What does it mean if the stomach hurts. Abdominal pain: the main causes. Sudden pain that began in the lumbar region is a sign of renal colic

Abdominal pain (med.: abdominal pain) or abdominal cramps occurs at least once in every person. Most of the time, they go away after a while. However, in some cases, the pain is prolonged and chronic.

The causes of pain are very diverse - most of them are relatively harmless. But there are also serious diseases that manifest themselves through abdominal pain. It is important to recognize when you need to see a doctor urgently.

Pain can be caused by changes in intra-intestinal pressure in the small and large intestines, stretching of the lumen or contraction of the muscular membrane, as well as circulatory disorders.

Abdominal pain should be distinguished by the following features:

  • how long does the pain last
  • kind of pain
  • what area of ​​the abdomen hurts,
  • to which areas of the body it irradiates (gives off or spreads).

Depending on the duration of the pain, there are:

  • acute - acutely arising, which are repeated after a while,
  • chronic - persistent pain in the abdomen for several weeks, which can either increase or subside,
  • chronically recurrent - for a long time they either occur or are absent.

Acute abdominal pain that appears suddenly is quite common, for example, due to a gastrointestinal infection or stress.

Chronic persistent abdominal pain is rare.

Chronic pain with relapses is much more common. They are characteristic, for example, of irritable bowel syndrome or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease.

The abdominal cavity contains a large number of internal organs. These are primarily the digestive organs, in women the uterus and ovaries, in men the prostate gland. Problems with any of these organs can cause abdominal pain.

The heart and lungs are also in close proximity to the abdominal cavity, and their diseases can cause abdominal pain.

Conditionally pain in the abdominal cavity can be divided into three groups:

  • pain in the intestines
  • pain in other organs of the abdominal cavity,
  • pain that has no connection with the abdominal organs.

Table of symptoms and causes of abdominal pain and first aid

Causes of abdominal painSymptomsTips
(does not replace medical advice)
Food intolerance (fructose, lactose, gluten)After eating the appropriate food:
Stomach ache
Keeping a food diary
Examination by a doctor
Exclusion of non-portable
Atypical heart attackSudden onset abdominal pain that radiates to the shoulders
Doctor call
ConstipationStomach ache
Difficulty defecation
Several days without stool
outdoor movement
Spicy food
Prunes, watermelon (chew the seeds), sour fruits
Coffee beans
belly massage
Inflammation of the fallopian tubes (in women)Cramping pains in the lower abdomen
Pain when urinating
Blood between periods
The doctor's consultation
testicular cancer
(for men)
Stomach ache
Loss of appetite
The doctor's consultation
Crohn's disease
(chronic intestinal inflammation)
Drawing pains
The doctor's consultation
Drink a lot
Vitamins and trace elements
Inflammation of the uterus
(for women)
Recurring cramps during menstruation
Blood between periods
The doctor's consultation
Heat, herbal teas
Reflux esophagitisPain in the upper abdomen
Pain in the esophagus
sour burp
Don't eat much in the evening
high pillow
avoid stress
Avoid alcohol, smoking, fatty foods
Inflammation of the caecum (appendicitis)Pain in the umbilical region
Pain in the lower right abdomen
Pain when walking
Elevated temperature
Mandatory consultation with a doctor
If necessary, operation
FluStomach ache
Bed rest
Drink a lot
Medications on doctor's advice
Food poisoningSharp or dull pain in the abdomen
Bed rest
Drink a lot
Hospitalization if necessary
StressAbdominal cramps
Loss of appetite
Modern relaxation methods
Muscle relaxation
Light food
Herbal teas such as fennel and chamomile
Prohibition of alcohol and smoking
outdoor movement

