How to prepare for a difficult operation. Preparing the patient for surgery. If you have a planned operation...

General anesthesia is prescribed to the patient in the event that during the operation it is impossible to do with local anesthesia for the full relief of pain. Hundreds of thousands of people go through this procedure every day. Reduce the likelihood of complications, both during and after surgery, will help competent preparation to anesthesia. The patient is required to strictly follow the recommendations that will help him prepare for the upcoming test physically and psychologically.

In many cases of surgical intervention, do without general anesthesia impossible. With its relevance and necessity, such anesthesia is still not entirely subject to the will of man. Medicine cannot give a 100% guarantee that this artificial sleep will not have a negative effect. An honest and open dialogue between the patient and the anesthesiologist is important when planning an operation, which should be prepared in advance.

Back in the middle of the last century, anesthesia before surgery was associated with a risk to the patient's life. Today, thanks to a huge leap in the development of all branches of medicine, as well as due to the use of advanced technologies, we no longer have to talk about death due to anesthesia. However, there remains a small chance of a health hazard human brain(possible mental impairment).

Almost everyone who has to go through this procedure experiences fear, sometimes turning into panic. But, since there is no alternative to such anesthesia, it is necessary to use all available possibilities to achieve maximum safety. To do this, before anesthesia, it is important to prepare your body in accordance with the established rules and the individual requirements of the attending physician. If everything is done as the anesthesiologist advises, the likelihood of complications can be reduced.

The advantages of general anesthesia include factors such as the patient's lack of sensitivity to ongoing surgical procedures, and the absolute immobility of the patient, allowing surgeons to work with concentration and without stress. In addition, a person under general anesthesia is completely relaxed, which allows doctors to work even with hard-to-reach vessels and tissues, without wasting time. Another advantage is that the patient is unconscious during the operation, therefore, there is no fear.

In some cases, anesthesia is accompanied by such side effects like attention disorder, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, pain and dryness in the throat, headaches.

These discomforts are temporary, and their intensity and duration can be corrected if you prepare for the upcoming operation as required by the doctor, for example, do not eat or drink water for several hours before the procedure.

Preparing for the operation

It is important to properly prepare for surgery under general anesthesia. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming surgical intervention, general condition health of the patient and many other factors, the preparation time can vary from 2 weeks to six months. During this time, the patient sometimes develops a persistent fear of surgery and anesthesia, which is fed by the stories of other patients or anonymous testimonies read in the yellow press.

The anesthesiologist, together with the surgeon who is to operate on the patient, should conduct an informative conversation with precise indications of what you can eat and drink a month before the operation, a week before it and on the day of the operation. In addition, the patient must be examined by other specialized doctors who study the state of his health and also give him useful advice on adjusting, for example, smoking, weight, lifestyle, sleep.

Even before a short and simple operation under general anesthesia, at least the following examination of the patient's state of health is carried out:

  • blood test (general);
  • urinalysis (general);
  • blood clotting test;
  • general urine analysis.

It is important to tell the truth about how you feel. If the patient was properly preparing for the operation, but a few days before it, he noted an increase in temperature or an exacerbation of a chronic disease, for example, gastritis, the attending physician should know this! If the patient feels unwell, the operation must be postponed.

Fear of surgery under anesthesia

Feeling fear of anesthesia or a surgeon's scalpel is normal and should not be ashamed of. To reduce the feeling of anxiety, you can seek the help of a psychologist. In many developed countries, each patient must be consulted by such a specialist before surgery, and if necessary, consultations can be multiple. In our country, few clinics and hospitals can boast of such an opportunity, so patients themselves sometimes have to ask their doctor for a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist for a conversation.

It is believed that the patient's psyche is already injured in the clinic, when the doctor recommends surgical treatment to his ward. Even then, in the mind of a person, fear begins to occupy a dominant position. Anyone who is about to undergo a surgical operation needs the sensitivity of the medical staff.

Every patient, without exception, should be reassured and encouraged. If the patient shows a feeling of fear especially intensely (often cries, talks about death, sleeps and eats poorly), he needs an urgent consultation with a psychologist. In the preoperative period, most patients are in dire need of preparation for surgery, not only medically, but also psychologically. There are several areas of mental support for patients:

  • training of children and elderly people;
  • preparation for emergency surgery;
  • preparation for a planned operation.

Fear is a strong emotion, which in this case plays a negative role, preventing the patient from tuning in to a favorable outcome of the operation.

Since the consequences of anesthesia depend not only on the anesthesiologist, but also on the patient, you should carefully consider your own emotional experiences and promptly see a specialist to restore mental balance. You can be afraid of anesthesia or the outcome of surgery, but at the same time live full life without poisoning yourself or your loved ones. To do this, you should prepare for the operation psychologically and physically, controlling not only what you can eat or drink, but also what you can and should think about.

Psychological attitude

First of all, you should abandon the ostentatious bravado and admit to yourself: "Yes, I'm afraid of anesthesia." Fear is experienced by every patient who has to go through a serious surgical intervention. This normal condition, as a person is used to control the work own body, and the thought that he will be helpless inspires fear and anxiety. In addition, there is a fear for the consequences of anesthesia and the success of the operation itself. Such anxiety is normal if it is not constantly present and does not disturb the patient's usual rhythm of life.

In order to psychologically prepare for the operation under anesthesia, experiencing fear, you can do auto-training, yoga, meditation. It is enough to master the technique of proper relaxation and breathing in order to feel peace of mind and peace in just a few sessions. Breathing exercises and a positive attitude will help overcome fear and panic.

Physical training

In addition to the psychological aspect, body preparation is important:

  • all medications taken (even about 1 aspirin tablet) should be known to the anesthesiologist and the attending surgeon;
  • should tell doctors about the recent previous diseases And allergic reactions;
  • it is impossible to hide the diseases transferred in the past, which are considered indecent by the people (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • you can not eat or drink 6 hours before the operation;
  • quit smoking preferably 6 weeks before the appointed date;
  • must be removed from the mouth removable dentures and piercing;
  • need to be removed contact lenses And hearing aid(in the presence of);
  • decorative varnish is removed from the surface of the nails.

A week before the operation, you should eat foods that help cleanse the intestines from toxins and gases. If you prepare correctly, the body will tolerate anesthesia easily and without complications. A competent approach and compliance with the instructions will help not to be afraid of the upcoming procedure and will allow you to restore strength after the operation.

The outcome of the operation depends on how well the patient can prepare for the upcoming operation. Preparation for anesthesia of the patient takes place the day before the operation and ends by the time he is in the operating unit. During the examination, the anesthesiologist pays attention to the psychological state of the patient, notes how widely he can open his mouth, assesses the condition and how pronounced the superficial vein is. At this moment, the doctor notes the features of the skin, nail plates, the color of the pupil and respiratory movements. In a word, he draws attention to everything that can cause a complication of the course of general anesthesia.

Is it possible to eat

Time of evacuation of various types of food from the gastrointestinal tract: Liquids (tea, juices) - 2 hours; Milk - 5 hours; Enteral mixtures (special nutrition) 4 - 6 hours; Light food- 6 hours; Meat, fat 8 and > hours. A meta-analysis included in Cochrane (2003) shows that fasting or fluid intake 2 hours before surgery does not affect gastric volume and pH. National and European guidelines for anesthesia recommend stopping fluid intake 2 hours and solid food 6 hours before the procedure. ERAS, 2012.

Why is it forbidden

Eating food before an upcoming operation under general anesthesia is fraught with not only backfire, but also dangerous complications. There are quite frequent cases in surgery, when during anesthesia the patient began to feel sick, while the vomit, flowing out, enters the lungs. Also under the influence of general anesthesia, the patient's muscles are relaxed. Food from the stomach can spontaneously leak out and enter the respiratory tract, thereby causing pneumonia, which will be very difficult to cure.

