The tooth began to crumble. Why do teeth crumble and decay? Rules for the prevention of crumbling of teeth - in order not to lose teeth

What causes teeth to crumble in adults:

  1. Wrong nutrition. Foods that are best excluded from the diet include: frozen fruits and vegetables, processed foods. With such problems, you should also not adhere to a diet where the use of meat products is not allowed.
  2. Damage caused by bad habits. Such bad habits are: opening bottle caps with teeth; cracking nuts; ; the moment when, for example, while solving crossword puzzles, patients gnaw pen caps or pencils.
  3. Disruptions in the body of an adult due to hormones. The following categories of citizens should be especially carefully monitored for their hormonal levels: the elderly; women who are in position; teenagers.
  4. When drinking water that has not been filtered. Since there are many trace elements in tap water that can adversely affect both the condition oral cavity and the health of the whole organism as a whole.
  5. Dentist mistakes, which can be: incorrectly prescribed treatment to the patient, which led to further destruction of the damaged area, during the filling, the doctor did not completely clear carious deposits on an aching tooth.
  6. Heredity. If one of the patient's immediate family members had serious dental problems up to their total loss, then this can be repeated in the patient himself.
  7. Malocclusion. Since in this case the patient will chew only on one side, which does not cause pain to the patient.
  8. because of concomitant diseases that are present in the patient's history. Such diseases include, for example: diabetes; arthritis; osteoporosis.
  9. Avitaminosis. In this case, special vitamin complexes.
  10. Stress. In order to bring nervous system in order, the patient can drink sedative pills, for example, "Novopassit". But as with the use of any other medicinal product, a doctor's consultation before taking the tablets is mandatory.

What to do?

If the patient's teeth began to crumble, then the patient needs to seek help from a dentist. The specialist will examine the damaged area and prescribe treatment.

If you delay with a trip to the doctor, then microbes and food particles will accumulate at the cleavage site. And such deposits will further destroy the enamel, and such a destructive action can even lead to the loss of the tooth itself.

When the patient, then he should act according to the algorithm:

  1. Don't panic.
  2. It's best to keep the part that fell off. Such a fragment will help the doctor understand the reason why the destruction began.

If it is not possible to go to the dentist immediately after the destruction has occurred, then the patient needs to take certain measures that will help reduce pain in the damaged area.

Ways to help relieve pain can include:

  1. Take painkillers. These pharmaceutical preparations may be "Ketanov" or "Nurofen".
  2. To prevent infection from spreading throughout the mouth, the patient needs to be carried out. Salt solution can be used for disinfection.
  3. If that part of the enamel broke off, which was in the gum, and because of this, bleeding began. AT this case you can stop the bleeding from the wound with a piece of gauze. This gauze should be kept on the wound for 10 minutes.
  4. So that the sensitivity in the resulting hole is not so strong, you can put a small piece of chewing gum on this damaged place.
  5. It also happens that a chipped tooth leads to inflammation of the soft tissues., then in this case, you need to attach to the swollen place cold compress. But such a compress should not be kept for long so that frostbite of soft tissues does not occur;

Dental procedures

In order to prevent tooth decay from recurring, the patient must promptly seek help from a dentist. The attending physician will conduct an examination and suggest a treatment method.

To methods of prevention and treatment damaged teeth can be attributed:

  1. While brushing your teeth, the patient must constantly use such toothpastes, which include a large number of fluorine.
  2. Sealing of those damaged areas where destruction occurred. Enamel could be destroyed due to or trauma, which led to enamel chipping.
  3. For prevention in the presence of crowns, they can be covered with fluoride varnish.
  4. The doctor may prescribe a mineralization procedure for his patient. Such a procedure is sore spot special applications will be applied, thanks to which the enamel of the affected area will be enriched with calcium and fluorine.

Possible complications

When crumbling teeth, the patient may experience the following complications:

  1. Due to such an unpleasant situation, the patient will not be able to chew food normally. And this can lead to problems with the digestive tract;
  2. Infection from a diseased area can be transmitted and adjacent teeth, which, if measures are not taken in time, will also begin to deteriorate;
  3. If there is at least one damaged tooth in the oral cavity, then it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.


In order to avoid the destruction of enamel, the patient must take preventive measures.

