Which prostheses are better for the complete absence of teeth: an overview of procedures with prices. Methods and features of prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth Artificial jaw in the complete absence of teeth

There are several ways to restore the dentition in the absence of several units. But what if there are no teeth at all in the jaw? Modern methods of prosthetics, their advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in the article.

Features of prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth

In the process of determining the method of prosthetics, a wide range of issues is taken into account, because with adentia there is not a single supporting element:

Why is it required?

The loss of even a few units in the dentition causes a lot of problems, and with adentia, the situation only gets worse. It is not worth postponing the decision on prosthetics, it will be much more difficult to cure the consequences.

If the defect in the dentition is not eliminated in a timely manner (with partial or complete loss of teeth), then the patient will face such troubles as:

All of the listed consequences of ignoring prosthetics in the aggregate and individually affect the psycho-emotional background of a person who, by limiting communications, loses himself as a person.

Correct the situation and radically change the quality of life will help the right choice of prosthetics method.

Staged dental implantation

Applied methods

If all the teeth are missing on the jaw, then after a series of studies, the specialist selects one of the most suitable methods of prosthetics:

Methods of prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth in the jaw
Name Description Advantages Flaws

Removable prosthetics

To be able to fix the prosthesis on the jaw, several implants are implanted into it (sometimes only 2 units are enough). The removable structure is attached to the implants like a haberdashery button. There are also beam prostheses that evenly distribute the load on the jaw when chewing food.

Among the large number of options for removable dentures, there are those that do not provide for the procedure for the preliminary implantation of implants.

  • a wide range of composite materials and technologies that allow you to create a combined product that is comfortable to wear;
  • the ability to correct any defects in the dentition;
  • low cost.
  • perceived discomfort when wearing;
  • improper redistribution of the load on the jaw during chewing, which is fraught with the development of various pathologies;
  • weak fixation in the oral cavity without supporting elements;
  • short service life (3-6 years).

Conditionally removable prosthetics

Clasp prosthetics involves the installation of a structure on the jaw, which consists of a metal arc, a polymer base that imitates the gums, and artificial teeth. To create anchor points, 4 implants are implanted into the jaw, to which an arc is subsequently attached.
  • uniform redistribution of the load on the jaw while chewing food;
  • aesthetic factor;
  • comfortable use with quick adaptation;
  • structural strength.
  • the quality of prosthetics largely depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the correctness of the calculations;
  • sometimes the lock elements break, which involves the replacement of the entire structure;
  • high cost of the prosthesis.

Fixed prosthetics

To install a fixed prosthesis, it is necessary to implant several implants, on which bridges are subsequently fixed. This technique of prosthetics is rarely used, preference is given to removable structures.
  • long service life (up to 20 years);
  • strong fixation of the structure;
  • minimal loss of taste sensitivity;
  • products successfully withstand the chewing load.
  • high probability of soft tissue irritation due to contact with the crown part of the prosthesis;
  • patients often develop pathological symptoms in the mouth (burning, redness, change in taste).

Prosthetic options and installation process

There are several options for prosthetics in case of loss of all units in the dentition.

Acrylic prosthesis is made on the basis of pre-made casts of the patient's jaw. The material used is a modern type of plastic, which makes the design durable and reliable. The main advantage of the product is the affordable price.

Otherwise, there are obvious shortcomings:

  • the solid structure provokes rubbing of soft tissues with the prosthesis, which complicates the process of adaptation;
  • due to the porosity of the material, the prosthesis absorbs odors;
  • plastic changes color due to product pigments.

The lamellar structure is installed simply, fixation occurs due to suction to the gums or with the help of special glue.

The product is made using the latest technology of nylon, has flexibility and softness. It is much easier to get used to such a prosthesis than to plastic. Aesthetic qualities are quite acceptable, but the main advantage is hypoallergenicity.

Among the significant disadvantages:

  • change in shape during wearing, which involves the replacement of the structure;
  • high price.

A nylon product is fixed like an acrylic one, but due to the tendency to deformation, the fastening weakens over time, which causes considerable discomfort.

