Nutrition for stage 1 bladder cancer. Nutrition for bladder cancer - Traditional methods of cancer treatment. Video: foods that are good for the bladder

The diet for bladder cancer is designed to strengthen and support the patient's immune system. We will reveal its main points in our article.

Principles of nutrition in bladder cancer

The daily menu should include vegetables, fruits and berries. A complete rejection of carbonated drinks, alcohol and cigarettes is recommended. A severe restriction is imposed on spicy, salty, spicy, fried and fatty foods. Red meats and mushrooms can be included in the menu very rarely. From the diet it is necessary to completely exclude any products with artificial additives and preservatives.

Diet after bladder surgery

A couple of days after the operation, the patient can eat only with the help of intravenous infusions. Drinking begins to be given from the second day (before that, the patient is only wiped with damp cotton wool). With the restoration of intestinal motility, dietary low-fat meals are introduced, offering the patient small portions of food (this can be grated low-fat cottage cheese, liquid broth with pureed chicken meat or fish, etc.). From the fifth day, in most cases, it is already possible to introduce steam cutlets, boiled cereals and other light dishes. On the tenth day, specific restrictions are removed - the patient can eat any food that is not prohibited by the preoperative diet.

Nutrition for bladder cancer during chemotherapy

In the absence of problems with the digestive organs, the patient's diet should contain the following food groups.

Protein group of products:

  • nuts
  • Legumes
  • Liver, as well as lean meats, fish and poultry (120-180 g per day)

Dairy product group:

  • Any dairy products
  • Dairy products (regular or fortified with bifidobacteria)

Products from this group should be consumed at least twice a day.

Fruit and vegetable group of products:

  • Raw and cooked vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, eggplant, beets, sweet peppers, carrots, etc.)
  • Fruits and berries rich in vitamin C (citruses, apples, currants, etc.)
  • Salads from vegetables and fruits
  • Dried fruits

Plant foods, especially during the period of drug administration, are recommended to be eaten 3-4 times a day.

Bread and cereal group of products:

  • Bakery products
  • Any cereals
  • Grains and seeds
  • germinated cereals

This group of products should be included in the diet 4 times a day.


  • Butter
  • Vegetable oils
  • Sour cream and cream
  • homemade mayonnaise

Diet for Bladder Cancer During Radiation Therapy

During radiation therapy for bladder cancer, neighboring organs are also irradiated, and the intestines are most affected. During this period, you need to give up any rough food, and to restore the microflora, it is recommended to take eubiotics. You can eat only easily digestible food.

The diet for bladder cancer has no specific differences from other diets recommended for oncology. However, it still doesn’t hurt to consult a doctor about proper nutrition.

A cancer patient must adhere to certain principles in nutrition.

They include the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, the complete rejection of alcohol, the restriction of spicy, salty, spicy and fatty foods, the exclusion of carbonated drinks, foods with preservatives and food coloring, limiting the consumption of red meat (no more than 2 times a week), mushrooms, fried and smoked foods.

Nutrition after surgery

In the first two days after surgery, nutrition is usually in the form of intravenous infusions (droppers). This is due to the gradual restoration of intestinal motility and its ability to promote the food bolus. The first discharge of gases testifies to the restoration of the work of the intestines.

After that, eating in small portions begins. It is better to start with a liquid broth with mashed chicken or fish, low-fat cottage cheese. With good assimilation of food on the 5-7th day, you can start eating boiled cereals, steam cutlets, etc. By the tenth day after surgery, the usual dietary restrictions are lifted.

To reduce thirst on the first day, moisten the lips with damp cotton. Drinking in small quantities starts from the second day.

Diet during chemotherapy and after treatment

In the absence of diseases of the digestive system, the diet of a patient with bladder cancer should contain the following food groups.

The protein group includes nuts, legumes, eggs, fish, lean meats, and liver. They contain B vitamins and iron. It is advisable to consume at least 120-180 g of meat, fish, poultry, etc. per day. This is very important for immunity.

The dairy group includes various dairy products, but those enriched with bifidobacteria are the most useful. It is necessary to consume them twice a day, as they contain valuable protein and calcium.

The fruit and vegetable group includes raw and boiled vegetables, salads and fruits, juices and dried fruits. On the days of the introduction of anticancer drugs, it is desirable to take at least three or four doses of them per day (citrus fruits, apples and other fruits with vitamin C; zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, sweet peppers, beets, carrots, greens).

