Do not remove removable dentures. Prosthetics of teeth in their complete absence. What are dentures for?

We will tell you in detail how to quickly get used to removable dentures with the least backfire. After all, the end of the period of completion of work on their installation can only come when the patient fully adapts to new sensations.

Initially, a person gradually got used to using the dentition with lost units. He had to talk and eat with partial or complete. After installation artificial structure, you have to re-learn to talk, chew, sleep, etc. Not everyone has such a transition with ease.

How long does it take to get used to dentures?

Adaptation lasts different amount time. It all depends on the sensitivity of the patient, whether he adheres to the recommendations of the doctor and the design features. For example, non-removable permanent prostheses such as implants and crowns allow you to get used to them for a short time Up to a week or even a few days.

If we talk about acrylic or nylon, then the addiction process will be much more difficult and longer. To go through this stage easier, you need to follow the rules and recommendations that the doctor will tell you about during installation.

In the case when the patient has lived completely without teeth for some time and the fixation of the prosthesis is based only on the gums, addiction can take up to six months. And one more nuance - the lower jaw adapts to foreign object longer than the top.

Useful exercises and gymnastics

How long the addiction will take depends on whether the person performs the exercises and whether he properly cares for the prosthesis.

  1. Reading aloud, measured and expressive.
  2. Permanent wear design, without removal.
  3. Sufficient chewing load. An apple is best. Cut it into small pieces and gradually chew.
  4. Regular cleaning of dentures. Twice a day it needs to be cleaned with a brush. And after each meal, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  5. If you experience vomiting due to the presence of a prosthesis, you need to breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids and suck on mints.

Most of the exercises are related to the restoration of articulation and chewing, so we will talk about them in more detail in the relevant sections.

What is denture intolerance?

For some people, getting used to the design never occurs. When performing exercises, maintaining hygiene, constantly wearing a prosthesis, there is no improvement in the condition. It further rubs and interferes, does not allow you to pronounce sounds normally, enjoy food, etc. Constant struggle with a foreign body exhausts a person.

Doctors think it psychological problem, and only a psychologist can eliminate it during a consultation. Some dentists try to customize the prosthesis to the needs of the patient, but this rarely works if there is intolerance.

The psychological side of the issue

It is necessary to properly and gradually prepare a person for the process of adaptation. It is important to explain that it is impossible to get used to the new design and all the difficulties associated with wearing it too quickly. The patient must tune in to a long process of adaptation. In a hurry and expecting a soon effect, he will inevitably be disappointed.

With proper attitude, the patient will be able to make the right exercises, do gymnastics and endure all the troubles of the first period of adaptation. Only with such an attitude is it possible to overcome temporary difficulties and make the process of addiction real and accessible.

Emotional readiness is the key to successful adaptation. If it is difficult to cope with this on your own, then you can turn to a psychologist who, in parallel with the dentist, will help you go all the way and cope with the problem.

Reducing pain symptoms

The first thing a patient encounters when wearing removable dentures is pain during chewing. From unusual and increased load the design puts pressure on the gums, which are already weaned from this. In the early days, doctors even allow painkillers to be taken, as the sensations may be too unbearable.

After a few days, the pain should decrease, although it will not disappear completely. For a long time contact of the mucous membrane and foreign body will cause discomfort. To alleviate the condition, you should abandon too hard foods such as nuts, crackers, sweets. Food should be soft enough. And only as you get used to it, you can add a little more solid foods.

It is very important to monitor the condition of the mucosa, avoiding serious damage. After all, their presence will lead to rapid infection, which will adversely affect the health of the oral cavity as a whole. If the discomfort does not go away, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Pain during adaptation can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Too sensitive mucous.
  • Improperly made prosthesis that does not fit the patient in size.

Decrease pain you can also use massage:
  1. Wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic.
  2. Stroke the gum in a circular motion moving gradually from healthy areas to inflamed ones.
  3. When stroking ceases to cause inconvenience, you can apply stronger pressure.
  4. We cover the gum on both sides with a large and index finger and perform vertical movements from the bottom up.

