Pink discharge during pregnancy: should I be wary? Pathological secretion during gestation

Pregnancy is a condition that changes the course of many natural processes in a woman's body. Often this phenomenon leads to the appearance of uncharacteristic symptoms. One of these is pink discharge during pregnancy. They can indicate both pathology and the normal development of the fetus. Below we will figure out how they can be caused in the first, second and third trimester, as well as in which case you should “sound the alarm”, and in which you can get by with a scheduled visit to the gynecologist.

There are whole discussions on this topic on the forums. Below we will try to give answers to the most common queries.

Causes of pink discharge in a pregnant woman

“I had mucus for the first time in the fourteenth week, in which there were small streaks of blood. It's all gone after two days. On the seventeenth, history repeated itself. I haven't spoken to the gynecologist yet. What could be the reason?"

The named shade of the secret most often indicates the presence of blood particles in the mucus. Their direct amount affects the original color. There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of such secretions. But the most common is hormonal changes. Against its background, the sensitivity of the genital organs and mucous membranes increases significantly. In this regard, any contact actions inside the vagina can lead to microtrauma.

Often, the appearance of pinkish mucus is associated with an examination on a chair. Additionally, some gynecological diseases are called among the reasons. So, periodically bleeding (especially after intercourse) erosion of the cervix often causes a peculiar shade of mucus.

During different periods of pregnancy, various processes occur in the body of a woman, which in a certain way affect the sexual secret. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause based on the results of a vaginal examination, tests and ultrasound. If, in addition to this, additional symptoms are observed (spasms, burning, inflammation, etc.), then you should immediately contact an ambulance or your gynecologist.

Is pink discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

“I noticed light pink discharge today at 35 weeks pregnant. Nothing else to worry about. This is dangerous?"

“Term 21 weeks. Some kind of brownish daub appeared, while pulling the stomach a little. What does this mean and how dangerous is it?

Pale pink discharge during pregnancy is often perceived by women as a pathology. Of course, the doctor will not be able to immediately assure the opposite, because. This will require a full examination. According to statistics, most often this is really the result of completely natural phenomena (if the mucus is light and there are no other symptoms).

A greater amount of blood in the sexual secretion should alert the expectant mother. You need to seek help immediately if its amount has increased, and the color has become darker. Intense scarlet discharge is a clear sign of a threatened miscarriage or a severe pathological process. If you seek help in time, you can save the child.

The situation is also dangerous when the mucus has turned brown or brown clots are observed in it. This means that there was some kind of injury or hematoma, and now the body is trying to get rid of clotted blood. In such a situation, individual treatment is prescribed, possibly in a hospital. It includes a course of hormonal drugs and vitamins that help in maintaining the pregnancy. Appropriate therapy is selected on the basis of a complete examination.

Pinkish discharge during different periods of pregnancy

As mentioned above, the causes of the appearance of mucus of non-specific shades differ depending on the period. and just before the birth they talk about the course of completely different processes. You have to start from the very beginning.


“Girls, tell me, can they appear? I have a daub for the first time at this time with small drops of blood"

The middle of the monthly cycle is characterized by the onset of the most favorable time for conception - ovulation. This phenomenon normally causes rupture of the follicle, which has blood vessels, which in turn leads to a slight bleeding. It often goes unnoticed by most women. However, the erythrocytes that are secreted at the same time have the ability to color the secret in pink shades.

If bleeding appeared at the beginning or end of the cycle, then this may indicate the course of any disease of the genital organs. These include vaginosis, endometritis, erosion, and thrush. The latter, by the way, can also cause white-pink discharge during pregnancy. Each of these diseases has other symptoms, according to which an accurate diagnosis occurs. Therefore, if you experience any uncharacteristic symptoms (smell, itching, etc.), you should consult a gynecologist.

First trimester

“I noticed some pink discharge at 12 weeks pregnant. Doctor's appointment only after 5 days. Where could they come from?