But there are some peculiarities here. By itself, food is not an aggressive environment, unlike gastric juice. Therefore, doctors sometimes say: "You'd better eat!"

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusions when preparing for general anesthesia:

  1. You can, the main thing is to meet the deadlines
  2. On the day of surgery, you can drink a glass of sweets 2 hours or more in advance.
  3. Always check with your anesthesiologist about the time intervals for eating on the eve of anesthesia.

Purgation; bladder with a catheter

For subsequent bowel cleansing, the surgeon prescribes a cleansing enema on the preoperative day. On the morning before the operation, the enema is repeated. Before "big" operations, the patient is placed a urinary catheter directly in the operating room. Since the procedure is quite unpleasant, especially for men, the catheter can be placed while the person is under anesthesia. In order to place a urinary catheter, you need to have the necessary skills, so this should be done nurse, and in special cases, a urologist is called, for example, with severe prostate adenoma.

Hygiene procedures

In order to minimize the risk of infection, the patient needs to take a shower, but this can only be done if the doctor has not received instructions to prohibit the hygiene procedure.
In the morning, before the operation under general anesthesia, if possible, it is better to stop smoking, it is necessary to brush your teeth. If there are crowns or unhealthy teeth in the oral cavity, then it is necessary to undergo treatment with a dentist in advance, since with the introduction of mechanical ventilation, loose teeth can fall out, which will lead to blockage respiratory tract.

We remove all excess

Before the operation, it is better to remove everything superfluous from yourself. If the patient has piercings or dentures, it is necessary to free the oral cavity from them. To prepare for general anesthesia, you should also get rid of contact lenses, hearing aids. In the event that there will be local anesthesia, all this can be left.


The premedication section is the least developed in modern anesthesia. Physicians were looking for a way out of this problem in different ways. Someone studied new more effective drugs, someone used drugs with a multidirectional spectrum of action in combination, and the majority used atropine and promedol as standard. But as practice has shown, this method of premedication is not effective.

The goal of all anesthesiologists was the same, it was necessary that drugs that give desired effect, also ensured the constancy of homeostasis, and did not destroy compensatory mechanisms. Joint studies of anesthesiologists and psychiatrists have shown the need for individual premedication, the basis should be the patient's reaction to the upcoming operation. After all, the reaction different patients very different, from isolation to malice and melancholy. This condition affects the course of anesthesia, and is expressed by endocrine disorders, which in turn lead to instability of the vital important organs. That is why individual premedication is so important.

Why premedication is needed

2-3 hours before the upcoming operation, the doctor carries out individual premedication, the so-called complex application medical preparations. Conducting premedication is necessary to relieve psychological stress, prevent adverse reactions, reducing bronchial secretion, as well as for the subsequent increase in the analgesic and anesthetic properties of narcotic drugs. The whole complex pharmacological agents, is able to achieve such an effect. For mental sedation, tranquilizers are used, thanks to atropine, the secretion of mucous membranes and salivary glands can be reduced.

Used drugs

The implementation of premedication includes drugs of several groups: sedatives, antihistamines, as well as drugs that reduce the work of muscles and glands.

From sedatives to medical institutions are and are most often used:

  • "Phenobarbital"
  • "Sedonal"
  • "Luminal"

Among antihistamines in premedication, they have found their wide application:

  • "Tavegil"
  • "Suprastin"
  • "Dimedrol"

Of the contractile function blockers in sedation, the following are used:

  • "Metacin"
  • "Atropine"
  • "Glycopyrrolate"

In some cases, drugs are administered to reduce the dose of the anesthetic. All drugs are administered intramuscularly if the patient is undergoing a planned operation. If an emergency operation is required, intravenous catheter serves to enter necessary drugs. In this case, the superficial vein serves the most convenient option to place the catheter.

Preparation for anesthesia

The doctor helps the patient to prepare for general anesthesia in several stages.

First stage includes initial preparation, in the evening on the preoperative day, the patient is prescribed sleeping pills prolonged action. Full sleep and a good emotional background is one of the components of a successful anesthesia.

Second phase occurs on the day of the operation. Exactly on this stage blockers are administered to the patient. These drugs are necessary in the case when a device for artificial ventilation of the lungs will be used, and even in the case of an operation on a muscular organ. Then antihistamines are introduced, they make it possible to avoid allergic reactions to the anesthetic, and substances that will subsequently enter the bloodstream. Under the influence of these drugs, a person gets rid of a stressful state and relaxes.

Third stage comes in the operating room. Depending on the upcoming operation, the patient is placed on the table in the desired position. They fix the patient with wide straps, in order to avoid unconscious movements.

Vein puncture

In preparation for anesthesia, the superficial vein is punctured by a nurse. Such a vein is located on the hands, elbow or forearm, sometimes on the soles of the feet. This vein is the most convenient to insert a special peripheral intravenous catheter. The vein into which the catheter is inserted is the vein through which drugs are delivered designed to provide adequate anesthesia to maintain vital functions during the operation at the proper level. It often happens that the patient's vein is poorly expressed. If the vein is hardly noticeable or it is very thin, or with "knots" ( anatomical features, cancer patients after chemotherapy, obese patients, drug addicts), it is very difficult to install an intravenous catheter into it. Often with bad veins, the anesthesiologist has to puncture the so-called central vein. Most often, this is either the subclavian or internal jugular vein. The patient is placed in a special way, the injection site is anesthetized with infiltration anesthesia. The doctor gropes for anatomical landmarks in order to more accurately determine the location of the vein. Then, with a long needle with a syringe, the doctor tries to get into the lumen of the vein. The procedure may be delayed due to anatomical variations and technical difficulties. As soon as the doctor got into the lumen of the vein, this is evidenced by the appearance of blood in the lumen of the syringe when the piston is pulled towards itself, a special conductor is inserted through which the catheter is passed. The catheter in the central vein must be fixed. To do this, through special "ears", the catheter is sutured to the skin. In this case, the catheter can remain in the vein for quite a long time, with proper care up to 2 weeks. This "vein" is very convenient for the patient, as it almost does not restrict the patient's movements. If the catheter is in the vein for more than this time, or if it is poorly cared for, then inflammation may occur.

Before local anesthesia

When conducting local anesthesia, the anesthesiologist is not present, surgeons do an excellent job with this method of anesthesia themselves. Also, before local anesthesia, the implementation of premedication is not required. In the event that the patient is scheduled for an operation with local anesthesia, then hygiene procedures can be dispensed with.

Any surgical intervention is a strong shock to the body. How successful it will be, how quickly you recover after the operation - not least depends on the correct preparation for surgery.

How to prepare for the operation to the patient - the site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell.

How to properly prepare for the operation in advance?

If you have a planned operation, then the doctor must prescribe a mandatory examination of the body. There are several goals. Of course, the surgeon needs to know everything about the problem for which the operation is needed, and you may be prescribed various types of examinations depending on the diagnosis.

But besides this, it is very important to know if there are any other health problems - even in other organs or parts of the body!

Firstly, any inflammation or infection can complicate the healing of the operated area. Secondly, there are many factors that can affect the tolerability of anesthesia (especially if we are talking how to prepare for surgery under general anesthesia!). Before any surgical intervention, the patient will be prescribed to undergo the following examinations:

  • Cardiogram. It is important to know how the heart works (evenness heart rate), whether there are problems with blood circulation.
  • Fluorography. Lung work is also very important point.
  • Complete blood count, general urinalysis. The goal is to identify subtle problems, asymptomatic changes in the body, etc.
  • Sometimes a biochemical blood test may be prescribed.
  • Blood clotting time test. It is vital to know that blood is clotting normally!
  • Tests for certain allergens (to make sure that a person is not allergic to certain drugs administered during or after surgery). It happens, for example, an allergy to antibiotics, etc.
  • Sometimes, mainly during abdominal operations, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is prescribed - to see the current state of the operated area and adjacent areas, and make sure that there are no additional problems: neoplasms, metastases, stones, polyps, etc.
  • In some cases, an x-ray of the operated part of the body is prescribed.

