What is the difference between white charcoal and activated charcoal? White coal: instructions for use and what it is for, price, reviews, analogues

medicinal product White coal promotes adsorption from the gastrointestinal tract and excretion from the body of exogenous and endogenous toxic substances of various origins (including waste products of pathogenic microorganisms, food and bacterial allergens).
Indirectly, it helps to reduce the manifestations of toxic-allergic reactions, reduce the metabolic load on the detoxification organs (primarily the liver and kidneys), correct metabolic processes and immune status, eliminate the imbalance of biologically active substances in the body; enhances intestinal peristalsis.
White coal recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of dietary fiber - enterosorbents to improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract.
The main component of these tablets is ultrafine silicon dioxide, a mineral widely distributed in Europe. In addition to silicon dioxide, white coal contains so-called microcrystalline cellulose fibers and excipients: powdered sugar, potato starch.
Silicon dioxide binds by adsorption and removes toxins, food and bacterial allergens from the body. Promotes the transport of toxic products from the blood and lymph into the gastrointestinal tract, including alkaloids, glycosides, salts of heavy metals.

Indications for use

A drug White coal recommended as a dietary supplement to the diet as an additional source of enterosorbents to prevent and relieve symptoms in:
- food poisoning of various origins (including mushrooms and alcohol);
- acute intestinal infections;
- helminthiases;
- gastric disorders;
- hepatitis (including viral hepatitis A and B);
- renal and hepatic insufficiency;
- allergic diseases;
- dermatitis of endogenous intoxication;
- dysbacteriosis.

Mode of application

Tablets: to be used by adults and children aged 3 years and older: adults and children aged 7 years and older - 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day between meals, drink with drinking water.
Vials: the vial with the powder is opened, boiled water cooled to room temperature is added to the neck (250 ml) and thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is formed (one measuring cap of the suspension contains 1.15 g of silicon dioxide). Use for adults and children aged 1 year and older: adults and children aged 1 year and older: adults and children aged 7 years and older - 2 measuring caps of the suspension (50 ml) 3-4 times a day at intervals between meals.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


A drug White coal contraindicated:
- individual immunity of components,
- pregnancy and lactation,
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer in the acute stage,
- ulcers and erosion of the intestinal mucosa,
- stomach and intestinal bleeding,
- intestinal obstruction.

Interaction with other drugs

No data.


No data.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C and a relative humidity of not more than 75%. Store the prepared suspension in a tightly closed vial at a temperature of (4 ± 2) ° C for no more than 32 hours.

Release form

Tablets 210mg №10.
Vials 12±0.5 powder for suspension.


Tablets: 1 tablet white coal contains - main substances: silicon dioxide (210 mg), microcrystalline cellulose; excipients: powdered sugar, potato starch.
Vials: silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose in a 250 ml vial.


Consume no earlier than 1 hour before a meal.
Caution regarding consumption by certain categories of the population (children, pregnant women, the elderly, athletes and allergy sufferers)
Before use, a doctor's consultation is necessary. note for diabetics: 1 tablet contains 0.26 g of sucrose (equivalent to 0.026 bread units).

main parameters


A new generation drug has appeared - white coal, which is used to bind and remove toxins from the body. Able to neutralize toxins ten times more than we are used to. Developed in Germany, it has a different composition, but the indications for use do not differ from its counterpart. A safe, mild remedy, white charcoal is very effective for poisoning.

Composition and application of white coal

The effectiveness of the drug is associated with the presence of two active substances: MCC (microcrystalline cellulose) and silicon dioxide. The tablets are white in color due to the high content of starch. The created drug is not absorbed and stored in the body, but is excreted naturally. White coal is similar in many properties to black, but has a number of advantages:

  1. Black coal cleanses the intestines well, but adsorbs on its surface not only unnecessary and harmful, but also useful components. White acts more selectively, collecting and removing only poisonous compounds. In addition, it does not attract water.
  2. To get the result, you need to eat a lot of black coal tablets, and white concentrates useful properties in a smaller amount. Therefore, it is easier to take it, given that it is highly soluble in water.
  3. With its help, a number of diseases are treated: for example, helminthiasis, liver failure, allergies, dysbacteriosis. And they are very successful.
  4. More thoroughly, compared to black coal, cleanses the body.

