Traditional medicine for kids. Folk remedies for colds for the little ones. Diaphoretic compositions with antipyretic action

Cough in a child is a problem for the whole family. If an adult can still restrain the urge to cough, this is not available for children. Therefore, they cough, irritate the respiratory system, and thus provoke an aggravation of the disease. Only an experienced pediatrician can establish the cause of a cough, so a sick child must be taken for examination.

Causes of cough in children

Causes of cough can be very different. These include seasonal colds, influenza viruses of different strains, as well as such serious illness like pneumonia and tuberculosis. In addition, the cough may be non-infectious in origin, in such cases timely detection its causes will help to avoid serious complications in future.

These reasons include:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Inhalation of a foreign body by a child.
  • The presence of toxic fumes in the air.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Allergy.

Install exact reason illness and prescribe proper treatment can only be done by a qualified doctor. There is also a dry and wet variety of cough. A dry cough does not get rid of sputum and the bacteria it contains, so it must be converted into a wet one.

There are many folk remedies for coughs suitable for children 3 years old. They allow you to gently and effectively cure a cough, while not giving side effects. It is necessary to use such funds only with the permission of the doctor, because the child may be allergic to one or another component.

Distraction methods

Folk methods offer so-called distractions to combat coughs in children as young as 3 years old. These methods activate vitality child, which allows the body to overcome the disease on its own. These funds include:

  • Back massages.
  • Installation of mustard plasters.
  • Compresses.

When using mustard plasters, care must be taken not to burn the delicate skin of the child. To make safe mustard plasters for children under the age of three, you need 1 tbsp. l. ground mustard diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water. In the resulting solution, you need to soak a piece of natural tissue. Squeeze the fabric and wrap the baby with it, hold it in this way for 4 minutes, then remove the fabric, wipe the mustard from the child and put it to bed. Attention! At elevated temperature distractions cannot be used.


Massage helps to activate the blood supply in the lungs, naturally taking off acute attacks cough. Good for treatment classic version, but for children under three years old, you can try this type of massage: the child is placed upside down, the palms are folded in a boat and held up and down along the spine line. This activates sputum production and speeds up recovery.

Golden mustache compress

Golden mustache - not very beautiful, but most useful plant, which should be on the windowsill in all apartments with small children. It can be made from effective compresses. Their preparation goes like this:

  1. 3 leaves of a golden mustache are carefully crushed.
  2. In a bowl to a golden mustache, 2 medium potatoes are rubbed on a grater.
  3. There are also placed 2 tbsp. l. honey.
  4. The mixture should be stirred until smooth and put on a large cotton scarf.

This scarf is placed on the baby's chest and secured with a diaper. Such a compress is done at night, by morning the cough should almost disappear.


A good folk remedy for coughing for children 3 years old are inhalations. You need to breathe over the steam for about 10 minutes, while any essential oils can be added to it. All of them contain active disinfectants that kill pathogenic bacteria. The only thing to watch out for is the possibility of allergic reactions.

You can independently prepare a collection for inhalation, which will be an effective means of combating a cough in a child. For him you need to take:

  • coltsfoot
  • chamomile
  • thyme

These herbs should be taken in equal proportions. For inhalation take 1 tbsp. l. collection per 0.5 l of water, bring the broth to a boil and pour into an inhaler.

Honey with lemon

This folk remedy will not only eliminate the cough, but the child will undoubtedly like it. To prepare a delicious medicine you need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. natural honey
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice
  • 1 st. l. medical glycerin

All these components must be mixed and given to the child 5-6 times a day, at the rate of 1 teaspoon at a time.


This folk remedy for cough can be given to children under 3 years old if they have chronic disease upper respiratory tract. To prepare it, you should take:

  • 1 st. l. althea rhizomes
  • 1 cup boiled and chilled water

Pour marshmallow with water and soak for 1 hour, then filter. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the infusion. A child under three years old should be given 1 tsp. every one and a half to two hours.

orange syrup

This tasty and healthy folk remedy helps well with a dry type of cough. It is prepared in this way:

  1. The orange is thoroughly washed and cut into slices, while the peel is not removed.
  2. Boil syrup from 200 grams of sugar and 0.5 cups of water.
  3. Put the orange slices into the syrup and simmer for half an hour.

After cooking, orange slices can be thrown away, and 1 tsp can be given with syrup. every one and a half to two hours.

Pine tea

A child who has reached the age of 3 years can already be given such a folk remedy as pine tea for coughing. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • young pine shoots
  • hot water

Pine shoots need to be poured with freshly boiled water and put on fire. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat and let stand for about half an hour. The broth should be filtered and given a third cup three times a day.

banana jelly

This tool removes coughing in children of three years, while it is very tasty and healthy. For such a jelly you need to take:

  • large ripe banana
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • 1 glass of hot water

Banana is kneaded to a homogeneous gruel and add sugar to it. The mixture is transferred to a pot with a lid and poured with freshly boiled water, after which it stands for about half an hour. Before serving, the jelly should be warmed up, you can give it as much as the child wants.

Honey and radish

This folk remedy is successfully used for both adults and children aged 3 years. It is prepared like this:

  1. One medium-sized black radish, washed thoroughly.
  2. The top of the radish is cut off and scraped out a small amount of core.
  3. The radish is placed on a glass, honey is placed in the middle of the fruit. At the same time, you do not need to fill the radish with honey to the top, you need to leave room for the juice that stands out.
  4. After a couple of hours, juice is released, which can be given to children.

