Can I put medicines in hand luggage? Documents and money. Can I take food on the plane

In the absence of chronic diseases, there are no problems with the transportation of medicines that are part of a standard tourist first-aid kit. But you need to find out in advance and know exactly how to carry medicines on an airplane. Especially if there is a need to constantly take drugs prescribed by a doctor for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.

Medications in baggage

The easiest option for transporting a first aid kit is to carry all the medicines in the luggage of the aircraft. Having put the tablets in a bag designed for delivery to the luggage compartment of the liner, you can safely go to the pre-flight inspection. However, you should remember about medicines and drugs prohibited for transportation:

  • drugs in any form;
  • psychotherapeutic and psychotropic drugs;
  • strong painkillers.

In addition to the requirements of airlines, there may be restrictions on the part of individual countries, so at the stage of preparation for the trip, you need to find out all the nuances of the customs legislation of the visited state. Most strict rules transport of medicines in Australia - for all imported medications must have a prescription. Also, in some countries, relatively harmless types of drugs are prohibited - Analgin, Corvalol, Valocordin, Nimesulide.

Medications in hand luggage

People with chronic diseases may need medication at any time. Therefore, it is quite a suitable question - is it possible in hand luggage have a small set necessary drugs? Most pills do not have strict travel restrictions the right medicines in hand luggage. Difficulties may arise in cases where the following types of drugs should be used for therapeutic purposes:

  • aerosol cans;
  • injection solutions;
  • tubes with gel or ointment;
  • solution vials.

If a passenger suffers bronchial asthma, the only way quickly remove the attack - inhale the drug from the can. Sick with diabetes You need to inject insulin multiple times a day. People who correct their vision with contact lenses, requires a special solution for processing and storage. The best option epilepsy attack prevention permanent reception Phenobarbital.

In each specific situation, the approach is individual: the treatment prescribed by the doctor must be carried out in any conditions - at home and while traveling. Packages with a medicinal solution of more than 100 ml and tablets can be carried on board the aircraft, but only if all the rules and requirements of the carrier company are observed.

Basic requirements of airlines

Before flying, you need to study the standard rules that determine the pre-flight inspection, along with a list of things and items that are allowed to be in the cabin of the aircraft. In relation to medicines, the main requirements include:

  • it is strictly not allowed to carry drugs, regardless of the dosage form;
  • for all potent drugs there must be a medical prescription certified by the personal seal of a specialist and the seals of a medical institution;
  • if necessary, a customs declaration must be completed for strong medicinal products;
  • the presence of a chronic disease requiring constant therapy must be confirmed by a medical certificate with a mandatory indication of all drugs and dosage forms for permanent treatment;
  • diabetic patients are allowed to take to the salon insulin syringes. But only when obligatory condition- the medical certificate must clearly indicate the disease, insulin doses and the schedule for administering the drug by the hour;
  • for an aerosol can of any volume, you must have a medical opinion on the disease with an exact indication of the dosage form;
  • it is better to follow the general rule for all transportation of ointments in tubes and liquid medicinal solutions in hand luggage - no more than 100 ml;
  • medicinal products may only be transported in their original packaging (containers or self-prepared packages containing unlabeled tablets or medicines without a name cannot be used);
  • the total amount of medicines taken on a trip must correspond to the period of the tourist trip.
  • On domestic and foreign flights, Aeroflot offers the following standard rules for free transportation of medicines in hand luggage:

    • in the cabin of the liner, you can carry a small set of pills for personal use, which does not contain narcotic and potent drugs;
    • a passenger may carry one mercury thermometer;
    • tubes with a gel or ointment, bottles with a solution are acceptable with strict observance of the amount of liquid in one package;
    • for aerosol cans and strong drugs of any form, you must have a prescription and a certificate from a doctor;
    • everything necessary for treatment must be packed in a transparent plastic bag, which should be presented at the pre-flight screening stage.

In this post, I will tell you what to take in hand luggage on a plane, whether you can take medicine on a plane, whether you can take food on a plane and what to take a child on a plane. It would seem that such simple questions, but they are often of interest to those who are going on a flight for leisure or business. Surely, you also asked yourself this question, made lists so as not to forget anything. Today we have made your task easier and prepared for you answers to the most important questions for a traveler's flight - what to take in hand luggage on an airplane. Save it for yourself to read before the flight and do not forget anything.