Such a massage can be performed every time discomfort begins and should be done for about four to five minutes. There are no restrictions on the number of procedures. You can apply at least every hour, when the calming effect of it ends.

Restoring comfortable chewing

When a prosthesis appears in the mouth, a person has to learn to chew and grind food again. This process requires adherence to rules that can simplify addiction. Get ready for the fact that the meal will last longer than usual, at least at first.

From the products you should choose soft, but in no case too hard, and non-viscous. The viscous consistency will shift the prosthesis and prevent it from being used normally. Dial a little food, it is better if it is finely chopped.

It should be remembered that artificial teeth- these are not native and a high load on them can damage the material. Even cermets will crack if you get carried away with nuts or other hard foods. Doctors also advise distributing the load evenly on both sides of the jaw.

The ideal solution would be apples that are finely chopped. They are quite hard, but not capable of damaging the structure or contributing to chafing. Thanks to the constant load, the chewing process becomes more familiar.

We get rid of increased and decreased salivation

Each person reacts differently to a foreign structure in the mouth. For some, it starts from it, as the body thinks that food has appeared in the mouth that should be digested. In others, on the contrary, dryness occurs, which causes severe discomfort.

Over time, both the first and the second unpleasant symptom will pass. It takes about two weeks for the body to adapt. To help yourself, you can use increased amount liquids in case of dryness. And if you're worried profuse salivation, then it is enough to make a solution - give half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. This rinse is enough for 40-60 minutes. You can repeat it anytime.

How to return taste sensations?

Another problem associated with the presence of a prosthesis and the process of nutrition is the absence or distortion of taste sensations. About a third of patients feel similar troubles. In particular, the loss of taste worries those who have used cheaper, but at the same time bulky designs. They take most mouth and cover the mucosa where the taste buds are located.

To solve this problem you need:

  • Do not skip meals, eat as usual.
  • Try to feel the taste by holding the food in your mouth a little longer.
  • Although it is difficult, try to enjoy the foods you eat.

Giving yourself and your body right amount time, you can get used to eating with artificial prosthesis and even start re-experiencing everything taste sensations.

Normalization of diction

The absence of teeth does not allow a person to speak normally, he misses a lot of sounds and feels obvious discomfort in communication. After the installation of the prosthesis, this problem should be solved by itself. But in practice this does not happen. What to do?

Having established the desired design, the patient should first, as it were, learn to speak again. It takes time for the diction to become normal, and it is convenient for you to talk. Follow these guidelines:

  • Read aloud as much and as long as you can. At the same time, try to pronounce each sound clearly, distinctly, expressively. These may be poems classic literature or even a newspaper article. The main thing is training.
  • Tongue Twisters. It is not necessary to try to pronounce them very quickly. AT this case it is important to repeatedly repeat the same and complex sounds one after another. It will be difficult at first, but the more you practice, the better it will get.
  • Complex definitions. Write down on a piece of paper the most long words that you know and try to read them aloud, saying each one clearly and slowly. For example, constantly repeating "air crash", "defense", "parallelepiped" and other words of this kind, you will learn to master your language.
  • Another list is with encountered hissers. Words such as "protective", "crazy" and others in which "g", "sh", "u", "s" are often used contribute to excellent articulation training.

Spend at least half an hour on such exercises and in a couple of weeks you will be talking as if you did not experience any difficulties. And remember, the more you practice, the faster the adaptation period goes.

What to do if getting used to prostheses is delayed?

In case of non-compliance with the rules, lack of exercises and too frequent removal of the structure, adaptation will be much more complicated. This process is considered protracted if it takes longer than 2-3 weeks.

Long-term addiction can be normal only if a person lives for a long time completely without teeth or without most of them, as well as with atrophy of soft tissues. In addition, such patients are fitted with a prosthesis with fixation on the gums, and this makes it difficult to get used to.

If the structure is attached on hooks to your own teeth, such as clasp prostheses, then it will not take long to get used to. longer than a week. Also well proven in terms of adaptation soft nylon dentures Quadrotti.