The daily norm for children of three years is 1 teaspoon three times a day. For an older child, the dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon three times a day. Also, radish juice can be obtained by rubbing it on a grater and squeezing out the released liquid. It can be mixed with honey and given for coughs, the dosage is the same as in the previous recipe.

Onions with honey and sugar

Onions are used in folk medicine as a strong disinfectant, which can kill almost all species pathogenic bacteria. It also relieves cough symptoms well. For children under the age of three, it must be mixed with honey or sugar so that they do not refuse to eat it.

Onion-based medicine is prepared in this way:

  1. A medium-sized onion is finely crumbled and covered with sugar.
  2. The resulting mixture is transferred to a clean container and covered with gauze.
  3. Onions with sugar stand for three days, after which the juice is decanted from it.

This medicine is very potent, to eliminate a cough, it is enough to give it a teaspoon per day. Methods of its preparation can be varied, rubbing the onion on a grater for a quick juice, and adding honey instead of sugar.

boiled onion

When cooked, the onion retains large quantity its properties, while its taste becomes not so sharp. It can be easier for a child at the age of 3 to give a decoction of onions than his Fresh Juice. The first version of the onion decoction looks like this:

  1. 1 large or two medium onions grated.
  2. A liter of water is poured into the pan, a glass of sugar and grated onion are added there.
  3. The mixture is brought to a boil, then reduce the heat and boil for an hour.

After that, the broth is filtered and given to the child at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per reception as often as possible, using the entire decoction in two days. Onion broth should be stored in the refrigerator, before taking it you need to warm it up. There is another option onion broth, it is prepared like this:

  1. One medium onion is peeled, washed and placed in a saucepan.
  2. A glass of milk is poured into the same pan, everything is brought to a boil together.
  3. After boiling, you need to boil the broth for 5 minutes, then cool and remove the onion.

This recipe is designed for one dose, during which the child must drink it all, because milk cannot be stored for a long time.

Pine nuts

Pine nuts are very useful and have no contraindications, which makes them an excellent medicine for children as young as 3 years old. Most good effect give nuts in the husk, or even a whole cone. One of the cough recipes looks like this:

  1. A glass of nuts in the husk is poured into an enameled pan, a liter of milk is poured and brought to a boil.
  2. Under the pan, the fire decreases, the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes.

To achieve the desired result, you need to drink cedar milk in even portions throughout the day, if necessary, cook another portion the next day. There is another version of such a medicine, it needs a whole medium-sized cedar cone:

  1. The cone is thoroughly washed and placed in an enamel pan.
  2. 0.75 l of milk is also poured there.
  3. The fire under the pan is set to the maximum value.
  4. The cone with milk is boiled until the drink turns slightly brown.

The resulting liquid is filtered and given to the child at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. every 3 hours.


The aloe-based product contains some alcohol, so it can be given to children after they are 3 years old. This mixture is not only in a good way treatment of cough, but also effective prevention colds. To make it, you should take:

  • quality vodka

All components must be in the same proportions. Aloe leaves are cut into small pieces, put in a clean and dry glass jar. The rest of the ingredients are added there. The jar is shaken and put away in a cold dark place. After 10 days of exposure, the infusion should be filtered. Dosage - 1 tsp. before every meal, and one more before bed.

Sage with milk

This remedy should be given before the daytime sleep of a child aged 3 years or more. The drink warms up well and relieves coughing attacks, helping the baby fall asleep faster. To prepare it, you should take:

  • 1 st. milk
  • 1 tsp dry sage
  • 1 tsp honey

Pour the milk into a saucepan, add the sage there and boil. After that, cover the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour, then filter, add honey and let the child drink.

Herbal preparations

This collection can be prepared in reserve, brewing it as needed. It works equally well on children of any age, while not having side effects. To make a collection, you need to take:

  • licorice rhizomes
  • herbaceous parts of violets
  • fennel
  • plantain
  • coltsfoot
  • lungwort leaves

All this is taken in equal proportions and mixed well. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. collection of 250 ml of freshly boiled water. After brewing, the infusion should stand for four hours, after which it must be drunk at a time.

Video: How to cure a child's cough correctly?

Similarly, an infusion is prepared from the collection with the following composition:

  • licorice rhizomes
  • aniseed
  • thyme
  • althea rhizomes
  • sage
  • pine buds

The course of treatment with such fees is a maximum of 2 weeks. If there is no improvement after this time, the child will without fail should be shown to the doctor.

Children's health is one of the top priorities for parents. When a baby arrives in the house, anxiety often comes along with great joy. Any ailment requires immediate treatment. This will reduce the likelihood of progression of the disease.

For children, even a slight runny nose can become big problem. The nasal mucosa dries up, its protective function decreases, pathogenic microbes and viruses begin to freely enter the body. Mucus is profusely secreted, disturbed nasal breathing, later the nose is blocked, and the child begins to breathe only through the mouth.

For the prevention and treatment of the common cold great importance has a climate in the house. If the apartment has dry, hot air, then this can also provoke the appearance of a runny nose. To increase humidity, if there is no humidifier, you can hang wet towels, put water containers and often ventilate the room.

Fragrant herbal drinks for a cold in children

When a runny nose appears, you can alleviate the condition of the child with a warm drink.

