Dimexide - description and use at home. Dimexide solution: instructions for use and reviews of people Dimexide chemical formula

Instructions for use:

Dimexide is a synthetic drug for external use with antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Widely used in dermatology, as well as for muscle and joint pain.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of Dimexide is dimethyl sulfoxide. It has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antipyretic, analgesic, antiseptic and fibrinolytic effects.

Dimexide penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes, increasing the susceptibility of the skin to the penetration of other drugs.

When applied, it enters the bloodstream within 5 minutes and reaches its maximum concentration after 4-6 hours.

Release form

Dimexide is produced in the form of:

  • Gels and ointments for external use 25%;
  • Concentrate for solution preparation;
  • Solution for external use.

Indications for the use of Dimexide

Dimexide is most widely used for:

  • Inflammatory skin diseases;
  • Systemic scleroderma;
  • Purulent wounds;
  • Erythema nodosum;
  • Furunculosis;
  • burns;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • Pustular skin diseases;
  • Erysipelas;
  • Trophic ulcers.

According to the instructions, Dimexide is also used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Traumatic infiltrates;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • arthropathy;
  • Ligament sprain;
  • Deforming osteoarthritis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • bruises.

The drug is also used in skin plastic surgery for the healing of grafts.

In cosmetology, Dimexide for hair is often used.

Together with oils and vitamins, it is part of the masks that help restore the structure of the hair and their growth. The composition and proportions must be checked with a cosmetologist.

One of the main conditions when using Dimexide for hair is that the components of the mask must be thoroughly mixed immediately before use.


According to the instructions, Dimexide is contraindicated in:

  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • Impaired liver or kidney function;
  • angina pectoris;
  • stroke;
  • cataract;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Severe atherosclerosis;
  • Coma states.

Dimexide is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation. Elderly people are prescribed with caution.

Instructions for use Dimexide

According to the description, Dimexide is used on the skin, in the form of aqueous solutions for compresses and tampons. A compress from Dimexide is applied to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes:

  • In the treatment of erysipelas and trophic ulcers - in the form of a 30-50% solution. Each procedure 50-100 ml, 2-3 times a day;
  • With pustular skin diseases - in the form of a 40% solution;
  • With eczema, diffuse streptoderma - in the form of a 40-90% solution;
  • In the treatment of deep burns - in the form of a 20-30% solution. In this case, the dose may be 500 ml.

For local anesthesia used in the form of a 25-50% solution. Each procedure - 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day.

In skin plastic surgery, Dimexide is used immediately after surgery and in the following days until the graft is firmly engrafted as dressings with a 20-30% solution for grafts.

Purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavities are washed with less concentrated solutions. In case of postoperative purulent complications caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or staphylococcus aureus, a Dimexide compress is applied to festering wounds.

Side effects of Dimexide

According to reviews, Dimexide is usually well tolerated. Sometimes allergic reactions, itching, redness, dizziness, insomnia or muscle weakness occur. With poor perception of the drug in some cases, dry skin, nausea or bronchospasm may occur.

Before using Dimexide, it is necessary to conduct a tolerance test. To do this, a solution of the desired concentration is applied to the skin with a cotton swab dipped in it. The appearance of severe redness or itching indicates hypersensitivity to Dimexide.

Also, when using the drug, it should be taken into account that it increases the absorption of ethanol, insulin and some other drugs. In complex therapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, Dimexide can be used in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

According to the description, in case of overdose, various allergic reactions may occur, such as hives, itching or swelling. In these cases, wash the damaged area and remove the drug.

If the drug gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes, rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

According to reviews, Dimexide can cause dizziness and decreased motor activity, so you should drive vehicles with caution when using the drug.

Storage conditions

Dimexide is available without a prescription. Store in a dark place for 2 years.

Dimexide - description and use at home

The basis for "miracle tinctures"

In recent years, a lot of medicines made on the basis of folk recipes have appeared on the shelves of pharmacies. These are all kinds of balms and tinctures for internal and external use, ointments and creams, aromatic essential oils. However, doctors are still armed with undeservedly forgotten, but quite effective drugs, proven by more than a dozen years of medical practice. These truly unique drugs include dimexide.

