Complex therapy of bladder infections: cystitis powder. Monural powder for cystitis and its analogues Powder for cystitis in women quick treatment

One of the most unpleasant diseases that affects mainly women and is quite common is cystitis. Sharp pains and the need to frequently visit the toilet greatly interfere with the normal course of life. But it is not always possible to immediately consult a doctor to choose the right treatment. Many people try to take drugs on their own, which leads not only to side effects, but also to the transition of the disease to a chronic form. This happens because cystitis is caused by various microorganisms, and without their destruction it cannot be cured. It is quite difficult to choose an effective antibacterial for this disease. But in recent years, a new strong remedy has appeared - Monural powder. Reviews for cystitis about him are mostly positive, since he not only quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms, but also fights infection, while having minimal

Features of the disease

Cystitis occurs when an infection enters the bladder. Because of this, it becomes inflamed, severe pain occurs. In addition, the disease is characterized by such symptoms:

  • very often want to go to the toilet;
  • a small amount of urine with impurities of pus, and sometimes blood;
  • pain and burning when urinating.

It is complicated by the fact that with the disappearance of symptoms, the disease can become chronic and worsen with any decrease in immunity or hypothermia. Therefore, the treatment of the disease should be carried out with antibacterial agents, the best of which is Monural. Reviews for cystitis about him are often enthusiastic, since a single dose can save the patient from suffering for a long time.

When does cystitis occur?

The inside of the bladder becomes inflamed when bacteria enter it. Most often caused by a bacillus penetrating the ureter due to non-compliance. Hypothermia or injury can also provoke inflammation. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the urogenital tract, cystitis most often occurs in women. "Monural" in this case is the best way of treatment for them, as it helps well, but has few contraindications and almost no side effects. Many women often suffer from exacerbations of the disease, pain occurs after sitting on the cold ground, hypothermia, changes in hormonal levels, or a decrease in immunity. Even prolonged wearing of thongs can provoke inflammation. Often cystitis occurs in pregnant and lactating women, as well as during menopause, since at this time hormonal changes in the body occur. Therefore, it is very important to choose a drug that would not only effectively relieve pain and fight inflammation, but also have no side effects.

Treatment of cystitis

"Monural" is now the most effective drug for this disease. Previously, cystitis was treated with diuretic drugs, herbal preparations and folk remedies. Only in rare cases, the use of antibacterial drugs was required. But in modern times, microorganisms have become more resistant, and only antibiotics help a lot.

But their disadvantage is that they are absorbed mainly in the gastrointestinal tract and are not always effective in urinary tract infections. Therefore, the common "Monural" often does not help, but it is available in powder, which is diluted with water, so it directly penetrates the bladder. In addition to antibiotic therapy, for the successful treatment of cystitis, it is necessary to observe bed rest, a special diet, not to overcool and take diuretics. There are so many of them that it is difficult to choose the right medicine, so in many cases the best way out is to simply take Monural, the action of which we will consider next.

How the medicine works

Why is this tool so popular? The medicine for cystitis "Monural" is available in granules or powder. It belongs to antibacterial drugs and is active against urinary tract infections. The main active ingredient of the drug - fosfomycin trimetamol - inhibits the growth of many microorganisms, even insensitive to other antibiotics. Therefore, most often on the basis of this drug, an effective treatment of cystitis is carried out. "Monural" after taking it quickly penetrates the bladder and accumulates in the urine. Its action usually occurs after 2-3 hours, at the time of its highest concentration, and lasts for two to three days.

How to take Monural

Reviews for cystitis about this medicine most often note the convenience of taking it. In most cases, it is enough to drink the powder once, in severe cases, another dose may be required, but not earlier than a day later. The medicine for cystitis "Monural" is taken no more than twice, as it accumulates in the urine and acts for a long time. If the drug does not help, the doctor should prescribe another remedy. This medicine should be taken a couple of hours before or after meals. It is usually recommended to drink "Monural" before going to bed. The powder is dissolved in a third of a glass of warm boiled water. The solution has a pleasant taste with the aroma of orange. Before using the drug, you must go to the toilet so that the bladder is empty, then the active substance will quickly penetrate into the urine.

