Veneers by direct method. Restoration of teeth with composite veneers. What are the contraindications

One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to aesthetically restore a tooth is to install composite veneers. Veneers are a special lining on the front of the tooth, which is completely invisible on the teeth. Composite veneers are made at the dentist's chair or in dental laboratory. Installation of the structure restores the shape, position and color of the teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of composite veneers include:

  1. Achieving high aesthetic results. Veneers look very natural and not noticeable to others;
  2. Effective Recovery anatomically shaped tooth
  3. Price. Composite veneers are made from light-cured composite material, do not require the use of complex technologies and expensive materials;
  4. Fast results. There is no need to devote a long period of time to treatment, veneers are made within a week or directly in the mouth in one visit.

Feedback (Andrey, 19 years old): "When I was treated with a tooth canal, it turned pink and the doctor suggested installing a composite veneer. new tooth it has been standing for 4 months and I am completely satisfied, it is beautiful and does not differ from others. If necessary, I will polish the tooth, the main advantage is not a high price."

The disadvantages of composite veneers are:

  • over time, the composite material is saturated with dyes, pigments and changes color;
  • the need to periodically polish teeth with veneers;
  • microorganisms and pigments can accumulate in the place where the overlays fit to the tooth tissues;
  • with careless operation, chips and breakages are possible;
  • not strong enough compared to ceramic structures.


For the manufacture of composite veneers, the following materials are used:

  1. Componeer TM Set upper - offers ready-made overlays up to 0.3 mm thick from nano-hybrid durable material. Veneers are carefully connected to the enamel of the teeth and look beautiful in the oral cavity;
  2. Charisma - popular dental material which has a wide range of colors for quality recovery teeth. It contains glass particles, which makes it very durable;
  3. Filtek Ultimate is one of the best and most expensive materials. Many shades are available to match natural teeth. Filtek is considered a universal material, it is durable, aesthetic, has excellent gloss and is well polished;
  4. Gradia Direct is a microfilament hybrid material for restorations and veneers. Has many shades of enamel and dentine for natural tooth color. The material is easy to work with and allows you to achieve the desired treatment result;
  5. Estilite SigmaQuick is a highly elastic yet durable veneer material. It has 20 shades, retains the shine and natural appearance of the teeth for a long period of time. The material is easy to work with and polymerizes quickly;
  6. Spectrum is a material that contains fine particles for strength and high aesthetics. Veneers fit snugly to the enamel and are strong enough;
  7. Valux Plus is a low cost microfilament composite material. Used for the anterior and lateral groups of teeth, have average strength and aesthetics;
  8. Versa COMP - the material is similar in composition to the Spectrum, but has a higher quality. Veneers look beautiful on the teeth and have a long service life.


There are two ways to make composite veneers: direct and indirect. At direct way the manufacture and modeling of the structure takes place at the dentist's appointment. This procedure takes a long time, but is painless. First, the doctor, together with the patients, selects the color of future veneers and the number of teeth on which they will be made.

Most often, veneers are installed on 6 upper teeth that are visible when smiling. Next, the dentist grinds off a small layer of enamel, removes old fillings and carious process. It treats the surface of the teeth with special materials, antiseptics, dental glue and, using a composite material, models veneers on the teeth.

Review (Alexandra, 29 years old): “I have had veneers for 4 years already. I want to say that for the first year they didn’t bother me at all, my teeth were white and beautiful. But over time, the linings began to absorb pigments and I had to go to the doctor to brush my teeth and veneers. Once there was a chipped veneer due to my negligence, but the dentist quickly put everything in place. I think that in a year I will change the veneers for more aesthetic and new ones or for crowns."

The hardening of the structure occurs under the influence of ultraviolet lamp. With an indirect manufacturing method, the doctor grinds the required amount of tissue and takes impressions from the teeth with a special material. The resulting casts are transferred to the dental technician in the laboratory.