White coal is used very widely, used to treat many ailments. But most often white coal is used for poisoning: food and alcohol (See). This is due to the fact that it is a very strong sorbent, one tablet of which replaces a pack of black coal.

How to use white charcoal for poisoning

How to take white coal in case of poisoning? The peculiarity of the reception is that treatment should begin as early as possible, when symptoms of intoxication appear. As soon as you feel signs of poisoning:

  • nausea and urge to vomit;
  • and increased weakness;
  • fever and headache;
  • muscle aches and weakness.

Even the appearance of several signs is a signal for action. White coal will help cleanse the digestive tract and restore a healthy state. This strong sorbent helps well with food and alcohol intoxication, removing toxic substances from the body. If food poisoning occurs, cleansing after taking it occurs much earlier.

Features of use and dosage

To use the right dose of the drug, you should carefully study the instructions on how to drink white coal in case of poisoning. During intoxication, it is necessary to use no more than 3 times a day, 3-4 tablets. Practice has shown that at the initial (the most acute stages of the disease) it is better to make a suspension: dilute the required amount of powder (in grams) in water. Then it is taken three times a day, three tablets an hour before meals (food should be light). The medicine is washed down with a significant amount of liquid.

How to drink white coal in case of poisoning? In the crushed state, the drug acts faster, its adsorption capacity (the ability to "collect" harmful substances) increases. Therefore, a dissolved tablet or a reconstituted powder is more preferable. Dosages are the same for eating disorders and alcohol poisoning.

The question of how much to drink white coal in case of poisoning is unambiguous - for 3 days. When the symptoms of poisoning subside, the patient continues to take white charcoal. And it's important to drink plenty of fluids. This will speed up the elimination of toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract. If the condition improves slowly, then it is worth consulting with a specialist. In case of improvement, you should continue taking the medicine in order for the state of health to stabilize.

How to drink white coal in case of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol lovers know how to take white coal in case of poisoning. It can be taken already during the feast, if a person has drunk a lot and behaves restlessly. You can give 3 tablets, which will alleviate the condition of the body during poisoning.

With severe intoxication, you need to start with white charcoal suspension in the same amount or diluted 2 times. Then it is taken orally at a daily dose of 20-30g. At the first signs of poisoning, you need to take 3-4 tablets, dissolving them in water. Doctors recommend a sequence of actions to remove the unpleasant sensations of a morning hangover:

  1. After sleep, you need to empty the stomach of the contents.
  2. Take white charcoal on an empty stomach.
  3. In the interval of 20 minutes - 2 hours, cleanse the intestines.
  4. If it does not get easier, then try other means.

The use of white coal after poisoning

White coal can be taken in case of poisoning and after it, so that the body works like clockwork. The application must be competent, and the dosage should comply with the instructions. Key points to pay attention to:

  1. White coal is drunk an hour before meals.
  2. Tablets need to be crushed to increase the effect of their action.
  3. The water for preparing the solution should not be hot.
  4. You need to drink tablets for at least 3 days, but follow the diet, its balanced composition.
  5. Elderly people, children, allergy sufferers, pregnant women should definitely consult their doctor before continuing to take the drug.
  6. Patients with diabetes should remember that the tablet contains 0.26 g of sucrose.

Side effects and compatibility with other drugs

Ailments are possible with improper intake or prolonged use of white coal. Drowsiness, weakness, lack of activity and a desire to do something come. This is due to hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins), and the body stops absorbing nutrients.

It is not necessary to use the drug simultaneously with other drugs, this significantly reduces the effect of its action. It is especially not recommended to combine white coal with other substances in case of poisoning. Allegorically speaking: one drug interferes with the action of another.


Like any other medicine, white coal has contraindications. And in this case it is not assigned. But their list is quite small:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • internal bleeding;
  • childhood;
  • intolerance to coal components;
  • lactation period and pregnancy.

The action of white coal is much more effective and fast, the number of contraindications is small. According to its chemical composition, it is harmless. The help of white coal in poisoning enables us to understand that this is one of the best remedies. So why not put it in your first aid kit?