Most often it occurs in the early stages. Among the reasons for this phenomenon, non-hazardous and dangerous can be distinguished. The first group should include:

Implantation period

Light pink discharge during pregnancy, as a rule, means implantation of the fetal egg. This period usually coincides with the approximate beginning of menstruation. That's when different shades appear. It is caused by damage to small blood vessels in the endometrium. This phenomenon is characterized by a single occurrence and short duration. A woman, as a rule, notices a delay at this moment.

Estimated days of menstruation

Approximately one in eight women in a period when they were previously expected to be critical notices. This symptom most often indicates a lack of progesterone, a very important hormone for the normal bearing of a child. Such a phenomenon is not so dangerous, but only if detected in time. In this case, the doctor prescribes a special hormonal therapy. Otherwise, special care should be taken on such days: avoid serious physical exertion, sexual intercourse and hot baths.

The second group is characterized by the following phenomena:

Detachment of the fetal egg

At the same time, pulling pains are observed, and the discharge itself gradually acquires a dark shade and becomes more abundant. If you notice such signs in yourself, you should immediately seek help - this is most likely a threat of miscarriage.

Frozen pregnancy

This condition is difficult to diagnose without ultrasound. It is rarely characterized by specific features. Most often, this does not appear pink, but a brownish tint of daub. There may be nothing more to worry about.

Ectopic pregnancy

It is difficult to miss such a pathology, because in addition to uncharacteristic mucus, severe pain, weakness and even fainting appear. In this situation, we are talking about maintaining only your health, since the fetus cannot develop outside the uterus. If these symptoms appear, immediately call an ambulance.
Tell your gynecologist about any odd signs, especially the color of your discharge. Only a doctor can accurately determine the nature of this phenomenon. It is better to disturb the doctor once again than to regret the lost time later.

Second and third trimester

"Hi all. Found in myself. The doctor was recently, everything was in order. Has anyone had a similar experience?"

“I read somewhere that there shouldn’t be any daub in the second trimester. I myself had pinkish discharge at the 17th week of pregnancy. To the doctor not soon. Nothing else to worry about. Tell me, is this normal or not?

The middle of pregnancy is characterized as the most calm period, when normally there should be no mucus with hints of blood. Therefore, the appearance of pink discharge in the second trimester should be taken seriously by the expectant mother.

Among the most likely reasons are:

  • placenta previa or abruption;
  • cervical erosion;
  • the threat of premature birth;
  • late miscarriage.

The last two phenomena are additionally characterized by pain in the abdomen and lower back and uterine tone. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.
Separately, we should talk about if pink discharge is observed in late pregnancy, especially towards the end of the third trimester.

Before childbirth

“What can they talk about at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy? They are not quite plentiful, but appear constantly throughout the day.

"Urgently! There were some intense ones. A lot came out at once, now a little bit. Is that a mucus plug coming out?

Pale pink discharge during pregnancy, or rather, towards its completion, may indicate the withdrawal of the mucous plug. It is a barrier in the cervix, which does not allow various infections and bacteria to penetrate during gestation. As soon as the body is ready for childbirth, the cork comes out. Most often it has a pink or brownish color and a viscous texture. The exit can occur at a time in the form, or maybe gradually.

You should not immediately run to the hospital, because after that it can take another whole week before the contractions. - the earliest harbinger of childbirth. You just need to report the discharge to your gynecologist. He will examine you and confirm or deny this phenomenon.

However, if the mucus becomes brighter in color and its volume is constantly increasing, you need to call for medical help, as you may have placental abruption or placenta previa.

What to do if pink discharge appears?

“Tell me, please, pink discharge at the 39th week of pregnancy can be normal or not? What to do, run immediately to the gynecologist?

A pregnant woman is quite scrupulous about her health, and rightly so, because we are also talking about the condition of the unborn child. In the event of any symptoms that you do not understand, it is better to play it safe once again and seek help from a doctor. Only a specialist will correctly assess your condition and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

In conclusion, it should be noted that pink discharge during pregnancy without additional unpleasant symptoms is most often a normal sign. Especially in the early stages. In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, this is more often considered a pathology. Such phenomena should be reported to the doctor in a timely manner. But if pink discharge is observed at the 40th week of pregnancy, you can not worry and start preparing for childbirth.

