Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after taking. How to get pregnant quickly after birth control pills? Useful tips for women who want to get pregnant quickly after taking hormonal pills

Most women who take oral contraceptives (OCs) plan to have a baby in the future, and possibly more than one.

Therefore, questions related to conception after taking contraceptives, do not lose relevance. Let's try to figure out when to plan pregnancy after birth control pills and what are the features of preparation for conception after cancellation?

In the instructions for all modern oral contraceptives there are warnings that pregnancy after birth control may come in next cycle after their cancellation. In practice, everything is not so clear, and some women who took hormonal contraceptives, pretty hard get pregnant after canceling OK.

Relationship between pregnancy and intake oral contraceptives very peculiar: contraceptives can be prescribed both to prevent pregnancy, and vice versa - in order to accelerate its onset.

Substances contained in oral contraceptives suppress ovulation, as a result, the ovaries “fall asleep” and can remain in this inactive state for a long time. However, this does not mean that they will atrophy. After the abolition of contraceptives, the ovaries awaken and can begin to work even with double diligence. This phenomenon is called the "rebound effect". Gynecologists use it to restore ovulation and fight some forms female infertility. Thus, if a woman for a long time unable to conceive, she may be prescribed oral contraceptives. The course of contraceptives to increase fertility is usually several months. Probability of occurrence pregnancy immediately after the withdrawal of OK very large. However, sometimes it is required to conduct several such courses: 3 months of taking OK, followed by a two-month break.

But after all, for contraceptive purposes, many women take contraceptives for much longer than a few months. And sometimes, in order to bounce back after the abolition of contraceptives, the body needs certain time. The duration of the recovery period is individual - in some women pregnancy after withdrawal occurs almost immediately, while others will take weeks or even months to restore ovulation and reproductive functions.

Usually than longer woman took contraceptives, the longer the recovery period for fertility will be. If protection with oral contraceptives has been practiced for less than 1 year, then conception after withdrawal of OK may occur within 1-3 months.

But for the attack pregnancy after long-term use OK it may take, perhaps even more than a year. For those women over 30, restoration of reproductive function after prolonged useOK may take years.

This is due to the fact that even the safest and latest hormonal drugs are an intervention in natural processes in the female body, and the risk of side effects not excluded.

After canceling OK amenorrhea may occur - the disappearance of menstruation. According to statistics, this happens in 2% of women who take hormonal contraceptives.

However, much more common side effects, which do not have clearly tangible manifestations, but from this they do not become less serious.

So, the hormones that make up contraceptives change the vitamin and mineral balance in the body. Therefore, taking OK is fraught with a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals, primarily vitamins E, C, group B, folic acid as well as magnesium and selenium.

To eliminate the deficit useful substances, which are necessary for successful conception and fetal development early term pregnancy, in preparation for pregnancy after the end of treatmentOK, recommended additional reception some vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins C and E determine sensitivity female body to sex hormones, are involved in the synthesis of such important reproductive hormones as gonadoliberin, LH and FSH. The lack of these vitamins leads to a deterioration in the general condition. reproductive system, and their chronic deficiency - to failures of the menstrual cycle and its longer normalization after the abolition of OK. In addition, varying strength of bleeding between menstrual cycles can be triggered by a lack of vitamins E and C while taking contraceptives. to other possible backfire deficiency of vitamins C and E include:

  • The appearance of defects on the skin - dark circles under the eyes, the appearance of pigmentation in open areas of the body, poorly healing wounds.
  • Problems in the liver.
  • Blood clotting disorders.

Deficiency of vitamins B2 and B6 as a result of taking contraceptives can cause the development of cervical dysplasia, endometrial hyperplasia (excessive growth of cells lining the surface of the uterus), as well as placental abnormalities in the first weeks of pregnancy. Taking vitamins B2 and B6 during the period preparation for conception after taking OK can help reduce the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy, normalizes emotional condition future mother and contributes to the normal development of the brain and nervous system child.

Folic acid plays important role in the formation of the placenta and new blood vessels in the uterus, prevents the development of defects in the child. Contraceptive-induced folic acid deficiency is associated with increased risk premature termination of pregnancy, bleeding, development of neural tube defects in newborns.