But even in addition to these examinations and their results, it is desirable to treat all third-party inflammatory processes before surgery: for example, SARS, carious teeth, "problem" gums, stomatitis, on the lips, etc. Pay special attention to foci of infection in oral cavity.

Also, 1-2 weeks before the operation, you need to bring your lifestyle as close as possible to a healthy one (excluding sports and physical activity, if doctors do not recommend them for your diagnosis): less spicy, salty, smoked and fried foods in the diet, more time spent on fresh air, healthy sleep at least 7 hours a day, etc.

Highly recommended before surgery! If this is completely problematic, then at least do not smoke the day before surgery! Whatever type of anesthesia you have, it will not hurt to prepare for the operation through general recovery - then the body will endure the intervention more easily!

A few weeks before the operation, it is advisable to start losing as much weight as possible. Of course, without fanaticism and speed weight loss records! It is not necessary to bring your figure to the ideal of a fashion model, but look objectively at overweight worth it - because the higher the body weight, the harder it is for the heart to work!

How to prepare before the operation the day before?

If you are to general anesthesia, you need to prepare for the operation in about a day.

A very important point is eating. On the day before the operation, you can eat your usual way, but only until 6 pm. It is not necessary to starve or follow any diet (unless there are special instructions from the doctor) on this day. After 18.00 and before midnight, it is no longer recommended to eat solid food, but you can drink, and not only water, but also juice, broth, weak tea, and other drinks (for the body it is still food, because it has a certain calorie content). After midnight and until the operation itself, you can’t eat or even drink anything.

How to prepare for surgery under general anesthesia if you regularly take any medication? You must report them to your doctor, surgeon and anesthesiologist - you may be advised to stop taking them on the day of surgery. In the case when you still need to drink a pill, it is recommended to swallow it without water, and if it is very difficult, then drink it down with just one sip.

On the eve of abdominal surgery, patients are usually prescribed a cleansing enema - during surgery gastrointestinal tract must be emptied.

In the evening or in the morning before the operation, you need to take a shower. If surgery affects areas with hairline, then it must be completely shaved off. Sometimes the waxing is done by nurses in the hospital, but sometimes the patient is asked to take care of it.

Another point on how to prepare for the operation is to wash off the manicure polish and / or artificial (extended) nails. There is a special device that is connected to the patient's hands (fingertips) to constantly monitor breathing during the operation, and varnish can distort the readings. You also need to remove all Jewelry, piercing jewelry, hearing aids, lenses, prostheses (dental or otherwise), glasses, etc.

It is also worth knowing how to mentally prepare for the operation.

Firstly, consult with the surgeon and anesthesiologist in advance, ask all the questions that concern you. It is advisable to get enough sleep the night before the operation. Sometimes patients are even prescribed sleeping pills to cope with understandable anxiety and insomnia (but you should not drink sleeping pills without the advice of a doctor!). Take a book, a magazine or a player with your favorite music with you - in order to occupy the waiting time before the operation with something.

But, of course, you cannot completely decide on your own how to prepare for the operation - be sure to consult your doctor, because various diagnoses and types of interventions have their own preparation characteristics!

A lot also depends on the actions of the patient himself, which he performed on the eve of the operation. What you need to know when a planned operation is ahead? Tell PoMedicine.

Before joining the department

You will see each other when you learn that preparations for surgery begin weeks or even months before you are admitted to the hospital wing. It all depends on the patient himself, because the doctor will not be able to constantly monitor the patient's lifestyle and make sure that he fulfills all his prescriptions. So, what is required from the patient before entering a medical institution:

Before anesthesia

After a successful operation, the patient has yet to recover from anesthesia. Gradually, the sensitivity of the muscles will return to him, he will regain consciousness. To remove drugs, the body will need time and concentration of forces. Doctors say that patients get out of anesthesia in 4-5 hours. After another about an hour they spend half asleep. This reaction is completely normal and should not bother you or your loved ones.

  • after anesthesia, you need to spend at least a day in a calm environment: you cannot run, jump, play active games, engage with children, etc .;
  • it is forbidden to handle any devices that can harm your health (chainsaw, lawn mower, etc.);
  • after anesthesia, you can’t drive, because your reaction rate will be noticeably slower, you can fall asleep while sitting in the driver’s seat;
  • do not take any medications other than those prescribed by your doctor;
  • alcohol (including beer, cider, cocktails, etc.) should be excluded at least for a few days, let the body recover and take a break from the stress experienced;
  • if you have been discharged from the hospital after anesthesia (minor surgery), ask a friend or relative to monitor your condition during the day and tell the doctor if you feel worse;
  • limit yourself in food and food for the first 3-4 days, your diet should be broths, cereals on the water, yogurts, mousses, toast bread.

For the operation to be successful, do not forget that you must be directly involved in its preparation. Compliance with the prescriptions of doctors will help to avoid possible risks and complications.

Preparation for surgery under general anesthesia

General anesthesia is prescribed to the patient in the event that during the operation it is impossible to do with local anesthesia for the full relief of pain. Hundreds of thousands of people go through this procedure every day. Competent preparation for anesthesia will help to reduce the likelihood of complications, both during surgery and after it. The patient is required to strictly follow the recommendations that will help him prepare for the upcoming test physically and psychologically.

In many cases of surgical intervention, it is impossible to do without general anesthesia. With its relevance and necessity, such anesthesia is still not entirely subject to the will of man. Medicine cannot give a 100% guarantee that this artificial sleep will not have a negative effect. An honest and open dialogue between the patient and the anesthesiologist is important when planning an operation, which should be prepared in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages of anesthesia

Back in the middle of the last century, anesthesia before surgery was associated with a risk to the patient's life. Today, thanks to a huge leap in the development of all branches of medicine, as well as due to the use of advanced technologies, we no longer have to talk about death due to anesthesia. However, there remains a small possibility of a threat to the health of the human brain (possible mental impairment).

Almost everyone who has to go through this procedure experiences fear, sometimes turning into panic. But, since there is no alternative to such anesthesia, it is necessary to use all available possibilities to achieve maximum safety. To do this, before anesthesia, it is important to prepare your body in accordance with the established rules and the individual requirements of the attending physician. If everything is done as the anesthesiologist advises, the likelihood of complications can be reduced.

The advantages of general anesthesia include factors such as the patient's lack of sensitivity to ongoing surgical procedures, and the absolute immobility of the patient, allowing surgeons to work with concentration and without stress. In addition, a person under general anesthesia is completely relaxed, which allows doctors to work even with hard-to-reach vessels and tissues, without wasting time. Another advantage is that the patient is unconscious during the operation, therefore, there is no fear.

In some cases, anesthesia is accompanied by such side effects as attention disorder, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, pain and dryness in the throat, and headaches.

These discomforts are temporary, and their intensity and duration can be corrected if you prepare for the upcoming operation as required by the doctor, for example, do not eat or drink water for several hours before the procedure.

Preparing for the operation

It is important to properly prepare for surgery under general anesthesia. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming surgical intervention, the general health of the patient and many other factors, the preparation time may vary from 2 weeks to six months. During this time, the patient sometimes develops a persistent fear of surgery and anesthesia, which is fed by the stories of other patients or anonymous testimonies read in the yellow press.

