Solid cast ceramic crown. One-piece cast crown - in what cases it is used, advantages and disadvantages. Lock fastening of clasp and bridge prostheses

Metal crowns have been used in orthopedic practice for decades. Despite the fact that their choice has only expanded over time and more aesthetic options for prosthetics have appeared (cermet, ceramic, metal-plastic), they are still in demand due to their strength and low cost.

Types of metal crowns

If you contact a specialist in order to install a metal crown, you will be offered two options, depending on the method of its manufacture:

  • Stamped. Standard sleeve, which is processed with a special apparatus to give it the desired shape.
  • Solid cast. It is made according to individual casts by firing in a kiln. It has thicker walls, which positively affects the service life.

They are made from noble (gold, palladium, silver, platinum) and base metals (steel, nickel and chromium alloys). Due to the metallic color, only the side teeth are prosthetized with them, which are not visible when talking. Ideal for prosthetics of chewing teeth, as they withstand heavy loads.

Stamped crowns

These are prostheses that are made from factory sleeves, which are given the desired shape. They have thin walls, so there is no need to grind a large amount of tooth tissue. They are installed if there is no destruction of the roots and at least a third of the tooth crown is preserved.

To create them, use stainless steel or gold.

Ease of manufacture led not only to low cost, but also to a short service life of products. Gold stamped crowns are made from an alloy, 90% of which is gold. For the chewing surface, gold of a lower standard is used to increase its resistance to mechanical stress.

Manufacturing steps:

During manufacture, firing is carried out several times in order to make the metal more dense and intractable. The prosthesis should not have cracks and irregularities.

Indications for the installation of a stamped crown

Stamped crowns set:

  • For temporary prosthetics of a milk tooth before replacing it with a permanent one.
  • As a supporting element when installing a bridge prosthesis.
  • When a tooth is damaged by caries or injured so much that it cannot be restored with a filling.
  • To protect a healthy tooth if a clasp prosthesis is installed on it.

A more durable option for prosthetics is the installation of a one-piece cast crown made of cobalt-chromium alloy. As the name implies, they are cast completely, and not in parts, like stamped ones. The indisputable advantage of a cast crown is the absence of solder joints, which makes it particularly durable. It fits snugly to the turned tooth, preventing the cement from dissolving and reducing the risk of food getting under it. Wearing period - 15-20 years.

Modeling a solid crown includes several stages:

  1. Tooth preparation. Sanded off from 0.3 to 0.5 mm of tissue.
  2. Making casts, including adjacent and opposing teeth.
  3. Creating a wax cap by stretching.
  4. Casting a prosthesis.
  5. Metal surface treatment. Fitting, finishing, polishing.

Types of cast crown

Now, several types of solid crowns are installed in the dentist's office:

  • Without spraying, these are ordinary metal-colored crowns.
  • Sprayed. If the patient is not satisfied with the low level of aesthetics, at his request, the crowns can be coated with a coating that imitates gold.
  • With lining. Even more aesthetic are crowns lined with ceramics. Their front part is covered with a ceramic overlay. If you have just such a prosthesis installed, be careful while eating, as ceramics tend to chip off.
  • Combined. With combined prosthetics, part of the crowns is lined with ceramics, and the rest, which are not visible when smiling, are installed without facing.

How metal crowns are installed

Installation is carried out in two stages:

  • First, the crown is temporarily installed so that the dentist observes the reaction of the tooth.
  • If the patient does not experience pain, at the next appointment it is removed, the temporary cement is cleaned and installed again, but with the help of glass ionomer or zinc phosphate cement.

If after the first installation it turns out that it causes discomfort to the patient, it is removed and processed again.

Properly made and installed metal crown:

  • It has a smooth, polished surface.
  • Contacts with opposite and neighboring teeth.
  • Mimics the anatomical shape of a real tooth.
  • Tightly adheres to the neck of the tooth.
  • It plunges into the periodontal groove by 0.2 mm.


In some cases, the installation of a metal crown is contraindicated or not recommended:

  • Due to low aesthetics, they are not installed during prosthetics of the front teeth.
  • The presence of an allergic reaction to alloys.
  • Significant damage to a living tooth.
  • Impaired occlusion of the dentition.

Damage to a metal crown

In some cases, a metal crown can be harmful:


An ordinary solid crown costs 3,500 - 4,000 rubles; with spraying - 4,500 - 5,000, but the cost can reach 9,000 rubles. Stamped from base metal - about 2,000 rubles; from stamped gold - about 6,000 rubles.