Some of the things you can do to keep your mouth healthy include:

  1. Proper hygiene practices. The patient should carry out such procedures at least twice a day. Each such procedure should take at least 3 minutes. After brushing your teeth is over, rinse your mouth very well. This is done so that the remnants of the paste do not remain on the teeth;
  2. The patient needs to be careful about his diet. The food must contain foods that are rich in calcium, fluorine and vitamin D. The patient in without fail must be eaten following products: fish; milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, yoghurts); nuts; vitamin D syrup. But such a vitamin should be prescribed only by a doctor, since an overdose this vitamin, as well as its lack, can adversely affect the patient's body.
  3. To minimize enamel damage, the patient, if he smokes, must completely abandon this addiction. If the patient cannot completely give up cigarettes yet, then you should at least try to reduce the daily number of cigarettes smoked.
  4. To strengthen the enamel and gums, you can rinse with medicinal herbs. Usually, for such procedures, an infusion of dry chamomile is made and a few drops are added to this decoction. essential oil tea tree.

Summing up what was written above, we can say that each person should be attentive to his teeth and carry out all the necessary hygienic and preventive procedures to keep your teeth healthy.

If for some reason a chip has occurred, you should not put off going to the dentist for a long time. Because the timely appeal per medical care will allow the patient to cure the diseased area and again have a beautiful smile.

The quality of the teeth is directly related to the chewing function. Any problems with external or inner layer affect the state of the dentition, disrupt the process of grinding food in the oral cavity, worsen the aesthetics.

Patients often come to dentists with loose, dilapidated dental tissue. People are embarrassed to talk, smile, so as not to once again show others unaesthetic "stumps". What to do if teeth crumble? Material for anyone who wants to know more about a common problem.

general information

A feature of dental tissue is the absence of regeneration processes: the affected areas of enamel and dentin are not restored. Without constant control tissue destruction cannot be stopped. If the tooth began to crumble, then there is a high probability of losing a useful unit after a while.

In many cases, the enamel and dentin become so brittle that entire pieces are chipped off. The remaining parts with uneven edges worsen the aesthetics of the oral cavity, provoke inflammatory processes: sharp parts scratch the mucous membrane.

Advice! At the first sign of tooth decay, contact your dentist. The doctor will order an examination. Do not refuse tests, visits to narrow specialists: it is impossible to stop tooth decay without identifying the root cause of the pathology. After eliminating the negative influence, the specialist will treat and restore the affected units.

Causes of the problem

Problems with the quality of dental tissue occur in adults and children. The causes of brittle teeth are largely similar, but there are differences. You won't have to look for provoking factors for a long time. Unfortunately, there are many reasons that cause thinning of enamel and destruction of dentin.

Why adult teeth crumble

Pay attention to the main provoking factors:

  • improper installation of a seal, flaws in prosthetics. Poor quality work of the dentist provokes negative consequences. Insufficiently cleaned carious cavity, cheap filling material, violation of technology, poor fit of the top layer - the reasons for the gradual destruction of dentin. And if the doctor performed the treatment without careful treatment of the cavity, the accumulation of bacteria under the filling will certainly provoke tissue destruction;
  • failures in metabolic processes. Causes of poor metabolism: endocrine diseases, alcoholism, smoking. There are other factors too: unhealthy food, potent drugs, chemotherapy, menopause. Often, against the background of a slow metabolism, the composition of saliva changes, bacteria actively multiply in the oral cavity. The result is a deterioration in the quality of hard, soft tissues, the gradual destruction of the enamel, the inner layer;
  • pregnancy. developing fetus takes a lot of calcium from the mother's body, quality bone tissue, including teeth deteriorating. Future mom should regularly take a certain amount of calcium in tablets, consume milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt to compensate for the deficiency of a useful mineral. The lack of calcium is one of the main reasons why the teeth “fell down”;
  • enamel damage. Upper layer more fragile than dentin. Chips, cracks in the enamel appear when you try to famously open a bottle with your teeth or crack open a hard shell of nuts, after bruises, blows to the jaw area. Often, trauma occurs when chewing hard objects;
  • tissue demineralization. Lack of calcium is the cause of the poor condition of dentin and enamel. The problem occurs not only during pregnancy. Demineralization was noted in the absence / insufficient amount of dairy products, fish, cauliflower, nuts, hard cheese in the diet;
  • age. Deteriorate over time metabolic processes, chronic diseases progress, immunity weakens. The bone tissue becomes fragile, the risk of fractures increases, the teeth weaken, break, fall out. The older the person, the more worse condition gums, mucous, dentition;
  • malnutrition, vitamin deficiency. Addiction to sweets, carbonated drinks, sour, spicy, hot, cold foods is the reason for the poor condition of the dentition. Carious cavities, fragility of tissues - retribution for the use harmful products. Lack of vitamin D, B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid causes brittle bones and teeth;
  • poor water quality, a difficult environmental situation, high doses of radiation, constant contact with chemicals worsen the quality of bone tissue. Combination environmental factors malnutrition, disease, bad exchange substances quickly destroy the dentition;
  • malocclusion. A birth defect causes excessive friction, pressure in certain areas. The process is as follows: the enamel becomes thinner faster, bacteria penetrate into the deeper layers, caries develops, and dentin is destroyed. A timely visit to the orthodontist, the establishment of corrective structures will help correct the bite, prevent defects in the units of the dentition.