The anesthesiologist, together with the surgeon who is to operate on the patient, should conduct an informative conversation with precise indications of what you can eat and drink a month before the operation, a week before it and on the day of the operation. In addition, the patient must be examined by other specialized doctors who study the state of his health and also give him useful advice on adjusting, for example, smoking, weight, lifestyle, sleep.

Even before a short and simple operation under general anesthesia, at least the following examination of the patient's state of health is carried out:

  • blood test (general);
  • urinalysis (general);
  • blood clotting test;
  • general urine analysis.

It is important to tell the truth about how you feel. If the patient was properly preparing for the operation, but a few days before it, he noted an increase in temperature or an exacerbation of a chronic disease, for example, gastritis, the attending physician should know this! If the patient feels unwell, the operation must be postponed.

Fear of surgery under anesthesia

Feeling fear of anesthesia or a surgeon's scalpel is normal and should not be ashamed of. To reduce the feeling of anxiety, you can seek the help of a psychologist. In many developed countries, each patient must be consulted by such a specialist before surgery, and if necessary, consultations can be multiple. In our country, few clinics and hospitals can boast of such an opportunity, so patients themselves sometimes have to ask their doctor for a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist for a conversation.

It is believed that the patient's psyche is already injured in the clinic, when the doctor recommends surgical treatment to his ward. Even then, in the mind of a person, fear begins to occupy a dominant position. Anyone who is about to undergo a surgical operation needs the sensitivity of the medical staff.

Every patient, without exception, should be reassured and encouraged. If the patient shows a feeling of fear especially intensely (often cries, talks about death, sleeps and eats poorly), he needs an urgent consultation with a psychologist. In the preoperative period, most patients are in dire need of preparation for surgery, not only medically, but also psychologically. There are several areas of mental support for patients:

  • training of children and elderly people;
  • preparation for emergency surgery;
  • preparation for a planned operation.

Fear is a strong emotion, which in this case plays a negative role, preventing the patient from tuning in to a favorable outcome of the operation.

Since the consequences of anesthesia depend not only on the anesthesiologist, but also on the patient, you should carefully consider your own emotional experiences and promptly see a specialist to restore mental balance. You can be afraid of anesthesia or the outcome of a surgical intervention, but at the same time live a full life, without poisoning it either for yourself or your loved ones. To do this, you should prepare for the operation psychologically and physically, controlling not only what you can eat or drink, but also what you can and should think about.

Psychological attitude

First of all, you should abandon the ostentatious bravado and admit to yourself: "Yes, I'm afraid of anesthesia." Fear is experienced by every patient who has to go through a serious surgical intervention. This is a normal state, since a person is used to controlling the work of his own body, and the thought that he will be helpless inspires fear and anxiety. In addition, there is a fear for the consequences of anesthesia and the success of the operation itself. Such anxiety is normal if it is not constantly present and does not disturb the patient's usual rhythm of life.

In order to psychologically prepare for the operation under anesthesia, experiencing fear, you can do auto-training, yoga, meditation. It is enough to master the technique of proper relaxation and breathing in order to feel peace of mind and peace in just a few sessions. Breathing exercises and a positive attitude will help overcome fear and panic.

Physical training

In addition to the psychological aspect, body preparation is important:

  • all medications taken (even about 1 aspirin tablet) should be known to the anesthesiologist and the attending surgeon;
  • you should tell your doctors about recent illnesses and allergic reactions;
  • it is impossible to hide the diseases transferred in the past, which are considered indecent by the people (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • you can not eat or drink 6 hours before the operation;
  • quit smoking preferably 6 weeks before the appointed date;
  • removable dentures and piercings must be removed from the oral cavity;
  • remove contact lenses and hearing aid (if any);
  • decorative varnish is removed from the surface of the nails.

A week before the operation, you should eat foods that help cleanse the intestines from toxins and gases. If you prepare correctly, the body will tolerate anesthesia easily and without complications. A competent approach and compliance with the instructions will help not to be afraid of the upcoming procedure and will allow you to restore strength after the operation.

The duty of the attending physician is to help the patient overcome fear and oppression of pain, as well as to prepare the patient's body systems for surgery.

The patient should be open and honest about everything that worries him. Only a trusting relationship and strict observance of the rules and regimes will help to pass this period without a serious stressful load on the psyche and body.

How to prepare for the operation?

Any surgical intervention is a strong shock to the body. How successful it will be, how quickly you recover after the operation - not least depends on the correct preparation for surgery.

How to prepare for the operation to the patient - the site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell.

How to properly prepare for the operation in advance?

If you have a planned operation, then the doctor must prescribe a mandatory examination of the body. There are several goals. Of course, the surgeon needs to know everything about the problem for which the operation is needed, and you may be prescribed various types of examinations depending on the diagnosis.

But besides this, it is very important to know if there are any other health problems - even in other organs or parts of the body!

Firstly, any inflammation or infection can complicate the healing of the operated area. Secondly, there are many factors that can affect the tolerability of anesthesia (especially when it comes to how to prepare for surgery under general anesthesia!). Before any surgical intervention, the patient will be prescribed to undergo the following examinations:

  • Cardiogram. It is important to know how the heart works (evenness of the heart rate), whether there are any problems with blood circulation.
  • Fluorography. Lung function is also very important.
  • Complete blood count, general urinalysis. The goal is to identify subtle problems, asymptomatic changes in the body, etc.
  • Sometimes a biochemical blood test may be prescribed.
  • Blood clotting time test. It is vital to know that blood is clotting normally!
  • Tests for certain allergens (to make sure that a person is not allergic to certain drugs administered during or after surgery). It happens, for example, an allergy to antibiotics, etc.
  • Sometimes, mainly during abdominal operations, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is prescribed - to see the current state of the operated area and adjacent areas, and to make sure that there are no additional problems: neoplasms, metastases, stones, polyps, etc.
  • In some cases, an x-ray of the operated part of the body is prescribed.

But even in addition to these examinations and their results, it is desirable to treat all third-party inflammatory processes before surgery: for example, SARS, carious teeth, “problem” gums, stomatitis, herpes on the lips, etc. Pay special attention to foci of infection in the oral cavity.

Also, 1-2 weeks before the operation, you need to bring your lifestyle as close as possible to a healthy one (excluding sports and physical activity, if doctors do not recommend them for your diagnosis): less spicy, salty, smoked and fried foods in the diet, more time outdoors, healthy sleep at least 7 hours a day, etc.

It is highly recommended to give up smoking before the operation! If this is completely problematic, then at least do not smoke the day before surgery! Whatever type of anesthesia you have, it will not hurt to prepare for the operation through general recovery - then the body will endure the intervention more easily!

A few weeks before the operation, it is advisable to start losing as much weight as possible. Of course, without fanaticism and speed weight loss records! It is not necessary to bring your figure to the ideal of a photo model, but it is worth looking objectively at those extra pounds - after all, the higher the body weight, the harder it is for the heart to work!

How to prepare before the operation the day before?

If you are going to be under general anesthesia, you need to prepare for the operation approximately one day in advance.

A very important point is eating. On the day before the operation, you can eat your usual way, but only until 6 pm. It is not necessary to starve or follow any diet (unless there are special instructions from the doctor) on this day. After 18.00 and before midnight, it is no longer recommended to eat solid food, but you can drink, and not only water, but also juice, broth, weak tea, and other drinks (for the body it is still food, because it has a certain calorie content). After midnight and until the operation itself, you can’t eat or even drink anything.

How to prepare for surgery under general anesthesia if you regularly take any medication? You must report them to your doctor, surgeon and anesthesiologist - you may be advised to stop taking them on the day of surgery. In the case when you still need to drink a pill, it is recommended to swallow it without water, and if it is very difficult, then drink it down with just one sip.