Bowel disease

  1. For diseases, an increase in pain in the second half of the day is characteristic.
  2. If the cause of abdominal pain is diseases of the left departments, then the pain on the left side of the abdomen appears before the stool, as a result of bloating and decreases after the passage of gases and defecation.
  3. Quite often there are complaints of abdominal pain and the urge to defecate, which appear immediately after eating. Such symptoms are most often associated with intestinal dyskinesia.
  4. When pain in the abdomen gets worse with walking, exercise, or shaking, it is a dangerous symptom. It indicates the presence of a deep inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity. It could be a hernia or chronic appendicitis.
    With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the spread of the pathological process can eventually lead to peritonitis.
  5. If problems arise in the right half of the large intestine, then they are manifested by pain after a rather long time. In contrast to this change in the left, narrower, part of it quickly leads to pain.
  6. Paroxysmal pain can be the result of both functional intestinal spasm and an attack of partial intestinal obstruction due to scarring or partial occlusion of the intestinal lumen by a tumor.

Other non-abdominal causes

  1. Abdominal pain can be associated with brain damage and other diseases of the internal organs outside the abdominal cavity. However, in these cases, it is rarely the main or primary symptom of the disease.
  2. Diseases of the spine such as curvature, arthritis, arthrosis, tuberculosis, tumors of the spine and spinal cord, displacement of intervertebral hernias can also cause pain in the abdominal cavity in combination with pain in the spine, and sometimes without pain in the spine.
  3. Severe pain in the abdomen can also be felt as a result of pain in the abdominal muscles, abdominal muscles when they are overstrained during physical exertion.
  4. Sometimes soreness of the skin can also be perceived as pain in the abdominal cavity.
  5. Pain around the navel may be associated with increased sensitivity of the nerve plexuses and mesenteric plexuses.
  6. If you are worried about constant aching pain in the abdomen, which lasts for months and years, and it is not related to the physiology of the intestine, and if there are no organic changes in the intestine, then such pain can be psychogenic. It is often difficult to distinguish psychosomatic gastrointestinal pain from gastrointestinal flu, or pain for other reasons, because the symptoms may be the same. If the examination does not reveal problems with the intestines and other organs, then the cause of these pains may be psychological discomfort. Feelings such as fear, stress or grief have a destructive effect on the nervous system. No wonder experts call the abdominal cavity the “second brain”. The gastrointestinal tract has its own nervous system, consisting of 100 million nerve cells. Therefore, psychological problems can cause not only pain, but also diarrhea, flatulence and bloating.

It is difficult to objectively assess pain.

Their intensity depends on a number of factors: the type of higher nervous activity, the emotional background, the environment in which the patient is located.

Pain in the upper abdomen

The cause of this localization of pain may be the spleen (left), liver (right) or stomach (center). The pancreas is located in the upper abdomen.

  1. Gastritis of the stomach. With gastritis of the stomach, cramping abdominal pains are characteristic. Other symptoms of gastritis are loss of appetite, flatulence, and a feeling of fullness.
  2. Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). With inflammation of the pancreas, there may be abdominal cramps, but more often shingles colic (give to the back).
    During exacerbations, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and fever are possible.
  3. Heartburn. With heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease, ascending burning pains occur. In most cases, they occur after eating fatty foods. The pains pass behind the sternum, but are also possible in the upper abdomen and partially even in the throat. Often there is an eructation.
  4. Stones in the gallbladder. With gallstone pain, they can also occur after eating fatty foods, they are in the nature of severe spasmodic colic. Sometimes there is girdle pain in the upper abdomen. Pain, appearing on the right, can sometimes radiate to the shoulder, in addition, fever, vomiting and chills often occur.
  5. Hepatic porphyria. Severe abdominal cramps can also be a sign of porphyria. This is a group of various metabolic diseases that result in the formation of toxic intermediates that can lead to liver damage.
  6. Liver disease. There are pains in the right hypochondrium and up to the middle of the abdomen, for example, with cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis. In this case, the pain is not localized at a specific point. An additional symptom is loss of appetite.
  7. stomach ulcer. Pain in the upper abdomen can also indicate a stomach ulcer. Cutting pains are felt on the left or in the center and occur immediately after eating or some time after eating.
  8. and. This pain occurs on an empty stomach. With an empty stomach, there is a sudden severe pain in the middle of the upper abdomen, most often this occurs at night. If you eat something, then the pain subsides.
  9. Crayfish. Sometimes cancer can lead to severe cutting pain in the upper abdomen, such as stomach cancer, colon cancer, or pancreatic cancer. This pain is accompanied by a feeling of pressure, weakness, severe weight loss, and other symptoms.

