How to quickly get rid of a cold with folk remedies. How to quickly cure a runny nose with folk remedies at home

Everyone should know how to treat a runny nose at home. First of all, because it is perhaps the most common disease. It doesn't cost anything to get cold, catch a respiratory infection in the off-season.

On the other hand, few people go to the doctor with a cold. Meanwhile, the neglect of even such a minor ailment can lead to very unpleasant consequences. And if you do without specialized medical care, then you need to be treated at home for a runny nose correctly.

Eliminate congestion

One of the most annoying symptoms of a runny nose is nasal congestion. It is the lack of nasal breathing that causes the most inconvenience. As a result, you have to inhale air through your mouth, and this, at the same time, leads to dry throat and cough. At the same time, a lack of oxygen provokes a headache, depression, irritability.

Thus, restoring normal breathing is an important step in the treatment of a cold and can be done at home. Nasal congestion occurs due to swelling of the inflamed mucosa and accumulation of fluid. Accordingly, it is important to exclude these factors in order to get rid of the disease faster.

Washing the sinuses

At the first sign of a runny nose, washing is effective. The benefit of washing is that they help remove excess secretion containing pathogenic microflora. The substances used for washing, as a rule, have a decongestant effect.<
Means for this procedure are easy to find at home. Among them:

  • a solution of sea or table salt;
  • a solution of iodine, potassium permanganate, furacilin;
  • herbal infusions.

Salt solution for drainage can be prepared independently, taking a teaspoon of salt and half a liter of water. For greater effect, you should purchase such products as Avamaris, Dolphin, Aqualor, etc. in your home medicine cabinet. They are made on the basis of sea salt, rich in useful trace elements.

When using iodine and potassium permanganate, it is important to follow the dosage. A few grains of potassium permanganate or 1-2 drops of iodine are enough to prepare a healthy solution that will not cause a burn.

For herbal infusions, plants with a slight antiseptic effect are used: sage, chamomile, string, calendula, oak bark, eucalyptus, etc.

What to drip?

How you can cure a runny nose at home without drops, many do not even imagine. Indeed, this form of drug delivery in the common cold is the most convenient and effective.

When choosing drops from a runny nose, you can stop at pharmacy options or on formulations prepared on your own. If it is easier to use purchased products, then it is better to stock up on those containing essential oils, for example, Pinosol. These drops really treat, they are universal. This is an advantage, since a child or a pregnant woman needs to cure a runny nose at home without harm to the body.

Vessel-constricting agents, such as Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Xymelin, Xylen, etc., should be left for emergency assistance when you need to ease breathing.

No worse than homemade pharmacy drops from:

  • juice of onions, beets, carrots;
  • juice of Kalanchoe, aloe;
  • honey, propolis;
  • mummy and others.

For drops, a small amount of a therapeutic agent is used, which is diluted with water. In the case of onions and beets, vegetable oil is added to soften.

Comprehensive treatment at home

Washing and instillation alone may not be enough. Then how to cure a runny nose at home? Proper treatment of any disease is a complex treatment.

The complex of procedures for a cold can include warming up, inhalation, applying compresses and ointments.

A competent combination of different ways of influencing the disease will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Useful heating

Warmth can be very helpful in dealing with a runny nose. However, only in the absence of temperature and at an early stage of inflammation. If it has passed into a protracted stage, then warming up will no longer help and even harm.

The easiest method is heating with a boiled egg. Instead, they also take warm salt or buckwheat, which are poured into soft cloth bags and applied to the bridge of the nose. Whatever the remedy, during the thermal procedure, you need to monitor the temperature so as not to get a skin burn.

Hot foot baths have a clear warming effect. They affect the entire body, as there are a lot of active points on the feet.

Mothers who care about how to cure a runny nose in a child at home always have mustard powder for foot baths in stock. For one procedure, two tablespoons of powder per three liters of water are enough.

A hot foot bath before bed is a wonderful home remedy for a runny nose.


Useful for colds inhalation of essential oils: menthol, fir, cedar, eucalyptus. For inhalation, a few drops of these oils should be dropped into boiling water or at least onto a clean cloth.

Of course, inhalations with the addition of herbs are useful: sage, chamomile, calendula, marjoram, etc. But even such an old way as breathing over a pot of boiled potatoes is effective and should not be neglected.

Compresses and ointments

To enhance the therapeutic effect in combination with washing and instillation, you can add compresses from plant materials or bee products. They are good, because they do not lead to the development of addiction, they have no contraindications, with the exception of allergic reactions.