What to take in hand luggage on a plane for yourself and your child

  • Documents and money: This is the most important thing you need.
  • Hygiene products: toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, moisturizer (it is especially important to take all this if the flight is long). The main thing to remember is that since cream and paste are liquids, it is necessary that their volume be less than 100 ml.
  • Things: a warm jacket and warm socks. during a long flight, the legs may swell, and they may also freeze. So socks are a must.
  • Small amenities for the flight: pillow for sleeping, blindfold and earplugs. In some airlines, for long flights, all this is given out, but if you do not know for sure, then take all this with you.
  • Entertainment during the flight: book, laptop, tablet and mobile phone. On these gadgets, you can download music or movies and pass the time in flight. It is also much safer to carry electronics in hand luggage on an airplane, because they can break in luggage if handled carelessly.

Can I take medicine on the plane?

You can take medicine on the plane. Be sure to take what you need for your flight. Sample list which makes life easier:

  • Oxalin ointment - in general, in principle, a universal remedy
  • Aquamaris - the nasal mucosa dries very much in the plane and sea ​​water is simply necessary (every 2 hours we drip ourselves and the child)
  • Nazivin - vasoconstrictor drops in the nose (drip once before takeoff)
  • Suprastin - an allergy medicine
  • Nurofen - antipyretic, for headaches
  • Analgin - from a headache
  • Dill water - a remedy for children from gaziki
  • Mezim - they suddenly ate something wrong on the plane or on the way to the plane. In general, we advise you to take a pill before eating airplane food.
  • Drotaverine - the same No-shpa, only cheaper, from spasmodic pain
  • Microlax - for a child if the tummy hurts
  • Thermometer - just in case
  • Bracelet from motion sickness "Travel Dream" - a remedy for motion sickness in an airplane and car

Can I take food on the plane?

You can take food on the plane! Most importantly, do not take specific smelling products into the cabin; you will not be able to ventilate the aircraft cabin during the flight. For example, you can take apples, bananas, cheese sandwiches, nuts, cookies and chocolate.

What to take a child on a plane

If you are traveling with a child, you must have wondered What to take your child on a plane. Take in addition to the previous list:

  • A change of clothes for the baby, he always manages to get dirty.
  • Hygiene products: Diapers, wet wipes
  • Baby food: I do not like this aircraft
  • A couple of funny books. If you have older children, we advise you to take coloring pages and download a couple of cartoons to your phone or tablet.

So, now you know what to take as hand luggage on the plane, whether you can take medicine on the plane, whether you can take food on the plane and what to take your child on the plane. Follow these simple recommendations and your flight will be calm and comfortable. If you have any tips on what to take on a plane as hand luggage for yourself or your child, then share them in the comments.

is a question that interests passengers of many airlines. People do not always understand what belongs to this category of baggage, what things can be taken into the cabin, and what is better to leave at home or check in with regular cargo.

What is the essence?

First, let's look at what is considered hand luggage on an airplane. it special kind baggage that is allowed to be taken into the cabin of the airliner. For him, his own rules and norms of transportation are established, and depending on the rules of the airline. For example, economy class passengers get one seat, while business class and 1st class passengers get twice as much.

It is believed that the equivalent of one piece is a bag or backpack containing personal items. This is not true. The main criterion is the weight of hand luggage and its dimensions. It is from these parameters that the carrier is repelled. There are a number of restrictions on such baggage, which may vary.

General prohibitions

Before checking in for a flight, it is important to be clear about what you cannot take on a plane. Speaking in general, the category of prohibited goods includes weapons, liquefied gases, as well as dangerous substances(radioactive, toxic, caustic). The category of prohibited items also includes explosives, liquefied gases, sharp objects, including household appliances such as wire cutters, corkscrews, scissors, folding knives and others.

Below we will consider in detail what you can take in hand luggage on an airplane, and what things are prohibited in relation to food, cosmetics, medicines, digital equipment and other cargo.

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First, let's look at what is allowed to carry from food. As a rule, airlines restrict passengers in this matter, prohibiting the carrying of jelly-like and liquid food. But you can take with you:

  • Nuts.
  • Fruit.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Cookie.
  • Chips and other products.

If you have a child flying with you, you are allowed to take children food. If jelly, juices or yoghurts are found before departure, they high probability prohibited from being transported. This also applies to food that is packaged in jars. Those products that are allowed to be carried on board are recommended to be packed in transparent bags, which speeds up the inspection procedure.

Before departure, pay attention to the requirement of the carrier, because they may vary. Pay special attention to goods from DutyFree stores. They are allowed to be taken on a plane, but only if they are packaged in a bag and have a receipt on hand.