Causes of tooth decay in children

There are also enough provoking factors:

  • lack of vitamins, microelements. The lack of silicon, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, vitamin D negatively affects the quality of the dentition;
  • poor nutrition of a woman during pregnancy. If the mother's body (and the fetus, respectively) did not receive the necessary substances, the quality of the dental tissue will be low. Why expectant mothers need enough calcium, phosphorus, other trace elements, vitamins;
  • hereditary predisposition. If the teeth of relatives began to “crumble” early, carefully monitor the condition of the child’s oral cavity. Timely treatment of carious cavities is required, prevention serious defeats dental tissue, regular hygiene procedures. This is the only way to stop the early destruction of enamel and dentin;
  • penetration of bacteria that provoke inflammation, destruction of dental tissue. The reason is bad habits characteristic of childhood. Everyone is familiar with: sucking fingers (not always clean), interest in pieces of earth, sand that children taste, eating unwashed berries, fruits, vegetables, sometimes, straight from the garden or bush;
  • improper nutrition. Excess in the menu of sweets, muffins, sour fruits, soda with dyes, preservatives. If a child consumes few foods containing calcium, enamel, the inner layers are destroyed even faster;
  • poor oral hygiene. Does the child skip morning or evening brushing of teeth, rarely rinse his mouth after eating? Over time, there will definitely be problems with the quality of dental tissue. The main reason is the lack of parental control, the lack of a personal example for the baby;
  • malocclusion. The problem comes from long-term use nipples and pacifiers. The longer the units of the dentition “leave to the side” under the pressure of the nipple, the more difficult it is to correct the bite, the more the enamel deteriorates. Tiny teeth will quickly begin to crumble, provoke injuries to the buccal mucosa.

Methods and rules of treatment

After identifying the cause of the pathology, the dentist will prescribe therapeutic measures. Do not self-medicate: you will only lose time. The longer you delay a visit to the doctor, the higher the chance of losing many units of the dentition.

What to do if teeth begin to crumble:

  • do not start the problem, visit the dentist, be examined by other specialists;
  • tell the doctor when the teeth began to deteriorate, describe in detail how the process went. It is important for the dentist to know the nature of the pathology. If there are relatives whose teeth “fell” early, tell the doctor about it;
  • eliminate the factors that caused bad condition dentition. If a Negative influence will continue, restore the health of the oral cavity, return a full-fledged chewing function will not work;
  • treat diseases internal organs, normalize metabolism. Special attention devote to the digestive organs, check the work endocrine system. As prescribed by the doctor, buy drugs to strengthen the immune system, tinctures with plant extracts;
  • seal your teeth: the absence of carious cavities is the key to preserving the dentition. Talk to experienced dentist who you trust;
  • treat your teeth in time, do not start the problem so that you do not have to remove the nerve: the innervated units are more likely to collapse. The fewer "dead teeth", the lower the likelihood that they will crumble;
  • replenish calcium deficiency in the body. Drink a course of multivitamins, supplement the diet with useful food additives with mineral components;
  • change your diet. Milk will help restore, strengthen bone tissue, dairy products, hard cheese, leafy greens, nuts, fish fat. Useful liver, sea ​​fish, peas, eggs. Refuse the abundance of sweets, do not drink soda, eat food varying degrees hardness to maintain tissue tone;
  • rinse your mouth after eating. Use pharmacy fresheners, cook herbal decoctions. Strengthen the periodontal tissue, prevent inflammation of the oak bark, chamomile, celandine, sage. Carry out useful activities not only during treatment. Regular procedures keep the oral cavity in good condition;
  • after eating acidic foods clean water rinse your mouth. The prolonged presence of acid gradually corrodes the enamel, exposes the dentin, provokes inflammation of the pulp, dentinal tubules, destroys the tissue;
  • give up bad habits. Smoking, strong alcohol worsen the quality of the top layer, cause microcracks, open the way for bacteria. Do not gnaw nuts, open corks with a special tool;
  • eat well during pregnancy, enrich the diet with foods containing calcium, phosphorus, other minerals and vitamins;
  • if the teeth began to crumble due to insufficient attention to hygiene procedures correct the situation as soon as possible. Properly clean the dentition, remove from the tongue white coating Always use mouthwash and floss if necessary.

