Edema of the horns of the brain of newborns. Cerebral edema in the newborn: methods of treatment and prospects. Causes of cerebral edema in newborns

Cerebral edema in newborns is a symptom that occurs as a complication of other pathologies. The main manifestation is the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the medulla, which leads to its increase. During an external examination, swelling is noted, but the manifestations may not be visualized, which does not affect the danger of pathology, which can lead to grave consequences in the absence of treatment.


Cerebral edema in a newborn is most often provoked by the following reasons:

  1. consequences of birth trauma.
  2. tumor processes.
  3. Inflammation of the brain tissue - meningitis, encephalitis.
  4. Hypoxia of the newborn.
  5. Arterial hypertension, strokes.
  6. Hydrocephalus (dropsy).


There are several types of disease classification.

In the first case, cerebral edema in newborns is divided into local (regional), characterized by damage to one area and gradual progression clinical picture diseases.

The second type of pathology is diffuse (common), in which edema spreads to the entire brain, the symptoms are pronounced.

Depending on the main cause of the disease, there are:

  • Vasogenic edema that occurs against the background of vascular pathologies - thromboembolism, the consequences of tumors.
  • Osmotic - as a result of asphyxia during childbirth or drowning.
  • Interstitial - occurs when.
  • The cytotoxic form is formed by increasing the amount interstitial fluid due to lack of oxygen in the body.
  • Periventricular edema or periventricular leukomalacia occurs as a result of a lack of oxygen in the womb.

Clinical picture

Pathology at the beginning may not have characteristic features. The child may be lethargic, but gradually the disease progresses and its consequences lead to a constant restless state, crying. This manifestation of pathology in a child is called cerebral cry. Increasing swelling provokes compression of the brain structures and is accompanied by convulsions, loss of consciousness, vomiting, fever.

During an external examination, a bulging of the fontanel is diagnosed, there may be dilation of the pupils, hypertonicity of the occipital muscles. Also, in young patients, the rate of heart rate and blood pressure may increase.


Parents of a child should be especially careful characteristic symptoms contact a pediatrician. Children's doctor will conduct an inspection together with specialists of a narrow profile. When examining, pay attention to general state, evaluate neurological reflexes and psychomotor functions of infants.

In order to confirm and clarify the diagnosis, instrumental methods of research can be prescribed - computed or magnetic resonance imaging, examination of the fundus. If there are indications, angiography, electroencephalography, spinal puncture is used.


Cerebral edema in a newborn requires an integrated approach to treatment. It aims to eliminate the main pathological factor, which led to the disease, and correction of the resulting complications. Therapy is carried out only in stationary conditions.

To remove excess fluid from the body, diuretic drugs are prescribed. Medications from the group of corticosteroids are also used to reduce swelling by regulating cellular processes.

In order to eliminate seizures, muscle relaxants are used. For improvement cerebral circulation and metabolism, vitamin medicines, nootropics, antioxidants, and vasodilators are also prescribed.

If the disease is caused infectious pathology, shows the introduction of antibiotics, the selection of which is carried out on the basis of the study pathogenic microorganisms to sensitivity.

In patients with edema, there is an increase intracranial pressure, but in most cases this therapy is sufficient to eliminate the symptom. If there is no improvement, drainage is carried out cerebrospinal fluid that ensures the elimination of liquor.

Usually, the patient is under the apparatus during the treatment period. artificial ventilation respiratory tract, drugs are administered intravenously. Happens in the hospital constant control for the condition of babies with monitoring laboratory indicators and assessment of their dynamics. It is important to monitor diuresis, electrolyte composition of the blood, cardiogram.

In the treatment of pathology, the most important thing is to consult a doctor in time, which will help to avoid unwanted complications.


Many factors affect healing and further development patients. It all depends on the time of contact with specialists, the volume and effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. With timely therapy, the disease is completely eliminated, the consequences of cerebral edema in newborns are absent.

If there was a bulging of the fontanel during the illness, then after that there may be a disproportionate size of the head compared to the body.

An unpleasant complication is lagging behind peers in development. The severity depends on the area of ​​the lesion. In most cases, the lag is insignificant and gradually disappears.

If the patient was treated for diffuse form diseases, the consequences of cerebral edema in a newborn can remain for life.

Sometimes develop psychical deviations– hyperreactivity, it is difficult for children to concentrate and hold attention, learning problems are possible. Limb functions and some reflex reactions may also be impaired.

