What is the use of mustard plasters. How to get rid of a cough using mustard plasters: recommendations for use. What kind of cough do mustard compresses treat?

Folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases are not used by all people. However, doctors often advise using certain recipes to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. With the development of a cold, you can use various folk remedies. Mustard plasters for coughing are considered the most effective. They help to quickly eliminate the symptom and alleviate the patient's condition.

What are mustard plasters?

Mustard powder is a well-known folk remedy that has been used to treat and continue to treat various pathologies. With the development of medicine, the remedy began to be placed in thick paper bags. The method of application of mustard plasters is indicated on the packaging of the purchased product. They effectively help with nasal congestion, headaches, joint and muscle pain, high blood pressure, and colds.

Mustard plaster is a preparation of local irritating effects. The tool effectively eliminates pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Before starting treatment with hot compresses, you need to know that this is an active drug that can harm the body if used incorrectly.

Medicine packaging

At what age can mustard plasters be used?

When using hot compresses, it is important to consider certain features. The children's body is extremely sensitive to the effects of medicines, natural ingredients. Doctors allow the use of warming compresses for children from 12 months. However, experts forbid starting treatment with folk methods before diagnosing, establishing an accurate diagnosis and consulting a therapist. The specialist sets the dosage, the duration of the procedure. The duration varies depending on the age of the child:

  1. Up to three years - from 1 to 2 minutes.
  2. From three to six years - from 1 to 3 minutes.
  3. From 7 years - from 1 to 10 minutes.

When warming up, you need to look at the reaction of the child. If the baby complains of pain, the mustard must be removed.

At what temperature can mustard plasters be placed?

Mustard powder in compresses is a warming agent used to treat colds. However, it is not allowed in all cases. The initial period of development of colds is characterized by an increase in body temperature. In order not to harm the body, you need to wait a day. You can stick a burning compress at a temperature of less than 37 degrees.

How often can be applied?

The use of burning compresses with mustard powder should be built according to a specific schedule. This requires an examination. The specialist chooses the number of warming procedures based on the general situation, the course of the disease, and the presence of complications. He will accurately determine how many days you need to apply compresses in order to improve the general condition of the patient. An adult is recommended to put no more than one mustard plaster in 24 hours. Children can do a warming procedure once every 48 hours. The average duration of treatment with mustard plasters is 10 days. In order not to leave burns on the skin, you need to alternate the places of application of compresses.

Packet of mustard

Benefit and harm

Any medical procedure, if carried out incorrectly, can harm the body. Mustard plasters have a number of useful and harmful properties. The benefits of mustard plasters are that they have the following effects:

  1. Helps clear the upper respiratory tract of mucus.
  2. Relieve the condition during a cold.
  3. Help during the development of pneumonia.
  4. Eliminates pain in the joints, muscles.
  5. Helps to cope with cough, laryngitis.
  6. Facilitates the condition of osteochondrosis.
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • burn of the skin;
  • the appearance of headaches, dizziness.

If there is discomfort, you need to abandon the treatment procedure, immediately contact your doctor.

An attack of dizziness

How do mustard plasters work?

To understand the effectiveness of a folk remedy, its benefits and harms, you need to know the principle of mustard plasters. These are purchased bags that stick to the skin. The mustard powder that is added to them contains essential oils. In order for the oils to begin to work, you need to moisten the powder with water. After that, the bags are applied to the skin. When exposed to the components of mustard powder, blood circulation improves. Thanks to this, the blood flow brings beneficial trace elements and vitamins to weakened cells. Medication becomes more effective.

In addition to improving blood circulation, mustard plasters actively affect the autonomic and nervous systems. This improves the protective functions of the body, activates the immune system.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for gluing warm compresses:

  • tracheitis;
  • SARS;
  • cold symptoms;
  • hypertension;
  • radiculitis, osteochondrosis.

Mustard plasters for dry cough for adults should be used only after an examination, recommendations from a therapist, since any mistake in using the remedy can provoke a worsening of the patient's condition. Contraindications:

  • skin diseases, rash, severe itching;
  • children's age up to a year;
  • the presence of open wounds;
  • high body temperature;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms.

