The danger of removable dentures and dental bridges. What is dental implantation. Contraindications for implantation

human teeth, main function which is the chewing of food, called chewing. It is premolars and molars that most often suffer from caries, since a person cannot provide them with sufficient hygiene on their own, and not everyone has the time and desire to visit a dentist for their professional cleaning. In addition, these teeth suffer from the fact that they are forced to endure quite heavy loads every day, and often also suffer from alcohol abuse, carbonated drinks, excessive consumption of sweets and smoking. These teeth may develop secondary caries, cysts, gums become inflamed, which leads them to complete destruction and subsequent removal.

It is known that the absence chewing teeth leads to a distortion of facial features, since the cheeks sink deeply, the formation of wrinkles, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to bad chewing food. In this regard, a person has a question about which implants are best placed on chewing teeth.

Dental implants

Many dentists consider dental implants to be the best. They are made of titanium, which is highly refined and looks like a tooth root. During the installation process, it is, as it were, implanted into the jaw stones and a crown is put on top. The advantages of installing it are:

  • The person again has the opportunity to chew food well.
  • They look very aesthetically pleasing, they do not differ at all from natural teeth.
  • They can be installed even if the natural tooth is completely destroyed and removed.
  • They do not cause the slightest discomfort when swallowing, chewing and talking.
  • They are able to serve for fifteen or more years, while only the crowns are changed, and the implant itself remains with the person for life.
  • When installing this kind of implants, grinding does not occur. adjacent teeth, as is done, for example, when installing a bridge.

Having thought about which implant is better to put on chewing teeth, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the methods of its installation available in dentistry. They are usually installed in two ways:

Dental implantation

  • With a one-step method the prosthesis is implanted deep into the bone tissue. The operation is completely painless for the patient. The implant itself is securely fixed and immediately able to withstand loads.
  • With the two-step method The first step is bone augmentation. Next, the implant itself is installed, and after a while the crown. This procedure can take up to six months, but much more effective than the first way.

After the installation of prostheses, it is very important that a person can chew again, there is no rejection of the implants. Crowns on them, as a rule, are made of metal-ceramic.

An alternative to an implant is a pin

Having learned which dental implants are better, it is also worth considering that they have an alternative in the form of metal pins. This method is good when the root of the tooth is intact and unharmed. Pins are made of gold, zirconium and chromium, they are installed only when the tooth and its root are reliably treated, and a crown is placed on top. This method Tooth restoration is good because it is cheaper. The pins are securely fixed, do not require engraftment, allow the root to withstand chewing loads.

Only a dentist will be able to choose which type of prosthetics the patient needs, after clinical researches, as a rule, when the root of the tooth can be saved, it is recommended to put a pin.

Varieties of implants

The choice of implants is quite wide, so when deciding which dental implants are the best, you need to become more familiar with the features of each of them. They are divided into the following forms:

The dentist can determine which type of dental implant should be given to the patient by conducting numerous clinical examinations of the patient's oral cavity.

Indications for installation

  • Lack of one.
  • Lack of all chewing teeth.

But, there are also contraindications to this procedure:

It should be understood that all calculations regarding the cost of prosthetics are carried out directly with the participation of the doctor on the basis of the examination.

What to look for when choosing implants

During prosthetics, the dentist will point out certain advantages of a particular implant. The patient should be familiar with what material it is made of, it can be titanium or zirconium dioxide (more expensive). The thread on the prosthesis should have several types, and its surface should be rough for faster engraftment. Its length is selected depending on the existing problem and ranges from 6 mm to 16 mm.

Zirconium oxide implants

The connection between the crown and the implant should not have gaps, which prevents reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. Also, the patient is required to provide information about the survival rate of the prosthesis, its service life and a quality certificate of one kind or another.

Which manufacturers are the best

AT modern dentistry There are a large number of implant manufacturers. Prostheses from German manufacturers are considered one of the best and most affordable, they take root in 99%, do not form microcracks and crevices. Swiss implants are also very popular, which are also easy to take root and can last for a long time. Root and Nobel Biocare prostheses are also known, which have affordable prices and long service life. From the Russian manufacturer, the most popular implants are Conmet, which are made with the help of foreign the latest technologies, and are not inferior to them in quality.