This type of prosthesis is a functional structure based on a telescopic system and attachment elements.

The peculiarity of the products lies in their ability to distribute the chewing load evenly over the entire jaw, as well as to stop the processes of bone tissue atrophy.

There is no significant pressure on the mucous membrane due to the absence of displacement when chewing food, which is achieved thanks to reliable elastic clamps.

A prosthesis is made according to a pre-made cast of the patient's jaw in several stages. The installation of the structure provides for the presence of supporting teeth, therefore, in their absence, several implants are implanted.

The clasp prosthesis is made on the basis of a cast metal arch, on which a polymer gum simulator and artificial teeth are subsequently fixed.

This is the most modern method of prosthetics, characterized by a short adaptation period and a long service life. The main advantage lies in the correct distribution of the chewing load, which eliminates further deformation of the bone and soft tissues of the jaw.

Existing varieties of clasp design and fixing elements allow you to choose the most suitable option that provides comfortable wearing of the product.

The prosthesis is installed on previously implanted implants. They will be required on each side from 2 to 4 units.

Which one is better?

Of the existing methods, the specialist offers several options that are suitable for the patient in terms of physiological parameters and price.

When choosing the best method of prosthetics, it is not the popularity of the product that is taken into account, but the individual characteristics and the place where the prosthesis is installed (upper or lower jaw).

Therefore, from the existing methods, the specialist offers several options that are suitable for the patient in terms of physiological parameters and price.

If we consider the issue in the plane of comfort, then the choice of bar implants looks more advantageous.

In addition to quick adaptation to a foreign body in the mouth, the patient is guaranteed long-term use of the prosthesis, which is highly durable and reliable.

The cost of treatment is more than offset by high aesthetic performance and simple care of the product.

Features of prosthetics of the upper and lower jaw

Prosthetics of the upper part of the jaw is much easier than the lower, due to the presence of a large number of reference points that hold the basis.

In the complete absence of teeth, the entire chewing load is directed to the prosthesis. In the case of the product for the upper row, the chewing load due to the strong fixation is distributed more evenly over the entire jaw, which is difficult to achieve when restoring the lower row.

An extremely small space remains for fixing the base in the lower jaw. This is due to the location of the lingual frenulum, folds of the mucosa. Lack of space precludes the use of products with a valve mechanism.

Even the most well-chosen removable prosthesis will be under the constant mechanical action of the cheeks, which is noticeable when emotions are shown and even when talking. The prosthesis is displaced, causing terrible discomfort.

Taking into account the features of the lower jaw, we can conclude that a clasp design would be a more suitable option for prosthetics.

Before and after prosthetics of teeth in the complete absence


Experts have identified a number of cases in which prosthetics are not performed.

Among the main ones:

Some contraindications have a time limit, so adjustments are made to the treatment process. For example, in case of periodontal disease, complex treatment is first carried out, which is aimed at stopping the process of bone tissue reduction.

Without prior preparation, orthopedic measures will not give the desired effect. In addition, it is necessary to choose the most suitable type of prosthesis. This is a design that is fixed on implanted implants.


One of the most budgetary options for prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth involves the installation of 4 implants (upper and lower jaw) without the use of bone grafting. Such a volume of work with consumables will cost about 180,000 rubles.

The price of treatment increases as the number of implants being implanted increases and more expensive materials are used to make the prosthesis.

If such prices are unaffordable or there are contraindications for the use of local anesthesia, then it is recommended to order a lamellar removable denture at the clinic. The cost of an acrylic product will cost about 20,000 rubles, from nylon - up to 30,000 rubles.

The complete absence of teeth (dentia), which occurs mainly in the elderly, is a common problem. Regardless of the reasons, adentia is a complete and unconditional indication for urgent prosthetics. What are the best dentures for the complete absence of teeth? This article will help you understand the many dental services aimed at restoring the dentition.

Several factors contribute to the occurrence of adentia: natural wear of enamel and dentin, periodontal disease, untimely access to the dentist, ignoring basic hygiene requirements, injuries, and chronic diseases.