Pain in the lower abdomen

There are also many reasons that can cause pain in the lower abdomen. In addition to causes related to the intestines, such as inflammation of the colon and cecum, urinary tract diseases and gynecological diseases or prostate diseases in men can cause pain.

  1. . Pain with inflammation of appendicitis begins, as a rule, in the navel, then descends to the lower right side of the abdomen. Pain comes on suddenly and sharply. Symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting are also characteristic.
  2. . The pain begins sharply, often in the right lower abdomen. Accompanied by vomiting, fever, nausea.
  3. - another reason for cramping pain in the intestines, almost always accompanied by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (diarrhea).
  4. . Increased accumulation of intestinal gases can lead to bloating and pain.
  5. . With irritable bowel syndrome, pain is associated with violations of the tone of the small and large intestines. The pain is perceived as dull or as spasms. It occurs at different times after eating, often provoked by emotional stress. The pain does not occur at night, but often interferes with sleep. Pain usually lasts for many years and is of varying intensity and duration on different days. Pain points on the abdomen coincide with the projection of the rectum.
  6. . Pain in Crohn's disease occurs mainly in the right lower abdomen, but it can also radiate throughout the abdominal cavity. This disease is characterized by diarrhea, intestinal cramps, and fever. Another symptom is weight loss.
  7. Hernia. Men are more likely to suffer from hernias. They cause bloating and aching pain in the groin.
  8. Gynecological diseases. In women, diseases such as endometriosis, inflammation of the ovaries or ectopic pregnancy lead to pulling pains in the lower abdomen. In this case, there is a discharge from the vagina.
    Many women suffer from menstrual cramps.
  9. . When inflammation of the intestinal diverticula occurs, severe intestinal pain occurs, manifested as colic.
  10. Renal colic. Pain occurs in attacks in the lumbar region. Severe pain can be caused by kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis or kidney stones. Pain comes in jerks and can radiate to the leg. Nausea and vomiting often occur.

Pain in the entire abdominal region

Sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact location of abdominal pain.
Possible causes of such pain include:

  • gastrointestinal infections,
  • stress,
  • peritonitis,
  • circulatory disorders,
  • intestinal obstruction.

Acute abdomen. It is a sign of a medical emergency and requires an urgent call for an ambulance. The typical symptoms are a hard stomach, pressing pains, sweating and weak pulse.

For more information on the topic of abdominal pain, see the following articles:

When do you need to urgently see a doctor?

If abdominal pain is accompanied by such symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor:

  • blood in stool or urine
  • severe abdominal pain and nausea
  • high or low blood pressure
  • hard stomach
  • heat
  • yellow skin color
  • tingling in the chest cavity
  • dyspnea.

Any pain in the abdominal cavity deserves the attention of a doctor and requires an examination to identify the causes.

Attention! Our site provides you with primary information on the topic of abdominal pain on the left. However, this information cannot replace medical advice. Any pain in the abdomen requires a medical examination.

Abdominal pain is the most common type of pain not only in adults, but also in children. The causes of the appearance can be a variety of factors ranging from diseases of organs localized directly in the abdomen, and ending with inflammatory processes in other internal organs. It is very important to distinguish the nature of spasms during diseases, from the pain that arose due to simple overeating. In the first case, a person will be disturbed by nausea and dizziness, diarrhea and weakness, pain below or above the navel, and in the second, a dull girdle pain.

Instances where spasms last less than a minute are not a cause for concern, but as a preventive measure, you should consult a doctor. The occurrence of abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy is considered quite normal (later may mean an approaching birth). A child often has such a disorder due to excitement before visiting an educational institution - the occurrence of discomfort is caused by the influence of the nervous system on the digestive tract.