If you want to know which crown is better to install - solid or stamped, contact a prosthetic specialist at one of your local dentistry. The list of the best dentists in your city is presented on our portal.

Solid crowns are a type of fixed prosthesis that are made using the one-piece casting technique. They are used most often for prosthetics of chewing teeth, because they are not aesthetic enough for the front ones.

Designs look like metal teeth, because they are made from chromium-nickel, chromium-cobalt, titanium alloys or alloys containing precious metals. Despite this, the products are very comfortable and have the correct anatomical shape, perform their functions well.

Indications and contraindications

Crowns are indicated in cases where there is significant damage to the tooth due to carious diseases or for other reasons, if the defects cannot be eliminated with an inlay or filling. In addition, they can be used to restore the aesthetic and chewing functions of the teeth. They are also shown in case of loss of one or more teeth.

It is not necessary to cover the teeth with these constructions if there are incurable foci of chronic periodontal inflammation or teeth with pathological mobility. In addition, they are contraindicated in general weakening of the body after serious illnesses. In more detail, the question of the admissibility of installing solid crowns is decided on an individual basis with the dentist.


This type of crown is made of durable alloys, as a rule, materials with a chromium base alloyed with nickel or cobalt are used for this purpose. Titanium is often used, which is very resistant to aggressive environments and does not darken, it does not cause allergies in patients.

Precious metals can also be part of the alloy - gold crowns, for example, provide the most accurate fit to the gum due to the plasticity of the material.


A one-piece cast metal crown can be made from different materials.

Such products may be:

  • metal coated,
  • without spraying
  • with lining,
  • combined bridge prosthesis.

The design without spraying does not look very aesthetically pleasing, it is made of polished metal. It has a relatively low price, but not everyone is satisfied.

If aesthetic indicators are important to the patient, then a crown with a coating that imitates gold should be chosen. They look more attractive, but spraying should be treated with caution: it can adversely affect the mucous membrane.

The one-piece ceramic-veneer crown is perhaps the most aesthetic option of the three already presented - it has a ceramic or plastic overlay that is on its front surface. Of course, the overlay also needs to be treated with care, because it is made of fragile materials, but if you follow the rules of care, it will last a long time.

A combined prosthesis is created from several metal-ceramic crowns that cover the smile area, and from solid cast polished crowns.

Pros and cons

Such products have the following advantages:

  • High quality and the possibility of manufacturing a design taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's jaw. Products are created for each tooth individually, they repeat its shape and fit snugly to the gums.
  • Durability and resistance to abrasion. Designs are made from durable alloys that do not wear out for a long time, they are shown to those who have pathological abrasion of teeth. Products have a long service life.
  • Possibility to do without deep preparation. The installation of solid cast structures involves turning the teeth by only 0.8 mm.

The disadvantages of products of this variety are the following qualities:

  • lack of aesthetics
  • high thermal conductivity, due to which discomfort may occur when eating hot food or drinks.

Life time

Cast crowns are made from casts that were taken from the patient's teeth before turning. In their production, special technologies are used that make it possible to obtain a strong and maximally durable product that fully corresponds to the shape of the patient's teeth.

Cracks do not appear on the structures, into which bacteria could penetrate. Thanks to the combination of all these facts, the service life of such a crown is at least ten years, if it is made with high quality. If you follow the recommendations for care, this period can be extended.

Stages of manufacturing cast crowns

First of all, an examination of the oral cavity and sanitation of the affected areas is carried out.. The first clinical stage is to obtain an impression of the dentition and the tooth itself using silicone masses. While the permanent product is being made, the patient can be prescribed temporary crowns, which will not only give an aesthetic appearance to the smile, but also help speed up the process of gum adaptation to prostheses.

After taking the impression, the wax crown is modeled in which the wax will subsequently be replaced by metal in the foundry laboratory and the crown will be processed.

The second step is fitting the product.. The tooth is ground down, and the prosthesis is filled with wax and placed where it will be installed. Excess material exits through the hole drilled at the back. The crown is removed and given to the laboratory after smoothing the irregularities. There it is polished and polished.

The casting technology used in dental laboratories makes it possible to produce durable, high-quality products for restoring elements of the jaw row.

In dental clinics, cast crowns are more often used to restore the anatomical shape of decaying teeth or to create a support for a bridge structure.

A one-piece cast crown is a metal product designed to replace one or more elements of the dentition.

For the manufacture of such a design, the method of integral casting is used, which involves a one-stage ebb of the product.

At the same time, thanks to this technique, it is possible to manufacture both a single crown and a bridge prosthesis, the elements of which do not have to be soldered together. The manufacturing method increases the strength of the structure and the duration of its operation.


