After the removal of the nerve, all the teeth hurt. Can a tooth hurt after a nerve is removed? Failed root canal treatment

AT dental practice rarely, but there are situations when a tooth, after a nerve removal procedure, continues to cause discomfort to its owner, and sometimes it hurts a lot.

Why is this happening? After all, the source of trouble has been amputated, the canals have been cleaned and sealed, and the person still suffers from a severe pain syndrome.

How to respond to this phenomenon? To what extent is it considered normal? We will try to answer all these questions in the article.

The discomfort that a tooth delivers is temporary or permanent. The first option is the norm, it is not dangerous to health, and after a while it will disappear spontaneously.

Quite another matter - the pain is constant. It signals that not everything is in order with the tooth and the body as a whole, and the consequences can be quite serious.

How to understand that the situation is out of control and you need to go to the clinic?

The pain is acute, throbbing or aching, not passing within 3-4 days after the removal of the nerve, which is poorly relieved by analgesics - this is a cause for concern.

Dentist mistakes

To minimize the risk of discomfort after such manipulations, you should be responsible for choosing medical institution to whom a person trusts his health.

Of course, the qualification of a specialist also plays an important role, because further treatment depends on his professionalism.

Consider the main medical errors and shortcomings.

Poor channel cleaning

The result of such actions, as well as the cause of discomfort, is this case the presence of microbes partially remaining in the channels.

Without access to oxygen, being under the reliable "protection" of the filling component, they rapidly develop, starting the processes of decay, which will soon inevitably lead to extensive inflammation inside the organ.

Incomplete pulp removal

The most common reason for this phenomenon. This happens if the infected fragments of pulp tissue are not completely amputated.

The nature of the pain is specific - it proceeds with an increase, does not stop, is accompanied by a pronounced swelling of the soft tissues of the gums surrounding the affected organ, as well as a sharp, unpleasant smell of decay from oral cavity.

It requires urgent medical intervention, as it threatens to infect the jaw tissue.

Emptiness under the filling

Canal underfilling, and as a result, internal voids- this happens due to incorrectly performed calculations and incorrect assessment of the shrinkage characteristics of the filling component.

The phenomenon is fraught with very sad consequences:

  • internal organ abscess;
  • fistula formation;
  • partial destruction of the surface of the enamel and hard tissues of the tooth, which threatens its complete loss.

It requires a complete unsealing of the canals, repeated cleaning and subsequent, better filling.

The filling material is removed beyond the apex of the tooth root

A serious defect of the dentist, which may result in the patient being placed on the operating table.

The surgical process, although not complicated, takes about 40 minutes, and involves the removal of the top of the root system.

The insidiousness of the situation is that discomfort can last for months, everything is determined by the concentration of the component that has fallen into the transcendental area, from the degree of sensitivity of the body, which is determined individually.

For someone, this is a strong pain that cannot be corrected with medications, and someone can endure it for quite a long period, in the hope that the tooth will heal on its own.

Broken instrument in the canal

The insidiousness of this situation is twofold. On the one hand, the fragment is quickly and easily removed, on the other hand, it carries the risk of subsequent complications, since the ability to explore and go through the entire channel is limited.

The main method of solving the problem is resection, less often ultrasound therapy. After the manipulations, the body quickly returns to normal and discomfort stop.

The main reason for this phenomenon is the excessive application of force while working with the tool.

Root perforation

In simple words, this is the appearance of additional holes in the organ. It is considered the result of professional ignorance and inexperience of the doctor. Accompanied by severe pain, bleeding, material getting into the alveolar endings.

The treatment is carried out as follows: the channels are filled with a special expensive composition after creating a small hole in the hard tissues of the gums.

Irregular tooth structure

By her own this pathology the structure of the tooth does not pose any danger to a person, moreover, he does not even suspect about it until a certain point.

Only in the process of removing the nerve, the specialist simply does not notice the presence of, say, an additional channel and skips it during processing and filling. Since the nerve is only partially amputated, pain occurs varying degrees strength.

The solution is the procedure for opening, processing the missed area and the final sealing of the organ.

If you delay fixing the problem, you can a short time lose a tooth by internal destruction.

Other reasons

These reasons are much less common, but you still shouldn’t ignore them, because they manifest themselves no less, and sometimes even more menacingly, than those described earlier.


Allergy occurs due to individual intolerance to one of the components of the composition, which fills the channels. It is almost impossible to predict this phenomenon, so there is no medical fault here.