The liver, intestines and kidneys receive the greatest load after administration, and White Charcoal helps these organs to reduce the load and quickly cope with it. Enterosorbents also help normalize stools and bind intestinal gases. As an enterosorbent, this drug meets all the requirements in the list of requirements that is available for each detoxification drug.

Composition and form of release

White coal consists of several active substances:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Highly dispersed silicon dioxide.

Also, the drug also has auxiliary substances:

  • potato starch;
  • powdered sugar, etc.

Product release form: homeop granules, sachets

pharmachologic effect

Silicon dioxide in the composition of white coal is an incredibly useful substance that helps to remove various toxins of both chemical and microbial origin, allergens, both bacterial and food, as well as protein breakdown products, intestinal gases and excess gastric juice.

Thanks to the agent, many substances are moved and excreted out of the blood and lymph into the intestinal system, which are: glycosides, alkaloids, organophosphorus compounds, ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, heavy metal salts, serotonin, prostaglandin, histamine, residual nitrogen, creatinine, urea, lipids.

Due to the fact that the load on the detoxification organs is reduced, the metabolic processes of total lipids, cholesterol and triglycerides are normalized. Plant fiber will release microcrystalline cellulose. In its composition, it is similar to natural cellulose, which is found in various food products. It is thanks to microcrystalline cellulose that decay products, toxins and other harmful substances come together and are removed from the body.

Microcrystalline cellulose also has properties such as improving digestion in the small intestine. Because of it, all vitamins and nutrients from food are absorbed better, and constipation also goes away.

Indications for the use of white coal

Instructions for use of the remedy claims that it is able to normalize digestive processes, as well as improve metabolism. White coal is not capable of causing constipation, so do not be afraid of dyspeptic disorders.

So, under what conditions of the body and diseases can White Coal be taken:

  • With alcohol and food poisoning;
  • With indigestion;
  • With hepatitis A and B;
  • With acute intestinal infections;
  • With liver and kidney failure;
  • With dysbacteriosis;
  • With different types of allergic reactions;
  • With dermatitis that is associated with the endogenous type.


  • Do not take White Coal with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • With peptic ulcer, which is in the acute stage;
  • With an ulcer or erosion of the intestine (its mucosa);
  • With bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • With intestinal obstruction.

No matter how good White Coal is, it cannot be taken uncontrollably, because of this, negative consequences can occur on the body as a whole. Side effects may include beriberi, nausea and vomiting.

Important! With intestinal obstruction in children, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited!

Instructions for use

Method and dosage of tablets

Like any other drug, White Coal should not be taken randomly. So, what doses are indicated for adults and children:

  • Children who are 4 years old should drink 2 pills 3 times a day. Drink in between meals. Children who are 6 years old should drink 3 pills 3 times a day. Children who are 7 years old and older can take 3-4 pills 3 times a day. The pills should be taken with a sufficient amount of water. You can chew the drug before swallowing so that the effect comes faster. You should not worry about constipation - they will not be after taking White Coal;
  • For adults, the dosage is the same as for children over 7 years old, that is, 3-4 tablets 3 times a day. You need to drink water and drink pills between meals.

Method and dosage of powder

If you purchased a bottle of powder, then it must be diluted as follows. To begin with, the bottle should be opened, then add boiled chilled water to it, fill the bottle to the top. Then you need to shake until a homogeneous suspension is formed. The vial cap contains 1.2 g of the active ingredient. Children over 7 years of age and adults should take White Coal 2 caps 3-4 times a day. Like tablets, the drug should also be taken in this form between meals.

For younger children, the medicine in the form of a suspension should be taken as follows:

  • Children 1-2 years of age take half a measuring cap of the suspension 3 times a day. You can not take this drug in tablets;
  • Children 3-4 years of age take one capful of the suspension 3 times a day. If in tablets, then 2 tablets at a time;
  • Children 5-6 years of age, one and a half measured caps of the suspension 3 times a day. If the remedy comes in tablets, then 3 tablets.

And only a doctor can tell how much you need to take the medicine. In no case should you self-medicate.

How to take white charcoal

It is necessary to take the drug with caution to children, pregnant women, the elderly, athletes and allergy sufferers. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. People who suffer from diabetes need to know that 1 tablet contains 0.26 g of sucrose.