Who is prescribed the drug

One of the few antibacterial agents that can be taken by children from 5 years of age and pregnant women is Monural. This powder is prescribed for diseases such as:

  • acute inflammation of the bladder;
  • exacerbation of chronic cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • bacteriuria in pregnant women;

It is also used as a prophylaxis before surgical interventions on the organs of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of children and pregnant women

Despite the fact that the drug is quite safe and effective in infectious diseases of the bladder, the question of the advisability of taking it at an early age and during pregnancy should be decided only by a doctor. In the case of treatment with Monural for a child from 5 to 12 years old, the dose should be reduced to 2 grams, and the drug can be taken only once. But children and pregnant women are prescribed this remedy very rarely, although it has few side effects. For some reason, girls and women who are expecting a baby, he does not help so well. Although there are many cases when Monural is successfully used even for pyelonephritis in pregnant women. Its advantage in this case is that it does not accumulate in the intestines, therefore it does not cause dysbacteriosis. And in case of inflammation in a child, the drug may be the best choice, as it acts quickly and, thanks to the sweet taste, is easily accepted by children.

The benefits of the drug

  • The course of treatment is only one day. It is enough to drink the medicine once, and in most cases the symptoms disappear. But this is the dream of every patient suffering from pain!
  • The effectiveness of the drug is explained by its high concentration in the urine and the direct effect on the focus of inflammation.
  • Unlike other antibacterial agents, Monural is active against all microorganisms that cause cystitis. Bacteria have not yet developed habituation to it.
  • The effectiveness of the drug is also explained by the fact that it not only destroys the cell wall of bacteria, but also prevents them from attaching to the walls of the bladder. Thus, infectious agents are excreted in the urine.
  • Since the drug does not linger in the gastrointestinal tract, it has few contraindications and side effects.

Contraindications and side effects of "Monural"

This drug is considered as harmless as possible, and doctors prescribe it even for pregnant women. But since it is still an antibacterial agent, sometimes it can cause side effects. Most often, these are allergic skin reactions with individual intolerance to the drug. Sometimes "Monural" can cause heartburn, diarrhea and vomiting. But this can be avoided by drinking more water so that the medicine leaves the stomach faster. "Monural" is called by many a real panacea for cystitis, but not everyone can drink it. So, the drug is contraindicated:

  • in acute and chronic renal failure, as it accumulates in the kidneys in high concentrations;
  • children under 5 years of age are not prescribed due to insufficient development of the urinary system;
  • "Monural" is not recommended during breastfeeding, as it penetrates into milk;
  • it is also undesirable to take the drug in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, since it is not known how it can affect the developing organs of the child.

Special instructions for taking the drug

It is difficult to find a remedy for effective treatment of cystitis. "Monural" is considered just such a drug, as it is active against most bacteria that cause inflammation of the bladder. But for it to work better, you need to follow some rules:

  • take the medicine on an empty stomach and preferably at bedtime;
  • it is advisable to empty the bladder before taking;
  • so that side effects do not occur, it is necessary to drink more water during treatment;
  • a few days before and after taking the drug, you can not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • it is advisable to take "Monural" immediately when the first symptoms appear;
  • It is also necessary to take into account the interaction of the drug with other drugs. For example, simultaneous reception with "Cerukal" reduces its effectiveness.

Cystitis is the most common disease of the urinary system. At the first sign of it, you should consult a doctor. Properly selected, timely treatment will avoid complications and the appearance of a chronic stage. Today, pharmaceuticals offer antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs, produced in various forms - tablets, parenteral injections and cystitis powder effectively help to cope with the disease.

The drug "Monural" - the best option

It should only be remembered that the uncontrolled use of drugs leads to the disappearance of symptoms, but the source of inflammation is not always eliminated. Following the recommendations prescribed by the doctor, the disease disappears in a week.