In addition to discomfort, there is skin rashes and severe itching. In more serious cases- reddening of the surface of the body and blisters.

There is only one way out - replacing the filling with a hypoallergen.

gum damage

This diagnosis is made after qualitative research of the oral cavity when the patient complains of discomfort that does not pass after the removal of the nerve.

Accompanied by edema, redness of the soft tissues of the mucosa in the area of ​​localization of the inflamed organ. Treatment with antibiotics and rinsing with antiseptics is indicated.

If the problem is ignored, deep lesions of the gum tissue will begin and surgery will be required.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

AT medical practice interpreted as neuralgia. characteristic symptom– pressure pain, numbness, neurological local seizures. It quickly passes to neighboring organs, which makes it difficult to diagnose the source of inflammation. The reason for this phenomenon is the pathology of the alveolar nerve process.

Complications include difficulty speaking, difficulty chewing food. Eliminate the symptom of drugs of the group of analgesics of the directed spectrum of action.

In the video, the specialist will talk about others possible reasons soreness of the tooth after the removal of the nerve.

Quick ways to relieve a symptom

appease toothache that does not go away on its own after the nerve removal procedure can be tested folk methods, the most popular of which are:

  • rinsing with soda– in 250 ml warm water dissolve a teaspoon of the product. Carefully place, rinse several times a day. Soda will not only relieve discomfort, but also disinfect the oral cavity;
  • hydrogen peroxide- prepare a water composition in a ratio of 1: 1. Rinse as needed;
  • decoction onion peel - 3 tablespoons of the crushed product, pour 0.5 of water and cook for 10 minutes. Cool down. impregnate gauze swab and apply to the sore spot;
  • salo- attach a small piece to the affected area, and after 15-20 minutes the pain will subside;
  • alcoholic rinses- put in your mouth a small amount of alcohol-containing drinks, tilt your head to the side to the place of pain and hold for 5 minutes. Do not swallow.

From medications can be accepted:

  • Ketanov;
  • Nimesil;
  • Nise;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Analgin;
  • Askofen.

It is important to understand that self-elimination pain syndrome is only a temporary way out of the situation, involving further treatment to the clinic.

The need for specialist help

After this manipulation, the patient is shown home self-monitoring of his condition. Apply for medical assistance required if the following symptoms are present:

  • pronounced swelling of soft tissues in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • discomfort in the throat during swallowing;
  • accumulation of purulent masses;

The appearance of a persistent unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, which is poorly eliminated by special rinses.

For information on what methods are used to eliminate pain after nerve removal, see the video.

Possible Complications

Nerve removal is a procedure that can not be called complicated, however, it is associated with serious problems. .

At the same time, their the real reason is delayed medical care.

Delaying the situation threatens:

  • the development of cystic formations;
  • the appearance of granulomas, fistulas and purulent abscesses;
  • activation internal processes rotting of the tissues of the organ, which subsequently lead to its amputation;
  • transition of inflammation to hard tissue gums when a more serious surgical intervention characterized by long-term rehabilitation.

In dental practice, it is not uncommon for a tooth to hurt after a nerve has been removed. Unbearable pain delivers a seemingly already “dead” tooth.

Basically, such pains appear when pressing on the tooth and are the body's response to the procedure. Sometimes the pain is so severe that you have to take painkillers for several days.

Dentists believe that in order to prevent such pain it is necessary to remove all elements of the dental pulp, thoroughly disinfect and seal the dental canal.

Toothache after nerve removal - causes

All the pain that occurs when cleaning and filling the canal, dentists call "post filling pain". The opinion of experts about these pains was divided. Some consider this a complication, despite the fact that the x-ray shows that the canal is sealed without errors. Another part of the doctors explains what it is norm, if pain symptom lasts no more than 5 - 7 days.

The very procedure of tooth depulpation at the time of its implementation cannot be painless. Nerve endings in the pulp are intertwined into one knot, which is responsible for the sensitivity of the jaw, face. Almost all patients experience such sensations after the procedure. When the nerve is removed, a microtrauma occurs throughout the column. Therefore, the discomfort and pain that occurs after the removal of the nerve is the norm. Manipulations can provoke pain in the ear, temple, forehead. In addition, it is possible:

The appearance of sensitivity to sweet, cold, hot;

The occurrence of sharp pain when closing the jaw;

Development of intensive dull pain in the tooth and nearby tissues in the evening or at night;

Deterioration of general well-being: worries severe weakness, headaches, fever.

