Pain in the lower abdomen in women after childbirth. Treatment of pathological conditions that cause pain. The nature of pain and associated symptoms depending on the causes of its occurrence

The rehabilitation period after the birth of a child is different for all women. Many have a stomach ache after childbirth, and this scares young mothers. In fact, if these sensations are short-lived and quite tolerable, they are considered the norm.

Muscles and internal organs have undergone a colossal load, and the body is under stress for some time. This is what determines the pain during this period. However, if they do not go away for too long and cause unbearable discomfort to a woman, this cannot be put up with. Therefore, it is so important to understand the causes of these painful and unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.

If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, this phenomenon can be due to both physiological and pathological causes. If you determine in a timely manner why this happens and what dictates these pains, they can either be completely avoided or minimized. Among the most common causes, doctors name the following factors.

  1. Drawing, cramping pains in the lower abdomen after childbirth are due to the active production of oxytocin by the body. This is a hormone that provokes an active contraction of the uterus. Her muscles during this period are in good shape, as this organ returns to its former shapes and sizes (more on the restoration of the uterus). This is the main cause of pain in the lower abdomen after the birth of a baby.
  2. The second factor that explains why the stomach hurts after childbirth is breastfeeding. During lactation, a woman's breast nipples are irritated, and this provokes an even greater production of oxytocin. Accordingly, the uterus begins to contract even stronger and more actively, causing pain.
  3. Severe abdominal pain after childbirth, which does not stop after a month, is already a serious pathology, the causes of which can pose a danger to the health and life of a young mother. And one of them is the remains of the placenta in the uterus. She simply could not be completely removed from there after the birth of the child. In this case, its particles are stuck to the wall of the uterus. This provokes the formation of blood clots and the process of decay.
  4. The next reason is endometritis (inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa). It is most often diagnosed in women who have not given birth naturally, but by caesarean section. During this operation, infections and microbes often enter the uterus. As a result, after childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts a lot, the temperature rises, and there is bloody discharge with purulent clots.
  5. Salpingoophoritis (postpartum inflammation of the appendages) is another cause of discomfort after the birth of a baby. If it is present, at first there are mild, but pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which do not go away with time.
  6. If the pain is unbearable and is accompanied by a high temperature, the cause may lie in peritonitis, a dangerous infectious disease that will require immediate treatment.
  7. If the lower abdomen and lower back hurt with recoil to the spine, we can talk about postpartum trauma, namely, displacement of the vertebrae. As a rule, such sensations can be disturbing even six months after childbirth, and usually they manifest themselves during physical activities or when walking, when there is a large load on the spine.
  8. Sometimes a woman may find that her lower abdomen hurts a month after giving birth: the cause may be a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often this happens due to a lack of dairy products and fiber in her diet. This leads to the processes of fermentation and gas formation, which just create unpleasant painful sensations in the abdomen.
  9. If the pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is characterized by burning and soreness, this is due to the process of urination, which returns to normal within 3-4 days after the birth of the child. Over time, these discomforts go away.
  10. In some cases, the abdomen may hurt due to a strong divergence of the hip joint during labor. The process of its recovery can be quite long - up to 5 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

That is why after childbirth the stomach hurts like during menstruation: everything is explained by the usual or pathological physiological processes that occur in the body of a woman. If they are short and pass quickly, you should not worry and panic. If a week has passed since the birth, and the pain still does not leave, you should definitely consult a doctor. You may need to undergo treatment to avoid complications.


If pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is due to pathological causes and is not the norm, the doctor will prescribe treatment. It will depend on what kind of failures in the woman's body occurred after the birth of the baby.

  1. If, after childbirth, the stomach hurts a lot due to the fact that the placenta remains in the uterus, this problem is solved with the help of surgical treatment. Blood clots and placental particles are scraped out to avoid postpartum infection. After that, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
  2. If severe pain in the lower abdomen is due to the beginning and developing endometritis, complex conservative treatment will be required. It includes antibacterial, infusion, detoxification, sedative, desensitizing and restorative therapy, the use of uterine contraction agents. To limit inflammation, a therapeutic and protective regimen is prescribed to normalize the central nervous system. You will also need a good diet, which will have a lot of proteins and vitamins.
  3. If a lot of time has passed, and the pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the spine, makes itself felt (this may be after 3, 4 months), you need to contact a specialist to check if the vertebrae were displaced during childbirth). In this case, manual therapy is required.
  4. If peritonitis has been diagnosed, immediate surgical intervention is required.
  5. For problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors usually advise a special diet. Since pain in the lower abdomen due to this cause can manifest itself 1 or even 2 months after childbirth, a woman needs to include more dairy products and those rich in fiber in her diet from the very beginning.

So the treatment of such pain after childbirth is determined by the causes that caused them. But what if unpleasant, cramping pains in the abdomen after childbirth are the norm (caused by natural contraction of the uterus), but prevent you from enjoying his birth in the first days after the long-awaited birth of the baby? A few helpful tips will help you deal with them.