High body temperature

Do mustard plasters help cough?

Mustard patches help with severe coughs. It is important to understand that there are two types of coughs:

  • wet;
  • dry.

Each of the presented types of cough has its own characteristics of the course, treatment. If you choose the wrong drugs or folk remedies, you can aggravate the symptoms, cause complications.

At what cough put mustard plasters?

Mustard compresses can be applied when different types of coughs appear. The main thing is to know the methods of application, the features of the course of the disease, possible complications.

Mustard plasters with a wet cough

Most often, this symptom occurs due to pneumonia, various forms of bronchitis and tracheitis. The appearance of a symptom is accompanied by the course of inflammatory processes affecting the lower part of the lungs.

To improve the patient's condition, it is necessary to use drugs and folk remedies that help remove sputum from the lungs. Burning compresses, most often, are located in the region of the bronchi, lungs. Duration of warming up - no more than 10 minutes.

Can I put mustard plasters with a dry cough?

A dry cough is different than a wet cough and requires different treatment. A burning substance should thin the mucus and remove it from the lungs. Plasters are required to be glued in the chest area, between the shoulder blades. The average duration of the procedure is 9 minutes. Then you need to carefully remove the compress. Next, a person needs to lie down for 40 minutes under a thick blanket.

Dry cough

Mustard plasters for coughing: instructions for use

At home, it is easy to treat with warm compresses. The procedure differs depending on the type of cough, the age of the patient, the characteristics of the course of the disease.

How to put mustard plasters when coughing?

It is easier for an adult to stick, hold, remove a burning patch than a child. No need to choose which side to apply the compress. The skin of an adult is less sensitive to heating, burning. Before the procedure, you need to prepare a product with a burning mixture, a container filled with warm water (not boiling water), a towel, vegetable oil, a thick blanket. Application:

  1. Place paper compresses in a bowl. Hold them underwater for 10 seconds.
  2. Attach the bag to the patient's body. From above, cover the heated area with a towel. The patient should be covered with a warm blanket.
  3. Hold the compress in a warm place for about 10 minutes. The time interval is selected individually.

When the burning intensifies, you need to peel off the patch. You can reduce the burning sensation by placing gauze under the burning bag. When the patch is peeled off, you need to wipe the heated place with a towel, wipe the place of heating with vegetable oil, cover the patient with a thick blanket.

How to put mustard plasters when coughing for children?

You can buy children's mustard plasters in pharmacies. They are less active. The procedure is different from that of an adult. Instruction:

  1. The baby needs to be put on the bed. To occupy his attention with interesting pictures, a cartoon.
  2. Immerse mustard plasters under warm water in a container.
  3. Stick the patches on the middle of the chest or between the shoulder blades. During gluing, apply the side with the powder to the skin. So that the child does not hurt, you can put gauze between the patch and the skin.
  4. After every 60 seconds, examine the skin at the site of gluing the compress. If the baby was in pain, he cried, you need to peel off the patch, and wipe the place of heating with a towel to remove the remnants of the burning mixture.

After 5 minutes, completely remove the mustard plaster, wipe the place with a towel. Cover the child with a warm blanket.

Where to put mustard plasters when coughing?

A person starting treatment with compresses needs to know where it is better to put a mustard plaster. By mistake, a person can stick a patch arbitrarily, which will not give any effect or harm the body. Places where you can put mustard plasters:

  • rib cage;
  • caviar;
  • back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades;
  • heels.

Places that are forbidden to stick with burning plasters:

  • region of the heart;
  • peritoneum;
  • spine;
  • kidney area;
  • on the nipples;
  • on the liver.

By following these rules, serious complications can be avoided.

Mustard plaster on the chest

How long should you keep mustard plasters when coughing?

Therapists say that there is no exact time for the warm-up procedure with mustard plasters. It all depends on the sensitivity of the human skin, the presence of complications, the course of the disease. It is important to consider age:

  1. The duration of warming up in the treatment of a child's body is 1–7 minutes.
  2. For an adult, the duration of the procedure is increased to 15 minutes.

