Healthy winter food. What foods to eat in winter. Autumn restructuring of the body

It should be noted that in cold weather we want to eat more, because our body receives energy from food. Therefore, now you should not go on diets, experts comment:

“We get the fastest energy to heat the body first of all from food,” says the candidate. medical sciences, associate professor, dietitian of the Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Elena Chedia. - Therefore, something is definitely not worth losing weight at this time. You can advise in no case not to limit carbohydrates - energy suppliers. That is, more grains, vegetables, fruits. Energy can also be obtained from proteins (milk, meat products, fish). But we need them more as a plastic material - for the construction and renewal of cells. And one more rule that must be observed both in winter and in summer - do not eat later than four hours before bedtime. Even an apple eaten at night can do a disservice. During sleep, the metabolism slows down and all the calories received are not converted into energy, but into fats.

We lack vitamins
- In fact, it is not at all surprising that in the cold and dark time day we want to eat more, - says the candidate of medical sciences, neurologist Viktor Koss. – In winter, the amount of vitamins and minerals that stimulate metabolism (vitamin A, D, E, group B, iodine and iron) decreases in the body. Moreover, our biorhythms are slowing down. Therefore, losing weight, as well as intensively exercising, is not recommended now. But in any case, no one canceled small loads (at least a 10-minute charge). Otherwise, depression from a lack of movement is definitely threatened.

For some reason, it is absorbed in large quantities in winter unhealthy food. Summer pickles open: pickles and tomatoes, which go well with fried potatoes, sausages, and sausage. And instead fresh vegetables and fruits on the table are squash caviar and apricot jam. In winter for female body even dairy products fall into the category of junk food, because they contain fats. And in cold weather, when there is no such opportunity to lead a mobile lifestyle, it is worth limiting the use of cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese, and even more so butter. In summer, it is much easier to maintain a constant weight, since thin summer dresses reveal all the imperfections of the figure. It's a different matter in winter, when you can put on a thick sweater and you won't see too much.

Perfect winter food
When it is cold outside, absolutely not harmful food is root vegetables, for example, carrots, radishes, beets, turnips. These vegetables are perfectly digested by the body and do not fall in the stomach like an extra load. Apart from better digestion salads with these vegetables will give energy to the whole body. adjust metabolic processes help in the body raw carrot which contains potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. Awaken appetite and remove salt heavy metals radish will help the body, which is also a valuable source of B vitamins. To replenish vitamin C, you must definitely eat leafy vegetables. Salads from cabbage, beets, spinach are very tasty, vitamin and healthy, they stimulate the work of blood cells in the body.

Cooking wisely
Unhealthy food can be formed when misuse even useful products. When preparing dishes, it is necessary to take into account in which foods vitamins are preserved after frying or cooking. There are vitamins that are not resistant to heat, these are mainly vitamins of groups B and C. During cooking and frying, vegetables that contain vitamins A, E, L retain their beneficial substances. beneficial vitamins more in the skin than in the pulp, such as cucumbers and apples. But with potatoes, the situation is exactly the opposite. The skin of the potato does not contain any useful substances. It is best to limit the use of potatoes in any form in winter. So, mashed potatoes easily contributes to the correction and appearance extra pounds. If you can't do without potatoes, you can replace it with mashed cauliflower. Only a gourmet and the help of the sense of smell can distinguish the taste from the usual puree.

Good Habits
Junk food is any food that is eaten at night. Women need to remember that the night attacks of the refrigerator will not help to maintain a slender figure. If you feel very hungry, you can drink a glass before going to bed. tomato juice or kefir, and as food you can eat a little vegetable salad without seasoning with mayonnaise. Then sleep will be stronger and digestion will not suffer, and for breakfast you can eat apple puree or oatmeal with nuts and raisins. Harmful coffee should be forgotten, but you need to drink healthy food herbal tea with honey or milk. In winter it is very important to drink more liquid, so you can add to lunches and dinners mineral water, mint tea and simple boiled water with lemon. It is better to exclude juices in packages, since they contain nothing but sucrose, the rest are preservatives.