To smooth out the pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth, try to follow simple recommendations:

  • try to determine their cause, and for this you need to know how much the stomach hurts after childbirth: no more than 5-7 days, if this is a natural uterine contraction, while the nature of the pain should be pulling, cramping, but tolerable;
  • if this continues for too long (1, 2, 3 months or even longer), this is not the norm, and you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment;
  • seams are treated daily with brilliant green for their speedy healing;
  • in order for the uterus to quickly acquire its former forms, you need to perform special exercises;
  • on the 5th day after discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic.

If you know why the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth and how long it can last within the normal range, this issue will not cause concern for the young mother and will allow her to enjoy communication with the baby. Timely measures taken will reduce pain and prevent the risk of unwanted complications and consequences that are dangerous to the health and life of a woman.

Despite the fact that women experience the most painful sensations directly during childbirth and in the first days after the baby is born, situations when a month after childbirth hurts the lower abdomen are not rare. Sometimes soreness is accompanied by difficulty defecation or urination, but even if the latter are all right, it will not be superfluous to find out what can cause pain.

The most common problems in childbirth

Immediately after childbirth, it is difficulty with urination. It is not in vain that a catheter is often put in women, because the accumulation of urine is harmful, since the bladder presses on the uterus, and there is no opportunity to go to the toilet. It feels rather strange: you want to go to the toilet, and an attempt to relax the muscles of the perineum is not crowned with success, or is accompanied by pain. Spasms of the urethra and the bladder itself, which are quite common, prevent urination. Pain also occurs when urine comes into contact with injured genital organs: the vagina hurts after childbirth, while a strong burning sensation is felt. But these difficulties pass after a few days. It is enough not to lie too long, to start actively moving, to overcome pain and fear and urinate several times.

It is much more difficult if there are difficulties with the toilet "by and large". Constipation after childbirth is very common, and may not stop after a month or two. The first time to go to the toilet can be corny scary: during contractions, the genitals feel such pressure that even the slightest tension causes pain. If there are seams on the perineum, then this is even worse. In addition, the intestines themselves do not work well after childbirth, and weakened abdominal muscles do not help him in this. But you can’t start the problem, since the lack of regular stools negatively affects all internal organs: the intestines squeeze the uterus, and the feces themselves lead to intoxication. Therefore, one of the important tasks facing young mothers is to adjust the chair and prevent constipation.

When it is not possible to do this on your own, doctors will help. Therefore, you should not think that if it hurts to go to the toilet after childbirth, then this is something shameful and it is better to continue to suffer than to turn to doctors. Regardless of the reasons why this happens, not a few go through it. And it is better to overcome embarrassment, but to get rid of the problem than to carry it in yourself, continuing to harm your health.

When is pain normal?

Throughout the first month and until the end of postpartum discharge. Until the uterus is completely restored, mild discomfort is quite acceptable, but only if the appearance of postpartum discharge does not change in a negative direction and there are no more of them. If the birth was difficult, sutures were applied, or the child was born by caesarean section, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sutures may hurt for longer, but such pain should be distinguished by the degree of intensity. Rather, it can be called tightening, blunt, encircling, but not shooting or sharp. The perineum also hurts after childbirth, and the larger the stitches, the longer these discomforts last. They can worsen at the beginning of sexual activity after pregnancy. After some time, the pain will go away, but the interval for this may be quite large, up to several months. To alleviate the condition, it is desirable to use additional lubrication in intimate relationships and then the soreness will be felt less.

The main causes of pain

  • Endometritis.
  • Salpingoophoritis.
  • Other inflammatory diseases.
  • Anal fissures.
  • Haemorrhoids.

In most cases, abdominal pain and difficulty going to the toilet are not signs of the same disease. Pain can occur due to incomplete recovery of the uterus, or due to violations of this process, while constipation can be caused by hormonal changes, malnutrition, impaired peristalsis, and psychological problems. Fear of the toilet is sometimes more difficult to overcome than physiology itself. Therefore, if a month after the birth, the lower abdomen hurts, and at the same time there are still difficulties with the stool, then the reasons for this should be dealt with in a complex.

If the cause of pain is the gastrointestinal tract

You should not immediately assume the worst, it is possible that it is not at all about inflammation of the uterine mucosa or postpartum inflammation of the appendages, which can also occur. It is likely that the uterus is simply squeezed by an overflowing intestine, so you need to work in this direction. After releasing it and normalizing activity, discomfort in the abdomen may disappear on its own.

In the case when a month has passed after childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts, exacerbated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may also be to blame. They can also lead to constipation, so it makes sense to visit a doctor and conduct appropriate studies, especially if discomfort also occurs in the esophagus or stomach. They also indicate that it is the intestines, flatulence, lack of appetite, nervousness and apathy that are to blame for the soreness of the abdomen.

What to do?