One of the possible consequences of taking oral contraceptives may be a lack of iodine, which can provoke the occurrence of ovarian cysts and lead to the development of anovulation and polycystic disease. Also, the lack of iodine in the mother's body is the cause of congenital malformations in the child.

Magnesium deficiency, which often develops as a result of birth control, can cause eclampsia (severe toxicosis that occurs on later dates pregnancy and is characterized seizures), cause a slowdown in the growth of the child and even lead to a miscarriage.

Selenium deficiency is associated with the risk of developing hormonal imbalances, and a lack of zinc as a result of taking OCs can lead to premature detachment placenta during pregnancy, complicated childbirth, congenital defects child development.

After refusing to take contraceptives. For several months, all the functions of the reproductive system are restored and the body is ready to conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy baby. It is at this time that women have questions:

Did taking contraceptives affect the reproductive system?

How harmful to the health of the unborn child?

How to properly prepare the body for pregnancy after stopping the pill?

The answers to these questions will help every woman plan her pregnancy without fear and, as a result, experience the joy of motherhood.

The effect of hormonal drugs on women's health

The principle of the effect of birth control pills on a woman's body is aimed at inhibiting ovarian function, as a result of which the ovulation process is temporarily stopped. After the abolition of hormonal drugs, the reproductive organs begin to work more intensively. That is why gynecologists often prescribe birth control for women who cannot long time get pregnant. After a 3-4-month "rest", the previously disturbed functions of the internal genital organs are fully restored.

You can take hormonal drugs only after examination by a gynecologist. Taking pills without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences.

Conception after stopping birth control pills

In parallel with the question of how to get pregnant quickly, there must be a question of how to stay healthy and endure healthy child. While taking contraceptives, do not forget about the general condition of the body. In order to safely become pregnant after stopping the use of hormonal drugs, you need to follow certain recommendations both while taking contraceptives and after.

Useful tips for women who want to get pregnant quickly after taking hormonal pills

1. Be sure to follow the rules for taking hormonal drugs from the first to the last pill. Any unauthorized violations in the reception schedule can provoke severe pain, heavy bleeding, failure of the menstrual cycle, hormonal imbalance in the body.

2. After stopping the drugs, go full examination organism. Sometimes changes in hormonal balance activate hidden diseases that can become an obstacle to conception. Special attention should pay attention to the level of immunity, make sure that there is no in the internal genital organs different kind neoplasms, tumors, undergo a mammogram.

3. Do not try to get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control. It is best to plan a pregnancy in 3-. You need to give your body time to recover. hormonal background, the normal rhythm of the menstrual cycle and all functions reproductive organs. If conception happened earlier, there is nothing to worry about. Modern contraceptive hormonal drugs do not pose any danger to normal development fetus.

4. Take vitamins, exclude from the diet harmful products nutrition and, of course, give up all bad habits.

When is the easiest time to get pregnant?

How quickly pregnancy can occur depends on factors such as the woman's biological age, health status, and how long the birth control pill has been taken.

The easiest way to get pregnant is a young woman aged 18-25 years who has taken drugs not more than a year. In this case, after stopping the intake, the reproductive system is restored in the first month. In a woman aged 26-34 years, the restoration of the menstrual cycle can last from six months to a year. After 35 years, it may take even longer to restore the functionality of the reproductive organs.

If more than six months have passed after taking birth control pills, and the cycle has not recovered, you need to seek advice from a gynecologist. IN rare cases taking contraceptive hormonal drugs can provoke infertility, which can be treated at the initial stage.

It would seem obvious that such questions should be addressed directly to the doctor. However, often future parents prefer to look for information "among the people" - from friends, acquaintances or on the Internet. Unfortunately, in this case, instead of an adequate answer to the question, there is a high risk of running into all sorts of "folk wisdom" - various myths and prejudices related to the topic of "pregnancy planning after treatment."

Myth No. 1. After any surgical operation, you must wait at least a year before pregnancy!