Snacks on the go
Dry food not only spoils the stomach and gradually imperceptibly pours into an ulcer, but, moreover, it worsens the complexion. If possible, it's always best to take the time to have a normal healthy lunch with soup. At the same time, the soup should not be rich at all, on meat broth, on the contrary, vegetable soups are much healthier. But this does not mean that all women who want to become slimmer and not have problems with cellulite should give up meat broths. There is a trick that will help you enjoy meat soup and not gain weight. Before starting a meal, it is worth freezing the soup, and then all the fat will remain on the surface, and only useful substances will remain in the liquid. By the way, in order not to seize fatigue, if pressure allows, in the morning you can cheer up a little with 10-15 drops of ginseng, eleutherococcus , Chinese magnolia vine. Just do not drink stimulants after dinner - you may not fall asleep.
Freshly brewed black or green tea. But coffee lovers need to be careful. After all, exhaustion nervous system caffeine in winter is Right way to spring depression.

What food is good in cold weather
- Porridge in the morning. Though the advice is boring, but still try it - it is grains that can energize us in the morning. In addition, cereals with milk, especially oatmeal (hercules), improve digestion. And they also charge you with energy in order to endure a run along the street, and to recharge your brains before a working day. Add a spoonful of honey to the porridge - two beneficial carbohydrates in one - and you will be happy.

In winter, when it is almost always dark and cold outside, you have to forget about summer habits. We radically change the daily routine and routine, we take warm clothes out of the closets. Food in winter is also very different from food in summer. And it depends on so many factors. How to spend the winter months and not get better, read new material site.

When it gets dark early, it's cold outside, and the holidays are just around the corner, affording an extra bun or chocolate bar seems like such a trifle. This is also because it is not always possible to afford an alternative: fruits and vegetables in winter period invariably more expensive than in summer. As a result, the consequences of the abuse of high-calorie dishes will not keep you waiting very soon. It is no wonder that following such a daily routine, when you sleep a lot and eat a lot, it is easy to gain overweight.


the body itself works somewhat differently in winter: it tends to accumulate rather than give away, fleeing from unforeseen danger in the form of low temperature.

The good news is that there are alternatives to this diet. It is worth remembering a few rules of winter nutrition.

Rule One : useful calories

In the cold season, you need to increase the caloric content of the diet through the use of "heavy protein" - lean meat, fish and birds.

Cook two to three times a week fish meals, also include chicken and veal in your weekly diet. milk protein is also necessary - it should not be abandoned.

Eat potatoes, garlic and onion. It is better to buy vegetables local, seasonal, they all contain maximum amount useful minerals and vitamins.

In winter, carbohydrates are also needed, but with the amendment “complex”. They are found in cereals, bread, cereals. They are best eaten in the morning. But leave the meat component of the menu for lunch.

It is important not to exclude energy-intensive foods from the diet, so you can maintain your immunity and resist colds.

Rule two: more vitamins

Try to eat foods rich in essential vitamins. There must be greens on the table. She is a supplier of phytoncides, with the help of which the body resists infections. It is advisable to include daily diet sauerkraut and apples. They contain a lot of vitamin C.

Rule three: drink water

In winter, you need to drink about one and a half liters of liquid, and about a liter is just clean water. And the rest - warm teas, infusions of dried berries, compotes and others.

Rule four: warm food

In winter, you just need to eat hot meals or at least warm drinks. You should not eat dry food.

Rule five: variety on the menu

Every day try to alternate and alternating dishes and products. Every day - a new porridge, freshly squeezed juice from different vegetables and fruits, etc. With frequent and varied diet the body gets enough energy to normal functioning in winter.

If you still notice a slight weight gain, you should not be upset because of this - extra pounds appear due to a decrease in mobility and activity against the background of an increase in the calorie content of foods consumed. And this is the norm. In the spring they will quickly disappear.