In dental practice, several types of solid crowns are used, the choice of each of which depends on the wishes of the patient and the condition of his oral cavity.

Without spraying

Non-coated crowns are carefully polished products formed from an alloy of metals. Often, chromium or cobalt alloy is used for their manufacture.

Such designs are not distinguished by high aesthetic indicators, therefore, they are most often used when it is necessary to replace distant molars.


To improve the appearance of a one-piece cast crown, special spraying can be used. It is applied to the product by the vacuum-plasma method and gives the metal a resemblance to gold, silver or platinum.

Such crowns are highly durable, however, due to their strong difference from natural teeth, they are practically not used to replace anterior units.

In addition, spraying increases the risk of developing an allergic reaction, and also negatively affects the oral mucosa.

with cladding

Crowns with lining are used to restore the elements of the row included in the smile zone.

A ceramic-metal or plastic overlay is fixed on the front surface of the product, thanks to which the artificial tooth practically does not differ from the real one.

The disadvantages of such structures include their large thickness, due to which it is necessary to heavily prepare the tooth, and the susceptibility of the veneer to chipping.

One-piece bridge prosthesis

In case of destruction or absence of one or more teeth, combined bridges can be used.

As a rule, crowns with veneer are used in the smile zone, and for the restoration of chewing teeth - solid cast products with or without coating. The main advantage of a cast bridge is its strength.

Among the shortcomings, the need to prepare abutment teeth is highlighted, which can lead to their destruction during prolonged chewing load.


For the manufacture of high-strength metal alloys are used. The most commonly used compounds are chromium and cobalt or nickel. In addition to these metals, titanium can be used, products from which have the following advantages:

  • do not cause an allergic reaction;
  • do not change color during operation;
  • do not cause changes in the acid-base balance of saliva.

Products can be coated with precious metals. Often in this case, titanium nitride is used, due to which the structure acquires a golden color. At the same time, strength and wear resistance increase, as does the price.

In the video, see the material used for the manufacture of cast crowns.


  • high degree of tooth decay - over 70%;
  • the need to strengthen chewing teeth;
  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • malocclusion, abnormal shape or arrangement of teeth;
  • small height of teeth;
  • as a support for a bridge prosthesis;
  • bruxism;
  • uncontrolled contraction of the chewing muscles.

Manufacturing and installation

The manufacturing and installation process consists of several successive stages. Their precise execution guarantees the receipt of a quality product and its proper fixation in the oral cavity, thereby increasing the service life.

Clinical stage

At the first appointment, the dentist examines the patient's oral cavity to identify existing pathologies and diseases.

Based on these data, a decision is made to carry out the sanitation of the elements of the dentition - filling the canals, treating caries, treating pulpitis, strengthening the molar if necessary. At the same time, a decision is made on the type of crown that will be installed in the future.

In addition, at the clinical stage, after the preliminary preparation of the tooth, which will be restored with the help of prosthetics, its cast is made.

For the most accurate display of the shape and structural features of the row element, a silicone mass is used, with the help of which a working cast is made. An auxiliary impression is made from alginate material.

After that, the dentist installs a temporary crown for the patient, which allows you to get used to the presence of a prosthesis and reduce discomfort for the period of making a permanent structure.

Tooth preparation involves the removal of 1.5-2 mm of hard tissue from its surface. The procedure is performed using an anesthetic drug.

In dental practice, several methods of preparation can be used:

  • using a laser;
  • using an ultrasonic device;
  • air-abrasive way;
  • using a turbine plant.


Based on the obtained casts of the jaw row, two models are produced:

  • a working combined model is made of silicone material;
  • an auxiliary plaster model of the opposite dentition is made from the alginate composition.

After receiving the models of both jaws, they are plastered into the articulator, then the composition of the cast wax crown is modeled.

Most often it happens like this:

  • the tooth that needs restoration is removed from the collapsible plaster model and isolated with varnish;
  • in a special apparatus - a wax melter, immersion wax is melted to the required temperature;
  • the prepared plaster tooth is immersed to the neck in molten wax for 1-2 seconds;
  • after checking the degree of wax layering, the procedure can be repeated one more time;
  • in some cases, additional modeling of some parts of the wax composition may be required.

At the end of the process, wax modeling and verification of occlusal relationships, the resulting model is transferred to the foundry laboratory, where the wax is replaced by an alloy of metals.

After that, the crown is returned to the dental technician, who checks the quality of its manufacture and carries out processing. At the request of the patient, a ceramic composition can be layer-by-layer applied to the metal base.