Measures for the treatment and prevention of dental fragility are closely intertwined. Compliance simple rules keep intact and strong units of the dentition.

Strong, healthy and beautiful teeth- everyone strives for this. After all, not only the charm of a smile depends on them, but also the full chewing of food, which is directly related to proper work the whole organism as a whole.

Toothache makes us immediately go to the dentist. But besides it, there may be other problems with the teeth that are not accompanied by severe pain, but quite unpleasant, and sometimes even dangerous.

One of these problems is that teeth crumble. Reasons may vary. Moreover, this problem can be associated not only with dentistry, but be a consequence of certain processes occurring in the body. That is why it is important to identify these problems in order to fix them correctly.

Why teeth crumble: causes and their elimination

  1. Heredity. If parents have brittle teeth, it can be inherited by children. Proper care, good nutrition, regular preventive examinations of the dentist will significantly reduce this process, but the gene factor will still exert its influence.
  2. Allergic, endocrine and autoimmune diseases. One of the consequences of these diseases is a violation of the acid-base balance in the body, and, in particular, the occurrence of an acidic environment in the oral cavity. This leads to the fact that saliva loses its protective properties, and acidic environment detrimental effect on tooth enamel making it porous. People prone to such diseases should constantly undergo preventive examinations and follow all the recommendations of the dentist.
  3. Pregnancy, puberty and menopause. These processes cause change hormonal background in the body, and as a result, first of all, teeth crumble. What can be done to prevent this? The main rule is balanced diet, rich essential vitamins and minerals and as an addition to it - the intake of vitamin complexes.
  4. Vitamin deficiency. As a rule, teeth begin to crumble with a lack of calcium and vitamin D. Moreover, they may not enter the body due to malnutrition, or, acting, simply not digested. doctor, with the help special analyzes, can determine what is the cause and assign special diet, vitamin complexes or drugs that promote the absorption of calcium in the body.
  5. Improper oral care. Untimely and insufficient care, which consists in brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, and rinsing your mouth after eating, especially after sweet foods, leads to reproduction pathogenic bacteria in the mouth. As a result, the enamel deteriorates, caries forms, and the teeth become brittle.
  6. Diseases. First of all, caries belongs to them. It should not only be disposed of in a timely manner, but also completely cured, preventing it from spreading further. Doing every six months preventive examination at the dentist, you will successfully cope with this problem.
  7. Malocclusion. In this case, the load is distributed unevenly - for some less, and for others more, which leads to the destruction of the latter. Now this problem is eliminated without difficulty with the help of braces.
  8. Mechanical damage. The habit of opening bottles with your teeth, cracking nuts leads to the fact that microcracks appear in them. In the future, the damaged tooth easily begins to crumble. That's why from bad habits should be disposed of.

Teeth can crumble not only in adults, but also in children, and milk teeth, when the appearance of permanent ones is still quite far away. What to do if the baby's teeth crumble? First of all, identify the causes of this and try to eliminate them in the future.

Teeth crumble in children: causes and elimination

Knowing why teeth crumble, many reasons for this process can be prevented. But if it already takes place and has gone quite far, then you can’t do without the help of a dentist.

