Cold soups are. Technology for making cold soups. Cold beet-sorrel soup

Soups are an important part of a meal. They consist of two parts: liquid (base) and dense (garnish). Broth, milk, decoctions of cereals, vegetables, fruits, kvass, etc. are used as a liquid base. The liquid part of the soup contains extractive and mineral substances, organic compounds that give the broths a taste, aroma and are irritants of the digestive glands. Therefore, the soup stimulates the appetite and promotes better absorption of food. A variety of products are used for garnish: vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, legumes and pasta, fish, meat, poultry, etc. The dense part of the soup contains nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. The calorie content of the liquid base is insignificant - 15 - 20 calories per 1 liter of broth, but due to the presence of a dense part (side dish) in soups, many soups have a high calorie content.

The range of soups is varied. Soups are classified:

  • 1. according to the supply temperature - for hot and cold; the temperature of hot dishes is not lower than 75°С, cold - not higher than 14°С.
  • 2. according to the method of preparation - filling, transparent, puree and different.
  • 3. on a liquid basis - soups on broths, vegetable and cereal broths, milk, bread kvass. Fruit and berry decoctions, sour milk products.

Hot soups are prepared in the soup shop, and cold ones in the cold one.

Cooking cold soups. Range.

Cold soups are seasonal soups, as they are prepared in the summer. Cold soups include: okroshka, cold borscht, beetroot soup, green cabbage soup. They are cooked on bread kvass, beetroot broth, vegetable broth, kefir.

These soups are prepared in a cold shop, using specially allocated dishes, utensils and boards with the appropriate markings. At the same time, sanitary requirements are strictly observed when processing products, preparing and storing soups. Ready soups are stored in the refrigerator.

You can put pieces of drinking ice in a plate when you are on vacation or sell it separately. Cold soups have a refreshing pleasant taste and aroma.

GOUNPO Professional Lyceum No. 35

Exam work on the topic:

"Cold Soups"


Profession - cook 4 category

The term of study is 480 hours / 3 months.

Admitted to the test with an assessment of: ______________________________________

The work was checked by: _________________________________________________

Syktyvkar 2007

1. The value of soups in human nutrition ……………………………………3

2. Cooking cold soups. Assortment ……………………..3

3. Cooking bread kvass ……………………………………….4

4. Preparation of meat okroshka. (diet No. 5,7,8,9,10) Technological map. Scheme …………………………………………..4

5. Recipe for cold soups …………………………………………….5


1. The importance of soups in human nutrition.

Soups are an important part of a meal. They consist of two parts: liquid (base) and dense (garnish). Broth, milk, decoctions of cereals, vegetables, fruits, kvass, etc. are used as a liquid base. The liquid part of the soup contains extractive and mineral substances, organic compounds that give the broths a taste, aroma and are irritants of the digestive glands. Therefore, the soup stimulates the appetite and promotes better absorption of food. A variety of products are used for garnish: vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, legumes and pasta, fish, meat, poultry, etc. The dense part of the soup contains nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. The calorie content of the liquid base is insignificant - 15 - 20 calories per 1 liter of broth, but due to the presence of a dense part (side dish) in soups, many soups have a high calorie content.

The range of soups is varied. Soups are classified:

1. according to the supply temperature - for hot and cold; the temperature of hot dishes is not lower than 75°С, cold - not higher than 14°С.

2. according to the method of preparation - filling, transparent, puree and different.

3. on a liquid basis - soups on broths, vegetable and cereal broths, milk, bread kvass. Fruit and berry decoctions, sour milk products.

Hot soups are prepared in the soup shop, and cold ones in the cold one.

2. Cooking cold soups. Range.

Cold soups are seasonal soups, as they are prepared in the summer. Cold soups include: okroshka, cold borscht, beetroot soup, green cabbage soup. They are cooked on bread kvass, beetroot broth, vegetable broth, kefir.

These soups are prepared in a cold shop, using specially allocated dishes, utensils and boards with the appropriate markings. At the same time, sanitary requirements are strictly observed when processing products, preparing and storing soups. Ready soups are stored in the refrigerator.

You can put pieces of drinking ice in a plate when you are on vacation or sell it separately. Cold soups have a refreshing pleasant taste and aroma.

For the preparation of cold soups at catering establishments, ready-made kvass is supplied, but it can be prepared from rye crackers or concentrates produced by the food industry.

3. Preparation of bread kvass.

Rye bread is cut into small pieces and dried in an oven. Until a crispy crust forms. The water is boiled, cooled to 80 ° C, the prepared crackers are poured in and left for 1.5 - 2 hours, for infusion, while the water is periodically mixed. As a result of infusion, a wort is obtained, which is drained and filtered.