The cast crown is tried on a plaster tooth, its relationship with the antagonist teeth is determined.

If necessary, an adjustment is made, after which the product is transferred to the dentist for fitting and further installation.


After receiving a finished one-piece crown from the dental laboratory, the dentist tries it on the turned tooth, checks the fit strength, height in comparison with the dentition, and the ratio with the antagonist teeth.

If any inaccuracies are found, the product is returned to the dental laboratory for revision.

In some cases, dentists resort to temporary fixation of the crown in the patient's jaw row. This allows you to determine the reaction of the tooth and mucous to a metal product, the presence of an allergic reaction or discomfort during chewing.

In the absence of any negative sensations, the specialist proceeds to permanent fixation of the product. The crown is cleaned of residual temporary cement, after which it is fixed on the tooth with permanent dental cement.

Upon completion of the procedure, the patient should not experience any discomfort or disturbance of chewing functions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cast crowns are used in dental practice more and more often, which is explained by their advantages over other prosthetic structures.

Compared to stamped

Most often, solid crowns are compared with stamped products, which were popular several decades ago.

Index One-piece crown stamped crown
Fit density Uniform fit to the surface of the tooth and its neck, the complete absence of gaps between the product and the molar There are gaps in the neck area, into which small food residues, saliva, bacteria penetrate, which causes the development of inflammation and caries
Strength of the bridge structure Thanks to the casting of a one-piece design, the crowns will not break off from each other during use Soldering individual crowns into a single structure reduces its strength, which can lead to breakage under high chewing load.
Crown strength High-quality metal alloy prevents abrasion and deformation of crowns The thin walls of the crown quickly deform, leading to the gradual destruction of one's own tooth.
Possibility of tooth restoration Can be installed in case of severe destruction of the molar Used only for minor damage to the tooth
Tooth preparation Approximately 2 mm of hard tissue from own molar required Due to the thin walls, minimal grinding of the own tooth is required
Aesthetics It is possible to apply spraying or cladding to improve the appearance of the product The crown is made in the form of a metal structure without the possibility of coating with other material
Fixer solution A small amount of dental cement A large amount of cement, which can be absorbed during operation, leading to the development of caries
Lifetime 10-15 years old 4-5 years
average cost from 3,500 to 9,000 rubles 1,500-2,000 rubles

Most dentists agree that stamped crowns are far inferior in terms of technical characteristics to cast crowns. Therefore, in modern prosthetics, these products are used very rarely.

Compared to metal-ceramic

When choosing a prosthetic option, patients are interested in what to give preference to - solid or metal-ceramic crowns. Both options have both advantages and disadvantages.

Index One-piece crown Metal-ceramic crown
Appearance Poor aesthetic performance in the absence of a ceramic onlay Thanks to the ceramic coating, the product can be used to restore teeth in the smile area
Strength Products are not deformed, however, in the presence of plastic or ceramic cladding, they are likely to chip With high chewing load and prolonged use, the ceramic composition may break off
Tooth preparation Minor grinding - no more than 2 mm Due to the large thickness of the product, it is necessary to remove a large layer of hard tissue
Impact on the body Sputtered crowns can cause an allergic reaction, as well as irritation of the oral mucosa. There is no negative effect on the oral cavity
Duration of operation 10-15 years old 9-12 years old
Price from 3,500 to 9,000 rubles from 7,000 rubles


The cost of cast crowns depends on their type. So, for a product without spraying, you will have to pay 3,500-4,000 rubles. A design for one tooth with a coating of titanium nitride will cost 4,500-5,000 rubles.

The average cost of a crown with a plastic lining will be 4,000 rubles, a ceramic one - 7,000 rubles. A cast product made of a gold-containing alloy costs from 9 to 10 thousand rubles.

In addition to the cost of the crown itself, the patient will have to pay for additional procedures - the treatment of existing diseases, the manufacture and fixation of a temporary crown, and the services of a specialist.


After installation, it is necessary to carefully care for the condition of the oral cavity - brush your teeth at least twice a day using a brush and paste, as well as additional devices such as floss, brush, rinse aid.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the gums, since their inflammation can cause the crown to loosen.

Another rule is regular visits to the dentist for timely detection of problems and treatment of emerging diseases.

We welcome everyone who has taken the time to visit our site. From this article you can learn about what a solid crown is, in what cases it is used, what advantages and disadvantages it has. We will also talk about prices, materials of manufacture and other important nuances.