Such a peremptory statement can only be heard from a person who is absolutely ignorant of medical matters. A surgical operation is not a disease, not a diagnosis, but only a designation (and a very generalized one!) medical intervention in which tissue is surgically incised. For example, surgical intervention equally is the removal of the inflamed appendix, and the opening of the boil by the surgeon in the clinic. Obviously, these two surgical interventions have very different effects on health and, accordingly, recommendations for planning pregnancy after surgery will also clearly differ! Surgical operations there are large and small, planned and emergency, cavity (that is, with penetration into abdominal cavity), multi-stage (when one operation is divided into several successive stages with an interval of several minutes, days or even months), plastic, cosmetic and many other types. After some interventions, the restoration of functions can take many years, and after others, a couple of hours or days are enough. Moreover, there are surgical interventions carried out as part of the treatment of infertility, for example, the restoration of patency fallopian tubes, removal of ovarian cysts or venoplasty for varicocele (varicose veins of the testicles), after which it is recommended to start trying to conceive in the next cycle! Operations are subdivided according to the area and volume of intervention, as well as according to indications for intervention; from this, as well as from the course of the operation and postoperative period time depends, necessary for man For full recovery health before planning conception. Necessary recommendations information on further family planning can be obtained from the doctor who performed the operation and postoperative care. If this is not possible (for example, due to prescription of years or in connection with moving to another city), you should discuss the issue of a planned pregnancy with a family planning specialist, providing him with a discharge postoperative epicrisis (medical report, given to the patient at discharge after surgery).

Myth number 2. You can only plan a pregnancy a couple of months after any treatment.

This statement is no less unfounded than the previous one, but it is also harmful! The myth is based on the opinion that all drugs are harmful to the child, so before conception, any previously taken drugs should be immediately discontinued. Such a " folk wisdom” is not only wrong, but also dangerous: following it, you can jeopardize the very fact of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. If before the onset of pregnancy, one of the future parents constantly took certain drugs, then he has chronic diseases that require treatment. Moreover, sometimes such treatment is required constantly, for example, with bronchial asthma, eczema or arterial hypertension(tendency to increase pressure). At the same time, planning for conception for such a chronic patient may not be contraindicated at all, but drug therapy just necessary for the successful onset and course of pregnancy. In this case, unauthorized withdrawal of drugs can cause an exacerbation chronic pathology and lead to a general deterioration in the health of future parents. Exacerbation of the disease after a sudden cessation of treatment is also facilitated by a general decrease in immunity in the event of pregnancy. It is especially dangerous to arbitrarily cancel drugs that correct arterial pressure, heart, lung, kidney and liver function, as well as medications prescribed by an endocrinologist (treatment diabetes, diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas, etc.).

The course of pregnancy and the development of the baby directly depends on the health of the expectant mother. During pregnancy, a double burden falls on the mother's body. Drugs prescribed by a doctor for treatment chronic diseases, help the expectant mother to cope with the increased load and safely endure the baby. Therefore, it is not necessary to arbitrarily cancel the therapy prescribed by the doctor before the onset of pregnancy. In the presence of chronic diseases, it is worthwhile in advance, at the stage of pregnancy planning, to discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking certain drugs before conception and in the first days of pregnancy. And at the first sign interesting position» visit a specialist again to correct therapy and dosage of drugs in connection with the onset of pregnancy. The doctor will replace some drugs with analogues that are not dangerous for mom and baby, for some drugs the dosage will gradually decrease. It is possible that the doctor will be forced to cancel some drugs in the interests of the fetus. However, only a competent specialist can make a decision to cancel, replace or reduce the dose of a previously prescribed drug; unauthorized withdrawal of drugs can affect the health of the mother and fetus much worse than taking the most "harmful" drugs.

The same applies to pregnancy planning after taking antibiotics - each antibacterial drug has its own period of accumulation and excretion from the body, its own level of harmfulness with a potential effect on conception. There are antibiotics that do not cause significant harm to germ cells, embryo and fetus. If necessary, they can even be prescribed during pregnancy. When taking such antibiotics, the interval before the planned conception is determined only on the basis of the recovery time of the body and microflora (after treatment with any antibacterial drugs needs to be restored normal flora intestines and genital tract). Other drugs in this group have a pronounced teratogenic (damaging the fetus) or toxic effect, their half-life products can remain in the blood for a long time, and sometimes it takes up to six months or even a year to recover after taking. The conclusion is obvious: it is possible to decide on the timing of pregnancy planning after taking antibiotics only with the attending physician.