Women are often interested in what they can take with them. from cosmetics. As a rule, carriers are allowed to bring into the cabin:

  • Blush.
  • Eyeliner.
  • Shadows.
  • Powder and other means.

As for jelly-like formulations, as well as liquids that are packed in containers larger than 0.1 liters, it is forbidden to take them with you. The only option is to transfer the items to checked baggage. In addition, pressurized cans are not allowed into the cabin. In this case, the total volume of liquids carried should not exceed 1000 ml. This nuance should be taken into account even before departure.

medical supplies

Not less than important questionmedical preparations. You are allowed to take the following medicines as hand luggage:

  • Tablets.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Dressing materials.
  • Various drops.

All funds should be sealed and carried with instructions for use. Otherwise, customs officers may have questions for the passenger, up to the need for a detailed inspection. If there is an injury, hand luggage can be added by special means for movement, for example, with crutches. With regard to the upper limit of liquids, the same rules apply here as mentioned above.

Digital equipment

According to the rules of air carriers, you can take digital equipment on board the aircraft - a laptop, player, tablet, camera, charger and even a hairdryer. But there is a limitation regarding mobile phone. It can be carried into the cabin, but with a mandatory shutdown. This is due to safety, because the radiation from mobile devices may interfere with aircraft electronics.

If you plan to carry large equipment that exceeds the allowable dimensions, it is better to check it out as regular baggage.

What about documents and jewelry?

According to the rules of airlines, it is allowed to take valuables, jewelry, wallets and important documents. It is also necessary to take your passport with you so as not to accidentally end up in a foreign country without documents. There are situations when luggage does not fit on one plane and then it can be sent on the next flight.

Clothing and personal hygiene items

If we consider personal hygiene items, you can take on board an aircraft toothbrush and paste, comb (no handle), wet wipes and even nail polish remover. At the same time, it is forbidden to take cutting and piercing things into the salon. This rule also applies to nail scissors.

From clothes you can take with you a coat, a jacket (sweater), an umbrella, a blanket and a shawl. Generally speaking, you can take almost all clothing, as long as it does not contradict the rules of the airline and does not exceed allowable norms(dimensions, weight).

What are the weight and size restrictions?

Separate question - how much hand luggage can i take on a plane. Here, each airline has its own rules, which depend on the direction, ticket price, flight class and other factors. There are only two main criteria, namely dimensions and weight:

  • Dimensions. They should not exceed 56 cm in length, 46 cm in height, and 25 cm in width.
  • The weight. Here the requirements vary, and different airlines may have limits between 3 and 15 kg.


Despite a certain similarity in the requirements of air carriers regarding hand luggage, some rules are strictly individual. For example, low-cost airlines that provide budget flights are stricter about hand luggage and allow you to take a minimum of things with you into the cabin. No more than one seat is allowed per person. More established companies will have fewer restrictions. In any case, it is important to clarify these points in advance, even before buying a ticket and checking in for a flight.

It is possible to transport an ordinary tourist first-aid kit without any problems. But if you are forced to regularly take prescription drugs, then there are certain requirements.

The requirements for transporting medicines on an airplane differ depending on whether you will cross the border or not.

If you plan to fly within the territory of Russia, then there are no restrictions on movement medicines no.

You can carry medicines in your luggage in any quantity, but in hand luggage you need to remember about liquids.

According to aviation security rules, you can take no more than 1 liter of liquid into the cabin, in containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml each.

If you need to transfer the medicine for yourself and the volume of the container is more than 100 ml, then take with you a prescription from a doctor or an extract from the medical history with a signature and a seal.

If you are arriving or departing from Russia:
Be sure to check out the list medicinal substances and drugs that are prohibited for import and export. Please note that the list contains not only the names of drugs, but also the names of prohibited substances. If they are contained in your medicine, then they are prohibited for transportation without the appropriate documents (prescription or certificate from a doctor).

Most often, painkillers containing narcotic substances, such as codeine (Pentalgin, Piralgin, Solpadein, Nurofen plus), as well as some cough medicines, such as Codelac Broncho.

Another point to keep in mind is the amount of drugs. If you carry more than 5 packages of the same name, even if there are no import and export restrictions on them, this is considered a small wholesale.

Overseas flights:
Before flying abroad, you should familiarize yourself with the customs regulations of the state where you are flying. It is forbidden to import narcotic and psychotropic substances into many countries; their list and names differ from the Russian one.