First, stop worrying. Constipation can also occur because of this. If the causes are physiological, pain is felt in the anus, blood is released along with the feces, swelling or knots are felt on the outside of the sphincter, then problems are not only with the work of the intestines. Either it's an anal fissure or hemorrhoids. The latter after natural childbirth is quite common and the reason for this is attempts. But if in the first days the perineum hurts after childbirth throughout its entire length and it is difficult to understand the source of pain, then with hemorrhoids it is felt precisely in the anus and not only during defecation. Associated symptoms - burning, itching. You can start with the use of special suppositories that relieve soreness and heal cracks. But you should be careful with the choice of the latter, having read the instructions before purchasing: not all medications are allowed during breastfeeding. If the stage of the disease is such that candles do not help, then only a visit to the proctologist can bring relief. In addition, to normalize the chair, you must:

  • eat right, eating more fiber and plant foods;
  • move more, as this stimulates intestinal motility in a natural way;
  • drink enough fluids, as dehydration leads to constipation;
  • perform special exercises that stimulate the contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

When it is painful to go to the toilet after childbirth, it is very important to ensure that the stool is soft. To do this, you need to exclude bakery products from the diet, rice. Prunes, dried apricots and dried fruit compote help well in this. If the situation does not change for the better, then you should not categorically reject the enema, although it is not recommended to abuse it, since with frequent use the intestines forget how to work on their own. Not only constipation itself is dangerous for a woman, but also attempts to empty the intestines with strong attempts. This can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids, even in situations where it was absent after childbirth, or it can exacerbate an existing disease.

What should be alarming?

In cases where the stomach is pulling after childbirth, and about a month has passed, you should be more careful about your health and not miss symptoms such as:

  • general malaise;
  • weakness and chills;
  • temperature rise;
  • change in the number of allocations;
  • change of their color to greenish or yellowish-purulent;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the discharge.

All this may indicate an inflammatory process, which will be impossible to cure without a doctor's prescription.

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The birth of a child is the most powerful test that women have to experience. The birth of a new person radically changes the life of a mother, and therefore it is never easy. However, the joy of the appearance of the baby is so great that this alone already pays for all the torment experienced.

Unfortunately, the tests don't end there. Often a woman has to endure also a variety of pains after childbirth. And here you need to understand what is a physiological process, and what should be alarming. After all, sometimes pain is a signal that portends not entirely pleasant consequences ...

normal postpartum condition

The first thing a woman in labor should understand is that immediately after the appearance of the baby, she does not instantly become the same. Childbirth is a physiological process, but it is associated with huge risks. The body is under the greatest stress. Even the birth process, which took place classically without any complications, injures many organs.

For example, the inner surface of the uterus. She, after the birth of a baby, is a bleeding wound. After all, the placenta was attached to it for a long time with many vessels that were damaged during childbirth. Therefore, it is quite natural that all women have a stomach ache after childbirth. And this is accompanied by bleeding in the first three to four days.

Secondly, the uterus begins to contract, recover, clearing itself of everything unnecessary. And this process also cannot be completely painless. Often, a nursing mother has to endure sharp spasms that look like contractions. Often they intensify precisely at the time when the baby begins to suckle the breast or she has to express milk. This is quite normal and even useful. The recovery of the body of the woman in labor in this case is faster than for those who do not have the opportunity or desire to breastfeed the child.

Often, pain prevents a woman from moving, as they are associated with postpartum trauma. Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, discomfort in the lower back periodically occurs during physical exertion. The pain can "give" to the lower back, to the coccyx. Sometimes she seems to "pull" the leg, the crotch. Gradually, these unpleasant painful sensations pass. Due to the fact that during childbirth the hip joints have greatly diverged, pain in the lower abdomen and in the back can cause anxiety for a woman for a long time. Sometimes the recovery process takes up to six months. But this is also quite natural.

A chair is more than just a piece of furniture...

The uterus is very close to the rectum. Fecal masses, especially their accumulation in large quantities, put pressure on her. This interferes with her normal recovery. In order for the uterus to contract faster, you need to regularly empty the intestines. And to do this after childbirth can be quite difficult. And very often, instead of answering the question of a woman in labor: “Why does the uterus hurt?”, The doctor is interested in when the last stool was and how hard it was.

It is very important to restore normal bowel function as soon as possible. It depends not only on how quickly the stomach will be removed and the figure will become the same, but also when the pain in the uterus will pass. And the normal stool of a woman in labor often guarantees the health of the baby. This is especially important for a nursing mother. Since the use of drugs and products with a laxative effect can affect the condition of the baby, it is better to consult a doctor about this.

Constipation and hard stools can cause hemorrhoids. Although often this disease in some part of women manifests itself immediately after childbirth - from severe overexertion. In both cases, the symptoms of this disease can not be called pleasant and painless. In addition to a balanced diet, cool baths, cooling lotions, anti-hemorrhoidal creams help women.

Important! Do not take hot baths during inflammation of the anus. This may aggravate the condition.

