I have very bad teeth what to do. Myths about teeth: naive nonsense and terrible truth

It is generally accepted that caries is a disease of those with a sweet tooth or people who do not pay due attention to the health of their teeth. However, this conclusion is far from the truth. Caries is no less common in people who are true cleaners in maintaining oral hygiene. However, even careful monitoring of the condition of the teeth does not give you any guarantees about keeping them intact and safe.

In the old days, caries was called the disease of the rich, because it was they who often indulged themselves in all kinds of sweets. Currently, caries is a real scourge of the 21st century. More than 80% of the world's population is affected by this disease. What happens, there are much more rich people than before? Of course, this is not true.

The reasons dental diseases it is worth looking deeper - in the internal organs, in the way of life and, of course, cannot be written off emotional factor, because the human body- this is a kind of microcosm in which physical and mental well-being are a single whole.

As for physical factors, it cannot be said that the development of dental diseases can be provoked by various inflammatory processes localized in the gastrointestinal tract (in the liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, etc.).

It is amazing, but true: even to persons young age we have to deal with diseases such as gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontal disease, which were once classified as age-related diseases. The causes of these rejuvenated ailments lie in immunodeficiency disorders, in cardiovascular diseases to which representatives of all age groups and main reason which are disorders of the nervous system.

It should be said that dental diseases are far from the most terrible consequence diseases on nervous ground. Diseases pose a great threat to human health and even life. internal organs which are often hidden. In particular, a woman may not even be aware of such an urgent problem as infertility. Meanwhile, among the main causes of infertility are chronic diseases of internal organs (digestive disorders, overweight or underweight, diseases thyroid gland, kidney failure, endocrine diseases etc.). The inability to conceive a child can lead to a real family drama up to a break in relations. Infertility treatment is currently carried out on the basis of a thorough analysis of the whole body, since the root cause may be where you least expect it.

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Bad teeth: who is to blame and what to do?

There are many causes of tooth decay, but the most common are:

  • mechanically damaged or depleted enamel. The problem of thin enamel can be inherited from close relatives. The teeth are also affected by many external factors, mental condition the child, the ecological situation. This type of teeth could even be formed at the prenatal stage of fetal development. This occurs in mothers who smoked and drank alcohol during pregnancy.
  • the child brushes his teeth badly or does not do it at all. Daily cleaning of the oral cavity is an activity that must be approached with all responsibility by both the child and the parent. Mom and dad should demonstrate by example the correct position of the brush in their hand, explain how much to squeeze out the paste, show the movements of the brush in the mouth. Plaque accumulates in about half a day, sometimes in the most inaccessible places: on distant teeth, between all teeth, behind, so clean them thoroughly twice a day. If this is not done, then the bacteria that find themselves in an organic environment favorable for them will begin to actively multiply, leaving traces of their vital activity on the teeth, contributing to the appearance of caries.
  • mineral imbalance. If the cause of sharply deteriorating teeth lies precisely in this, then the child should be taken to the doctor, who should prescribe him vitamins and specific products to maintain balance in the body, and quickly begin treatment. It also affects premature babies.
  • "bottle" - absolutely early caries. Occurs during the night feeding of a baby with a mixture or breast. As a result, the carbohydrates remaining on the teeth are again favorable environment for bacteria, and if you don’t brush your teeth in the morning, this can have a bad effect first on milk teeth, then on molars.
  • close contact with adults. No matter how strange it may sound, it happens that adults are to blame for the transmission of this infection to a child. For example, when feeding small child parents lick it from a spoon, and then give it back and, without knowing it, bring their bacteria into the baby's mouth in a very large amount.

Treatment of bad teeth

How can you tell if your child has cavities?

There are several types of caries, differing in the depth of the affected area:

    1. Elementary.

Tooth enamel is covered with white spots of various sizes. The child at this stage does not yet complain of pain.

If initial decay is detected, it is necessary to go to the dentist in a timely manner, otherwise the disease will spread and progress in the mouth of a small child: the spots will gradually darken, pain and a corresponding smell will appear from the oral cavity.

    1. Surface.

At this stage, the tissues of the teeth are affected. White spots become darker. The pain appears when eating foods with a pronounced taste: sour, salty, sweet.

You need to contact your dentist immediately for treatment. Basically, this is the filling of the affected area with a compomer or composite. In cases where caries is this stage is not started, it is possible to carry out remineralizing therapy.

    1. Average.

In this case, not only enamel is affected, but also partially dentin. In addition to the pain from strong tastes, sensitivity to cold and hot may be added. Damaged teeth should be treated and then sealed.