The duration of this period depends on the following factors:

  1. Features of the structure of the jaw. Sometimes it happens that the patient has a non-standard shape and then the displacement of the prosthesis occurs much more often. And this interferes with habituation and its normal operation.
  2. Increased sensitivity of soft tissues. At constant use inflammation of the gums, rubbing and irritation of the mucous membrane will occur, which will also affect the psychological and physiological discomfort. Doctors recommend using additional gels or special pads are installed.

If the pain does not go away in a few days, the prosthesis rubs too much, or you cannot psychologically get used to the artificial structure, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. He will adjust the prosthesis to your features or help you cope with it on a psychological level.

And only in rare cases complete addiction it is impossible when a person has intolerance to any materials or the structure as a whole. Then you should choose another way to restore the dentition.

Video: how to live fully with removable dentures?

Many are interested in the question: or is this not necessary? Everyone remembers that their grandparents kept their teeth on a shelf in a glass of water.

Externally modern prostheses changed little, but storing them in a glass of water is not required.

Widely used so far and, most likely, will still be relevant. long years. They are made in the absence of all teeth, and with the loss of one or two.

Of course they may have various designs and are made from different materials.

But all types of removable dentures are united by the fact that they are easier to manufacture and maintain, and there are fewer contraindications to wearing them.

Of no small importance is the fact that they are much cheaper than fixed types of prostheses.

Modern removable structures have:

  • high strength;
  • ease of use;
  • imitating a living jaw in appearance.

Dentures can be made to restore one lost tooth, or for the entire dentition. They differ both in appearance and in the way they are attached to the mouth.

Prostheses that are used to replace all the teeth in the jaw are called full lamellar dentures. They got this name because of the way they are attached.

The plate is a copy of the patient's palate and is held by suction. Prostheses for the upper jaw hold just fine, but problems can arise with the lower jaw.

The point is that on mandible not enough space for a quality mount. For this reason, the first time the dental prosthesis may move out.

Although it takes longer to get used to them than to the upper ones, nevertheless, after a while a person will get used to it, and the problems will disappear.

There are lamellar prostheses and to replace one or more teeth. But in this case, this method of attachment is not the most convenient.

More comfortable are other types of mounts. One of these methods is clasp fastening.

In addition, to replace a large number teeth, immediates can be used.

Immediates, or as they are called by the people - "butterflies", are wonderful and inexpensive means for restoration of the dentition.

Often, immediates are also used as a temporary measure to avoid bias. adjacent teeth before implant placement.

They are attached to the teeth located on both sides of the defect using metal or plastic fasteners.

Clasp prostheses are more convenient in the sense that the load does not fall on two adjacent tooth, and is distributed equally to the entire jaw.

The mount has an emphasis both on the surface of the gums and on the remaining teeth. The disadvantage of such a prosthesis is its high price, since the structure itself is made of an expensive alloy, and the crowns of the teeth are made of metal-ceramic.

The subtleties of manufacturing

From those that were worn a few decades ago? Should I take them off when I sleep? At first glance, the differences are not significant.

Yes, modern removable jaws are looking more and more like real teeth. Their manufacture is a delicate, artistic work of a doctor.

Both the crowns of the teeth and the artificial parts of the gums will be a complete imitation of the real ones. Both color and shape are almost indistinguishable.

The artificial gum will even have capillary veins! Stranger will never be able to tell if your teeth are real or artificial.

But the main difference between modern dental structures is not their maximum similarity to natural teeth. The main difference lies in the material from which the implants are made.

Modern prostheses are made from acrylic formulations specially designed for dental needs.

The plate is first cast and pressed, and then polymerized.

This technology allows you to improve and preserve all the qualities of the product for a longer time:

  • structure;
  • form;
  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • appearance.

Dental crowns for such prostheses may differ in shape, size and shade, and are selected individually for each client.

This approach to prosthetics makes it possible to manufacture implants that are as close as possible to anatomical structure patient and do not affect the taste of the food consumed.

Modern prostheses do not have to soak all night in a glass of water. Of course they need daily cleaning. To do this, it is recommended to remove them.