The lack of even 2-3 teeth is very palpable and unpleasant, and when it comes to their complete absence, it can be said without exaggeration that such a condition is a serious pathology that entails many negative consequences:

Adentia can be the result of injuries, as well as various diseases.

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), as a result of poor chewing of food and malnutrition.
  • Negative changes in appearance - a patient with a complete absence of teeth acquires a characteristic elongated oval of the face, a protruding chin, sunken cheeks and lips, pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • Significant violations in colloquial speech: teeth are the most important and integral part of the articulatory apparatus, and their shortage, and even more so the absence, lead to the appearance of diction defects that are very noticeable to the ear.
  • Bone tissue degeneration of the alveolar processes (gums), which, in the absence of roots, become thinner and smaller in size, which in the most advanced cases makes it difficult or impossible for high-quality implantation (prosthetics).

The cumulative result of all the above problems is significant psychological discomfort, communication disorders, limiting oneself in vital needs: communication, work, good nutrition. The only way to return to a quality life is to get dentures.

Contraindications for prosthetics

Cases in which dental prosthetics are prohibited are rare, and nevertheless, a qualified dentist must make sure that his patient does not suffer from one of the following ailments:

  • individual allergic reaction to the chemical components that make up the material;
  • intolerance to local anesthesia (important for implantation);
  • any viral disease in the acute stage;
  • severe form of diabetes;
  • oncological disease;
  • mental and neurological disorders during the period of exacerbation;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • severe lack of weight and depletion of the body (anorexia, cachexia).

Obviously, many contraindications are temporary, while others lose their relevance with the right choice of restoration method.

Removable dentures in the complete absence of teeth: difficulties and features

Another negative point with adentia is a very small selection of possible ways to restore teeth. Existing methods are either expensive or have many disadvantages. A nylon prosthesis is in great demand in the complete absence of teeth. But when choosing the optimal method of prosthetics, it should be remembered that a complete removable restoration of the entire dentition has a lot of features:

The main feature of complete dentures is that they do not have fasteners.

Does this mean that it is better not to resort to this method of restoration? Certainly not. Despite the fact that the best restoration method for completely missing teeth is, the use of a covering prosthesis also makes sense. It will help those who do not have the financial ability to put implants, as well as patients whose bone tissue is loose, which is a contraindication to implantation.

Types of complete dentures

Orthopedic products used to restore completely missing teeth have approximately the same design. These are arched prostheses, which on the lower jaw are held only on the gums, and on the upper jaw they also rest on the palate. The teeth in dentures are almost always plastic, and the base can be made of different materials. It is on this basis that they are classified.

Expert opinion. Dentist Yanovsky L.D.: " named after the name of the polymer from which their basis is made. Nylon is a translucent, strong, flexible and elastic material with good wear-resistant qualities. Its advantages include good aesthetic performance and hypoallergenicity, which favorably distinguish this type of dental structures from others. Given that two out of ten people on the planet suffer from allergies to acrylic or various types of metals, for many, a nylon prosthesis in the absence of teeth is a panacea in terms of convenience and quality.

Made of acrylic - a more modern and perfect variety of plastic. It is distinguished by its resistance to wear and the effects of aggressive acid-base environments, which makes acrylic a fairly popular material in dental practice. However, he has a number shortcomings, which put it an order of magnitude lower than nylon:

Both nylon and acrylic prostheses do not have any attachments - this causes difficulties in fixing them. The use of special glue, which lasts for 3-4 hours, can slightly improve the situation, but this also brings only temporary comfort. The only way to get rid of discomfort is to install polymer prostheses on implants.

Prosthetics on implants in the complete absence of teeth: advantages and types of procedures

The main advantage of implantation is reliable fixation, thanks to which the patient does not have to worry that the prosthesis will fall off at the most inopportune moment. Chewing food is also greatly facilitated: there is no need to limit oneself in taking solid and viscous foods, and this has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility.