In any case, only a dentist can help decide which implants are needed for a particular patient. To date, the cost of the implant itself and its installation varies quite widely, so each patient can afford to install it by choosing the most affordable one.

To choose an implant, you should contact your dentist

As for the care of implanted teeth, there are no strict guidelines and recommendations for it. Before starting the usual hygienic cleaning, as well as for their native teeth, it is necessary to let it take root. After that, the usual daily care and examination and professional cleaning by the dentist several times a year will be enough.

AT medical practice there is such a thing as bone tissue atrophy". Surely patients who lost one or more teeth heard this phrase from their doctor. Bone atrophy is characterized by bone loss due to loss of teeth and lack of load transmitted from the roots. In case of loss of teeth, any doctor will recommend mandatory restoration of teeth in order to preserve the integrity of the entire dentition, as well as the volume of bone tissue. And, as a rule, the choice falls on removable prosthetics or bridges. But, unfortunately, not many doctors convey to their patients the information that both removable dentures and dental bridges do not protect bone tissue from atrophy.

According to statistics, most patients would prefer to refuse removable or bridge prostheses if they knew that they lead to a decrease in bone tissue. But first, it’s worth understanding what bone atrophy is fraught with?

What lies behind bone atrophy?

Behind the atrophy of bone tissue lie both external manifestations, and completely invisible to both the patient and the interlocutors.

  • change in the oval of the face,
  • appearance of wrinkles
  • malocclusion,
  • nutritional problems resulting in serious illnesses digestive tract,
  • change in the position of the teeth, which are shifted towards the empty space.

Among the main reasons for the formation of bone tissue atrophy are the removal of teeth and the lack of stress on the bone, which is usually provided by chewing food and the presence of tooth roots. In addition, bone atrophy occurs when common diseases body or mouth congenital anomalies jaw or bone trauma.

Why are removable dentures and dental bridges dangerous?

When removing or losing teeth, it is recommended to immediately take care of the process of prosthetics. Removable structures or dental bridges perfectly restore the aesthetics of the dentition, new teeth fill the empty space, and they also perfectly allow you to chew food. But the main problem that patients face some time later is the continued decrease in bone volume. But how is this possible if the teeth were promptly restored?

Bone tissue "works" and fully functions due to the location of the roots of the teeth in it. As soon as the tooth is removed along with the root, the bone ceases to receive the load necessary for life and gradually decreases in size. Installed dentures do not stop this process, because they rely and put a load only on living teeth or gums - in these cases, the bone under the replaced teeth is still unused in the process of chewing food. That is why it gradually atrophies, decreases and shrinks - over time, a small gap appears between the gum and the prosthesis, into which bacteria and food residues will penetrate, causing caries and inflammation of the gum tissues. In the case of a removable prosthesis, only aesthetics will be violated - after all, the structure can always be removed and thorough hygiene carried out. With a dental bridge, the consequences are more serious, because the structure is fixed securely and for a long time - it will be impossible to carry out thorough hygiene of a thin gap.

An alternative to removable dentures and dental bridges

To date, the most natural way restoration of lost teeth is dental implantation, which allows you to restore, including the root of the tooth. An implant or an artificial metal tooth root serves to transfer the load to the bone, protecting it from atrophy.

Classic dental implants

  • installation of an implant and a plug on it (the implant is “hidden” under the gum for several months for engraftment),
  • removal of the plug and fixation of the abutment - the connecting part between the implant and the crown,
  • prosthetics - it is possible on average six months after full recovery bones and reliable fixation of the implant.

« Important feature classical implantation - if the patient decides to restore the tooth immediately after its removal, there will be no problems. But if implantation was chosen as a method after a long absence of a tooth, as well as wearing removable or bridge prostheses, additional obstacles may arise. Bone atrophy occurs in the first year after tooth extraction - and with the classical approach, a fairly large amount of bone is required to fix the implant. With its lack, you will need to go through a bone augmentation operation. In the absence of a large number of teeth and severe atrophy, I always offer the method of basal dental implantation to my patients.”, - notes an experienced implantologist, maxillofacial surgeon of the Simpladent Medical Center Sergey Khomutov.

Basal dental implantation

Basal dental implantation- this is modern method restoration of the lost dentition, which is especially effective in severe atrophy of bone tissue. An important feature - it is used only in the absence of three or more teeth.