The point here is not at all the complexity of caring for prostheses - the implants themselves are cleaned without special problems. However, with a constant stay in the oral cavity, they create areas of difficult cleaning.

But after oral hygiene is carried out, you can return the prosthesis to its place. There is no need to remain “without teeth” for any length of time.

In addition, in order to quickly get used to the new jaw, doctors recommend wearing the prosthesis around the clock.

If you want to take a break from the prosthesis for a while, then pharmacies sell special means to protect removable implants from drying out, and you can store them at this time in a special compact case.

Operation features

Removable prosthesis has wide application also due to the variety of designs.

If it is most convenient to use suction, then for smaller ones, clasps or attachments are more often used.

Clasps can be made both from metals and various alloys, and from acrylic masses.

The latter are absolutely invisible in the mouth, but deform much faster.

Attachments are more reliable, and they look much more aesthetically pleasing, but for the manufacture of this type of lock, it is necessary to file the extreme teeth to the restored area, possibly absolutely healthy teeth.

All patients wearing or planning to wear removable dentures are advised not to eat excessively strong or hard foods.

It is undesirable to chew gum, eat toffee or caramel. To facilitate the process of getting used to the new jaw, at first it is better to eat food in small portions, and carefully chopped.

After the patient gets comfortable and learns to chew with new teeth, you can gradually switch to the usual food.

To hone chewing skills, it is good to use apples or pears, cut into pieces.

Some people get comfortable with implants in just a few days, others may take weeks or even months.

You will have to learn again not only to chew food, to talk at first will also be very unusual. But sooner or later removable jaws will become almost native.

If a installed prosthesis causes discomfort, pain or rubs the gums, then you need to contact your dentist without delay.

Through minute manipulations, the doctor will adjust the prosthesis in the right place. If you leave everything as it is, it can result in serious periodontal diseases.

Dentistry is doing wonders these days. Due to gum disease insufficient hygiene, malnutrition and vitamin deficiency, you can lose several teeth. This problem can be easily eliminated with the help of prosthetics. What prostheses are better to put if there are no teeth at all? To put a prosthesis, or not? What are they? We offer to answer these and other questions, as well as watch the video in our article.

Dental prosthetics in their complete or partial absence

Dental prosthetics involves the use of removable and non-removable dentures. What type of prosthetics to choose? The decision is made jointly by the specialist and the patient. Possible nuances, indications and contraindications are taken into account. There are quite a few options for solving the problem. Scientific and medical developments are constantly updated - new generation designs are available for everyone who needs help in restoring and improving the quality of life.

Removable way

Removable dentures are independently removed by the patient from the oral cavity without the help of a specialist or any equipment. The removable method of prosthetics is universal. Except permanent wear, temporary use of removable dentures is practiced, for example, while waiting for the manufacture of an implant. Dentures are fixed on the gums with the help of special fasteners. Recovery using a removable method ensures that there is no discomfort when wearing. The advantages of prosthetics in this way are as follows:

Fixed way

Fixed dentures without a palate are structures used in the absence of a tooth or several. They make fixtures from plastic, metal-plastic, metal-ceramic. The disadvantages of using fixed structures include long preparation before installation and the obligatory grinding of teeth under the base of the prosthesis. Characteristics of fixed structures:

  1. operation for a long time is possible;
  2. prosthesis care is quite simple and does not require the use of special tools (we recommend reading:);
  3. the use of prostheses allows you to eliminate the defect on the front teeth;
  4. makes it possible to form the correct bite;
  5. Properly selected color of the material allows you to create the maximum resemblance to the natural color of your own teeth.

Is there a difference in the prosthetics of the upper and lower jaw?

During implantation, the difference in the features of the upper and lower jaws is insignificant, while when using removable structures, some nuances should be taken into account. because of individual features and differences in the structure of the upper and lower jaws, are used different kinds prostheses.

The lower jaw is huge pressure while chewing food. This factor, as well as the greater mobility of the lower jaw, prevent a snug fit of the prosthesis. It is recommended to use structures of increased rigidity, which keep their shape better and practically do not deform.