Sugar, yeast, diluted with wort, are put into the grain bed, which has a temperature of 23 - 25 ° C, and put in a warm place for fermentation for 8 - 12 hours. In the process of fermentation, raisins and mint can be put into kvass. The resulting kvass is filtered, cooled and stored in a refrigerator or on ice.

Rye crackers 40 or dry bread kvass 35, sugar 30, yeast 1.5, curly mint 1.5, water 1200. Yield: 1000.

4. Preparation of meat okroshka. (diet No. 5,7,8,9,10)

Routing. Scheme.

Cooking method: green onions, lettuce and hard-boiled eggs, finely chopped. Boiled, chilled, fat-free meat is cut into small cubes. Ground cucumbers are cleaned, and greenhouse cucumbers, without peeling, are cut into cubes or short strips. Green is rubbed with a small amount of salt until juice appears.

Eggs, green onions are introduced into the chilled sour cream, sugar is well mixed, diluted with kvass and cooked meat and cucumbers are placed. The latter can be put directly on the plate when serving okroshka.

Shredded lettuce is added to okroshka on vacation and sprinkled with parsley or dill.

For diets No. 9 and 9, sugar is replaced with sorbitol or xylitol. For diets No. 5,7,10, okroshka is prepared without onions, for diets No. 7,8,10 - with a limited salt content; release okroshka no more than 250 gr. for cutting.

5. Recipe for cold soups.

Recipe #1 Bread kvass

Cooking method: Well-fried crackers are crushed to a particle size of 5..6 mm and poured in a thin stream with continuous stirring into water, previously boiled and cooled to 80 ° C. For 4 kg of crackers take 70 liters of water. The crackers poured into the water are left for 1 - 1.5 hours to infuse in a warm place, stirring them occasionally. The resulting wort is drained, and the crackers are again poured with water (50 l) and infused again for 1–1.5 hours, then the resulting wort is drained.

Sugar, curly mint, yeast, diluted with a small amount of must, are added to the wort obtained as a result of the first and second merging. The temperature of the wort during the introduction of yeast should be brought to 23 - 25 ° C and maintained throughout the entire fermentation process - 8 - 12 hours. After fermentation, kvass is filtered and cooled. The technology for making kvass from dry bread kvass is similar.

Recipe #2 Okroshka meat

Cooking method: Meat, potatoes and roots are boiled, cut into small cubes or strips.

Green onions are chopped. Part of the onion (1/4 of the norm) is rubbed with a wooden pestle with a little salt until juice appears.

In cucumbers with rough skins and large seeds, the skin is pre-cleaned and the seeds are removed. Cucumbers with thin skins and small seeds are not peeled. When using unpeeled cucumbers (with skin and seeds), the rate of investment by their gross weight is correspondingly reduced.

The whites of hard-boiled eggs are finely chopped, and the yolks are rubbed with a portion of sour cream (according to the recipe), mustard, salt, sugar and diluted with kvass or kvass with beetroot broth.

Add chopped onion and chopped products to the prepared mixture, then mix everything. The rest of the sour cream or eggs are placed in portioned dishes on vacation.

In the mass preparation of okroshka on kvass, the chopped products are mixed and stored in the refrigerator. Before the holiday, the prepared products (mixture) are placed in portioned dishes, poured with seasoned kvass and the rest of the eggs and sour cream are added.

The color of okroshka should be from light to dark brown, taste and smell - without sharp acidity, with a pronounced aroma of cucumbers, onions, dill.

Instead of beef, you can use lean pork, lamb, changing the bookmark rates accordingly. Meat okroshka can be cooked without eggs. In this case, the rate of investment of boiled meat is increased by 230 g net per 1000 g of okroshka.

Recipe #3 Okroshka combined meat

Cooking method: Okroshka is prepared and released, as indicated in recipe No. 2.

Recipe number 4 Okroshka vegetable

Cooking method: prepared vegetables are cut into cubes or short strips. Okroshka is prepared and released, as indicated in recipe No. 2.

Recipe number 5 Okroshka meat on kefir

Cooking method: Boiled meat, potatoes and eggs, fresh cucumbers are cut into small cubes or short strips. Green onions are chopped. Salt, sugar are added to kefir mixed with cold boiled water and stored in the cold.

When you leave, sliced ​​​​products are placed in portioned dishes, poured with a chilled mixture and sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

For the preparation of okroshka, you can use other pasteurized low-fat lactic acid products (yogurt, acidophilus).

Recipe #6 Okroshka vegetable on kefir

Cooking method: Boiled vegetables and eggs are cut into small cubes or short straws. For the rest, okroshka is prepared and released, as indicated in recipe No. 5.

Recipe number 7 Borscht cold

Cooking method: Cut the beets into strips, simmer with vinegar until tender, add hot water, salt, sugar, bring to a boil and cool. When on vacation, sliced ​​cucumbers, onions, boiled eggs are put in portioned dishes, borscht is poured, sour cream is put:

The color should be from dark red to burgundy, with a white tint after stirring the sour cream. The taste is sweet and sour, with a specific taste of beets.