Bread and cereals group provides the body with carbohydrates and B vitamins, fiber. It is desirable to take them four times a day.

It is also necessary to add butter, vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise to increase the calorie content of food.

Daily intake of multivitamins with trace elements (periodic courses).

During chemotherapy, fluid intake should be increased, juices are especially useful.

diet for radiation therapy

Since radiation therapy for bladder cancer “in passing” irradiates neighboring organs, especially the intestines, inflammatory processes occur in them. Therefore, during the period of radiation therapy, one should refuse roughage (fruits, vegetables, etc.), take eubiotics to restore the intestinal microflora and eat easily digestible food.

For cancer patients, proper nutrition is of paramount importance, as it helps maintain immunity, gives strength to recover and maintain performance.

A cancer patient must adhere to certain principles in nutrition.

They include the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, the complete rejection of alcohol, the restriction of spicy, salty, spicy and fatty foods, the exclusion of carbonated drinks, foods with preservatives and food coloring, limiting the consumption of red meat (no more than 2 times a week), mushrooms, fried and smoked foods.

Nutrition after surgery

In the first two days after surgery, nutrition is usually in the form of intravenous infusions (droppers). This is due to the gradual restoration of intestinal motility and its ability to promote the food bolus. The first discharge of gases testifies to the resumption of the work of the intestines.

After that, eating in small portions begins. It is better to start with a liquid broth with pureed chicken or fish, low-fat cheese. With good assimilation of food on the 5-7th day, you can start eating boiled cereals, steam cutlets, etc. By the tenth day after surgery, the usual dietary restrictions are lifted.

To reduce thirst on the first day, moisten the lips with damp cotton. Drinking in small quantities starts from the second day.

Diet during chemotherapy and after treatment

In the absence of diseases of the digestive system, the diet of a patient with bladder cancer should contain the following food groups.

The protein group includes nuts, legumes, eggs, fish, lean meats, and liver. They contain B vitamins and iron. It is advisable to consume at least 120-180 g of meat, fish, poultry, etc. per day. This is very important for immunity.

The dairy group includes various dairy products, but those enriched with bifidobacteria are the most useful. It is necessary to take them twice a day, as they contain valuable protein and calcium.

The fruit and vegetable group includes raw and boiled vegetables, salads and fruits, juices and dried fruits. On the days of the introduction of anticancer drugs, it is desirable to take at least three or four doses of them per day (citrus fruits, apples and other fruits with vitamin C; zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, sweet peppers, beets, carrots, greens).

Bread and cereals group provides the body with carbohydrates and B vitamins, fiber. The desired four-time intake of them per day.

It is also necessary to add butter, vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise to increase the calorie content of food.

Daily intake of multivitamins with trace elements (periodic courses).

During chemotherapy, fluid intake should be increased, juices are especially useful.

diet for radiation therapy

Since radiation therapy for bladder cancer "in passing" irradiates neighboring organs, especially the intestines, they have inflammatory processes. Therefore, during the period of radiation therapy, one should refuse roughage (fruits, vegetables, etc.), take eubiotics to restore the intestinal microflora and easily digestible food.

Among all the organs of the genitourinary system of the male body, the bladder is most often subject to any lesions. Bladder cancer in men is caused by the growth of foreign cells at an unnatural pace. It can be treated quite easily, for this only early diagnosis of the pathology is necessary.

General information

Bladder cancer is a pathology associated with the development of a malignant formation on the walls of the organ. The development of pathology begins in the layer of the epithelium that lines the organ inside. As a rule, it is possible to detect a tumor before it grows into the muscle layer. In addition to the bladder, metastases of a malignant tumor can penetrate into other organs. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment immediately after the discovery of a neoplasm.

Malignant tumors of the bladder are a disease of the elderly. Among all cases of cancer, urinary malignancy occupies the 5th position. And there is a sharp border of incidence by gender. It is 4 times more common in men than in women. The average age limit for the incidence of cancer is 60 years, but every year this limit rises.


Depending on which cells are affected by the neoplasm, the disease is divided into the following types:

  • Malignant formation of the transitional cell class. 90% of all diseases are due to him.
  • Tumor of the squamous cell class. It ranks second in frequency of occurrence. The main cause of development is chronic cystitis.
  • Adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, carcinoma, and others are quite rare, but it is not recommended to completely exclude them when making a diagnosis.

Causes and factors

In men who have a bad habit of smoking, the risk of developing bladder cancer is greatly increased.

