Building up the endometrium with folk remedies. Building the endometrium: what medicines, vitamins, folk remedies are needed

The endometrium is the lining of a woman's uterus where the embryo is implanted, that is, the place where conception occurs. Many women cannot get pregnant because the mucus layer is too thin. AT similar situation it is necessary to restore the normal thickness of the endometrium. Let's figure out how to increase it in order to get pregnant.

Why is the endometrium not growing?

This layer of fabric performs very important function. This is where the fertilized egg is attached. The endometrium creates right conditions for the development of the embryo. As soon as conception has occurred, the number of glands in it increases and blood vessels which later become part of the placenta. They provide the fetus with oxygen and useful substances. For conception to happen, the endometrium must be of normal quality, thickness, structure, and maturity. However, it may not grow. naturally due to these reasons:

  1. Congenital pathologies. With such deviations, certain hormones are not produced in the body in order to build up the endometrium, or their number is not enough.
  2. Hormonal disorders. With some of them, the natural growth of the endometrium does not occur on the days of the cycle. Normally, the entire period, the thickness of the mucosal layer gradually increases and also decreases.
  3. Poor blood supply to the uterus. This phenomenon may be the result of trauma, inflammation, diseases of the pelvic organs, abortion. With the latter, the endometrium is damaged as a result of curettage. This significantly reduces a woman's chances of getting pregnant in the future.
  4. Hypoplasia of the uterus. This is the name of the discrepancy in the size of the body age norm. With this pathology, the layer of the mucous membrane needs to be increased.

How to increase the endometrium when planning a pregnancy

If the mucous membrane is thinner than 7-10 mm, then the probability of implantation gestational sac very low. With its insufficient thickness, the pregnancy may freeze or a miscarriage will occur. To protect yourself from these troubles, you need to figure out how to build up the endometrium for conception. For this, apply different ways: treatment with hormonal and other drugs, physiotherapy. In some cases, folk recipes help.

Medicines to help you get pregnant

The process of growth of mucous tissue is directly related to hormones. If you want to find out how to quickly build up the endometrium, then pay attention to hormonal preparations, They will provide the most fast attack result. However, self-administration of such drugs is strictly prohibited, you must first consult with a specialist. For those who do not understand how to build up the endometrium, the following drugs will help:

  • drugs with estradiol in the base;
  • drugs to increase estrogen levels;
  • medications with progesterone.

Proginova for endometrial growth

The drug contains estrogens, estradiol. Reception Proginova improves blood circulation in the uterus. The medicine is recommended to be drunk by girls who have had miscarriages before for recovery. Proginov's reception is one of milestones preparation for IVF, before which an increase in the endometrium is necessary. The drug is allowed to be combined with other drugs.

How to build up the endometrium with Proginov to get pregnant? The method of administration is determined by the doctor. There are such options:

  1. Cyclical. Proginova drink 1 tablet for three weeks in a row at the same time, skip 7 days, then repeat the course.
  2. Continuous. Tablets are taken continuously.
  • pregnancy for more than two months;
  • breastfeeding;
  • taking medications with estrogen;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • tumors;
  • diseases of the liver, gallbladder;
  • diabetes.

Divigel with low estradiol

This drug is prescribed for those who are looking for ways to improve the endometrium for conception. It contains estradiol, a synthetic analogue of estrogen. Divigel not only thickens the uterine mucosa, but also makes the organ itself, the vagina, the mammary glands, and the fallopian tubes. The drug is used once a day, strictly at the same time. The gel is applied to clean skin shoulders, forearms, lower abdomen, buttocks, lower back. The dose is determined by the doctor. Divigel can not be smeared with inflamed areas, chest, mucous membranes. It is used only by appointment of a specialist.

Divigel should not be used for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tumors or inflammation of the genital organs and breasts;
  • predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • violations fat metabolism;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys.