Cucumbers can be replaced with radishes. Borscht can be cooked without eggs. At the same time, the rate of sour cream investment is increased by 20 g per 1000 g of borscht.

Recipe number 8 Cold meat borscht

Cooking method: Beef is cut into small cubes or short strips. Borscht is prepared and released, as indicated in recipe No. 7.

Recipe #9 Cold beetroot

Cooking method: beets and carrots are cut into cubes or strips and stewed (beets are stewed with vinegar), vegetables are cooled and put in kvass. Young beets are used together with tops, which are cut and boiled separately. Beetroot can be cooked without carrots, while the rate of beet investment increases accordingly. The beetroot is released, as indicated in recipe No. 8.

Recipe number 10 Shchi green with egg

Cooking method: Sorrel and spinach are stewed separately, rubbed, mixed, diluted with hot water, salt, sugar are added, brought to a boil and cooled. Boiled potatoes are diced or mashed.

When using one spinach, citric acid is added to the cabbage soup (0.5 g per 1000 g of soup). Green cabbage soup can be prepared from canned sorrel or spinach from a mixture of sorrel and spinach. Cucumbers, eggs, sour cream are put on vacation. Shchi can be cooked without cucumbers.

Recipe number 11 Shchi green with meat

Cooking method: The cooking method is the same as green cabbage soup with an egg. Shchi can be cooked without adding eggs. Instead of beef, you can use lean pork, lamb, rabbit, veal.

Recipe number 12 Botvinya

Cooking method: Spinach and sorrel are stewed separately, wiped, diluted with kvass, salt, sugar, lemon zest are added.

On vacation, a piece of boiled cold fish and a side dish are placed in botvinia. The botvinia should be a bright green or olive color and be a homogeneous mass without pieces and fibers of greenery. The taste is moderately spicy from horseradish, the smell is fresh vegetables, kvass and lemon zest.

Ready botvinia is stored in the cold. Botvinya can be released with crayfish (1 ... 2 pieces per serving).


1. Cooking: Textbook for secondary prof. education / N.A. Anfimova, L.L. Tatarskaya. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005.

2. Culinary characteristics of seafood: "Gifts of the ocean" / I.M. Morozova. - M.: "Planet", 1992

3. Culinary characteristics of dishes: Textbook for secondary prof. education / Yu.M. Novozhenov. - M .: "Higher School", 1987

4. Secrets of cooking./ N.I. Kovalev. - L .: "Agropromizdat", 1991

5. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments. / A.N. Ershov, Z.N. Sosnina, E.A. Mezenova, A.A. Tarasova. - M .: "Economics", 1983


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Soups, according to our long tradition, are indispensable during lunch time. They are usually served after cold dishes and snacks. They contain substances that enhance digestive secretion, preparing the body for the absorption of food.

Soups: classification

These are liquid dishes based on decoctions, broths, bread kvass or milk. In addition, they contain a dense part - these are cereals, side dishes, pasta, fish, meat, poultry and other products.

Their main purpose is to stimulate the appetite. There are two components in soups that cause a feeling of hunger:

  1. Aromatic and flavoring substances.
  2. Chemical irritants of digestive activity.

Aromas are given by spices, roots, onions, seasonings that are in the recipe. And the appearance itself attracts and makes you want to eat.

It should be noted that the first dishes are of different types.

Soups, the classification of which we give below, are divided into different groups according to the nature of the liquid base. Such a division is the most acceptable.

So what are soups? The classification of first courses implies the existence of four broad groups:

  1. The first is based on meat, poultry, fish, mushroom) and decoctions (from vegetables, pasta, beans).
  2. The second is in milk.
  3. The third - on kefir, bread kvass.
  4. The fourth - on berry and fruit decoctions.

Characteristics of the first group

So, we figured out what soups are. The classification emphasizes the features of each group. And yet, let's talk in more detail about each of them.

It should be noted that the first group is the most extensive. It, in turn, is divided into three subgroups:

1. Filling soups. These include cabbage soup, borscht, saltwort, pickles, stews and potato soups. The preparation of such dishes involves the gradual addition of a variety of products to the broth, which are a side dish. Vegetables enrich such food with vitamins and nutrients, give a unique taste, aroma, form a certain structure. Dressing soups are usually prepared using browned roots and onions.

2. Transparent.

3. Puree.

This is the classification of hot soups. Their peculiarity is that they are served exclusively in a warm form.

The second, third and fourth groups of soups

The second group of soups is prepared only with milk, and therefore served hot. As for the third group, its dishes are consumed only cold.

The fourth is divided into two parts: wiped and not wiped. Such dishes are served cold in spring or summer, and hot in autumn and winter.