Cerebral edema can provoke the appearance of a child cerebral palsy, epilepsy.

Complications are very serious, in the future they can lead to inferior mental and physical development.

If the parents applied too late for medical care the disease can be fatal.


This pathology diagnosed quite often. Parents should be especially vigilant and, if there is any suspicion of edema, contact a pediatrician, this will help to completely cure the baby and avoid unpleasant consequences cerebral edema like cerebral palsy and others.

Cerebral edema in newborns - This is a pathology in which there is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space and brain cells. As a result of this pathology, the volume of the brain increases and intracranial pressure (intracranial hypertension, which causes the death of brain cells and circulatory disorders) increases. At sharp rise intracranial pressure, the patient needs urgent medical attention. If it is not provided in a timely manner, a fatal outcome is possible.

Causes of cerebral edema

The main reason why cerebral edema appears in newborns is a birth injury. There are also the following reasons, causing pathology brain:

  1. Obtaining a traumatic brain injury, which leads to damage to the brain mechanically. As a complication, fragments of the skull can get into the brain. The occurrence of edema interferes with the outflow of fluid from the brain.
  2. Infectious diseases are also one of the reasons why cerebral edema occurs in newborns. These can be diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, toxoplasmosis, subdural empyema, etc.
  3. Acute alcohol poisoning medicines and etc.
  4. A brain tumor in which its cells grow rapidly and begin to put pressure on healthy brain tissue, causing swelling.
  5. Ischemic stroke is a disease in which blood circulation in the brain is disturbed, which occurs due to blockage of the vessel by a blood clot. In this case, no oxygen enters the the right amount in brain tissue. Thus, oxygen starvation occurs, cells begin to die, and edema forms in the brain.
  6. Hemorrhage in the cranial cavity, which occurs due to damage to the blood vessel.
  7. Abrupt change atmospheric pressure.

Cerebral edema is accompanied by the manifestation of such symptoms:

  • general weakness, malaise, increased drowsiness;
  • severe headaches, fainting and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • possible visual impairment and orientation in space;
  • difficulty breathing, impaired speech and memory;
  • muscle spasm.

The occurrence of such symptoms serve as a signal for urgent appeal for medical help. However, in the case when cerebral edema occurs in newborns, the recognition of these symptoms becomes more complicated.

Diagnostics is carried out using computed tomography brain, x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging and blood tests.

Treatment of pathology

Cerebral edema is treated depending on the reasons for which it was caused. Treatment is primarily aimed at restoring the supply of oxygen in sufficient volume to the brain cells. If edema occurs due to a sudden change in atmospheric pressure or with a slight concussion, it usually resolves on its own without treatment. In other cases, treatment is required.

There are several methods of treating pathology:

  • Drug treatment involves the use of drugs that reduce intracranial pressure and eliminate the infection that caused the swelling (if any).
  • With a traumatic brain injury, cerebral edema is treated by oxygen therapy - the artificial introduction of oxygen into the patient's blood. Oxygenated blood relieves swelling.
  • With hemorrhages and craniocerebral injuries, the hypothermia method is used - exposure to the body with cold, after which the temperature drops significantly and is restored normal exchange substances. The oxygen demand of the brain decreases and the edema subsides.
  • In especially difficult cases, a surgical method is used (the operation is necessary, first of all, in cases of fragments entering the brain). This method removes excess fluid from the brain. This method of treatment is the most risky.

Even after the removal of cerebral edema, negative health consequences are possible. This may be a deterioration in well-being, headaches, sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression, and disturbances in intellectual processes. To prevent these complications, it is important timely appeal to the doctor.

Smirnova Olga Leonidovna

Neurologist, education: First Moscow State medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Work experience 20 years.

Articles written

newbornsincreasingly suffer from diseases such asedemabrain. The problem is getting bigger every year.widespreadand dangerous.Edemathe brain atnewbornsdifficultlends itselftreatment, and most often for its elimination requires surgical intervention. And as an intervention in the brain activity of a baby, it is no less dangerous than the disease itself. signsedemabrainchildeasy to identify, which means that medical care will be provided in a timely manner, which significantly increases the chances of a favorable outcome.

Cerebral edema in newborns is most often the result of trauma during childbirth. But, in addition, swelling in the brain of babies can provoke:

  • abscesses;
  • any form;
  • encephalitis;
  • tumor of any etiology.