If it is related to destructive processes, such as caries, then it remove and fill a tooth.

For other diseases, due to which they begin to crumble, special treatment will be prescribed.

Now there are new technologies for protecting tooth enamel - this is a coating that contains silver or a special protective varnish.

Help with a chipped tooth at home

Very common tooth decay accompanied by pain. If you can’t immediately get an appointment with a dentist, then at home you can somewhat alleviate the condition:

  • painkillers should be taken to reduce pain;
  • to prevent the development of infection, you need to rinse your mouth with saline;
  • if during the chipping were hurt soft tissues, and bleeding has begun, then it should be stopped by applying a gauze swab to the wound for 10 minutes;
  • chipped area can be patched up chewing gum to decrease the sensitivity.

Preventive measures

Many Problems can be prevented, if you constantly engage in prevention. Following these simple steps is a guarantee that your teeth will be healthy and strong.

  1. Eat right. AT weekly diet there must be foods containing calcium and vitamin D. This is a fish, egg yolk, legumes, cheese, milk and lactic acid products.
  2. Maintain oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed in the morning and before going to bed for at least two minutes. After eating, it is recommended to rinse your mouth, and rinse with herbal decoctions several times a week.

The reason why teeth periodically crumble or chipped is the destruction of enamel. Why this happens, it will be possible to say only after consulting a dentist.

The most likely damaging factors are:

  • Change in saliva acidity towards its increase. Chronic inflammatory processes in the intestines, fermentopathy, gastritis can disrupt acid-base balance, a sharp increase acidity index lead to a lack of macro- and microelements in saliva and, as a result, to damage to tooth enamel.
  • Poor oral care. Almost every person in the mouth has areas that are inaccessible to high-quality daily cleaning. That's where it starts carious process. Without timely treatment it leads to tooth decay.
  • Hormonal changes in the body. Often teeth crumble during pregnancy, in adolescence or menopause.
  • Permanent sharp drops temperature in the mouth. To minimize tooth decay, avoid excessively hot and cold food, especially if they alternate one after the other.
  • Mechanical damage(opening a bottle with your teeth, cracking nuts or seeds, the habit of gnawing a pen, untying knots on bags) weaken tooth enamel over time and create microcracks that are invisible at the first stages.

Smoking damages tooth enamel.

Opening a bottle with your teeth can damage their integrity.

Sweets should be limited.

  • Malocclusion. Both in children and adults, the incorrect distribution of the load during chewing leads to early grinding of tooth enamel. This also includes the habit of grinding your teeth in your sleep and clenching your jaw too much in moments of aggression.
  • Avitaminosis. Most of all, teeth need vitamins of group D (D 2, D 3), without which calcium cannot be normally absorbed by the body, which causes teeth to crumble. The same thing happens against the backdrop of extreme diets, forcing you to completely abandon fats. Group D refers to fat-soluble vitamins, therefore, their absence makes it impossible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines, and hence not only problems with the fragility of the teeth, but also with premature baldness, delamination of nails, sagging skin, increased fatigue, apathy or aggression.
  • chronic diseases: arthrosis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, arthritis, hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus.
  • Dentist's mistakes when treating a tooth. Incorrectly or poorly placed seal, overuse drills can cause further tooth crumbling.
  • Smoking. It has been proven that in people prone to regular cigarette use, tooth enamel thins two and a half times faster than non-smoking peers.

You can not abuse too hot and very cold.

During pregnancy, immunity is weakened.

  • Weakened immunity. This becomes noticeable in childhood when a child's milk teeth crumble before the molars are ready for eruption.
  • Sweet foods. Great content in food, glucose-containing products in both a child and an adult can provoke the development of caries and further destruction of enamel over time.
  • hereditary predisposition. No matter how sad it is, but the resistance of tooth enamel to damaging factors largely depends on genetics. If all possible causes are ruled out, and even after passing necessary treatment, the teeth did not become stronger - perhaps the problem is of a “family nature”.
  • Toxicosis, antibiotic therapy during pregnancy, unbalanced nutrition during the period of gestation and lactation, diseases of the endocrine system in the mother.
  • Babies often lose teeth when using pacifiers for a long time.. They negatively affect the state of the microflora of the oral cavity, as a result of which the front teeth begin to crumble.
  • Teeth crumble under the influence of abrasive substances or acids when choosing some professions (metallurgist, miner, confectioner).