The technician casts models of the jaw with teeth and performs modeling of veneers. Making veneers from composite laboratory conditions is of higher quality, the technician makes the design more carefully and accurately on the model than in the oral cavity. When the overlays are ready, they are transferred to the dentist and the veneers are fixed on the teeth.

Installation (before and after)

After the onlays are made, the doctor installs them on the teeth. To do this, treat the surface of the teeth antiseptic solution and special glue. Composite veneers are alternately fixed on the teeth and illuminated with a light lamp. Residual adhesive is removed with a dental instrument. After installation, the dentist talks about the care of the structure and gives recommendations.


In order for veneers to serve for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for caring for the structure: to carry out high-quality and regular cleaning teeth and do not put excessive pressure on the teeth with overlays. Although veneers are durable, they can chip off the surface of the tooth if applied too much.

Review (Galina, 23 years old): "I put composite veneers 6 months ago, because I had yellow enamel and a slightly uneven bite. With the help of veneers, my teeth became even and bright, but they do not look like Hollywood smile. Maybe someone was attached ready-made veneers, they look better, but the doctor did each tooth for me for 1.5 hours. I try not to use coloring products, but my teeth still change their color a little, the doctor said that this is the material. Every two months I go to polish my teeth so that the edges do not darken. In general, I am satisfied that I had composite veneers, but in a few years I plan to change to ceramic."

To warn this complication recommend not to overload the teeth with hard and hard food, for this you need to carefully use crackers, drying, nuts, etc. The presence of veneers does not require additional special care behind the teeth. It is enough to carry out regular high-quality brushing of teeth twice a day with a toothbrush and paste, use dental floss to clean the interdental spaces, rinse the mouth and periodically visit a doctor.

If there is a darkening at the point of transition of the veneer into the tooth, detachment of the lining, increased sensitivity of the teeth, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist. For timely diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the dentist you need to go to the reception twice a year. Every six months it is recommended to carry out the removal of dental deposits.


The most popular composite veneer companies are:

  • ComponeerTM Set upper;
  • Estilite SigmaQuick;
  • Spectrum;
  • Filtek Ultimate;
  • Gradia Direct;
  • Charisma;
  • Versa COMP;
  • Valux Plus.

How much are

Compared to other types of restorations, composite veneers are not expensive. The design for 1 tooth costs 3000-5000 rubles, depending on the material. Sometimes manufacturers indicate the price immediately for 6 front teeth - 16,000-20,000 rubles. Some manufacturers indicate the price for 1 gram of material, since each tooth can go different amount material. About 4 grams of Filtek Ultimate will go for one tooth - this is from 3000 rubles, 4 grams of Charisma, Valux Plus - from 1500 rubles, 4 grams of Gradia Direct - from 3500 rubles.

When choosing a material and type of construction, it should be borne in mind that the cost of treatment also includes the work of a dentist and a dental technician. Also the price will depend on the choice dental clinic, professionalism and experience of the doctor, availability of a dental laboratory.

Composite veneers are made of a special composite material, which is applied layer by layer on the frontal tooth surface. Because of their ease of manufacture, they are called direct veneers. There are also indirect overlays. characteristic feature direct composite veneers is that the work on their application is done directly in oral cavity patient. The basis of the plates is a composite, a special filling material. With proper care and adherence to the rules of application, composite veneers will last a long time. The whole procedure does not take much time, it can be done in one visit to the dentist. Another type of application is indirect, in which case the plates are made in the laboratory.

Composite veneers for maxillary and mandibular teeth

When to install composite veneers

Composite veneers are installed according to the indication of a dentist. The plates will improve the aesthetic appearance of the teeth, in cases where they are severely damaged. This type of restoration is suitable for front teeth that are in plain sight. The overlay is fixed on the front of the tooth. With the help of a composite, it is possible to improve not only the shape, but also the color of the tooth. Composite veneers will help to cope with many problems and defects. Overlays perform the following functions:

  • smoothing irregularities and roughness;
  • masking chips and microcracks on the tooth surface;
  • enlarged interdental gap;
  • enamel erosion;
  • unnatural color of tooth enamel, a change in its color for various reasons;
  • altered or deformed shape of the tooth;
  • the presence of chips and irregularities;
  • gap between the front incisors;
  • underdeveloped teeth.