Description and properties of dimexide

It is a slightly yellowish oily liquid with a slight odor reminiscent of garlic (the chemically pure preparation is colorless and almost odorless). The full name of the substance is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), it was synthesized in 1866 by A.M. Zaitsev, a student of the great chemist A.M. Butlerov. But, as often happens, only 100 years later, DMSO was first noticed by chemists, and then by doctors.

Numerous studies have revealed the amazing ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to easily penetrate into the bloodstream and the human body through intact skin. Already after a few minutes after rubbing a small amount of dimexide into any part of the skin, the exhaled air begins to smell slightly of garlic. 5-6 minutes after application to the skin, the presence of DMSO molecules is detected in the blood. The maximum concentration in the blood is created after 4-6 hours and slowly decreases over 36-72 hours.

But that is not all! In the Middle Ages, dimexide, no doubt, could be dubbed "alkahest" - a super-solvent, the search for which alchemists were no less passionate about than the transformation of lead into gold. And this is by no means an exaggeration.

Dimethyl sulfoxide perfectly dissolves substances of various origin and chemical structure: antibiotics, hormones, salts, alkaloids, cytostatics, vitamins. And besides, it dramatically accelerates the penetration of many compounds through the skin, without changing their properties at all (for example, iodine, heparin, glucose, hydrocortisone, penicillin, diclofenac, complex biologically active complexes of medicinal plants).

The action of active medicinal substances is enhanced, since many of them directly enter the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive organs. This makes it possible to use dimexide as a highly effective solvent for the preparation of transdermal (percutaneous) medicinal preparations.

Thanks to a powerful improvement in the permeability of drugs through the skin, their concentration contained in various ointments, rubbing, can be reduced several times! So, it was proved that if about 20% DMSO is introduced into the prednisolone ointment, then the concentration of prednisolone (without reducing the therapeutic effect) can be reduced by 8-10 times! This means not only significant savings in expensive drugs, but also a sharp reduction in the risk of unwanted side effects in the treatment of patients.

Dimethyl sulfoxide tinctures are indicated for alcohol intolerance, contraindications to treatment with alcohol-containing liquids (alcoholism). It is also remarkable that dimexide at normal dosages is practically no more toxic than table salt!

In its purest form dimexide is used for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. It has strong anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, antifungal properties. In the form of 30-50% solutions, it is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, bruises and sprains, myositis, traumatic infiltrates). And also with inflammatory skin diseases (furunculosis, erysipelas, purulent wounds, burns, thrombophlebitis).

Dimexide accelerates wound healing and restores activity to antibiotics in cases where microbes have already developed resistance to them, increases the body's resistance to low temperatures and radiation exposure.

As a result of studies conducted at the Research Institute of Rheumatology more than 30 years ago, it turned out that dimexide is one of the best means in the treatment of joint contracture - stiffness that develops as a result of inflammation! process.

Applied to the skin in the area of ​​inflamed joints and easily penetrating inside, DMSO relieves inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues and muscles.

The purified preparation showed good results in secondary renal amyloidosis, a severe complication of rheumatoid arthritis, accompanied by the deposition of insoluble protein in the kidneys. In this case, dimexide was administered orally, diluted 10-15 times with distilled water (1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals).

In the same form, the drug was used after irradiation of the pelvic organs, rectum (in connection with the treatment of malignant neoplasms). This allows you to remove reactive tissue inflammation after radioactive exposure and protect healthy cells.

Due to the special structure of the dimethyl sulfoxide molecule, it can be successfully used for electrophoresis.

According to Professor I.E. Oransky, DMSO does not violate the pharmacological activity of the substances it transports. It helps them to penetrate deeper into the tissues and in greater quantities than with conventional electrophoresis. So, excellent results were obtained with electrophoresis of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) - a 5-10% solution in a 50% dimexide solution. Analgin (also 5-10% solution) had a pronounced effect during electrophoresis from a 25% dimexide solution, lidase - 32-64 units also in a 25% DMSO solution.

At home, on the basis of dimethyl sulfoxide, you can prepare a lot of tinctures, balms and ointments for the treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. Dimexide's own healing abilities are summed up and enhanced by medicinal plants, allowing you to achieve good results.