What to do if the tooth is destroyed

Take care of your oral cavity properly.

At the first sign of chips or cracks in the tooth, you need to contact a specialist.

The dentist will be able to establish the cause and select the appropriate treatment, methods for correcting the defect, and, if necessary, appoint consultations with allied doctors(if the pathology is caused chronic diseases). The dentist will select the most suitable means oral hygiene (paste, floss, brush, gel, rinse, tooth enamel strengthening gel, etc.).

In order not to crumble your teeth and avoid problems with them in the future, it is important:

  • include in daily menu calcium and iron: dairy and fish products, fruits, vegetables, greens and cereals;
  • take daily walks the sun's rays are necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D, and it is an indispensable part in the process of calcium absorption;
  • rinse the mouth with decoctions: oak bark, elecampane, chamomile and sage;
  • avoid sudden changes in the temperature of the food you eat: do not drink ice cream with hot coffee, etc.;
  • quit smoking. What does this very bad habit, many people know, and it also negatively affects the state of the strength of tooth enamel;
  • do not try to gnaw what the teeth "can't do";

When you feel or visually observe that the tooth begins to crumble, contact your dentist immediately!

  • visit the dentist at least once a year(for a child, teenager and people at risk - once a quarter, if the teeth are very bad, detailed examinations are recommended even more often);
  • take care of your gums, diseases such as gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, without timely treatment, can negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel.

When the tooth has already crumbled

If the chip is large, it is advisable to find a chip and save it. The dentist will not "glue" it into place, but this will make it possible to make the most suitable replacement and determine the exact reason why the tooth has crumbled.

The first few days after the tooth has crumbled are the most important for making a diagnosis, and the obstacles to further infection of the dental tissue or root.

With a slight chip, you also need to see a doctor!

This may be a harbinger serious problems, and they are not always hidden only in the oral cavity. Yellowing, a sharp increase in the sensitivity of the teeth, the presence of chipping, multiple and spreading caries, a change in bite, a state when the teeth appear more transparent - all this is the first sign of thinning of the enamel. But why this happens will only show full course diagnostics.

If a child has a tooth

First of all, you should pay attention to the diet and balance it. Milk teeth are most vulnerable to beriberi, insufficient intake of micro- and macroelements in the body, injuries and untimely correction of the dentition at the stage of root formation. It will not be superfluous to avoid sweets and sodas, the full replacement of which is honey-based products and natural kvass from bread and dried fruits.

When children literally “crumble their teeth”, and in addition: hair falls out, nails become brittle, causeless irritability and tearfulness appeared, scoliosis was diagnosed, there were bone fractures with a long recovery period, you need to mean not only beriberi. The reason may be much more serious, so it is important to see a specialist and go through all the prescribed examinations.

How to restore a tooth that has fallen apart

ProcedureProcessCost in rub. (UAH)
fillingLayering of filling material on areas requiring correction. It is used when the tooth is not falling apart.1000 – 5000 (450-2300)
FluoridationThe surface of the tooth is covered with preparations that contain fluorine (there is ordinary and deep fluoridation).350-1400 (150-640)
RemineralizationI process enamel more in a safe way. Preparations based on calcium and phosphates are used - this is a more gentle method than the use of fluorine, but not as effective.350-1000 (150-450)
Implant placementA composition that is biocompatible with natural tooth enamel is applied to the tooth. In all characteristics, it is no different, and it is not possible to see the place of the chip. The procedure is especially suitable in cases where the injured visible tooth with a smile - front.2500 – 8000 (1130-3700)
ProstheticsVeneers can be used for very serious damage or lumineers if the chips are minor. The service life of veneers is up to 10 years. Distinctive feature lumineers - the ability to remove them if necessary, since the tooth does not grind off during installation.1500-7500 (680-3400)

Restoration of tooth enamel at home

Minor chips and microcracks will help cure special dental gels and pastes. In the case when the tooth is not yet collapsing, but changes in the dentition have become noticeable, and the soft tissues of the gums are sensitive or painful, help:

  • Elmex Gelee;
  • Lacalutfluor gel;
  • R.O.C.S.;
  • SensodyneRepair
  • Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief;
  • SPLANT-biocalcium;
  • biorepair.