A long-awaited pregnancy is not only a reason for the joy of the future family, but also new sensations, which, among other things, are associated with a lack of knowledge. Pink discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is a common symptom that makes you worry about the health of your baby. From the fact that the expectant mother does not know whether this is normal or not, which symptoms should alert and which should not, a feeling of anxiety is also growing.

The early initial stages of a baby's development inside the mother's womb is a short period of three months. The first trimester or 12-14 weeks is, at the same time, the most dangerous period for the normal development of all internal systems of the fetus. In particular, such important systems as the cardiovascular, nervous and peripheral systems are being laid.

It is noteworthy that the character, hair color, height and individual characteristics of the future baby are also already laid down, since such changes relate to the genetic set. Chromosomal development begins from the first minute of fertilization, then the perfect organism only develops.

Why can pinkish discharge appear in the first months?

The slightly pink discharge that a pregnant woman notices on her panties in the morning or during evening procedures in the bathroom can alert and upset at the same time. After all, many women do not know the reasons for this manifestation and the consequences. Panic also appears from ignorance, but you should not panic and worry. You just need to know how to behave, which ones are the norm, and which ones are an anomaly.

If a woman leads a normal lifestyle during the gestation period, understands the importance of maintaining a proper diet and moderate physical activity, then such pinkish discharge will not appear. If you neglect the rules and lead an overly active lifestyle, then you can lose your baby.

It is worth immediately clarifying that pink, weak and unstable vaginal discharge in the first months is not a reason to run to the doctor and panic, it is only a reason to reconsider your habits, study daily rules that can become risk factors for the development and proper formation of organs in child. The main risk factors include:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • bathing in a cold flowing pond;
  • taking hot baths;
  • drinking alcohol in any quantity;
  • stress and tension of the nervous system;
  • poor sleep along with poor nutrition;
  • insufficient intake of foods containing vitamin B, D and folic acid in the diet;
  • beriberi (especially for spring pregnancies);
  • active sex life;
  • physical fatigue;
  • work on your feet more than 8 hours a day.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, there should be a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which is synthesized mainly by the skin upon contact with the sun. In summer, increase walks in the fresh air in the morning and evening, in winter it is necessary to balance the diet so that the body receives all the elements in the right amount.

Slight pink discharge during pregnancy

During the first months of gestation, a woman's body undergoes large hormonal stresses, which in turn affects the operation of all systems. If there are any chronic diseases, or gynecological diseases that have not been treated before pregnancy, then small capillary ruptures may occur, which provokes the appearance of pinkish departments in the end.

The most common cause of pink, beige-pink or brownish-pink discharge without characteristic intense volume is the result of untreated cervical erosion. During pregnancy, wounds on the delicate epidermis stretch and bleed, mixing with vaginal discharge at the exit, they form bloody, pinkish, but not abundant textures.

As a rule, the manifestations and causes of this condition are:

  • the presence of wounds in the vagina;
  • present spotting discharge of a white consistency with a sour smell;
  • mucous rich consistency with pink streaks;
  • itching and redness of the labia minora and labia majora in women.

Moreover, if the cause of such in the first months of pregnancy is really erosion, then gynecologists do not begin to cauterize and treat until the onset of the second or even third month. Cauterization is not used. As a rule, conservative drug treatment is used, which removes the symptoms, cauterization is performed immediately after childbirth.

Drug treatment of erosion in the first months of gestation is douching, washing in the department of gynecology and pathology of pregnancy. The main task in this case is the elimination of symptoms, itching and further growth of the area of ​​damage to the cervical canal.

Light pink discharge

Light discharge of a thin consistency, which appear at regular intervals, is a manifestation of the process of attaching the embryo to the uterine cavity, which is not dangerous for a woman. In the first weeks, there may be slight weakness, while there are certain symptoms that are the norm for all expectant mothers:

  • pale skin;
  • itching and irritability of the external genital organs, as well as high sensitivity of the nipples of the breast;
  • darkening or color change of the halo of the papillary region;
  • nausea;
  • capriciousness, irritability;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • vomiting in the morning (as a rule, toxicosis disappears in the evening);
  • fatigue and drowsiness.