Preparation of healing potions at home.

At home, based on dimexide, you can prepare tinctures, balms and ointments for the treatment of a variety of pathologies, even in severe, advanced cases.

For the preparation of tinctures, pharmacy dimexide is used, which, if necessary, is diluted with boiled water to a concentration of 30-70%.

The concentration depends on the amount of water-insoluble biologically active compounds. The more essential oils and resins in the raw material, the higher the concentration of DMSO should be. For example, propolis extract is prepared on pure dimexide (finely planed propolis is infused in a ratio of 1:5 for 2 weeks).

Extracts from poplar and pine buds are also made. At 50-70% DMSO, a tincture of aspen and hazel bark, an ointment of burdock roots, comfrey - with the addition of 25-30% dimexide are prepared.

On the basis of 25-30% solutions of dimexide, tinctures of chamomile, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, medicinal sage, St. John's wort, thyme and many other medicinal plants can be prepared.

All such tinctures are mainly used externally. For a better effect of absorption of active substances into the blood, it is desirable to first achieve a general light perspiration, for which physical exercises and a sauna are excellent. After that, you need to quickly wipe off the sweat, apply a healing tincture to the skin, rub it in lightly (do not use compresses!).

If you are doing this procedure not to yourself, but to someone else, you must wear rubber gloves to protect your own skin.

Dimexide instructions for the drug:

The Latin name of the drug Dimexide: Dimexid

Pharmacological group

Dermatotropic agents
- Nosological classification (ICD-10)
- erysipelas
- Lesions of the lumbosacral plexus
- Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis
- Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Pyoderma
- Dermatitis, unspecified
- Transepidermal perforated changes
- Infectious myositis
- Tendon sheath abscess
- Other infectious tendosynovitis
- Synovial bursa abscess
- Other infectious bursitis
- Injuries to an unspecified part of the trunk, limb or body region
- Superficial injury to an unspecified region of the body
- Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified localization
- Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified

Composition and form of release

1 orange glass dropper bottle contains 25 ml of undiluted dimethyl sulfoxide;in a cardboard box 1 dropper bottle.


Colorless transparent liquid with a slight specific odor, crystallizing at temperatures below 16 °C. Hygroscopic. Soluble in water and alcohol.

pharmachologic effect Pharmacological action - antimicrobial, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory.

Indications for Dimexide

Bruises, sprains, inflammatory edema, purulent wounds, burns, arthritis, sciatica, erysipelas, eczema, trophic ulcers, pustular skin diseases.


Liver failure, angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataracts, stroke, coma, myocardial infarction.

Use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Dosage and administration

Outwardly (applications, irrigation). Apply once a day (for 20-30 minutes) on the affected areas gauze pads moistened with a diluted (1:1) solution. For the skin of the face and other highly sensitive areas, more diluted (1:10, 1:5, 1:3) solutions are used (purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavities can be washed with the same solutions). A polyethylene film and cotton or linen fabric are applied over the napkin. The course is 10-15 days. Storage conditions of the drug Dimexide In a dry, dark place.

Storage conditions of the drug Dimexide

In a dry place protected from light.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Dimexide

Attention, contraindications!

Of course, like any drug, dimexide has its own contraindications for use: angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataracts, fresh myocardial infarction and stroke, severe liver and kidney diseases, as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding. feeding.

In some cases, the drug can cause allergic reactions, nausea, and at the site of application - redness and itching of the skin.

How to breed Dimexide?

The liquid concentrate of Dimexide must be diluted with water before use to obtain a solution of the desired concentration. Undiluted concentrate causes chemical burns to the skin. Most often, Dimexide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 (one part of Dimexide, 3 or 4 parts of water).

But sometimes the doctor prescribes other dilutions of Dimexide for treatment. Prepare them as follows:

Solutions obtained by diluting the concentrate are used for compresses, applications, tampons and washes (irrigations).