Improper nutrition can provoke not only the occurrence of constipation. Causing increased gas formation, provoking fermentation in the intestines, it causes discomfort, puts pressure on the uterus, interfering with its normal recovery. Because of this, pain and an unpleasant feeling of bloating occur in the abdomen. Usually, the exclusion from the diet of certain foods (dairy, fiber, containing yeast) helps to get rid of these symptoms.

Just like constipation, frequent loose stools are harmful to a young mother. It can cause dehydration, weakness, anemia. And, of course, this is also accompanied by increased pain.

That is why every woman in labor should be very attentive to her feelings and remember that a chair is not only a piece of furniture. The health of a woman and her baby depends on its qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen is associated with urination. It is accompanied by soreness, burning. This is also a physiological process. It usually goes away after a few days.

When stomach pain is dangerous

It is clear that usually the physiological process of recovery of the body in the postpartum period is accompanied by pain. And this is quite a tolerable state. It is due to the contraction of the uterus and the cleansing of its cavity. If the pain is strong enough and does not stop a month after the birth of the baby, it is worth sounding the alarm. This can be a very dangerous symptom.

One of the causes of the pathology is the remains in the uterus of the placenta. Parts of the child's place sometimes stick (grow) to the uterine cavity. After childbirth, such dead pieces of flesh cannot spontaneously come out, they begin to rot inside. This is fraught with infection.

Usually the process is accompanied by bloating, pain, fever, nausea, and malaise. In addition to these symptoms, attention should be paid to discharge. They may contain blood clots and pus. There is also a specific smell.

If the doctor diagnoses the remains of the placenta inside the uterus, the decision is usually made to perform a "cleansing". Although modern medicine already has the ability in some cases to correct the situation with medication.

Important! If particles of dead tissue are observed in the uterine cavity, this is a very serious violation of the postpartum process. It is impossible to correct the situation at home on your own, you can only significantly aggravate the situation.

With such a pathology, you can not take drugs that open the cervix, use alcohol, a hot bath. These procedures can cause such severe bleeding that even doctors cannot stop. Do not risk your health and life.

Severe pains in the lower abdomen may also indicate the onset of an inflammatory process in the uterine mucosa. This disease is called endometritis. Most often it is observed in women who were forced to operate - they did a "caesarean section". During the operation, microbes and infection enter the wound. In addition to pain, patients also have a high temperature, the discharge is strongly colored with blood, and pus is observed in them.

A very serious pathology is peritonitis. This infectious disease is also accompanied by unbearable pain and fever.

Breaks during childbirth

They are especially often observed in first-borns and with the appearance of a large child. Gaps, cracks and incisions can be on the labia, on the cervix. Sometimes obstetricians put stitches. In any case, these are additional injuries, which, of course, are not felt by a woman in the most pleasant way. The wounds are sore, sometimes they cause a pulling pain.

The worst thing is that they can get infected. Therefore, the first rule: keep clean!

  • After each urination, the perineum should be washed with warm water, possibly with the addition of potassium permanganate.
  • The first days it is recommended to use baby soap for regular washing after going to the toilet.
  • Twice a day, it is recommended to lubricate the outer seams and tears with a strong (brown) solution of potassium permanganate.
  • If the stitches hurt after childbirth, it is recommended to do cool compresses in this area.
  • You should not sit down at first, especially if pain is felt. If necessary, you can use a special pillow.
  • You can not lift weights, run, walk a lot, make sudden movements.
  • It is recommended to change the pad after each urination.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use tampons after childbirth until the onset of the first menstruation!

Proper selection guarantees normal recovery

The first week after childbirth is associated with the greatest discomfort for a woman. At the time of uterine contraction, blood and lochia are released. But you should not be afraid of this. Rather, you need to worry in the absence of them. This pathological condition is called a lochiometer. It is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and often an increase in it, a feeling of fullness.

Important! Noticing that the gasket remains absolutely clean in the first week, you need to urgently consult with a gynecologist.

Allocations accompany uterine contraction for 42-56 days. Their color is gradually changing. Lochia by the end of this period is less abundant, similar to a "daub" in the last days of menstruation, lighter and more transparent than those that were at the very beginning. And if, a month after giving birth, a woman is still “splashing” with copious bloody discharge, which is accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, this should not be left to chance. Surely, this condition is associated with pathology. Therefore, a visit to the doctor in this case is required.

The recovery process should be gradual. Every day the stomach should decrease, the lochia should become less abundant, the pain should subside.

Important! If it is noticed that the process is going in the opposite direction (the stomach increases, additional pains appear, unpleasant sensations of fullness inside, extraneous odors), you should not try to get rid of the symptoms yourself.

It may be an infectious disease that cannot be cured at home. Is it worth repeating that the later the patient goes to the medical facility, the more severe the consequences?