Why is basal implantation attractive for patients?

  • new teeth in just three days: implants are fixed by puncture, thanks to which the tissues are not injured and heal very quickly - and the prostheses are fixed already on the third day after the implants are implanted (this is also due to the fact that the top of the implant remains above the gum),
  • no need to grow bone: in 97% of all cases, the existing volume of bone tissue is sufficient, since the implants are not only matched to the size of the bone, but also fixed at an angle into the biocortical, deeper layers of the bone - they are more sterile than superficial ones, due to which the implants are not rejected,
  • no need to wait several months after tooth extraction a: basal implants can be fixed in the hole where the living tooth has just been,
  • minimum contraindications and the possibility of restoring teeth even with periodontitis.

« Basal implantation is generally easier for the patient than classical implantation. Firstly, the reduced terms, because in just a few days the patient receives new teeth, which can be used to chew food with virtually no restrictions. Secondly, the simplicity of the implantation operation itself - it is less traumatic and is carried out by puncturing tissues, without them. severe injury. Thirdly, basal implantation is much cheaper - almost two times cheaper with a similar restoration of the entire dentition using the classical protocol.", - comments Sergey Khomutov.

During the first year, the patient will have to be content with metal-plastic temporary prosthesis, which is necessary for getting used to new teeth and even distribution of the load on the implants. " Metal-plastic is very light, we choose it for basal implantation as it is quite aesthetic, but at the same time it allows instant loading on implants without changing their location", - explains Sergey Khomutov. Not earlier than a year later, the patient can change the prosthesis to metal-ceramic or zirconium oxide. However, as practice shows, the majority are satisfied with metal-plastic the maximum number operational characteristics.

Basal implantation is very effective in in large numbers missing teeth. It allows patients to quickly return to their normal rhythm of life and enjoy new teeth - for comparison, classical implantation on average lasts about a year. Thus, the patient gets an excellent opportunity to save money on reducing the duration of treatment and demonstrate to others his dazzling smile.

Thanks for the information provided medical Center Simpladent and implantologist, maxillofacial surgeon Sergey Khomutov.

Many people want to have a beautiful smile. Often, after tooth extraction or serious damage, dentists recommend implantation. This service is considered one of the most demanded in modern dentistry. However, implantation is an expensive pleasure, therefore it is not available to everyone. First you need to know about all existing contraindications, and after that find out what is the alternative to implantation of teeth and to whom it can suit.

With the help of implants, you can easily restore the normal functionality of the teeth without a big load on the gum itself. If the roots of a damaged tooth remain in the jaw, then dentists can put a crown on them.

In the absence of teeth, implantation makes it possible to restore them so that patients do not feel discomfort with the functionality of the jaw and its appearance. This procedure is suitable for those who want to solve the issue of missing teeth once and for all. Reliable implant can last long term, but for this, patients should take care of their teeth daily and strictly follow the advice of a doctor.

During the implantation procedure, there is some chance that the gum will be deformed. It is important to note that when choosing traditional prosthetics in the form of removable or non-removable removable dentures, the appearance of structures deteriorates over time, so they will need to be replaced. If this is not done, then other people will see artificial teeth. That is why implantation is considered the right solution for restoring the dentition.

But it's important to consider everything. possible contraindications, which in some cases do not allow such a procedure. Then you should pay attention to the alternative of implantation.

Contraindications for implantation

After many studies, dentists have identified relative and absolute contraindications to dental implantation. If a person has a match on at least one item from the list of absolute contraindications, it will be impossible to carry out the implantation procedure. These indicators include:

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Problems at work nervous system.

  • Oncology.
  • Problems with tissue repair.
  • Obvious problems with the immune system.
  • Diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • Tuberculosis.

Relative contraindications - diseases of the mouth and teeth. It will be possible to carry out implantation after proper treatment. Relative contraindications include:

  • Insufficient.
  • carious formations.

  • Use of illegal drugs.

The list of such contraindications is quite extensive, so you should pay attention to the alternative of dental implantation, which has fewer prohibitions.

What are the alternatives to implantation?

Only qualified specialist can determine whether implantation is suitable for a particular person or not. If the doctor has determined that it is impossible to place an implant, then great solution will become an alternative - traditional prosthetics. It is presented in the form of removable and permanent structures.