Burning from the remedy will be present in any case. Knowing how much to keep mustard plasters when coughing for an adult or a child, you can avoid burns and prolonged pain.

What to do with a burn?

If the mustard plaster was used incorrectly or the procedure time was increased, a burn may remain. You need to know how to relieve pain in the first moments after injury. Procedure:

  • gently peel off the mustard plaster from the skin;
  • wash the burn area with cold running water;
  • remove residual moisture with a sterile napkin;
  • apply a layer of antiseptic on the burn - it should have a calming and healing effect.

If the pain does not subside, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What can be replaced?

Among folk remedies for treating cough, you can find similar methods of treatment, without the use of burning compresses:

  1. Pour dry mustard powder into socks. Remove them after 15-20 minutes.
  2. Use heated jars. However, keep in mind that after using them, traces remain on the body.
  3. Foot baths based on dry mustard. Mix 50 grams of the substance with warm water. Keep your feet in the basin for 20 minutes.

Hot compresses are considered an effective remedy for treating coughs. However, it is necessary to take into account the active action of mustard plasters in order not to get burns or other complications.

One of the main nightmares of our childhood is mustard plasters! How we resisted mother's desire to cure us in such a barbaric way! Now, having become parents ourselves, we understand the importance and necessity of such a procedure. But the careless use of this ancient remedy can end very badly. It is necessary to know and fully comply with the correct algorithm in order for the setting of mustard plasters to really help to cope with the disease.

Mustard plasters - remedy number 1 for colds

The main purpose of mustard plasters is to force the body to heal itself. The action is based on a rush of blood to problem areas, as a result of which pain symptoms are removed and inflammatory processes fade. The algorithm of work is based on the physiology of the human body:

  • blood vessels under the action of an external stimulus expand;
  • blood circulation is increased;
  • in parallel, the excitability of the sympathetic department of the nervous system increases, which gives an influx of adrenaline into the blood;
  • adrenaline enhances the phagocytic reaction - the main factor of immunity in the fight against infections and inflammations.

Using mustard plasters, we make our body react faster to the disease, boost the immune system and bring recovery closer, using only internal forces. Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out the procedure correctly, taking into account the indications and only in the absence of other strong loads (high temperature, especially in babies; external and internal bleeding, etc.).

Indications for setting mustard plasters:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • headache;
  • heart pain (distracting effect in the chest area);
  • high blood pressure;
  • muscle pain.

Indications for the use of the drug are cough, headache, sprain, bruises. It is important to remember that mustard plasters must be used strictly for their intended purpose. Attempts to fight cellulite with their help (there are such bad tips!) Can end tragically not only for cellulite, but also for health.

In our country, the drug is available in two forms:

  • a thick sheet of paper (8 x 12.5 cm) coated with a mixture of mustard cake and seeds;
  • paper bags of 3 g, in which the mustard mixture is divided by gluing seams into 4 sections.

Mustard plasters are produced in the form of sheets and bags

Before use, be sure to check the expiration date of the drug. Expired mustard plasters change their color, the mustard mixture can dry out and crumble.

Contraindications for use

The first thing that should be of interest in any drug is contraindications. With regard to mustard plasters, this rule also works. So, contraindications for staging:

  1. Age. Children can only have the procedure from the age of six!
  2. Heat. For adults - above 38 ° C, for babies - above 37 ° C. In the acute phase of the disease, the use of warming procedures is contraindicated, you should wait for the patient's condition to improve and the temperature to decrease.
  3. Any bleeding. External wounds or internal bleeding weaken the body, putting mustard plasters in such a situation can be harmful.
  4. Some diseases: malignant tumors, active form of tuberculosis, asthma, blood diseases.
  5. Problems or damage to the skin (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), moles or birthmarks at the intended staging site.
  6. Hypersensitivity of the skin or allergy to mustard.
  7. During pregnancy, mustard plasters can only be used with the permission of a doctor!