Just like too scarce lochia, excessively abundant discharge is dangerous. Usually they are also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of infections, the onset of the inflammatory process, as well as increased physical exertion, stress, and injuries. A woman must understand that her body after childbirth is very vulnerable. What goes unnoticed before pregnancy, without consequences, can now cause a serious illness. And not only herself, but also the person dearest to her - her child.

Symphysiopathy - what is it and how to treat it?

Speaking about what pains a woman has to endure after childbirth, one cannot fail to mention the pubic connection. It is the pubic bone that often begins to hurt during pregnancy for many. And these painful sensations do not leave some even after childbirth.

The symphysis is the connection of the pelvic bones in front. It is made up of cartilage and ligaments. During pregnancy, the pubic junction withstands enormous loads. Sometimes the joint is very stretched. The process of childbirth also contributes to this. Women with a narrow pelvis and a large fetus are especially susceptible to this. The ligaments of the symphysis are not very elastic, so the recovery process is extremely slow.

Symphysiopathy cannot be cured. Recovery usually occurs over time. The doctor can only help reduce symptoms, relieve severe pain syndromes. Sometimes there are symptoms of symphysiopathy after a few years, for example, with increased physical exertion. Sometimes pain in the pubic joint appears as a result of wearing high-heeled shoes, uncomfortable positions (for example, during yoga), injuries, cycling. It can be quite unpleasant, painful, but it practically does not affect the general state of health.

If a woman after childbirth continues to hurt the pubic bone, she is recommended:

  • regular intake of drugs with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D;
  • consumption of foods containing calcium and magnesium;
  • daily sunbathing or outdoor walks;
  • change of body position every half an hour;
  • reduction of physical activity;
  • wearing special bandages (prenatal and postnatal);
  • taking acupuncture courses;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;

With very severe pain, the doctor may prescribe inpatient treatment with medications. Sometimes, in severe cases, surgery is required.

Back pain

Very often, after the birth of a child, a woman is tormented by pain that does not seem to be directly related to the process of the birth of a baby. Well, how to explain that now, when there is no fetus inside and the load has decreased significantly, the lower back continues to hurt? It turns out that this is not a pathology, but a natural process.

The stomach and back hurt after giving birth for a long period. This happens due to the fact that during pregnancy the abdominal muscles diverge, deform. These changes led to the formation of a "hollow" in the lower back. Incorrect body position led to the infringement of the intervertebral nerves. Gradually, these symptoms will pass, but at first it is quite normal that a woman experiences some discomfort.

Since the spine ends in the coccyx, it can also bring suffering to a woman. Especially often they ask why the coccyx hurts, women who had a curvature of the spine even before pregnancy. Usually during pregnancy, although pains in this department are felt, they are perceived as something inevitable. And it goes without saying that after childbirth everything will go away by itself. However, the appearance of a child does not reduce the pain, but even intensifies it.

The reason for this may also be the stretching of the pelvic muscles. A large fetus will provoke these symptoms. This situation is especially pronounced in women in labor with a narrow pelvis. Many complaints come from those who were not physically prepared for these tests. Therefore, it is so important to do gymnastics and physical education long before deciding to become a mother.

Birth trauma often becomes a problem. As a result, there is a displacement of the vertebrae in the region of the sacro-lumbar and femoral joints. And if you take into account the change in the hormonal background, then it becomes completely clear why the joints hurt. During pregnancy, cartilage becomes softer, more mobile, otherwise a woman would not be able to withstand such a load. After childbirth, a redistribution of the center of gravity occurs. All this cannot but affect the general condition of the woman. Gradually the organs will take their places. But the process is long and, alas, far from painless.

Even the internal organs often change their places during the gestation of the fetus, for example, the kidneys. They can drop or turn around. And after childbirth, dull pains in the lower back will be felt for a long time, which can be given below, for example, in the perineum and leg.

But it should be noted: overweight women and those who did little physical training before pregnancy suffer the most.

Why does my chest hurt?

After childbirth, lactation occurs - the formation of milk in the glands. And often women begin to be tormented by the discomfort associated with this process. An interesting fact is that chest pains can also occur in those women whose lactation is very weak. Yes, the baby does not have enough milk to feed, but it feels like the breast is just bursting!

In any case, the woman must determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms. What specifically causes discomfort?

There may be several reasons:

  • stagnation of milk in the glands (lactostasis);
  • inflammation (mastitis);
  • stretching of the skin and deformation of the pectoral muscles;
  • cracked nipples.


This pathology is observed in most women, especially in primiparas. The causes of this pathology are:

  • improper attachment of the baby;
  • incomplete pumping of milk residues from the breasts;
  • tight bra;
  • hypothermia;
  • bruises;
  • sleep on the stomach;
  • hyperlactation;
  • narrow channels;
  • dehydration;
  • sleep deprivation of a woman;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • abrupt cessation of breastfeeding.

Symptoms of lactostasis are:

  • severe tingling pain in the chest;
  • an increase in temperature to 38 degrees and above;
  • severe engorgement of the mammary glands, heaviness;
  • redness of the nipples;
  • formation of seals.