Myth #3: You can't get pregnant right after you stop taking oral contraceptives.

Completely wrong statement. There are various types of hormonal drugs in this group. Some drugs are based on the suppression of ovulation of the egg, others affect the viscosity cervical mucus(mucus secretion that fills the lumen of the cervix), others inhibit the growth of the endometrium - the mucous membrane of the uterus, the thickness of which determines the possibility of implantation (attachment) gestational sac. Most modern oral contraceptives are combined, that is, they combine hormones different kind and give complex effect contraception. However, regardless of the variant of exposure, these drugs affect the body only directly during regular intake: if any of these drugs is canceled, menstruation should begin, followed by normal menstrual cycle with the full maturation of the egg, the growth of the endometrium and the permeability of cervical mucus. Thus, after the completion of oral administration, there is no aftereffect (for example, accumulation in the blood harmful substances or pathological changes in the work of the organs of the reproductive system), which could pose a danger to a planned pregnancy. Moreover, the drugs of this group are effectively used for the treatment various kinds hormonal infertility. In some cases, taking oral contraceptives continues after the onset of conception - during the first trimester, drugs containing progesterone are prescribed to prevent and treat the threat of abortion in the early stages.

Myth № 4. You can plan pregnancy immediately after removing the IUD.

And in this case, everything is exactly the opposite. The advice is wrong again. Navy, or intrauterine device, - "female" method of contraception, to achieve which a special spiral of medical steel coated with silver, gold or even platinum is introduced into the uterine cavity for a long time (a year, 3 years, 5 years) (precious metals are used for prevention purulent inflammation). The contraceptive effect is based on the rejection reaction, which is provoked by what is in the uterus foreign body(spiral). During the entire period of wearing the spiral in the uterus, the process of aseptic (non-purulent) inflammation occurs, the tone of the uterus increases, the structure of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity) partly changes: it is these factors that prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Some IUDs are supplied with a capsule with a hormonal contraceptive that is constantly released in the woman's body while wearing the spiral, but the main effect of this method is still based on an inflammatory provocation in the uterus. In this regard, gynecologists do not recommend planning a conception earlier than 3 months after the removal of the IUD: it is necessary that the consequences of prolonged aseptic inflammation. Otherwise, during conception, the risk of developing a threat of interruption or even is significantly increased. A couple is recommended to use for 3 months barrier methods contraception (condoms, vaginal membrane, cervical cap), and before the planned conception, once again come to a consultation with a gynecologist for a re-examination, collection of tests and a control ultrasound in order to confirm the completion of the recovery processes in the uterus.

Myth No. 5. After a “failed” pregnancy, long-term treatment is always necessary.

This statement is erroneous due to its categorical nature: long-term treatment after an abortion, it may indeed be necessary, but not always. The term "unsuccessful pregnancy" includes all options in which the pregnancy did not take place. There are many such options, and they differ greatly among themselves in terms of the reasons for development, course, completion, and consequences for the health of the expectant mother. “Unsuccessful” options include spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), non-developing or “frozen” pregnancy, when the growth of the embryo stops at any stage of development, ectopic pregnancy, artificial interruption (abortion) or stimulation premature birth By medical indications(fetal pathology incompatible with life). Recommendations for the planning period repeated pregnancy in each of these cases will differ significantly. For example, after spontaneous miscarriage against the background of hormonal insufficiency to plan next pregnancy can be already after 3 months (provided there are no other pathologies and the appointment of progesterone preparations), and in case of development ectopic pregnancy it may take several years for the treatment and recovery of the body. The only thing that is the same for all cases of planning a second pregnancy after an “unsuccessful” one is the need for a thorough medical examination, which will help identify the causes of failure and avoid it in the future.