One of the first questions of interest to people who decide on implantation is the required number of implants. In each specific clinical case, this is decided individually, and the decisive factor is the condition of the patient's bone tissue. On average, at least two implants should be installed on each jaw to hold the entire structure.

If the patient is determined to undergo surgery, and the condition of the alveolar processes does not allow it, he can undergo a sinus lift - a technique for building up bone tissue using special materials. Modern dentistry has several methods for implanting implants, however, in the absence of teeth, it is rational to use only two of them - beam and push-button.

Button implants- a fairly reliable and relatively inexpensive method of restoration. During the operation, two implants are implanted into the gums, which end in a ball that looks like a clothes button. On the side of the prosthesis, there are holes, which are the second part of the attachment. This device allows the patient to remove the prosthesis daily for thorough cleaning.

Implantation on beams provides for the implantation of 2 to 4 implants interconnected by metal beams that increase the support area for a more thorough fixation of the prosthesis. Just like button implantation, it requires periodic removal, but at the same time pleases with good functionality.

A person forced to resort to the installation of prostheses in the complete absence of teeth imagines that he will have to wear a terrible “false jaw” that will have to be put in a glass of water on the bedside shelf at night.

All these unfounded misconceptions come from Soviet dentistry, when things were bad with prosthetics. Now, even with the complete absence of teeth, you can get a high-quality, comfortable and realistic prosthesis.

Complete absence of teeth

Briefly about prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth

Complete loss of teeth, or a large number of them, is by no means rare. There can be many reasons for such an ailment, and, unfortunately, due to the current environmental situation and living standards, there are more and more of them. Most often, the patient loses all his teeth for one of the following reasons:

  • Advanced diseases of gum tissues and periodontium.
  • Late treatment of caries or complete lack of therapy.
  • Natural wear of tooth enamel.
  • Increased abrasion of fabrics.
  • Severe injuries to a large number of teeth or the entire jaw.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Diseases of the internal organs.

Even if only a few teeth are missing, this is already felt and affects the chewing functions of the jaw. What can adentia lead to? If you do not correct the situation in a timely manner with the help of dentures, you may encounter irreversible consequences:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. A person without teeth is unable to fully experience hard food, and therefore his diet is poor and limited to soft foods. Monotony leads to nutritional deficiencies and poor digestion.
  • Distortion of the facial oval - sunken cheeks, protruding chin, pronounced nasolabial folds and thinned lips.
  • Distortion of speech due to the fact that in the absence of teeth, the ability to pronounce many letters and sounds is lost.
  • Atrophy of bone tissue, thinning of the alveolar processes, as a result of which subsequent implantation becomes simply impossible.

The complete absence of teeth significantly reduces the quality of life and gives rise to a lot of complexes. Only complete prosthetics can solve the problem.

This procedure does not have many contraindications, however, for patients with the following diseases, full prosthetics will not be available:

  • Intolerance to any type of anesthesia (important when installing implants).
  • Infectious diseases, mucous membranes and oral cavity in particular. Initially, you need to cure the disease and only then proceed to prosthetics.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Anemia or anorexia, as well as any other diseases that indicate the exhaustion of the body.

What prostheses can make up for the complete or almost complete absence of dental units?



Dentures made of nylon are elastic and look very realistic, however, they do not restore the chewing function. In addition, these types of prostheses are not fixed securely enough in the mouth.

Removable nylon dentures


The design is made of acrylic plastic - a fairly durable material that is compatible with mucous tissues and looks as natural as possible.

With a competent approach, a specialist can manufacture and deliver a completely realistic design with imitation of the color of the gums and enamel.

The basis can cover both part of the gum and close it all, depending on the size of the structure.

This design is ideal for permanent wear, and at the end of the adaptation period, it almost does not feel like something foreign.

Acrylic prosthesis can be left in the mouth overnight!

Based on beam fixation

This type of structure is based on a beam that takes on all the vertical load.

In order for the pressure on the implants to be distributed evenly, they are connected by a horizontal beam, in which there are places for fixing the orthopedic structure.