The duration of taking the drug should not exceed 3 days. Since after a long use, both dangerous substances are removed from the body, as well as nutrients and various vitamins. With a longer intake, beriberi may occur.

Many people ask and hope that White Charcoal will help them lose weight. But this is far from true. After "easy" weight loss, a long and unpleasant treatment can occur.

White coal for children

Instructions for use prohibit the use of funds for children. But if the attending physician decided that the benefits of the sorbent would be greater than the potential harm to the body, then it is worth thinking about the opposite. If, nevertheless, the mother decided to give this drug to her child, then the tablet should first be crushed, then poured with water and let the baby drink this suspension.

During pregnancy and lactation

Both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, you should not take coal. Instead of this sorbent, Black Coal can be used. But keep in mind that long-term use of black coal is not only dangerous substances from the body, but also useful.

Interaction with other drugs

White coal should not be used with other drugs, as it is absorbed and becomes less effective in the fight against poisoning. It is best to take the remedy immediately after poisoning (in the first 12 hours). The drug is not digested or absorbed, but is excreted in a "pure form" through the feces.

Domestic and foreign analogues

The analogue of the remedy is Polysorb MP. This drug can be attributed to powerful sorbents, which incorporates natural silicon. It is indicated for such diseases:

  • For acute and chronic intoxications that have a different origin (can be taken for both adults and children);
  • In acute intestinal infections of any origin, which are expressed by food poisoning, diarrheal syndrome and dysbacteriosis;
  • With purulent-septic diseases;
  • In case of acute poisoning with poisons, drugs, alcoholic beverages, salts of heavy metals, etc.;
  • With food and drug allergies;
  • With viral hepatitis A and B;
  • With chronic renal failure;
  • Also, White Coal is indicated for those people who live and work in unfavorable places.

Other analogues include: Black activated carbon, Sorbex and Enterosgel. These drugs have almost the same indications.

Price in pharmacies

The price of White Coal in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the White Coal preparation, the instructions for use of which include general information and a treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

In any home first aid kit you can find a universal remedy for intoxication. A well-known black coal is gradually giving way to the palm of an inexpensive drug for cleansing the body to white coal. White coal is an enterosorbent that was developed by pharmacologists. What are the advantages of white coal, how to use it and what it is effective for, we will consider in this article.

Differences from black activated carbon

White coal was developed in Ukraine and now it can be purchased in almost any pharmacy in the CIS countries, as well as in Europe. it the tool is positioned as a less harmful way to cleanse the body than black coal. In the circles of pharmacists, the extra white sorbent was called the “fourth generation enterosorbent”.

With the exception of the color of the tablets, they do not differ in appearance from black activated carbon tablets. Whiteness is achieved by adding starch to its composition. Moreover, white activated carbon contains components such as silicon dioxide and cellulose, and it is these components that are active substances. Marketers assure that all raw materials for the manufacture of tablets are supplied exclusively from European countries, and in particular from Germany, and the official description of the drug also testifies to this.

What is the difference between white coal and black coal? The most important difference is its selectivity. So, black enterosorbent is indicated for poisoning, dyspepsia, flatulence. However, along with toxins and other harmful substances, it removes from the body everything useful, for example, the vitamins and minerals we need. Moreover, to achieve the desired effect, it should be used in a sufficiently large dose. So, in some cases, to eliminate severe intoxication, it is necessary to drink several packs of coal at once.

The white enterosorbent is selective in cleansing the body. It absorbs exclusively toxins, and also pushes out toxins and other garbage that the body does not need, while the nutrients remain intact in the body. In addition, white coal has an increased concentration of active ingredients, so the dose of the drug, in order to cope with intoxication, is much less than the required dose of black activated carbon.

Instead of drinking 8-10 tablets of black charcoal, you can drink just 1 tablet of its white counterpart.

Indications for use

Silicon dioxide, which is one of the main components of white coal, removes excess gas from the body, allergens, including bacterial, toxins (microbial and chemical), as well as products formed during protein decay. Silicon dioxide promotes the removal of alcohol, metal salts, serotonin, lipids and even urea.