Myth No. 6. After interventions in the reproductive sphere, it is impossible to plan a pregnancy earlier than in 5 years

The history of the emergence of such a myth (it should be noted, a very stable one!) is quite understandable: it was this “waiting period” that doctors recommended after operations on the uterus, primarily after cesarean section, several decades ago. Such an impressive interval between surgery and planned pregnancy was explained by the time required for complete resorption of the suture material used at that time, the formation of stable scars at the site of the incisions, and the duration of the recovery of the woman's body after a severe, traumatic operation. However, much has changed for the better in medicine and surgical technology since then: operations have become much less traumatic (for example, extracorporeal C-section with a vertical incision along the entire abdomen is now practically not used), modern suture material resolves within a few weeks, postoperative scars in connection with this became much more elastic (this significantly reduced the risk of rupture of the scar on the uterus during subsequent pregnancy and childbirth), the formation of a stable postoperative scar completed on average within 1 year after surgery.

Many gynecological and urological interventions are now performed endoscopically (through the vagina and uterine cavity), endovascularly (intravascular technique) or laparoscopically (through micropunctures), which minimizes traumatic consequences for the body and significantly reduces the time required for full recovery of health before the planned conception. Therefore, today the question is: “When can I plan a pregnancy after a cesarean?” - parents can hear the joyful answer of the doctor: “Yes, come back in a couple of years!” After some purely "male" and "female" operations carried out to increase the chances of conception - for example, treatment varicose veins veins and dropsy of the testicles in men, blowing out the fallopian tubes and removing foci of endometriosis in women (benign growths of the endometrium outside the uterus), - you can plan conception after 2 months, and sometimes almost immediately after discharge. Of course, in each specific case, recommendations for a couple will be purely individual: the type of intervention, indications, volume and features of the course of the operation and the postoperative period, as well as age and general state health of the future parent who has undergone surgical intervention in the reproductive area.


Oral contraceptives significantly change the production of hormones in a woman's body, which leads to a restructuring of the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, pregnancy after birth control pills is not without its own characteristics. This article is for those who have been protected by hormones for a long time and have now decided to conceive a child. All about the features of planning and the course of such a pregnancy later in the article.

Is it possible to get pregnant after birth control pills

To understand what is the likelihood of pregnancy after the abolition of birth control pills, you should understand the mechanism of their action. These drugs consist of synthetic derivatives of the female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Due to this, the production of its own hormones is inhibited, which prevents the maturation of the follicle in the ovary and the release of the egg.

After the abolition of these drugs, the hormonal background quickly returns to normal, and reproductive function is restored. However, this does not always happen. Often fertility returns over time, as the body needs to adapt to the cessation of the hormone from outside and start producing its own.

It rarely happens that pregnancy after hormonal contraception does not come at all. Several factors affect the possibility of resuming pregnancy, as well as the recovery time:

  • girl's age;
  • How long have you been on birth control?
  • individual features of hormonal regulation.

How long can you get pregnant after birth control pills

As noted above, the period after which a child can be conceived depends on a number of reasons. If we talk about age, then the younger the girl, the sooner the development of pregnancy after taking birth control is possible. The fertility of a 25-year-old girl resumes, as a rule, in the second or third month after their cancellation. A woman of 30 years old will have to wait about a year, 35 years old - 2 - 3 years.

An important role is played by the individual characteristics of the production of sex hormones in the body. Even if two women of the same age have taken the same drug for a certain period of time, the first can become pregnant in a couple of months, the second in a few years.

Important! If, after the abolition of contraceptives, pregnancy does not occur for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist - this may be a symptom of a concomitant pathology.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control

The instructions for contraceptives indicate that it is possible to conceive a child in the next ovulatory cycle after stopping the drug. That is, in about two weeks. Indeed, if a girl does not have diseases of the reproductive system or comorbidities other organs, she took modern contraceptives, strictly following the instructions, pregnancy comes quickly.

Pregnancy after prolonged use of birth control pills

The duration of contraceptive use is a significant factor influencing the timing of fertility recovery. With short-term use, in most cases, pregnancy occurs almost on the next cycle. But conception after prolonged use of birth control pills is possible in about a year and a half. Although do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body.

Planning for pregnancy after taking birth control pills

So that the gestation goes without complications, and was born healthy baby, you should follow several rules for its planning:

  1. Start trying at least one month after stopping contraception.
  2. Completely finish the course of tablets according to the instructions, since if the cancellation is incorrect, the state of the mother's body suffers significantly.
  3. Start trying only after the menstrual cycle has fully recovered.
  4. At the beginning of pregnancy planning, take vitamins (groups B, C, E), minerals and folic acid, since hormonal contraceptives cause a lack of these substances in the body.