Millions of people have dental problems. Someone has lost a tooth due to trauma, in someone it has been destroyed by caries. There are also a number of diseases that lead to similar consequences. One of the solutions is the installation of crowns - prostheses that mimic a real human tooth. They are made from different materials, including some types of alloys.

What is a one-piece crown?

If you want to save money and you are not allergic to metal, the doctor will recommend ordering a crown made of an alloy of chromium and cobalt. It is called one-piece cast for the simple reason that it is made by casting in a mold. It's simple, fast and fairly cheap. So you can make both a single design and a bridge for several teeth. This saves time in manufacturing, as artificial teeth will not need to be connected by soldering.

If you previously had a crown made of any material and it requires it, you can easily replace it with a cast one. To do this, it is enough to contact a specialist in prosthetics. He will remove the old crown, make sure that the tooth stump is in good condition, and make an impression. According to the finished model, a new product will be made in the dental laboratory, completely repeating the shape of the patient's tooth. This refers not only to the general contour, but also to the features of the chewing surfaces. After all, if the bite is broken, complications are possible up to inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. Headaches and other unpleasant symptoms appear.

If you create a crown that has the same contours and relief, then the patient will not have a long period of addiction, the bite will be preserved, and the chewing function will be fully restored.

Video - Casting crowns

The main indications are:

  • severe tooth decay - 70% or more, in which it makes no sense to put a filling. The damage is so severe that the photopolymer pin will simply fall out;
  • you need to strengthen the chewing tooth;
  • the patient has pathological abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • as a result of an injury, the tooth broke, a crack formed in it;
  • bite pathology;

Are there any contraindications? In general, there are not many of them.

  1. The main one is an allergy to metals and alloys. It does not occur very often, but this option should be considered. If you have a similar problem, doctors will suggest other materials.
  2. If you have a high, this option is also not suitable. Metal conducts heat well. The turned tooth will be constantly exposed to thermal stress. This will eventually lead to inflammation of the pulp.
  3. If the teeth standing on the opposite jaw and being antagonists to the prosthesis are subject to increased abrasion. In contact with the metal surface of the crown, the negative effect is enhanced.

Types of cast crowns

Any metal crown can be offered with or without surface treatment. The simplest and most budget option - without spraying. In this case, a blank is cast, shaped like a patient's tooth. Its surface is polished to a shine. Such a solution is relevant for 6-8 teeth, which are least visible during a conversation. For prosthetics of a tooth in the smile zone, a one-piece crown with a coating imitating gold is often used.

The next popular type of metal tabs is lined products. They are used in cases where it is necessary to restore the front teeth. It differs in that it has a layer of plastic or a ceramic coating on the front side. That is, when you smile, it is almost not noticeable that one of your teeth is artificial.

This option also has its drawbacks:

  • the cladding layer can be easily damaged. And the appearance of a metal base peeking out from under the shell does not look very aesthetically pleasing, to put it mildly;
  • price. A one-piece cast crown of this type is not much cheaper than a classic metal-ceramic crown. So there is not much savings here. It is better to add money and order a better option.

Comparison table for different types of crowns:

Crown alloyAdvantagesFlaws
Metal Durability, strength, affordable priceUnaesthetic appearance, may cause galvanic reactions
Cermet - precious metal Natural look, hypoallergenic, durableHigh price
Metal-ceramic is not a precious metal Acceptable external indicators, strength, affordable priceMay cause allergic and galvanic reactions
Pressed ceramics (porcelain) High aesthetic values, biocompatibilityFragility, fragility
Zirconium dioxide High aesthetic values, biocompatibility, do not cause allergic reactions, durabilityHigh price
Aluminium oxide The highest aesthetic indicators, biocompatibility, do not cause allergic reactionsLess durable than zirconia crowns
Metal-plastic Low costFragility, can cause irritation and allergic reactions

Application in the manufacture of bridges

If you are betting on several teeth, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on installing expensive cermets. It should be installed on 5 and / or 6 teeth. For 7-ki and 8-ki, a regular one-piece cast crown is suitable. This method of prosthetics is recommended by many dentists. It is reliable, simple and inexpensive. After all, prosthetics on zirconium dioxide is 2-3 times more expensive than a similar procedure using a cobalt-chromium alloy.

This type of bridge, in which two types of crowns are used, is called a combined bridge. Here is the alignment, as with furniture. If you put an expensive and beautiful closet in the hall, then something simple and cheap, but practical, is suitable for a garage, workshop, pantry, shed. So it is with the smile zone / chewing teeth.