The structural features of the upper jaw allow the prosthesis to be fixed quite tightly. Therefore, at full or partial absence teeth, the prosthesis for the upper jaw can be made from hard materials, and from elastic and soft.

Types of removable dentures

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Based on zirconia

Options for prosthetics using zirconia is applied to the anterior and posterior teeth. Zirconium has strength, wear resistance and safety. Prostheses are made by milling, to increase the strength of the finished structure is exposed to high temperatures. The service life of structures made of zirconium dioxide is unlimited. The properties of the material make it possible to produce aesthetic dentures without a palate of the highest quality, indistinguishable from your own teeth. To care for a zirconium prosthesis, it is not recommended to use toothpastes containing abrasive particles.

Clasp prosthetics

The basis of the clasp construction is an arc (metal frame) with an artificial dentition - see the photo. In the manufacture of an individual frame, a high-precision casting method is used from titanium or chromium-cobalt alloys. At the request of the patient, it is possible to use a gold-platinum alloy. The clasp-type design is adjusted as accurately as possible, so the load is distributed more evenly and no problems with diction are created. The qualities of clasp prosthetics are ease of use, high strength and durability.

What type of prosthesis is better to choose?

Prosthetics with the help of implants has gained great popularity. The feature of this design is secure fixation and there is no risk that the prosthesis will fall out of the mouth at the most inopportune time. For reliable fastening of removable structures, experts recommend using special tools, but in some cases, the use of gels for fixation can cause allergies. When using removable dentures bone over time, it can atrophy, which will lead to the impossibility of using implantation. The best dentures when removed chewing teeth- clasp and made on the basis of beam fixation.

In a cup with a grandfather or grandmother, many people evoked sacred horror in childhood.

Modern removable teeth are one of the most available ways decide dental problems imperceptible to others.

What types of removable dentures are there? How to get used to removable dentures? What are the features of their wearing?

According to statistics, every second Russian over the age of 35 has at least one denture in his mouth.

With a shortage of a large number of teeth, a person is faced with a choice between expensive fixed prosthetics or removable systems. As a rule, the second option is more often chosen by older people.

The importance of a full-fledged dentition can only be underestimated by people who do not have any problems with their teeth.

Their absence changes the appearance, affects the articulation of speech, and even affects the quality of digestion, and therefore life!

After the loss of one or more teeth, the question of prosthetics arises. In two large groups There are different types of fixed and removable dentures.

When choosing a method of prosthetics, two main criteria are taken into account:

  • purpose of prosthetics;
  • the financial capacity of the patient.

Removable structures are:

  • completely removable;
  • partially removable;
  • conditionally removable.

Surely every dentist had to answer the question of which removable dentures to choose. In this question, the categories “better or worse” do not apply, and the point is not how much a removable prosthesis of one type or another costs.

Before offering one or another, which is better suited in a particular situation, the doctor evaluates the number and condition of the remaining teeth, determines the characteristics of the gums.

It is important to find out what aesthetic level will suit the patient and what are his financial capabilities.

It is important to be aware that one or the other dental office or the clinic does not deal with all types of prosthetics.

Therefore, you may not be offered all possible options, but you will have to choose among the available services of a particular clinic.

Full dentures are the only option for completely edentulous people.

If part of the dentition has been preserved, then it is possible to install partial removable dentures, for example, clasp dentures, which are among the best in this category today.

An example of conditionally removable dentures are the same crowns that are tightly fitted on the tooth, and only a doctor can remove them.

Such prosthetics are perceived by most patients as non-removable. In this article we will talk mainly about the first two types of removable prosthetics.

Conclusion: Removable prosthetics is most often chosen because of its economic availability, but in some cases it is the only one. possible option solving the problem of missing teeth in a particular patient. One example is the impossibility of implantation due to contraindications.

Complete removable systems

This type of prosthetics is not good or bad, better or worse - it is the only method when solving the problem of adentia - an organic disorder in which even the rudiments of teeth are absent in the jaw.