Composite veneers are installed in one visit

After the preparatory work, the main stage begins - the installation of composite materials, during which the composite material is applied in layers. Each layer is fired. On the final stage grinding and polishing of the tooth surface. This workflow is typical for direct method applying the composite. At the same time, an indirect variant is also used. Indirect composite veneers are installed when several teeth need to be corrected at the same time, this method called therapeutic.

AT this case take an impression, which is sent to the laboratory, where it is created on its basis artificial jaw. On this model, veneers are created for damaged teeth. For a while, a temporary plastic plate is installed, which will protect the enamel from damage. Before installing a permanent veneer, the tooth must be carefully polished, after which it is washed and dried, the surface is covered with an adhesive composition. The veneer is attached with a special adhesive. This option is longer in time. The patient will have to visit the dentist two or three times. In the event that any dental pathologies and diseases are detected, they will need to be completely eliminated. . The entire procedure will take at least two or three weeks.

How to care for composite veneers

After the plates are installed, the patient must follow some rules. First of all, after the procedure, you need to withstand two hours, during which you can neither eat nor drink. The first day is not recommended. solid food. At the first stages, it is undesirable to eat food containing dyes, they can distort the color of the material. Don't drink coffee and strong tea. Food must contain food white color, such as cottage cheese, kefir, milk, white varieties of fish. It is necessary to reduce the load on the anterior incisors, since the composite material is not very strong.

It is important to keep in mind that neither after installation, nor after some time, you can not combine the reception of hot and cold dishes. Temperature contrasts can destroy the plates, causing them to crack. If the rules are followed, the service life of the linings will be longer. After five years, they will need to be replaced.

Photo: result after straight line composite restoration veneers

Life time

Composite veneers after installation require regular care. To the daily hygiene procedures can be attributed:

  • regular brushing of teeth with toothpaste, choose a soft brush for cleaning;
  • use of dental floss;
  • use of an irrigator.

In addition, you will need to visit the dentist regularly. Veneers should not be subjected to excessive mechanical stress. It is advisable to wear protective mouthguards at night so as not to damage the plates. They are also worn during sports. If the gums around the tooth to which the composite was applied are reddened or swollen, a dentist should be consulted.

The clinics give a guarantee for composite veneers, provided that the person regularly visits the dentist, follows the rules of care, monitors the condition of the teeth.

Pros and cons of composite veneers

Composite veneers have a number of advantages, which is why they are very popular. One of the most important is their low cost. This is due to the fact that the installation of linings does not require the use of complex technologies, moreover, expensive materials are not needed for their manufacture.

Restoration of the front teeth of the upper jaw composite veneers

It will not be necessary to spend a lot of time on the installation of composite direct veneers, the entire procedure with healthy teeth can be done in just one go. The work is carried out directly in the patient's mouth, there is no need to make preliminary casts and wait for them to return from the laboratory.

However, in addition to the advantages, there are some negative points. It should be borne in mind that veneers do not adhere tightly to the dental tissue, this leads to the accumulation of microbes and bacteria at the junctions with the teeth and gums. This fact, in turn, causes the development of caries or other dental diseases. Plaque is subject to regular removal. If caries has formed on the tooth, then the veneer will need to be removed and treatment started. The composite darkens over time, and can even wear off and lose its smoothness, so the lining will need to be replaced after five years. Composite material has a limited set of colors, so sometimes it can be quite difficult to find the right tone.

The surface of the veneer is difficult to polish, the roughness that has appeared over time will be very difficult to eliminate. At the same time, it should be noted that the material is not strong enough and can quickly collapse. Chips and cracks appear on composite veneers with careless handling.