High temperature is a contraindication to the use of mustard plasters

It is dangerous not to pay attention to any of the listed contraindications. Instead of the expected relief, this can cause serious harm to the patient. In addition, you can not put mustard plasters on the mammary glands or face. For children, the session is best done in the evening, so that before going to bed there is time to cough up the outgoing mucus.


The algorithm of actions is quite simple. Before you get started, make sure you have:

  • fresh mustard plasters in the right amount;
  • warm water up to 40°C (water temperature above 45°C destroys mustard essential oils - the main irritants, nullifying the entire therapeutic effect);
  • a towel, gauze napkins, a thin diaper for babies and heated vegetable oil (to prevent burns).

To begin with, the patient must be conveniently arranged in such a way that the part of the body on which, in accordance with the indications, the setting will be performed, is open. Then we act strictly adhering to the algorithm.

Technique for setting mustard plasters:

  1. After completion, the area should be wiped from mustard residues (in children, remove oil residues). This is done with a clean cloth dipped in warm water, with careful movements, trying not to press hard on the placement sites (to avoid discomfort).
  2. In the normal state of the patient, the duration of the session is up to 15 minutes. But after 5-10 min. there will be an effect, so you should not seriously scoff at the patient and force him to withstand all 15 minutes.
  3. This item is very important! To withstand the time (3-5 minutes) and check the patient. If there is a strong burning sensation, you need to check the place for redness. In the event of hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels, expressed in redness of the skin area), immediately stop the session. Children should be especially attentive. They are not always able to explain what is bothering them, the placement sites should be checked regularly (perhaps even before 3 minutes if the child is restless).
  4. Cover the place of setting with clean paper or film, wrap it with a towel on top. This is necessary in order for the mustard mixture to warm up to 39-45 ° C, it is at this temperature that the release of essential oil begins.
  5. Attach the prepared sheet with the side coated with the composition to the body in a predetermined place (see the diagram of indications and location of mustard plasters).
  6. Dip the mustard plaster into a container of water for 1-3 seconds. If the drug is made in the form of a paper bag, it must be shaken before immersion in water so that the powder is evenly distributed over the cells.
  7. Carefully examine the patient for damage, scratches, wounds or moles at the site of the intended setting. It is useful for small children to lubricate the setting site with heated vegetable oil to prevent burns.
  8. Gently wipe the place of setting, help the person lie down comfortably and leave him to rest for 30-40 minutes. The thermal procedure is a big load on the body, so it takes time to recuperate (at least 20 minutes, but 40 is better).

If you do not calculate the time of exposure, redness or burns may appear. They should be carefully washed and lubricated with a softening cream. In order to reduce the risk of burns, people with sensitive skin and children can put mustard plasters on gauze folded in half and moistened with warm water.

"Places to Know"

Knowledge of the setting algorithm is not the only rule for a quick recovery. It is important to know the places for setting mustard plasters. The scope and quantity depend on the disease:

  1. For various respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pleurisy, colds, pneumonia), you will need 5-8 pcs. They are placed on the back, avoiding the region of the heart.
  2. At the very beginning of a cold (if there is no high temperature), you can put it on the soles of your feet.
  3. Migraine (for hypertension) will relieve heat in the back of the head.
  4. With neuralgia, myositis, sprain - directly on the painful area.
  5. With angina pectoris, a warming procedure performs a distracting function. In this case, mustard plasters are placed on the chest in the region of the heart.

For various diseases, mustard plasters need to be placed in certain places

Along with mustard plasters, jars are often used for coughs or colds. Whether there is a sense for adults in this action is a moot point. In addition, the algorithm for setting cans is not so simple. Children, on the other hand, should not be treated like this. The famous children's doctor Komarovsky claims that modern medicine is categorically against the use of cans for children, especially for preschool or early school children. Such a barbarous operation grossly disrupts blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous layer, can cause irreversible damage to blood vessels or cause bleeding. In addition, banks should never be used by either children or adults with any skin damage, at elevated temperatures, while taking drugs that reduce blood clotting (banal aspirin). Instead, it is better to use warm compresses or body wraps.