For any of this reason, by force, provoke swelling of the brain and its lobes in a newborn. Doctors divide the disease into 2 main forms:

  1. Regional when cerebral edema in children is localized in a specific part of the brain. The cause is a hematoma, or tumor.
  2. Common when the entire brain is exposed to swelling. The causes of such edema are asphyxia during childbirth, drowning or severe intoxication.

Cerebral edema in such a child provokes an increase in intracranial and arterial pressure. After pinching the medulla oblongata, which is responsible for body temperature, respiratory and cardiac functions.

Important! Failure in any system of a small child leads to death if he is not provided with medical assistance in time.

Clinical picture

Cerebral edema in children can be determined even without being a specialist in the field of medicine. With swelling of the brain cells, the disease will be determined by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy, irritability due to light and sounds, even quiet ones, crying - all these are signs that swelling provoked an increase in intracranial pressure;
  • failure in respiratory and cardiac activity, the consequences of which may be death or disability;
  • organ failure;
  • convulsions;
  • rapid blanching of the skin;
  • fainting.

Important! Worst of all is the situation in premature babies, the consequences of such edema they can not only provoke a significant failure of brain activity, but also cause the death of the baby.

Parents who strictly monitor their baby will instantly see changes in his condition. Small child, especially a newborn, never cries just like that. At this age, the reason for his crying is health problems. Therefore, do not leave him unattended and complain about bad behavior. If he screams, there is a reason for this, and if any of the symptoms of brain swelling has joined the crying, then you can’t hesitate. Now time is running on the clock, so urgently call ambulance to save your child.


Brain problems, the symptoms of which were listed above, according to several methods:

  1. To identify and confirm signs of cerebral edema, the child will be examined by a neurologist who will check the reflex and reaction characteristics.
  2. Research with and .
  3. A neurosonograph and a Nine ophthalmoscope will help determine the occurrence of pathology and its location.

Most often used A complex approach in diagnosis for an accurate diagnosis. After all, the slightest mistake can cost little patient life and health. A premature baby is examined more carefully, because many of his organs have not really developed, which means that the chances of recovery are less. The occurrence of such a pathology in him can be provoked by any factor, it all depends on the current state of his health.


It is very difficult to deal with cerebral edema in babies. Depending on the final assessment of his condition and the severity of the disease, special therapy will be prescribed. In view of the fact that a variety of damage can be done to brain activity, treatment will be purely individual. Consequence untimely appeal for medical help there may be not only a disability of the baby, but also death. It doesn’t matter if a premature or premature baby has an ailment, the doctors have one goal - to find what caused the edema and its development, and eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Medications are prescribed in combination, in order not only to remove a number of symptoms characteristic of edema, but also its very cause. The therapy is based on:

  • osmotic diuretics, such as Furosemide or Lasix;
  • hormones;
  • muscle relaxants, which will help eliminate the convulsive state;
  • corticosteroids. They will remove puffiness and stop the spread of edema in the brain;
  • . Help, without which brain activity will not return to normal;
  • medications for specific symptoms.

In such a situation, therapy will be selected strictly individually. The child is admitted to the hospital intensive care where the child's condition is monitored minute by minute. When the child's condition improves, examinations are switched to an hourly mode. Strict monitoring of brain parameters is carried out in order to prevent a new development of pathology. Sometimes children do not tolerate specific medications well, so the doctor will select more suitable analogues for him. All measures in therapy will be aimed not only at eliminating the damage caused by the tumor, but also at restoring the baby.

What is the risk to the baby?

If edema occurs in the infant's brain, no doctor can immediately give an accurate prediction of the outcome of the disease. There will be increased attention to the manifestations of edema, its symptoms, and only after the therapy has begun, the doctor will be able to give the baby's parents a more accurate prognosis. Sometimes the consequences of the disease can be frightening, and some babies endure it without consequences at all. Depending on how quickly the parents responded to dangerous symptoms, brought the child to the hospital, where he started proper treatment, will depend on the forecast.