The cellulose contained in the tablets does not dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract, but attracts toxins, free radicals and other "garbage". Such cleansing helps to avoid the formation of the so-called food bolus, eliminate congestion, and also increase the function of parietal digestion of food.

Silicon dioxide and cellulose gently act on the delicate gastric mucosa, due to which it is not damaged, and the effect of the drug is achieved as soon as possible. This drug does not cause addiction and allergies and is therefore absolutely harmless to the body. Unlike black activated charcoal, white enterosorbent will not cause constipation: on the contrary, it stimulates the intestines so that toxins are eliminated from the body as quickly as possible.

White enterosorbent can not be crushed before use, but it is more effective in the form of a suspension.

It has no flavor additives, tasteless. Monthly use will not harm the body in any way, will not lead to hypovitaminosis. Even a small dosage of the drug can help achieve the desired effect.

White coal is officially a dietary supplement, indications for the use of which are kidney and liver failure, various kinds of intoxication (including alcohol), acute intestinal infections, hepatitis, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Method of application and contraindications

White coal for children is usually prescribed 3-4 tablets several times a day.. In order to achieve maximum effectiveness of the drug, it should be washed down with a large amount of liquid. If you purchased the enterosorbent not in the form of tablets, but in the form of a powder, then before drinking it, you need to prepare a suspension, for which you need to stir the powder from one measuring cap into 200 ml of boiled water and mix thoroughly. White coal in case of poisoning is not recommended to be taken more than 5 times a day. The shelf life of white coal is 3 years from the date of issue.

The main contraindications for use:

  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • exacerbation of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The tool can be combined with other drugs to cleanse the body and the gastrointestinal tract in particular. If you experience any side effects or have any doubts about the tolerability of the components of white charcoal, we recommend that you consult with your physician. The official instructions for use do not describe cases of drug overdose.

Why apply

It is a mistake to believe that the white activated enterosorbent is used only for poisoning. Yes, he can be an excellent assistant in the fight against allergies, overweight and other problems.

From allergies

If you are allergic, then you are probably familiar with such unpleasant allergy symptoms as coughing, swelling, runny nose and sneezing. Almost all known symptoms of both a normal and a seasonal allergic reaction will help overcome white activated charcoal. So, it quickly removes allergens from the body. Since this drug is not a drug, the enterosorbent combines well with other adsorbent drugs, as well as antihistamines.

With intoxication

Intoxication can occur for various reasons: food poisoning, alcohol, and even chemicals. With all types of intoxication, ordinary white coal can cope. During the period of poisoning, it is necessary to take a substance that can absorb toxins, toxins, alcohol and other debris in the body as soon as possible. As a rule, any poisoning is accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. White enterosorbent will help not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also cope with these unpleasant consequences of intoxication.

During pregnancy and lactation

Before you start using white charcoal during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, you need to consult with your doctor. In most cases, a pregnant or lactating woman is advised to refrain from using white charcoal and replace it with black in order to avoid harming the baby.

However, black enterosorbent should also be used with caution, especially if the young mother has constipation. If everything is in order, then black enterosorbent should be used according to the scheme: 1 tablet for every full 10 kilograms of a person's weight. This dosage ensures its maximum effectiveness.

For kids

As in the case of an adult, in order to decide how to take a white enterosorbent for children, it is necessary to calculate the dosage.

The age of the child does not affect the effectiveness of the drug at all, and even infants can drink the enterosorbent.

If the child is less than 1 year old, it is recommended to give him a white enterosorbent in the form of a suspension for better absorption.

Rules for the reception of white coal

The rules according to which it is necessary to take a white enterosorbent are almost identical to those according to which a black activated enterosorbent is taken. Consider them:

  1. Do not take charcoal longer than prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, the use of sorbents does not last more than one week, then there may be a second dose after a short break. If the adsorbent becomes a drug that is taken every day, it accumulates and lingers in the intestines.
  2. Do not take the adsorbent at the same time as drugs. You should first take the enterosorbent, then after 20-30 minutes drink the drug. This is due to the fact that the enterosorbent can reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
  3. In order to determine the ideal dosage for you, it is best to consult with your doctor in order to avoid side effects.