Removable dentures

In modern dentistry, there are such alternative:

  • Plate structures. They can be installed when the patient does not have one or all of the teeth. But these products have many disadvantages: they are uncomfortable to wear, they cause discomfort, they need proper care and provide inconvenience when chewing food.

  • Nylon products help restore lost teeth. They are attached using hooks, which are made from the same material as the design. The prosthesis is perfectly attached and does not cause discomfort when talking and eating. But sometimes the gums can become inflamed in the place where they are attached.
  • Clasp structures considered the best dentures that can be removed. This is due to the fact that they hold securely and evenly distribute the load across the jaw. Such a design is fixed on a metal arc, which does not cause discomfort and does not rub the gums.

Fixed dentures

An alternative in the form of permanent prosthetic devices is designed to restore chewing function. These types of structures can be made of metal, zirconia or ceramics. They are more expensive than removable options.

Alternative permanent prostheses include bridges and crowns. The first product looks like artificial teeth, which are arranged in a row. They are specially attached to adjacent teeth. Pre-adjacent teeth are carefully ground so that the structures sit securely and do not fall off during meals. The crown is placed when the tooth root has been preserved. People with this product in the oral cavity should be careful, because with a careless attitude, it can break, because of which it will have to be replaced.

Combined options

If a person has natural teeth, then an alternative to implantation can be presented in the form of a simultaneous combination of permanent and removable products. The non-removable part can be easily fixed on the abutment teeth using a special cement composition.

Removable products are the prosthesis itself. These two parts can be interconnected using special lock fasteners. These systems can be safely attributed to clasp prostheses, which can be attached using attachments or clasps.

Mini implants

A good alternative to a dental implant is the installation of a mini-implant, which is several times smaller than conventional products. They can have a diameter of 2 mm. Such dimensions make it easy to fix a pin with a small hole to the jaw. Removable products can be attached to the mini-implant, which are held more securely than on simple hooks.

What specific alternative implantation option is suitable for a person in his case, a qualified doctor determines. After that, a thorough dental treatment and their professional cleaning. In parallel, alternative prostheses are manufactured for a specific patient.

Implants are not suitable for everyone, which is why patients are trying to find what alternative exists for them. In modern dentistry, clients are offered traditional prosthetics, which are presented in the form of removable and non-removable structures. They may have different cost and service life, and installation can take several days. At the same time, the list of contraindications for such dental systems is much smaller compared to the installation of implants.

Healthy teeth and a beautiful smile are important for every person, regardless of age or status. But after or receiving serious injury required - effective procedure recovery lost teeth. Implantation is considered the most common procedure in modern dentistry, but far from the only one. After all, not every person is suitable for this option. But what is the alternative to dental implants? More about this and will be discussed in this article.

More about implantation

Before studying the main methods of restoring the dentition, you should familiarize yourself with the process of implantation itself. This is the implantation of an artificially made structure into the bone tissue of the upper or mandible. The procedure itself is safe for the patient, but in most cases it is painfully tolerated. Of course, with the help of implants, specialists can completely restore the dentition and return to the patient beautiful smile, but this procedure has not only positive but also negative sides, which, as a rule, are rarely reported by doctors.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of dental implants include the following:

  • natural appearance installed structures that are practically no different from real teeth;
  • durability dental implants(achieved with proper care);
  • practicality (they do not need to be removed daily and cleaned separately, like removable dentures, for example);
  • during the implantation process, the doctor does not grind adjacent teeth, as this is not necessary.

This procedure also has its drawbacks, which not all patients are familiar with. Let's consider the main ones:

Note! Implantation can be carried out not only with partial loss of teeth, but also with adentia. Of course, the number of implants installed affects the final cost of the dental procedure.

Dental teeth practically do not differ externally from real teeth, so if a patient needs maximum naturalness, for example, in the film industry, then he is prescribed an implantation procedure. This allows you to solve the problem for a long time, and when proper care for teeth on permanent basis the shelf life of the installed implants becomes unlimited.