Girdle pain in the abdomen is often manifested during the first menstruation in girls. The place of occurrence of intense pain can also tell a lot not only to the person, but also to the doctor during the diagnosis. For example, soreness below the navel and right side of the abdomen means that inflammation is starting - if it becomes sharp and unbearable, the intestinal process has probably ruptured. Pain on the left and above the navel - neoplasms in the large intestine.

Despite the wide variety of diseases and processes that affect the occurrence of spasms, they all manifest almost the same symptoms. Diarrhea, often with blood impurities, or general weakness of the body may be added to the clinical picture. It should be noted that the intensity of the pain syndrome may vary.


Abdominal pain is manifested by inflammation or damage to the internal organs. Discomfort is expressed as a result of exacerbation of their course. These disorders include:

  • inflammation of appendicitis - for such an ailment there are several characteristic signs of manifestation, the main of which is nausea and incessant sharp pain that occurs in a certain place - on the right side of the abdomen and below the navel. Every adult and child can be affected by this disorder. In children, most often there is a strong increase in temperature up to 39 degrees and dizziness;
  • inflammatory process in the pancreas - accompanied by similar signs as with appendicitis, but additional symptoms also appear, such as diarrhea and pain spreading to the shoulders and shoulder blades. Cramps in the abdomen at the same time are shingles in nature;
  • with an acute nature of the course - expressed by nausea, a sharp aversion to food and diarrhea;
  • infectious or allergic disorders of the kidneys - frequent urge to urinate, dizziness, change in color and consistency of urine, body temperature above normal, shingles spasms;
  • infections in the respiratory tract or inflammation of the tonsils in a child;
  • and . Symptoms such as girdle pain, nausea, and bloody diarrhea may come and go intermittently;
  • education - accompanied by fever, as well as spasms throughout the abdomen, but more often above the navel;
  • malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract;
  • hernia - while the pain will be expressed on the left side and below the navel;
  • rupture of some internal organs, including the spleen, liver or ovaries;
  • insufficient blood supply to the abdominal organs.

A group of disorders that are accompanied by the manifestation of abdominal pain:

  • strong in a child - with such an ailment, girdle pain occurs in the entire abdomen, but worsens in the navel;
  • in the digestive tract;
  • lactose deficiency.

In addition, there are a number of factors that are not related to disease-causing processes in the internal organs:

Basically, the last group of causes causes constant aching pain in the abdomen.


At the place of manifestation of the most intense sensations, pain can be:

  • girdle pain throughout the abdomen;
  • appearing above the pubis - female problems with the organs of the reproductive system. Spasms at the same time can be non-intense, but in some cases become cutting;
  • localized above or below the navel - diseases of the small intestine, inflammation of the appendix or hernia. The occurrence of pain in the navel during pregnancy is usually due to the growth of the fetus;
  • extending to the back and groin - pathologies of the urinary system;
  • abdominal pain on the right - indicates problems with the liver, gallbladder;
  • arising from the left side - pancreatitis or peptic ulcer.

In addition, the nature of the pain can also tell a lot:

  • sharp - sharp or;
  • cutting -, ulcer, ectopic pregnancy;
  • stupid - education. Along with nausea, it indicates early pregnancy;
  • shingles - oncological neoplasms, kidney pathologies, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Whatever type of pain occurs, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible for a complete diagnosis and effective treatment.


Despite the fact that abdominal pain can be caused by a wide variety of factors, they will manifest themselves in approximately the same way - only the degree of intensity of accompanying symptoms will differ. The main symptoms are:

  • an increase in body temperature - in an adult, it will be observed only with certain diseases, mostly acute, and in a child with all disorders;
  • bouts of severe dizziness and migraine;
  • , alternating with diarrhea and vice versa;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • discoloration of feces and urine;
  • spread of pain in the lower back, shoulders, above and below the navel;
  • nausea and vomiting (in some diseases with blood impurities);
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • the acquisition of a pale skin tone;
  • general weakness of the patient's body;
  • sour belching;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • uncomfortable position of the body, which the patient takes to reduce the intensity of spasms.