The composition for application can be prepared from dried marshwort, lungwort, pharmacy chamomile flowers, blackcurrant leaves, calendula (two and a half parts each), gray blackberry leaves, forest mallow (two parts each), horsetail, mullein, sweet clover (one and a half parts ). The collection is steamed for thirty minutes, then squeezed and laid out on the prepared cloth.

A good compress at the beginning of a runny nose is a cotton pad dipped in a solution of alcohol tincture of propolis. It also has a slight warming effect.

Ointments are convenient to have a long-term healing effect. to the nasal cavity. So, the undeservedly forgotten Zvezdochka balm has a real “punching” and lasting effect.

Kalanchoe, onion, aloe, cyclamen are used as ingredients in homemade ointments, and Vishnevsky ointment, honey are used to give consistency. For example, take one teaspoon of these components and mix until smooth. Lubricate the nasal passages with the resulting mixture or lay turundas (in turn in each nostril).

Ways to deal with bad health

Often a runny nose is accompanied by a general malaise: the temperature rises and the head begins to hurt.

To bring down the temperature is able to drink plenty of water in the form of:

  • green tea or black with jam;
  • berry fruit drinks;
  • herbal decoctions.

An ordinary towel soaked in cool water will bring relief: it will lower the temperature and ease the headache. An invigorating effect is also inherent in essential oils.

During illness, excessive physical exertion and stress should be avoided, and good sleep should also be ensured. Rest and regularity in treatment - these are the basic rules to get rid of a runny nose at home.

Many people experience a runny nose at the slightest cooling of the room or a draft. The condition for free nasal breathing is the constant instillation of certain drops. Often this turns into an addiction, especially if vasoconstrictor drugs are regularly used. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of a runny nose - after all, it is much better to take measures to get rid of rhinitis by acting on its cause. Learn more about the process of normalizing breathing function.

What is a runny nose

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by infection (bacteria, viruses) and developing under the influence of hypothermia or dust is called rhinitis in medicine, and in everyday life - a runny nose. Acute rhinitis is characterized by severe nasal mucus (rhinorrhea). Chronic runny nose develops as a result of acute rhinitis or long-term exposure to negative factors. A runny nose is a protective function, but it has taken a pathological form.

In the process of mucus flow, inhaled dust particles and pathogenic microorganisms are bound. Excessive accumulation of mucus provokes the need for blowing your nose (forced exhalation), thereby ridding the body of large populations of pathogens. The composition of mucous secretions includes water, epithelium and mucin.


The clinical manifestations of the common cold are familiar to the majority of the population of central Russia. Talking about the symptoms, it is appropriate to divide the runny nose into acute and chronic. The symptoms of acute rhinitis are:

  1. Great need for sneezing.
  2. Lachrymation.
  3. Feeling of general malaise.
  4. Serous-mucous discharge, which gradually transforms into mucopurulent.

The general symptoms of chronic rhinitis are similar to the acute form, but have a number of distinctive features:

  1. Nasal congestion.
  2. Deterioration of smell.
  3. The mucous membranes of the nasal passages are hyperemic (saturated with blood) and thickened.
  4. Periodic thick and mucous discharge.
  5. Dryness of the nose, sometimes causing discomfort when inhaled.
  6. Regular formation of crusts in the nasal passages

How to get rid of a cold at home

You can get rid of a runny nose temporarily by stopping the causes of mucus flow, or for a long time, affecting the fundamental reason for the existence of a runny nose. The first way is easy and simple. To do this, you need to have on hand drops or special sprays that narrow the vessels in the nasal cavity. This method brings temporary relief and is addictive. It is best to combine it with therapy in the form of instillation of drugs based on medicinal and herbal components, as well as moisturizing inhalations.

Medical treatment

For systemic and reliable treatment of the common cold, medications cannot be dispensed with. There are several proven groups of drugs represented by well-known trade names:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs: Nafazolin (acts for about three hours, a cheap remedy that is forbidden to be used for more than 3-4 days), Otrivin, Xymelin, Nazivin.
  2. Polydex antibiotic drops (help to get rid of pathogenic flora, prohibited for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women; can cause itching in the nose), Isofra, Albucid.
  3. Antipyretics that relieve swelling of the nose: Phenacetin, Paracetamol.
  4. Phytopreparations based on vegetable essential oils: Pinosol (contains antimicrobial components, contraindicated in case of allergies), Kameton.
  5. Sprays for washing the nasal passages: Aqua Maris, Dolphin, Aqualor.
  6. Antivirals: Grippferon (based on interferon-alpha1, which increases the production of white blood cells).
  7. Hormonal preparations: Avamis (based on glucocorticoids that reduce mucosal edema, inflammation and allergies; prohibited for children under two years old), Nazarel, Nasonex.