The human body has a huge margin of safety and is quite capable of coping with colds on its own. Mustard plasters, compresses or wraps, delivered in accordance with the indications, will only push the immune system and speed up recovery a little.

The medicinal properties of mustard have been known since time immemorial. The seeds of this plant, ground into a powder, were originally used as a spice, but later it was found that they can increase appetite and improve the digestion process.

Externally, mustard began to be used in the form of compresses, which had a warming effect and helped reduce pain at the site of application. The prototype of the mustard plaster was a linen bag filled with mustard seed powder.

In its modern form, it is a sheet of waxed paper with mustard powder glued on, or a porous bag divided into compartments with the same filler.

How mustard plasters work and indications for use

The mechanism of action of mustard plasters is based on local effects on the skin. The characteristic burning sensation of the drug causes hyperemia (redness) of the skin, increases blood flow to the site of application, due to local vasodilation.

Also, skin irritation stimulates the work of the sympathetic nervous system, a large number of mediators (adrenaline, norepinephrine) enter the bloodstream, which have a positive effect on phagocytosis. As a result, local immunity and body resistance to viruses increase.

✔ ARI, influenza;

✔ myositis (muscle pain);

✔ diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis);

✔ rehabilitation period after sports injuries (torn ligaments, sprains, fractures).

How to put mustard plasters correctly

The method of using mustard plasters is quite simple. The package, usually divided into 4 cells, which contain the mustard powder, is shaken to evenly distribute the grains of the powder and avoid lumps. Then they are immersed in warm water for 20-30 seconds and applied with the porous side to the skin.

If the mustard plaster is not packaged, then the time of wetting it with water should be reduced to 10 seconds, otherwise the mustard layer will simply be washed off the surface of the sheet. A warm dry towel is placed on top of it and the patient is wrapped in a blanket or blanket. The duration of the procedure depends on the sensitivity of the skin and the age of the patient. Usually it is 5-10 minutes.

The signal for the end of the application is a clear reddening of the skin at the site of application of the mustard plaster. If the patient complains of severe burning, the remedy can be removed earlier.

After removal, wipe the remains of mustard on the skin with a soft, damp cloth or a small towel. But when using packaged mustard plasters, this is not necessary, since the mustard does not wake up through the perforations in the package, which makes the use of this type of mustard plasters more hygienic and simple.

For the treatment of cough, the mustard plaster is placed on the chest or back, excluding the region of the heart, as well as on the feet. Usually the procedure is carried out once a day, before going to bed.

Important so that after removing the drug, the patient is warm, so the effect of the drug lasts longer.

The use of mustard plasters for children

The pharmaceutical industry produces special mustard plasters for children. They are smaller in size than a similar product for adults, have bright patterns that attract the baby, have a softer effect on the skin, protecting the delicate skin of the child from burns.

The age at which it is allowed to put mustard plasters is 2 years and older. Usually, the procedure time is reduced when it comes to a small child. For a patient aged 2 to 8 years, it is enough to warm up the back and chest for 5 minutes to obtain a positive therapeutic effect.

Often the child is not able to determine the degree of burning mustard plaster himself and complains of even a slight feeling of discomfort. In this case, it is important to focus on the degree of redness of the skin, since in children the skin is thinner and the pain threshold is lower than in adults.

You do not need to withstand 10 minutes of the mandatory application time, but remove the remedy earlier if you see obvious hyperemia (redness) at the place where the mustard plaster was applied. The way out of the situation can be the use of mustard powder (it is poured into socks and put on at night), or applying mustard plaster to the soles of the feet for 15-30 minutes, depending on individual tolerance.

Is it possible to use mustard plasters for pregnant women?

The use of mustard plasters for the treatment of colds and coughs in pregnant women is contraindicated. Since the circulatory system of pregnant women is subjected to constant increased stress throughout the entire period of bearing a child, additional stress in the form of vasodilation from intense heating is highly undesirable. The body will seek to restore the pressure balance by releasing additional mediators into the bloodstream that contribute to vasoconstriction. This will lead to disruption of the trophism (supply) of the fetus with oxygen and nutrients and, as a result, can provoke death.