Advantages of powder form

Given the infectious nature of the disease, treatment is impossible without the use of antibiotics. Do not lose demand for drugs produced in powder form. Such a medicine, compared with tablets and vaccines, is more convenient to use. Completely soluble in warm water, it is better and faster absorbed by the body. At the same time, it is possible to avoid negative effects on the stomach. Powders intended for the treatment of cystitis have the ability to disinfect and kill infectious cells. All of them are available for free sale. But, like any medicine, you need to use such drugs only after being prescribed by a doctor, having passed the necessary examination, confirming the presence of bacteria and the inflammatory process.

Powder Monural

This is one of the most common means to get rid of diseases of the urinary system. The drug has passed clinical trials, has a sufficient number of positive reviews from leading foreign and domestic doctors. It has the necessary degree of safety with proper use, when dosages are observed.

Composition and form of release

Monural is available in powder form. The smallest white granules are packaged in multi-layer bags in the amount of 2 or 3 grams. The main component of the drug is fosfomycin (a derivative of phosphonic acid). It has the most effective action against gram-positive bacteria. The composition contains saccharin, sucrose, flavors (tangerine or orange).

Indications and contraindications

Monural is prescribed for diagnosing:

  • Acute bacterial cystitis
  • Bacteriuria in pregnant women
  • Urethritis
  • Bacterial urinary tract infections
  • Inflammation of the kidneys

Used to prevent complications after surgery.

There are a number of contraindications - renal failure, allergy to the components of the drug. For children under the age of five, Monural is not prescribed, because the filtration system of the kidneys is not yet sufficiently formed.

Side effects are possible, manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, expressed by reddening of the skin and itching.

The principle of action of the drug

Powder from cystitis has the property of being quickly absorbed into the blood, being present in the urine in sufficient concentration for a long time, it begins to destroy gram-negative microorganisms two hours after ingestion. The drug blocks the synthesis of proteins in the wall of a pathogenic bacterium, interfering with reproduction, which leads to cell death. The disease recedes quickly. The therapeutic effect is manifested after 48 hours.

The drug reduces the fixation of microorganisms to the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system, so that they are washed out with urine.

Application rules

The instruction prescribes taking the medicine two hours before meals. It is recommended to do this in the evening, dissolving the powder in 75 ml of warm water. In case of insufficient effectiveness of a single dose, repeat the course in a day.

Should be taken 2 hours before meals

It is necessary to consult a doctor who will select the required dosage. As a rule, it is 3 g for an adult and 2 g for a child.

Monural for pregnant women

Women in the period of expectation of a child are quite often prone to cystitis. Monural in this case has a lot of advantages compared to other antibacterial drugs - it does not have a harmful effect on the fetus, has practically no contraindications, and is well tolerated. For treatment, a single dose is sufficient, while the course of using other antibacterial agents is up to two weeks.

Nevertheless, Monural is prescribed to pregnant women only when absolutely necessary, because of the possible risk of penetration of the drug through the placenta. In the later stages, the doctor may prescribe a powder for cystitis on an individual basis.


The advantage of this drug is a long therapeutic effect, lasting for two weeks. Furagin destroys microorganisms with gram-negative and gram-positive properties. An important advantage is the ability to act on bacteria resistant to other antibiotics.

An important advantage is the ability to act on bacteria resistant to other antibiotics.

In the treatment of cystitis, the components of the drug have a selective effect on the bacteria that provoke the inflammatory process. Therefore, long-term use eliminates the risk of dysbacteriosis.

Take three times a day after meals with plenty of water.

Furagin is contraindicated in people with pathology of the liver, kidneys in the acute stage, children under one year old.

Only a doctor can prescribe a medicine after establishing the infectious nature of the disease.

Methylthioninium chloride

A powder with strong antiseptic properties, the action of which is also aimed at restoring damaged tissues. A special feature of the drug is its blue color, due to which, once in the bladder, it gives the appropriate color to its contents. This allows you to use the drug to examine the performance of the kidneys.