All of the above are important, often unpleasant, but natural manifestations of a healthy pregnancy. In the first months, the body adapts to the new features of its existence, and such adaptation is not always easy. In some situations, manifestations of pregnancy are observed throughout the gestation period. However, only 4% of women from all over the world have such a disappointing manifestation.

Light pink discharge in the early stages can also be the cause of rupture of the small thin tissues of the vagina. As a rule, this happens after sexual contact. If a woman feels an unpleasant burning sensation after or during sex, and also observes a light color immediately after intimacy, she either needs to seek help and advice from her gynecologist to clarify the reasons, or choose more gentle positions for sex.

The stereotype that sex can harm the proper development of the fetus and even provoke a miscarriage, health scientists debunk. Moderate sex life throughout pregnancy only contributes to the softening and proper preparation of the cervix for labor activity.

The pathogenesis of the formation of pink discharge in the first months of gestation may be different. However, in any situation, it is necessary to undergo an examination, pass the necessary tests and find out the true reasons for such a formation. Alternatively, consider the following reasons.

Infectious pathogenic organisms

Unfortunately, the presence of pathogenic flora in the mucous membrane is the main reason that it starts to bleed. The infection enters the vagina, where there is a favorable environment, develops and, in the presence of weak or weakened immunity, grows, forming in a colony.

Microorganisms, spreading in most cases on the cervix or in the cervical canal, do not seep through the protective barrier to the fetus, but often this development becomes the reason that it begins to smear. Pink discharge in the morning with an unpleasant sensation of itching, dryness - this is an occasion to pass the necessary tests for infections in the birth canal. It is not worth starting the process, bringing the infection to a chronic form. In addition, a child, passing through such paths, can become infected with a dangerous disease.


Erosion or damage to the skin of the vagina, cervical canal. As a rule, erosion occurs without the fault of the woman herself, develops for a long time and is often asymptomatic in the early stages. However, during fertilization, this process accelerates, the area of ​​damage becomes more extensive, symptomatic manifestations are more pronounced. There can also be several reasons for erosion: from infections to mechanical damage (for example, the use of tampons).

Treatment and cauterization will be carried out after the birth of the child, but during the gestation period it is important to carry out preventive treatment, which eliminates all chances of a secondary infection and the development of a more dangerous disease.


Thrush is a common problem for women who are not even aware of their interesting position. A white thick mixture of curd mass, irritating the vaginal mucosa with its acid, forms peculiar microcracks, which a girl can even see on the outer labia.

Habitual procedures in the bathroom become unbearably painful, and touching the outer labia is impossible. As practice shows, thrush against the background of a change in hormonal balance does not pose a danger to the child and future pregnancy, it is considered the first sign of pregnancy even without a positive test.

This is explained by the fact that the vaginal mucosa is extremely sensitive to any hormonal changes, and pregnancy is a strong jump in the hormone estrogen and progesterone. As a rule, the symptoms disappear even without special treatment after a few days.

Thrush can not be treated, it will go away on its own if the pathogenesis of Candida exacerbation is established - hormonal changes in the body. As a rule, only the symptoms are eliminated, the treatment is difficult.

Excess of erythrocytes in the blood

Elevated levels of red blood cells in the blood - the cause of diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract. As a rule, such manifestations against the background:

  • urinary tract disease or cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • inflammation of the ureter;
  • the formation of sand or kidney stones;
  • trauma to the urinary tract with sand that came out of the kidneys;
  • diseases of the urethra or its trauma (after surgery).

If pink discharge in the first months has a permanent manifestation with increasing symptoms in the form of abdominal pain, cramping or an increase in volume, then this may be a manifestation of the first symptoms of a miscarriage or pregnancy fading. Urgent hospitalization, tests and control of hCG will help to identify dangerous diseases in a timely manner, avoiding negative consequences.