In addition, mustard seeds themselves have an abortive effect, increasing the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which leads to miscarriage in early pregnancy or to premature birth in the third trimester.

If the expectant mother still firmly decided to use mustard plasters to treat cough and sore throat, then you should choose the safest method of warming up - applying them to the soles of your feet. You can also use dry mustard powder (pour a small amount into cotton socks) or mustard patch.

However, it should be remembered that the duration of such a procedure should not exceed 1 hour. Before using the drug, it is advisable to consult a supervising physician.

An alternative to the use of mustard plasters during pregnancy during cough therapy at home can be inhalation with essential oils or applying an iodine mesh on the neck and back under the shoulder blades, avoiding the heart area.

What are the contraindications

Increased body temperature. If the patient has a temperature above 37.5-38 degrees, the use of mustard plasters is not recommended, since additional warming may worsen the patient's condition;

- bleeding (external and internal). Mustard has the ability to dilate blood vessels and accelerate blood flow at the site of application, which will only increase existing bleeding;

- Neoplasms on the skin (convex large moles, birthmarks, malignant tumors). Thermal exposure to such areas of the skin can provoke cell activation and neoplasm growth;

- an allergic reaction to any component of the drug. To check for hypersensitivity to mustard, it is recommended to attach a small piece of mustard plaster moistened with water to the inner surface of the forearm for a couple of minutes. After removing the product, assess the condition of the skin. If there is no excessive redness, pain, itching of the skin, no rashes, red dots, you can use mustard plasters;

– open wounds, open and closed fractures.

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of varieties of mustard plasters that meet even the highest requirements of patients. Among mustard plasters, classic paper-based mustard plasters, packaged types, children's and mustard plasters with various additives (essential oils, hot pepper powder), everyone can choose a medicine according to their individual preferences.

The treatment of any cough in the recent past began with the use of mustard plasters. The time has come for new pharmaceutical solutions, but mustard plasters, proven over several generations, are still popular. This simple and painless method of treatment gives good results in ARVI and influenza. The cost of mustard plasters also refers to the advantages of this tool. But even if mustard plasters are not at hand, you can always make them yourself using dry mustard and sheets of paper.

The scope of mustard plasters is much wider than many imagine. For bruises and injuries, mustard plasters can also be recommended. Despite the popularity of heat treatment using mustard, few people know where to put mustard plasters and how long to keep them. It all depends on the condition of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body. Treatment of children with the use of mustard plasters should be as safe as possible.


Due to the general warming effect, mustard plasters are used in the following cases:

  • radiculitis,
  • bronchitis,
  • runny nose,
  • pleurisy,
  • headache,
  • cough,
  • myositis,
  • neuralgic diseases,
  • soft tissue injury.

Mustard plasters dilate blood vessels at the site of application, which leads to improved blood circulation. This, in turn, stimulates the immune system and increases the tone of the autonomic system.

May be indicated for any disease in which warming will be useful. With increased sensitivity and in childhood, you can replace the treatment with the use of mustard plasters with dry mustard, which is usually poured into socks. Therapy with the use of dry mustard powder is less effective, although the time of therapeutic exposure can be increased several times. In a similar way, diseases associated with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract are treated. For headaches and other diseases with a clear localization, it is indicated to use mustard plasters.


  • acute form of the disease - thermal exposure is contraindicated at elevated temperatures, febrile conditions and other health disorders that accompany almost all diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy - thermal exposure in the chest and lower back is unacceptable. In the initial stages, you will have to refrain from warming up the limbs, as this can provoke a miscarriage;
  • the presence of neoplasms - any thermal effect in the presence of neoplasms can lead to tumor growth;
  • dermatological diseases - it is impossible to apply mustard plasters to the affected skin, the same can be said about allergic reactions, inflammation of the epidermis, wounds and burns;
  • asthma - it is not recommended to use mustard plasters for the treatment of asthmatic cough, this can provoke another attack;
  • individual intolerance - intolerance to mustard is quite rare, more often you have to deal with increased skin sensitivity, in which you cannot use mustard plasters;
  • children's age - use mustard plasters for children under 3 years old. Then you can apply mustard for a short time through gauze or thin cotton fabric. In the absence of side effects, the effect of mustard plasters should be increased to 5-10 minutes.