It is used for any inflammation of the genitourinary system, pyoderma, in case of poisoning with carbon monoxide, nitrites. From cystitis, the powder is prescribed 0.1 g per dose.

In case of violation of dosages, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, bladder can be observed. Methylthioninium chloride is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to it, pregnant women.


Antimicrobial agent, characterized by a combination of low cost and high efficiency. The drug successfully copes with microbes that provoke cystitis and other inflammatory processes. Affects pathogenic cells selectively, without touching the beneficial microflora. It has a destructive effect on protein synthesis, causing the death of harmful cells. Due to this property, the powder is often prescribed for the treatment of urethritis, pyelonephritis. Taking the drug has a positive effect on all organs of the genitourinary system. Furadonin treats the urethra before surgery.

The drug "Furadonin"

The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor individually in accordance with the characteristics of the course of the disease. According to the instructions, it is recommended to take the drug 4 times a day, 100 mg. Children are prescribed at the rate of 5 mg per kilogram of the baby's weight. The resulting dosage is divided into three doses.

2 hours after taking the medicine, the patient begins to notice an improvement in well-being. The course lasts one week, in advanced cases it drags on for two. The appearance of the first signs of improvement in the patient's condition is not a reason to abandon the treatment started. An incomplete course can lead to the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. Given that the drug may include elements that are dangerous to the health of the patient, you cannot independently violate the dosages prescribed by the doctor.

Side effects:

  1. A decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood leads to the development of anemia.
  2. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and diarrhea.
  3. allergic reactions
  4. Dizziness, drowsiness, sometimes there is peripheral neuropathy.
  5. The appearance of pain in the chest, cough, shortness of breath.
  6. Increase in body temperature.

If any of the above symptoms are detected, further use of the drug should be discontinued.

How will powder from cystitis help? Inflammatory processes in the bladder area, or cystitis, are not at all a rare occurrence. According to medical statistics, almost half of the world's population suffers from it. The disease primarily affects women, and this happens for the simple reason that, unlike the male genitourinary system, the female one has a shorter and wider urethra.

What is the treatment for cystitis?

Such a specific structure largely helps various harmful organisms to rise into the organ of the bladder and create conditions for the onset of the inflammatory process. When a problem arises, the main issue is the treatment of the disease. In many ways, therapy is prescribed depending on the factor that caused the inflammation.

The disease in medicine is precisely called primary acute cystitis. The primary manifestation is not accompanied by any other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. The disease has a pronounced symptomatology. The acute form of the disease is treated with effective antibacterial drugs. As a rule, this is:

  • pills;
  • antibiotics for cystitis;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • special powder for cystitis.

The medication must be taken as prescribed by the attending physician. If all the recommendations are followed correctly, successful treatment can be completed in 7-10 days, and with a very positive effect, recovery can occur after 5 days of treatment.

The most important thing is that at the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor, do not delay the trip to the clinic until the disease takes complicated forms. The doctor will prescribe a therapeutic course, and after its completion, he will definitely take additional tests to make sure that there are no signs of the disease.

This is very important, because the uncontrolled use of drugs can suppress the symptoms of the disease, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate the source of inflammation. Often later, new problems and relapses of an already seemingly withered disease arise. And these relapses are very severe.

At this stage of treatment, an integrated approach will be required, since, having only antibiotics on hand for cystitis, it is impossible to defeat the sore. As new procedures, an infrared laser and therapeutic powders for cystitis disease are used, which have become a very effective remedy.

Furagin and his possibilities

There are several types of medicated powder needed to be used for the symptoms of cystitis. The first is a drug called Furagin, a soluble powder.

The drug is used in the following cases:

  1. Sepsis, that is, infection of the blood with harmful particles from a source of purulent inflammation.
  2. Purulent infection.
  3. In the presence of pneumonia.
  4. Inflammation in the urethra.
  5. Anaerobic infection, meaning bacterial infection.

With cystitis, Furagin has a very long-lasting effect. Once in the body, it can have a therapeutic effect for another two weeks.