Latin name: Dimethylsulfoxydum
International name: Dimethyl sulfoxide
ATX code: M02AX03
Active substance: Dimethyl sulfoxide
Manufacturer: Pharmamed, Russia
Pharmacy leave condition: Over the counter
Price from 52 to 165 rubles

Medicinal properties

Dimethyl sulfoxide or DMSO is a drug that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects. The drug has an antiseptic and fibrinolytic effect.

Dimexide penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes, it helps to increase the permeability of other drugs. DMSO belongs to the class of low-toxic drugs.

The drug is excreted by the kidneys in the form of dimethylsulfone or dimethylsulfate. It can also be released with the air that is exhaled.

Chemical properties

The chemical properties of DMSO are determined by good solubility in water, ethanol, benzene and chloroform. When mixed with water, a strong heating of the solution is observed. In addition, a good reaction of the active substance with methyl iodide is observed, with the formation of a sulfoxonium ion, which can interact with sodium hydride.

Solution "Dimexide"

Price from 50 rubles to 90 rubles

Dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide) is a synthetic drug, the main active ingredient of which is dimethyl sulfoxide.

The solution for external use is produced in glass bottles of 100 ml. Each of which contains 100 ml of active ingredient.

Dimethyl sulfoxide solution is a viscous liquid, colorless, has a characteristic odor.

After application with DMSO, the drug enters the general circulation in approximately 15 minutes. The maximum concentration of the drug is observed after 2-8 hours. Often, dimethyl sulfoxide is not detected in the blood after 36 hours.

Dosage and administration

The drug is used externally as applications. A solution of the desired concentration is prepared (often 50%, for the face and other sensitive areas of the skin - a solution with a dimethyl sulfoxide concentration of 10-30%), in which tampons or napkins are moistened and applied to the affected areas. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 30 minutes once a day. Napkins must be covered with a piece of film, then the compress is insulated with a cotton or linen cloth. The course of therapeutic therapy is from 10 to 15 procedures.

To achieve an analgesic effect, a 25-50% solution is used, each procedure will require 150 ml of the drug, which is carried out three times a day.

In case of pustular skin diseases, the affected areas are washed with a high concentration solution.

Gel 25% "Dimexide"

The average price is from 129 to 165 rubles.

Price from 110 to 160 rubles The composition includes the active substance - dimethyl sulfoxide. Auxiliary components of the drug: nipazole, nipagin, carmellose sodium, water. Produced in aluminum tubes of 30 g.

Dimexide gel has a transparent or light yellowish tint, has a slight specific odor.

When used externally, Dimexide enters the joint cavity, staying in the tissues or the general bloodstream, and combines with proteins.

Dosage and administration

Adults, as well as children over 12 years of age, are recommended to apply a thin, even layer of gel to the affected area once or twice a day. The course of treatment lasts up to two weeks. Re-application is possible after a ten-day break.

Indications for use

Dimexide is widely used in the following cases:

  • Skin diseases characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process
  • Scleroderma (systemic)
  • Erythema (nodular type)
  • Pustular skin lesions
  • Furunculosis
  • burns
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Eczema of various nature, as well as acne
  • Trophic ulcers
  • Erysipelas.

According to the instructions, DMSO is used for a number of ailments of the musculoskeletal system, namely:

  • Arthritis (rheumatoid type)
  • arthropathy
  • Osteoarthritis of the deforming type
  • Bechterew's disease
  • Infiltrates with traumatic genesis
  • Severe sprains and bruises
  • Exacerbation of sciatica.

Dimexide is also widely used in plastic surgery, as it accelerates the healing process of grafts.

DMSO is successfully used in cosmetology; masks and balms are prepared on its basis. Thanks to the addition of this drug, it is possible to enhance the effect of cosmetics on the hair, as well as the skin.

Given the chemical properties of drugs, as well as the individual characteristics of the skin, it is worth individually calculating the dosage of the drug.


DMSO is contraindicated in patients who have:

  • Impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver
  • angina pectoris
  • There are severe symptoms of atherosclerosis
  • History of myocardial infarction
  • The development of diseases of the visual apparatus (glaucoma and cataracts)
  • Coma
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Children's age up to 12 years.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Dimethyl sulfoxide is not used during pregnancy and lactation.

Precautionary measures

Dimethyl sulfoxide is used with caution with other drugs, since the drug can enhance their effect several times.