Mustard plasters should not be placed in the region of the heart and spine; in case of hypersensitive skin, it is permissible to put them through the fabric.

Application methods

How to use mustard plasters correctly? Packets with mustard in the required amount are placed horizontally in warm water and held for about 15 seconds. They take it out of the water, remove excess liquid, apply it to the selected place. Top with a towel and hold for about 5-10 minutes. The maximum exposure time of mustard plasters should not exceed 20 minutes. When the procedure is carried out correctly, redness and a slight burning sensation are observed in this area. There should not be any burns and pulsations at the site of application. After the procedure, bed rest should be maintained. The course of treatment averages 5 days, but can be increased to 10. In the absence of a clinical effect after a week of using mustard plasters, this method of treatment should be abandoned.

When coughing, mustard plasters are placed on the back between the shoulder blades, as well as in the chest area. For colds, it is useful to apply mustard plasters on the feet or leg games. Unlike steaming in water, heating with mustard does not soak the skin and does not require the patient to leave the bed.

For headaches, it is useful to put mustard plasters on the back of the necks. With a cold, mustard plasters are placed exclusively on the soles of the feet. In this case, there is no need to warm the chest.

Mustard plaster is a drug with a local irritant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, effective for the treatment of coughs, sprains and bruises.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of mustard plasters is caused by reflex reactions that occur when irritated at the site of application of the drug.

Release form

Mustard plasters are of two types:

  • Thick sheets of paper measuring 8x12.5 cm, covered with a thin layer of mustard mixture, consisting of cake from mustard seeds. In the package - 10 mustard plasters;
  • In paper bags of 3 g of mustard mixture, divided by seams into 4 cells. 2, 5, 10, 15 or 20 packs of mustard plasters per package.

Indications for use Mustard plasters

Most often used Mustard plasters for coughing. They have proven to be very effective and inexpensive.

They are great for both protracted and dry coughs. One of the warnings can be elevated (more than 37.3 ° C) temperature.

The best time to use mustard plasters is the final stage of the disease, a day after the temperature normalizes.

Mustard plasters are also used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for:

  • bronchitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Myositis;
  • Myalgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • Soft tissue bruises;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • Lumboischialgia;
  • arthralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • Stretching of ligaments.

Mustard plasters are contraindicated in acute conditions of respiratory diseases, asthma, hypersensitivity to the drug and tumor diseases.

Also, they can not be used on the skin in places affected by neurodermatitis, psoriasis or weeping eczema.

How to use mustard plasters

The use of mustard plasters is external. To do this, a mustard bag with an evenly distributed powder is dipped in warm (37 ° C) water for half a minute, and then applied to the skin. You can cover the top with plastic wrap or a warm blanket to enhance the effect. Mustard plasters are not removed until persistent redness appears, usually from 5 to 10 minutes. After removal, the skin area is washed with water.

An important condition for effective treatment with mustard plasters is the correctly chosen place of application:

  • With bronchitis, pleurisy, colds and pneumonia - on the back (from 5 to 8 pieces). The heart area should be avoided;
  • When starting a cold - to the soles;
  • With migraines (hypertension) - on the back of the head;
  • With neuralgia, myositis, sprain - directly on the painful place;
  • With angina pectoris - on the chest in the region of the heart.

For children Mustard plasters are placed very carefully so as not to cause skin burns. They are applied to double-folded gauze, previously soaked in warm water. The average procedure time is 10 minutes, but if the child complains of severe burning, then the time can be reduced to 5-7 minutes. Mustard plasters for children are best placed in the evening, so that the child has time to cough up the outgoing mucus before going to bed.

Before using mustard plasters during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor; self-use of mustard plasters during pregnancy is not recommended.

You can buy the drug without a doctor's prescription. Shelf life - from 1 to 2 years, depending on the manufacturer.


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