On the eve of abdominal operations, patients are usually prescribed a cleansing enema - during surgery, the gastrointestinal tract must be emptied.

In the evening or in the morning before the operation, you need to take a shower. If surgery affects areas with hairline, then it must be completely shaved off. Sometimes the waxing is done by nurses in the hospital, but sometimes the patient is asked to take care of it.

Another point on how to prepare for the operation is to wash off the manicure polish and / or artificial (extended) nails. There is a special device that is connected to the patient's hands (fingertips) to constantly monitor breathing during the operation, and varnish can distort the readings. You also need to remove all jewelry, piercing jewelry, hearing aids, lenses, prostheses (dental or otherwise), glasses, etc.

It is also worth knowing how to mentally prepare for the operation.

Firstly, consult with the surgeon and anesthesiologist in advance, ask all the questions that concern you. It is advisable to get enough sleep the night before the operation. Sometimes patients are even prescribed sleeping pills to cope with understandable anxiety and insomnia (but you should not drink sleeping pills without the advice of a doctor!). Take a book, magazine, or music player with you to the hospital to keep you busy while you wait before surgery.

But, of course, you cannot completely decide on your own how to prepare for the operation - be sure to consult your doctor, because various diagnoses and types of interventions have their own preparation characteristics!

Preparation for surgery and anesthesia. What is important to do?

Proper preparation for surgery, as well as subsequent strict adherence to the rules of the postoperative regimen, is essential for the health of the patient preparing for surgical treatment.

Preparation for surgery begins long before hospitalization. medical institution. It includes not only a number of important measures to improve the state of health, the preparation of the necessary clothing, personal hygiene products, items that allow you to fill your free time from treatment, but also the development of a certain psychological attitude, which consists in a calm, balanced, correct and sober attitude towards the upcoming anesthesia and surgery.

A careful study of the pages of our site will allow you to get answers to many exciting questions regarding the upcoming anesthesia and surgery, which will certainly reduce your anxiety and anxiety, which, in turn, will become a good prerequisite for the successful course of the upcoming anesthesia and surgery.

Proper patient preparation for surgery to a large extent determines the smoothness of the course of the anesthesia itself and the operation, thereby significantly reducing the risk of adverse effects anesthesia and anaesthesia.

Preparation for surgery and anesthesia can be divided into two important stages:

Preparation for surgery and anesthesia at the stage “before admission to the hospital”

To your health

  • You must be as healthy as possible before your anesthesia. If there are any chronic diseases, then with the help of the attending physician it is necessary to achieve a stable remission of these diseases
  • Eliminate cigarette smoking 6 weeks before the expected surgical intervention. This will significantly reduce the risk respiratory complications after operation. If you have not been able to quit smoking, at least try not to smoke on the day of your surgery.
  • If you are overweight, try to lose weight as much as possible. extra pounds, this will avoid many problems and complications after surgery
  • If you have loose teeth or crowns, then be sure to undergo treatment with a dentist, as these teeth can be lost when the anesthesiologist provides airway patency (locating devices specially designed for this in the oral cavity)
  • Remember to bring all your medications to the hospital


  • You must remove all jewelry and jewelry. If for some reason this is not possible, then it is advisable to wrap them with adhesive tape to prevent damage to them, as well as injury to the skin.


  • Sometimes clothes can be difficult to soil, so bring something from old clothes, which it would not be a pity to throw away. As a rule, in most hospitals you will be asked to change into a hospital gown before the operation.

Spending time before surgery

  • Often on the day of surgery there is some free time, which seems so redundant and the expectation of the upcoming operation seems so onerous. Take your favorite book, magazine, MP3 player with you. Try to remember to bring your child's favorite toys to the hospital.

Preparation for surgery and anesthesia at the stage of "staying the patient in the hospital, before anesthesia"

Fasting regimen: do not drink or eat anything before surgery

  • Unless otherwise instructed by your surgeon or anesthesiologist, you may drink fluids and eat normal meals until midnight the day before surgery. Once again, we emphasize that in the morning on the day of the operation you should neither drink nor eat anything. It is very important when preparing for anesthesia that your stomach is empty, as even the smallest amount of food or water in the stomach can significantly reduce the safety of anesthesia, providing real threat for life. It should be noted that other time frames are established in pediatric anesthesia practice. So, food intake (including formula milk) is prohibited 6 hours before, breast milk for 4 hours, water for 2 hours before anesthesia. Use these instructions unless otherwise advised by the anesthetist.

Personal hygiene

  • If there was no prohibition order from the attending doctor, take a hygienic shower on the evening of the day before the operation. A bath (shower) will cleanse the skin of invisible impurities, which will reduce the risk of infection during surgery
  • Brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water in the morning

Your body

  • Before the operation, remove all removable objects from the oral cavity, if any (dentures, piercings). The oral cavity must also be free from chewing gum, sweets. All of these items can cause problems with your breathing after being put under anesthesia.
  • In preparation for anesthesia, also remove contact lenses, a hearing aid (if you have regional or local anesthesia, you can leave them
  • Fingernails should be free of nail polish, which can make it difficult to read breath information obtained with special device connected during anesthesia to one of the fingers of the hand


  • If your anesthesiologist has allowed you to leave the morning intake of any medication (which you constantly took before the operation), then it is best to swallow the tablets without drinking them with liquid. If it is difficult to do this, then take the tablets with a minimum sip of water, while shifting the medication to the earliest possible morning time
  • During the preoperative visit, be sure to inform your anesthesiologist about your use of Viagra. Anesthesia combined with Viagra can provoke a critical fall blood pressure, causing serious defeat heart, brain, kidneys. If there were no other instructions from your anesthesiologist, then stop taking Viagra 24 hours before the start of anesthesia

To complete the picture, it will also be useful to read the article, which gives practical recommendations for preparing for anesthesia.

We emphasize once again that proper preparation to anesthesia and surgery is one of the important prerequisites for a good course of anesthesia and the fastest postoperative recovery.

12 easy tips to prepare for abdominal surgery

Hello. Sometimes it happens in life when we are told that you are going to have an operation on the abdominal organs (we will not specify which one).

As a rule, in the polyclinic, information is scarce on how to prepare for an operation, and they only give a referral to a hospital after an appropriate examination.

So, you were hospitalized and informed that the operation is scheduled for tomorrow.

  1. the day before operation easy lunch and dinner (possible without dinner, only drinking).
  2. Cleansing enema on the evening before and on the morning of the operation.
  3. It is necessary to properly prepare (shave) the front abdominal wall. It is obligatory to shave off the hairline (or use a special gel) only on the day of the operation. They shave off everything from the nipples on the chest and below, to the genitals, then treating the skin with an antiseptic. Why can't you shave your hair first? And because micropustules (folliculitis) appear on the skin, which are not visible to the eye, and during the operation, microorganisms from them enter the wound and infection occurs, and then various complications.
  4. On the eve of the operation, you are obliged to talk and examine the anesthesiologist (he will perform anesthesia for you). Tell him about past illnesses, allergies to drugs.

For any operation should be thoroughly prepared. Is it true that it is better to go to the surgeons with an empty stomach? What to do before the intervention for people with heart disease? These questions are always of interest to patients. How to prepare for the operation was told by the chief anesthesiologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, head of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care National Medical University named after A. A. Bogomolets, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Felix Glumcher. An interview with him was published by the weekly Facts. Events and people.

The gallbladder, clogged with stones, surgeons recommend removing. Felix Semenovich, tell me, can hypertension become an obstacle to the operation?