Before using Dimexide, it is necessary to test the tolerance of the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

DMSO can be used in conjunction with Heparin, NSAIDs, as well as antibiotics, which are represented by agents for external use.

The drug improves absorption and enhances the effects of substances such as ethanol and insulin.

Dimesid increases the susceptibility of bacteria and other microorganisms to the effects of antibiotics (aminoglycoside and beta-lactam groups).

Dimethyl sulfoxide contributes to increased sensitivity to anesthetic drugs.

Side effects

Usually, an adverse reaction to the drug appears on the skin in the form of:

  • allergic rashes
  • Dermatitis
  • erythema
  • Excessive flaking and dryness
  • Burning sensations.


Excess intake of this drug into the body is often manifested by an allergic reaction and an increase in the side effects listed above.

In case of an overdose, antiallergic drugs should not be taken, DMSO should be canceled.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is recommended to store the solution at a temperature of 15 to 25°C out of the reach of children. At t-18°C, partial crystallization of dimethyl sulfoxide is possible. The use of the drug is allowed if it is heated in warm water.

The gel should be stored below 25°C for 2 years from the date of manufacture.


Structural analogues, including only dimethyl sulfoxide, the drug Dimexide does not have, but combined medicines containing this component are produced.

"Candles Propolis D"

LLC Materia Bio profi Center, Russia
average price- 330 rubles.

Suppositories for rectal or intravaginal use. The composition includes cocoa butter, dimethyl sulfoxide and propolis. Candles have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antiseptic effects.


  • Candles are easy to use
  • Affordable price
  • High efficiency


  • There are contraindications for use
  • The tool is not sold in all pharmacies.

The purpose of the article is to acquaint readers of the MirSovetov website with Dimexide. Tell about the features of this drug, for which diseases it is used, in what proportions it needs to be diluted.

Description of the drug Dimexide

Dimexide is an external agent and is a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic garlic odor. The drug mixes well with water and alcohol. It crystallizes at temperatures below 16°C, but this does not affect the quality of the medicinal product. The MirSovetov website informs its readers that if a bottle of Dimexide crystals is placed in hot water, they easily melt and turn back into a liquid.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The active ingredient in this drug is dimethyl sulfoxide. It has special chemical properties. Therefore, Dimexide has such various pharmacological actions:
  • relieves inflammation;
  • restores the processes of cell nutrition in damaged tissues;
  • destroys various pathogenic microorganisms;
  • anesthetizes;
  • improves blood flow in the capillaries;
  • dissolves clots.
Due to such a variety of pharmacological effects, the drug is successfully used in the treatment of many diseases.

Indications for the use of Dimexide

Dimexide can be used not only as an independent drug, but also in combination with other drugs in the treatment of various diseases:
  • autoimmune diseases: discoid lupus erythematosus;
  • gynecological diseases: adnexitis, leucorrhea, inflammatory diseases, fungi, cervical dystrophy, colpitis, metritis, parametritis, postoperative complications, postpartum complications, staphylococci and streptococci, fissures, endometritis,;
  • dermatological diseases: acne, alopecia, keloid scars, mycoses of the feet, limited scleroderma, erysipelas, nodular erythema, furunculosis, eczema;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease), deforming osteoarthritis (in the presence of damage to the tissues surrounding the joint), heel spur, sciatica, reactive synovitis, rheumatoid;
  • vascular diseases: thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers;
  • proctology: and its manifestations, paraproctitis;
  • urological diseases: benign prostatic hypertrophy, (acute and chronic), chronic;
  • surgical diseases and traumatology: purulent wounds, sprains, traumatic infiltrates, bruises.

Contraindications Dimexide

The drug can not be used for:
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • stroke
  • myocardial infarction;
  • coma;
  • violations of the functions of the liver and / or kidneys;
  • hypersensitivity to dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • angina.
The MirSovetov website warns that the drug should not be used for children under 12 years of age, and for the elderly it is prescribed with great care.

Side effects of the drug

Dimexide is well tolerated, but in some cases there may be:
  • bronchospasm (very rare);
  • dizziness;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • dry skin;
  • or urge to vomit (very rare);
  • erythema (rashes on the skin and mucous membranes).