How to take Gormel when planning a pregnancy

it homeopathic medicine in the form of drops, the reception of which activates the production of estrogen. The composition includes only natural ingredients and alcohol. How to build up the endometrium while taking Gormel? Dilute 10 drops of the drug in half a glass of water and drink half an hour to an hour before meals three times a day. As a rule, in addition to Gormel, other drugs are prescribed with natural composition. The course of treatment is from a month to three.

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • liver diseases;
  • trauma or pathology of the brain.

Building up the endometrium with folk remedies

When choosing a way to increase the thickness of the endometrium, use the following recipes:

  1. After menstruation until the middle of the cycle, take a decoction of the red brush, and then the hog uterus. To prepare a drink, you need to pour a tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water. Insist 4 hours. Use the resulting mixture four times a day with the same interval of time. Borovoy uterus you can still insist on alcohol or use for douching.
  2. Great helpers in endometrial buildup are fresh pineapples. You just need to eat one fruit a day. At thin endometrium helps eating citrus fruits, red apples, honey. If you eat cherries, cranberries, strawberries or grapes, as well as salmon, mackerel, tuna and anchovies, this will also favorably affect the quality of the endometrium.
  3. Prepare and drink decoctions of raspberry, mistletoe, sweet clover or clover leaves. You can use linden, hops or licorice, sage, celery root, lovage, calamus or cow parsnip for these purposes.
  4. For cooking, use spices such as curry, ginger, paprika. Dill, thyme, mint and cinnamon will do.
  5. Do gymnastics for pumping up the press, Kegel exercises, take up dancing.

Video: how to increase the endometrium for conception

Thin endometrium- is one of the reasons preventing natural conception. Its thickness is determined by several factors, including hormonal changes. It becomes most functional in the premenstrual period. The question of how to build up the endometrium is most relevant for women planning to become mothers.

The structure and functions of the endometrium

endometrium- mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. How quickly and successfully the fertilized can gain a foothold depends on its thickness, integrity and functionality.

The structure of the endometrium includes:

  • epithelium - the cell layer lining the uterine cavity;
  • capillaries, glandular ducts;
  • stroma - supporting connective tissue, which produces collagen during the days of menstruation.

The main function of the endometrium is to create conditions favorable for fixation and normal development embryo in the uterine cavity. Normally, after the mucous membrane begins to change: its blood supply and secretory functions increase. In the future, the vessels of the endometrium take part in. Thanks to them developing fetus in necessary measure receives oxygen and all the substances necessary for development.

Another function of the endometrium is a barrier. It prevents the development of adhesions: it does not allow the walls of the uterus to stick together, despite their constant contact.

The probability of pregnancy depends on the thickness and structure of the endometrium, as well as on the maturity of the glandular layer. The functionality of the mucous membrane is determined by the presence of estradiol, a hormone produced by the follicles. For him, the maturation of the endometrium and the further production of progesterone occur.

Causes of insufficient thickness of the endometrium

In order to determine how to quickly build up the endometrium for successful conception, you need to find out the reasons for its reduced functionality. A thin lining of the uterus may be due to the following factors:

  • pathology endocrine system present from birth;
  • dysfunction in the production of glands internal secretion, leading to a discrepancy between the level of hormones period menstrual cycle;
  • insufficient blood supply to the uterus, Bladder, muscles pelvic floor and rectum, as a result of inflammation, operations, injuries, as well as congenital nature;
  • damage to the mucous layer of the uterus, most often resulting from abortion and curettage;
  • underdevelopment of the muscles of the pelvic floor and uterus;
  • infectious diseases of the uterus;
  • use of birth control pills.

Currently, researchers are suggesting that heredity may be the cause of insufficient mucosal thickness. But there is not enough clinical data to support this theory.

Thin endometrium

Enlargement of the endometrium with medication

To build up the endometrium short time medicines must be used. Their appointment should be dealt with exclusively by a doctor, since only he will be able to choose the most effective drugs and develop a proper treatment plan.