How to lose weight with white charcoal

Any adsorbents that you can find in a pharmacy are good for slagging of the body. One of the adsorbents is white coal. Unlike black, it helps to remove exclusively harmful substances from the body, so it preferred if you want to cleanse the body.

There are two main schemes for losing weight with white coal, consider each of them:

  1. In order to lose weight with white coal, you need to take a dose of the drug at night according to the instructions, and the next day drink as much water, herbal teas, compotes and fruit drinks as possible. Arrange such a fasting day once a week, and soon you will notice how your weight will gradually decrease. In any case, whether you decide to use white coal or another adsorbent for weight loss, you must also take multivitamins in order to saturate the body with the nutrients it needs so much during the cleansing period. As a rule, any cleansing is a little stress, and the body needs to be supported.
  2. For one week, white charcoal tablets can be taken with plenty of water. Such intake of coal helps to reduce the feeling of hunger, and such tablets can become an alternative to all known MCC tablets.

The liquid taken together with the adsorbent reduces the feeling of hunger, and therefore taking white activated charcoal tablets helps to reduce the volume of the stomach, as well as cleanse it. Of course, if you decide to lose weight with coal, then you should refrain from:

  • snacks, especially fast food;
  • meals later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • meals caused not by hunger, but by fatigue, boredom or anxiety;
  • unhealthy lifestyle.

Remember that adsorbents do not remove excess calories, but only cleanse the body and create a feeling of "fullness" in the stomach. Moreover, do not allow long-term use of white activated charcoal to avoid its accumulation in the body. Consider your gastrointestinal tract, because this system is not used to constantly receiving silicon dioxide.

To lose weight with white coal, you must first calculate the dosage. If your weight is up to 60 kg, then we do not recommend taking more than 4-5 tablets at a time, if your weight fluctuates between 60-80 kg, then no more than 10 tablets, if you weigh more than 80 kg, then no more than 12 tablets.

Before the course of white coal, it is necessary to spend a fasting day in order to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for cleansing.

During the fasting day, drink only water, as well as herbal teas. At the end of the fasting day, you can already take a dose of coal. In the morning, take the enterosorbent again, and then make yourself a light breakfast. Your food during cleansing should be as low-fat and light as possible: broths, cottage cheese, vegetables. Try to avoid flour and sweet products, fatty, salty and spicy foods. You should leave such a diet carefully, gradually increasing the load on the gastrointestinal tract to its normal state.

White coal is one of the best remedies for intoxication of the body. It gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and toxins, however, unlike black coal, it does not remove all useful substances from the body, including vitamins and minerals. The active ingredients of white charcoal are much more effective than the active ingredient of black activated charcoal, so you will need a smaller dose of charcoal to get rid of the symptoms of intoxication.

White coal is also used to simply cleanse the body and lose weight. The drug is indicated even for infants with the permission of the therapist. However, white charcoal should be avoided by pregnant and lactating women in order to avoid negative effects on the child.

Before describing the area of ​​​​use of the product, as well as the main contraindications, it is worth finding out what white coal is.

This drug is a new form of enteric substance, which has a number of obvious advantages over all conventional activated carbon. Their difference is not only in color, but also in the way they affect the human body.

White charcoal is considered the most concentrated, and one tablet can easily replace a whole handful of black charcoal tablets.

White coal is a biologically active food supplement that enhances intestinal motility and adsorption of toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract. How to take this drug correctly?

1. Instructions for use

An instruction leaflet is included in each package. In it you can find such important information as side effects, indications, method of administration, desired dosage, form of release, contraindications, composition, conditions for admission during pregnancy and lactation, storage conditions, expiration date. In the article you can also find information regarding the price and possible analogues that can replace this drug.


Among the obvious advantages of the tool, one can single out such points as:

  • Small particles of silicon are able to attract small molecules to themselves, these are not only harmful toxins, but also unprocessed foods that remain in the intestines;
  • A few grams of the drug can remove up to 20 billion microbes from the body;
  • The drug acts quite gently, it does not attract water, which means that a person will not suffer from constipation;
  • White coal does not take vitamins and useful elements from the human body;
  • Suspension or tablets of the drug White coal in the stomach dissolve much faster than the classic version of activated carbon;
  • After 10 minutes, the drug has the desired therapeutic effect;
  • If we compare "White Coal" with the usual one, then this drug starts to act much faster, which is extremely important for diarrhea, food poisoning or intoxication.