The main positive quality of the drug is that, when exposed to areas of inflammation, it well destroys bacteria that have gram-negative and gram-positive properties. The drug also affects microorganisms that are resistant to various antibiotics and sulfate substances.

The drug is taken 2-3 times a day after eating. One norm is 0.1 or 0.2 g of soluble powder. For children, the daily dose of the drug can be from 0.2 to 0.7 g per 1 kg of the child's weight.

When carrying out medical and diagnostic sanitation, the course of treatment increases accordingly. But then a break is needed to avoid the possible addiction of the body to the drug. Therapeutic therapy lasts about a week, after which you need to take a break. The standard break lasts 10-15 days, after which the course of treatment should be continued.

Furagin cystitis powder, when taken into the body, can cause side effects, which are expressed in headaches, attacks of nausea and vomiting, incomprehensible tinnitus. The medicine purchased by prescription must be accompanied by instructions for use, which will indicate how often you can drink this powder and in what doses. The instructions must be read, since the above description of the properties and method of taking the drug is simplified.

The instructions will indicate specific contraindications to the use of the drug. Furagin is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and lactation, people with an increased perception of drugs.

General information about Monural

A very strong and effective remedy for cystitis is Monural. The drug contains a substance called fosfomycin. It is a derivative of phosphonic acid. Fosfomycin has a very strong effect on gram-positive bacteria.

Monural with cystitis can also be used to treat other sores, the indications for the use of this drug are as follows:

  1. The presence of an acute form of the disease bacterial cystitis.
  2. Recurrent, acute forms of bacterial cystitis.
  3. The manifestation of bacteriuria in women who are in the stage of pregnancy, without any symptoms.
  4. Nonspecific form of urethritis.
  5. Prevention of harmful infectious lesions of the urinary system.
  6. Infections of the genitourinary system of bacterial origin usually occur in the postoperative period.

Powder from cystitis Monural has a huge spectrum of action, which, in turn, guarantees a high demand for it among the population and popularity among physicians. When there is cystitis, Monural quickly helps even with fairly severe cases of inflammation.

Having bought a medicine for cystitis Monural, you need to consult a doctor and ask how to take Monural. The doctor will give prescriptions for admission, but most often the method looks like this:

  • before drinking Monural, it is necessary to dissolve the powdered agent in a third of a glass of clean water;
  • the drug is always taken only on an empty stomach 1 time per day, usually in the evening before bedtime or 2 hours before the last meal;
  • before using the powder, you need to go to the toilet and empty the urethra.

For adults, the standard dosage is 3 g per day. The doctor may recommend increasing the dose, but it depends on how Monural works. Elderly patients are admitted. In the case of an advanced phase of inflammation, doctors often prescribe additional dosages.

Pediatricians in the treatment usually practice two-gram doses for children, but only over 5 years. Patients with any kidney problems need to either reduce the dose or increase the interval between taking the drug. The drug is not allowed to be taken by children under 5 years of age and persons with an allergic reaction. Monural with cystitis is considered the best drug.

Methylthioninium chloride

Another powder for cystitis is a remedy called Methylthioninium chloride. Its action lies in the fact that it has a very strong antiseptic effect, has oxidative capabilities and restores damaged tissues.

The agent has well-defined antidote capabilities in relation to the substance aniline and hydrocyanic acid. The drug is used for the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation in the urinary tract.
  2. In the presence of pyoderma.
  3. When painful burns appear.
  4. With possible poisoning with carbon monoxide, cyanide compounds or nitrites.

This powder for cystitis is used as prescribed by the attending physician in the following cases:

  1. In the presence of cystitis, methylene is applied externally in the form of a 1% or 3% alcohol solution. This is how it is used for deep cystitis.
  2. With signs of poisoning with carbon monoxide compounds, the substance is injected into the body intravenously in 50 or 100 ml.
  3. In case of poisoning by means of nitrates, 0.15 ml of a solution is injected into the body into the veins.