Dental implantation is indicated in such cases:

  • loss of one tooth or mechanical damage in the dentition;
  • loss of multiple teeth. In such cases, doctors install a special design in the form;
  • the appearance of "end" defects, that is, the loss of teeth located at the very end of the row;
  • the absence of all teeth or, as this phenomenon is also called in medicine, adentia;
  • individual characteristics dental system person. In some cases, dental implants help restore the position of the dentition and restore the old smile;
  • individual intolerance to dentures, in particular. In such cases, implantation is the only effective method restoration of teeth.

If a person has a broken most of a tooth, which was previously the basis for fixation, and traditional prosthetics are impossible for one reason or another, then doctors are also forced to resort to dental implantation.


Numerous studies of this technique have confirmed the presence of a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when choosing a procedure.

Relative or conditional contraindications include:

  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • taking certain drugs that in one way or another affect the central nervous system;
  • such bad habits like smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • congenital bone defects;
  • malocclusion;
  • inadequate oral hygiene;
  • the development of inflammatory processes affecting the oral mucosa;
  • Availability carious cavities(gradual tooth decay).

Absolute contraindications- these are circumstances in which such dental operations are strictly prohibited. Such contraindications include;

  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ);
  • tuberculosis of various degrees;
  • leakage various diseases oral mucosa;
  • problems with recovery processes connective tissue;
  • weak immunity;
  • Availability malignant formations in the body;
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • increased blood sugar;
  • development of blood diseases (anemia or hemophilia).

In order to achieve effective snow-white smile, after damage or removal teeth, it is not necessary to resort to implantation.

If implant placement impossible, then traditional prosthetics will be an alternative to implants.

Which method is best for the patient to restore a beautiful and healthy smile should be decided by the medical specialist.

When are alternative methods used?

Not all patients are suitable for implantation. Dentists highlighted absolute and relative contraindications to this procedure.

Absolute contraindications:

  • blood disorders (including incoagulability);
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders(or problems with the nervous system);
  • diseases associated with the restoration of connective tissue (for example, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatic diseases);
  • problems with immunity;
  • problems with chewing muscles;
  • diseases of the oral mucosa.

Relative contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes (for example, gingivitis);
  • bone defects in the jaw;
  • caries;
  • treatment of diseases of the nervous system;
  • malocclusion;
  • poor hygiene oral cavity;
  • alcoholism; addiction;
  • smoking;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

What are the options besides dental implants?

Alternative to implants prosthetics. Is it recovery or complete replacement own teeth with special designs - dentures. It is divided into removable and permanent.

Photo 1. Depulpation - removal of the pulp (nerve) of the tooth in order to eliminate inflammation or injury.

If the patient has his own healthy teeth, then an alternative would be a combination of removable and permanent structures. Both removable and non-removable prostheses (except for the false jaw) are placed with support on the nearest teeth. In most cases, this teeth depulped(lose nerve).

Among the advantages of this procedure can be distinguished: the restoration of the aesthetics of a smile, the restoration of chewing functions, the high resistance of the materials used to the impact external factors, quick result, ease and painlessness of installation, relatively low cost of the procedure.

However there are shortcomings such as: depulpation, deterioration of the gums (bacterial accumulation), fragility of the structure ( average term services 7 years).

Permanent prosthetics as an alternative to dental implants

With the help of permanent prosthetics, doctors reanimate injured teeth. Fixed use in orthopedic treatment in case of loss of teeth (one or more), as well as in the presence of serious defects. Only a qualified medical specialist can remove a fixed structure. Life time directly depends on the quality of product care and the types of structures used.

What is a permanent view?

Permanent (or non-removable) prosthetics make it possible fully restore chewing function in the patient.

For the manufacture of fixed dentures metal, cermet, ceramic, zirconium dioxide and plastic are used.

Medical specialists highlight the following non-removable options:

Dental crown . Crowns are caps made of biocompatible materials that are put on pre-turned teeth and fixed with medical cement. Crowns used under the condition that preserved the root and two-thirds of the tooth. The crown helps to qualitatively restore the missing tooth.

Bridge prosthesis . This is a row artificial teeth(arched construction), which is attached to adjacent teeth or implants implanted into the bone. The correct row of teeth is designed to replace no more than 2 missing teeth. At the same time, healthy teeth are subjected to a grinding process, for better fit products. However, there is a risk get Negative consequences, due to the fact that the chewing load and the weight of the structure leads to loosening and subsequent weakening healthy teeth.