Forms of release of Dimexide

  1. Dimexide, a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for external use; dark glass bottles (50 and 100 ml).
  2. Dimexide, gel for external use 25% and 50% in tubes.
  3. Candles Propolis-D No. 10 (propolis and dimexide).
  4. Included in many ointments and gels for external use.

Special instructions before the first use of Dimexide

The MirSovetov website recommends its readers to conduct a tolerance test with it before the first use of the drug. To do this, a solution of Dimexide is applied with a cotton swab to the skin. Skin redness or itching indicates hypersensitivity. In this case, the use of Dimexide as a drug is not recommended.
Some patients exhale smell of garlic.
Dimexide should not be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Interaction of Dimexide with other drugs

Dimexide enhances the action:
  • mycin groups;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • butadione;
  • insulin (with long-term use of the drug, the dose of insulin must be reduced);
  • nitroglycerin;
  • quinidine;
  • ethanol (alcohol-containing drinks inhibit the removal of the drug from the body).
Dimexide can be used in complex therapy and combined:
  • with heparin;
  • with synthomycin liniment;
  • with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Dimexide increases the body's sensitivity to anesthetics.

Methods of application and doses

Once again, we draw attention to the fact that Dimexide is used only externally. A concentrated solution causes chemical burns to the skin and mucous membranes, so it must always be diluted with water before use.
Dimexide solution is applied in the form of compresses (for 20-30 minutes) or applications (for 10-15 minutes) for 10-15 days:
  • local anesthesia for pain syndromes (dislocations, hematomas, sprains, bruises): compresses of 100-150 ml of a 25-50% solution 2-3 times a day;
  • erysipelas and trophic ulcers: applications of 50-100 ml of a 30-50% solution 2-3 times a day;
  • facial skin or other highly sensitive areas: applications of 30-50 ml of a 10-20-30% solution as prescribed by a doctor;
  • heel spur: compresses 100-150 ml of a 30-40% solution 2-3 times a day;
  • keloid scars: applications of 50-100 ml of a 30-40% solution once a day for 14 days;
  • chronic laryngopharyngitis: external compress 200 ml diluted 1:3 or 1:4;
  • eczema and diffuse streptoderma: compresses of 50-100 ml of a 40-90% solution 2 times a day.
We remind you that a more complete and detailed treatment regimen for each specific disease can only be obtained after consultation with a doctor.

Dimexide is a synthetic drug for external use.

It has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Very often used in dermatology, as well as for muscle and joint pain.

On this page you will find all the information about Dimexide: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Dimexide solution. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.


How much does Dimexide solution cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of 60 rubles.

Release form and composition

Dimexide is available in the form:

  • concentrate for dermal application 990 mg/ml (bottles 50 and 100 ml);
  • gel 25 and 50% (aluminum tubes of 30 and 40 g).

The concentrate for the preparation of Dimexide solution contains at least 99% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in undiluted form.

Dimexide gel contains DMSO at a concentration of 0.25 mg / g or 0.5 mg / g, as well as nipagin, nipazole, carmellose sodium, and purified water.

What it is?

Dimexide is an external drug that is used primarily to relieve pain and inflammation in diseases of the musculoskeletal system (ODA), as well as to enhance the penetration of a number of other drugs into the tissues.

Pharmacological effect

Since the active ingredient of the drug is dimethyl sulfoxide, it is characterized by pharmacological effects:

  1. antiseptic- destruction of pathogenic (pathogenic) microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi).
  2. Local anesthetic- not pronounced decrease in all types of sensitivity (including pain) due to blocking of sensitive nerve endings in the tissues.
  3. Anti-inflammatory- a decrease in the severity of the main manifestations of the inflammatory process, namely pain, tissue edema and hyperemia (redness due to increased blood supply).
  4. fibrinolytic- dissolution of fibrin deposits in the area of ​​skin damage or inflammation, which prevent the regeneration (healing) of tissues.