Scientists and doctors are still working on identifying the main causes that cause the development of cancer cells. To date, factors that increase the risk of developing oncology have been identified. They are as follows:

  • Smoking. This bad habit is in the first place among the factors predisposing to the development of malignant tumors. Cigarette smoke contains a large amount of chemicals that are processed and deposited in the urine. Thus, they act on the mucous layer of the bladder.
  • Industrial hazard. Continuous work with chemicals: dye, solvent, aniline and others.
  • Chronic course of diseases of the urinary tract: cystitis, schistosomiasis, urolithiasis.
  • Radiotherapy. Radiation exposure during the treatment of the pelvic organs can provoke the growth of malignant cells in the bladder.
  • Heredity. This factor is not the main one, but it cannot be completely excluded. The hereditary transmission of genes can create a genetic predisposition to malignancy.

Stages of the disease

The development of the stage of bladder cancer depends on the depth of the malignant process:

  • Zero stage. At this stage, cancer cells can be detected directly in the bladder, there is still no penetration into the walls of the organ. The prognosis of positive treatment is 100% with timely diagnosis and elimination of predisposing factors.
  • 1 stage. The lesion affects the mucous membrane. Symptoms may be absent. Cells grow rapidly. With timely diagnosis, the chances of recovery are great.
  • 2 stage. A malignant formation passes into the muscle layer, but there is still no complete germination. The chance of recovery is about 60%. There are two phases of development stage 2:
    • 2A. The inner layer of muscles is affected, cells grow within them.
    • 2 B. The outer muscle layer is affected.
  • 3 stage. Ingrown into the surface layer occurs and the fatty membrane is affected. The probability of stopping the growth of cancer cells is 20%. There are 2 sub-stages:
    • 3A. Cancer cells have grown into the surface layer, but they can only be detected under a microscope.
    • 3 B. Neoplasm is visible on the outer wall of the organ.
  • 4 stage. The last, hard stage. The neoplasm affects neighboring organs, grows into the lymph nodes, affects the pelvic bones. The patient has severe pain, blood in the urine. It is impossible to achieve a positive result with damage to internal organs. Treatment is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition.

Cancer Symptoms

Cancer neoplasms are characterized by the fact that at the initial stages they do not show their signs in any way.

Stage 1 bladder cancer may have no characteristic features. An important point in such a situation is listening to a person to his feelings. Any changes in daily processes are important (for example, discomfort during urination) and become the basis for instrumental diagnostics.

In the case when oncology passes the first stages of development, specific and nonspecific symptoms of bladder cancer appear. Specific (local) features include:

  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • sensation of a full bubble (not completely emptied);
  • pain on palpation of the lower abdomen;
  • blood in the urine.

General signs:

  • prostration;
  • general weakness;
  • weight loss (especially in a short period of time).

Diagnosis of bladder cancer in men

Since the symptoms of the disease in the initial stages of development may be absent, with the slightest change in general well-being, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The first place in the diagnosis is occupied by laboratory and instrumental methods. Diagnosis of bladder cancer is impossible without the following procedures:

  • General urine analysis. It is checked for the presence of blood, leukocytes and proteins, which indicates an inflammatory process.
  • Biochemical blood test for tumor markers.
  • Urine cytology. Using a microscope, urine is checked for the presence of cancer cells.
  • ultrasound. The fastest and easiest research method. It is used for initial and repeated examinations. This method allows you to consider the localization of the neoplasm on the surface walls of the organ and inside.
  • Cytoscopy. Examination of the internal surface of an organ is an effective method for diagnosis and further treatment. A cystoscope is inserted through the urethra into the bladder. A camera is attached to the end of the device, which shows a clear picture of what is happening. When neoplasms are detected, the material is taken for a biopsy.
  • Biopsy. A histological examination of the bladder tissue is carried out. The method allows you to confirm (refute) the diagnosis with high accuracy and establish the type of cancer.
  • CT. X-rays help to scan completely examined organs.

The complex use of diagnostic methods provides the maximum information that is necessary for establishing a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Conservative therapy

If, after the diagnosis, the localization of cancer cells in the mucosa is confirmed, the neoplasm is considered superficial. Then the treatment of bladder cancer in men is carried out in a non-surgical way. Conservative treatment is carried out at stages 0 and 1 of the disease, until characteristic symptoms appear. Conservative treatment includes: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy.

Chemotherapy, as a method of conservative treatment, is designed to stop the growth of cancer cells or eliminate them.