The classification of soups (the diagram is given in the article) is quite simple. However, she is not the only one. There are other options for dividing such dishes into groups.

Separation by temperature

What groups are soups divided into?

Classification by supply temperature implies a division into two subgroups:

  1. Cold soups. They are perfect for hot summer time. Their basis can be kvass, kefir, whey. These products themselves already speak of the impossibility of heat treatment. For such a soup, both raw ingredients (cucumbers, radishes, onions) and boiled ingredients (beets, potatoes) can be used.
  2. Hot soups are borscht, pickles, hodgepodge. They are universal, they are prepared on the basis of broth or water, so they can be served either hot or cooled. The ingredients for this soup are exposed to heat.
  3. Sweet soups. They can be eaten cold in spring and summer, and hot in winter. The temperature of a cold dish should be no higher than fourteen degrees, and a hot one - at least seventy-five.

Classification based on dish

According to the basis that is present in the soup, dishes are divided into: vegetarian, meat, fish, vegetable and mushroom.

Milk and milk drinks, broths, decoctions of fruits and vegetables, kvass are used as liquids. And for a side dish they can take mushrooms, vegetables, legumes, cereals, poultry meat, pasta.

Of course, the basis of most soups is the broth. It, in turn, also has its own classification:

  1. Bone. For its preparation, veal and
  2. Meat. For him, they take the brisket, the back, the hem.
  3. Fish is prepared from waste and heads.
  4. Mushroom is made on the basis of dried porcini mushrooms.

Classification of dressing soups

Filling soups are those liquid dishes that we most often use in everyday life. They are divided into:

  1. Borscht.
  2. Rassolniki.
  3. Vegetable soups.
  4. Potato.
  5. Cereals.
  6. Solyanka.
  7. With pasta.

Borscht is a soup that is prepared with the obligatory use of beets. To prepare them, you need bone broth, bird or mushroom. The composition of the products for this dish is very diverse. In addition to beets, onions, carrots, celery, and parsley are also used. Depending on the composition, beans, potatoes, peppers, etc. are placed in it.

Shchi is a traditional Russian dish. They are prepared from sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, spinach, sorrel, young nettle. Bone broth, cereal or vegetable broths are taken as the basis. Sauerkraut must be stewed beforehand, and fresh cabbage is scalded so that it does not taste bitter.

Pickles are prepared with pickles, brine and white root. They can be vegetarian, meat, bone, fish broth with offal, mushroom broth. Pickled cucumbers are poured into a saucepan with water and stewed for fifteen minutes. The potatoes are cut into pieces, onions and roots - into strips. In order for such a soup to have a spicy taste, brine is added to it, which is filtered and boiled.

Solyanka is an old national Russian dish. For its preparation, pickles, onions, tomatoes, olives, olives, capers are used. The basis is fish and meat broths. Cucumbers are cut into cubes and stewed, and the onions are lightly sautéed. Olives are also used in the modern version. The bones are taken out of them and washed. The lemon is cut into slices. The meat is cut into pieces and boiled. Ready-made mushroom and meat hodgepodge is served with sour cream. But they don’t put it in fish sour cream.

As for potato soups, vegetable soups with cereals, their assortment is very diverse. They are cooked on both meat and bone broths and mushrooms. All ingredients are cut into strips, cubes, slices. It is important that all products are uniformly crushed.

For and pasta, flour products, oatmeal, rice, semolina, pearl barley are used. They are prepared on meat broths and mushroom broths.

We see how different the classification can be. The range of soups, in turn, is so large that it is impossible to talk about all types within the framework of the article.

What is puree soup?

Such a dish must have a homogeneous structure, without lumps and pieces of food. The soup should have the consistency of heavy cream. The color of the dish depends on its ingredients. A distinctive feature is the most delicate taste and homogeneous structure.

Recently, such a dish has become very popular and is served in all cafes and restaurants, but it would be a mistake to believe that this is a modern invention. Puree soups have existed for a long time, it’s just that earlier their preparation was more complicated, but now, with such wonderful equipment as blenders, preparing such a dish is very simple and fast. No need to manually grind the ingredients.

The classification of puree soups implies a division into cream and puree. Their feature is an unusual consistency, and the basis very often is milk.

Complex options

Basically, all those soups that we are used to seeing on our table are initially complex dishes. However, at present, their preparation is simplified, since some traditions have been lost. Therefore, they can hardly be called complex.

I must say that complex soups should basically have several varieties of fish or meat. Unfortunately, such dishes are now prepared extremely rarely, as they say, on special occasions. Most often you can find complex soups on the menu of expensive restaurants.

Classification of complex cabbage soup, fish soup, stew, puree soup, hodgepodge, pickle. All these varieties of first courses initially meant cooking on the basis of a broth from several varieties of fish and meat. When preparing all these soups, we usually use one variety.