Since the build-up of the endometrium occurs by increasing the amount of estradiol, hormonal drugs can quickly cope with the task. The scheme of their reception is determined by the phases of the cycle.

In the first half, injections of Divigel, Estradiol, Femoston and Proginova tablets are prescribed. These drugs increase the thickness of the endometrium by increasing blood circulation and glandular activity.

In the second phase, Duphaston and Utrozhestan are required. These drugs contribute to the formation and maturation of the endometrium. Both contain a large number of progesterone - a hormone necessary for fixing the embryo in the uterine cavity and a successful pregnancy.

In addition to hormonal drugs, the doctor may prescribe medications necessary to treat diseases that are the causes of thin endometrium. The main objectives of such therapy are the restoration of the damaged mucous membrane, the elimination of infectious and inflammatory processes in the uterus. If a woman takes birth control pills, they will need to be cancelled.

Building up the endometrium with folk remedies

Thin endometrium is a solvable problem, since it can be increased by using drugs in combination with methods traditional medicine. Among the concoctions medicinal herbs the following are most effective:

  • Sage decoction. Phytohormones increase the level of estrogen in the blood and stimulate the activity of the follicles. To prepare a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. l. dried crushed plant pour 250 ml of water, boil and cool for 10-15 minutes. Take a third of the volume up to 4 times a day. Treatment should be carried out according to the menstrual cycle: start from the 4th day of menstruation, end on the day;
  • Decoctions of the red brush and boron uterus. These medicinal plants affect hormonal background have anti-inflammatory properties. The red brush should be taken in the first half of the cycle, starting at last day monthly. Upland uterus - in the second half of the cycle. Decoction recipe: 1 tbsp. l. pour dry grass into a container, pour 250 ml of boiling water and wrap for 3 hours. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day;
  • Knotweed decoction. The drink improves the blood supply to the uterus, helps to restore the mucous membrane. To prepare a decoction, a glass of dried grass should be poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for 5 minutes. Drink 1-2 glasses a day, replacing tea.

Important! Use of any herbal decoction must be agreed with the doctor. Folk recipes can significantly affect the hormonal background, work individual bodies and the state of the organism as a whole.

Lifestyle for Endometrial Buildup

No matter how carefully all the doctor's prescriptions are carried out, it is possible to increase the endometrium for conception only with an integrated approach. Important role plays the lifestyle that a woman leads. Proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity are the conditions for the health of the body as a whole and reproductive system in particular.

A balanced diet helps maintain endometrial thickness and functionality. For successful conception daily nutrition women should include:

  • sources of vitamin E: leafy vegetables, whole grains, bran, vegetable oils;
  • sources of vitamin C: blackcurrant, lemons, bell pepper, grapefruit, kiwi;
  • sources of salicylates(substances that prevent the formation of blood clots): strawberries, raspberries, honey, raisins, prunes, thyme, curry, paprika, ginger, cinnamon;
  • omega 3 sources fatty acids : rapeseed and linseed oil, tuna, nuts, salmon.

At insufficient blood supply pelvic organs requires moderate physical activity. Swimming, running, fitness, as well as oriental dancing can contribute to the thickening of the mucous membrane. Exist special exercises leading to the strengthening of the muscles of the perineum and small pelvis (Kegel technique, wumbling). But before starting classes, you should consult a doctor, in some cases, physical activity can aggravate the situation.

The doctor can give an exact answer to the question of how to build up the endometrium. He will spend everything necessary examinations and based on the results will be effective program treatment. Modern approach to restore the functions of the uterine mucosa includes the use medicines, folk remedies, as well as compliance with the rules of nutrition and physical activity.

The lining of the uterus, or endometrium, is responsible for the regularity of menstruation and the ability to get pregnant. Women with thin endometrium often have difficulty conceiving. Fortunately, the endometrium can grow with certain lifestyle changes combined with specific therapies. Save positive attitude- many women can build up endometrium and increase their chances of getting pregnant!