If an adult or a child has one or more of the above symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance, because without timely medical intervention, most diseases can lead to complications and even death.

The appearance of abdominal pain during pregnancy should not cause concern if it occurs rarely, does not cause discomfort and passes quickly. In addition, bouts of nausea and abdominal pain are the first signs that a female representative is about to become a mother. But if the pain is sharp and does not go away for a long time, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Symptoms of menstruation, especially if they appeared in a girl for the first time in her life, can be severe dizziness, up to loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, girdle pain, which often radiates to the back, a slight increase in body temperature.


In cases where abdominal pain is not very intense, a person can independently recognize a possible factor in the occurrence of this sensation. For this you need:

  • take a horizontal position, lying on your back, and relax;
  • try to determine where the pain is most severe. This is especially important to make a diagnosis, because different localization, for example, below or above the navel, on the right or left side, is inherent in certain diseases. To do this, you need to carefully probe the entire abdomen with your fingers;
  • attempt to describe the nature of the pain. It can be - sharp, sharp, dull, aching, cutting or girdle;
  • determine what signs are accompanied by spasms - nausea, diarrhea, often alternating with constipation, fever, severe weakness and bouts of dizziness. Track the increase in their intensity when moving or coughing;
  • try to remember what caused these unpleasant sensations. Were these diseases that occurred earlier, menstruation, severe stress or physical exertion, food intake. Often, pain provokes pregnancy in the early stages.

These activities can be carried out by adults on their own. If a child has pain, the activities are carried out by his parents.

After receiving the results of all tests, the doctor can make several decisions in relation to the patient:

  • urgent hospitalization - in cases of rupture of appendicitis, peptic ulcer, formation of stones or tumors, as well as in case of ectopic pregnancy;
  • planned treatment in a hospital - mainly for disorders not directly related to diseases of the digestive tract;
  • home treatment and monitoring of the patient - if a person asked for help at the very initial stage of symptoms, as well as in case of menstruation or pregnancy (in the early stages).

When the patient is a child, his treatment is carried out only in a hospital.


The main therapy for abdominal pain is to eliminate the underlying disease. But this can only be done in a medical institution. Therefore, before the arrival of an ambulance, it is necessary to ensure complete rest for the victim, especially the child, in no case should they be given food. You can drink only cold purified water. Painkillers should not be used. After the patient is taken to the hospital and diagnosed, there are several possible treatment options:

  • immediate operation - especially with a rupture of appendicitis, since purulent fluid can spread throughout the body, provoke blood poisoning and death of the patient. In addition, operations are prescribed for hernia, oncological neoplasms and ulcers, as well as for acute onset of symptoms in a child, in particular, such as diarrhea with blood impurities, a critical increase in body temperature, palpitations;
  • inpatient treatment - involves reducing the intensity of symptoms (for example, weakness, dizziness, or persistent nausea) with various medications, the selection of which depends on the underlying disease. In addition, a woman needs to spend several days in a clinical setting if pain occurs during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

With the manifestation of pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, girls and women are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that reduce the intensity of spasms. In some cases, a special diet can help relieve pain during menstruation, it is only a few days to give up alcohol and smoking, as well as fatty and spicy foods. But in cases where such techniques did not alleviate the condition, and the pain during menstruation only intensified, and additional symptoms appeared, such as cramps above the navel and an increase in body temperature, you should consult a doctor.

But these are only general methods of therapy, treatment is prescribed individually for each patient, depending on the intensity of pain and their localization.

Occur for various reasons. They can have different intensity and localization, but in any case, this is an alarming symptom. If the pain intensifies or appears periodically, it is worth undergoing an examination to exclude serious diseases.

Pancreatitis is a disease in which there is inflammation of the pancreas.