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With the onset of winter cold, our body is subject to higher stresses compared to warm time of the year. Gradually, the metabolism slows down, weaken defensive forces and restructuring takes place. hormonal system. In this article, we will figure out how we can help our body survive this difficult period of the year, and what will be the most optimal for health.

In winter, people usually lead a less mobile lifestyle and, accordingly, in such conditions they spend less energy. At this time of the year, under the influence of unfavorable weather conditions we usually feel tired, depressed and oppressed. Our situation is made even worse by trying to bring some joy into our daily lives by tasty food, and often with great content calories. We simply simply forget that overeating, reduction or lack of physical activity and decreased metabolism cause overweight.

Nutrition in winter: myths, problems and solutions

How to prevent an attack negative consequences at a time when we are absolutely unable to influence the course natural processes in your body, as well as because of the weather or other problems, postpone sports for an indefinite period? There is an exit. It consists in rational nutrition without overeating. This is quite within our power. You just need to want to add a few to your routine good habits and everything will surely work out.

But before considering important principles healthy eating winter, consider a number of misconceptions regarding this problem. There is a myth that winter is not the most best time year for . There are no fresh, plucked directly from the garden or from the tree, vegetables, berries and fruits. What can we talk about maintaining weight or losing weight? Of course, in the summer it is much easier to lose weight. But winter is not a reason to gain weight uncontrollably and give up on yourself.

Each of us is able to make the necessary changes in our diet, maintain a slim body, protect ourselves from winter depression and blues. They are what main reason overeating and uncontrolled food cravings. As a result, a vicious circle, which must be immediately broken!

Another myth: drinking more calories per winter time provides us with protection from the cold. But since we are outside for less time than in summer, there is no longer any need to eat. Accordingly, there are no grounds for exceeding the usual daily allowance no calories.

Healthy eating in winter: simple principles

Let us now take a closer look at the principles optimal nutrition that will help keep yourself in a beautiful physical form in winter. It is in winter that many favorites folk holidays, such as New Year and Christmas. But this does not mean that we urge you to give up and go on a diet. But the absorption of all the festive goodies in a row is also not an option. It is enough to eat two or three meals and in small quantities.

After a stormy festival, we strongly recommend that you make a fasting day and give your body the opportunity to properly relax and replenish supplies. vital energy. During unloading, you should not eat "heavy foods" at all, such as potatoes, meat and bread. It is also advisable to limit the intake of carbohydrates.

In my daily menu be sure to include hot dishes. Soups on vegetable or legume, low-fat broth are very useful in winter. It is better to refuse soups that contain sour cream, flour or margarine. Vegetables are recommended to use boiled, stewed or steamed. Try to eat more salads boiled carrots and beets. They need to be grated, add not too fat sour cream or a little vegetable oil. Great favor your body in the winter will bring salads from fresh and sauerkraut. Also, we strongly recommend that you include cereals from different cereals in the menu, but you should not abuse fatty sauces.

The best dessert in winter is fruits, dried fruits and cottage cheese. It is advisable to give up cakes, pastries and sweet pastries. If you are unable to give up sweets, try to comply with the measure and do not eat them to satiety. Don't get carried away and chocolates. It is better to give preference to such healthy sweets as honey and dark chocolate, of course, also in moderation. Try to drink less coffee. Replace it with herbal or green tea.

Compliance with these simple rules in winter nutrition will help you saturate your body with carbohydrates and at the same time maintain beautiful figure. Such a diet will make you feel warm and satisfying. Another tip: add more spices to your dishes while cooking. They allow you to enhance taste qualities and use less vegetable oil. In addition, spicy herbs contain many vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

Simple rules for maintaining weight in the winter

1. Eat small meals often. Do not allow yourself to skip main meals plus small snacks (two to three times a day). Drink more fluids, preferably plain clean water (1.5-2 liters per day). In addition, we recommend that you minimize the consumption of animal fats, preferring olive, corn or soybean oils.