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any drugs and biologically active additives consult your doctor.


natural methods

    Do it every day physical exercises. Daily physical activity improves blood circulation, while increasing blood flow to the uterus. Good blood circulation helps to strengthen the endometrium. Try to be physically active for at least thirty minutes a day - this can be any type of physical activity, including swimming, running, cycling, yoga, or simply walking.

    • If you have to sit for a long time at work, try to get up and move around periodically, at least two minutes every hour.
  1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep at night. Get plenty of rest to keep hormone levels stable - estrogen and other hormones come into balance during sleep. Try to keep a sleep schedule and sleep 7-9 hours at night. To improve your daily routine, follow these rules:

    • You need to go to bed and get up at the same time of the day. Try to go to bed at 10-11 pm.
    • Try not to sleep during the day.
    • Make sure that the bedroom is only for sleeping, for example, do not watch TV in bed.
    • Develop a specific set of habits before bed - this could be a warm shower or a massage.
    • Make sure the room is cool and dark.
  2. Get rid of stress. stress and chemical substances produced by the body as a result of stress, negatively affect the body, including hormonal balance. Try to get more rest and relaxation. Practice yoga, meditation, art (such as painting), try aromatherapy, or other activities that relax you. If there is a lot of stress in your life, at home or at work, then try practicing mindfulness.

    Take herbal supplements. To date, there are no reliable scientific evidence, what herbal preparations effectively build up the endometrium. However, taking certain herbs stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the uterus, and some herbs promote estrogen production. Many of these products can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores, healthy eating or on the Internet. Choose only products from reputable brands. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any dietary supplements as they may interact with others. medicines. Next herbal remedies stimulate estrogen production or improve blood circulation:

    Go for an acupuncture session. Acupuncture helps with irregular periods because it improves blood circulation in the uterine area. Talk to experienced specialist on acupuncture. The specialist will insert needles into certain points of the body to improve blood circulation, balance hormone levels and generally have a beneficial effect on your body.

    Avoid anything that negatively affects circulation. In addition to practicing everything that favorably affects blood circulation, you need to avoid everything that affects it negatively. Reduce blood circulation:

    • Smoking. Quit smoking! Smoking adversely affects health and reduces blood flow.
    • The use of caffeine. Limit the amount of caffeine you consume. One glass a day is enough. Reduce your caffeine intake gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
    • Taking anticongestants (anticongestants). Allergy and runny nose medicines containing phenylephrine or other vasoconstrictors constrict blood vessels, impairing blood circulation, so try to take other drugs that do not contain such ingredients.

    Standard medical preparations

    1. Contact your doctor. If you have irregular periods or are unable to conceive, make an appointment with your gynecologist. There are many reasons why this can happen, and your doctor will need to examine you and do some tests to rule out other conditions. If the reason is the thinning of the endometrium, then the doctor will definitely tell you best method treatment.

      • It is important to determine why you have a thin endometrium, as this will help you get rid of the problem more efficiently and quickly.
    2. Try hormone therapy. The first step in treating thin endometrium is usually hormone therapy using estrogens. In such cases, doctors usually prescribe hormonal contraceptives that contain estrogen, or estrogen in the form of a pill, patch, gel, cream, or spray.

      Take vasodilators. The endometrium needs a good supply of blood, so clogged arteries can thin it out. Ask your doctor if you should take medicines that dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the uterus.

    3. Increase your vitamin E intake. Vitamin E improves blood flow to the endometrium, thereby increasing its thickness. Eat foods rich in vitamin E and ask your doctor if you need to take it food additive with vitamin E, sometimes called tocopherol. Recommended daily dose vitamin E for women is 15 mg. Check with your doctor in what doses you need to consume this vitamin in order to build up the endometrium. Some studies have used doses of 600 mg. Vitamin E is rich in foods such as:

      • almond, Pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and peanut butter;
      • raw pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds;
      • chard, kale and spinach;
      • leaf mustard, turnip greens and parsley;
      • avocado, broccoli, tomatoes and olives;
      • mango, papaya and kiwi;
      • wheat germ oil, safflower oil and corn oil.
    4. Check your hemoglobin level. Iron deficiency can lead to thinning of the endometrium. Ask your doctor to do a blood test and check your iron levels. If it is low, then you may need to eat more iron-rich foods or even take supplements.