So, for example, we are all used to the public catering pickle. What can be delicious in it? From its original form, it retained only the use of pickles and at the same time lost much of its taste. Meanwhile, a true pickle - with kidneys, mushrooms, poultry or just vegetables - has a completely different taste and appearance.

Instead of an afterword

Soups have been the basis of nutrition since ancient times. And now they occupy an important place in the diet, as they are a source of many vitamins and nutrients. It is not for nothing that nutritionists emphasize the need for the mandatory presence of liquid dishes in the diet, which positively affect the entire system of our digestion.

  • 1.2. Soup classification
  • Soup classification
  • 3 Parts / 3 Parts
  • Mushrooms 1 part
  • Weight loss of vegetables during sautéing
  • Beet preparation
  • Blanching (scalding) cabbage and turnips. Fresh white cabbage, if it is a little bitter, and turnips are recommended to be scalded with boiling water before being put into soups.
  • 1.4. The main technological methods for preparing hot soups on broths and broths
  • The cooking time of certain foods and
  • 1.5. The range and features of the preparation of dressing soups
  • Features of cooking certain types of borscht
  • Features of the preparation of hodgepodges
  • 1.6. Soups-puree. Range. The main technological methods for making puree soups
  • 1.7. Clear soups. Technology for preparing clear broths and side dishes for clear soups
  • Cooking technology
  • 1.9. Cold soups. Cooking technology. Range
  • Range
  • 1.11. Soup quality requirements
  • Soup quality requirements
  • Topic 2. Cold dishes and snacks. Hot appetizers
  • 2.1. Importance of cold meals and snacks
  • 2.2. Sanitary requirements for the production of cold dishes and snacks
  • 2.3. General technological requirements for the production of cold dishes and snacks
  • The processing of used products for meals and snacks must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary rules.
  • 2.4. Sandwiches and banquet snacks. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.5. Salads and vinaigrettes. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.5.1. Raw vegetable salads
  • 2.5.2. Boiled vegetable salads and vinaigrettes
  • 2.6. Salads from meat, poultry, game and fish. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.6.1. Egg snacks
  • 2.7. Snacks from vegetables and mushrooms. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.8. Snacks from fish and non-fish aquatic raw materials. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.8.1. Snacks from non-fish seafood
  • 2.9. Snacks and dishes from meat products, poultry, game. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • Cold dishes from boiled and fried meat
  • 2.10. Hot appetizers. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.11. Requirements for the quality of cold dishes and snacks
  • Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of cold snacks are presented in Table. ten.
  • Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of cold appetizers
  • Topic 3. Sweet dishes
  • The value of sweet foods
  • Classification of sweet dishes
  • Technological properties of the components of sweet dishes
  • gelling agents
  • Fruits and berries are fresh and frozen. Preparation technology and filing rules
  • Topic 4. Drinks
  • 4.1. Beverage classification
  • 4.2. Hot drinks
  • Features of preparing and serving coffee
  • Russian hot punch
  • Hot raspberry punch
  • Punch "To health"
  • Drinks with wine
  • Grogi. These are hot mixed drinks with the addition of cognac, strong liqueurs. Grog is diluted with strong hot tea or boiled hot water. Add a slice of lemon for flavor.
  • 4.3. Cold drinks. Cooking technology, serving rules. Assortment Milk, dairy products
  • 4.4. Requirements for the quality of drinks
  • Topic 5. Chilled and quick-frozen dishes and culinary products
  • 5.1. Significance of the use of quick-frozen products in the development of public catering
  • 5.2. Feature of the technological process for the production of chilled and quick-frozen products
  • 5.3. Technological process of production and packaging of chilled products
  • 5.4. Assortment, packaging, packaging, labeling of chilled dishes and culinary products in functional containers. Terms and conditions of storage
  • 5.4.1. Chilled dishes and side dishes in functional containers
  • 5.4.2. Culinary products in functional containers
  • 5.5. Chilled meals and culinary products in sealed soft plastic bags. Packing, packing. Terms and conditions of storage
  • 5.6. Warming up and sale of chilled products
  • 5.7. Features of the technological process for the production of quick-frozen products
  • 5.8. Factors affecting the quality of quick-frozen products
  • Losses of ascorbic acid in different ways
  • 5.9. Assortment of frozen products. Terms and conditions of storage
  • Storage modes for quick-frozen semi-finished products and finished products
  • 5.10. Defrosting and reheating quick-frozen products
  • 5.11. Quality of chilled and quick-frozen products
  • Periodicals
  • Art editor L.P. Tokarev
  • 1.9. Cold soups. Cooking technology. Range

    The group of cold soups includes soups made from vegetables and other products on bread kvass, vegetable broths, kefir, fat-free broths. This group includes okroshka, beetroot, botvinya, cold borscht, green cabbage soup.