Most often the most frequent complications after such a disease become:

  1. The growth of the child's head is disproportionate to the body, which is caused by the expansion of the fontanel, which is influenced by high intracranial pressure.
  2. The development of a child can occur incorrectly, both physically and mentally. With a favorable outcome of treatment, the baby in one year old should catch up with their healthy peers in development, but only if the brain was slightly affected. Otherwise, the baby's lag will be obvious, and the child will be assigned a disability group depending on his individual indicators.
  3. Hyperactivity or, conversely, complete distraction of the baby.
  4. Cerebral paralysis.
  5. Periventricular edema, recognized as the most dangerous consequence disease, because its most common consequence is periventricular leukomalacia. With it, brain cells die faster. Most often, this problem is diagnosed in infants who were born ahead of schedule, due to the fact that their brain blood supply system is not yet functioning normally, and all the mechanisms of self-regulation of this process are undeveloped, and leukomalacia occurs. Often because of this, which, without other reasons, stimulates swelling of the brain tissue.
  6. Failure in the physiological functionality of the child - at least complex consequence brain swelling. With it, the child cannot normally bend or straighten the limbs. There is a problem with the independent holding of the head. Often disappears sucking reflex. Therefore, such children are often diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
  7. Death. This is the saddest prognosis of such a disease, which most often occurs due to the fact that parents did not seek medical help on time, or it was provided incorrectly. Death can also occur in cases where the child received extensive injuries during childbirth.

Nowadays, immediately after childbirth, many children are diagnosed with such a diagnosis asedemabrain, but these situations are not always critical. At the first manifestations of the symptoms of this pathology, it is urgent to notify the doctor. After all, the sooner the problem is identified and treatment is started, the more likely it is that yourchildendureherwithout consequences. Only from the attention of parents and pediatrician toto kiddepends on his health and long years life without disability or other health problems.

There are diseases that you don't even want to think about. Especially if the danger threatens our kids - so helpless and vulnerable. At the same time, brushing aside the obvious symptoms and hoping that the problem will “resolve” by itself, we ourselves doom the child to severe complications or worse, death. Pathologies affecting the brain always raise the question of the further health and even life of the child. Cerebral edema, which is, in fact, an increase in the size of the brain due to the concentration of fluid in the intercellular space, belongs to the category secondary features damage. * Cerebral edema in newborns * is the most dangerous reaction of the child's body to overwhelming loads of a traumatic or infectious nature. A particular danger in edema lies in the lightning speed of the development of the process.

Causes of cerebral edema in newborns

There are many conditions that can cause *cerebral edema in newborns*. In particular, it may arise due to:

  • traumatic brain injury - it can appear as a result of a fall or blow;
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • infections - meningitis, toxoplasmosis, encephalitis and others;
  • tumors of brain structures;
  • ischemic stroke, when cells deprived of oxygen are left without food;
  • a sharp difference in altitude - from one and a half km above sea level.

In addition to the above reasons, the development of cerebral edema can be facilitated by diseases and toxicosis suffered during pregnancy and provoked hypoxia in the mother and fetus. Another danger, threatening all sorts of complications, including cerebral edema, lies in wait for the baby during his difficult journey through the birth canal. Birth injury significantly increases the risk of life-threatening cerebral edema in newborns.

Symptoms of cerebral edema

The variation in symptoms depends primarily on the causes and severity of the condition. Main features developing pathology, which include visual impairment, speech difficulties, disorientation, convulsions, headaches, memory lapses and some other symptoms, in newborns, you see, it is not so easy to diagnose ( obvious symptoms may become convulsions). In order to detect edema in time, parents should exercise increased vigilance and care.

With the accumulation of fluid in the brain, there is an increase in intracranial pressure. The child becomes lethargic and weak. There is swelling of the optic nerve papilla. As the process aggravates, convulsions and disturbances appear in the area of cardio-vascular system. Because of the excruciating headache, the baby simply screams (“brain scream”). There is hyperthermia, a state of stupor (unconsciousness) and rigidity (compression) of the occipital muscles. The child is tormented by convulsions, his fontanel swells.

Further, mesencephalic decompression may develop, leading to oculomotor crises, which are accompanied by pupil dilation and gaze fixation. Muscle tone increases, temperature rises, pressure jumps, tachycardia develops. * Cerebral edema in newborns * threatens the development of neuroinfections, brain injuries and metabolic disorders.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of cerebral edema involves the following studies:

  • MRI and CT of the brain;
  • neurological examination;
  • blood test (diagnoses the cause of edema).

Treatment of cerebral edema in newborns

It happens that a slight concussion or mild form mountain sickness, leads to * cerebral edema in newborns. Treatment * in this case may not be required - the symptoms will disappear by themselves in a couple of days. However, it never hurts to show the baby once again to the doctor. Crying and fever is already enough reason to invite a pediatrician. All other cases require mandatory and immediate medical intervention.