      • The best sources of iron are meat and fish.
      • The risk of iron deficiency increases if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. Eat whole grains and iron-rich vegetables such as quinoa, lentils, spinach, and tofu.

The ability to become pregnant is influenced by many factors, including the thickness of the endometrium - the mucous layer of the uterus. The fertilized egg passes into the uterus, so that it will be fixed in its wall and begin its development. If the layer is too thin, then it does not take root and is rejected along with the endometrial cells during menstruation. To get pregnant, you need to know how to build up the endometrium. We will find out what its thickness is ideal for fixing the embryo.

Medical treatment

How to grow endometrium? To do this, you need to normalize the level of estrogen and progesterone. Before prescribing drugs, the doctor must find out the reasons for the thinning of the mucous layer.

What to do if the thickness of the endometrium is small? Mostly used hormonal agents that contain estradiol, estrogen or progesterone. These are the main hormones that affect successful conception and development of the embryo.

hormone therapy

Medications for endometrial growth are:

  • estradiol preparations, for example "", "";
  • estrogen-containing agents such as "";
  • combined hormonal agents, for example "";
  • progesterone-based drugs, such as "" and "Utrozhestan".

The first two types hormonal drugs you need to start taking on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. The course of progesterone begins immediately after ovulation. Combined funds you can drink at any phase of the cycle, only the dosage changes.

Important! Self-medication is not worth it, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Progestins have practically no effect on the growth of the endometrium, they contribute to its maturation.

Antibacterial therapy

How to restore the endometrium after a missed pregnancy? Hormonal drugs alone are not enough, you need to take a course antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to recover from an abortion. Suitable candles "Longidaza", tablets "Tienam" or "Macrolide". They easily cope with infections and increase the effectiveness of hormonal treatment.

Among anti-inflammatory drugs, Diclofenac and Ibuprofen should be singled out.

Other drugs

vitamin therapy

For the growth of the endometrium, you need to take vitamins A, E, C, D, "Riboxin", fish fat or vitamin complex"Omega-3". Also suitable drugs "Triovit" and "Elevit".

You need to take vitamins according to this scheme:

  • from 4 to 15 days of MC for a capsule of vitamin A and 50 mg of ascorbic acid;
  • from 16 to 25 days of MC, 200 mg of vitamin E.

A special place in the growth of the endometrium belongs to vitamin E.

Physiotherapy procedures

You can restore the endometrial layer with the help of physiotherapy techniques. The most effective of them, especially after a frozen pregnancy, is therapeutic mud. They have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulatory effects, and most importantly, increase blood circulation.

Mud for building up the endometrium can be purchased at a pharmacy. It comes in the form of vaginal applicators. Dead Sea mud should be inserted into the vagina immediately after the end of menstruation. Apply according to instructions.

How to increase the endometrium in addition to mud applications? There are such procedures:

  • hydrogen sulfide or radon baths;
  • ultrasound;
  • ozone therapy.

Treatment should begin on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle. Course 10-30 procedures.

Massage and acupuncture

How to build up the endometrium for conception quickly? Will help with this gynecological massage and hirudotherapy. They increase blood circulation, as a result of which the endometrium grows rapidly.

Acupuncture involves the introduction of special needles into the most significant points of the body, as a result of which the growth of the uterine layer is stimulated. Only an experienced acupuncturist should carry out this procedure. It is necessary to visit at least 10 sessions during the cycle. It is worth starting acupuncture from the fifth day of the MC.