The main problem with such prosthetics is that there is nothing to fix artificial teeth on. However, in last years Removable full dentures have become much more perfect, their aesthetic appeal and methods of fixation have improved.

If such a denture is successfully made, then it does not cause discomfort and addiction occurs quite quickly, within about a month.

Made from acrylic or nylon. The material has excellent wear resistance and durability.

If you take care of removable dentures correctly, they will retain their original properties for many years.

Manufacturing taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's oral cavity makes their use quite comfortable.

If you need a prosthesis upper jaw, then a suction cup design can be used, which cannot be used on a more mobile lower jaw.

This option is more expensive, so if the patient needs a removable denture, the cost of which would be as low as possible, then this option will have to be abandoned.

Talking about what removable dentures the best in a given situation, the most important criterion is the material - acrylic or nylon.

Lightweight and bendable soft prostheses are made of nylon. They are considered stronger and more durable than acrylic, but they also have certain limitations.

According to the criterion of hygiene, acrylic structures are also inferior to nylon ones. Due to the porous surface, bacteria accumulate on them, which can lead to inflammatory diseases oral cavity. However, careful care of dentures solves this problem.

On acrylic, general and local allergic reactions, nylon is a more hypoallergenic material.

Both nylon and acrylic false teeth can convincingly imitate natural teeth, but nylon ones are slightly translucent at the junction. This is their drawback, which acrylic products are deprived of.

When evaluating removable dentures at a price, it is worth recognizing the advantage of acrylic structures that are produced in Russia.

Before choosing soft nylon prostheses, you should consider that they are produced abroad, which increases the cost. However, in general, the cost of any removable systems is an order of magnitude lower than the implantation of implants.

Partially removable prosthetics

They are attached to a metal or plastic frame to fill gaps in the dentition from lost teeth.

Indications for partial-removable prosthetics:

  • lack of molars - teeth that perform the main part of the task of chewing food;
  • a temporary measure for the period when other types of fixed structures are being produced;
  • with the loss of a significant part of the teeth in the dentition, especially several in a row;
  • when teeth adjacent to the interdental space of missing teeth are not suitable as a support for installation fixed prosthesis(bridge).

Such systems are very diverse, differ in price, capabilities, goals achieved.

Here are the types of dentures in this group:

  • plastic lamellar;
  • clasp;
  • on telescopic crowns;
  • removable sectors or segments;
  • immediate systems.

Plastic removable dentures without a palate are among the cheapest due to their simple design.

Patients themselves put them on and take them off. For attachment to the nearest remaining teeth, special hooks are used - clasps. The most significant drawback of these structures is the uneven load on the gums.

Clasp systems are considered one of the most expensive, but at the same time reliable and easy to use.

The disadvantage of the previous variety is their main advantage - clasp structures distribute the load on the gum as evenly as possible, preventing dystrophic and deformation processes in the jaw.

Clasp systems are used not only in prosthetics, but also in the treatment of periodontal disease, with tooth mobility.

They can be worn around the clock (there is no need to remove them for storage at night), which patients will appreciate, because it is psychologically difficult in a situation where there is nothing left but to store dentures in a glass, frightening them with the appearance of bystanders.

However, it is difficult to get used to such a design faster than to non-removable ones; at first, it will inevitably rub the gum at the attachment site and cause discomfort.

Designs on telescopic crowns are nothing more than a kind of clasp systems. The name was given by the appearance of special crowns that fold into each other like a telescope.

Their manufacture is required when it is necessary to fill a large number of missing teeth and at the same time there are problems with fixation.

The doctor offers removable sectors to patients who do not have chewing teeth on one side of the jaw.

Fastened with clasps, such structures return the possibility of two-sided chewing of food.

Immediat systems are temporary and are used during the period long-term treatment, including the process of fixed prosthetics.

Features of everyday use of artificial teeth

So, if you are missing three and more teeth in a row and the doctor recommends a removable system, then many questions arise in everyday use.