The price of composite veneers can vary depending on several factors. The following points affect the cost of the procedure:

  • quality of the material - the composite is made by different companies, they produce plates of different thicknesses and strengths, this is reflected in the price;
  • the work of a dentist is also evaluated differently, specialists have different qualifications, which also affects the total cost;
  • not the last role is played by the level of the dental clinic where the procedure is carried out, in medical institutions the cost of the lining will cost from 2,500 rubles, and in clinics high level for this procedure, you will need to pay up to 15,000 rubles.

The higher the cost of the procedure, the better the material used to make the plate, the higher the level of qualification of the specialist who performed the work. Expensive high-quality veneers will fully match the color and shape of all teeth in a row. In addition, they will hide all the existing flaws. Good stuff will last at least five years.

The cost of composite veneers made in the laboratory will cost more, such overlays will cost an average of 5-8 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need to pay additional services for the inspection, diagnostic procedures, x-ray, possible treatment caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease. How more modern method diagnosis, the more expensive it will cost. An anesthetic can affect the final cost.

Restoration of a tooth with composite veneer is a relatively inexpensive method of correcting anterior incisors. In this way, the shape and color of the anterior teeth can be corrected. After the procedure, the veneers need to be looked after, visit the dentist regularly.

Composite veneers: before and after photos

Composite veneers in a year. At proper care looks will be perfect

Composite veneers, photo after 5 years. The patient did not quit smoking after the restoration.

Composite veneers (from the English. Veneer - to mask, give an external gloss) are micro-prostheses with which you can restore the shape of teeth and change their color. They are much more aesthetically pleasing than conventional fillings and many times cheaper than ceramic veneers. In addition, their installation does not require traumatic treatment of teeth, as for fixing crowns.

Indications for use

Composite veneers look like overlays and are designed to correct such defects in the dentition as:

  • abnormal shape of the tooth (anatomical irregularities or consequences of injury);
  • chips and microcracks in enamel;
  • too large interdental spaces;
  • spots on the enamel (consequences of fluorosis or hypoplasia);
  • increased abrasion teeth;
  • demineralization (thinning) of enamel.

Composite veneers are justified when we are talking on the correction of defects in one or two teeth from the general row.


Composite veneers, as their name implies, are made from reflective composite materials - exactly the same as those used for dental fillings. In terms of their aesthetic and mechanical properties, composites are several times superior to dental cements.

Installation methods

AT dental practice There are two main methods of installing composite veneers - direct and indirect.

direct method

The installation of veneers by the direct method implies that the overlay is created directly on the patient's tooth. The entire process of creating and fixing a micro-prosthesis takes place directly in the dentist's cross, in one go.

The doctor polishes the surface of the tooth, removing thin layer enamel in the area of ​​the defect (0.3-0.7 mm). The composite material is then layered on the treated tooth. As a rule, seven layers of composite are required to achieve the desired aesthetic effect and obtain a durable micro-prosthesis. At the final stage, the finished veneer is turned and polished.

It should be noted that in some cases, the application of the material is carried out without turning the tooth (for example, if too large interdental spaces are corrected with veneers).

Installation by direct method - directly on the teeth

indirect method

With indirect installation, the microprosthesis is made in the laboratory. The doctor processes the tooth, makes an impression (the entire surface of the tooth is polished, and not just the defect area). The overlay modeled on a mold is exposed to polymerization in the furnace.

The finished microprosthesis is attached to the tooth on a fluid composite that provides a strong fixation. The whole process of correcting dental defects requires two visits to the doctor.

Manufactured indirect method veneers are stronger than those that are formed directly in the patient's mouth. However, the price of such microprostheses is unreasonably high and practically does not differ from ceramic onlays. Therefore, on present stage most dentists have abandoned the indirect method.