The maximum period of pain after depulpation is 5-7 days. If the soreness continues after the expiration of the specified period, we are talking about a developed inflammatory process.

Therefore, if a tooth hurts after a nerve is removed, the reasons may be different.

The main, most common:

Partially removed nerve tissue - this leads to a severe response of the body: the temperature rises, there is a sharp pain in the tooth;

Poor cleaning of the dental canal - in such cases, active reproduction occurs pathogenic microflora under the filling, leading to an inflammatory process;

Removal of filling material beyond the top of the root;

The formation of voids under the filling is fraught with severe complications: the formation of fistulas, abscesses, complete destruction of the tooth; the cause of the defect is an incorrect calculation of the dental filling material;

Poor visibility: there are times when one root out of four, for example, is not visible for some reason; and then the remaining nerve delivers a lot of trouble.

Factors affecting the development of toothache after nerve removal

In addition to the main reasons, there are certain factors that further have a significant impact on postoperative period and general well-being:

Allergic reactions - in the presence of individual intolerance to filling materials. Arises strong pain, skin rashes, itching. The optimal way out is to refill the tooth with another hypoallergenic material;

Diseases of the gum tissue - if the manipulations were carried out in the presence of an inflamed gum, which the dentist could not notice. After some time, pain and swelling occur. In such cases, assigned antibiotic therapy, local antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs;

The root may also be damaged when the nerve is removed. If the dentist does not notice this in time, inflammation of the roots and nerves will begin;

Too small channels that are difficult to clean.

Often a tooth hurts after nerve removal with neuralgia trigeminal nerve. The symptoms of the disease are sharp pains when chewing and biting food, numbness not only of the diseased tooth, but also of the surrounding tissues. If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not start treatment, you can lose a tooth.

Toothache after nerve removal - treatment

If the tooth hurts after the removal of the nerve, the doctor should prescribe the treatment after the cause has been clarified. Self-medication is not recommended to avoid complications. If pain continues after nerve removal three days you need to consult a specialist immediately.

1. For persistent pain, you can take painkillers, for example, Ketanov (Ketorol), therapeutic effect which is noted 20 minutes after its administration, and the duration of the analgesic effect is 5 hours. Ketanov has many contraindications and has serious side effects, so you need to read the annotation before using it. It is often not recommended to take this drug. Ketorol is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 16 years of age, as well as pregnant women. Belongs to the group of NSAIDs.

2. Novalgin- a drug with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It begins to act within 30 minutes after consumption.

3. Pentalgin- a drug that relieves pain of moderate intensity. It has not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory effect. Minors are contraindicated.

4. Analgin can be used for moderate toothache. It is not as effective as previous drugs, but safe, relieves mild pain within 30 minutes.

5. Baralgin acts similarly to analgin, suitable for minor pain, its action begins after 40 minutes.

6. But - shpa- antispasmodic, which can relieve mild pain, is approved for use by pregnant women.

7. Nurofen- a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, it relieves pain well with unexpressed pain, in small doses it is allowed to use children from 6 years of age. Contraindicated for drivers and people with severe kidney failure.

If at the time of the toothache there were no medicines at home, you can use folk remedies. One of these is mouthwash solution, which includes / for one glass of water / salt (1 teaspoon) and iodine (5 drops). Can be wiped sore spot soaked in solution cotton swab.

For the purpose of pain relief in the absence of other means you can use sunflower oil : they rinse their mouth until the oil turns white. Oil can be diluted with water.

Another one from available ways toothache relief at home apply a little vodka or cognac to the sore spot. As you know, alcohol relieves pain symptom well.

Can be used at home herbal ice cubes(chamomile, oak bark, sage), which are applied to the inflamed gums in a sore spot until they melt.

Toothache after nerve removal - prevention

To prevent complications that often develop after depulpation, it is necessary to follow simple, but effective, subject to their observance, rules:

Regular hygiene measures: brush your teeth thoroughly after eating and before going to bed;

The first day after dental procedures, take painkillers medications recommended by the dentist;

It is mandatory to rinse the mouth for three days after the dental intervention. antiseptic solutions.

In order to protect yourself from toothache, you need to follow the recommendations of the dentist, which the doctor gives to each patient after treatment.