Advantages of cast crowns over metal ceramics

Many will be surprised to see such a paragraph in our article. After all, they all know very well that cermet is one of the best materials for dental prosthetics. However, there are some nuances that you do not know about or do not attach much importance to. When it comes to premolars and molars, then metal cast products have their advantages.

  1. The design is much simpler. Instead of making a frame and a layer of ceramic for coating, one piece of a given shape is made.
  2. High reliability. If the lining of the cermet can theoretically be damaged and form a chip, then this does not threaten the all-metal counterpart.
  3. Metal is much cheaper. For low-income citizens, students, pensioners, etc., a one-piece crown is the way out.
  4. The material can withstand heavy loads.
  5. It is not required to remove a large amount of dental tissue when turning the stump for a crown. This is due to the fact that the thickness of a solid crown is less than that of a metal-ceramic one.

Advantages of cast products in comparison with stamping

Thirty years ago, dentists did not bother with such questions. They used stamped products from special cartridge cases. They were mechanically processed, and then, if required, covered with a sputtering layer. In the manufacture of bridges, metal blanks were interconnected by soldering. In large cities, this technology has not been used for a long time, but in the provinces it remains relevant.

Solid crown - photo

What are the disadvantages of a stamped product?

  1. Loose fit. This leads to the fact that the tooth under the crown begins to rot. Over time, the patient goes to the doctor with complaints about. In most cases, the tooth cannot be restored.
  2. The workpiece is quite thin. Loads and chemical effects of the moist environment in the mouth gradually lead to destruction. As soon as the hole in the crown becomes through, access for infection from the outside appears. Secondary caries begins, then pulpitis.
  3. If "bridge" prostheses are made using this technique, the connections by which the crowns are connected to each other often break. Soldering is far from the best connection method.
  4. The crown itself and the alloy used for soldering have different compositions. As a result, galvanic currents arise, a negative effect on the mucous membrane up to leukoplakia (a harbinger of oncology).

Now let's move on to the advantages of cast products:

  • resistance to mechanical wear;
  • one-piece cast crown is durable and resistant to moisture;
  • short production time;
  • lack of welded joints;
  • protection from irritation and other negative effects on the mucous membrane;
  • the service life is much higher (from 10 years);
  • high manufacturing precision and tight fit. This prevents the penetration of saliva and food with bacteria under the crown.

If a clasp system is installed, then it will be much more reliable on metal cast crowns.

The technology has long been studied, there are statistics that make it possible to verify the effectiveness of this method of restoring damaged teeth.

Video - Dentures-stamped crown

One-piece cast crown - installation on the stump of the tooth, stump tab, implant

What is the basis for this type of dentures? There are several options. If this is a tooth that has not yet been depulped, it is ground, and then a crown prepared in shape is put on.

The option with is also very popular. This is a simple design, consisting of a pin and a crown part, on which an imitation of a tooth is put on. Preparation requires the removal of part of the dental tissues, the creation of a recess in the canal by 1/3 of the depth. A tab is installed in it, made according to a model cast from special plastic. The tab is securely fixed inside with a special cement. It allows you to restore teeth destroyed by 70% and almost under the base. It can be made from cermets, alloys, gold and other materials.

The third method is relevant in cases where the tooth has already been removed or will be removed for medical reasons. Doctors make a puncture of the mucosa, then drill a recess in the bone and install a metal pin into it. An adapter called an abutment is put on it. After that, a crown is made in the dental laboratory, which is installed on this base.

Prosthetics have an indisputable plus - there is no need to grind adjacent teeth. Using implanted artificial roots, you can restore any number of lost teeth.

The average price in different clinics varies significantly. Amounts from 500 to 4000 hryvnia are indicated. It depends on many details:

  • on what basis the crown is placed (tooth, inlay, implant);
  • type of alloy (titanium, cobalt-chromium, gold, silver alloys);
  • manufacturing complexity;
  • technique.

We will analyze the last point in a little more detail. Any one-piece crown is not just a “stub”. It should completely imitate the tooth, without disturbing the bite. In order to achieve high accuracy, experts use two methods:

  • casts of both jaws. So a specialist in a dental laboratory can customize the product;
  • creation of a computer model of bite. This option gives higher accuracy.

The price that you see in the price lists of clinics often does not include some items. As a result, you are dumbfounded by the amount for which you were not ready. The cost usually already includes installation and correction. But there are clinics in which these are separate services.

Separately paid:

  • sanitation (dental treatment) before prosthetics;
  • diagnostic procedures (computed tomography, orthopantomography);
  • preparation with pulp removal, endodontic procedures.