Attention! Folic acid is necessary for the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, so its deficiency leads to severe malformations.

When you start trying to conceive a child, you should go through medical examination, which includes the following methods:

  • ultrasound examination of the uterus and its appendages;
  • a smear from the cervix to exclude the inflammatory process;
  • gynecological examination;
  • study on TORCH infection - group infectious diseases, which provide negative effect on fetal development.

Careful adherence to all of the above rules significantly increases the chance of a successful pregnancy.

The impact of oral contraceptives on fertilization and the fetus

The impact of oral contraception on the health of the unborn child has long been the subject of debate among scientists. So, in Norway, a study was conducted, the purpose of which was to find out how progesterone pills affect respiratory system and immunity of the baby. Scientists have concluded that maternal progestins increase the risk of bronchial asthma in an unborn child. But over time, these data were refuted, citing an insufficient evidence base.

On present stage scientists deny Negative influence oral contraceptives on the growth and development of the unborn child. However, research continues to this day.

When can I get pregnant after birth control pills

Doctors recommend starting trying to get pregnant at least a month after the girl has completely stopped taking birth control. This is due to the fact that it takes time to recover. normal ovulation. Also, the mucous membrane of the inner layer of the uterus needs some time to prepare for implantation (attachment) of the ovum.

After prolonged use of contraceptives (more than six months), it is better to wait another three months. Indeed, as noted above, prolonged use of contraceptives leads to a deficiency of folic acid and vitamins. Therefore, this deficit should be eliminated within three months.

How to get pregnant after birth control pills

For quick recovery fertility one correct pregnancy planning is sometimes not enough. You should also pay attention to how to drink contraceptives correctly in order to get pregnant. There are factors that interfere with the fertilization of the egg, even if the girl did everything right. More on this later in the article.

How much to take birth control to get pregnant on withdrawal

Pregnancy on contraceptive withdrawal is indeed possible. Doctors even single out a separate term called "rebound effect". Its essence lies in sharp rise ovarian function after discontinuation of contraceptives. They, thus, compensate for their "inactivity" during the intake of hormones from the outside. This effect greatly increases the chance of rapid fertilization, and even increases the likelihood of having twins.

But the "rebound effect" is possible only with short-term use of contraceptives (maximum 3 months), and also under the condition full health women.

Why pregnancy may not occur

There are a lot of reasons why pregnancy does not occur after the abolition of contraceptives. But these problems are rarely directly related to taking the pills. Infertility can lead to pathologies of both female and male body. The main ones are listed below:

  • violation of the quality or quantity of sperm is the main cause of male infertility;
  • changes in the level of hormones, and not only sex hormones, but also hormones thyroid gland, adrenal;
  • infectious inflammatory diseases organs of the reproductive system;
  • the presence of antibodies to the spermatozoa of the sexual partner in a woman - an immunological conflict;
  • genetic reasons.

Taking hormones does not directly cause the development of the pathologies listed above, but it can enhance their manifestation.

Important! Determination of the cause and treatment of infertility should be carried out in a complex manner by several specialists: an obstetrician-gynecologist, an immunologist, an endocrinologist.

How is pregnancy after birth control

If a woman has been taking birth control pills for several months to get pregnant, the childbearing is uneventful. And even after long-term use of contraceptives, if you wait a few months, negative consequences should not be.

One of the features of the course of pregnancy is the presence of the “rebound effect”, which was mentioned earlier. Otherwise, provided that the woman adhered to the rules for taking pills and canceling them, and also went through all necessary examinations when planning a pregnancy, carrying a child is no different from the pregnancy of girls who did not use oral contraception.

Before conception, you should consult a doctor, go through all the prescribed examination methods, and, if necessary, take medications. A girl should carefully monitor her health, because it is necessary for good development baby.


In most cases, pregnancy after birth control pills occurs quickly and proceeds successfully. If after the cancellation there are difficulties with conception, a consultation is required. qualified specialist. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause and prescribe effective therapy.

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