Important! The temperature of a nursing woman should be measured not in the armpit, but in the elbow bend. Otherwise, it is guaranteed that an incorrect result will be obtained due to the rush of milk.


Inflammation (mastitis) occurs against the background of lactostasis or due to microbes (streptococci, staphylococci) entering the cracks.

The symptoms of mastitis are:

  • very high compaction of the breast;
  • purplish skin tone;
  • temperature above 38 degrees;
  • severe pain in the chest;
  • bursting in the mammary gland;
  • pus is observed in the discharge of the nipples.

Important! It is better not to treat lactostasis and mastitis on your own, but at the first signs, consult a doctor. With timely and correct diagnosis, it is possible to cope with these diseases with medication. With running processes, sometimes it is necessary to apply surgical intervention.

Stretching of the skin and cracks in the nipples

These are simpler pathologies that can often be corrected at home. Usually their symptoms are not associated with fever, they are local in nature. But if the crack in the nipple, for example, is deep enough, and it is not possible to cope with it, contacting a specialist will be the best way out in this situation.

Usually, if damage occurs to the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the wound with brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide. Wound healing ointments help well. But here you should be careful: these should not be medicines that can harm the baby by getting into his mouth. And they should not taste bitter or have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Today, the industry produces special latex pads that protect the nipples from damage during feeding. If the wounds are so painful that it is impossible to do without them, this option is worth considering.

In order to avoid chest pains, a woman should understand that the most important thing during this period is healthy sleep, good nutrition, outdoor walks, calmness and good mood. Of course, the correct decantation of milk residues, underwear that does not tighten or squeeze the breasts are the basic rules of a nursing mother.

Important! Don't forget about bras. The swollen chest becomes quite heavy. Without the support of the bodice, she will not only quickly lose her shape, which then cannot be restored, but stretch marks, pain, diaper rash under the breasts will also appear.

And every woman should begin to prepare her breasts for the appearance of a baby during pregnancy. Usually this is a nipple massage with a terry towel. The skin should soften a little. But here there is a rule: do no harm! You should act carefully so as not to injure the delicate epithelium, just massage, and not peel off the skin.

The body of a woman after childbirth goes through a stage of recovery. This period, according to most doctors, is equal to the gestational age. Therefore, you need to be patient, calm, not nervous over trifles. But, at the same time, you can not be carefree and imprudent. Only wise attention to your feelings, knowledge of the functional features of the postpartum process will help you stay healthy, beautiful and, in addition, become happy, raising a beloved and healthy child.

Problems after childbirth, as a rule, there are many.

One of them, which they do not always have time to pay attention to and deal with in a timely manner: the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth.

Needless to say, almost everyone experiences pain. The causes of these pains are many and varied. It is necessary to understand the seriousness of the situation: when it is necessary to urgently take some action, despite being busy and lacking time; and to be able to differentiate the normal state associated with the postpartum period, and formidable harbingers of an impending catastrophe.

In order not to end up in a hospital again, one must learn to distinguish physiological pain from those caused by a developing pathology. As a rule, in cases where the pain is short-lived and passes relatively quickly, you can not panic. But if the pain is intense or lasts for more than a week without any positive dynamics, or if it begins to intensify, and, accordingly, the general condition worsens, a doctor is urgently needed!

After childbirth, pulls the lower abdomen - causes

There are many factors that cause pain in the lower abdomen. Many of them relate directly to the postoperative period:

1. Breaks in labor or episiotomy- in this case, the seams can be applied to the labia, the vagina, the cervix. The percentage of such surgical interventions, unfortunately, is high.

After these surgical manipulations, there are intense burning pains in the perineum. Soon these sensations disappear completely. As a rule, these pains pass without a trace in a few days. But sometimes the stomach hurts for a month or longer. And then there will always be complaints that after childbirth it pulls the lower abdomen. This is due to:

- divergence of seams;

- the introduction of infection.

Infection is a very serious complication that requires medical attention.

2. In addition to complaints that the lower abdomen hurts, purulent discharge appears, the temperature rises to 38 degrees - caesarean section. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. As soon as the anesthesia wears off, pain immediately arises. And in the future, for a very long time, pain in the area of ​​​​the postoperative scar will disturb until it is completely healed. Complete scarring occurs within a month.

3. Of all the above, the main reason that the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth is uterine contraction. under the influence of oxytocin, a hormone that directly affects this process. Oxytocin is reflexively released during breastfeeding. In these cases, no further intervention is required. When the uterus contracts, the remaining traces of blood, tissue, and placenta are removed.

These pains are most severe and unpleasant, starting from the first hours, when the contraction of the uterus is especially intense.

4. A few, but occurring cases, when the remaining particles of the placenta are detected in the uterus, possibly the remains of the fetal egg, accumulations of dead epithelium. Complaints that after childbirth the lower abdomen hurts. Necessarily accompanied by high fever, often chills.