Prostheses based on bar fixation

In the prosthesis itself, recesses are made under the shape of this beam, and when the two parts are connected, special locks are snapped into place, which ensure a secure fit.

With the help of a beam prosthesis, it is possible to restore both the entire dentition and part of it.

The bar prosthesis is only conditionally referred to as removable, however, it should be removed only if cleaning or replacement is necessary.



In order to make a fixed prosthesis in the complete absence of teeth in the mouth, it is necessary to initially install 4 dental implants, on which the denture will be based.

A fixed structure made of high-quality metal ceramics will be much more convenient than a removable denture, as it serves as an imitation of a full-fledged dentition.

Gum deficiency will be filled with ceramics, which are painted in the color of the oral mucosa.

Fixed denture

Based on zirconia

This type of prosthetics is considered the highest quality and modern, due to the fact that the material itself is highly durable and lightweight. The weight of a zirconium dioxide prosthesis is several times less than the weight of a metal structure.

This material has a translucency that is identical in depth to natural tooth enamel, so that dentures cannot be outwardly distinguished from real teeth.

Clasp prosthetics

Most orthopedists agree that clasp prostheses are a successful combination of reliability, strength and beauty. Before installing a prosthesis of this type, supports are implanted in the patient. Clasp prostheses of the new generation have 3 types of fixation:

  1. Fixation with metal hooks or fastening on clasps.
  2. Attachment of a removable prosthesis using micro-locks installed on the implant.
  3. Fixation of the structure on telescopic crowns - after the implant is implanted into the bone, a primary crown is placed on it, and a secondary crown is placed on the removable prosthesis itself. It is worn on implants and securely fastened in the oral cavity.

Clasp prosthesis

Are there any differences between complete dentures of the upper and lower jaw

Upper jaw teeth

Making a prosthesis for the upper jaw is somewhat easier than for the lower. Because the the upper jaw has more points of support of the basis, for example, the sky.

Thanks to the large valve area, the prosthesis can be securely fixed on the gum, and the chewing load can be distributed much more evenly.

Even with the complete absence of the dentition, the prosthesis of the upper jaw will not move during meals and cause discomfort to the owner. For its manufacture, both flexible nylon and rigid acrylic can be used.

lower jaw teeth

The need to make up for the complete absence of teeth in the lower jaw presents certain difficulties for the prosthetist, since the area for the basis is extremely small. Due to the abundance of folds of mucous tissues and the tongue frenulum, the prosthesis cannot be fixed using valve mechanisms. Located near the tongue and cheeks can push and displace the structure, causing discomfort to the patient.

Therefore, if at least one healthy tooth has been preserved in the lower jaw, the best solution would be to install a conditionally removable prosthesis. The peculiarity of structures of this kind is as follows:

  • The prosthesis is securely fixed in the oral cavity on titanium screws implanted into the bone tissue.
  • There is no need to implant all the roots of the dentition - a few supporting ones are enough.
  • The denture can be removed at the dental office for a quick cleaning.

In the absence of teeth on the upper and lower jaws at the same time, the doctor can offer 2 different prostheses. The opinion that only structures made of the same material should be used is erroneous.

How to carry out prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth

Before proceeding with prosthetics, the patient must undergo a complete examination of the state of health, check the condition of the oral cavity and the prosthetic bed.

cast of teeth

The specialist first of all pays attention to how atrophied the alveolar processes and mucous membranes are. All this allows you to determine the nuances in the design of the future prosthesis. The main stages in the manufacture of a prosthesis are approximately the following:

  • Removal of impressions of the jaw for the subsequent work of dental technicians.
  • The casting of the prosthesis.
  • Basis manufacturing.
  • Determination of central occlusion thanks to impressions.
  • Relief modeling.
  • Finishing processing.
  • Delivery of the resulting prosthesis to the patient and the first fitting.

These are approximate steps in the manufacture of a prosthesis. The exact sequence depends on the specific type of prosthetic construction.