Nose drops at home

When a runny nose appears, thoughts immediately arise of going to the pharmacy for drugs that can make breathing easier and stop the flow from the nose. It is rare that anyone thinks about making drops on their own, although this is a much cheaper and more gentle method for the body to deal with the disease. In terms of effectiveness, such a solution is sometimes not inferior to medicines. There are several proven recipes.

Beet drops with honey

The recipe is extremely simple: three tablespoons of beetroot juice are thoroughly mixed with three tablespoons of liquid honey. Drip three drops four times a day. Drops have practically no contraindications. Beets and honey are natural antiseptics. In addition, beetroot is a local immunostimulant, liquefies accumulations of mucus in the sinuses, and has regenerating properties.

carrot drops

Carrots are a natural storehouse of valuable trace elements and vitamins. Carrot juice has bactericidal and antiviral properties, moisturizes mucous membranes, thins thick snot, strengthens capillaries and reduces swelling. Juice can be dripped in its pure form, obtained by squeezing and filtering through gauze. Can be used as a spray diluted 1:1 with water.

An effective medicine will be a mixture in an equal proportion of juice with olive oil, which is recommended to moisten cotton turundas and insert into the nostrils for 15 minutes throughout the week. Carrot juice can be diluted in equal proportions with water and with beet or onion juice. The resulting drops should be instilled three times a day, the duration of therapy is 3-4 days.

garlic drops

Garlic has the highest content of phytoncides - substances that effectively kill pathogenic microflora. Garlic drops are indicated for use when green discharge from the nose appears. They should be used with caution due to the aggressive effect of garlic on the mucous membranes. To get drops, you need to mix half a glass of water with juice squeezed out of 2-3 garlic cloves.

How to get rid of a runny nose without drops

Treatment of the common cold quickly and effectively is possible without the use of medications. One of the methods of safe therapy is inhalation over boiled potatoes or freshly brewed black coffee. It is recommended to lubricate the nostrils with honey or rinse the nasopharynx with saline. Such methods are applicable only at the initial stage of the common cold - the chronic form and sinusitis should be treated under medical supervision.

Nasal lavage

Washes are used to clear the nasal cavity of mucus and pathogenic microbes that can cause inflammation. There are several ways to carry out the procedure:

  1. Simple - scoop up the solution for washing with your palms or pull one nostril out of the saucer. Blow your nose, repeat with the second nostril, spit out the remaining liquid, rinse your mouth with clean water. Repeat every two hours.
  2. With washing of the nasopharynx - fill a syringe or syringe without a needle with a solution, bend at a right angle over the tray, open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Insert the tip into the nostril, slowly squeeze out the contents so that the warm liquid passes through the nose and out of the mouth. Blow your nose, repeat with the second nostril.

As a wash, you can use a solution of ordinary salt (a teaspoon per liter of water), honey, onion, decoction of chamomile or sage (a tablespoon of dry grass per glass of boiling water, 15 minutes of cooking, infusion for half an hour). Of the medical preparations, Furacilin (two tablets per glass of water), saline, Dolphin, Aqua-Maris, Otrivin, Aqualor are suitable. You can not wash the nose with severe swelling, tumors, curvature of the septum, otitis media.

Steam inhalation

An effective home remedy for a cold is steam inhalation. They are inhaled with vapor or aerosol of drugs. When the smallest drops get on the mucous membranes, the person's condition quickly improves. At home, you can use a pot or kettle of hot water. A few useful rules for conducting:

  • at elevated body temperature, inhalations are excluded;
  • 1.5 hours should pass from the moment of eating;
  • after boiling, the water should cool slightly so as not to burn the mucous membrane (for a child, the temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees);
  • inhale the steam calmly, not sharply, through the nose;
  • cover yourself with a large towel to increase efficiency;
  • breathe steam for about 10 minutes, then do not talk for 15 minutes, after an hour smoking, eating and drinking are allowed.

Plant extracts, garlic juice, medicinal preparations, essential oils can be used as active substances for inhalation. The latter are diluted 2-3 drops in 500 ml of water (contraindicated in children under three years of age and with bronchial asthma). Pine and juniper oils help to get rid of a runny nose. Of the medicinal collections, eucalyptus leaves, pine buds, chamomile, onion juice, Rotokan solution are used.