Lime tea

For this, the most popular folk remedy is suitable - lime tea. It has a diaphoretic and bactericidal action, lowers the temperature, and makes breathing easier. For cooking, you need to take a handful of linden flowers and pour half a liter of boiling water. It is better to drink at night.

Raspberry leaf tea

A good remedy in the treatment of rhinitis is tea from crimson leaves. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and increases defensive forces child's body. Raspberry leaves must be plucked in early spring when they first appear on the branches.

Not bad to cope with a runny nose and regular tea with the addition of jam from raspberries.

Infusions, fruit drinks and decoctions of herbs

Quite harmless for the treatment of rhinitis in children are infusions of oregano, birch leaf and chamomile, decoctions pine buds or viburnum berries with honey.

It is good during the treatment of a runny nose to give the child plenty to drink fruit drinks from berries and a decoction of wild rose.


Inhalations are widely used in folk medicine. They are most useful for the body of children, as they affect all respiratory organs as a whole. The harm from them is minimal, because the products used are natural and pleasant to use.

Treatment should be started at the first symptoms of a runny nose or cold. The use of this folk remedy throughout the disease will speed up the recovery of the child.

Hot inhalations

For hot inhalations, you will need a small bowl of hot water and a towel.

  • 1 recipe. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the water and, covered with a towel, breathe in beneficial vapors.
  • 2 recipe. Add 5 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, mint or tea tree. You can use the oils in a mixture or separately.
  • 3 recipe. In a container for inhalation, place a hot decoction of the mixture medicinal herbs: currant leaf, pine needles, Linden blossom, oak bark, sage, thyme. You can use each plant separately. In total, a tablespoon of dry raw materials is taken and brewed with a glass of boiling water.

Cold inhalation

A good effect with a stuffy nose in children of any age is given by inhalation through a nebulizer. They can be carried out using the usual mineral water or saline.

Of course, hot inhalations are not acceptable for infants, but inhalations with essential oils(in the absence of allergic reactions). They can be carried out using a nebulizer or add oil directly to the bath when bathing children. Essential oils are suitable for such procedures:

  • thyme;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree;
  • pines;
  • mint;
  • fir.

The easiest and most affordable of folk remedies are "passive" inhalations:

  • Soak cotton pads or napkins with bactericidal essential oils and put next to the crib or in another convenient place. The following composition is also suitable: mix in equal proportions lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint oils.
  • In the room, put a few saucers with chopped garlic cloves, onion rings.


In children, washing with a runny nose is a prerequisite for quick release from this unpleasant symptom. The method is used to coryza did not turn into chronic, as well as to improve the absorption of therapeutic drops.

Salt water rinse

To wash the noses of even small children, you can use salted water, sea water is even better. To prepare the solution, dilute salt (on the tip of a knife) in a glass of warm water. Take a full pipette and drip into the nose. For one flush, one to five pipettes can be used in each nasal passage.

After the child should be for some time in vertical position. This folk remedy is absolutely harmless and will not only wash away all pathogenic microflora from the nasal mucosa, but also relieve inflammation, irritation, swelling and itching.

For older children, you can use folk remedies for washing:

  • add a few drops of antiseptic infusion or decoction of calendula or eucalyptus to salted water;
  • make a weak infusion of chamomile or sage and rinse your nose gently.

Cold drops

vegetable juices

plant juices

  • Calendula juice. To soften the action and increase therapeutic effect it is mixed with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Juice from kalanchoe leaves diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, instill several times a day. You should act slowly, starting with 1 drop, because Kalanchoe often causes a strong sneezing reflex. If the child responds normally to this juice, then treatment can be continued.
  • Aloe juice. Can be used alone, you can add honey. Drip 2 drops.

root juices

  • Raw potato juice.
  • Carrot juice. 2 drops of juice in each nostril, several times a day.
  • Carrot juice mixed with olive or sunflower oil in equal parts.
  • Garlic juice. Heat 1-2 drops of garlic juice and a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a water bath. Drip with caution 3 times a day.
  • Boil the beetroot and grate it, squeeze out the juice. Apply when thick secretions from the nose.
  • Beetroot juice diluted in half with water.
  • Beet juice with honey: add a drop of honey to a tablespoon of juice. Treatment with this remedy should be started with 1 drop and, with normal tolerance, brought up to 3 drops.
  • Beetroot juice with sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions.
  • Onion juice mixed with honey. A very effective folk remedy for children with a cold. It is better to use it like this: let the child swallow half a teaspoon of the mixture and immediately lubricate it in his nose with cotton swab the same composition. The treatment lasts 3 days, it is necessary to repeat 2-3 times a day.

Drops from infusions of herbs

  • Brew a glass of boiling water herb St. John's wort or peppermint. Rinse the nose well with this remedy or use it in the form of drops (2-3 drops three times a day).
  • Chamomile extract is good for allergic rhinitis. Moisten gauze flagella with infusion and insert into the nasal passages.


Honey is a reliable folk remedy, but if you are allergic to bee products, you should not use it.

Honey drops do an excellent job not only with chronic runny nose but also with loss of smell. Mix honey and water in equal proportions and instill into the nose.

Chewing honeycomb for 10-20 minutes is very helpful in severe runny nose and inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Oil drops

Oil drops can be easily prepared by yourself. But it is better to use them for children over 5 years old.