Gynecological massage is especially effective if there are adhesions or bending of the uterus. It should be performed by a gynecologist with fingers, acting on the pelvic organs through the walls of the vagina. You need to start the massage course from the 5th day of the MC daily throughout the entire cycle. The session lasts from 15 to 25 minutes. The course consists of 10 sessions, perhaps one course will not be enough.


The course consists of 10 procedures. You can go through them all in one cycle or stretch them over several. It is advisable to repeat the course again after 2-3 weeks of break. Using medicinal leeches the effect occurs within 1-2 months.

Important! After the sessions it is possible bloody issues. In order not to drop hemoglobin, you need to eat well.

Leeches are placed on the perineum and ovarian region.

Folk remedies

Conservative treatment should be combined with traditional medicine, but only after consulting a doctor.

The table shows recipes for how to build up the endometrium with folk remedies.

Tool name Recipe Mode of application
Take from the 3rd to the 14th day of the MC (menstrual cycle) 100 ml 2 times a day.
Decoction of the red brush 1 st. l. herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Take from the 3rd to the 14th day of MC, 50 ml 4 times a day at regular intervals.
Boron uterus decoction 1 st. l. herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink after the course with a red brush, from the 14th day of the MC until the start of menstruation, 100 ml 2 times a day.
Flax seeds or carrots Grind to powder Take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day after ovulation.

You can increase the endometrium by drinking tea from linden, clover or hops daily. Borovoe uterus can be drunk as tea or cooked alcohol tincture. The herb helps to increase hormone levels, so it is very effective for the endometrium. You can also try using .


How to improve the endometrium for conception through nutrition? You need to eat foods that contain vitamins C and E, as well as salicylates:

  • citrus fruits, red apples;
  • blackcurrant, cherries, strawberries, cranberries;
  • dairy;
  • fish, especially tuna and mackerel.

As seasonings, you should add ginger, paprika, dill or cinnamon to dishes.

Lifestyle also plays an important role. You need to move more, do jogging or fitness. sedentary image life only contributes to the deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.


Exercise improves hormone production and stimulates blood circulation. How to increase the thickness of the endometrium with physical activity? You should perform the following exercises:

  • Press swing. It is enough to do 15-20 repetitions per day.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis. Sit in a Turkish position, legs crossed in front of you, hands on your waist, back straight. Draw in the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks up to 20 times, and then try to squeeze them.
  • Tilts. In a sitting position, spread your legs to the sides as much as possible. Raise your straight arms above your head, lean forward and try to reach your socks with your hands. Do 10 tilts to each leg.
  • "Scissors". In a prone position, lift straight legs and move them like scissors. Do 8 sets of 10 leg crosses.
  • Passive swing of the press. Perform the exercise in a sitting position, legs straight in front of you. Pull your stomach in and push it out with force until you get tired.

Enlargement of the endometrium of the uterus with physiotherapy exercises occurs with regular exercise. Otherwise, the effect should not be expected.

Features of endometrial growth

To build up the endometrium quickly, you need A complex approach. sometimes alone drug treatment not enough. It is worth resorting to traditional medicine and alternative methods.

For conception

The thickness of the endometrium should not be less than 8 mm. Ideally, this figure should reach 10-12 mm. If the endometrial layer is small, less than 8 mm, then this condition should be treated. Slime layer uterus reaches normal thickness to the period of ovulation - this is the 11-14th day of the menstrual cycle. For conception by this period, you need to build up the endometrium.

Before ovulation

Each treatment method is effective only if it is used correctly and on time, for example, physical exercises are effective only before ovulation, so they should be done immediately after menstruation. Similarly, it is worth taking estrogen-containing drugs, since after ovulation they are not effective.

How much should the layer in the uterus increase when building up the endometrium? On average, the increase should be 1 mm per day, but each woman is different.

If the endometrium does not grow well, then the reason may be uterine hypoplasia, hormonal imbalance and insufficient production of estradiol, poor blood supply to the uterus due to inflammatory process or scrapings.