The drug has side effects, which are manifested in the form of a decrease in appetite, periodic nausea, accompanying vomiting, pain in the abdomen. Possible psychological discomfort, pain in the area of ​​the bladder and sometimes allergic reflexes. The drug should not be used by people with an organism that is too sensitive to the drug, the drug is completely contraindicated in pregnant women, as well as during lactation.

The drug has one feature - it is blue. This means that, getting into the urine, it stains the contents of the bladder in a bluish tint, which is a very rare occurrence in medical practice. Therefore, this powder is also called methylene blue. For this reason, it is very often used to examine the performance of the kidneys.

This remedy should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following all recommendations and prescribed doses. The powder is sold in a well-packed container, which protects the agent itself from the ingress of light harmful to the substance, then it should be stored only in a place protected from light.

The possibility of using Furadonin

The drug Furadonin is another powdered drug that the attending physician can recommend to the patient. This drug has many advantages, the most tangible of which is that it is cheap and at the same time very effective.

Price times performance is an important incentive to buy it. It is an antimicrobial substance that is often listed as an antibiotic. The drug destroys microbes that enter the body and lead destructive activities there. These are the same organisms that eventually provoke cystitis. This happens by destroying the protein synthesis that is vital for the harmful cell.

Furandonin belongs to the nitrofuran group of drugs. It is used in the presence of the following inflammatory processes:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Urethritis.
  3. Pyelonephritis.

In addition, it is used for prophylactic treatment of the urethra before surgical intervention in the urinary tract.

The scheme of ongoing therapy is selected on an individual basis for each patient individually. The standard instructions for use dictate that it is necessary to use 1-2 tablets at a time. In the total mass, this is about 150 g per dose. It is necessary to use this remedy 3-4 times a day.

The treatment course usually lasts a week, and in some cases it drags on for two. The drug is taken in a simple way, washed down with water. The sooner treatment with Furadonin begins, the more success can be achieved in treatment.

The medicine Monural contains in its composition 3.754 or 5.631 grams fosfomycin trometamol (which corresponds to 2 or 3 grams fosfomycin ), as well as flavor (tangerine and orange), sucrose and saccharin.

Release form

Granules for the preparation of oral solution, packaged in 2 and 3 g bags of laminated paper, 1 or 2 bags in a pack.

pharmachologic effect

Has a wide spectrum antimicrobial activity , renders bactericidal action .

Suppresses the process of synthesis of the bacterial cell wall (in particular, its first stage).

specific action fosfomycin manifested in its ability to inactivate enolpyruvil transferase, which ensures the absence of cross-drug resistance and excludes the possibility of synergism with other antimicrobial agents (in vitro there is synergism with pipemidic acid, cephalexin , ).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Monural is an antibiotic or not?

The action of the active substance of the drug is aimed at the destruction and prevention of further reproduction of bacteria that are the causative agents of UTIs. Therefore, the agent is an antibiotic.

Description of the drug Monural

The antibiotic Monural is produced in the form of characteristically smelling white granules. As an active substance, the preparation includes a derivative of phosphonic acid - fosfomycin . Being a structural analogue phosphoenol pyruvate , the substance is active against most Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria.


The antibacterial activity of the drug in vitro includes most of the usual Gram (+) microorganisms: enterococci (including fecal), staphylococci (including golden and saprophytic).

Gram (-) pathogens are also sensitive to the action of the drug: citrobacter , enterobacteria , Klebsiella (including Klebsiella pneumonia), proteus mirabilis , morganella morgani , serrations , pseudomonas .

In vitro, the agent reduces the adhesion (sticking) of a number of microorganisms on the urothelium.


When ingested from the digestive tract, it is rapidly absorbed. Breaks down in the body into trometamol (the substance does not have antibacterial activity) and fosfomycin .

The bioavailability of a single dose of Monural 3 g can vary from 34 to 65%. TCmax 2-2.5 hours, Cmax is in the range of 22-32 μg / ml. T1 / 2 - 4 hours

Fosfomycin is in a state not associated with plasma proteins, is not metabolized, accumulates mainly in the urine.