  1. Deep.

Unlike the previous type, in this case already damaged most of dentin. Depending on whether the pulp is affected or not, the doctor prescribes either filling or conservative treatment.

Prevention and more prevention

After all the measures taken for the treatment of caries, several preventive rules should be observed:

  • above all, with the whole family observe elementary rules hygiene. Special attention ask the child if he is already brushing his teeth on his own. Be ready to help him, show and suggest;
  • control what your son or daughter eats daily, eliminate if possible excess amount carbohydrates;
  • go outside with your child more often in warm weather, because Fresh air useful for the whole body;
  • buy for winter ultraviolet lamp to make up for the child's missing light;
  • ask your doctor to prescribe vitamin complex, which must include vitamins of groups A, B, C and D;
  • after tooth treatment, fluorotherapy is necessary. At any dental clinic or the center will give the child fluoridation of the teeth;
  • if caries was in advanced form, then after treatment it is worth being under the supervision of a dentist for some time.
  • visit regularly dental office for inspection (1 time in six months).

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of rotten teeth in a baby, parents should tune in for a long period of observation of the state of the oral cavity and teeth of the child, if necessary, contact a professional dentist in a timely manner.

From this video you will learn about the causes of caries:

Many people are concerned about how their teeth look and worry that others will notice. If you think that you have bad teeth, there is simple ways improve them appearance. Proper dental care, increased self-confidence, and dental care will help you improve the appearance of your teeth and feel more confident.


Gain confidence

    Realize that your teeth are not so bad. Despite what you think about your teeth, there are people who have even worse teeth. You may have certain dental problems, such as a cracked front tooth, a gap between the top and lower teeth or ugly color teeth, and you think that this deficiency is striking to everyone, to the point that others around you are unpleasant in your appearance. However, this is not the case. You see your teeth every day and take a close look slightest flaws, while most people pay very little attention to it and simply do not notice the flaws.

    In any case, smile. You should not be ashamed of your teeth. Be confident, smile sincerely, and don't care about things like bad teeth. Self-confidence and a smile make a favorable impression on people, regardless of the condition of the teeth.

    • Practice smiling sincerely in front of a mirror.
  1. Do not draw the attention of others to your mouth. If you are concerned about the health of your teeth, try not to draw too much attention to your mouth. Do not use bright and catchy lipstick or contour pencil for lips, so as not to attract the eyes of others to your mouth. Use a clear gloss or lip balm instead. As a result, your lips will look natural and will not attract undue attention from others.

    • You should also not bring your hands to your mouth or bite your nails, otherwise people will pay attention to your mouth, which you would not like.
  2. Draw attention to your eyes. If you're worried about people staring at your teeth too closely, try to divert their attention away from your mouth. If you're wearing makeup, try using mascara and brows and a light eyeliner. If you don't wear makeup, try wearing original glasses to emphasize the eyes and thereby divert attention from the teeth.

    Draw attention to other features. If your teeth are not your pride, try to draw attention to the more advantageous aspects of your appearance. In this case, the attention of others will move from your teeth to what you are sure of. If you're wearing jewelry, wear eye-catching (like sparkly or long) earrings. Such earrings will attract the attention of others, and they simply will not notice your teeth.

    Smile so that your teeth are not visible. If you are still concerned about how your teeth look, you can simply hide them from others. Be that as it may, many people smile in such a way that their teeth are not visible, and this manner does not look like something extraordinary. This way you can demonstrate your position and at the same time hide your teeth.

    • Try to smile different ways in front of the mirror. Among other things, try opening your mouth in different ways to determine best option, which will allow you to show less teeth and at the same time maintain a natural smile.
    • Look through old photos of you smiling and decide which smile suits you best.

    Work on improving the appearance of your teeth

    1. Try using a teeth whitening product. If you're worried that your teeth aren't white enough, try whitening them with the right products. This will give you confidence even if you have other dental problems. There are many various means for teeth whitening. The cheapest and the best option is to start with a whitening toothpaste. This will not be difficult, since such toothpastes are no different from the rest in use.

      Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day - this simple step will help you maintain healthy teeth and feel more confident. This way you will improve the appearance of your teeth, even if they are not quite straight. As a result, your teeth will stay healthy and you will be able to solve more complex dental problems more easily.

      Floss your teeth. One toothbrush is not enough to keep your teeth clean. Brush your teeth daily with regular floss or flossing toothpicks. This way you will remove bacteria, plaque and food debris from hard to reach places that are hard to reach with a toothbrush. This will help you improve the health of your teeth and improve their appearance.