    Boiled potatoes, roots, meat and other products for these soups, cut into small cubes or strips. Green onions are chopped. For some cold soups, a part of the onion (1/4 of the norm) is rubbed with a wooden pestle with a little salt until the juice appears. Cucumbers with rough skins and large seeds are pre-skinned and the seeds removed. Cucumbers with thin skin and small seeds are not peeled. When using unpeeled cucumbers, the rate of attachment by their gross weight is correspondingly reduced. The whites of hard-boiled eggs are finely chopped, and the yolks are rubbed with a portion of sour cream (according to the recipe), mustard, salt, sugar and diluted with kvass or kvass with beetroot broth. Add chopped onion with salt, chopped foods to the prepared mixture and mix everything. The rest of the sour cream and eggs are placed in a serving plate when you leave. In mass preparation, okroshka on kvass, chopped

    products are mixed and stored in the refrigerator. Before the holiday, the prepared products (mixture) are placed in a serving plate, poured with seasoned kvass and the rest of the eggs and sour cream are added.

    Okroshka, borscht, beetroot and other cold soups

    sprinkle with finely chopped dill - 4 g net per serving 500 g. Salt rate - 3 g per serving 500 g.

    For okroshka prepared on kefir, only pasteurized kefir is used.

    Cold soups are stored in the refrigerator. Released at a temperature not exceeding 14 ° C.

    Bread kvass can be supplied to the PPP from industry (OST 18-118-73) and can be prepared in the enterprise itself.

    Due to its spicy taste, the content of lactic acid, extractives and carbon dioxide, kvass stimulates the secretion of the digestive glands and quenches thirst well.

    Kvass preparation technology. Well-fried crackers are crushed to a particle size of 5-6 mm and poured in a thin stream with continuous stirring into water, previously boiled and cooled to 80°C. For 4 kg of crackers take 70 liters of water. The crackers poured into the water are left for 1-1.5 hours to infuse in a warm place, stirring them periodically. The resulting wort is drained, and the crackers are again poured with water (50 l) and infused again for 1-1.5 hours, then the wort is drained.

    Sugar, curly mint, yeast, diluted with a small amount of must, are added to the must obtained as a result of the first and second infusions. The temperature of the wort during the introduction of yeast is 23-25°C and this is maintained throughout the entire fermentation process for 8-12 hours. After fermentation, the kvass is filtered and cooled. The technology for making kvass from dry bread kvass is similar.

    Okroshka meat. Okroshka is prepared and released as described above. Instead of beef, you can use lean pork, lamb, changing the bookmark rates accordingly. Meat okroshka according to column III can be cooked without eggs, in this case the rate of investment of boiled meat is increased by 20 g net per 1000 g okroshka.

    Mixed meat okroshka prepared and released in the same way. Use beef, smoked-boiled ham, beef tongue.

    Okroshka vegetable. Prepared vegetables are cut into cubes or short strips. Prepare and release as described above.

    Okroshka Ural. Prepare and release as well. Instead of cucumbers, finely chopped sauerkraut is added.

    Meat okroshka on kefir and mixed meat okroshka on kefir prepared and served in the same way. Meat products, potatoes, eggs, cucumbers are cut into small cubes, onions are chopped. Salt, sugar are added to kefir mixed with cold boiled water (1: 1) and stored in the cold.

    When you leave, sliced ​​​​products are placed in portioned dishes, the chilled mixture is poured and sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

    Okroshka vegetable on kefir. Prepared vegetables are cut into cubes or short strips. Prepared and released like meat okroshka.

    Borscht cold. Beets and carrots are cut into strips. Beets are poached with vinegar until tender. Carrots are allowed separately, combined with beets, hot water, salt, sugar are added, brought to a boil and cooled.

    When on vacation, sliced ​​cucumbers, onions, boiled eggs are put in portioned dishes, borscht is poured, sour cream is put.

    Cucumbers can be replaced with radishes. Borscht can be cooked without carrots, respectively, increasing the rate of beets.

    Cold meat borscht. The beef is cut into small cubes or strips. Prepared and released like cold borscht.

    Cold fish borscht. The cooking technology is the same as cold borscht. Fish, better than sturgeon, are stewed or boiled, cooled. Portions of fish or crabs are put in borscht on vacation. Borscht can be cooked without cucumbers, while the addition of beets and green onions is increased accordingly.

    Cold beetroot. Beets, carrots are cut into cubes or strips and stewed (beets are stewed with vinegar), vegetables are cooled and put in kvass. Young beets are used together with tops, which are cut and boiled separately. Beetroot can be cooked without carrots, respectively, increase the bookmark of beets. The beetroot is released like cold borscht.

    Shchi green with egg. Sorrel and spinach are stewed separately, rubbed, mixed, diluted with hot water, salt, sugar are added, brought to a boil and cooled. Boiled potatoes are diced or mashed.