  • Steep chopped garlic clove in olive oil for 10 hours. Lubrication of the sinuses with this folk remedy during the period of exacerbation of viral infections will serve as a good prevention, and instillation into short term get rid of the cold.
  • teaspoon olive oil mix with 2 drops of thyme oil. Drip three times a day.
  • Pour 1.5 tablespoons of St. John's wort flowers with refined oil, leave for 21 days in a dark place, shake and strain. Keep refrigerated. Drip warm with a cold.
  • Grind the burdock roots and pour any vegetable oil. Keep the infusion for 2 weeks in a dark place. You don't need to strain. Shake before use and moisten gauze turundas with it. With a runny nose in children, this procedure should be carried out at least twice.

warming up

Warming up in the nose in children should be used only in cases where the body temperature is not elevated and there is no suspicion of. This folk remedy reduces inflammation, reduces mucus production, and relieves nasal congestion.

Heating is carried out with a warm boiled egg or potato or millet, coarse salt or sand. The bulk product can be heated in a frying pan or in a microwave oven. Warmed up warm state Pour the contents into a tight cloth bag. It should be alternately applied to the bridge of the nose and the area of ​​the sinuses. The procedure can be done no more than 5 minutes 3 times a day, even when the child is sleeping.

mustard baths

Warming up the legs and hands with the help of mustard baths is very useful, they improve well-being and tone up. It is best to use them before bed. Warming baths for children are conveniently carried out in a high container, such as a clean plastic bucket, so that the water reaches the child up to the knee, and the arms can be lowered to the elbow.

In slightly hot water, tolerable in temperature for a child, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard. After 10-15 minutes, dry your feet and hands and put on warm socks. To consolidate the result, dry mustard can be poured into the socks.

Rules for the use of folk remedies

Recourse to means traditional medicine for the treatment of children, should be taken responsibly. Treatment should be beneficial, we must not allow the loss of precious time. Parents should be aware that they hold fragile things in their hands. child health. In case of any ailment in children, it is imperative to consult with a pediatrician.

Folk remedies should be used with caution if the child is prone to allergies. To protect the baby, when treating with any folk remedies It's best to check it out for yourself first. All plant juices for instillation should be used only diluted with water, and it is better not to use them for the treatment of infants.

Recipes based on the materials of the newspaper "Bulletin" ZOZH ".

Treatment of colds in children with folk remedies - inhalation with potatoes.
The most famous folk remedy for colds in children is to breathe over potatoes. If a child has a cold, you need to boil potatoes in their uniforms, throw a pinch of soda into the pot with potatoes and seat the child to breathe steam, covering with a warm blanket. After that, drink tea with raspberries and put to bed. (HLS 2002, No. 23 p. 20).

An effective folk remedy for treating a cold in a child is a potato compress.
If a cough does not go away for a long time after a cold, such a folk remedy will help children and adults.
Boil potatoes in their skins, crush, add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2-3 drops of iodine. Put the mass in a cloth bag and attach to the chest, wrap it on top. The procedure is carried out at night. Keep the compress until the potatoes have cooled.
Iodine can be replaced with 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard. It even goes away in 3 days persistent cough.
(recipe from HLS 2011, No. 1 p. 26).

Colds in children - delicious home remedies.
AT winter time often exacerbated tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, many pick up viral infections. Children are especially seriously ill and reluctant to be treated. Therefore, they need to prepare "delicious medicines" for colds.
1. With a sore throat, a mixture of butter and honey, carefully ground in equal proportions. It is given to the child in 1/2 - 1 tsp. several times a day. This folk remedy also relieves attacks of nocturnal cough in a child.
2. With hoarseness and coughing, a decoction of white raisins will help, 2 tbsp. l. raisins, pour 1 cup of hot water, boil for a few minutes. Cool, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon onion juice. Let the child drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day in a warm form.
3. If a child has a cold and a sore throat, a mixture of honey and cranberry juice in equal proportions will help - this mixture should be used to lubricate the child's sore throat.

If the child has chronic tonsillitis, then the mixture is made from 1 part of honey and 3 parts of aloe juice. The throat is lubricated for 2 weeks daily, 2 weeks every other day. Procedures are carried out for children on an empty stomach.
During illness, the child should drink healthy fruit drinks and herbal teas (rosehip, mint, linden, oregano) as much as possible. If he doesn't want to eat, don't force him. The body itself regulates the amount of food. Eating without appetite only undermines healing powers organism.
So that the child does not get sick with a cold, give him a mixture of pureed lemon and honey, this good prevention colds. (recipe from HLS 2011, No. 1 p. 27).

How to quickly cure a cold in a child with folk remedies at home.

If the child is over three years old and does not have an allergy to honey, folk remedies will quickly help to cure a cold in the following sequence:
1. Give the child a glass of warm milk with 1 tbsp before bedtime. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. butter.
2. Lubricate the chest sunflower oil, then apply honey, polyethylene and woolen fabric on top (if the child is sharp, then cotton fabric first)
3. Lubricate the bridge of the nose, whiskey, earlobes, behind-the-ear fossae, the fossa between the collarbones with the Asterisk balm. Rub the child's feet with this balm, put on warm socks.
4. Put the baby to bed.
This method of treating a cold is also suitable for adults.
A compress on the chest can be done if the temperature does not exceed 37 degrees. This folk remedy is especially effective if the child does not cough for a long time after a cold. (HLS 2012, No. 6 p. 23).