Of course, the complete loss of teeth is a difficult and painful situation for the person who had to deal with it. However, a high-quality and professionally made denture can be outwardly indistinguishable from real teeth, restoring not only the aesthetic appearance of a smile, but also chewing functions.

From this article you will learn:

  • what are the types of dentures
  • pros and cons of different removable dentures,
  • removable dentures of a new generation without a palate - price 2020.

Removable dentures are dentures that the patient can remove and put on himself. As a rule, they are made only with a large number of missing teeth - in cases where there is no possibility of fixed prosthetics or through.

In addition to traditional types of removable dentures, in recent years, conditionally removable dentures on implants, as well as new generation removable dentures without a palate, have been gaining popularity. Below you can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of both traditional and modern types of prostheses.

Types of removable dentures -

What kind of dentures is better to put in will depend primarily on the number of preserved teeth. One type of prosthesis is more suitable for the complete absence of teeth, the other - for their partial absence. Below we will analyze all types of removable dentures that can be made with complete or partial absence of teeth ...

1. Removable dentures in the absence of teeth -

The absence of abutment teeth in their complete absence leads to the fact that the chewing load can be transferred from the prosthesis only to the alveolar processes of the jaws (gingiva), which always leads to fairly rapid atrophy of the gums, i.e. to a decrease in height. The latter circumstance leads to the fact that removable dentures should be changed on average every 2.5-3 years, because. the prosthesis ceases to correspond to the tissues of the prosthetic bed.

Another problem of prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth is the fixation of the prosthesis (especially when it comes to the lower jaw). There is even the term "suction cup prostheses" (Fig. 1). We are talking about plastic prostheses, which are relatively well fixed during prosthetics of the upper jaw, but in the lower jaw it is impossible to achieve good fixation of the prosthesis in principle if they are not installed under the prosthesis.

In the complete absence of teeth, apply

2. Dental prostheses with partial absence of teeth -

Complete removable denture for the lower jaw: before and after photos

Thus, a rarefied space is formed under the prosthesis, which holds the prosthesis. That is why patients often refer to such prostheses as suction cup dentures. Moreover, it is best to make complete removable acrylic dentures on individual impression tray(remember this term), which will ensure a more accurate fit of the prosthesis to the tissues of the prosthetic bed, and therefore improve its fixation.

Which dentures are better - nylon or acrylic ...
when prosthetics in such a situation with a complete removable nylon prosthesis, there will be no “suction cup effect” due to the high elasticity of the body of the nylon prosthesis. This means that with the complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw, it is best to choose a plate prosthesis made of acrylic plastic.

When prosthetics of the lower jaw with a complete absence of teeth, the fixation of an acrylic prosthesis almost always leaves much to be desired (as with nylon prostheses), and almost all patients complain of periodic prosthesis falling out when chewing and talking. Of course, a special prosthesis can also be used here, but still the most effective solution is a conditionally removable acrylic prosthesis supported by 2-3 implants (read about this type of prosthesis below).

In terms of comfort and chewing efficiency –
plastic prostheses are superior in these qualities to nylon prostheses, because. the latter deform uncontrollably under chewing load (due to the high elasticity of nylon), causing pain when eating.

Acrylic dentures with partial absence of teeth: reviews

A partial acrylic denture will have stiff wire clasps that will extend from the plastic base of the denture and wrap around the abutment teeth (Figure 7-9). It is due to them that the partial lamellar prosthesis made of plastic is fixed in the oral cavity (Fig. 10-11).

Removable partial dentures for the upper and lower jaws -

Because the clasps are clasped precisely by the extreme teeth (located along the edges of the defects of the dentition), then if the abutment teeth are located precisely in the smile zone, the clasps will be clearly visible on the front surface of the teeth. This can be avoided only if you give preference to other types of prostheses (nylon or clasp).

In a nylon prosthesis, the clasps are made of flexible pink nylon, and therefore they are almost imperceptible against the background of the gums (site). However, the fixation of a prosthesis with elastic clasps will be - to put it mildly, “not important”, besides, such an elastic prosthesis will also be painful to chew. And the best solution in case of partial absence of teeth will always be only prosthetics with clasp-type prostheses (read about them below).