The treatment process is primarily focused on restoring disturbed oxygen metabolism. For this, a combination of medication and surgical methods. By applying the right treatment strategy, it is possible to completely eliminate edema, and, as a rule, initially. And if the therapy was timely, then recovery occurs quickly enough and is not accompanied by destructive changes. The following therapeutic measures help to cope with edema:

  • oxygen therapy - artificial delivery of oxygen, which enters the Airways using an inhaler or other special devices;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • intravenous infusions (normalizes blood flow and prevents the development of infections);
  • drug therapy - is selected depending on the symptoms and causes that provoked edema;
  • surgical intervention - shown in the most severe cases(removal of a bone fragment in order to reduce ICP, repair of a blood vessel, or removal of a detected neoplasm).


Of course, such a serious pathological condition as * cerebral edema in newborns without consequences * is not complete. As a result of the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, there is an increase in the size of the brain. The latter, in turn, provokes an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) and a deterioration in cerebral circulation, which ultimately leads to cell destruction.

Cerebral edema may acquire varying degrees severity, depending on which certain violations are formed. As a rule, *the consequences of cerebral edema in newborns* are expressed by a violation in the future:

  • communication skills;
  • motor activity;
  • emotional state.

And this is not all the problems that await a child who has undergone cerebral edema. In many ways, the development of complications is determined by the localization of the pathology. And speaking of the most frequent consequences cerebral edema in newborns, then these are definitely recurring headaches.

It should be noted the influence of * cerebral edema in newborns * on the development of the child's further intellectual abilities. So, if the cortical structures of the brain die due to edema, the decrease in intelligence can range from mild forms mental retardation to severe mental impairment. In addition to impaired intelligence, other obvious defects are possible:

  • pathology of grasping and sucking reflexes;
  • violation of the extensor installations of the limbs;
  • reflex "thrown back head";
  • strabismus and so on.

It should be recognized that the timeliness of professional assistance is the main guarantee of minimizing future consequences. And, of course, we should not forget that with such serious pathologies, the delay of the parents threatens the child with a fatal outcome.

A baby who has undergone cerebral edema will have to stay in the dispensary with several specialists at once - in addition to regular consultations with a pediatrician, he will need the supervision of a neurologist, and often a psychiatrist (if there is a delay in the development of speech). The newborn and the mother are shown the mandatory passage of sanatorium-and-spa treatment.

Pathological conditions in newborn babies always cause great concern on the part of parents. Of particular importance is the presence of pathology in the brain. Cerebral edema is a fairly common situation that occurs in the smallest patients.


Cerebral edema is a clinical situation, which is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid between various cerebral structural formations. This pathology is usually not independent disease, and occurs in a variety of pathological conditions.

The development of cerebral edema in infants leads to the impact of a variety of reasons:

  • Birth trauma. Traumatic brain injuries inflicted on a child during childbirth can contribute to the development of various intracerebral pathologies. One of these manifestations can be swelling of the brain tissue. Postpartum clinical variants occur mainly in complicated course labor activity, as well as with an incorrectly chosen obstetric allowance.
  • Intrauterine pathological conditions, leading to oxygen starvation of tissues (hypoxia). Violation of the supply of oxygen to the blood leads to various cellular disorders of metabolic processes. Brain cells or neurons are very sensitive to saturation (blood filling) with oxygen. Decreased entry into children's body during prenatal development contributes to the development of tissue hypoxia, which later provokes the appearance of signs of cerebral edema in the child. Most often these clinical forms occur in premature babies.
  • Development postpartum asphyxia . This pathological condition occurs in the baby immediately after childbirth. It is characterized by the appearance pronounced violation respiratory function, and when severe course- even complete cessation breathing.
  • Too long and difficult childbirth. Violations of labor activity contribute to the progression oxygen starvation brain cells in a child. Obstetrician-gynecologists conducting natural childbirth, be sure to monitor the condition of the baby throughout the entire period of expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. Protracted standing of the child in birth canal mothers can contribute to the growth of signs of hypoxia and lead to the development of signs of edema of the brain tissue after childbirth.