Alternative treatment for colds in children - honey compress.
Here similar recipe. A woman treated a cold in children like this: she warmed honey to liquid state, smeared warm honey on 2 large cotton or flannel napkins, put one honey napkin on the back, the other on the chest. I put parchment paper on top and wrapped it warmly. After that, she gave the child hot milk or tea with raspberries and put her to bed. In the morning, where did the temperature go, cough, runny nose, wheezing. (HLS 2012, No. 7 p. 30).
If a child has a cold, you can not apply honey on napkins, but directly on the skin, gently rubbing. Top with a linen towel, compress paper, a warm scarf. It would be nice to give the patient to drink diaphoretic tea at night. (recipe from HLS 2004, No. 13 p. 7).

An oil compress is a simple remedy for a cold in an infant.
When the girl was not even a year old, she fell ill with pneumonia. In addition to the main treatment, warming of the chest was needed, mustard plasters were not suitable for such an infant. Then the mother of the child was advised to impregnate the fabric with vegetable oil, wrap it with a cloth chest daughters, bypassing the region of the heart, on top of oilcloth and cotton wool. Tie everything with a warm cloth, leave overnight. This compress gently warms, does no harm. While the child was small, my mother always made an oil compress for colds, coughing and wheezing in the chest quickly passed. (HLS 2008, No. 16 p. 30).

Oil-honey compress for children.
The child caught a bad cold - there were wheezing in the lungs, suspicion of pneumonia. A friend suggested a simple method for treating a cold in a child. Mom did 2 procedures, and everything went off without a hitch. Since then, in order to quickly cure a child of a cold, she uses this folk remedy.
It is necessary to mix well 1 tbsp. l. vodka. 1 st. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. With this composition, thickly lubricate the back, without rubbing. Dress the child in a warm flannel shirt, put mustard plasters moistened with water on the shirt with the paper side facing the back. Put a damp cloth on the mustard plasters so that they do not dry out longer, polyethylene and terry towel. Secure all this structure with a wide bandage, put on a warm shirt over it, and then a woolen jacket. Keep 3-4 hours. Better to do at night. Repeat in a day. (HLS 2004, No. 2 p. 25).

Treating a cold in a child at home camphor oil.
If a child has a cold, the following folk remedy for a cold will always help to cure it: you need to rub the child’s chest, back, nose and feet with camphor oil, put on woolen socks and go to bed. (HLS 2012, No. 12 p. 30).

Treatment of colds in children at home with a compress of mustard and honey.
Such a compress will help to quickly cure a cold for a child: mix dry mustard, flour, vodka, honey, sunflower oil in equal proportions - all 1 teaspoon each, and 5 drops of iodine. Apply the mixture to a gauze pad and bandage it overnight on your back. There will be no burn, only pleasant warmth. (HLS 2004, No. 10 p. 15).

How to cure a cold in a child pine jam at home.
child from behind medical error for a year (from one and a half to two and a half years) 10 times had been ill with pneumonia. After the third time, the doctor said that the child would not survive another inflammation. Then the grandmother took up the treatment of the child with folk remedies. In parallel with taking antibiotics, she gave the child honey to drink at night, put a honey cake and gave a wonderful mixture prepared from young tops of pine or fir branches. The tops must be collected while they are still 10-20 cm long without needles. Remove the resin flakes from the tops with a soft cloth and pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with honey in a ratio of 1: 1, put it in sterile jars, pour a layer of sugar on top to protect it from mold. Put in refrigerator.
For colds, coughs, we prepare tea from this mixture: 1 tbsp. l. with the top, pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist until warm. We divide this infusion into three doses for a child, an adult can drink it all at once. The effect comes very quickly, the cough becomes soft, quickly passes.
With the help of this remedy, it was possible to cure the child completely, constant colds stopped, grew up healthy. (HLS 2010, No. 9 p. 8-9).

Honey cake for colds and bronchitis in children.
For cooking honey cake need to take:
honey - 1 tbsp. l.
mustard - 1 tbsp. l
vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. l
flour - 1 tbsp. l..

Mix everything, heat in the oven for 3-5 minutes, divide the mass into two parts, put each in a cloth and bandage the child’s chest and back with a wide bandage or cloth. Put on a warm blouse on top, put the child to bed.
This folk remedy allows you to cure even pneumonia in a child, not to mention colds and bronchitis. (HLS 2002, No. 24 p. 18,).

Folk remedies for cough for children accelerate recovery, strengthen the body. Traditional medicine methods are prescribed in combination with pharmacological preparations at severe forms diseases. They are affordable and easy to use.

Cough in children is not a separate disease. This is a symptom that accompanies many diseases. It occurs in pathology respiratory system: SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma. For disorders of the heart and blood vessels: birth defects, diseases of the aorta, insufficiency of the left ventricle, rheumatism. AT childhoodallergic cough. From the side digestive system: reflux in infants (reflux of food from the stomach back into the esophagus) is also accompanied by a cough.

If you are not sure about the nature of the origin of the cough in a child, you cannot prescribe herbal remedies, herbs, and physiotherapy on your own!

A symptom that children face is a cough with influenza, SARS (90% of cases). It does not pose a potential threat if treated correctly. In this case, folk cough recipes for children come to the fore. They help to avoid the use of pharmacological drugs.