The main ones and very important for dental health are the following:

Do not consume excessively hot or cold food;

Spare a sealed tooth, try to chew food with your teeth on healthy side;

Eliminate very solid foods from the diet;

Limit smoking.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations for at least 10-14 days after the nerve has been removed and the tooth has been sealed. If moderate pain continues after the specified period, you should follow the doctor's advice until the pain disappears completely.

At the same time, it must be remembered that dental manipulations are unpleasant, but after visiting the dentist worst problems will remain in the past, and soon the toothache will disappear completely.

You need to carefully choose a dentist, carefully monitor your well-being and feelings. In any incomprehensible situations and increased toothache after surgery to remove the pulp, you must contact a specialist.

Nerve removal is an important part of endodontic treatment. After this procedure, the patient may have a number of questions.

Why increased sensitivity of the tooth?

Some tooth sensitivity may persist for a short time after being fully treated. However, this sensitivity is physical impact(pressing, pressing) and should not be noted in response to irritation with hot / cold, sour or sweet. The appearance of the last sensations indicates insufficient quality treatment tooth roots. Besides hypersensitivity(hyperesthesia) can be observed with partial depulpation against the background of the characteristics of the organism, the presence of microcracks in the enamel, etc.

Why is pain felt when pressed?

Immediately after the removal of the nerve, for example, with, there is often some exacerbation of the inflammatory process. This is due to the fact that surgical intervention on dental tissues, which, like any operation, is accompanied inflammatory reaction. In this case, a situation is possible when a tooth hurts after the removal of the nerve when biting, pressing, pressing, a slight swelling appears. The duration of such normal state should not exceed a few days. Patients are advised to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. It is also important to monitor the dynamics of manifestations: an increase in pain, swelling, and an increase in temperature indicate the development of an infection.

How long does a tooth hurt after a nerve is removed normally?

Why does the tooth ache after a week? Month? Year? Why does it hurt if the nerve was removed a long time ago?

If a tooth aches after the removal of the nerve for a week, this may be a manifestation of the normal situation described above - post-filling pain. Duration of more than 10-14 days, as well as an increase in symptoms (the tooth "pulsates" after the removal of the nerve ) require a visit to a doctor.

Causes prolonged pain are errors during endodontic treatment:

  • missed / not detected root canals (for example, in a non-standard situation - the presence in the root of a greater than statistically determined number of canals);
  • insufficiently high-quality canal cleaning (mechanical, medical) or treatment with ineffective drugs, when part of the pulp remains in the canal;
  • sawdust, antiseptics getting into the gums, gum injury;
  • leaving the tooth open at an intermediate stage of therapy;
  • leaving tool fragments in the channel, etc.

Also, pain in the tooth after the removal of the nerve may appear due to irradiation of sensations from neighboring teeth, i.e. in fact, it is not the pulpless tooth that hurts, but the neighboring ones. Less often, unpleasant manifestations are associated with the filling material ( allergic reaction), pushing the filling out of the tooth and squeezing the nearby nerve.

Prolonged soreness, the appearance of pain after a certain "light" interval, increased sensations in horizontal position are a sign of odontogenic sinusitis (inflammation maxillary sinus due to an infection in the tooth roots). Pathology therapy is carried out by the joint efforts of an ENT doctor and a dentist.

Retreatment of canals in similar situation optimally entrusted to those who own the technique under a microscope.

In all cases, it is important to understand that even with an ideally performed operation, the risk of complications remains (with partial removal nervaon is up to 5%. The prognosis of the intervention depends on the degree of destruction of the tooth, the condition of the periodontal tissues, the volume of preserved tissues, and the qualifications of the specialist.

To reduce the risk of recurrence, endodontic treatment is carried out with radiographic control. If necessary, to assess the quality of dental treatment and determine the cause of pain, they resort to the method of computed tomography.

Why did the cheek swell up and edema appear?

A slight swelling after the removal of the nerve in the tooth is also normal: inflammatory reaction in response to surgery. However, if the cheek is very swollen after the removal of the nerve of the tooth, an abscess has formed, purulent discharge and bad smell, the temperature has risen, you should see a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will drain the abscess, prescribe antibiotic therapy, re-wash and seal the canals.

Why does the tooth react to cold/hot?

If the tooth after the removal of the nerve reacts to cold or hot, this may indicate that only part of the pulp was removed during the intervention, and inflammatory process did not completely stop. In a tooth with a completely removed nerve, such a reaction cannot be: perhaps the sensations are associated with a problem in the neighboring teeth. If the condition does not improve, and even more so if the manifestations intensify, you should consult a doctor by taking an x-ray.