5. Recovery disturbed hormonal balance after childbirth.

6. Injury to the pubic bone. The pain caused by the injury goes away on its own after a certain time.

Stomach pain for a month after giving birth

If after childbirth the stomach hurts for a month, the pain increases, accompanied by the addition of a temperature of up to 38 degrees and above, it is necessary to exclude serious complications that require urgent medical advice.

1. If the stomach hurts, endometritis is excluded immediately during differential diagnosis. it inflammation of the epithelium of the uterus. It can develop at any time after childbirth.

Due to the fact that the conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is normally present in the body of every woman, can become pathogenic with the development of endometritis. The reason for this activity may be reduced immunity - immunosuppression. For women in labor, this is a common condition, but in some cases, under the influence of any factor, this leads to endometritis. Either a bacterial or fungal infection occurs during aspiration or for other reasons.

2. After the diagnostic curettage, the lower abdomen hurts for a long time. This unpleasant procedure is carried out in cases of suspected remnants of the placenta or umbilical cord in the uterus.

3. The stomach almost constantly hurts for a month after giving birth multiparous.

With repeated births, the uterus contracts longer due to the fact that its walls have lost their normal tone. Prostaglandins (hormones, including one of them - oxytocin, responsible for the rapid contraction of the uterus) are synthesized in much greater quantities than in primiparas. In this regard, after childbirth, the lower abdomen is pulled for a month or more. For many, this can stretch over time for almost the entire postpartum period.

4. Inflammation in the tubes, ovaries(salpingoophoritis, or adnexitis). It is clinically manifested by the fact that after childbirth it pulls the lower abdomen. These unpleasant sensations do not go away with time, but on the contrary, it intensifies. In intensity - not strong, but constant, exhausting.

5. Peritonitis- one of the most dangerous complications that also occurs as a result of infection. The pain becomes acute, the temperature rises. Requires urgent action.

6. Injuries of the spine. If after childbirth the lower abdomen hurts, and the pain radiates to the spine, this is a manifestation of the displacement of the vertebrae that occurred during childbirth. All this can occur remotely - even after a few months. Physical activity and even walking provoke pain. If this happens, it is necessary to examine the spine to clarify the pathology that has arisen. Based on the examinations, treatment is prescribed.

7. Divergence of the hip joint, stretching of muscles and ligaments leads to the fact that the stomach hurts for a month after childbirth or more. The healing of the joint and musculoskeletal apparatus can be delayed for a long time.

8. If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, the cause may be disease of the digestive system. Pain in the intestines can be provoked during the period of feeding a child by lack of sleep, stressful situations, a change in diet, and insufficient rest. Therefore, it is necessary to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Their absence causes increased gas formation and fermentation in the intestines, constipation, and, as a result, pulls the lower abdomen after childbirth.

Lower abdomen hurts after childbirth - what to do

If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, this prevents a harmonious existence, causes various discomforts. You should always know what to do in such cases. Treatment tactics depend on the factors leading to the onset of pain.

1. After childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts - inflammation

Conservative methods of treatment are used. Treatment must be comprehensive. Depending on the severity of the process, it consists of antibacterial, infusion, detoxification, sedative, desensitizing and restorative therapy. It is necessary to take drugs to reduce the uterus.

Treatment begins with the appointment of antibiotics. Cephalosporins and protected penicillins are predominantly used.

It is possible to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the absence of contraindications and immunostimulating drugs.

Drugs that increase the contractility of the uterus are also used.

As soon as the inflammation is removed, the pain immediately disappears. It is important to remember that the use of antispasmodics is strictly contraindicated. You cannot self-medicate.

2. After childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts in multiparous women - what to do

With pain in the lower abdomen after the second, third birth, it is necessary to prescribe certain drugs, the mechanism of action of which is to suppress the formation of prostaglandins. It is prostaglandins that lead to the onset of pain syndrome, irritating special receptors. Such medicines are drugs of the NSAID group (Diclofenac; Nise, Aspirin, Dicloberl, etc.)

Can be used to relieve pain in multiparous painkillers:



"Artokol" and others.

It is safer to use drugs in the form of rectal suppositories. The advantage of this dosage form is the rapid absorption of the drug and the absence of side effects of the drug (the occurrence of stomach ulcers, erosive gastroduodenitis). Sometimes banal analgin helps.

3. After childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts - other reasons - what to do

1. If there is suspicion of pieces of the placenta or umbilical cord remaining in the uterus, a diagnostic curettage is performed and they are removed from the uterine cavity to prevent infection. After this intervention, antibiotics are required.

2. If a displacement of the vertebrae during childbirth has been diagnosed, several courses of manual therapy are necessary.

3. Peritonitis is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention and possibly surgery.

4. In violation of the functions of the digestive system need a special diet depending on the identified pathology. Since heaviness and pain in the abdomen, resulting from the pathology of the digestive system, can appear indefinitely after childbirth, you should immediately diversify your diet with lactic acid foods and fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits. And avoid slow digesting foods.