Any pain is an alarming sign, especially if it occurs suddenly and becomes the cause of a strong one. Cutting pains may indicate the following serious diseases:

  1. Seizure. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​a serious condition that requires immediate surgical intervention. Cuttings in the abdomen, the causes of which lie in the inflammation of the appendix, always begin with pain in the center, and then go down and flow into the right side. It is worth considering these carefully. A person in this condition must be hospitalized. Do not rejoice at the relief, as it may mean that the appendix has burst, which leads to very serious complications, even death.
  2. during the period of exacerbation. During an exacerbation, pancreatitis is easy to confuse with appendicitis, but pain in the abdomen almost never flows to the right side, they are rather of a shingles character. The pain can be even more excruciating than with appendicitis. The patient is also tormented by nausea, the pain is aggravated by pressure on the abdomen. In this condition, it is also recommended to call an ambulance. You can not only confuse appendicitis and pancreatitis, but also miss the complications of inflammation. In severe cases, it also requires surgical intervention.
  3. . Gastritis in any form is accompanied by pain and discomfort. It usually hurts the stomach, but the duodenum and pancreas can also become inflamed. In acute gastritis, cutting pains begin after a hearty meal. There is a feeling of heaviness. Acute gastritis must be treated as early as possible so that it does not become chronic.
  4. . If the cramps in the abdomen are unbearably strong, there is a feeling that the stomach is literally being cut with a knife, this is an alarming sign of perforation of the ulcer. It breaks through very quickly, every second counts. Delay may result in the death of the patient. Surgery remains the only possible treatment. If the ulcer has not broken through, the pain will not be so intense and subside after eating. Usually an ulcer is accompanied by belching, flatulence, a feeling of a full stomach.

Other causes of pain in the abdomen

With acute and sharp cutting pains, an ulcer can be detected.

Cutting pains do not always lead to terrible consequences, but in any case, this is a serious symptom that hints at pathological processes in the body. In a healthy person, such sensations are extremely rare. There are several reasons why pain may occur:

With frequent manifestations of abdominal pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cutting pains in the abdomen caused by a disease are almost always accompanied by other symptoms. If the pain itself appears regularly or does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor for help. Cramps in the abdomen may be accompanied by nausea, chills, weakness.

All this indicates an inflammatory process in the body (gastritis, pancreatitis, appendicitis). It may also appear. Since the symptoms of many inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are similar, only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

It is imperative to call an ambulance if, before the appearance of pain in the abdomen, the patient had an operation on the gastrointestinal tract or any serious one. Especially you need to be careful when diagnosing an "ulcer".

Before contacting a doctor, it is important to remember and determine in which particular part of the abdomen there were pains, how intense they were on a scale from 1 to 10, when exactly they occur - during sleep, before or after eating, while walking, etc.

It should be remembered that with appendicitis, cutting pain is not immediately localized in the right side. At first, it spreads throughout the abdomen, while it is not necessarily unbearably strong. It may subside or intensify, but it does not completely disappear.

If suddenly and abruptly it became painless, this is a bad sign that requires urgent hospitalization. In addition to pain with appendicitis, nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite appear. This can be misleading, and appendicitis is mistaken for banal food poisoning.

If, in addition to everything, there is a prolonged incessant, nausea, high fever, one can suspect. If the pain syndrome is associated with the female reproductive system, other signs will also appear, for example, bleeding, heavy discharge with streaks of blood, or, conversely, long delays in menstruation.

During the perforation of the ulcer, cutting pain occurs suddenly and does not let go. It can subside and grow, but completely does not pass. First, abdominal pain makes a person sweat, immobilizes him, he begins to vomit, his pulse weakens.

It is necessary to call an ambulance at this stage, as the next one can lead to death. In the second stage, there is a dangerous relief, which indicates a breakthrough of the ulcer. Then the inflammatory process begins.

Treatment of cutting pains. First aid.

For any acute pain, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

Only a doctor should treat the disease. All medicines and procedures are prescribed after a thorough examination and setting. The best thing to do in this situation for the patient is to call an ambulance.

Before the ambulance arrives, you need to put him to bed, apply cold to his stomach. In no case should you heat and take hot baths. If the problem is in the appendix, it may rupture. Do not give the patient anything to eat, even if he has not eaten for a long time.