The sequence of installation of veneers by indirect method

Types of composite veneers

The aesthetic and physical qualities of overlays depend on the size of the particles that make up the composites from which they are made. According to this criterion, composite veneers are divided into the following types:

  1. Veneers with large composite particles. The cheapest veneers, the size of the composite particles in which exceeds 30 microns. They quickly fade and lose their luster, poorly polished. Currently, they are practically not used.
  2. Veneers with mini-filler. Linings with particles up to 1.5 µm have a good appearance and are relatively durable.
  3. Veneers with hybrid composites. Most best view with particles as small as 1 µm. Their material includes various fillers, due to which it is possible to achieve high strength and good aesthetics of the microprosthesis.
  4. Veneers with microparticles (less than 0.04 microns in size). Overlays with excellent aesthetic qualities, but not high enough strength. Can be used to recreate the chewing or cutting surface of the teeth.

Veneer Care

A standard dental hygiene program with toothpaste, brushes, floss and rinses is not enough. Composite onlays need to be polished periodically, so you should visit your dentist regularly. It is also recommended to protect micro-prostheses from strong mechanical impact by wearing protective dental guards at night.

Prices for composite veneers

The cost of installing composite veneers by direct method is 4,000 - 4,500 rubles.

Indirect - more expensive: 15,000 rubles on average.

Prices are indicated for one tooth, taking into account the cost of the micro-prosthesis itself and all work on its manufacture and fixation.

Pros and cons


Composite overlays are characterized by the following advantages:

  • profitability (three times cheaper than ceramic);
  • minimum costs time (the onlays created by the direct method are installed in one visit to the doctor, unlike ceramic veneers and crowns).

In addition, the installation of composite veneers is technologically compatible with caries treatment. That is, the fixation of the overlay can occur together with the filling of carious cavities.

Also important is such a positive moment as sparing (and in some cases completely zero) tooth preparation. Under the crown, for comparison, more dental tissues are ground.


The disadvantages include the following features:

  • short service life (2-5 years compared to 10-20 years of service life of ceramic microprostheses and crowns);
  • low aesthetic effect in comparison with ceramics (composites darken and change their color over time, they also differ from real teeth in light refraction).

It is also necessary to take into account the irreversibility of tooth grinding, because a tooth with abraded enamel will no longer be able to fully function after removing the lining. In addition, composites are quite fragile and inferior in reliability to ceramics; over time, they wear down and become rough, and therefore require periodic polishing.

Composite veneers do not adhere tightly enough to the tooth surface: in comparison with them, ceramic veneers “sit” more densely, which prevents bacteria from getting under the microprosthesis.

The result of installing composite overlays depends not only on individual characteristics patients and the quality of the overlays, but also from the experience and professionalism of the dentist.

Our website contains a complete database of clinics that effectively restore the shape of teeth and change the color of enamel using composite veneers.

One of the services aesthetic dentistry clinic "Dentabravo" - installation of composite veneers. This is a gentle, effective and relatively inexpensive way to give the dentition a beautiful look.

What are composite veneers?

Composite (therapeutic) veneers are called restorations that are placed on the front surfaces of the teeth to correct aesthetic flaws in the smile zone. For their manufacture, a composite is used - a filling light-curing material. Unlike composite, most often they are made in a direct way, that is, directly in the patient's mouth.

When are composite veneers used?

Composite veneers are used to hide individual defects of the front teeth: small irregularities in the dentition, enamel chips, microcracks, wide interdental spaces. They also allow you to correct the unattractive color of teeth that are not amenable.

What are the contraindications for installing composite veneers?

The list of contraindications is the same for the installation of both ceramic and composite veneers. They should not be used with mobility and pathological abrasion of teeth, as well as with serious defects enamels. If the patient has: malocclusion, bruxism or gum disease and teeth in the acute stage, then you first need to fix the problem, after which it will be possible to put therapeutic veneers.

What are the benefits of composite veneers?

The main advantage of composite veneers is the cost, which is an order of magnitude lower than that of ceramic counterparts. Another advantage of therapeutic veneers is the speed of procedures - composite overlays are placed in one visit to the dental office, since they do not require taking impressions and making them in the laboratory.