Why did the tooth darken?

After depulpation, the tooth loses the vessels that supply nutrients and cells responsible for fighting infection. Lack of nutrition eliminates the possibility of restoring the remaining dental tissue, which gradually turns gray, becomes more fragile and less durable. Therefore, one should not postpone for a long time the strengthening restoration of a pulpless tooth or the covering of the latter with a crown.

Also, darkening is associated with necrosis of the resulting poor quality treatment pulp. At the same time, the initial severe pain gradually, as the rest of the nerve dies, disappears and the patient perceives what is happening as a recovery. However, necrotic tissue can cause re-infection already in the periodontium. This situation requires a mandatory visit to the doctor.

A change in color (acquisition of a pinkish tint) and structure of the teeth occurs when using the resorcinol-formalin method.

What to do if inflammation of the facial trigeminal nerve develops after depulpation of the wisdom tooth?

One of the complications of endodontic treatment is the defeat of the trigeminal nerve. Typical, especially noticeable when pressed, signs of such a violation:

  • monotonous burning pain;
  • burning sensation in the lips, jaw;
  • numbness of the cheeks, lips;
  • discomfort when touched.

The problem may be caused by compression of the nerve branches by the prolapsed filling material. In this case, pain appears immediately after depulpation and filling.

The tooth is bone tissue. For all the reactions experienced by a person when eating, the nerve is responsible. Pathologies lead to its removal, however, some patients experience pain when eating hot food even after removal of the pulp. The reason may be either poor-quality treatment, complications that arose after therapy.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from the Crimean Medical Institute. institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and prosthetics on implants.

Ask an expert

I think that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then the treatment really may not reach the point - it will not be required. Microcracks and small caries on the teeth can be removed with ordinary toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I single out Denta Seal. Try it too.

Causes of exacerbation of reaction to hot

There are several reasons why a tooth without a nerve may react to heat.

Multiple Channels

The channel width is from 1 to 2 mm. They are so narrow that their exact number cannot always be determined from x-ray. The remaining unfilled canal in the tooth can provoke such sensations.

The second reason may be poor-quality materials from which the filling is made, or a lack of professionalism of the dentist.

Not all nerve removed

Rarely, but this also happens. A piece of pulp remaining in the tooth will certainly provoke unpleasant sensations in the hot. It is possible to confirm or refute the presence of an unremoved nerve only with the help of an x-ray.


Poor-quality tooth filling can lead to complications - periodontitis (flux) or a cyst. Such pathologies can cause pain in response to hot food intake.

Instrument penetration into the canal

Depulping is a job that requires clarity and pedantry. Due to the narrowness of the dental canals, instruments that break easily are used. Part of the equipment may break off during operation, remain in the channel, causing infection. The situation can cause discomfort in response to hot food, drink.

Depulpation with tooth filling

Nerve removal is a serious dental operation, which can be performed competently. experienced specialist. A certain algorithm, according to which many dentists act, and with a non-standard tooth structure or a sudden occurrence of complications, deviations from this algorithm are permissible.

First of all, anesthesia is performed - two injections into the gum in the area of ​​the operated tooth. From the moment the anesthesia begins, a person does not feel pain for 45-50 minutes. During this time, the dentist must:

  • protect the “workspace” from saliva. This will be done either using a special apparatus or with cotton balls;
  • treatment of affected tissues is indicated if, during the examination, inflammation of the nerve is diagnosed as a result of caries. The dentist expands the canal for easy access to the nerve;
  • using a small-sized needle with teeth, the doctor removes the pulp. The nerve can be cut with a flexible instrument;
  • at the penultimate stage, the doctor treats the dental canal with an antiseptic, applies a temporary filling;
  • important - control shot. A dentist can make a mistake for any reason. If, according to the results of radiography, an incomplete filling of the tooth is determined, it is drilled and the algorithm is repeated from the beginning.

Correction: all of the above is done step by step, provided wellness patient. In the event of an emergency - bad feeling, loss of consciousness, sudden pain- the doctor must first correct the situation, and then, based on the state of health, decide whether it is possible to continue treatment.

Main symptoms

After depulpation, the tooth may react to hot food and drink. A person feels the temperature of the food taken, but normally the tooth should not feel it.

This is expressed in pulsation in the dental cavity, discomfort when hot food enters.

If you do not turn to the dentist with a problem in time, the process will continue to develop further, the cheek may swell. This marks the start of an infection, which will require dental care.