How to get rid of a runny nose in 1 day

To prevent the development of a runny nose in one day and prevent it from affecting the body, you need to take comprehensive measures:

  1. Washing with saline solution (a tablespoon of salt per glass of hot water).
  2. Make nose drops with your own hands - drip 4 drops of menthol oil into your nose, lubricate your forehead and temples with it. You can mix it with camphor or drip aloe juice.
  3. Warm up your feet, take plenty of fluids.

How to save a child from a runny nose

If the child is small, you can get rid of a runny nose by cleaning the nasal passages from mucus. This can be done with the help of an aspirator. It is impossible to use sprays with a solution of sea salt (Aqualor, Quicks) for babies - they can cause otitis media and spasm of the larynx. Popular treatments are:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops - are used as directed by a doctor with severe edema. The popular drugs Nazol Baby, Nazivin 0.01% help. Drip once every six hours, at night or before daytime sleep, a course of no more than three days.
  2. Folk methods - instillation of Kalanchoe or aloe juices, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, 1 drop three times a day. Breast milk is not suitable for these purposes.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy

Many drugs for rhinitis are contraindicated during pregnancy, so a pregnant woman should consult a doctor for treatment. Recommended remedies to help get rid of the common cold:

  1. Drops - use Nazol Baby or Kids, Pinosol. Drip at night or 2-3 times a day for a course of no more than three days.
  2. Rinsing the nose - use saline or soda solution, special preparations Aquamaris, Marimer, infusion of chamomile or other medicinal herbs from the products.
  3. Tea with lemon and ginger.
  4. Warming up the sinuses - apply bags of heated salt to the wings of the nose, leave to cool completely. At the same time, warm your feet, walk in woolen socks.
  5. Folk methods - breathe in pairs of onions, chopped garlic cloves.
  6. Massage - lightly press and make circular movements along the bridge of the nose and the area under the nose. Tap the nasal bone on both sides.
  7. For allergic rhinitis, use Nazalval or Cromoglycate sprays.

Folk remedies

Folk methods are widely used among the population, which help to remove the common cold quickly and effectively. Here are some of them to get rid of the problem:

  1. Make a compress of honey - dip pieces of cotton wool in it, insert into the nostrils for 10 minutes.
  2. Sprinkle dry mustard into warm socks before bed. Remove in the morning.
  3. Wash with iodine solution - 5-7 drops of iodine per 100 ml of water. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Cold egg

An effective remedy for a runny nose at home is a simple chicken hot egg. It is advisable to take more. Boil it until tender, cool slightly or wrap it in a towel so as not to burn yourself. Apply to sinuses or forehead, hold until cool. Such warming up can be done up to three times a day. Contraindications to the procedure are adenoiditis, bacterial rhinitis, purulent sinusitis.

One of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract is rhinitis, or runny nose. The inability to breathe through the nose can lead not only to temporary inconvenience, but also to serious infectious complications, as well as chronic nasal breathing disorders. Therefore, to quickly cure a runny nose means to treat it correctly and on time.

A runny nose occurs, as a rule, after hypothermia, like any disease, it has stages.

First stage called reflex . This stage occurs immediately after hypothermia of the body, first there is a narrowing, and then an expansion of blood vessels, swelling of the turbinates occurs. At this stage, the patient is concerned about dryness in the nose and nasopharynx, sneezing, and there may be a burning sensation. It lasts several hours. There may be deterioration in well-being.

At this stage, you can use antiviral ointments (oxolinic, viferon ointment, ointment with interferon or ointment "Grippferon with loratadine"), as well as hot tea with raspberries, honey, "foot distractions" (hot foot baths) in the absence of temperature, aromatherapy with essential oils, phytoncides (for example, garlic).

Second stage is called catarrhal . It lasts 2 - 3 days. There is swelling and inflammation of the mucosa. It is characterized by light discharge from the nose (or catarrhal). At this stage, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictor drops (for example, ximelin, rinofluimucil), having previously cleaned the nasal cavity with solutions such as Aquamaris, Aqualor, or using the Dolphin device. But it must be remembered that Withvasoconstrictor drugs can be used for no more than seven days otherwise it becomes addictive.

Third stage characterized by bacterial infection. Allocations become mucopurulent, viscous. At this stage, drugs such as Isofra, Polydex are used, after washing the nasal cavity with a solution of Aqualor, Aquamaris or using the Dolphin device.

If recovery is difficult, then it is necessary to take a culture from the nasal cavity for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics, and select a nasal ointment based on the results of the analysis.