Cause cold cough─ viruses that have penetrated the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Consider folk methods treatment for SARS.

Dry cough treatment

The respiratory mucosa in a child produces a lot of sputum. Under the influence of viruses, viscosity increases, mucus accumulates, dries up and clogs the bronchi. Against this background, there is a dry cough ─ defensive reaction child's body.

Symptoms of dry cough:

  • the main symptom is sputum does not leave the bronchi;
  • difficult heavy breathing;
  • breaths are frequent and short;
  • sore throat due to drying of the mucous membrane;
  • cough is hysterical, dry, painful;
  • change in voice;
  • feeling of pressure in the chest;
  • there is no relief after a coughing fit.

It is difficult for a child to cough up dry mucus, since the respiratory muscles involved in this process are weak. Children under three years of age cannot cough on their own. Dry cough is a painful condition that interferes with a full night's sleep, worsens the child's well-being, and limits physical activity.

Therefore, folk remedies in this situation are aimed at moisturizing and thinning the mucus. So the sputum will become liquid, increase in volume, it will be easier to remove it from the respiratory tract.

Healing drink: herbs

It has been established that the viscosity of mucus directly depends on the viscosity of the blood. In order for sputum to become liquid, liquid must enter the child's body. With a dry cough, you need to water the child often. According to research results evidence-based medicine the effect of drinking plenty of water (water, tea, compote, decoction), which is taken orally, is similar to the action of expectorant pharmacological preparations.

For the preparation of decoctions, infusions, teas are used healing herbs. Their advantages are availability and low cost. Herbs are safe for children. The most common:

Decoctions and infusions of herbs are often prepared, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Cooking rules are important if the decoction will be taken by a child.

It is necessary to strictly observe the recipe and dosage for babies under the age of three years. Buy herbs at a pharmacy, where the manufacturer guarantees the quality and ecological purity of plants. They cannot be collected along the roadway, within the boundaries of a densely populated city.

How to prepare a decoction:

  • raw materials (leaves, inflorescences, fruits) are crushed, the smallest should be fruits and roots ─ up to 0.5 mm;
  • for 200 gr. water take 1 tbsp. l. crushed plant;
  • raw materials are placed in a saucepan and poured warm water(200 gr.);
  • placed in water bath on the stove for a minimum of 30 minutes, a maximum of 45 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • after the time has elapsed, the broth is removed, and allowed to brew at room temperature 45 - 60 min.;
  • then the finished liquid is filtered;
  • for children, before use, the broth is diluted with slightly warm boiled water.

How is the infusion prepared?

To prepare the infusion, water with a temperature of no more than 60 ° C is used. Therefore, the raw material must be carefully ground and crushed. If you don't have a blender, use a classic mortar.

  • 1st way. Raw materials are poured into a glass container and poured 200-250 gr. warm water. Placed in a water bath, put on the stove to languish. The temperature in the bath should rise slowly over 15 minutes. During this time, the water will heat up, become hot, and the grass will give medicinal properties. Then the container with the infusion is removed and allowed to infuse at room temperature for 40 minutes. Ready infusion is filtered and consumed.
  • 2nd way. Place the plant in a thermos and pour hot water over it. Let it brew for 2 - 3 hours. The infusion is ready to use. Also, the infusion is prepared at night, and the next day they drink.

Most decoctions and infusions are slightly bitter in taste. To make the child agree to drink, honey or sugar is added to them.

Folk recipes

You can cure a cough in a child with other folk remedies. traditional products in the elimination of dry cough ─ honey and milk. If they are consumed warm, they warm the chest, gently envelop the mucous membrane. Eliminate symptoms such as dry mouth, wheezing, pain during coughing.

Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm milk. For more strong effect a piece of butter is added to it. Borjomi can be added to milk, after releasing gases, baking soda. But not all children perceive such a drink. This is because milk contains lactose. natural sugar. Intolerance to this carbohydrate in children occurs in 16-20% of cases.

Black radish with honey. The root crop cleanses the bronchial mucosa, stimulates the formation of liquid sputum, kills pathogenic microbes, and strengthens the immune system. Take a medium-sized radish, wash it thoroughly. Cut off the top and remove inner part so as to form a bowl. Inside, put a couple of spoons of honey, cover, and leave for one night. Give the resulting honey infusion to the child 0.5 tsp. during the day.

Compresses, ointments and rubbing

A warm baby chest compress is a physiotherapy procedure that relaxes the muscles of the airways, dilates them and facilitates the passage of mucus. Breathing becomes even and painless.

Local warming provides blood flow to the area of ​​the body. As a result, tissues are saturated with oxygen, swelling and inflammation are reduced, and toxins are eliminated. This procedure is indicated for weak children who find it difficult to cough up mucus on their own. It is carried out if the child is without fever.

Effective folk recipe for a compress ─ it is honey heated in a water bath with unrefined sunflower oil. Warmed cottage cheese or potatoes are also used.

The bottom layer of the compress must be made of cotton or linen.

Warming ointments and rubs are ideal for children infancy. They work on the same principle as compresses. Toddlers hinder development stagnant processes in the bronchi and lungs. It is better to buy such funds at a pharmacy. They contain only natural natural ingredients(Doctor Mom, Doctor Theis).

Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation is the most effective method elimination of cough in children. Therapeutic steam has a direct effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Therefore, the result comes immediately. local action couple rules out development side effects, in contrast to the means that are taken orally.