What threatens pink discharge

Naturally, every pregnant woman wants her pregnancy to proceed without complications and negative consequences, but pregnancy does not always end in childbirth. It is worth knowing the dangerous symptoms that indicate the presence of complications for pregnancy:

  • temperature rise;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • nausea is replaced by vomiting and stomach cramps;
  • chills and cold sweats;
  • pink discharge in volume becomes larger; their intensity is clearly visible.

Additional symptoms should be considered a decrease in the level of hCG concentration, as well as a negative pregnancy test. However, such studies are carried out by a doctor who establishes not only the causes of such a complication, but also prescribes the correct and effective treatment.

The worst prognosis - abortion can happen if the woman did not seek help in time, and the time necessary for treatment and elimination of pathogenesis was missed. Therefore, at the first suspicion, it is better to contact the gynecological department, if necessary, take tests, go to the hospital for preservation.

What to do

The first action when detecting pink discharge is to try to calm down, and not make decisions without the necessary medical education and experience. The first thing to remember is safety and peace, the only way to cope with even the most dangerous diseases.

As the obstetrician's practice shows, light pink or beige-pink discharge in 80% of cases is not a dangerous manifestation of the disease, but simply a symptomatology that is natural for the initial period of attachment and development of the fetus in the uterine cavity. It should be understood that the tissue in the uterus is the most delicate mucous tissue, the violation of which may be accompanied by weak bloody compartments.

Only on the basis of the results of the analysis and ultrasound examination can we talk about the need for medical treatment. As a rule, with the existing threat of miscarriage, brownish or dark discharge occurs, pink ones are fresh blood remnants in a small amount that are released immediately. In this case, there can be no dangerous state.

Pink discharge during pregnancy is often a bad signal - a mother's disease or a threat of miscarriage. Consider this symptom if it occurs in different trimesters of pregnancy.

1 trimester

Pink discharge in early pregnancy may indicate a pathology of the cervix or damage to the genital organs of any infection. Perhaps even fungi of the genus Candida, causative agents of thrush.

It is necessary to take a smear for flora and cytology for atypical cells. If cervical dysplasia is found, a colposcopy will be required. Surgery during pregnancy is performed only in case of cancer of the cervix. But then the pregnancy is terminated.

If it's an infection, then treatment will be prescribed. Any infection in the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous for the unborn child, who is just in the process of forming all the organs and systems of the body.

If the cause was precisely in the infection, then after its treatment, the pale pink discharge during pregnancy will disappear.

Another thing is if the cause is the threat of miscarriage. It is necessary to do an ultrasound to detect a possible detachment of the fetal egg, to see if the embryo has a heartbeat. Then, in the case of a developing pregnancy, the doctor prescribes to the woman a drug containing the hormone progesterone. After all, it is precisely because of the lack of this hormone that bloody, light pink discharge may appear during pregnancy.

2nd trimester

Closer to the second half of pregnancy, this is also considered one of the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage. But only its causes are already not in the lack of progesterone, but in isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix.

But pink discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester is far from its main symptom. If the cervical canal begins to open slightly, mucous discharge may appear. And in violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder - watery. Again, it is quite possible that with a small admixture of blood, and therefore the color is coffee or pink.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is diagnosed using an ultrasound examination with a vaginal probe. A pathology is considered to be a neck length of less than 3 cm. This is an indication for suturing it, in order to limit further shortening and opening.

3rd trimester

Unfortunately, childbirth does not always occur on time, sometimes it happens much earlier. And mucous, pink discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy can be one of the signs of their imminent onset. This discharge from the vagina can be a mucous plug that leaves the cervix when it is significantly shortened, smoothed. Sometimes this happens 2-3 weeks before the birth, and sometimes in the last hours before the start of labor.

Pink discharge during late pregnancy with streaks of blood is one of the most obvious harbingers of an early birth. Noticing it, a woman needs to urgently see a doctor if there is still a lot of time left before the expected date of birth (perhaps drug therapy will help prevent premature birth), and if the time has already come, collect bags for the maternity hospital, prepare documents, agree with the doctor at the maternity hospital if needed.