What are the disadvantages of composite veneers?

The main disadvantage of composite veneers is their lower color fastness compared to ceramic veneers. Therefore, they need to be polished periodically. Their other minus is fragility, which significantly increases the risk of chipping.

What is the procedure for installing composite veneers?

Although in some cases composite dental veneers are made in laboratories, more often they are made in a direct way - directly in the oral cavity. The dentist evaluates the condition of the patient's teeth, then selects the color of the composite material. Next, the front surface of the teeth to be veneered is ground, after which the composite is applied in layers on it. At the end of the procedure, direct composite veneers are ground and polished.

In addition to careful daily hygiene with a toothbrush, floss (and preferably an irrigator), therapeutic veneers need periodic polishing, which means that you will have to visit a hygienist from time to time. It is impossible to expose veneers to excessive mechanical stress - to gnaw or bite hard food with effort. Once every six months, you need to see the attending physician, who will assess the condition of the restoration.

What are the quality criteria for composite veneers?

Qualitatively made composite veneers should match the natural color, shape of the teeth as much as possible and reliably hide the existing defects in the dentition. Made in compliance with all the necessary requirements, therapeutic veneers will last about five years, after which it is advisable to renew them.

How much does it cost to install composite veneers?

The installation of composite veneers does not require the use of complex technologies and expensive materials, so their cost is affordable for a fairly wide range of patients. You can find out the approximate prices for this service at the Dentabravo clinic in the table below. To book an appointment with our esthetic dentist, please fill out our easy online form.

To create the perfect snow-white smile with the least investment of time and money, you can use composite veneers. About what it is, we will tell further, as well as provide a photo of the result, indicate the price and reviews of customers who have tried this way restoration of teeth.

It's quite comfortable and fast method correction of the smile zone or individual units that have an aesthetic defect. Such products are installed on one or two teeth or the entire visible part of the row, depending on the characteristics of each patient.

Composite veneers - what is it?

To use the thinnest plates to create the desired visible effect was invented a long time ago. But if materials of not very high quality were previously used, now patients have access to the most different variants- composite, zirconium, etc.

Composite veneers are the cheapest and easiest to install. At the same time, their quality is not worse than any other. Outwardly, such plates will look quite natural and natural. They are created from a special facing composite material and applied in layers to the surface of the enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages

They deservedly won their popularity, as they have a number of advantages:

  • require minimal processing of healthy teeth;
  • if necessary, without serious consequences remove plates;
  • create them quickly enough;
  • most often, the installation is carried out in one session in a short time;
  • they have the lowest cost compared to any other types of restoration;
  • easily close small defects in enamel or dentition;
  • the shade of the plates is selected as natural and suitable as possible;
  • they look natural and do not create the feeling of false teeth;
  • the ability to correct both a whole row and install a plate on one tooth;
  • a sufficiently high strength of the material will make it possible to use them almost like real ones.

But before you decide on such a procedure, you need to consider the disadvantages:

  • over time, you can notice that the pads have darkened or stained from the products used, coffee, wine, etc .;
  • it will be possible to do without turning the surface only in rare cases;
  • no matter how durable the material is, it will not withstand too much mechanical stress;
  • you will have to give up active sports and your favorite food;
  • effectiveness and quality are highly dependent on the skills of the specialist who will perform the procedure;
  • the composite material is amenable to erasure, cracks and chips appear at the edges, over time it needs to be replaced with a new one;
  • if the installation is not carried out carefully enough, and even the slightest gap remains between the plate and the tooth, then bacteria will accumulate there, which will lead to dental diseases.

A photo

Indications and contraindications

There are a wide range of applications for the use of composite materials to restore or correct a smile:

  • anomalous location of individual units;
  • violations of the natural shade of the enamel, stains that are not removed with the help or bleaching;
  • unaesthetic fillings on the cervical region of the crown;
  • some types of bite;
  • loss of part of the tooth, but not more than 60%;
  • small irregularities.