Be sure to specify what exactly is included in the amount indicated in the price list, and how much other services cost. There are clinics offering turnkey work. That is, the price includes all services, including the necessary pictures. This is often the easiest option. You immediately know how much money you have to pay to get a tooth.

Solid crown - reviews

The problems described in the reviews are typical for any. Most often, people have to deal with the destruction of the tooth under the crown. There are several reasons:

  • the doctor treated the tooth poorly and secondary caries arose there;
  • a gap formed between the stump and the crown due to poor fit. Bacteria took advantage of it;
  • the fixation device turned out to be of poor quality and the crown fell out.

These problems only indicate that patients turned to specialists with low qualifications. Read other people's reviews to find out who to trust with your teeth and money.

Video - Cast metal crown

A one-piece cast crown is a one-piece metal structure that was previously stamped according to a pattern, that is, the same.

Now this method has become obsolete, each crown is made to order. One of the main advantages of cast crowns is the variety of choice - at the request of the patient, it can be made coated, uncoated, lined.

This technology is of great interest when creating bridges, since the crowns are not soldered to each other, but solid "metal teeth" are made.

Types of structures

With and without spray

Without spraying the design is a simple metal crown. They are made from cobalt and chromium alloys, less often from chromium-nickel, sometimes they are ordered from gold, platinum.

In the photo: a solid gold crown without plating

Spraying they are used for beauty, applying a coating similar to enamel, more often “under gold”, consisting of titanium nitride, using a vacuum-plasma method.

The advantage of solid crowns is the highest accuracy of fit to the gum, which excludes the ingress of saliva, pieces of food, microbes under it. Due to the strength and wear-resistant characteristics of the metal, subject to oral hygiene, the crown can last up to 20 years.

Despite the high strength, the thickness of the structure is only 0.3-0.5 mm, which allows minimal grinding of the tooth on which the crown is put on. When properly installed, it does not harm neighboring teeth and wears out along with human enamel.

With so many advantages, there are still minor disadvantages:

  • crowns without spraying are not installed on the smile line due to unaesthetic appearance,
  • sprayed designs adversely affect the oral mucosa.

Indications for use:

  • damaged or decayed teeth;
  • temporary prostheses, with subsequent replacement with permanent ones;
  • with problems with teeth in the smile line;
  • with problems with bite and occlusion;
  • with allergic reactions to metal;
  • with possible damage to a living tooth;
  • with Brooks' disease.

with cladding

This is a more tempting offer for those interested in aesthetics. This type of crown is designed for the smile line, as it is lined with metal ceramics or a plastic overlay.

An additional advantage of cast crowns with veneer is an attractive appearance, and with the right and careful attitude, they will last up to 15 years.

The cost of plastic overlays is much lower than cermet overlays, but over time they change color, an unpleasant odor may appear and the release of substances harmful to the body can be observed.

Such a crown must be treated with care, it does not withstand strong compression and its service life does not exceed 5 years. Over time, its aesthetics are lost, it is possible for the metal to show through due to abrasion of the cladding.

The use of an outer coating, whether ceramic-metal or plastic, increases the thickness of the crown. Therefore, the tooth is turned more strongly.

Ceramic-metal lining is stronger than plastic, but due to the rigidity of the structure, adjacent teeth wear out faster. In addition, depulpation of the tooth will be required.

Indications for use:

  • defective teeth in the smile line;
  • damaged or decayed teeth.

Do not use this type of crowns:

  • with allergic reactions to metal alloys;
  • with problems with bite and occlusion requiring prior treatment;
  • with Brooks' disease;
  • with high tooth wear.

Installation of bridges

It is used when it is necessary to replace an already lost tooth or a whole row. The technology of use consists in attaching the structure to adjacent whole crowns, which are loaded during chewing. It turns out a bridge of crowns over the gum.

Indications for use:

  • missing one or more teeth;
  • damage to the crown that cannot be restored;
  • defects of teeth that cannot be restored;
  • replacement of previously standing prostheses.

Bridges are not used:

  • with a defect in a whole series;
  • with Brooks' disease;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with increased wear of teeth;
  • with periodontitis and periodontal disease in severe form;
  • with osteoporosis and osteomyelitis of the jaw bones;
  • with a bite problem.

One-piece cast bridges are made individually for each patient from cobalt and chromium alloys, less often from gold or platinum.

The use of precision casting technology gives the bridge durability and strength, as it has no weak points in the form of soldering between the elements.

Disadvantages of bridge prostheses counts:

  • unaesthetic appearance;
  • very noticeable weight when replacing a whole row;
  • depulpation of abutment teeth, which can become loose and damaged over time from a heavy load;
  • discomfort in the gums when eating hot or too cold food due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal;
  • the likelihood of allergic reactions.