    When using one spinach, citric acid is added to the cabbage soup (0.5 per 1000 g of soup). Green cabbage soup can be made from canned sorrel or spinach, or a mixture of sorrel and spinach. Their investment rates are calculated in accordance with the norms of interchangeability. Cucumbers, eggs, sour cream are put on vacation. Shchi can be cooked without cucumbers.

    Shchi green with meat. Prepare the same way; like cabbage soup green with an egg. Shchi can be cooked without eggs. Instead of beef, you can use lean pork, lamb, rabbit, veal.

    Shchi green with fish. Prepared in the same way as green cabbage soup with an egg. Shchi can be cooked without eggs. Poached or cooked portioned pieces of fish, preferably sturgeon, or crabs are put in cabbage soup when on vacation.

    Botvinya. Spinach and sorrel are stewed separately, wiped, diluted with kvass, salt, sugar and lemon zest are added. On vacation, a piece of boiled cold sturgeon or cod with a side dish is served separately, or fish and a side dish are placed in a botvinia. Add grated horseradish and sprinkle with dill. Ready botvinia is stored in the cold. Botvinya can be served with crayfish (1-2 pieces per serving).

    Cold soups (borscht and green cabbage soup) can also be cooked on carefully low-fat broths - meat and fish. Sour cream is not served with fish soups.

    1.10. Sweet soups. Cooking technology.

    Cold soups are prepared on bread kvass, on beetroot or other vegetable broth (beetroot broth can be fermented beforehand). Kvass for cold soups should not be too sour. Instead of kvass, some cold soups can be cooked with whey, curdled milk, sour milk. Soups are stored on ice and served chilled to 8-12°C. When serving in the soup, you can add pieces of edible ice or serve edible ice separately at the outlet.

    Cold soups also include soups made from fruits and berries, which can only be served hot in rare cases. These soups are prepared from fresh and dried fruits and berries, as well as from fruit and berry juices, purees, extracts and syrups produced by food industry enterprises.

    If soups are prepared from high-quality berries and fruits, then the berries are put whole, and the fruits are cut into pieces of various shapes (slices, cubes, straws). Berries and fruits dented or damaged wipe.

    To enhance the flavor in the soup, you can put lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, cloves and other spices. However, spices should not be consumed in large quantities, since they should not drown out the pleasant aroma characteristic of the fruits and berries from which the soup is prepared. To improve the taste, white or red grape wine is added to soups, as well as honey and sugar in a small amount. Unlike sweet compotes, this soup has a mostly sour taste. Significantly improve the taste and increase the nutritional value of soup from fruits and berries fresh sour cream or cream, which is placed in a bowl with soup when serving or served separately in a gravy boat.

    These soups are served with a side dish of pasta, rice, sago, which are boiled separately and added to the soup during serving. In addition, fruit and berry soups are served with dumplings, cold puddings or semolina or rice casseroles, cut into medium-sized cubes (1-1.5 cm). On a pie plate, you can serve dry biscuit, cake crackers, dry cookies.

    266. Okroshka meat

    Chilled boiled meat and peeled fresh cucumbers cut into small cubes or short strips (1.5-2 cm). Finely chop the green onion and rub with a little salt until the juice appears. Hard boil eggs, chop or chop finely. Put eggs, green onions, mustard, sugar, salt (to taste) into sour cream, mix well and dilute with kvass. Add the rest of the prepared products to the resulting mixture and stir again.

    If okroshka is prepared in large quantities, then you need to combine all the prepared products with sour cream, add a little kvass and store on ice. When serving, put a portion of products with sour cream on a plate, pour kvass.

    You can also cook okroshka from game and veal.

    Bread kvass 300, beef 80, green onions 30, cucumbers 60. Sour cream 40, eggs 1/2 pc., sugar 5, ready-made mustard 2, greens.

    267. Mixed meat okroshka

    Prepare and serve this okroshka in the same way as meat okroshka. Pre-fry or boil the veal. The set of meat products within the normal range can be changed, for example, boiled fresh or salted tongue, low-fat lamb, ham, etc., can be included in the set.

    Bread kvass 300, beef 40, veal 30, boiled ham (ham) 30, green onion 30, cucumbers 60, sour cream 40, eggs 1/2 pc., sugar 5, ready-made mustard 2, greens.

    268. Vegetable okroshka

    Wash potatoes and boil in their skins. Peel and boil carrots and turnips separately. Cool the vegetables and cut into small cubes (2-2.5 cm) \ Peel the potatoes and also cut into cubes. Chop the onion and rub with a little salt until the juice appears. For the rest, cook okroshka in the same way as.

    Bread kvass 300, potatoes 75, carrots 20, radishes 20, green onions 30, cucumbers 65, sour cream 30, eggs, sugar 5, ready-made mustard 2, herbs.