With a single dose of 3 g of the drug in the urine, a high concentration is created (from 1.053 to 4.415 g / l), which is 99% bactericidal for most UTI pathogens.

IPC fosfomycin for these pathogens - 128 mg / l. In the urine, it is maintained for 24-48 hours, which implies a single-dose course of treatment. Excreted by the kidneys (unchanged). From 18 to 28% of the dose taken unchanged is excreted in the feces.

Indications for use

Drugs such as Fosfomycin and Monural, are used to treat acute attacks bacterial cystitis (including recurrent) bacterial nonspecific urethritis , asymptomatic massive bacteriuria (including in pregnant women), postoperative UTIs.

For prophylactic purposes, they are prescribed for transurethral diagnostic studies and surgical intervention.

Treatment of cystitis with antibiotics

Which is better: Monural or Nolicin?

- This quinolone bacterial agent with a wide spectrum of activity, which is used to treat infectious diseases of the upper and lower urinary tract (complicated or uncomplicated, occurring in acute or chronic form).

The indications for its use are pyelitis , pyelonephritis , cystitis , chronic prostatitis infectious diseases associated with urological operations, neurogenic bladder , and nephrolithiasis caused by sensitive to (active substance Nolicina ) pathogens.

A course of treatment Norfloxacin lasts - depending on the severity of the patient's condition and the nature of the course of the disease - from 3-5 days (with uncomplicated cystitis) to several weeks (with chronic form of bacterial prostatitis ).

Unlike Monural, Nolicin cannot be used in pediatrics and in pregnant women.

Monural and alcohol

During treatment with the drug, alcohol is contraindicated.

Monural during pregnancy and breastfeeding

According to the instructions, during pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible if necessary.

The drug is used exclusively in urological practice, which eliminates the occurrence of cross-resistance with other antibiotics, meets safety criteria, has proven microbiological efficacy and, in addition, has good pharmacokinetic parameters.

Despite the fact that animal studies have not shown that the drug can cause harm to the fetus, it should be remembered that even safe medications are undesirable in the early stages.

In the 2nd trimester and in the 3rd trimester, the medicine is taken according to the standard scheme: 1 sachet of 3 g and then another one - a day after the first dose.

Aching pain in the abdomen, pain and - this is how most people describe the first signs of cystitis and are mistaken.

In fact, the disease is insidious and can proceed in a latent form for more than 3 months, affecting the mucous membrane and deeper layers of the bladder. And the above symptoms can already serve as the beginning of serious complications.

At this stage, the patient is required. Medicines for the treatment of cystitis are available, injections, tablets and powders. Powder is considered the most effective remedy for cystitis. Why you should choose them, you will learn from our article.

Advantages of powders over tablets

To understand what is the main difference between powder and tablets, let's consider the mechanism of its effect on the pathogenic microflora.

After taking the powder, it is absorbed instantly, and after a couple of hours, its maximum concentration accumulates in the urine, which allows it to fight bacteria. On the third day, the drug is excreted from the body.

They operate on a different principle. They are absorbed into the lymphatic channels for about 3-4 hours. Then the active substance is adsorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, spreads through the vessels and fights microorganisms.

Thus, a number of advantages of powder in comparison with tablets can be distinguished:

  1. Does not cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because. does not get on the mucous membranes of the stomach.
  2. Absorbs quickly and acts instantly.
  3. Neutralizes pathogens of cystitis, settling directly on the walls of the bladder.
  4. It enhances the therapeutic effect due to the additional intake of water necessary to dissolve the powder.
  5. Possibility of fractional dosage and mixing with other components.
  6. Relatively low price.

Popular medicines

There are many medicines for cystitis in powder form. Most often - these are antibiotics, less often - sulphenylamides or. The most popular among them are Sulfacyl sodium and, as well as several similar drugs, which we will consider in the next chapter.