Thanks to these abilities, the drug "Dimexide", instructions for use confirms this, it moves well inside the dermis and mucous tissues. In addition, it significantly enhances susceptibility, and also contributes to a better movement of other medicines into the underlying tissues. When applying applications or compresses with a Dimexide solution, the active ingredient moves into the bloodstream in just 4-5 minutes.

Its maximum concentration will be observed in 4.5-6 hours.

Indications for use

This medication in liquid form is widely used to treat pathologies of the osteoarticular apparatus and in the treatment of skin diseases. Applications and compresses with a solution have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects.

  1. Burns and frostbite;
  2. Skin infection with beta-hemolytic streptococcus;
  3. Inflammatory lesion of the upper respiratory tract;
  4. Traumatic injuries of joints and soft tissues;
  5. Stretching and rupture of the ligamentous apparatus;
  6. Dry and wet form.

In addition, the solution has a high conductive activity, allowing medicinal drugs for external use to penetrate deep into the soft tissues. This property causes the widespread use of Dimexide as part of the complex therapy of many diseases.


The list of restrictions for the use of this drug in any form contains the following items:

  1. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation;
  2. Age less than 12 years;
  3. The period of bearing a child and lactation;
  4. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system in chronic and acute form;
  5. Atherosclerotic changes in the vessels;
  6. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Dimexide is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Dimexide is produced in the form of a concentrate, from which a solution of the required concentration is prepared. Used mainly in the form of aqueous solutions (30 -50%) for tampons and compresses. The compress should be applied to the affected areas, capturing the adjacent healthy skin.

  1. For pustular skin diseases, a 40% solution is used.
  2. For eczema, diffuse streptobermia, compresses with a 40-30% solution of dimexide are recommended.
  3. In the treatment of erysipelas / occupational ulcers, the drug is used in the form of a 30-50% aqueous solution of 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day.
  4. For local anesthesia, a 25-50% solution of the drug for compresses is recommended, 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day.
  5. In the treatment of deep burns, bandages with a 20-30% solution are used. If it is necessary to change the method of application, the doctor gives recommendations. ‘
  6. With increased sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as when used for facial skin, 10% - 20% solutions of the drug are used (1-2 parts of Dimexide and 9-8 parts of Veda, respectively).

How to breed Dimexide for a compress?

In order to dilute Dimexide for a compress, in most cases a 40-50% dilution is used, but a solution of weaker concentrations (10 or 30%) is used for delicate or especially sensitive areas.

To do this, take distilled or boiled chilled water and mix it with the medicine in the right ratio:

Side effects

Side effects from Dimexide solution can occur quite often and vividly, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The main symptoms are as follows:

  1. Increased pigmentation;
  2. Nausea and vomiting;
  3. Typical most frequent allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, hyperemia, itching, burning, dry skin;
  4. Symptoms of an allergy of medium frequency: contact dermatitis, as well as accompanied by itching, rashes of the erythematous type;
  5. Rare manifestations of allergy: bronchospasm.

When using the gel, garlic odor from the mouth is possible. If an overdose of the drug has occurred, then the treatment is carried out symptomatically, and the place treated with the drug is also washed thoroughly.

A burn with dimexide is possible if the drug is used incorrectly.


In the instructions for cases of overdose of ointment and gel, they do not mention, and with regard to the solution, only a high concentration is dangerous, which can provoke a chemical burn. This is especially noticeable on open mucous membranes and with sensitive skin.

If the overdose manifested itself as an allergic reaction, doctors advise taking an antihistamine.

special instructions

Before using Dimexide, the instruction recommends a drug test - applying a gel, ointment or diluted solution to a skin area in any area (elbow bend is preferred). If redness, burning, itching does not appear during the day, the medicine can be used.

In the elderly, the use of this medication should be carried out strictly according to the instructions or with a decrease in dosage, especially if third-party antibacterial agents or NSAIDs are applied to dimethyl sulfoxide.

drug interaction

Dimexide enhances the effect of ethanol (alcohol inhibits the excretion of the drug) and insulin (with prolonged use of the drug, blood sugar levels are monitored). Dimexide enhances the effect of acetylsalicylic acid, butadione, digitalis preparations, quinidine, nitroglycerin, antibiotics (streptomycin, monomycin, etc.), sensitizes the body to anesthetics.

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