  • intrauterine infections. Many pathogenic viruses and bacteria easily penetrate the hematoplacental barrier. Getting into the children's body through nutritional blood vessels placenta, they are rapidly absorbed into the systemic children's circulation and spread to all internal organs. Such infection leads to the fact that microbes can reach the brain and cause severe inflammation in it.
  • congenital anomalies development nervous system. They occur in babies in the first months after birth. Pronounced anatomical and functional defects of the nervous system are reflected in the work of the brain. The presence of such pathologies often leads to the development of cerebral edema in babies.
  • Hypernatremia. This pathological situation is associated with an increase in the level of sodium in the blood. Metabolic disorders lead to increased swelling, which can also appear in the brain tissue.
  • Inflammatory diseases brain- meningitis and meningoencephalitis. In this case, swelling of the brain tissue occurs as a result of a pronounced inflammatory process and is a complication of underlying diseases. To eliminate excess fluid accumulation in meninges initial treatment of the disease that caused this clinical condition is required.
  • Purulent abscesses brain. They are rare in babies. They mainly arise as complications of various infectious diseases of the brain. Occur with the advent of the most adverse symptoms. To eliminate them, surgical treatment is used.

About what is cerebral edema and more detailed description all his possible causes see the next video.


Often suspect cerebral edema in a newborn baby for initial stage hard enough. Clinical signs This condition appears only with a pronounced course of the disease.

Many attentive parents will be able to suspect this pathology on their own, because many of the symptoms that appear in a child lead to a significant change in his usual behavior.

In the advanced stage of the disease, the child develops headache. It can manifest itself in different ways: from a slight malaise to a significant pain syndrome, which brings the baby severe anxiety. From the outside, a change in the behavior of the baby is noticeable. He becomes more lethargic, restless, in some cases, on the contrary, the child grows apathy and indifference to everything that's going on.

In infants, appetite is disturbed, which is manifested, as a rule, by refusals breastfeeding. The baby is poorly attached to the breast or sucks very slowly. Against the background of a severe headache, the baby develops nausea. With pronounced pain syndrome even vomiting occurs. Usually it is single, not abundant in terms of the amount of discharge. After vomiting, the child feels much better.

The mood of the baby also suffers. He becomes more whiny, naughty. Some babies are more likely to be held. As symptoms progress, the child develops serious problems with sleep. He is usually difficult to lay down, but he may wake up several times in the middle of the night and cry. Duration daytime sleep is also shortened.

Severe cerebral edema contributes to the appearance of systemic disorders from other internal organs. Baby's pulse slows down arterial pressure can decrease in some cases even to critical values.

Developed intracranial hypertension leads to squeezing of the nipples optic nerves which is clinically manifested by visual impairment, frequent blinking and squinting.


To establish the correct diagnosis, it is not always enough to conduct only a clinical examination. Cerebral edema, flowing in quite mild form, can only be diagnosed with the help of additional instrumental methods. Indications for the appointment of studies are established by pediatric neurologists. These specialists, after examining the child, make up the tactics of diagnosis and treatment in each case.

Ultrasonography brain using Doppler scanning mode helps to identify various pathologies of the brain in babies, including the presence of stagnant fluid inside the brain formations. Using special echo signs, the doctor determines the severity functional disorders. This study is quite safe, has no radiation exposure and can be used even in the smallest patients.

By using ultrasound examination you can also determine the location of the maximum accumulation of fluid, identify periventricular edema, and measure blood flow in the blood vessels supplying the brain.

To date, high-precision brain research also includes magnetic resonance and computed tomography. These methods allow doctors to obtain an accurate description of existing structural abnormalities and various pathological processes in brain tissue. TO additional methods diagnosis also includes an examination of the fundus to detect indirect signs intracranial hypertension, which is a frequent consequence of severe cerebral edema.


The prognosis of the disease is usually favorable. However, it is determined individually based on general well-being baby. Children with persistent disorders in the functioning of the nervous system and who have undergone infectious diseases brain in severe form, are at risk for the development adverse complications.The consequences of severe cerebral edema include:

  • occurrence epileptic seizures;
  • violation of memorization and concentration of attention at an older age;
  • various speech and behavioral disorders;
  • difficulties with socialization;
  • vegetative-visceral syndrome.


Therapy of cerebral edema includes the appointment of several groups medicines. The main goal of treatment is to eliminate the cause that caused the accumulation in brain structures excess liquids. Symptomatic treatment is auxiliary in nature and is necessary to eliminate all adverse symptoms that have arisen during the course of the disease.

For elimination excess fluid from the brain, the following drugs are used:

  • Diuretics or diuretics. They are the basic drugs for the treatment of any pathological conditions associated with the formation of edema. Therapy with diuretics has a significant therapeutic effect and leads to a fairly rapid improvement in well-being. To eliminate adverse symptoms in pediatric practice, the following are used: "Lasix", "Fonurit", "Novurit", 30% urea solution.

Treatment with these drugs is carried out strictly in a hospital setting.

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