By using white charcoal, you can get rid of such health problems as:

  • Poisoning with alcoholic beverages or food;
  • Intoxication with toxic substances;
  • Any manifestations of allergies;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Any type of infection (including acute intestinal infection);
  • Hepatitis, which is in an acute form;
  • Liver or kidney failure;
  • Gastric upset, as well as dysbacteriosis.

How to take the remedy?

White charcoal tablets:

  • For children older than three years, the dosage should be 1-2 tablets. The number of doses per day is 4 times;
  • Patients older than seven years should be given three to four tablets. The number of doses per day is four times.


  • For babies aged 1-2 years, the dosage should be 0.5 ml, which should be taken 4 times a day;
  • For children aged 3-4 years, the dosage is 1 ml of medication. The number of doses per day is 4 times;
  • For children aged 5-6 years, the dosage should be four times a day;
  • For patients over the age of seven years, the dosage should be four times a day.

Number of spoons for suspension preparation:

  • If the age of the patient is from one to two years, then the dosage should be two teaspoons. medicines;
  • If the patient's age ranges from three to four years old, then the dosage should be one tablespoon. with a small slide;
  • The patient's age ranges from five to six years; the dosage should be a few tablespoons;
  • If the patient's age is more than seven years, then the dosage is a few tablespoons. with a hill.

Reception features:

Attention! Before you start taking the remedy, you should consult your doctor. Only a doctor will be able to choose the right drug.

The drug should be taken no earlier than one hour before meals.

It should be remembered that the drug is not a medicine, and therefore it should never be used to treat diseases that are in severe form.


The drug is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension, as well as tablets.

The tablet contains silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose. Auxiliary components are components such as potato starch, as well as powdered sugar. Powder vial contains microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide.

Silicon dioxide gets inside the human body, dissolves and easily combines with toxins. It is excreted from the body with feces, clinging to toxins.

Combination of funds

The simultaneous combination of White Coal with other drugs leads to a decrease in their effectiveness.

2. Side effects

It is worth replacing that the remedy is well tolerated, but sometimes the patient may experience undesirable consequences - side reactions.

These conditions include symptoms such as:

  • Itching, cough, redness of the skin;
  • Peeling, runny nose;
  • Pain in the abdomen and back.

What should be done if an overdose suddenly occurs?

There have been no reports of an overdose until today, however, doctors do not exclude the possibility of its occurrence. In case of overdose, symptoms such as headache, runny nose, cough, abdominal / back pain, itching, redness, peeling are noted. In isolated cases, heartburn may occur.

If suddenly you have taken charcoal in a large dosage, then you should immediately wash the stomach and carry out treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms that appear.

In what cases is the drug contraindicated?

Can I take the drug during pregnancy?

The drug is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. During this period of time, only activated carbon is allowed, but its main disadvantages are excessive adsorption, which is excreted from the body not only along with negative components, but also beneficial for the mother and also the child.

3. How to properly store the drug?

This drug should be placed in a dark room. The best place for storage is the closet. Storage temperature - from 0 to 20 degrees.

The drug can be used for 36 months or three years. The finished suspension can be stored for no more than 36 hours. In this case, it should be remembered that after the expiration date, further use of the product is in no case allowed. It is also worth paying close attention to the color and smell of the product.

If suddenly he began to emit a bad smell, or the color became different, then taking the remedy is also contraindicated.

4. Price

The cost of this drug is influenced by such factors as the cost of transporting the goods, as well as the mark-up of each pharmacy. For clarification of the data, you need to contact the nearest pharmacy or go to the website.

Cost in Russia

In Russia, the price ranges from 100 to 169 rubles.

Price in Ukraine

The cost of this drug ranges from 50 to 76 hryvnia.

Video on the topic: The mechanism of action of White Coal

5. What medicine can replace White Coal?

Analogues of this drug are drugs such as: Irmalax, Enterol, Adsorbix Extra, Korbactin, Intwise, Emigil-F, Zosterin Ultra, Zosterin, activated carbon, Entegnin, Carbex, Sarbiogel, Carbopekt,

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