2. Keep track of the presence of vitamins and minerals in your diet. Lack of vitamins can cause beriberi, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, bleeding gums, and others. backfire. Especially negative vitamin hunger affects expectant mothers, the elderly and children.

In winter, the body especially needs vitamins. good source vitamins at this time - vegetables, fruits, sauerkraut, carrots and beets. They do not harm the figure and contain enough necessary for the body vitamins. Citrus fruits, lemons, oranges, kiwi, tangerines, grapefruits are very useful.

3. Special attention pay attention to dried fruits: raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates. In addition to vitamins, they contain useful trace elements. In prunes - vitamin A, B, iodine, magnesium, zinc. It is recommended for weight loss. Also in dates great content vitamins (except vitamin E). Dried apricots contain vitamin A, potassium, calcium and iron.

4. In winter, each person's diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein, which can be obtained through the use of milk and dairy products, legumes or lean meat. Meat is best baked or boiled. Meat dishes try not to eat in the evening. For garnish, it is better to use boiled or raw vegetables, as well as cereals.

Sample menu for the winter season

For breakfast boil some rice, buckwheat or oatmeal with milk. Alternatively, you can eat vegetable salad with a slice whole grain bread and a couple boiled eggs. Or make two sandwiches with cheese or low-fat cheese.

Between breakfast and lunch you can have a little snack with a slice of low-fat cheese, tomato, banana, kiwi or citrus fruits.

At lunch it is necessary to include the first course, it can be vegetable soup. For the second meat, with a side dish of boiled or stewed vegetables with a low starch content (porridge can be used as a substitute for vegetables).

For an afternoon snack sandwiches can be offered thin layer honey or jam, as well as any fruit.

For dinner cook pasta with vegetable or tomato sauce. You can add a piece of low-fat cheese or cheese. Drink kefir before going to bed.

Whatever your diet in the cold season, do not forget that your mood, health and figure depend on the choice of products. Rational increases immunity, allows us to stay healthy and strong, solves the problem of overweight. Compliance with the above principles of healthy eating will provide you with enough energy, as well as help strengthen the body as a whole.

And finally, a few more useful tips from nutritionists:

Let's start with this aspect. proper nutrition. In order to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. For women, the average caloric intake (depending on weight and type of activity) can be 1800-2000 kcal. For weight loss, a deficit of 20% is needed (according to some sources - 500 kcal). You can calculate how many calories you consume in special applications for smartphones - this is the easiest option; or - use food calorie tables.

A normal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be considered 3/3/4, although in winter you can slightly increase the amount of protein. traditional advice- exclude simple carbohydrates- sweet, floury and baked. Give yourself one day a week when you treat yourself to your favorite dishes - arrange cheat meals.

What to eat in winter

In winter, we have a lack of many vitamins, in particular, vitamin D, which is produced by our body under the influence of sunlight. Of course, take in winter sunbathing not easy, but try at least once a week to arrange a day hiking, and also include cheeses, low-fat milk and eggs in the diet - they contain the “sunshine vitamin”.

It is very important to consume enough vitamin C during the cold season - it helps us fight against colds and is an antioxidant. Vitamin C found in large quantities in citrus fruits, kiwi and sauerkraut. Include these foods in your daily diet.

It is very important to monitor the amount of protein in winter - we need it not only as an energy carrier, but also as a supplier of amino acids that are used by our body to build protection from negative external influences.

Be sure to include vegetable side dishes in your diet - it's tasty, healthy and varied. In addition, vegetables contain a large number of fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. For those who are losing weight great importance has the fact that vegetables are quite low in calories.

Be sure to eat a lot of greens - parsley, onion, dill, arugula. This will add zest to your dishes and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Greens can be added not only to salads, but also used in the preparation of soups and side dishes - the taste of dishes will be brighter and more original.