For example, many countries have banned the import of Corvalol and Valocordin. active substance of these drugs is phenobarbital, which in some countries is considered a drug and is prohibited from import and sale. In particular, Corvalol is prohibited from being imported into Lithuania and the USA, and Valocordin - into Lithuania, Estonia, the USA and the United Arab Emirates.

If you are taking any medication on a regular basis and it falls under the restriction of liquids in carry-on baggage (more than 100 ml), you must:

1. Pack the medicines in advance in a separate transparent bag and take it out when passing through the security screening.

2. Before your belongings are scanned by the security service, inform that you are carrying liquid medicines and their volume is more than 100 ml.

3. Show the prescription or an extract from the medical history to the security officer. If the case takes place abroad, the prescription must be translated into English (or into the language of the country where you are being screened) by a certified translator.

Please note that the medicine must be in its original packaging. you can not pour it into your container.

If you are transporting medicines that contain illegal narcotic or psychotropic substances, be sure to get a prescription from a doctor. Even if in the country where you bought it, it is available without a prescription, for example, Corvalol.

The medicine must be in the original packaging. This is not always convenient, especially if you need to take a lot of pills, but those are the rules.

It is forbidden to carry such medicines in your own container!

These drugs must be in a transparent bag, before the inspection, take it out and put it separately for scanning.

Present a prescription or an extract from a medical history from a doctor. If you are abroad, the prescription must be translated into English (or the language of the country where you are being screened) by a certified translator.

In many foreign countries, prescription drugs are issued not in branded packaging, but in a standard jar with a sticker. The sticker should contain the name of the drug, as well as the name of the patient. In this case, an extract from the medical history or a prescription is not required.

Australia is the strictest place to move medicines. Even if you are carrying medication in your checked baggage, you will be asked to show your prescription.

Some medicines require certain conditions storage. For example, many injectables need to be refrigerated. In this case, you can take on board the aircraft a small cooler bag for storing medicines or a special container with ice or cold accumulators, but the certificate from the doctor or the instructions for the medicine must indicate that the medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.

If the instruction is only in Russian, and you pass the inspection abroad, then it must also be translated.

What happens if I don't have a doctor's prescription?

Since prohibited medicines are classified as narcotic and psychotropic substances, if the rules for their movement are violated, criminal liability may arise.

Always pay attention to the composition of painkillers, sleeping pills, sedatives, diuretics (diuretics), cough medicines and heart medicines. They may include narcotic and psychotropic substances.

A travel first aid kit is an indispensable thing for every tourist. Tablets and drops for everything emergency cases for self-treatment, antiseptics are included in the basic set for safety net, and in case of chronic diseases, the flight and subsequent stay abroad without medicines are completely unthinkable.

Before the flight, it is important not only to collect all the medicines according to the list, but also to do it correctly: to clarify which medicines can be carried on the plane in luggage and hand luggage, and if necessary, take the accompanying documents.

Customs rules for transporting medicines on an airplane

The main rule is that it is forbidden to carry narcotic and psychotropic substances. At the same time, not all drugs freely sold in Russian pharmacies can be easily taken with you abroad.

In the risk zone when passing customs control - antibiotics, strong painkillers, sleeping pills and motion sickness pills, liquid preparations With high content alcohol. First of all, potent substances in the composition of certain drugs, such as phenobarbital, chlorphenamine maleate, codeine, pseudoephedrine, chlorphenamine maleate, diazepam, fall under the official bans of most countries.

The allowed amount of medicines carried on the plane is very conditional - for your own use during the trip. As a rule, if the number of packs of medicines in the luggage is more than five, customs services may have questions. To protect yourself from fines in case of suspected small wholesale and confiscations, get documents confirming the need for the medicine in these volumes.

All tablets and drops, gels transported on the plane must be in their original packaging (it is not necessary to pour pills into mini-containers for compactness).

Be sure to check the expiration date of medicines. Expired tablets and liquid medicines (especially in large quantities- for example, with a margin of a month or more), may be classified as dangerous and prohibited from transportation.

Customs restrictions do not apply to the transportation of medicines on domestic flights, however, transportation standards remain liquid funds in hand luggage, requirements for packaging and expiration date.

Prohibited drugs on the plane: restrictions by country

Customs bans different countries may differ, including being wider than in Russia. For example, medicines containing codeine are not allowed in the UAE. When crossing the borders of the European Union, Canada, preparations with melatonin are banned.