Not at all. Before surgery, a person always talks with an anesthesiologist. The doctor will definitely find out what drugs the patient is taking. Some of them, such as aspirin, may have to be abandoned: they can increase bleeding and change the effect of anesthetics. And here is the reception antihypertensive drugs it is not necessary to stop - cancellation can cause a pressure surge.

Many people feel insecure before surgery. Is it possible to drink a little cognac for courage?

In no case! Alcohol should not be consumed even a week before surgery. Alcohol damages the liver, impairing its ability to neutralize and eliminate toxic substances. The heart works worse, pressure jumps, arrhythmia occurs. Blood clotting may change, and then blood clots form, clogging the vessels, or, conversely, bleeding opens. It has been observed that older people sometimes develop bronchitis or pneumonia after surgery. In smokers, such complications develop more often and they are more severe.

I would also advise you to quit smoking: the substances contained in tobacco negatively affect the functioning of all organs.

Is it true that you should go to an operation with an empty stomach, and it would be better if a person goes hungry two days before it?

No. The patient needs to eat normally in order to have the strength to survive the operation and recover faster after it. Low-fat meat, chicken, fish, cottage cheese, kefir and other dairy products are useful. From food saturated with animal fats (lard, sausages), it is better to refrain: it is poorly absorbed. Should not be used Exotic fruits and dishes that a person has not eaten before: if an allergy occurs, the operation can be canceled.

You should also eat well after surgery. It used to be thought that it restores strength better chicken bouillon. But, according to the latest data, preference should be given to fish broth. If after the operation the patient cannot eat himself, they put a probe into the stomach or intestines, or even inject special solutions into the blood through a vein. For severe postoperative patients developed special formulations, which, say, when introduced into the intestine, are absorbed with little or no waste.

How do you recommend preparing for surgery for a person who has diabetes and ischemic heart disease?

Continue treatment and administer insulin at such doses that the blood glucose level is within the normal range. Do not stop taking medications prescribed against coronary disease hearts. Before surgery, additional medications that normalize vascular tone are often recommended to reduce the risk of pressure surges. These and other drugs will be prescribed by the anesthetist and surgeon who will perform the operation.

It is necessary to refuse solid food eight hours, and liquid food two hours before the start of the operation.

In the old days, surgeons "turned off" the patient with a hammer, which was beaten on the crown of the head. There was a time when alcohol was given for pain relief. What methods are used today?

Most often, general anesthesia is used - the so-called anesthesia. Special substances are injected into a vein or by inhalation into the trachea. This is how they act if you have to operate in the chest or abdominal cavities, with other complex interventions, when you need to carry out complete anesthesia and relax the muscles. If you need to "turn off" a part of the body, they can apply regional anesthesia(epidural, spinal and other types). Sometimes a local anesthetic is enough.

In general, it used to be considered normal that the patient suffers from pain for some time after the operation. Today they have a different opinion. The fact is that when a person is in pain for a long time, the body releases stress hormones, which cause a spasm of blood vessels. As a result, tissues experience a lack of oxygen, nutrients, and the patient's wounds heal worse. The digestive organs, the cardiovascular system also suffer, the functions of the heart and brain are disturbed. If conventional analgesics or injections do not help, the patient may be given medication in the epidural space (the area near the spine). When a person does not experience pain, the body recovers faster.

Preparing for surgery: tips on how to prepare for plastic surgery from professionals

The preoperative period is one of critical aspects successful planned plastic surgery. main goal preoperative preparation is the maximum reduction possible complications and risks in the operational and postoperative period s.One of the main factors of preoperative preparation in plastic surgery is mental attitude patient. It is necessary to clearly realize the need for this or that operation, since it is the strongest stress, it requires patience and endurance of the patient. At the consultation, the patient and the doctor need to come to an understanding, discuss the expected results and possible risks. And also individually select the safest methods of surgery and anesthesia. The patient is obliged to inform the doctor about previous surgeries, chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertonic disease, varicose disease, thrombophlebitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV, etc.), as well as possible allergic reactions and hereditary predisposition. Indicate which medications the patient has taken in the last two weeks.

In addition, in preparation, it is necessary to carry out a number of clinical examinations and tests that will help the anesthesiologist and plastic surgeon objectively assess the health of the operated person and take into account possible risks during or after the operation. To exclude anemia or any inflammatory processes, a general blood test is prescribed, which will need to be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Based on the results of the analysis provided, the surgeon will be able to determine the level of hemoglobin, leukocytes (white blood cells), the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells), ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), and especially the number of platelets in the blood, since these cells are responsible for the process of blood clotting.

To avoid thrombosis or, conversely, bleeding during surgery, determine the clotting time and coagulogram, which allow you to determine the indicators of blood clotting.

In addition, it will be necessary to determine the biochemical parameters of the blood composition. This study is an indicator of the function of many organs and systems, helps the doctor determine an active inflammatory or rheumatic process, the state of the liver, kidneys, as well as an imbalance of trace elements and a violation water-salt metabolism. Additionally, a general urine test is prescribed to determine the work of the kidneys. Urine collection must be carried out in the morning (the first urination after sleep, the middle portion of urine), after performing the toilet of the external genitalia.

An examination is carried out for syphilis, hepatitis B and C. The Rh factor and the patient's blood type are determined. If necessary, a smear is taken from the urethra on the flora.

Patients over 40 years old for general anesthesia may need additional studies: ECG, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, fluorography and consultation of a therapist.

Before breast surgery, an ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography is mandatory, sometimes, in doubtful cases, an MRI of the mammary glands is prescribed. The purpose of these studies is to exclude the presence of neoplasms in the breast tissue.

If any deviations are found in the patient's state of health, the attending physician prescribes preliminary treatment (or refers to a specialist). After recovery and additional control tests, an operation will be scheduled. Since even the most insignificant deviations in the state of health can cause certain difficulties in the future.

Depending on the operation, the doctor may give recommendations for changing the daily diet. For example, prescribe a certain diet that will include a high content of protein, vitamins and trace elements (in particular iron), since even the most trivial operation is accompanied by blood loss. You need to stop taking certain medicines(oral hormonal contraceptives, aspirin and others). Aspirin, in particular, impairs blood clotting, which leads to difficulties during and after surgery. You will also need to exclude the consumption of any alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Women should plan the day of the operation so that plastic surgery does not occur at the beginning of the monthly cycle. Three days before the operation, you will need to stop visiting the gym and refrain from intense physical exertion.

In order for the patient to rest and be able to sleep on the night before the operation, the day before will be useful reception valerian or light sleeping pills. On the day of the operation, you should not eat or drink.

The final result of plastic surgery depends on many factors: the professionalism of the surgeon, the availability of modern equipment and suture material, individual characteristics patient, etc., and to achieve the desired results, the most important link is a thorough preoperative preparation.

General anesthesia

General anesthesia is used in plastic surgery during aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries. Unlike local anesthesia, during anesthesia, not only blocking occurs pain, but also turning off consciousness and muscle relaxation, accompanied by depression external respiration and therefore preparation for anesthesia requires the consolidated efforts of the doctor and the patient.

General anesthesia is used during rhinoplasty, breast arthroplasty, reduction mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, modeling of the shape of the legs (cruroplasty) and buttocks. You will learn how to prepare for an operation under anesthesia, what you should tell your doctor about, and what are the contraindications for general anesthesia in this article.

Types of general anesthesia

Depending on the method of administration of drugs for general anesthesia, inhalation and intravenous anesthesia are distinguished. At inhalation anesthesia the anesthetic enters the body through the respiratory tract, when administered intravenously, it is introduced into the bloodstream. Actively used combined method suggesting inhalation and intravenous administration drug.

An endotracheal tube or laryngeal mask is used to support external respiration. The first method is called intubation anesthesia (or endotracheal), the second - mask. You will not need deeper knowledge about the features of the work of an anesthesiologist, it is much more important to understand how to properly prepare for anesthesia.