Reconfigured to work in energy-saving winter mode. This is expressed, first of all, in drowsiness and depression of mood. Decreased efficiency, decreased libido, increased tearfulness and arises constant desire sweet.

it normal condition. Reduction daylight hours affects the production of the hormone of pleasure - serotonin, which, in turn, automatically entails a decrease in working capacity and the desire to move. Lack of D adversely affects health - fatigue increases, metabolism is disturbed, speed dial weight.

However, if you switch to in time, then such energy passivity, despite the lack of sunlight, will last no more than two to three weeks. The diet during this period has some features.

So what is it?

What to eat in winter

What is the difference food in winter from meals at other times of the year? There are a few rules, following which you can feel completely normal, despite the fact that the cold has come.

First rule: in the cold season, you need to increase the calorie content of the food consumed due to the increased consumption of "heavy protein" meat, fish and poultry. Two or three times a week, fish dishes should be prepared and be sure to include chicken and veal in the weekly diet. Milk proteins should not be replaced with meat - one does not interfere with the other. It is better to buy local, seasonal vegetables: cabbage of all varieties, carrots, pumpkins, beets, turnips, parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes ... In autumn and winter, after harvesting, they all contain the maximum amount of useful minerals and vitamins. Closer to their spring beneficial features go down by an order of magnitude. It is necessary to eat potatoes, garlic and onions.

In winter, you can not do without carbohydrates contained in cereals, bread, cereals. It is better to eat them in the morning, and fish, meat with a vegetable side dish or dairy products- in the evening. If you exclude all these energy-intensive foods from the diet, immunity decreases, chills are constantly felt, and colds easily develop.

Winter menu always to a slight increase in weight. You should not be upset because of this - extra pounds appear due to a decrease in mobility and activity against the background of an increase in the calorie content of foods eaten. Such seasonal fluctuations in weight of two or three kilograms - normal phenomenon. In the spring they will quickly disappear.

Second rule: You should properly eat foods rich in essential vitamins. So, freshly frozen berries are more useful than fresh vegetables grown in hydroponics, and even more so - berries. Salad, dill, parsley must be present on the table, because only fresh herbs is a supplier of phytoncides, with the help of which the body resists infections. It is advisable to include sauerkraut and pickled apples in your daily diet. They contain a lot of vitamin C.

Third rule: drink less, but drink properly.
Of course, less water is required in winter than in hot weather. But you should drink at least one and a half liters of liquid, and about a liter - just clean water. And the rest - warm teas, infusions of dried berries, compotes and other drinks. Very useful during this period, freshly squeezed Orange juice, which is half diluted with water. Drink the juice immediately after it is squeezed out - after five minutes, the vitamin C contained in the juice will be destroyed by the action of air.

Fourth rule: nutrition in winter must contain hot or at least warm drink. You should not eat dry food. If you have to quickly have a snack - drink food warm tea or infusion of dry berries. It is very useful to add pepper, ginger, cardamom, coriander and so on to hot dishes.

Fifth Rule: variety and alternation of dishes and products. Every morning - a new porridge, freshly squeezed juice from different vegetables and fruits, every day - some new kind of bread and some food from meat, fish and poultry. With a frequent and varied diet, the body will receive enough energy for normal functioning in winter.

We should not forget about other vitamins of great importance - A and E. Vitamin E is needed to protect the skin from frost and chapping. Deficiency of this vitamin is easily avoided by eating about half a tablespoon of unrefined sunflower oil daily. It is best to add this to vitamin salads. Here is one of the recipes for such a salad: cut one onion into rings (or as convenient), fry and combine with grated large carrots, season with unrefined sunflower oil. Vitamin A with vegetable or animal fat is very well absorbed by the body.

And finally one more useful advice: since vitamins are easily washed out of our body by sugar, winter food it is better to build on natural sweeteners - honey, sweet syrups, and so on. And then all the vitamins obtained with such difficulty will protect us from colds and increase immunity.

Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

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