Used by most people on our planet. They are very comfortable and functional in the absence of a large number of teeth. However, this type of dental appliances is not customary to advertise. Patients try to hide the fact that a large number of their teeth are missing and practically do not talk about removable dentures. In this article, we will try to answer the most common questions from patients, for example, should dentures be removed at night?

Before we consider whether dentures need to be removed at night, let's examine them from the side of the dental device. Dentures are used when one or more teeth are missing. Fitting dentures is very important for oral health. The fact is that the absence of even one tooth will immediately lead to the movement of the rest. And this, in turn, threatens to fall out of the rest.

Removable dentures are made by casting from. The use of such a material makes it possible to maintain the strength, color, density and shape of the product for a long time. In addition to dentures, artificial teeth are produced, which differ in size and color. Thanks to this versatility, during prosthetics, you can immediately select the set of teeth that the patient needs.

Late installation of prostheses leads to the following problems:

  • The periodontal gap expands and becomes very noticeable.
  • The antagonist tooth moves.
  • A periodontal pocket is formed.
  • The bone will atrophy.
  • Proximal caries appears on the teeth.

Especially the absence of lateral incisors should not be neglected. Such a loss will eventually lead to problems with the digestive organs.

Note that the installation of removable dentures is the most cheap way restoration of chewing function.

Types of removable dentures

AT dental practice The following types of removable dentures are known:

  1. Bugel models. Such prostheses are made of metal, ceramics, zirconium and plastic. The support is made of metal, the body is made of plastic and other listed materials. The most important advantage of the design is that the load during chewing is distributed evenly between the jaw, gums and other teeth. Depending on the type of fixation, clasp models are: lock fasteners, with telescopic crown, with clasps. This type prostheses are used for temporary and partial absence of teeth. often used for tooth movement and periodontal disease.
  2. telescopic products. These prostheses are made of metal, the product is covered with acrylic or ceramics on top. The product is mounted on the principle of a telescope. The base cutters themselves are well turned. They are further put on cone-shaped systems. The secondary parts are fixed on the cones.
  3. Immediate prostheses. These devices are used when only one tooth is lost. Basically, the immediate prosthesis performs only an aesthetic function, covering the free space. These devices are installed temporarily, immediately after removal or before a permanent prosthesis. The design of such prostheses has an interesting mount, resembling a shape.

The choice of the type of prosthesis depends on several criteria:

  • The first criterion: the number of missing teeth. In the absence of several teeth, it is preferable to implant an implant.
  • Second criterion: what final result expected. To restore proper chewing function, it is best to use.
  • The third criterion: how comfortable the applied system should be. Removable structures must be removed at night. This fact must be taken into account.
  • The fourth criterion: what financial possibilities the patient has. The most inexpensive option is removable plastic models.

Full dentures are used if the patient has a lack of many teeth in one or both jaws at the same time. One plate compensates for the loss of all teeth at once.

If one or more teeth are missing in the dentition, what is used partial dentures. Basically, they are installed with the loss of chewing teeth and with a defect in the entire dentition.

habituation stage

As with any external implantation, it is necessary to get used to the installation of prostheses. On the initial stage will definitely feel severe discomfort. Perhaps undesirable problems with diction will arise and taste sensations will change. Against this background, it is important for the patient to show psychological fortitude.

Strong vomiting and profuse salivation are considered completely undesirable phenomena.

Oddly enough, a person gets used to permanent dentures faster than to removable ones. The entire adaptation period depends on the following factors:

  • Product size.
  • fixation method.
  • degree of fixation.
  • The reaction of the body to the introduction of a foreign body.
  • on the nature of the impact.

There are cases that. In this situation, you definitely need to visit the dentist, otherwise a strong inflammatory process.

In order to make the process of getting used to easier, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Keep your teeth and dentures clean.
  • Clean installed structures with dental floss.
  • Regularly massage your gums.
  • In case of gum chafing, use.

Should I remove my dentures at night?

Modern dentures do not have to be removed from the mouth while sleeping. The most important thing is to learn how to take them off, put them on and store them correctly. For correct execution procedures, you can practice doing movements in front of a mirror. In the future, the hands will achieve automatism and you will perform manipulations with the prosthesis professionally quickly and correctly.