Good general anesthesia is the result of the combined efforts of the anesthesiologist and the patient. That's why next section We recommend reading very carefully.

Before general anesthesia: preparation

Preparing for surgery under general anesthesia big influence on the efficacy and safety of general anesthesia and the course of the postoperative period. You will have to undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination, including extensive blood tests, a coagulogram, and an ECG. According to indications consultations of narrow experts are appointed.

Of great importance is the presence chronic diseases respiratory and of cardio-vascular system. Be sure to tell your doctor about the following illnesses:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • history of stroke.

In no case do not hide the fact of the presence of chronic diseases and acute vascular events (heart attack, stroke) in history. Not only the outcome of the operation, but also your life depends on it! Also give your doctor full list medicines you are taking, including "harmless" pain relievers for headaches or menstrual pain.

As practice shows, being overweight negatively affects the rate of recovery after operations under general anesthesia. If you are planning plastic surgery in advance, pay attention to weight loss issues. It is advisable to quit smoking in about six months. If you have not done this, give up smoking a week before the operation, but you should not “quit” the day before anesthesia - this can complicate the rehabilitation period.

On the eve of the operation Special attention pay attention to nutrition and water regime. Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before plastic surgery. On the day before the operation, you should limit yourself to breakfast and lunch. On the day of the operation, eating and drinking is strictly prohibited!

After general anesthesia

Even after a good general anesthesia in the first hours there is a short-term confusion, disorientation in space and time, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness. As the effect of the drugs for anesthesia ceases, pain appears in the postoperative wound, however, it is successfully removed by the introduction of strong anesthetics.

After general anesthesia with an endotracheal tube, patients complain of pain and sore throat caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, but this symptom, like nausea, passes very quickly. As a rule, 3-4 hours after the operation, patients feel well, and on the second day they leave the clinic and return home.

Contraindications for general anesthesia

General anesthesia (surgery under general anesthesia) is not performed if there are absolute contraindications:

  • pathology of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation;
  • unstable angina;
  • mitral or aortic valve defects;
  • severe tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmias;
  • atrial fibrillation with a heart rate of more than 100 beats / min;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute neurological disorders;
  • acute psychiatric disorders.

What you need to know before surgery


Let's start with what is especially close to me. If the surgical field is in the head and neck area, then two weeks before the operation, sanitize the oral cavity to remove a possible source of infection. Remember that the mouth is her breeding ground. Fill carious cavities, remove what needs to be removed, clean teeth from tartar, treat bleeding gums, etc. Those who have been taking Enap or drugs close to it for a long time should be especially careful, as they cause the growth of the gum mucosa. Accordingly, hidden shelters are created for the oral microflora. If it is not possible to go to the dentist, then at least at home, conduct a course of systematic mouthwashes. Prepare two solutions: the first - from salt (1 tsp per glass of water) and soda (1/2 tsp per glass of water); the second - from tanning and anti-inflammatory herbs (oak bark, sage, chamomile - take equally in a glass of water). Rinse your mouth with each solution 4 times a day, alternating between them.

The infection can hide not only in the teeth, but also in the throat. More precisely, she “sits” there for sure. Take a fresh aloe leaf (2 cm), squeeze it into a glass of water and gargle 3-4 times a day. Repeat the procedure daily for 7 days before surgery.

Both of these procedures are important even if the operation is performed under general anesthesia or anesthesia.


Let's clarify the terms. The term "anesthesia" - Greek - "insensitivity" is translated as loss of sensation. It can be local or general. Local anesthesia is achieved by introducing substances (novocaine, lidocaine) that block the work of nerve endings. It was experienced by everyone who removed teeth. A more complex version of local anesthesia is subdural anesthesia. In this case, the anesthetic is injected under the firm meninges spinal cord. It's turning off back roots spinal cord. As a result, the organs located below the injection site stop sending nerve impulses to the central nervous system (CNS) to the center of pain. With this anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain and is in contact with the surgeon.

The term anesthesia - Greek - stupor, numbness is translated as general anesthesia. In this case, a person receives substances that turn off his central nervous system, and falls into a pharmacological deep dream, accompanied by turning off consciousness, analgesia (pain relief), relaxation skeletal muscles and inhibition of reflex activity. It is no longer possible to communicate with such a patient. Narcosis can be inhalation (the patient inhales a substance - nitrous oxide, halothane, halothane, ethyl ether, etc.) and non-inhalation (drug intravenously). In case of shallow anesthesia, the introduction of drugs that cause immobilization, which paralyze the respiratory muscles, is required, and such patients need artificial ventilation of the lungs. And the entrance to the lungs is through the mouth and oropharynx. Therefore, putting them in order is a tough necessity.

Substances used for anesthesia are destroyed and rendered harmless by the liver. At the same time, the ways of their neutralization intersect with the ways of metabolism of alcohol, which itself was once used for these purposes (remember L. Tolstoy's "War and Peace", the scene of amputation of Anatol Kuragin's leg). Anesthesiologists know that drunks are slow, hard and violently immersed in anesthesia. Therefore, refrain from the desire to roam in the end.


In addition, in the pre- and postoperative period, you have to process a large number of various medicines, and your liver will do it. So try to get it right. A month before the operation, conduct a prophylactic course, taking the drug Karsil or Essential-Ale. A very good preparation from the artichoke "Hofitol". You can also prepare a collection of medicinal plants yourself, which should include choleretics, cholekinetics and cholespasmolytics. Choleretics stimulate the formation of bile: calamus, birch, immortelle, highlander, coriander, corn stigmas, calendula, tansy, wormwood, mint, burdock, radish, mountain ash, chicory, dog rose. Cholekinetics improve the functioning of the gallbladder: vegetable oils (especially corn and olive), the same calamus and immortelle, as well as lingonberries, cornflowers, oregano, rhubarb, thyme. Cholespasmolytics remove spasm of the extrahepatic biliary tract: arnica, valerian, elecampane, St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, calendula, sage.

The main thing to remember: the healthier your liver, the less worries your resuscitators have.

The decay products of the cut tissues and all the drugs used will be excreted through the kidneys. Therefore, they must be in perfect order. The simplest collection for preventive purposes: birch (leaf) - 3 parts, flax (seed) - 1 part, bearberry (leaf) - 5 parts, horsetail (grass) 5 parts. 4 tablespoons of the collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml 6 times a day for a month.

Infection of a sutured wound is more likely the longer it is. Your protection is your immunity. If the operation is not related to organ transplantation, it makes sense to stimulate it. The mildest tincture of Echinacea purpurea makes this. Moreover, I recommend you the domestic preparation of the Galenafarm company, since at a low price it is very effective.

You can use the drugs "Immunal" or "Arbidol". The drug "Ingaron" is interesting. You can go a slightly different way, not only stimulating the immune system, but also increasing the overall adaptive ability of the body. Plants containing adaptogens are suitable for this. It can be our native burdock and elecampane or the more exotic golden root (rhodiola rosea). In animal experiments, it has already been proven that the preoperative use of adaptogens facilitates the postoperative period.

Some unfortunate specialists recommend “cleansing the body of toxins” before the operation. The fact is that the concept of "slag" does not exist either in medicine or in biology. These are inventions of illiterate swindlers from trade. No need for experiments. Eating masses of raw vegetables or repeated enemas can change your condition so that the operation either has to be postponed or done for acute indications.


Now let's talk about what to bring with you. It is quite difficult to give recommendations on this issue without knowing where you will be treated - in a district hospital or in the Central Clinical Hospital. Let's focus on the conditions of an urban hospital of an average provincial city. Except personal experience, we will also use the recommendations of Dr. V.K. Kovalev, published in the book "An operation is coming." In any case, you need to take the necessary toiletries. And keep in mind that both men and women may need a razor to prepare the surgical field.