Before making a diagnosis or before the arrival of an ambulance, you do not need to take such emergency measures as gastric lavage or cleansing. This can only aggravate the situation of the patient. Cramps in the abdomen are rarely caused by constipation, so an enema will not give the desired effect. When it comes to chemical poisoning, the enema can be life-threatening. It is necessary to try to adequately assess the situation and not hesitate to contact a doctor.

If an ambulance is on its way, there is no need to take anything other than the three main items - hunger, rest and cold. Severe cases are treated in a hospital. Some diseases that cause cutting pains in the abdomen cannot be cured without surgery. These include appendicitis, ulcer perforation, ectopic pregnancy, and sometimes acute pancreatitis. In no case should you take decoctions of herbs to improve well-being. Folk recipes will not help solve the problem. The cause of the pain needs to be treated.

With abdominal pain, they usually turn to. If the pain is caused by gastritis and a non-perforated ulcer, the doctor will definitely prescribe a diet, as well as enveloping drugs that protect the walls of the stomach from damage and relieve various symptoms of the disease.

With an ulcer, a spicy dish or can cause severe pain. Very often, the cause of gastritis and ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Its aggressive destructive effect on the stomach causes pain. It is very difficult to cure it, the bacterium is quite resistant to various drugs.

In detail about pain in the abdomen, tell the video:

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Pain in the abdomen occurs once in the life of any person. Some of them suffer regularly. It is good when the cause of this phenomenon is known. Then choosing pills for abdominal pain is not difficult. But if this symptom appears suddenly, without obvious prerequisites, then a medical examination is mandatory. In this situation, a simple pain reliever will not solve the problem, but will only temporarily relieve the person of discomfort. The disease itself, which is reflected in pain, will progress imperceptibly. Therefore, you should always find out the cause of the discomfort that has arisen.

Causes of abdominal pain

Serious diseases of the abdominal organs can cause pain of a different nature and localization. The most common of these are:

  1. Inflammation of the gallbladder. Sharp pain in the abdomen under the ribs on the right. In this case, the person is sick and feverish.
  2. Gastritis. The pain worsens at night and after meals. The person becomes weak, feels heaviness in the stomach and nausea.
  3. Appendicitis. Sharp pain is localized in the right lower abdomen.
  4. Inflammation of the duodenum, sometimes with the stomach. Pain in the intercostal region under the breast. A person feels heartburn and nausea. The symptoms are worse before eating.
  5. Polyposis of the stomach. Pain can occur at any time and is accompanied by heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, and belching.
  6. Inflammation of the large intestine. Pain in the lower left abdomen. There is also flatulence and stool disorder.
  7. Diseases of the kidneys and liver. Can cause pain that is reflected in the stomach area.
  8. Inflammation of the uterus or ovaries in women, inguinal hernia in men. There is aching pain in the lower abdomen.

With such diseases, the doctor will prescribe drugs aimed at their treatment, and a special diet. In the process of recovery, the pain symptom will weaken until it completely disappears.

A number of pathologies require immediate medical attention. The use of pills for pain in these cases will not only not alleviate the patient's condition, but can also harm, complicating further treatment. Among such diseases are perforated ulcers, intestinal obstruction, cysts, ectopic pregnancy and an attack of appendicitis. Symptoms that accompany abdominal pain include:

  • pale skin and cold sweat;
  • too strong and sharp pain;
  • fainting states;
  • hypotension, weakness, the appearance of flies before the eyes;
  • rapid pulse;
  • hard stomach, which is given by severe pain when probing;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, colic;
  • bleeding from the vagina.

Such symptoms are a reason to call an ambulance. But often the causes of abdominal pain are harmless:

  • overeating - complicates the work of the intestines;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • stress - can provoke spasms;
  • food allergy;
  • weak intestinal motility;
  • poisoning;
  • injury;
  • menstruation.

In these circumstances, you can easily choose painkillers if you know the cause of the condition.