To cure a runny nose quickly, it is necessary to properly clean the nasal cavity from secretions. With regular hygiene procedures, the discharge will not fall into the sinuses, nasopharynx and ears. To do this, you need to blow your nose first with one nostril, then the other, while the mouth should be slightly open. Both nostrils should not be blown at once, and it should not be blown too hard.

Chronic runny nose. Treatment

Chronic rhinitis (or runny nose) is rare in childhood and young adults, but there are exceptions. Chronic rhinitis is divided into catarrhal, atrophic, allergic, drug-induced, vasomotor. At catarrhal chronic rhinitis, as in acute, discharge from the nose is light (not purulent). For the treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drugs are usually not effective, and drugs with antibiotics (Polydex, Isofra) are needed, they, as in acute rhinitis, are used after preliminary washing of the nose with saline, and also, as in acute rhinitis, a device can be used Dolphin.

allergic rhinitis occurs after contact with the allergen, often seasonal. To quickly cope with the symptoms of an allergic rhinitis, first of all, you need to eliminate the allergen. If the allergen cannot be identified, you can donate blood for antibodies to a possible allergen or perform skin allergy tests. Also, for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, Cromoglin nasal spray (sodium cromoglycate) and tablet forms of antihistamines are used.

If you abuse vasoconstrictor drugs, use them for more than 7 days, then the so-called drug rhinitis . Its treatment consists in the abolition of the drug, if this is not possible, then a diagnosis is made. vasomotor rhinitis .

More often vasomotor rhinitis occurs at a young age. Vasomotor rhinitis occurs when there are disorders that occur in the vessels under the nasal mucosa. The patient complains of congestion in the half of the nose on which he lies - according to this complaint, this disease can be recognized. Laser modeling of the nasal mucosa is considered effective. This method eliminates the so-called hypertrophied nasal mucosa (overgrown mucosal tissue). This method is quite modern and allows you to operate bloodlessly and painlessly, healing usually occurs quite quickly and with the least scarring.

For the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, hormonal preparations are used for 10-14 days, more often they are prescribed for a month. But, unfortunately, they will not succeed in quickly curing vasomotor rhinitis - they give only a temporary effect. These are drugs such as Nasonex, Avamys, which are prescribed only by a doctor.

And finally atrophic rhinitis , characterized by increased dryness in the nose. With rhinoscopy, a reduction in the volume of the mucous membrane is observed. The appearance of mucosal atrophy is associated not only with its reduction, but also with partial atrophy of the olfactory nerve and the impossibility of normal secretion. Treatment consists in eliminating the factors that caused the runny nose. To eliminate crusts and moisten the mucosa, washing with warm saline or hypertonic solutions is used. When an infection is attached, it is necessary to prescribe nasal drops with antibiotics.

Features of the treatment of the common cold in children

It is also necessary to dwell on the issues of the treatment of rhinitis in young children. In early childhood, the child cannot get rid of nasal discharge on his own, and therefore they flow down the back of the throat, rhinitis turns into rhinopharyngitis, and can then be complicated by laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and otitis media due to structural feature of the Eustachian tubes (in children they are short and wide).

Due to the high likelihood of complications, as well as the impossibility of sucking in infancy with a cold, treatment should begin immediately. It is necessary to prescribe decongestants (i.e., vasoconstrictors), but their use is limited to two years, drugs such as Otrivin, Nazivin, and Otrivin baby are allowed, but it is used only after a year, it contains drops for irrigation of the nasal cavity (having in its consisting of an isotonic sterile solution that does not irritate the baby's mucous membranes) in disposable vials, a nasal aspirator with a set of interchangeable nozzles. Otrivin can only be used for 7 days, and Otrivin baby for as long as you like.

Also, for the treatment of rhinitis in children from the first day of life, Derinat can be used in the form of drops and Viferon ointment, which is applied to the nasal mucosa. These drugs are also used not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections in both children and adults. The main thing is to start treatment on time!

In order to quickly cure a runny nose in children and prevent complications, it is often necessary to ventilate the room in which the child is located, there must be elementary physical activity. Also, do not smoke in the room where the child is, and do not use fragrances (they increase the risk of allergic rhinitis).

You can resort to methods of physiotherapy (inhalation, electrophoresis, phonophoresis), which is quite effective. For inhalations, you can use the Musson-2 apparatus, it does not heat the preparations, therefore it can be used at a temperature. It is used for both children and adults; for children, a special mask is attached to the device.

Be healthy!

Therapist E.A. Kuznetsova

A rare person who has “earned” a runny nose will want to spend time visiting a clinic. They try to cure rhinitis with drops offered at the pharmacy, folk remedies, or they let the disease, albeit annoying, take its course.