The doctor will be able to assess the readiness of the birth canal during a manual examination of the cervix.

Such a phenomenon as pink discharge that appears in early pregnancy is not uncommon. At the same time, the reasons for their appearance are very diverse. Let's take a closer look at in which case such a phenomenon is not a violation, and when, with the appearance of pink discharge in the early stages, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In what cases is light pink discharge in early pregnancy not a symptom of the disease?

In the first trimester, approximately 80% of all pregnant women report the presence of such secretions. The main reason for their appearance is the increased sensitivity of the reproductive organs of a woman, and an increase in their blood supply. That is why, after an intravaginal ultrasound or after violent sex, women note the appearance of a small amount of pink discharge. As a rule, in this case, their appearance is not accompanied by other symptoms (pulling pain, deterioration in general well-being). They disappear on their own, and as suddenly as they appeared.

Many women, being in a position, note the appearance of pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, directly at the time when they previously had their period. Such phenomena are caused, first of all, by hormonal changes in the body. At the same time, quite often, such discharges are accompanied by the same sensations as during menstruation (mild pulling pains in the lumbar region, in the lower abdomen). Moreover, in some cases, when the girl does not yet know about the onset of pregnancy, she takes them for menstruation. However, a subsequent increase in the volume of secretions, as during menstruation, does not occur, which makes the girl think about the reason for their appearance.

The appearance of pink discharge during pregnancy - a reason to see a doctor?

Ideally, when a girl seeks medical advice about all her concerns about her current pregnancy. But not everyone does this. Many, especially those carrying a second and subsequent children, are confident in their experience or rely on the fact that everything will pass by itself.

In the case of pink secretions, the alarm must be sounded already when their volume is so large that the sanitary napkin is replaced every hour. Such a symptom may be one of the first signs of the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage or indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy.

So, quite often, brown-pink discharge that appears in the early stages of pregnancy (after 15-16 weeks) may be a sign of a slight formed placenta. The shade is given directly to the blood. In such cases, hospitalization of the pregnant woman is necessary.

The appearance of yellow-pink discharge in early pregnancy may be caused by an infection in the reproductive organs. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study, which will help to accurately determine the pathogen and prescribe the correct treatment. In the process of treating such diseases, antibacterial drugs are often prescribed, the use of which is unacceptable at the beginning of pregnancy. Therefore, treatment is often delayed until 20-22 weeks.

Thus, the appearance of pink discharge is a reason to see a doctor. After all, only a specialist is able to correctly distinguish the norm from the violation, and prescribe treatment. At the same time, the pregnant woman herself should in no case hope that this phenomenon will disappear on its own. In this case, she endangers the health of not only the unborn small child, but also her own.

Vaginal discharge from a pregnant woman is a phenomenon that requires examination by the attending gynecologist, and in some cases, appropriate treatment. They can be of various colors, textures, with or without odor. This article will focus on pink discharge in early pregnancy.

Introduction to the problem

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes tremendous changes. The expectant mother herself may not yet be aware of her situation. However, all her physiological mechanisms have already begun to rebuild under the new regime. Some of the changes associated with the new state may alert her a little.

These phenomena include the appearance of unusual pink vaginal discharge. They often occur in pregnant women in the early stages of gestation and in the vast majority of cases are not threatening. Pink discharge may appear as a result of microcracks formed on the walls of the mucous layer of the vagina as a result of examination in the mirrors, douching. In addition, they occur after active sexual intercourse, as well as during intravaginal ultrasound.

Many pregnant women who are faced with this problem are concerned about why vaginal discharge of this nature appeared right now, when not much time has passed since the moment of fertilization, because such changes did not occur before pregnancy. The answer is simple enough. The hormonal balance of a woman undergoes dramatic changes in the first weeks of fetal development. Therefore, the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus under the influence of a certain type of hormones acquire a loose structure. In addition, during this period there is a significant increase in the number of capillaries, which can be easily damaged even with the slightest mechanical impact.