Help with menstrual pain

Often, in addition to psychological changes, menstruation is accompanied by noticeable pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, it is even harder for a woman to survive this period. Therefore, it is advisable to take painkillers on the days of the greatest ailments. There are two categories of medicines to relieve menstrual pain:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These include paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin, piroxicam and the like. Many know them as antipyretic drugs, but they also have the ability to relieve pain. Their action begins within an hour after ingestion and lasts about 4 hours. They should not be taken for more than 4 days. Contraindications to taking NSAIDs are allergy to the active substance, internal bleeding (in addition to menstrual bleeding), stomach ulcers, hypotension, heart disease, liver, kidney disease, pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Antispasmodics. Neutralize spasms, relaxing the smooth muscle tissue of the internal organs. The most popular drugs are no-shpa, papaverine, halidor. You can take them no more than 2 days. Contraindications: hepatic, renal or heart failure, glaucoma, allergy to the active substance.

For some women, a special diet can help relieve menstrual pain. Shortly before the start of critical days, you should refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, fatty and fried foods, as well as pastries. At the same time, you should increase the amount of fruits and vegetables. If the pain during menstruation is very strong, and the drugs do not give the desired effect, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tablets for stomach pain

Causes of localization of pain in the stomach may be associated with certain diseases, such as ulcers, gastritis, inflammation of the esophagus. Unpleasant sensations also cause spasms caused by constipation or stress, poisoning, acid disturbance, reflux, and a negative effect on the walls of the stomach of drugs. Depending on the cause, stomach pain pills are divided into the following categories:

  1. Drugs taken for ulcers and gastritis - antacids and anticholinergics. Eliminate pain, heartburn and belching, reduce acidity. Among them are: anacid, gastal, maalox, flacarbine, gastrocepin.
  2. Antispasmodics - no-shpa, besalol, buscopan.
  3. Antienzymatic drugs taken for diseases of the esophagus and pancreas - epikur, omez, control.
  4. Means for stopping symptoms caused by malnutrition (antacids) - hyperacidity, heartburn, belching, nausea. These include omeprazole, gastromax, ranitidine, cimetidine.
  5. Enzyme preparations to enhance gastric activity and relieve the effects of overeating. The condition is characterized by a feeling of heaviness, heartburn, nausea, reduced acidity of gastric juice. The most common are mezim, plantex, creon, festal.

It is important that a doctor prescribes an anesthetic drug - only he can accurately determine the cause of the ailment. Sometimes drugs have the opposite effect and only increase the pain. The reason may be a violation of the rules for taking the drug. In this case, you should use products with enveloping properties - phosphalugel or almagel. They protect the lining of the stomach.

There are a number of general contraindications to taking drugs for pain in the stomach: renal failure, internal bleeding, sensitivity to active ingredients, pregnancy and lactation, children's age. Before using any pain reliever for the stomach, you must carefully study the instructions and the existing restrictions on admission.

Pain due to bowel dysfunction

When the digestive process is disturbed in the intestinal area, characteristic pains and discomfort in the abdomen are observed. In this case, spasms, flatulence, weakening of the intestinal muscles, constipation or diarrhea may occur. Therefore, drugs that neutralize pain are aimed at eliminating the cause of its occurrence:

  • antispasmodics - relieve spasms of the muscular membrane of the intestine, for example, drotaverine, no-shpa. If the spasm is caused by stress, it is necessary to drink a sedative, such as motherwort;
  • drugs that normalize intestinal motility - promote the passage of digested food, eliminate gases, for example, metoclopramide, cerucal.

If the pain is a consequence of poisoning, then they take medicines, and sorbents are used to cleanse the body. The simplest of these is activated charcoal. More effective drugs are atoxil and enterosgel. It is also helpful to induce vomiting. These measures will help prevent intoxication of the body. In addition to medicines for intestinal pain, it is imperative to adjust the patient's diet and drinking regimen.

Abdominal pain is a symptom of many diseases. Before taking common pain pills, you should find out the cause of the ailment from your doctor.

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