Do not forget that:

  1. Runny nose is different (allergic, bacterial, etc.).
  2. In pharmacies, you can spend a lot of money, but not get well (pharmaceutics is the same business, and the pharmacist is unlikely to be aware of the characteristics of your body).
  3. The myth “A runny nose with and without treatment equally passes in a week” is untenable. Complications are possible: sinusitis, the spread of infection to the ears and throat.
  4. Not all folk remedies are safe.

In order not to harm your own body, you should be aware of the possibilities and potential risks of various home methods for getting rid of life-threatening symptoms of rhinitis: congestion, sneezing, expiration of mucus from the nose.

Pharmacy preparations

Usually, pharmacists offer vasoconstrictor drops to all patients complaining of a runny nose. Naphthyzinum, Nazol and other drugs are rather an ambulance. Congestion quickly disappears and breathing is restored, but after a few hours the nasal passages are again closed with mucus. The use of such funds is strictly limited:

  • can not be used for more than 1 week;
  • overdose (uncontrolled instillation) can lead to respiratory arrest;
  • are only symptomatic treatment;
  • can cause allergies.

Important! Vasoconstrictor drops are contraindicated in small children. It is better to replace them with preparations containing essential oils (Pinosol, etc.), but you should not expect instant relief from them.

Many who do not want to suffer from a cold buy antibiotics in pharmacies. And this is where problems can arise:

  1. Antibacterial drugs do not always work with rhinitis (a runny nose can be caused by viruses or is allergic).
  2. Self-administration of even simple antibiotics (Amoxicillin, etc.) strikes at one's own defenses and provokes dysbacteriosis and other side troubles.

Important! Antibiotics are used strictly for medical purposes.

home instillation

The easiest way to cure a runny nose at home, which relatives or Internet users can advise - putting a cut clove of garlic or a piece of onion in the nose - is harmless only at first glance. Firstly, you can dry out the mucous membrane, which will increase irritation and increase swelling. Secondly (especially applies to children), a piece inserted deep into the nose may not be able to be removed on its own.

It looks more humane to instill the juice of domestic plants aloe (agave) or Kalanchoe ("doctor") into the nasal passages. The head slightly deviates back and to one side, 1-2 drops are instilled, an interval of 1-3 minutes is maintained in this position, and only then the procedure is repeated from the second nostril. It is worth noting that Kalanchoe juice causes a severe attack of sneezing. All the mucus, of course, will be on a handkerchief, the patient will be able to breathe easily through his nose. But children, and many adults, are unlikely to like such cleansing.

You can bury your nose with rhinitis with infusions of herbs (calendula, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sage, chamomile, linden) and oils of eucalyptus, fir, pine. Herbal infusions for instillation of the nose are usually prepared (1 tablespoon of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water), it is advisable to combine several medicinal herbs at once. This can achieve a decrease in swelling of the mucosa and leveling of inflammation, but you should not expect a quick effect.

Compresses and lubrication of the mucous

Using an onion in a compress is beneficial and less aggressive. Onion gruel, wrapped in a damp cloth or napkin, is placed on the wings of the nose and incubated for 15 minutes. The procedure, repeated up to 4 times a day, will help get rid of a runny nose in a matter of days.

In some sources, laundry soap is literally idolized. Allegedly, lubricating the nostrils with it can not only cure a runny nose, but also protect against winter infections (SARS, influenza). But do not forget that laundry soap is a very aggressive agent with a pronounced drying effect, and microcracks that have arisen due to dryness will serve as an entrance gate for infection. It is much more expedient to replace soap with oxolinic ointment.

We treat a runny nose through the legs

Warming up the feet due to the impact on the reflex zones is quite effective for a cold, even ordinary hot foot baths provide significant relief. Another effective method of reflex treatment of the common cold is to sleep in socks with mustard. But this method also has its pitfalls:

  1. If the temperature rises at night and the feet sweat a lot, the burning sensation from the mustard will be unbearable.
  2. Hot foot baths are prohibited for pregnant women, hypertensive patients and heart patients.
  3. After the foot bath, you should put on warm (preferably woolen) socks and stay at home for a while.

Alcohol massage of the legs with their further warming (socks, hot heating pad) is contraindicated for children and pregnant women and involves staying at home after the manipulation.

Babies and pregnant women can draw an iodine grid on their feet twice a day. The effect of this simple action is less pronounced, but some relief is guaranteed, especially in combination with other methods.