SPLANT-biocalcium for gentle whitening.

Gel ElmexGelee.

Biorepair protects teeth from damage.

Caries resistance with ROCS.

dental Colgate paste Sensitive Pro Relief.

Gel for strengthening gums Lacalutfluor gel.

Strengthen tooth enamel and folk remedies: food that contains chicken eggs, parsley and seafood. Also effective green tea, it prevents the formation of plaque and contains fluoride. With absence inflammatory processes solid foods should be added to food - apples, carrots, radishes or cabbage. They will help remove plaque, restore the shine of enamel, ensure normal salivation and give the body the necessary portion of vitamins.

Enamel is the armor of the tooth, if it loses its integrity, caries, chips or other defects appear. Dental crown may crack or crumble. Unfortunately, this is irreversible, and a dentist is needed to restore the teeth. Further in our article about why teeth crumble, the symptoms of this process and methods of recovery.

Dentists claim that main reason damage to the teeth and caries is an insufficient production of saliva or its acidification (lowering the pH level). This is important biological fluid, neutralizing the action pathogenic bacteria and prevents calcium leaching.

Causes of destruction


  • mechanical - injuries, fractures of the crown, too hard food, the habit of gnawing pencils;
  • thermal - sudden changes in temperature (receiving both hot and cold food);
  • chemical - the destructive effect of alkalis and acids contained in food or care products of dubious quality;
  • hygienic - non-compliance with the rules of hygiene leads to the accumulation of bacterial plaque in the oral cavity, microorganisms secrete organic acids destroying the enamel structure.

Internal factors:

  • lack of fluorine and calcium in the body;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • disorders gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic disorders, diets, malnutrition.


Signs of crown destruction

  • White or dark spots(this indicates the loss of valuable minerals in this area);
  • sensitivity to hot, cold, sour and sweet things;
  • carious cavities;
  • the presence of cracks and chips, uneven edges of the incisors;
  • roughness and depressions.

Destruction of the root of the tooth

Root destruction is usually associated with chronic infection(launched pulpitis,).

If caries has affected the roots (pulp), the patient feels a piercing pain in the presence of thermal stimuli (even cold air). There may be a pain reaction when pressed.

Stages of destruction

Tooth decay from caries is slow, several months or more. Includes steps:

  1. The formation of a chalky spot - in this initial phase there is no discomfort.
  2. Loss of integrity of the enamel layer - surface form caries, when the destruction of enamel begins.
  3. Destruction of bone tissue (dentin) - the deep sections of the tooth decompose, its functionality completely stops.

Further destruction of the dentin leads to the exposure of the pulp chamber, where the neurovascular bundle is located. Bacteria penetrate into the open pulpal part, causing inflammation (pulpitis).

What to do with the destruction of the teeth in a child

Teeth in children under 3 years old can be destroyed under the influence of bottle caries. Develops due to frequent use pacifiers, as well as bottles of milk or sugary drinks (especially before bedtime).

Milk teeth deteriorate faster, and all because of the features anatomical structure: thin enamel, wide pulp chamber, weak roots. Therefore, if you notice caries or other defects on your baby's teeth, contact a pediatric dentist.

Temporary teeth must be treated in dentistry, otherwise the infection will pass to the rudiments of permanent ones. At superficial caries you can also apply the method of silvering or ozone therapy, which will avoid drilling with a drill.

Ozone therapy

How to strengthen your teeth

Fluoridation (remineralization) will help strengthen your teeth. The doctor applies a special fluorine varnish, and then dries them with a stream of warm air. Thus, the enamel is covered with a protective film.

Useful and home preparations for remineralization (gels and pastes Rocs, Elmex, etc.)


Heavily damaged teeth are restored in dentistry by:

  • extensions with photopolymer composites; the method is effective if the teeth crumble or a piece of the cutting edge breaks off;
  • installation of pins and intra-root tabs - when destroyed most of crowns, it should be additionally fixed anchor pins or tabs in root canals;
  • installation of micro prostheses - veneers close defects in the smile zone, inlays replace the lost part of the lateral molars, and crowns are used when the tooth is more than 70% destroyed.

If a wisdom tooth is destroyed, it makes no sense to restore it, since it does not take part in chewing food. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe removal.

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