Tabs. These are micro-prostheses made in laboratories and used instead of fillings. Inlays are used if the tooth is decayed more than one third. They tightly adhere to it and protect it from destruction.

Orthopedic veneers. These are new generation prostheses (microprosthetics). These are overlays for correcting the shape, color and imperfections of the front teeth. They are made direct and indirect way. At direct method they are formed from composite material on turned teeth, and with indirect, ceramic or zirconium oxide plates are created from casts.

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How is the procedure?

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the oral cavity. The volume of preparation is determined by the dentist. Preparation is called sanitation of the oral cavity". It may include the following steps:

  • Removal of dental deposits;
  • Surgical preparation(removal of teeth and roots that cannot be restored);
  • Therapeutic treatment(treatment of caries, replacement of fillings);
  • Periodontal treatment and orthodontic preparation.

Then casts are taken, a plaster or computer model is created, and a product is made based on the parameters of the model. When taking an impression, regardless of the future design, 2 prints are made- main and auxiliary. Installation time depends on the type of construction and method of fastening. It is convenient and safe to use a prosthesis created using modern technologies.

Reference: For the manufacture of fixed prostheses (all-ceramic crowns), hot pressing is used with layer-by-layer application of ceramics and computer modeling CAD/CAM.

What can be replaced?

A prosthesis is very different from an implant. They are no less effective than implants restore the anatomy and physiology of the dentition. Products are fixed on existing teeth or gums (using medical glue). This type of fixation is shorter than when installing an implant in the patient's jaw. Most often, crowns are used in prosthetics, which are attached to the root. Crown life is limited to approx. 10 years.

Removable prosthetics as an alternative method in dentistry

Removable prosthetics- leader among the most simple ways restoration of teeth (in case of loss 1st, several or all teeth) and one of the most requested trends in dentistry.

Removable dentures can be attached to medical “suckers” (holding due to the material enveloping the gum) and fixed with a special cream (glue). Products can be single, partial and full.

Attention! The most important qualities for dentures are hypoallergenic, "friendly" to the gums, resistant to staining (color fastness) and high strength.

What about removable dentures?

There are the following types:

  • Clasp. Fixation occurs with the help of a metal arc, the load is evenly distributed over the entire jaw, which makes this type one of the most reliable and comfortable. They are suitable for patients suffering periodontal disease.
  • Nylon. They are mounted on hooks made of a material similar to a prosthesis. High level fixation, lightness and softness of the product allows you to forget about discomfort when talking or eating. Products differ in high esthetic and hygienic indicators.
  • acrylic dentures. Acryfri is a more modernized material compared to acrylic. With this removable system it is possible to restore any number of teeth.
  • lamellar. This option is recommended for those who are missing teeth (in whole or in part). This species requires careful maintenance. By cons can be attributed to the fact that it is inconvenient for permanent wear and may cause allergic reaction, a to the pros- low cost of the product.

How is the procedure?

The procedure begins with preparation - sanitation of the oral cavity. Then done X-ray, an impression is taken, according to which the structure is being prepared. Manufacturing takes about 14 days, after the fitting is carried out.

The fixation of the product occurs by suction to the gums and by means of the protrusions of the jaws, sometimes for reliable adhesion. glue is used. Thanks to modern technology taking impressions and opportunities 3D modeling, manufactured products are accurate and anatomically correct, which avoids discomfort and possible violations bite.

What can be replaced? Tip for teeth instead of implants

For fixation on the jaw, the prosthesis must rest on something; for this, artificial supports are used - implants.

But what if implant placement is not possible? With clasp prosthetics, there are several mounting options: clasps(metal hooks fixed near the abutment teeth), telescopic crowns(crowns on which the prosthesis is put on top), attachments(double fasteners with locks installed on the prosthesis and tooth).

With nylon prosthetics, fastening occurs with the help of fixing gel or nylon hooks covering the abutment teeth.

Useful video

In the video below, the specialist will talk about the differences between removable and fixed prosthetics, and which type is better to choose.

What can be summed up?

Proper type of dentures selected based on health patient, age, individual features body, the degree of preservation of teeth and financial possibilities. But one thing is true- the latest technology of prosthetics of teeth can solve any problem.

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