Nasal lavage

The most rational treatment for a runny nose is sinus lavage. Acceptable Solutions:

  • salt: 1 tsp for half a liter of warm (not hot and not cold!) Water;
  • iodine-soda: add 1/4 tsp to 0.5 l of water. soda and 2 drops of iodine (more iodine can cause mucosal burns);
  • herbal decoctions.

Washing is done over the sink with a syringe or a special kettle. Inept inhalation of the solution from the palm of your hand is fraught with liquid entering the ear canal. Repeating the procedure 3-4 times will help to feel significant relief by the evening and cure rhinitis in a few days.

Important! Blow your nose before washing. Dry crusts are softened by instillation of St. John's wort or fir oil.

Flushing can be replaced by irrigation with Aquamaris. However, the effect will not be as significant.


Inhalation through the nose of vapors of medicinal decoctions is one of the most effective home methods. Excellent relieves congestion, and anti-inflammatory substances enter directly into the nasal mucosa. Allowed for pregnant women. Be careful with children, risk of burns.

warming up

The nose is warmed up:

  • boiled egg;
  • hot potatoes cooked in their skins;
  • a bag of salt or river sand.

Warming up is a rather controversial procedure in terms of effectiveness, but despite this it is used quite often. Warming the nose leads to increased swelling, and with sinusitis / frontal sinusitis is absolutely contraindicated.

Important! With purulent discharge from the nose, heaviness when the head is tilted forward, sinusitis should be suspected and warming should be abandoned.

First aid for a cold

  1. Motherwort tincture. Rubbing the nose with motherwort tincture will give quick relief.
  2. With a headache that accompanies a runny nose, massaging the temples with camphor or menthol oil will help. Repeated twice a day.
  3. Lubrication of temples and nose with Asterisk balm.

Drops from chronic rhinitis

A mixture of 10% propolis tincture, camphor oil, sunflower oil (preferably unrefined) is being prepared. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, mixed in a dark-colored vial. One week three times a day, drip into each nostril up to 5 drops. The treatment is repeated after 3 days. Even the most chronic runny nose usually goes away after the second course.

Treatment of a runny nose at home is most effective with a combination of various methods (washing, instillation, warming the feet). Subject to the rules for the procedures and preparation of solutions, rhinitis can be defeated in 2-3 days. Do not forget about the support of immune forces. Vitamins and infusions of general strengthening herbs (rose hips, nettles, etc.) will help to cope with the disease as quickly as possible.

How to cure a runny nose quickly at home is a question that worries many in winter ...

It is often impossible to cure a runny nose with a swoop. Even over-advertised drops do not always give the desired effect, and we all sniff, snot and wipe ourselves with a handkerchief. And what remedies for the common cold can traditional medicine offer us? The ones that are simple and affordable at home ...

So, what folk remedies can cure a runny nose for an adult and a child?

Instillation of drops in the nose

The most common and easiest treatment for the common cold is considered to be instillation.

  • The composition of such drops may be different, but what is in almost every home is garlic clove juice or onion ring diluted with water. The juice of these vegetables has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. But you need to know that if you repeat the procedure too often, you can easily dry out your mucous membrane.
  • It acts a little softer, mixed with liquid bee honey and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3:2. Drip a couple of drops into each nasal passage twice a day.
  • For children and adults, a popular way to get rid of a runny nose is also applicable - instillation of beet juice with honey, diluted with water in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. It is only important to let fresh beetroot juice stand for several hours at room temperature.
  • Also, a milder method can be attributed to instillation houseplant juice, such as or .

Instillation occurs by tilting your head back, laying it on the side of the side that you will be instilling, for this you only need a few drops, after which you need to linger a little in this position, a minute is enough, then the action is repeated with the other nostril.

The reaction from aloe juice will be a strong sneeze, all the mucus will remain on the handkerchief and the nose will become noticeably easier to breathe.


The use of an onion composition in a compress is not so aggressive. To do this, it is worth preparing a worn onion, wrap it in cloth or gauze and place it on the wings of the nose, holding for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is repeated about 4 times a day.

Another way is to put a cake of dough on the bridge of the nose (1 tablespoon of flour, the same amount of baking soda, slightly diluted with water), hold for an hour, with sensitive skin, pre-lubricate the bridge of the nose with baby cream. Spend 1-2 times a day for at least a week.

Reflex treatment of the common cold

Method with warming up the feet very effective in acute rhinitis, due to its effect on the reflex zones.

The same applies to taking hot mustard baths.

Another effective way to warm up the legs is sleep in socks with mustard, but this method has a small disadvantage. If the body temperature suddenly jumps, and the feet sweat at the same time, then the mustard will definitely remind you of itself.