5. For pain in the abdomen of a non-inflammatory nature, you need to follow some recommendations:

In order for the uterus to return to normal size as quickly as possible, it is necessary to find time for therapeutic exercises;

On the fifth day after discharge, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist;

Adhere to a special diet, be physically active.

Thus, successful treatment depends on the elimination of factors that cause pain.

If timely measures are taken to eliminate the root causes, this will reduce pain and prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications. After that, an adequate and effective treatment is possible, which will lead to success.

Most likely, you are ready for the fact that after childbirth you will experience pain and discomfort, but discomfort in the postpartum period can last for several days or even weeks. Listed below are the types of pain you may experience after your baby is born and how to deal with them.

EVERYTHING will hurt you

After I gave birth to my daughter, I felt like I was in a boxing match. My ribs hurt, my stomach throbbed, my back ached from the epidural.

“Given the effort you put into helping the baby out and the way you can arch your back during labor, it’s no surprise that you will feel tired, exhausted and sick.”

Julian Robinson, MD, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital

However, this discomfort will only last a few days and can be managed with pain pills.

you will have spasms

After you have given birth, your uterus must complete the work it has done, or more precisely: it will contract to return to its original size. This process does not go unnoticed by a woman, most new mothers feel uterine contractions as a slight flutter or abdominal pain that resembles menstruation pain. During breastfeeding, these sensations intensify. If you are experiencing too much pain, talk to your doctor and ask for advice on pain relievers. In any case, brace yourself - contractions should not last longer than a week.

Your chest will become huge

In the early hours of my motherhood, I wondered how I would know that there was milk in my breast. Three days later, I received an answer to my question - I woke up from the fact that my chest became huge and began to hurt a lot.

“The best way to prevent nipple engorgement is to make sure your baby is properly latching on to the nipple and that the breast is completely emptied after feeding.”

Frida Rosenfeld, Certified Lactation Consultant and Childbirth Instructor

If the breasts are too tight, you can express some milk before feeding - this will make it easier for the baby to take it into her mouth. Applying an ice pack to your chest will help relieve the pain.

You'll be bleeding for a while

Many mothers awaiting the birth of their first child understand that there will be some blood during childbirth. However, most of them are shocked that bleeding occurs after childbirth.

“No one prepared me for the fact that I will have blood streams after I give birth”

Young mom

Bleeding can last up to 4 weeks, but in most cases it resolves in 2-3 days. Use pads for a week, but not tampons, as they can promote infection. You will probably notice that you start to bleed while breastfeeding, this is due to the fact that breastfeeding provokes uterine contractions. If the bleeding doesn't stop within the first few days, tell your doctor to make sure everything is okay.

You will sweat a lot in your sleep

Most mothers suffer from heavy sweating during sleep in the first days after the birth of a child.

"I woke up all wet"

Jennifer McCulloch New York Mom

There is still a lot of fluid in your body that accumulated during pregnancy. Sweating is one of the body's ways to get rid of excess fluid. After a few days, this unpleasant symptom should pass. Place an extra sheet to keep the mattress dry.

Itching in the area of ​​scars after caesarean section

If you've had a caesarean birth, the good news is that you've likely avoided some of the side effects of a vaginal birth, such as episiotomy stitches and hemorrhoids. Now for some bad news: a caesarean is a major operation, and it has its own side effects. In the early days, most patients experience nausea and fatigue. During the recovery process (4-6 days after surgery), be prepared for a feeling of numbness, tingling and itching at the site where the incision was made. An elevated temperature along with redness and bleeding of the scar can signal the development of an infection.

Scar from caesarean section

You will get constipated

A few days after giving birth, many women experience problems with bowel movements. Sometimes it is a purely psychological problem caused by fear of ruptured stitches. And sometimes it's because your body begins to rebuild itself after pregnancy. Either way, try to relax. Nothing will happen to your stitches and within a week everything will be back to normal. If this problem persists, your doctor may recommend a stool softener. Eating plenty of fiber-rich foods, drinking enough water, and exercising (even if it's just a walk down the hallway) can help you deal with the problem.

You will have pain in the vagina

Even if you have not had an episiotomy, childbirth makes itself felt: swelling and pain in the vagina is inevitable. However, the recovery is pretty fast. After 10 days, you will get rid of the stitches, and the swelling will also disappear during about this period. In the meantime, apply an ice pack to the swelling site. If it hurts to sit, use a breastfeeding pillow.

Get ready: your hair will fall out

About 10% of women find that after pregnancy they begin to lose their hair a lot. This is due to a decrease in hormone levels. But relax - of course, you will not go bald. Usually during pregnancy, the hair becomes thicker. After childbirth, you simply lose excess hair. After three months this will stop, but if after this time you still find too much hair on your comb, consult a doctor. You may need to have your thyroid checked.

October 27, 2017 Author admin

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