For inhalation use clean water, it saturates dry mucus with moisture. But it's better to use herbal decoctions, from the same herbs as for drinking.

Wet cough treatment

A wet cough is accompanied by an intense discharge of sputum from the respiratory tract. It replaces the dry cough and indicates a trend towards recovery.

It is difficult for a weakened children's body to cope with a large amount of mucus. Phlegm is favorable environment for development bacterial infection(pneumococci, streptococci). Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at facilitating the discharge of mucus, avoiding congestion, infection and complications.

Wet cough symptoms:

  • loud wheezing on exhalation;
  • expectoration of mucus;
  • violent attacks of coughing, with the urge to vomit;
  • at the end of the attack, suffocation is felt.

Means taken by mouth

Treatment of cough in children with folk remedies includes plants that, in addition to expectorant properties, have a powerful bactericidal effect.

Helpful for a child with a wet cough warm milk, to which one of the folk remedies is added:

  • horseradish juice;
  • decoction of marshmallow root;
  • agave leaf juice (aloe);
  • turnip juice;
  • fresh lemon juice.

In order for the child to drink such milk, honey or sugar is added to it.

For the preparation of decoctions and infusions, the following medicinal herbs are used:

  • sage;
  • elecampane;
  • dill;
  • mint;
  • lungwort.
  • eucalyptus.

Cough recipes for children based on herbs have an antimicrobial property and remove not only mucus from the bronchi, but also pus, decay products of bacteria. Infusions and decoctions are prepared in the same way as with a dry cough.

Good remedy for wet coughraspberry jam. This delicacy is loved by all children in any form. It is added to tea. You can pour a spoonful of jam with boiling water and drink such an infusion warm. The amount of water and raspberries depends on taste preferences.

Compresses, ointments and rubbing

Compresses at wet cough done to warm the chest.

For rubbing, use a fatty base (goose or badger fat) with the addition of honey. The fat is melted in a water bath to a semi-liquid warm consistency, mixed with honey. The resulting ointment is applied to the chest, back, shoulder blades of the child. Put on cotton clothes, put to bed and wrap in a warm blanket. The procedure lasts no more than an hour. Fat is well absorbed and does not require rinsing.

For compresses, gruel from warm boiled potatoes is used.

Warms well mustard powder. Method of preparation: mustard powder, honey, flour (1 tsp each) are added in equal proportions to warm vegetable oil (5 tablespoons). The resulting mixture is applied to the child's chest according to the rules for setting the compress, and left for 1 hour.

When using mustard in compresses, you need to control the condition of the skin in order to prevent burns. If the skin is very reddened, and the child feels severe burning procedure must be terminated immediately.


Inhalations with a wet cough are prescribed with caution to young children so as not to lead to excess sputum. In general, a wet cough comes off easily and does not require specific treatment. For inhalation, the following agents are used:

  • soda solution;
  • infusion of eucalyptus;
  • furatsilin.

On the one hand, cough treatment at home is not difficult for parents. On the other hand, by performing simple healing procedures, cough for some reason becomes chronic. Let's analyze typical mistakes parents when treating cough with home remedies.

Children's doctor, E. O. Komarovsky is sure that the pledge successful treatment─ not specific drugs, herbs, remedies, prescriptions, procedures. In order for the child to recover, he needs to provide the correct mode:

  1. Plentiful drink to thin and remove mucus. The composition does not matter, the main thing is that the body receives a lot of fluid (the child must go to the toilet every 3 hours).
  2. Humidity in the children's room is 50 - 70%, the temperature is not more than 20 ° C, in order to prevent the mucosa from drying out.
  3. Walking on fresh air required.

Parental mistakes.

Any physiotherapy procedures should not be carried out if the child has a fever.

  1. When preparing decoctions and infusions, it is impossible to add honey to boiling water. So he loses his healing properties and releases carcinogens, which is dangerous for the child's body.
  2. From baby cough categorically it is impossible to use an alcohol or acetic base for compresses. These substances cause burns. Moreover, they easily enter the bloodstream through the skin and by inhalation of vapors, and lead to poisoning of the child's body, aggravating the general condition.
  3. With a wet cough, putting compresses at night is dangerous, especially in children under 3 years old. Productive mucus production at night causes severe suffocation (requires urgent hospitalization and emergency care) and can lead to respiratory arrest.
  4. Inhalations are carried out using special devices (nebulizers). It is strictly forbidden to arrange inhalation for children over boiled potatoes, boiling water, a hot object. This method will lead to burns of the upper respiratory tract. Moreover, a child may tip over a hot pot on himself, which will lead to severe burns skin.

Inhalation rules.

Inhalations are done for children using a home inhaler or in a physiotherapy room at a polyclinic.

The last meal should be 1.5 hours before the procedure. Clothes on the child should not squeeze the neck (unbutton the collar). It is useful to inhale steam through the nose and mouth.

Before the procedure, do not take drugs that increase sputum discharge. Do not rinse your mouth with antiseptics. If after the procedure in the winter the child is forced to walk down the street, you can not talk and breathe through your mouth. You can eat after 20 - 30 minutes. Home inhalations are carried out 2 times a day.


  • purulent tonsillitis;
  • bacterial infection of the respiratory system;
  • heart disease;
  • tendency to nosebleeds.