Monural powder is a drug based on a broad-spectrum antibiotic fosfamycin. The effectiveness of the drug lies in the neutralization of the pyruvyl transferase enzyme, without which not a single bacterial wall can be built. Sprayed on the surface of cells, fosfamycin also prevents the attachment of pathogenic microflora to them.

The drug does not bind to blood plasma proteins, therefore it can be used according to indications by pregnant women and children from 5 years of age.

To relieve the acute phase of cystitis, it is enough to take the powder once in a three-gram dose. After two hours, the agent will accumulate in the urinary system and begin to act. The effectiveness of Monural is also explained by the small number of bacteria that are resistant to it (1% of the total). The drug is excreted from the body on the 4th day and is used in the prevention of urogenital diseases.

Sulfacyl sodium

The drug is a water-soluble powder. It belongs to the group of sulfonamides, which, unlike antibiotics, do not destroy bacteria, but stop their growth. Due to the low cost, this medicine was previously used everywhere. It is used as an auxiliary drug for a week in a sachet three times a day.

Other effective means

Powder products are used not only inside, but also for washing the bladder. In severe cases, several drugs may be prescribed at the same time: one is the main and the second is supportive. Monural is an effective medicine, but not everyone can afford it. Therefore, it is useful to know that there are inexpensive analogues with the same effect, but with a longer adsorption period.


At the heart of the drug -. Unlike Monural, the maximum concentration is reached only after a three-fold application, so its effect on the body occurs only on the second day. It is effective against gram-negative bacteria, but has a weak effect on anaerobic microorganisms. The drug is taken every 8 hours at a dosage of 4g / day.


Cephalosporin antibiotic powder, effective against. It is evenly distributed in all organs. Partially binds to blood plasma proteins, therefore it is not recommended for pregnant women and children. It has a destructive effect on most gram-positive bacteria. It is quickly excreted from the body. Reception schedule 1.5 g - 2 times a day.

Combined remedy based on Aoxicillin and Sulbactam. Active antibiotics are quickly absorbed and spread not only through tissues, but also through biological fluids.

In combination, both antibiotics inhibit the synthesis of the protein wall and effectively affect most gram-positive microbes.

Rare in cystitis, usually when other drugs are prohibited. For example, people who do not tolerate nitrofurans. Dosage for adults - 1 g twice a day.


Refers to semi-synthetic penicillins. It has a detrimental effect on bacteria in the stage of their active growth. With repeated use, resistance of microorganisms to the penicillin series is observed. It has many side effects, is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Before use, it is necessary to pass a urine culture and find out the causative agent of the disease. If this is not E. coli, then taking the drug can aggravate the course of the disease.

Scheme of taking the remedy - 4 times a day, 1 tsp.

Principles of treatment of the disease

Treatment of cystitis should begin with identifying the causes that caused it. The causative agents are most often Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasma and ureaplasma. Acute cystitis is quickly removed with the help of the above drugs. already requires a different approach and is subject to the following principles:

  1. Complex use of drugs. Etiological treatment involves 7-day therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics. After that, nitrofurans are prescribed for a course of up to six months.
  2. Local treatment. Pathogenic therapy is aimed at eliminating hormonal and immune failures, correcting the hygiene of the genital organs. Physical therapy is carried out and. Also widely used solutions of silver nitrate or heparin.
  3. Eliminate the source of inflammation and strengthen immunity. In the presence of concomitant diseases, they are also treated, while prescribing immunomodulatory drugs;
  4. Administration of antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve severe pain.
  5. The use of serious medications, medical procedures and surgery. In chronic inflammation, difficult to treat, physiotherapy and novocaine blockade are carried out. A shrinkage of the bladder may require surgery.

Summarize. Why are powders most effective in treating cystitis? They are rapidly adsorbed, do not cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and are effective against most bacteria. Some drugs, such as Monural, help for a long time in just one dose.

But do not forget that they are not a panacea and with prolonged use of the same drug, its effect worsens. Therefore, it is advisable to re-treat with analogues of drugs based on different active antibiotics.

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