Corvalol and valocordin are banned in Lithuania; nimesulide ( active substance in the painkiller "Nise") is not allowed to be imported into Germany. Metamizole sodium (analgin) is banned in a number of countries, including the EU, the USA, and Asian countries.

Especially careful border inspection of medicines in Australia. At the flight planning stage, you will need to prepare and take with you prescriptions for absolutely all drugs, including those sold in Russia without restrictions and medicines in your checked baggage.

Restrictions may include drugs that are very distantly related to drugs. An example from the FCS website: in the tea for weight loss purchased by a Russian tourist in a pharmacy in China, potent substance— sibutramine banned for import into Russia; as a result, an administrative case was initiated.

An additional complication is that the list of restricted and prohibited drugs is constantly expanding, in any case, before the flight, you will have to clarify the information on the website of the customs of the country of destination (and transfer).

We will not list the entire list of controlled substances, the transportation of which can result in trouble for passengers. Download complete list drugs and psychotropic substances subject to control at the entrance to Russian Federation, as well as to the Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia can be found on the website of the Federal Customs Service.

To transport insulin before the trip, you need to issue a special document - a diabetic passport.

Registered medicines on the plane

To transport registered medicines, you will need:

  • A current prescription (or opinion) from a doctor issued in the name of the patient, indicating the name of the narcotic (psychotropic) substance indicated for use in medicinal purposes, its dosage is the daily norm;
  • Receipt for the purchased and transported medicine (confirms the origin of the drug);
  • It is desirable to translate the recipe into English language(quite sufficient for most areas).

Passengers with such medicines pass through the red corridor - be sure to fill customs declaration.

Medications in hand luggage on the plane

The main rule for transporting medicines on an airplane is that a passenger is allowed to take as many medicines as he needs for the entire duration of the trip. Please note: medicines and dietary products can be transported on board in containers with a volume of more than 100 ml and in excess of the hand luggage allowance (check with the rules of a particular airline), it is advisable to pack them in a transparent bag with a zipper.

Most drops (for nose, ear drops) can be carried safely on an airplane. Remember the algorithm: read the composition for the presence of prohibited substances, take a limited amount of medicines - only for admission on board, the rest - in luggage. To carry liquids in larger containers, you may need a medical certificate or prescription confirming that you need drops on the plane just before landing (for example, if you are undergoing treatment and drip at a certain time).

If you are suffering from any chronic disease, even before departure, ask your doctor about the mode of taking this or that medicinal product across multiple time zones.

When transporting vital medicines, if possible, distribute their volume between luggage and hand luggage - for your own safety net. Consider also the possibility and norms for carrying related devices and medical equipment.

A common practice is not to take motion sickness remedies on a plane, but to take a pill in advance. This is due to the fact that motion sickness remedies are potent (like sleeping pills), some of them may contain substances whose import must be declared.

Transportation of things with a passenger is often regulated by the rules of the airline. Thus, Aeroflot allows you to carry one medical thermometer and one mercury tonometer per passenger; needles for subcutaneous injection it is forbidden to carry in hand luggage, the exception is a document on medical justification. According to the rules of Pobeda Airlines, medicines cannot be carried in checked baggage, you need to take them on board.

And finally, do not forget that a first aid kit, according to safety standards, must be on board each aircraft. If you feel unwell, you can contact the flight attendants trained in first aid.

Medicines in luggage

For the basis standard first aid kit a tourist on board an aircraft usually takes a basic "camping" set - the widest variety of simple and safe medicines which may come in handy within one to two weeks. These are cold and antipyretic drugs, remedies for indigestion and pain in the pancreas, painkillers (without codeine - for example, citramon), anti-allergic, healing, iodine or brilliant green in a pencil (it is more convenient to take them than hydrogen peroxide). Minimum set you can take it with you if you are flying at a baggage-free rate and are not going to spend money on baggage clearance, otherwise it is better to divide the volume and check in part with things in your suitcase.

Accordingly, all drugs that do not meet the standards for carrying liquids are sent to baggage first of all, if you cannot confirm their need during the flight: these are all sprays and drops taken “in reserve”, liquid antiseptics in containers over 100 ml. Do not forget that you can check your baggage as fragile (for example, if, in addition to medicines, there are other glass containers).

The amount of medicines in the passenger's baggage must be calculated only for the period of stay in the country.

Since luggage will be subject to temperature fluctuations, you can take dry ice with you to cool down. certain types medicines and a thermo bag. A common restriction on refrigerants in baggage is up to 2 kg per passenger.

Basic list of medicines for the journey and general recommendations you will find in the material

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