Warm compress technique.

For the wet layer, prepare a gauze pad. Cut out the polyethylene or compress paper 1 cm more than gauze around the perimeter ─ this is an insulating layer. Prepare cotton wool, 1-2 cm larger than polyethylene - an insulating layer.

Soak the gauze in the prepared solution. Place firmly and without folds on the baby's chest. On top of the film, then cotton wool so that it completely covers the two lower layers. Fix the compress with bandages, without violating the integrity of the compress and without making it difficult for the child to breathe.

We check the correct setting of the compress: put your finger under the bandage, if it is wet and warm, the compress is done correctly.


  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • suspicion of purulent inflammation;
  • skin allergy:
  • pustules on the skin.

The use of folk remedies allows you to quickly respond to the appearance of a cough. They are an alternative chemicals. When used correctly, the child will easily endure coughing fits, and go faster for recovery.

There is no sight more difficult for a mother's heart than to see your child sick and suffering. Immunity in young children is much weaker than an adult, so they very quickly pick up colds and other viral infections. And if suddenly the child falls ill, then we must not let the disease take its course, but immediately take up treatment.

A prerequisite is to call a pediatrician at home: he will examine a small patient, give recommendations on treatment. Do not rush to stuff your baby with synthetic antiviral drugs: they give a quick result, but adversely affect the work of the stomach and intestines. It is best to do with traditional medicine, which is more gentle on the immature children's body without weakening his natural protective functions, and have almost no contraindications. Important point- treatment of a child with folk remedies should be carried out in consultation with the attending physician, if, of course, this is generally possible in your situation ...

First aid for a child with a viral infection

To help your child with the first signs of a cold, the following actions will help:

Provide baby plentiful drink to avoid dehydration. For this purpose, you can give fruit drinks, herbal tea, compote, lemon water with honey. As a basis for the preparation of these drinks, it is recommended to use: from berries - raspberries, currants, viburnum; from herbs - wild rose, chamomile, nettle, mint, lemon balm, linden. These herbs and berries are famous for their diaphoretic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

If a viral infection accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, you can offer the child rice water that makes up for the loss mineral salts and moisture, improve blood circulation.

Do mustard compress on your feet, take warm, therapeutic bath with addition medicinal infusion. An example of such an infusion: make a slurry of fresh garlic and ginger root, pour boiling water, after 20 minutes, add the strained infusion to warm water for a cold child while taking a bath.

If the baby has no appetite, it is not necessary to force-feed him, so as not to overload the body, which is already weakened by the fight against infection. It is best to give the child at this time dairy products(kefir, ryazhenka), and baby Mother's milk will suffice.

We bring down the temperature

An elevated temperature with a viral disease is quite normal. You need to knock it down only if the strip on the thermometer has reached a mark above 38 degrees. Effective remedy to lower the temperature - rubbing with water and vinegar. To prepare, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water, wet a piece of cloth with this mixture and rub the child. Another option is to dip a sheet into it, wrap the baby with it for about 1-1.5 hours. If the increase in body temperature does not stop, it is necessary to take a children's antipyretic.

We treat the throat

With a sore throat and difficulty swallowing, the baby will help rinse. Solution recipes:

In a glass of warm boiled water, dissolve soda and salt, taken 1 teaspoon each, add 2 drops of iodine. Rinse the neck with a fresh solution 3-4 times a day.
Grate large beets on a grater, let the juice run, which then needs to be squeezed through gauze, dilute with warm water, add a teaspoon apple cider vinegar. Gargle 3 times a day, the amount of liquid required at a time is 2/3 cup.

Effective antiviral agent for sore throat - natural honey which must be slowly absorbed. Honey with a slice of lemon can also be added to chamomile tea. This drink is also used in the treatment of throat.

We treat a runny nose

Washing the nose will help cure a small patient from a runny nose saline solution, imitating sea ​​water. For its preparation in boiled water dissolve sea ​​salt and iodine. Buried with a pipette into the child's nose and left for 1-2 minutes, then you need to ask the baby to blow his nose.

Instead of nasal drops from a pharmacy, you can use diluted in warm water aloe juice.

We treat cough

When coughing helps black radish. It is baked in the oven (2 hours), cut into pieces and generously sprinkled with sugar. The result is a liquid that is poured into a dark glass bottle. Take 2 teaspoons of medicine, 3-4 times a day.

Another recipe: cut a deep hole in a radish, pour in a dessert spoon of honey, leave for 3 hours, covered with thick paper. The liquid formed in the hole should be given to the baby before meals (10 minutes before), and before going to bed.

Drinking warm milk at night with the addition of honey and butter - also good helper to relieve cough.

For a successful outcome of treatment, it is necessary to comply temperature regime in the apartment, ventilate more often, do not wrap the child. Placing plates with chopped garlic or onions, which are known for their antiviral properties, will bring benefits.

It is important to strengthen the immunity of the baby. It will help to make a "tasty medicine": scroll through a meat grinder or grind with a blender 1 lemon, 200 g of honey, walnuts, raisins and dried apricots (all 100 g each). Take a teaspoon of the mixture several times a day.

No need to panic if the baby suddenly caught viral disease is a common occurrence. folks described here antiviral agents for children no less effective than pharmaceutical preparations. The task of parents is to take treatment seriously, in order to avoid complications, and be sure to consult a doctor about methods and means for therapy.

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