But in some cases, the doctor may refuse to conduct similar procedure or move it to a later date:

Fabrication and installation of composite veneers

The technology of enamel restoration with the help of such products occurs in two ways - direct and indirect. The first is carried out in one session directly on the patient's teeth, and the second involves the creation of products in the laboratory.

It is believed that in the case of separate production of plates due to high temperature processing, you can achieve greater strength and quality of the product. But with direct installation on the patient's teeth, it is possible to guarantee the complete fit of the veneers to the enamel.

direct method

The composite is applied in layers immediately to the surface of the prepared tooth. How is such an installation done in the dentist's office?

  1. When deciding on the restoration of one, several teeth or the entire row, the patient, together with the doctor, determines the desired shade using the Vita scale.
  2. Time is allocated for medical manipulations, if they are necessary or do professional cleaning all surfaces.
  3. Next, you need to turn the restored units, but not more than 0.7 mm, so that the overlays do not look heavy.
  4. For the final preparation of the enamel, it is etched with special adhesives designed to improve the adhesion between the artificial material and the tooth.
  5. A layer of a composite substance is applied to the surface and exposed to a stream of light for rapid hardening. This is done several times until the desired result is achieved.
  6. At the very end, the doctor must grind the surface to a perfectly smooth shape and polish it for a good aesthetic result.

The whole procedure will take about an hour. But this method is recommended to be used only in the case of the restoration of one or two teeth. If necessary, correct the entire visible smile area to speed up the process, it is advisable to choose an indirect installation.

indirect method

It is used more often for other materials, but sometimes for composite veneers too. In this case, the process will look a little different:

  1. After carefully studying the condition of the patient's teeth and making a decision to create composite veneers in an indirect way, the doctor selects the appropriate shade of future products.
  2. It is necessary to prepare the surface of the teeth - treat caries, clean it from plaque and stone, grind the enamel for future plates.
  3. Impressions are made from such processed units and sent to the laboratory.
  4. It is there that they create a model of the patient's jaw and those teeth on which veneers need to be installed.
  5. As in the previous method, a composite material is applied in layers, but this is done on an artificial model. In the meantime, the patient is waiting for the process to complete, temporary plastic plates are installed to protect the enamel.
  6. Before placing the overlay, the tooth is additionally ground, washed and dried. Top coated with adhesive.
  7. Glue is applied and the permanent veneer is fixed in place.
  8. At the very end, the shape of the finished product is corrected and the surface is polished for a more natural and beautiful finish. appearance.

In this case, you will have to wait for the creation of finished plates up to 2-3 weeks and visit dental office at least twice.

Service life of structures and care for them

Doctors insist that five years after installation, replace the composite material with a newer and more modern one. This is due to its fragility, gradual abrasion, the appearance of cracks and deterioration in the appearance of the plates. But at good care and compliance with all the rules, you can achieve more prolonged wear composite veneers.

How to care for products so that they last longer than 10 years?

  • daily routine cleaning of teeth and veneers, but with careful processing of joints;
  • the use of devices such as brushes, etc .;
  • regular visits to the dentist professional care and polishing of surfaces;
  • avoiding hard and coloring products, as well as the danger of mechanical damage;
  • in the presence of bruxism, be sure to use special mouthguards for night sleep.


The difference in the cost of the procedure in clinics and cities is due to many reasons:

  • level of service, professionalism of doctors;
  • diagnostic methods;
  • carrying out additional medical procedures;
  • choice of method of cleaning and surface treatment;
  • the preferred means of anesthesia when turning the enamel;
  • manufacturing and installation technology (direct or indirect);
  • materials used and their quality.

So, a simple ordinary composite will cost 1,500 rubles, and a more modern nanocomposite - 9,000 rubles. If we compare by clinics and offers within Moscow, then the economy class of services will cost about 3,000 rubles for the entire restoration procedure. But in the case of choosing prestigious dentistry and the best materials, the price can reach 15 thousand.

Video: composite veneers.

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