      • Mouthwash will also help you keep your teeth healthy and smile more confidently. Among other things, mouthwash kills bacteria and freshens breath.
    2. Eat less sugar. Excess sugar is one of the main causes of tooth decay. Every time you eat sugar, acid is created in your mouth that is harmful to your teeth. Try not to eat sweets all the time and limit their use a small amount once every 4-5 hours. In this case, your teeth will have time to recover between the use of sweets.

      Stay away from things that can harm your teeth. There are other activities and habits that can harm your teeth. It is necessary to stop smoking, as it yellows the teeth. Coffee, dark sodas, tea, and wine also cause tooth discoloration, so try to limit your intake.

Most of us try not to visit the doctors once again, and even more so to deal with childhood fear and go to scheduled checkups to terrible dentists. Most often, we get by with the advice of television dentists who do not go into their mouths with their devilish things. However, in fact, a decrease in life expectancy and aging, in part, is associated with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Who would have thought that periodontal disease contributes to the active withering of the body and the development of such serious and life-threatening diseases as heart attack and stroke.

With periodontitis, microorganisms and their metabolic products negatively affect the periodontal tissue and gums, destroying them. With the blood stream, like a virus, from the oral cavity, these same products are spread throughout the body, which causes general inflammation. Pathogenic bacteria and their toxins get to the vital important organs(heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.), and this entails the development chronic diseases. Scary? Now live with this knowledge.

According to statistics, this tedious task takes the average you about 46 seconds. Unfortunately, for the sake of health, you will have to make an effort on yourself and endure your sleepy face with foam at the mouth for at least 2 minutes. And that's just the time allotted for brushing your teeth! After all, where there are teeth, there is usually a tongue, which must also be cleaned. But even this is not enough. Inner side The cheeks are also a cozy home for bacteria that destroy your body. Nothing is sacred to these little bastards. Bacteria cause periodontal disease, microorganisms and their metabolic products destroy the periodontal tissue and gums, and also release toxins that spread throughout your body and destroy it. We hope we've scared you enough that your next mouth brushing will take you longer than 46 seconds.

Our expert insists that for quality oral hygiene, a complete set should be used: toothbrush, interdental brushes, flosses and toothpastes. If not serious problems, then for everyday use a paste is recommended complex action with a mandatory fluorine content. A plus for the paste will be the content of Triclosan / Copolymer. The first kills bacteria, and the second actively helps him in this.

White teeth = healthy teeth

From now on, you can laugh wickedly in response to the unhealthy snow-white smile of Hollywood stars and whitening fans. What's more, naturally white teeth are less common than girls with Monica Bellucci's face and Monica Bellucci's body. The whole point is that upper layer tooth - enamel - translucent. Therefore, in addition to plaque, which appears due to food, drinks and smoking, the color of the dentin has a decisive influence on the color of the teeth ( inner part tooth), which is visible due to the translucency of the enamel. And dentin, as a rule, has a yellowish or brown tint.

By the way, hence the tetracycline teeth, which turned yellow due to the use of antibiotics during the period of tooth formation.

A sick tooth must be treated with all his might, trying to save him, like a wounded comrade in a war. fillings instead lost tooth- the least of the aesthetic problems that a person gets in the end. Especially your girlfriend won't like them. For example, the destruction or absence of lateral teeth on mandible- one of the main causes of wrinkles in the form of depressions at the corners of the mouth. The appearance of sinking thin lips may also appear due to extracted tooth. Conclusion: a hole in the dentition will seem like a trifle to you, compared to other problems that may arise. Your teeth in fillings or ruined youth - this is the choice you have to make if you bring caries to the point of no return.

Bad teeth are hereditary

How easy it is to justify another filling by the fact that your parents have 10 in each tooth. Of course, heredity can affect the size, structure of the tooth and the resistance of tissues to diseases, however, proper care compensates for all these shortcomings.

Chewing gum freshens your breath - this is what they say in advertising, promising that the girls themselves will rush to kiss you chewing. Gum, of course, will help eliminate the smell that comes from certain foods, such as onions or hot sauce. But it is powerless against amber, which is permanent and whose cause is diseases of the mouth or internal organs.

Halitosis (as dentists diplomatically call bad smell out of the mouth) is a very common occurrence. By the way, almost all people suffering from halitosis are not even aware of it. Our breathing apparatus is designed in such a way that our own smell is not felt. Therefore, you should not hate this nasty colleague with bad breath - he vegetates in blind ignorance.

By the way

To the most common reasons appearance bad smell from the mouth include diseases of the teeth and periodontium (which are exacerbated by the consumption of alcohol and nicotine), as well as poor hygiene oral cavity. The problem is easier to prevent than to treat, so again, proper and thorough oral care can be recommended. Some types of halitosis, such as "morning breath", when bad smell It stays out of the mouth only for about half an hour after waking up, it is considered the norm, and is not a symptom of some serious disease. The reasons for the appearance of "morning breath" are hidden in the features of the functioning of the body during sleep. Salivary glands they do not work so actively, and nothing prevents bacteria from eating leftover food and dead cells in the mouth, releasing sulfurous substances in the process of vital activity that do not have the most pleasant smell.