Acrylic dentures: pros and cons

In addition to the pros and cons that we have listed above, the advantages of plastic prostheses can also include: ease of manufacture, maintainability in case of breakage, relatively low cost - in comparison with all other types of prostheses (see cost below).

The disadvantages of plastic prostheses can also be attributed –

  • dentures are quite massive and take up a lot of space in the oral cavity,
  • when prosthetics of the upper jaw (both with complete and partial absence of teeth) - the basis of the prosthesis will completely cover the sky, which will cause a temporary violation of the articulation of speech, and also worsen taste sensitivity due to the overlap of taste buds located in the sky,
  • when prosthetics of the lower jaw in the complete absence of teeth - the fixation of the prosthesis will be quite poor (as with nylon prostheses), and there can be only one way out of this situation - a conditionally removable acrylic prosthesis supported by 2-3 implants.

Service life of acrylic dentures –
the recommended average service life is 3-3.5 years. However, it can be adjusted depending on the rate of atrophy of the jaw bone tissue. With an increased rate of atrophy, the service life is reduced to 2.5 years, with a slow rate of bone tissue atrophy, it can increase to 5 years.

Plastic prostheses: prices 2020

Prices for acrylic removable dentures are for 2020. The first figure corresponds to economy-class clinics, the second - to clinics of the middle price segment (we recorded the lowest prices in paid departments of state dental clinics).

  • Complete removable acrylic denture
    → in the regions - from 12,000 to 20,000 rubles.
    → in Moscow - from 14,000 to 20,000 rubles. (but if from expensive materials and on an individual impression spoon, then the price will be about 25,000 rubles).
  • On a partial removable denture
    prices in most clinics will be similar to a complete removable denture (or only slightly less, but no more than 10-15%). But a butterfly prosthesis for one tooth - the price will be from 6500 rubles.

2. Removable dentures made of nylon -

These are the so-called soft removable dentures made of elastic nylon (Fig. 13-15). They are used for complete and partial absence of teeth. Thanks to the properties of nylon, dentures made from this material can be made thinner and lighter than plastic dentures. In addition, nylon has a high degree of elasticity and flexibility, which makes these prostheses more comfortable to wear.

In addition, removable dentures made of nylon have very good aesthetics and are almost invisible in the oral cavity. This is due to the fact that the gingival clasps of the nylon prosthesis (necessary for its fixation) are also made of pink nylon, which makes them invisible against the background of the pink gum shell. In turn, for plastic and clasp prostheses, the clasps are made of metal, and therefore they are clearly visible when they are in the smile line.

Dentures: photo

However, this is where the positive properties of such prostheses end. in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are negative, which is connected, paradoxically as it may seem, precisely with the flexibility and elasticity of such prostheses. All the negative properties of nylon are fully manifested precisely when chewing pressure is transferred from a soft elastic prosthesis to the tissues of the prosthetic bed.

The high elasticity of the nylon prosthesis base leads to –

  • to rapid atrophy of bone tissue under the prosthesis,
  • rapid subsidence of the prosthesis and the need to replace it,
  • painful chewing of food
  • the need for frequent corrections of the prosthesis,
  • in addition, the prosthesis has a rough surface, which leads to a fairly rapid formation of a bacterial film on its surface.

Removable nylon dentures: price

For removable nylon dentures - the price is indicated for 2020 (the first digit is the cost in economy class clinics, the second - in clinics of the middle price segment) ...

  • complete removable denture - from 32,000 to 47,000 rubles.
  • partial removable denture - from 26,000 to 40,000 rubles.
  • butterfly dentures made of nylon (for 1-2 teeth) - from 17,000 rubles.

3. Removable dentures "Acry-free" -

Acry-free material was developed by Perflex Ltd (Israel) for partial and complete removable dentures. It has amazing aesthetic properties, i.e. the basis of the prosthesis is practically indistinguishable from the oral mucosa. The prosthesis clasps are also made of a translucent material, which makes them invisible - unlike the metal clasps of the clasp and traditional acrylic prostheses.