Ways to eliminate pain

Method one: a visit to the dentist. There are many reasons for pain in the absence of a nerve - from medical error before incomplete removal pulp. The doctor will be able to tell what will happen after the examination and X-ray examination.

It will be necessary to open the tooth cavity, re-clean the canals, refill if the procedure is performed poorly. If a nerve is found in the canal, it must be removed.

Rare situation: in the pain is to blame neighboring tooth with the one whose nerve has been removed, and it is he who hurts. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose and understand the cause of the reaction to hot food and drink, and then start treatment.

Never try to get rid of the pain yourself. This should only be done knowing exact reason what happened, and only a dentist can tell you. Self-medication will likely only worsen general state oral cavity.

Do you get nervous before visiting the dentist?


If in home first aid kit there are remedies that relieve toothache, you can try to use them, but remember - this is just a temporary relief; In order for the pain to go away completely, a medical examination and appropriate treatment are needed.

Use folk remedies It is possible, but it is not recommended to do this without the consent of the doctor. They will not heal the tooth, but stop pain syndrome. A certain herb or herb may be powerless in your situation, time will be wasted. More on certain types plants may be allergic.

Ways to prevent discomfort

There are several preventive measures to minimize the risk of pain in response to hot food intake.

Maintaining a proper level of oral hygiene is a guarantee that bacteria will not start to develop in it.

Try not to eat hot and cold food so as not to injure your teeth. After sour, salty and spicy dishes be sure to rinse your mouth boiled water room temperature brush your teeth.

To avoid injury, do not use a hard brush. If discomfort occurs during oral hygiene, change toothbrush to soft.

Prevention is never enough. Holding preventive measures will reduce the risk of pain in response to eating hot food.

Removing the nerve of a tooth is endodontic dentistry, or root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment - safe procedure. In some cases, there is a possibility of side effects or recurrence of pain. Today, Estet dentistry will list in detail some of the side effects root canal treatment.

Discoloration of the tooth (darkening of the tooth) - when the nerve is removed

When the nerve is removed from the tooth, after a while (from six months to several years) due to the fact that the nerve, circulatory and lymphatic nutrition of the tooth has stopped, the color of the tooth changes - discoloration and darkening are noted in the future. If depulpation has undergone chewing teeth, then discoloration is not noticeable in most patients, unlike anterior teeth. Anterior teeth after root canal treatment often need color correction to achieve smile esthetics. This is achieved through endodontic whitening, veneers or crowns. In most cases, when the crown of the tooth is filled, or installed fixed prosthesis in the form of a tooth crown, after processing root canal, this color change is not noticeable. In cases where a tooth crown is not required, and the tooth itself is in the frontal zone of a smile, whitening or veneering helps to eliminate tooth discoloration.

Weakening of the tooth - after the removal of the nerve

Since the structure of the tooth is slightly weakened after root canal treatment, the original capabilities of the tooth are partially lost. This is expressed in more high risk tooth fractures. Those patients who have had root canals should avoid eating hard foods such as nuts or using other teeth to chew them. To avoid the risk of tooth fracture, after root canal treatment, you should consider installing a dental crown.

Failed root canal treatment

Root canal treatment may fail in about 5% of patients. This often results in tooth extraction. Such cases occur in different reasons, sometimes not even dependent on the quality of canal filling.

Infectious disease - when the nerve is removed

There is a small risk that a root canal tooth may become infected like other teeth. If, after treatment of a tooth with root canal treatment, you notice symptoms of the presence of an infection (gum inflammation, pain “inside the gum” or “above / below the tooth”, etc.), you should immediately contact your dentist for re-treatment.

Some Precautions After Dental Nerve Extraction and Root Canal Treatment

Have you treated a tooth with root canal treatment? So you must comply the following measures precautions. Most of these instructions apply to all people, even those who are lucky enough not to experience the root canal procedure.

  • Avoid chewing foods that are too hard, such as raw nuts that have been root canal treated.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day, use dental floss or floss.
  • Do not forget to rinse your mouth after eating, snacks.
  • Observe oral hygiene (periodic change of toothpaste, visits to the dentist to brush your teeth)
  • Get rid of bad habits such as smoking tobacco.

Myths about nerve removal

There are rumors among dubious sources that root canal treatment can cause sinus infection or visual impairment - this myth is unfounded, and there is no evidence in medicine and science. With modern dental technology, the chances of infection are almost zero.

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