    269. Beetroot

    Cut young beets into small cubes or strips, petioles - into 2-3 cm pieces \ pour water, add vinegar and simmer for 20-30 minutes. 10-15 minutes before the end of the stew, add chopped beet tops. Ready beets cool in broth. Prepare the rest of the vegetables in the same way as for.

    Combine sour cream, eggs, green onions, sugar, salt and mix thoroughly. In the resulting mixture, put the beets along with the broth, cucumbers, pour in the kvass and stir well.

    When serving, add dill to the beetroot. In the mass production of beetroot, one should be guided by the same instructions as in the manufacture of meat okroshka.

    Bread kvass 300, beets with tops 80, carrots 20, cucumbers 50, green onions 25, eggs 1/2 pc., sour cream 40, sugar 5, vinegar 3% 5, greens.

    270. Cold borscht

    Peel young table beets, boil, strain the broth and cool. Vegetables - beets, boiled carrots, cucumbers - cut into strips. The further process is carried out in the same way as for the preparation of beetroot. Instead of kvass, add chilled beetroot broth and vinegar to borscht (to taste).

    Mass production of cold borscht is carried out in the same way as cooking.

    The same borscht can be cooked with meat or fish.

    Beetroot broth 350, beets 100, carrots 20, green onions 25, cucumbers 50, sour cream 40, eggs 54 pcs., sugar 5, vinegar 3% 8, greens.

    271. Botvinya

    Botvinya is cooked with beluga, sturgeon, pike perch or white-fish and sturgeon salmon, as well as canned crabs.

    Cook and cool the fish. Boil spinach and sorrel separately, then puree. Cut the cucumbers into short strips, grate the horseradish and lemon zest, chop the green onion.

    Combine spinach and sorrel puree, add salt, sugar, lemon zest and dilute with kvass.

    When serving, pour the botvinia into a bowl or plate. Cut the fish into portions, put on a dish, garnish with fresh cucumbers, green onions, grated horseradish, dill. Put crayfish necks on the fish and garnish with salad. Separately, in a salad bowl, serve pieces of edible ice.

    Sturgeon or stellate sturgeon 93, or white fish balyk 30, or crabs 35, bread kvass 350, spinach 70, sorrel 40, green onion 20, lettuce 25, cucumbers 65, horseradish (root) 15, crayfish 1 pc., lemon (zest) 1 /15 pcs., sugar 5, greens.

    272. Fresh fruit soup

    Apples and pears peeled from the skin and seed pods (a decoction is prepared from waste) cut into slices, slices or sticks, pour strained broth or water, add sugar, cinnamon and cook over low heat. Before the end of cooking, pour the starch diluted with cold boiled water into the soup, stirring gently so as not to crush the fruit, and heat again to a boil. If the soup is not sour enough, add a little citric acid.

    Before serving, remove the cinnamon from the soup, then pour it into a bowl and add sour cream or cream.

    Apples 80, pears 90, potato starch 10, sugar 40, cream or sour cream 20, cinnamon 0.5, citric acid.

    273. Sweet soup with dumplings

    Sort out berries (raspberries or cherries), wash them, remove pits from the best cherries and set aside for filling dumplings; mash the remaining berries, pour water along with the seeds and cook for 5-6 minutes. Remove the finished broth from the heat and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. After that, strain the broth, wipe the berries, add sugar and heat the syrup to a boil.

    Separately, prepare the dough, as for dumplings (469), to which add oil, and prepare small dumplings.

    Dip dumplings into boiling syrup and cook for 3-4 minutes. Before the end of cooking into the soup, stirring gently (so as not to crush the dumplings), pour in the potato starch diluted with cold water.

    This soup can be served warm or cold with sour cream or cream.

    Raspberries or cherries 120, potato starch 10, sugar 50; for dumplings: flour 25, eggs 1/5 pcs., water 10, butter 3, salt 0.1.

    274. Blueberry puree soup

    Sort fresh blueberries, wash, pour hot water, boil, rub through a sieve, add sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes, then add starch diluted with cold boiled water, heat to a boil again and cool.

    If the soup is prepared from dried blueberries, then pour the sorted and washed berries with cold water and cook for 25-30 minutes. For the rest, proceed in the same way as in the manufacture of soup puree from fresh blueberries. Serve with sour cream or cream.

    You can also make soup puree from dried apricots and other fruits or berries.

    Blueberries fresh 130 or dried 60, sugar 20, potato starch 10, sour cream or cream 20.

    275. Soup from dried fruits and berries

    Sort dried fruits and berries, wash and sort by type. Large apples and pears cut into 2-4 parts, pour cold water and cook in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes. Add the remaining fruits, sugar, cinnamon to the resulting broth and continue to cook until tender.

    Before the end of cooking, add starch diluted with cold water to the soup.

    Serve with cream or sour cream.

    Various dried fruits 60, sugar 15, potato starch 10, cream or sour cream 20, cinnamon 0.5.
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