Such an effective method is not suitable for pregnant girls, hypertensive patients and cores.

After taking a bath, put on natural woolen socks on your feet, they will create soft warmth on problem areas.

It is also practiced with alcohol or vodka with further preservation of heat with socks or a heating pad, but this method is not recommended for pregnant women and young children. After such rubbing of the feet, it is better not to go outside.

An even milder effect on the reflex zones will be applied iodine mesh on the feet. The method is suitable for babies and women awaiting the addition of a family, it brings relief when combined with other methods of getting rid of a cold.

For those who are not afraid of strong odors in the apartment, it can be recommended for acute rhinitis - soak a cloth in kerosene, attach to the feet, warm them and leave until the morning. Usually 3 treatments are enough.

Nasal lavage

Washing the sinuses is considered the most effective in the treatment of the common cold, which solutions can be prepared independently:

  • Salt solution. Better sea. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Iodine saline solution. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of soda with the addition of a couple of drops of iodine in a glass of heated water (if the proportion of iodine is more than the specified rate, a mucosal burn may occur).
  • Solutions of decoctions of herbs(, coltsfoot, eucalyptus).
  • An option for washing the nose is a mixture of aloe juice squeezed from one leaf, a drop of an iodine alcohol solution and a tablespoon of water. First rinse with saline or saline solution. Causes sneezing and intense secretion of snot.

Flushing should be done over a sink or bathtub; a douche can help for this. If you inhale the prepared solution from the palm of your hand together with a stream of air, then this may result in the solution entering the maxillary sinuses, which sometimes causes inflammation.

The procedure should be carried out at least 3-4 times to improve the condition by the end of the day.

What other folk remedies are there for a cold?

Inhalation with a cold at home

What do inhalations do with a cold?

One effective home treatment for rhinitis is considered to be the inhalation of a couple of prepared decoctions or infusions (sage, St.

If there is nothing of plant origin in the house to treat a runny nose, you can use ordinary baking soda - throw 1 teaspoon of soda into boiled water and sit under a towel for 10-15 minutes.

Such an inhalation method of treating the common cold is not prohibited during pregnancy, as well as for children, observing smaller proportions of drugs in order to avoid burns.

The method can be supplemented by eating horseradish, who does not respect this root crop, you can limit yourself to inhaling its incomparable piercing aroma.

Warming up the nose with a runny nose

Warming up is considered a controversial procedure for its effectiveness, but it can be found in the practice of home treatment of the common cold quite often. Heat on the nose area often increases swelling and is absolutely contraindicated for people who have frontal sinusitis or sinusitis.

Although, if you want the mucus to become less thick, the method is pretty good.

What is used to warm the nose:

  • hot potato, previously boiled in uniform;
  • warm bag filled with river sand or salt;
  • bag with warm boiled thick consistency;
  • boiled egg.

For similar purposes, they use a blue lamp, it also has the name Minin reflector, at least in medical equipment, I saw it on sale under that name.

People from Soviet times probably remember Vietnamese "asterisk" (balm "Golden Star"), which was rubbed on the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose and whiskey - now it has again appeared on the shelves of pharmacies and hypermarkets. It warms up perfectly, but in children it is necessary to ensure that they do not accidentally bring the composition into the eyes and mucous membranes - it bakes terribly. And yes, it is not worth using it in children up to three years old, the remedy is too strong.

What else can treat a runny nose in adults

  • Garlic oil treatment - lubrication of the nasal passages with a mixture of 3 cloves of garlic and any good vegetable oil infused for at least a day. Causes intense sneezing and the removal of mucus from the nasal passages. Use a couple of times a day.
  • Take orally crushed with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 1, half a teaspoon is enough for one time. The mixture causes sneezing, lacrimation, but the nose breaks with a bang. Apply 2-3 times a day and if there is no gastritis, stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The juice of one, mixed with 4-5 tablespoons of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, juice of a couple of garlic cloves, dilute 1: 1 with water and drink at bedtime. Contraindications for treatment are the same as in the previous paragraph with horseradish.
  • At the very first symptoms of a runny nose, ordinary laundry soap helps - generously soap your finger and lubricate everything in your nose that you managed to get, repeat after a couple of hours, if you have time to do it on time, the development of rhinitis and colds in general can be stopped in its infancy.

With chronic runny nose

She showed good results in the treatment of rhinitis - especially with persistent nasal congestion. In the video attached to the article, this set of breathing exercises:

For a more effective treatment of a runny nose at home, you should not stop at one remedy, it is better to try combinations of different ways to get rid of rhinitis.

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