is worth making a choice in favor of an artificial product that retains its shape longer and does not contribute to the growth of bacteria.

When choosing a toothpaste, be sure to consult with a specialist on the subject the best option just for you. This is especially true for amateurs. The teeth become a couple of tones lighter, but the enamel can suffer greatly.

So, there is no consensus on whether it is worth brushing your teeth, but most modern professionals and ordinary people agrees that if this is not done, the consequences will be disastrous.

One thing is certain: oral hygiene is a daily good habit. The same as the habit of visiting the dentist at least once a year should become.

In this issue, we will talk about how your health can change if you refuse to brush your teeth, and also dwell on how harmful toothpaste can be.

If you do not take into account ancient times when brushing your teeth was a rare occurrence, it is worth noting Egypt, where in the 4th century a mixture of salt, pepper and mint leaves was used to clean the mouth. In our country, it all started with birch charcoal and crushed chalk. In 1873, the Colgate company launched the first toothpaste on the market, which resembled modern toothpaste in composition and was sold in cans, which after 20 years turned into tubes familiar to us. Now it already smelled good, and over time, they began to add fluorides to it against microbes and replace calcium carbonate, which scratched the teeth, destroying their enamel, with softer abrasives, such as silicon compounds.

Now let's look at what irregular brushing of teeth can lead to. Your jaw has the ability to self-cleanse food debris when eating hard vegetables such as carrots or apples, but The average person's diet consists of many other foods, and the amount of food debris on the teeth and gums is not so easy to destroy without using a toothbrush. If you refuse it, the bacterial situation inside the mouth deteriorates sharply, due to it acidity increases and tartar appears, which begins to corrode the enamel and crumble teeth. As a result, ordinary caries or even periodontitis awaits you, when the teeth simply fall out of the jaw. The tissue that holds them is affected by bacteria, causing the gums to fester and give off a corresponding odor. Speaking of smell - it can come not only from the gums or from the stomach, but also from decaying food remnants located in microcracks and holes in your teeth.

Many people think that yellow teeth an indicator that a person simply does not clean them, in fact, this is not entirely true. Of course, plaque can ruin the color of your teeth, but the main factor here is your genetic characteristics. The main material of the tooth is not enamel, but dentin, hidden under it, but translucent, and it is he who determines what shade your smile will be. With the return, the white enamel becomes thinner, and the main color of the tooth becomes more pronounced.

And finally, about the main myth recent years, thanks to which many people are confident in the dangers of toothpastes. Fluorine, which is contained in most of them, in excess quantities shows its toxic properties, the truth is the same, it can be said about many others chemical elements vital necessary for a person and even about ordinary vitamins in case of uncontrolled consumption. Fluoride is found in tea, apples, potatoes and many other foods, but its doses are so small, as well as in toothpaste, that they cannot harm your body. Daily dose fluorine from 1.5 to 2 mg, which is several times more than in 100 grams of toothpaste. At the same time, if our arguments do not convince you, you can use products without fluorine - they are sold in any large supermarket or pharmacy.

It happens that you have already gone to bed and suddenly remember that you forgot to brush your teeth. And you don’t want to get up at all, and, of course, skipping brushing your teeth once will not be the end of the world. But what happens if you stop brushing your teeth forever?

The consequences can be much more serious than it seems at first glance. The mouth is a place full of breeding bacteria. In fact, one mouth contains more bacteria than there are people on earth.

When we brush our teeth, we scrape off excess bacteria as well as food particles and plaque. When we don't clean it all grows in volume. And our the immune system overloaded, unsuccessfully trying to get rid of this "garbage".

Plaque is a film that covers the teeth and is formed by sugar residues. It produces acid that eats away enamel. Because of this acid, caries subsequently forms. Uncontrolled plaque also leads to inflammation of the gums, darkening of the teeth, purulent inflammation mouth and bad breath.

When the number of bacteria begins to grow, the risk of developing periodontal disease increases, in which the periodontal tissue (periodontium) that holds the teeth is affected. As a result, teeth begin to fall out. By the way, this is the main cause of tooth loss.

Our mouth contains both bad and good bacteria, but for the Staphylococcus family this is especially favorable environment. And if you don't brush your teeth, these harmful bacteria can work their way through the gums and into the bloodstream. In the future, this can lead to heart disease, asthma, pneumonia and endocarditis - inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.

In addition, several controversial studies have also found a link between poor hygiene mouth and erectile dysfunction as well as dementia.

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