It is necessary to remove dentures if:

To avoid negative cases with prostheses, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. For the best, in the first days after installation, it is better to remove them.
  2. Be sure to carry out a hygiene procedure before going to bed. That is, the prosthesis must be thoroughly cleaned of food debris, rinsed and returned back to the oral cavity or left overnight in a prepared container.
  3. Recommended next quantity hygiene procedures. Minimum number: once a day at bedtime. Maximum number: each time after a meal.
  4. It is allowed to leave the prosthesis in the oral cavity overnight only after the hygiene procedure.
  5. If the patient wants to take a break from the prosthesis, then it is better to simply remove it at night.
  6. A patient with dentures should not eat sticky foods. It is also necessary to exclude too solid food. Such products may render the device unusable.
  7. During the entire time of addiction (a couple of weeks), you need to eat well-chopped food. In this case, portions should be small. After the end of the addiction process, you can switch to a normal diet.
  8. The prosthesis can be corrected. This is especially important if the third-party device rubs the gum and causes severe inconvenience.

storage at night

Previously, there was an opinion that dentures must be stored in a glass of water. This is not true. Yes, a humid environment is important to the device. But only at the initial stage of wearing, which lasts for about a few months. The thing is that fresh plastic can take on a marbled appearance in air due to the process of skipping monomers. The aquatic environment excludes the occurrence of such a defect. The same moist environment exists in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is enough just to constantly wear the prosthesis and, if desired, remove it at night.

Modern dentures can be stored in a box specially designed for this purpose. The product can be wrapped in a cotton rag.


If the dentures are still removed at night, then it is recommended to perform the following care steps:

  1. The design is thoroughly washed boiled water. Running water is not suitable for cleaning dental devices. It contains pathogenic microbes.
  2. For cleaning, be sure to use an antiseptic liquid and a brush.
  3. For storage, the devices are not placed in water, but in a special solution. The liquid used helps not only to kill the bacteria that have accumulated over the whole day, but also to remove the remnants of the fixing cream from the surface.
  4. Should be done once a year professional cleaning dental devices, which is carried out in clinics.

If you do not carry out the above care measures, then the following unpleasant phenomena will occur:

  • An unpleasant odor will come from the dentures.
  • Erosion and ulcers will appear on the mucosa.
  • Caries forms on native teeth.
  • Taste sensations will not correspond to reality.
  • A serious inflammatory process will begin on the gums, which will eventually lead to periodontitis.
  • The prosthesis will eventually lose its original aesthetic appearance(the product will darken, stains and tartar will appear on it).

Return original view product can specialists dental clinic. With the help of and the product will again acquire shine and grooming.


I have known about dentures for a long time. Grandma and Grandpa have been wearing them for quite some time now. At the same time, grandfather does not take them off at all. Unpleasant sensations from socks he does not feel. Every evening, as expected, conducts a thorough cleansing procedure. It was not possible to save natural teeth, now he is watching artificial ones. And the grandmother puts on removable dentures only during meals. She explains this by the fact that it is uncomfortable for her to be in them. In her free time from wearing socks, grandmother, in the old fashioned way, puts them in a jar of water. After reading your article, I will definitely bring it to her that it is possible to store prostheses in a dry form.

My aunt keeps her dentures in a special dry container. Before putting them inside, she cleans them with a brush and paste, then rinses with a special solution. She then wraps the dentures in a handkerchief and places them in a container. She says that she was told about this method of storage at the clinic where the prostheses were installed.

I learned from special sources that dentures should be stored as follows: first I clean them of accumulated food debris and bacteria (I only clean with a brush with soft, fleecy bristles), then I rinse with boiled water and put it in a solution bought at a pharmacy. In this form, the prostheses are stored with me all night. In the morning I put them on again. For storage, I use a specially purchased container. The container is so handy that it fits easily into my purse. At the same time, the poured liquid does not spill out of the container. So I can easily carry my prostheses.

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