It is better to find out the issue with dishes in advance. Somewhere they give a plate, somewhere not. In any case, a mug (and preferably two), a tablespoon, a teaspoon and a sharp knife will not interfere. Don't forget scissors, thread and a needle. Boilers are not welcomed by the administration, but it is difficult to do without them. Now very convenient mugs have appeared, in which the heating coil is built into the bottom. If it works, then buy it. It's safer. Do not boil water in glass jars, because they can burst. It is better to do without a burn.

If your hospitalization lasts more than a week and there are difficulties with visiting relatives (they live far away, get sick, etc.), then think about the fact that socks, handkerchiefs and other little things tend to get dirty. Take, in addition to toilet soap, also a piece of household soap.

Most often they forget about the most elementary things like toilet paper. IN summer period mosquitoes and flies will get you. Grab a fumigator with odorless plates, which will make life much easier.

If the operation is large in volume (something like coronary artery bypass grafting), then it is advisable to bandage the legs to reduce the likelihood of thrombosis elastic bandages. Therefore, it is also better to purchase them in advance (the length of each is at least 1.5 m).

Now about clothes. Think not so much about yourself appearance how much about convenience.

Do not forget that in the hospital, unfortunately, there is always a chance to catch some infection in addition to your illness. Therefore, try to avoid woolen things. If you really need them, then try to wear something smooth and easy to wash over them. It is best if you can leave this woolen thing in the hospital. And you won’t carry the infection home, and you’ll do a good deed to someone homeless.

If your operation involves prolonged bed rest, then you will have to use a duck and a vessel. Alas, this does not always work out accurately. In the hospital they should give you an oilcloth and a diaper, but nannies and sisters will grumble for a dirty diaper. Take disposable sheets, and you will be calmer and easier. Oilcloth also makes sense to take your own. Somehow nicer. Just don’t take a kitchen one, but buy a medical one at a pharmacy: a couple of pieces will be enough (about ½ sheet in size).

In general, if possible, it is advisable to practice at home or in the hospital before the operation, how to use the vessel and the duck. For some, this is a serious problem. This is especially necessary for men with prostatitis or prostate adenoma. It is possible that they will not be able to urinate lying down at all. Be sure to tell your doctor about this. In this case, you will need a catheter, and it is better to have it placed by urologists or intensive care specialists, who have to do this often.

Shvyrkov Mikhail Borisovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences

This article is for patients. It will tell you how to prepare for surgery on the abdominal organs (, stomach, intestines, pancreas, gynecological surgery, etc.).

How to prepare for surgery?

Regardless of the diagnosis and volume of surgery, all patients undergo some preparation for surgery on the abdominal organs. As a rule, the doctor tells the patient how to prepare for surgery in each case. We will analyze the general aspects of preparing for surgery, based on the international recommendations of WHO and.

Analyzes (laboratory diagnostics).

The patient must have fresh laboratory tests:

  • Clinical blood test with leukocyte formula calculation (analysis is valid for 7 days);
  • Biochemical blood test (ALT, AST, total protein, albumin, creatinine, urea, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin + additional indicators of blood biochemical parameters as prescribed by a doctor) (analysis is valid for 7 days);
  • Blood group with the determination of the Rh factor (the analysis is valid for 6 months);
  • Blood test for hepatitis B and C (test is valid for 6 months);
  • Wasserman reaction (analysis is valid for 6 months);
  • HIV test (test is valid for 6 months);
  • Urinalysis with sediment microscopy (analysis is valid for 7 days).

As a rule, the doctor prescribes these tests not long before the operation. If necessary, can be assigned additional tests(depending on the patient's condition).

instrumental examinations.

Before extensive surgery, the doctor prescribes:

  • X-ray of organs chest or fluorography;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG);
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs;
  • ECHO-KG (according to indications);
  • The function of external respiration (according to indications);
  • Holter monitoring (by indications)
  • Computed tomography (CT) (according to indications);
  • Magnetic resonance therapy (MRI) (according to indications);

If the disease requires more extensive diagnosis and additional surveys before the operation, the doctor informs the patient about it.

Conversation with a doctor.

The attending physician always conducts a conversation with the patient before the operation. He will talk about the surgical intervention, why it should be carried out, talk about the possible risks and complications of the procedure. Try to prepare your questions in advance so that the doctor can answer them during the conversation. Also, on the eve of the operation, the anesthesiologist conducts a conversation with the patient about the upcoming operation and about the anesthesia.

Diet before surgery

As a general rule, follow special treatment nutrition is not required unless it has been previously prescribed by a doctor. However, according to international ERAS recommendations, it has been proven that if a patient is malnourished and his body mass index (height-weight ratio, height-to-weight ratio) is less than 18.5 points, then enhanced protein-carbohydrate nutrition within 7 days before surgery. For severely malnourished patients, enhanced nutrition is indicated 14 days before the expected date of surgery.

Hunger before surgery.

Taking medication before surgery.

If the patient is receiving regular therapy for their disease(s), it is worth discussing with the doctor which medications should be taken or not taken prior to surgery. As a rule, drugs that affect blood viscosity are canceled 7 days before the planned surgical intervention. However, without the consent of the doctor, it is not worth canceling the prescribed therapy on your own.

Bowel preparation before surgery.

There are two types of bowel preparation:

  • Mechanical (enema);
  • Oral (taking macrogol preparations - a laxative drug with osmotic properties used to cleanse the intestines).

The doctor informs the patient about the need for mechanical or oral bowel cleansing before the operation. The procedure for mechanical preparation of the intestine is performed by a nurse the day before the operation and on the day of the operation before being taken to the operating room.

Removal of hair from the body.

Hair is the source of infection. They are one of the sources of postoperative infectious complications. Therefore, removing body hair before surgery is a must. Hair, if present, is removed from the neck, chest, abdomen, groin, and upper third of the thigh. There are two options - shaving or machine haircut.

According to the latter, a machine haircut is preferable, since shaving operating field causes micro cuts in the skin, which can lead to infection. It is also recommended to shave your face. If intubation is performed during the operation (placement of a breathing tube in the trachea for machine breathing), it will be convenient for the anesthesiologist to fix the breathing tube to a shaved face.

Hygienic shower.

The patient is obliged to take a hygienic shower (thorough washing of the skin with soap) in the evening before surgery and in the morning before entering the operating room) to reduce the risk of infectious complications.

Bandaging the legs before surgery.

In some cases, bandaging of the legs is required before surgery to prevent thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities. This is reported by the doctor on the eve of the operation. You can use an elastic 5-meter bandage, or individual compression underwear (stockings) of the 1st degree of compression.

Foot binding is performed by a nurse. The patient should be in the supine position. The procedure is carried out immediately after a night's sleep in the supine position, or after the patient is lying with his legs up for 5-10 minutes. Compression underwear put on immediately after a night's sleep in a lying position, or after the patient is lying with his legs up for 5-10 minutes.

Delivery to the operating room.

The patient is brought into the operating room naked. There should not be any items of clothing on the body, as well as jewelry, piercings, etc. If the patient has a manicure or pedicure, it must be removed (in some cases, anesthesiologists look at the color of the nail plate to assess tissue oxygen saturation).

Compression bandage after surgery.

About the need to wear postoperative bandage for the prevention of postoperative ventral hernias, the doctor reports additionally.


I described in as much detail as possible how to prepare for a surgical operation on the abdominal organs. Depending on the disease and on the expected surgical treatment, may be additional necessary information which the doctor conveys to his patients before surgical treatment.

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