Previously, this method of conservative treatment was considered ineffective, and was carried out only as an auxiliary. Recently, about 15 chemotherapy drugs have been developed that have a positive effect (Cisplatin, Adriamycin, Vinblasin and others). Medicines are administered both directly into the organ, the lymphatic system, and intra-arterially. Intravesical chemotherapy is used after surgery. There is a high risk of side effects.

Radiation therapy

As an independent treatment, it is used extremely rarely. Radiation therapy for bladder cancer is used when surgery is not possible. Much less often it is used for preventive purposes. After radiation therapy, the neoplasm decreases in size, it is easier to carry out surgery.


Intracavitary administration of immunomodulators is used: BCG vaccine and Interferon. Effective in the early stages of the disease. The absence of resumption of the development of pathology after therapy reaches 70%. The higher the stage of pathology, the lower the effectiveness of therapy. Immunotherapy is contraindicated in patients with any active form of tuberculosis.

Trichopol in the treatment of cancer

This complex method is based on the biochemical theory of cancer, which is being explored by scientists around the world. It says that cancer cells are caused by Trichomonas fungi. During treatment, specialists pay attention to the neoplasm itself, but no one deals with a fungal infection. Scientists are convinced that it is the use of the Trichopol medicine, together with the acidic environment created in the body, that will help get rid of cancer cells forever.

Scientists are convinced that cancer cells are caused by Trichomonas fungi, so the use of the drug "Trichopolum" is effective.

Such treatment can be attributed, most likely, to traditional medicine. Doctors have proven that this drug does not cure fungal diseases. And multiple studies have shown that cancer cells are mutated native cells of the body. This leads to the conclusion that the use of metronidazole in the treatment of malignant neoplasms is ineffective.

Cancer operation

As a rule, the treatment of a malignant neoplasm that has arisen in the wall of an organ, on its mucous membrane, is approached in a complex manner. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Which operation will be performed to remove the bladder in men depends on the degree of development of the malignant process. In modern medical practice, the following types of operations are used:

  • Transurethral resection. Used for small neoplasms. The affected area of ​​the organ is removed, neighboring tissues are cauterized with a laser.
  • Partial cystectomy. With a progressive disease, but in the absence of metastases, partial removal of the organ along with the affected area is used.
  • radical cystectomy. A deep tissue resection is supposed. The use of the operation is used in the case when metastases are found in the bladder or the disease is running. The operation is difficult, the probability of large blood loss is high.
  • Reconstruction. The bladder is completely removed. The task of doctors after removal of the bladder for cancer is to create a natural urine diversion: an artificial reservoir, urostomy.

Which type of bladder surgery will be chosen depends only on the diagnosis. So that time is not lost, it must be timely.

To defeat an oncological disease, it is necessary not only to seek medical help on time, but also to spend vitality on fighting the disease. It is very important for oncology of the bladder to eat right, get energy from food, as well as the necessary vitamins, nutrients and trace elements.

is a very dangerous disease. In order for the therapy to be successful, it is important to detect and eliminate the tumor as early as possible, as well as follow all the doctor's recommendations during rehabilitation. This also applies to the right approach to nutrition. At an early stage in the development of the disease, the diet will save energy to fight bladder cancer and maintain a person's performance. In the advanced stages of a malignant neoplasm, during radiation, chemical therapy or after surgery, the right diet will help increase immunity and restore the functional state of the organs.

Adhering to a special diet is vital. First of all, it is worth giving up a large amount of protein foods. In oncology, the daily dose of protein should be no more than 150 grams. It is better to give preference to rabbit or chicken meat, such a product is easily digestible, does not contain cholesterol and other harmful substances. Periodically, you can replace meat dishes with fish, add eggs, especially protein.

Cancer patients are advised to include fiber in their diet, which is found in vegetables and fruits. It is good to add lycopene to the diet for RMP, it is found in tomatoes, grapefruits and watermelon pulp. You can add a few tomatoes to your daily diet, drink fresh grapefruit.

With RMP, food is best consumed boiled or steamed. From smoked, fried foods it is better to completely refuse. Bread is allowed from wholemeal flour or whole grains.

Overeating is the worst enemy of good health in cancer patients. The body spends a lot of strength and energy to fight the disease, so food should replenish energy costs, and not take them away. Break the daily ration into 5-6 doses, i.e. food should be fractional, in small portions.