Yulia Clouda

Head of the expert resource about dentistry Startsmile.ru.

It is difficult to say what worries us more often and more seriously - overweight or not too good teeth. However, both of them quite strongly affect our health, well-being and psychological comfort. After all, it is equally unpleasant to see in the mirror both excess weight, spoiling, and bad teeth. But what if there is a connection between these two problems?

Everything in our body is closely interconnected. The oral cavity is the beginning gastrointestinal tract. Here the process of assimilation of food begins - with its grinding with teeth and treatment with saliva, which, thanks to a special bacterial substance (lysozyme), neutralizes pathogens of various diseases. That is why any problems with oral cavity can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to fullness.

Physiological causes of fullness due to bad teeth

Thorough chewing of food is one of the fundamentals healthy eating. However, if the teeth hurt, the gums bleed, then chewing becomes a problem. Bad chewing can lead to gastritis or even stomach ulcers.

When we try not to chew on the painful side, then on healthy teeth bears a double burden. From this, they wear down faster and soon acquire caries and other dental problems. However, it is still impossible to fully chew food on one side. Together, these reasons lead us to choose softer foods because they are easier to chew.

Those products that have a high nutritional value, as a rule, you need to chew thoroughly. Bad teeth cannot withstand such a serious load, while the feeling of hunger forces us to replace high-value teeth. food products to the so-called fast ones.

What are they contained in? In the same soft buns, bread, pasta, honey, sugar, rice, potatoes, pumpkin, grapes, bananas, watermelons and, of course, in our favorite sauces - mayonnaise and ketchup. Do you recognize the list? These are the foods that most often cause excess weight.

pastries from wheat flour, sweet juices and carbonated drinks, dried fruits, chocolate, chocolate bars and other sweets - all this leads to fullness. But this is only one side of the coin. After all, these same products are harmful to the teeth.

About the fact that sugar - worst enemy teeth, we hear from childhood. But an excess of foods containing carbohydrates can also lead to disastrous consequences. Carbohydrates, getting into the oral cavity, under the action of saliva quickly break down into simple sugars.

Thus, it can be said that bad condition teeth, and fullness are often closely related to each other. Changing the diet (giving up sweets, flour, rice, potatoes, some vegetables and fruits) will have a positive effect on the health of teeth and gums, and careful care and timely treatment oral cavity will prevent the transition to excessive consumption of not the most useful products.

Psychological causes of fullness due to bad teeth

But not everything is so simple. There are also subtle psychological moments that are associated with a change in appearance due to dental problems. Absence chewing teeth can cause facial asymmetry, deepening of the nasolabial fold, the appearance of additional. Often the corners of the mouth drop, the lips become sunken and thinner. All this is visually perceived as aging, which the beautician is no longer able to defeat.

Spoiled mood, constant dissatisfaction with their appearance, a feeling that everything is bad. Many in this state turn to the refrigerator for solace. seize delicious food psychological problems quickly becomes a habit. The worse the appearance becomes, the stronger the desire to seize stress with a cake or a large portion of macaroni and cheese and ketchup becomes.

False hunger after waking up

Another reason for the rising number on the scale is the false feeling of intense hunger after a night's sleep, which makes us eat as soon as possible. However, in reality it is thirst - the body simply needs water.

If you drink a glass immediately after waking up warm water, and then brush your teeth, especially with a paste that contains mint, then the feeling of hunger will either become very dull or disappear altogether. The reason is that mint inhibits the action of food receptors, thereby reducing the feeling of hunger, and a glass of water will quench your thirst after sleep.

What to do to avoid problems with fullness and bad teeth

The easiest way is to follow the rules of oral hygiene. They include:

  1. Brushing teeth twice a day.
  2. Use of dental floss at least once a day (in the evening).
  3. Tongue cleaning.
  4. Conducted every six months professional cleaning teeth.
  5. Regular preventive examination at the dentist - preferably once every six months.
  6. Timely contact with the dentist at the first sign of problems with the teeth.
  7. Timely treatment common diseases organism.
  8. A diet low in foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates.

It is also worth noting that some dentists require brushing their teeth every time their patients have eaten, and this in turn leads to the fact that many people stop between meals, which has a beneficial effect on the teeth and figure.

Compliance with such simple rules will allow your teeth to remain beautiful and healthy for a long time, and your figure - slender and attractive.

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