Cost of Acry-free prostheses
the prices below are turnkey in clinics of the middle price category. The average price in Moscow for Acry-free prostheses in 2020 will be…

  • partial removable denture - from 30,000 to 37,000 rubles.
  • complete removable denture - from 40,000 to 47,000 rubles.
  • prosthesis for 1-2 teeth - about 20,000 rubles.

4. Clasp dentures -

Let's say right away that there is nothing better than clasp prostheses with partial absence of teeth. Prostheses of this type differ from nylon and plastic prostheses in that they have a metal frame (arc) inside. The use of a reinforcing metal frame, on which a pink plastic or nylon base with artificial teeth is then installed, can significantly reduce the size of the prosthesis base.

So, for example, it is possible to make a removable prosthesis for the upper jaw without a palate, or rather, only a thin metal arc will pass through the palate. On the lower jaw in the sublingual space there will also be no massive prosthesis base, because. there will also be a practically imperceptible thin metal arc (Fig. 6). All this gives high comfort when wearing a prosthesis, talking, eating.

Removable clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw: before and after photos

Removable clasp prosthesis on the lower jaw: before and after photos

Fixation of clasp prostheses on the abutment teeth is carried out in two ways

  • Fixation with clasps(Fig. 20) -
    clasps are branches of a cast metal frame. Dentures with such a fixation system are very reliable and comfortable, but they have one drawback - metal clasps in some situations can fall into the smile line, and then they will be clearly visible.

    When you put on the prosthesis, the heads of the attachments fall into the locking mechanism (silicone matrix), and the prosthesis is securely held. Such a prosthesis can never fly off on its own. You can remove it only with a little effort by hand. With such a prosthesis, you can comfortably chew, confidently talk with other people, without fear of falling out of the prosthesis.

  • Prosthesis on implants with a microlock of the beam type
    2-3 implants are also implanted into the jaw, on which a metal bar is then fixed. In the projection of such a beam on the inner surface of the body of a removable prosthesis, a recess is made corresponding to the exact size of the beam, and one or more silicone matrices are inserted there, which, when the prosthesis is put on, will tightly wrap around the beam.

Covering dentures on intracanal implants -

There is also a covering prosthesis of another type. To implement such a prosthesis, it is necessary that the patient has 2-4 strong single-rooted teeth or at least the roots of teeth (preferably canines or premolars) left in the jaw. To make such a prosthesis, the crowns of the remaining teeth are first cut down at the root, and their root canals are sealed.

Then, implants are screwed into the root canal of each root (Fig. 28), resembling large pins, which will have an element protruding above the root in the form of a metal head (i.e., just like a prosthesis on implants with push-button micro locks).

Recesses are made on the inner surface of the prosthesis in the projection of metal heads, into which silicone retaining matrices are inserted in the same way. As a result, you get excellent fixation of the prosthesis, comfortable painless chewing of even hard food, and due to the preserved teeth roots, the atrophy of the bone tissue of the edentulous jaw slows down sharply, which helps to increase the life of the prosthesis.

Which dentures are better to put: a summary

We hope that our article on the topic: Removable dentures, what are the best reviews - turned out to be useful to you! Below we summarize all the above and write the types of removable dentures in order of decreasing their comfort and convenience for the patient.

With completely edentulous jaws -

  • conditionally removable prosthesis on implants,
  • Acry-free prosthesis,
  • and only lastly - a nylon prosthesis.

With partial absence of teeth -

  • clasp prosthesis,
  • Acry-free prosthesis,
  • traditional acrylic prosthesis,
  • nylon prosthesis,
  • Dental prosthesis Sandwich.


1. Personal experience as a dentist
2. “Orthopedic dentistry. Textbook "(Trezubov V.N.),
3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
5. "Removable dentures: a textbook" (Mironova M.L.),
6. "Partial removable dentures" (Zhulev E.N.).

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