In the postoperative period

The first day after removal of the tumor, the operated patient receives all the necessary trace elements through a dropper. The desire to drink is satisfied only by wetting the lips with a cotton swab dipped in water with lemon. Full drinking is allowed only on the second day.

If the patient feels well after the operation, certain foods are allowed on the third day. First, non-fat dishes are offered, such as grated cottage cheese, slimy porridges, vegetable and chicken broths. Only on the fifth day, steamed meat dishes are introduced in a small amount.

You can eat the same as before the removal of the tumor on the 10th day after the operation and provided that the patient feels well.

During and after radiation or chemotherapy

If the patient takes chemotherapy or radiation, the appetite is significantly reduced. Accordingly, the diet should be not only nutritious and healthy, but also tasty. First of all, the hematopoietic system and immunity suffer from chemotherapy and radiation therapy, so it is important to eat hard to restore them. It is necessary to restore the level of iron in the blood and replenish the supply of B vitamins. These substances are found in the liver of animals or birds, sea fish, cereals.

You also need to take care of the condition of the intestines. Chemistry kills a large number of beneficial microflora. Fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria will help to make up for the loss.

On the days of therapy that destroys cancer cells, it is advisable not to eat rough food, because. inflammation can occur in the intestines.

After irradiation, anemia develops. To quickly restore the number of red blood cells, you need to take protein foods, oils (vegetable and animal). Vegetable or fruit juices, multivitamin preparations will not be superfluous.

What can and should be eaten

In case of cancer, it is recommended to eat only approved foods. The following list is intended for patients who do not suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. If necessary, the diet can be adjusted according to the patient's condition.


  • vegetable oil, preferably from olives. More suitable cold pressed;
  • homemade mayonnaise. However, it is better to limit its consumption. This is due to the fact that a large amount of vegetable oil overloads the pancreas;
  • cow butter;
  • various cereals. The exception is polished rice;
  • whole grain bread or coarse flour;
  • herbal decoctions that have a diuretic effect (lime blossom, rose hips, St. John's wort, oregano);
  • fresh juices (from fresh vegetables and fruits);
  • berries containing a large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants (cherries, currants, raspberries);
  • raw and boiled vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cauliflower and white cabbage, zucchini, eggplant);
  • milk products, both fresh and sour (homemade yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, etc.);
  • lean meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken, fish per day no more than 150 grams);
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • legumes;
  • eggs, only protein is better;
  • liver - give preference to rabbit, beef or chicken. Preferably from animals and birds fed at home on natural feed.

The diet for RMP is most often compiled individually. Before prescribing it, the doctor takes into account the stage of development of the pathology and the period of therapy.

What is not allowed

  • pickled vegetables, seamings;
  • sweets, sweet pastries;
  • fried food;
  • dishes with a lot of spices, peppered, salty;
  • with unlimited or long shelf life;
  • frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, meatballs, etc.)
  • fast food;
  • with food colorings and various flavorings;
  • any smoked products (fish, meat, cheese);
  • pork and other fatty meats;
  • sweet soda, strong tea and coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • mushrooms.

Specially selected nutrition helps to reduce the development of the tumor. To do this, patients should reduce their protein content (for example, eat less red meat) and increase their intake of plant foods.

Menu for 1 day


  1. Fresh carrots (on an empty stomach).
  2. Porridge with dried fruits. Fresh fruit (apple or strawberry) - second breakfast.
  3. Fish soup. Bread from bran (no more than 2 pieces). Boiled chicken with vegetables. Tea with milk - lunch.
  4. A glass of curdled milk. Oatmeal cookies - afternoon snack.
  5. Vegetable cutlets (pumpkin and cauliflower). Baked apples with cottage cheese. A glass of green tea - dinner.
  6. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.


  1. Fresh beetroot (on an empty stomach).
  2. Oatmeal with nuts. Fruits. Green tea - second breakfast.
  3. Vegetable soup. A few slices of diet whole grain bread. Turkey meat baked with fruits. Beet salad with apple. Dried fruit compote - lunch.
  4. Kefir - afternoon tea.
  5. Dessert from melon and cottage cheese. Diet cookies. Tea diluted with milk - dinner.
  6. Before going to bed, you can eat homemade yogurt.

Nutritionists work in cancer treatment centers, who, if necessary, will make a correct and healthy menu.

Chemical and radiation therapy are necessary to eliminate cancer cells, but they also negatively affect healthy organs. The sooner the body recovers, the better. You need to understand that it is extremely important for people with bladder cancer to adhere to the rules of rational nutrition.

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