Every woman, having learned about her interesting position, should carefully observe what happens to her body. In most cases, pink discharge from the vagina in early pregnancy can be a normal variant. They should not plunge the pregnant woman into a panic.

However, if the expectant mother notices any unusual discharge in herself, she should inform the doctor observing the pregnancy.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Characteristics of discharge during pregnancy

The appearance of discharge of a different nature in a pregnant woman may indicate some kind of inflammatory process. At the same time, the expectant mother notes the appearance of discomfort in the urogenital zone, which manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, pulling pain, urination disorders, or the occurrence of negative phenomena after going to the toilet. The nature of vaginal discharge can tell which infectious agent caused the appearance of such phenomena:

  • light yellow discharge with mucus is characteristic before gonorrhea;
  • watery, fetid with a greenish tint appear with trichomoniasis;
  • curdled are characteristic of candidiasis;
  • creamy discharge with a "fishy" smell occurs with gardnerellosis.

Pink discharge in a short period of pregnancy is evidence of the successful implantation of the fetal egg. Many pregnant women notice a small pale pink vaginal discharge on the days of the month when the expected menstruation was supposed to begin (in case of not pregnancy). It does not pose a danger to the expectant mother and her baby. A similar sign in this case is an indicator of a shift in endocrine balance.

Pregnancy manifestations of this nature usually pass quickly and should not frighten a woman, unless, of course, they are combined with pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In most cases, pink vaginal discharge is an indicator that the fetal egg has implanted in the endometrium. This stage of intrauterine development can last 1-2 weeks after conception.

Women who expect pregnancy during this period should refrain from hot baths, sexual intercourse, excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress.

However, the expectant mother should inform the doctor observing the pregnancy about the presence of such secretions. In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe a series of examinations, the results of which will give a complete picture of the woman's hormonal background. If the specialist considers that some indicators do not correspond to the norm, he will prescribe treatment with a hormonal drug. Thanks to this, the pregnancy will be saved.

During pregnancy, pink mucus may appear. This may indicate the development of candidiasis or thrush. Expectant mothers in the early and late stages of gestation quite often suffer from this ailment. In this case, a pregnant woman is prescribed antifungal drugs, taking into account the duration of pregnancy.

pink brown

In most cases, scanty vaginal discharge of a pale pink color does not pose a big threat to the health of the expectant mother and her baby, unlike discharge that has brownish blotches. A woman in early pregnancy may notice the appearance of a brown impurity in pink discharge. This may indicate the development of placental abruption. Such a symptom is a reason for immediately seeking qualified medical help, since in this situation there is a real threat of spontaneous abortion.

Concomitant pathological signs can be pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, an increase in the intensity of secretions, which gradually acquire a bright red hue.

Delay in providing appropriate assistance for placental abruption can end very badly. Also, pink-brown discharge can be a sign of a missed pregnancy. Other symptoms in this case may not be.

The cause of the appearance of pink discharge with a brown tint may be an ectopic pregnancy. It is characterized by implantation of the fetal egg not into the uterine cavity, but into the mucous layer of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the embryo will develop and grow. The threat of this condition lies in the fact that with an increase in size, the fetus exerts tremendous pressure on the walls of the fallopian tubes, which will inevitably lead to their rupture and the development of bleeding in a woman, which can threaten her life. This condition is considered terminal, it is dangerous, the woman needs emergency care.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy:

  • spotting red-pink discharge;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of consciousness.

When should you see a doctor?

It is urgent to notify the attending gynecologist in the presence of such symptoms:

  • pink vaginal discharge appeared as a result of intense physical exertion, taking a hot bath or due to severe stress;
  • they gradually acquired a brown tint or even turned red;
  • the intensity of discharge of pinkish discharge increases;
  • vaginal discharge has a pungent odor;
  • the appearance of secretions is accompanied by an increase in the general body temperature, genital itching and burning, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • urination has become more frequent, during the discharge of urine, a pregnant woman feels pain.

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