Comparison table for cast and metal-ceramic crowns

Name Solid cast Metal-ceramic
Appearance Applied on chewing, not aesthetic Apply to the smile line, aesthetic
Quality Durable, wear resistant

Service life 20 years

Fragile, tend to break off over time

Service life 10-15 years

Tooth preparation Turning is minimal Due to the thickness, the tooth is heavily grinded
Manufacturing Ease of manufacture Difficulty in manufacturing, at the beginning a tooth is made of metal, then it is veneered with a ceramic composition
Price Affordable price average price

Based on the table, we can conclude that each material is unique in its own way. Metal-ceramic is preferable for the smile line, and solid cast ones are more profitable and more reliable to use for the chewing line.

Manufacturing technology

Construction manufacturing takes place in several stages:

  • Model creation from wax;
  • Installation and creation of a molding block;
  • Preparation of facing material (when creating a crown with facing);
  • Coating with wax model facing material;
  • Creation of an injection mold;
  • Smelting wax from the created injection mold;
  • Drying and firing of the mold;
  • Pouring metal into a mold prepared for casting;
  • Cooling of the metal with subsequent release from the mold;
  • Heat treatment;
  • Sanding, polishing, trimming.

All points are important for the quality of the product. Then the crown will be strong, durable and with proper care will last up to 20 years.

How is the production of solid crowns, look at the video:

Installation process

Before going to the doctor, I want to know in advance whether it will hurt during the procedure, how it happens, how long it takes, how reliable the result is.

Consider the installation process in stages.

Initial consultation

A preliminary examination of the tooth by the attending physician is required. At this stage, the recommended type of crown to be installed is discussed, depending on the cost and the required quality.

Cost comparison table for different types of cast crowns

Name Average price in rubles Production material
Solid cast without spraying 4000 Alloy of cobalt and chromium
Solid cast coated 5000 Cobalt-chromium alloy, titanium nitride coating
One-piece molded with plastic lining 4000 Alloy of cobalt and chromium

plastic pad

Solid cast with ceramic cladding 6500 Alloy of cobalt and chromium

Ceramic overlay

Solid cast 9000 Gold
Bridge prosthesis 3600 for one unit Alloy of cobalt and chromium
Solid cast 22000 Gold-platinum alloy

Preparatory procedures

In most cases, the installation procedure is painless, as the crown is installed on a pulpless tooth.

As preparatory activities may need:

  • Drilling, filling channels;
  • Treatment of caries, pulpitis;
  • In some cases, strengthening the tooth.


Depending on the type of crown and the complexity of the installation, various preparation methods:

  • laser. The device is silent and safe in operation. During processing, the tooth tissues do not heat up, the possibility of pulp burns, the occurrence of cracks and chips is practically excluded;
  • Ultrasonic. The load exerted by the working tool on the tooth is minimal. Absolutely painless procedure, does not cause overheating harmful to the pulp, eliminates the appearance of chipped cracks;
  • Air abrasive. Processing takes place with the help of an air mixture with a special abrasive material in the form of a powder, which is applied under pressure to the tooth.

    The procedure is painless, while the tissues do not overheat and the minimum amount of hard tissue is removed. It is also important the absence of vibration and the speed of processing;

  • tunnel. Turbine installations are used, the speed of which the doctor controls and chooses himself. The method allows you to minimize the layer of removed hard tissues.

    But, if the technology is not followed and the doctor is inexperienced, overheating is possible, causing pulp burns, chips and cracks, and even damage to the gums.

For the treatment of milk teeth, a chemical method is used using special acids that soften hard tissues. Its advantages include: painlessness, safety, noiselessness, lack of heating, exclusion of the possibility of damage to the pulp.

The disadvantage is that the procedure lasts about half an hour.

Installation and fixation

All subsequent activities relate directly to the manufacture and installation of the structure:

  • Cement is applied to the turned tooth to take an accurate impression. According to this model, then a crown is made;
  • In a special laboratory, the selected crown is made;
  • They try on a crown in order to check the fit, sometimes this procedure needs to be done several times;
  • Temporarily fixed to check the bite, tooth reaction, painlessness of the chewing process, the absence of an allergic reaction to metal, etc.
  • Crown fixation.

Do not forget that each patient will need their own approach when choosing a method of treatment and installation.

Without consulting a specialist, it is difficult to understand which crown is right for you, which installation method to use. The doctor will help you make the right choice based on the condition of the tooth, based on your own experience.

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