Important! With uterine hypoplasia, it will definitely not be possible to get pregnant without building up the endometrium.

After a frozen pregnancy

It will be difficult to thicken the endometrium. Normal monthly growth, when the layer is at least 8 mm, can be achieved only after six months.

After an abortion, you need to bring the hormonal background in order and undergo a course of antibiotic therapy.

You need to think about building up the endometrium not only when planning a pregnancy. It must be thickened immediately after thinning, since it is impossible to determine exactly when the layer will reach the desired thickness. Sometimes it takes years to heal. More effective treatment after ovulation.


Infertility in women in most cases is due to insufficient thickness of the endometrium of the uterus. For this, special hormonal-type drugs can be prescribed, and traditional medicine and even food can be used ....

Women may experience problems with sexual function and hormone therapy is often the solution. The drug Divigel is prescribed for infertility, which is due to wrong development endometrium, namely its thinning. So…

Every year the number couples who cannot become parents increases. There are many reasons, and one of the main ones is the pathology of the organs of the reproductive system, both men and women. After…

And the woman herself - in vain. Often this problem is encountered with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Causes of thin endometrium

The uterine mucosa is a hormone-dependent tissue, so the most common causes in its occurrence - hormonal.

Possible causes of thin endometrium:

  • Hormonal. The growth of the endometrium before ovulation occurs most of all under the influence of estrogen. Estrogen provides thickness. And his secretory function provides . If the concentration of hormones is normal, but the receptors that are sensitive to them are damaged, then the thickness of the endometrium does not increase enough for implantation.
  • Conditionally hormonal. A lack of vitamin D leads to disruption of the steroid hormones.
  • Vascular. Autoimmune diseases and pathologies of the blood coagulation system lead to disruption of the blood supply to the uterus, thereby the required amount does not enter the endometrium nutrients. Therefore, even if the endometrium is thin and grows poorly.
  • Mechanical. Damage to the basal layer of the endometrium during medical manipulations- curettage, or as a result of infectious damage to the inner layer of the uterine mucosa, leads to the fact that the endometrium does not grow, since damage to the basal layer is the loss of stem cells, from which the functional layer grows.
  • Congenital anomalies in the development of the uterus. For example, hypoplasia or aplasia of the uterus leads to the fact that a mechanical obstacle is created for the growth of the endometrium.

With a thin endometrium, IVF is performed using the technique. At the same time (two days when the endometrium is receptive and able to implant a blastocyst) is calculated.

Two programs allow you to build up the endometrium during IVF:

  1. (substitute hormone therapy). In this case, estrogens are prescribed (tablets - Proginova, Estrafem or in the form of a gel - Divigel, Estragel) at a dose of 4-8 mg per day. From the moment when the endometrium reaches 8 mm and becomes three-layer, progesterone preparations (Utrozhestan, Proginova) are added for 5-6 days, depending on the one chosen for the transfer. continue to prescribe progesterone and estrogen as support.
  2. Transfer program in the presence of ovulation. At the beginning of the program, only vitamins can be prescribed: folic acid- for the prevention of defects, vitamin D. When the follicle reaches full maturity, one of the tactics is chosen. The first is the introduction of a trigger ovulation hCG. The second is a clear monitoring of the onset of ovulation, ultrasound is done every day for this. As soon as ovulation has come, the reproductologist prescribes progesterone preparations for 5-6 days and the transfer day is appointed.

The effectiveness of endometrial build-up of both programs is equivalent and the doctor picks it up individually.

Against the background of preparation, sometimes the endometrium remains thin, because hormonal factors are not the only reasons that prevent the endometrium from growing. In this case, it is necessary to additional treatment before the transfer. The choice of therapy depends on the diagnosed disorders: antibiotic therapy, which allows you to get rid of the infection, drugs to improve blood circulation (Kurantil, Actovegin), surgical treatment.

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