Nutrition table according to Shelton. Cottage cheese, dairy products. Positive and negative sides of separate power supply

Dr. Herbert Shelton separate meals conditionally divided into the following categories: protein products (eggs, dairy products with a low percentage of fat content, mushrooms, nuts, legumes, lean meat, fish, poultry, etc.), fats (cheese, fatty sour cream, butter, margarine, etc.), carbohydrate products(cereals, sugar, potatoes, etc.), starchy vegetables, green and non-starchy vegetables, sour vegetables, berries and fruits, and sweet berries and fruits. Based on this, separate meals according to Shelton focused on eating the most successful.

Also, an American doctor singled out separate group for products that cannot be combined with anything at all. These are milk, watermelon and melon. They can only be eaten in mono mode.

Herbert Shelton - the basics of proper nutrition

  1. Do not eat protein foods with starchy foods in one sitting. Traditional rice with fish, sandwich with cheese, chicken with fried potatoes, puree with meat patty etc. should henceforth become a strict taboo.
  2. One meal should include protein foods from only one group. Simply put, you cannot combine cheese and meat, chicken and eggs, eggs and cottage cheese, etc.
  3. Fish, poultry, meat and other protein-fortified foods should be exclusively lean. According to Dr. Shelton, fats and protein are very incompatible, because fatty meat, poultry or fish do not comply with the principles separate power supply.
  4. You can not combine protein products with alcohol. This is due to the fact that alcohol can interfere with the digestion of animal protein.
  5. Melon, watermelon and milk should not be used in combination with any other products. This is due to the fact that melon and watermelon contain in their composition a large number of natural sugar, which can "make" other food eaten ferment in the stomach. But milk under the influence gastric juice usually rolls up. However, if the stomach is filled with other food, then the milk will envelop it, thereby isolating it from the digestion process for a sufficiently long time. As a result, food will not be digested, but will rot.
  6. Subject to separate nutrition, it is advisable to completely abandon sugar and confectionery. As in the case of melon and watermelon, this is due to the fact that an abundance of sugar causes a fermentation process in the stomach. An exception to this rule can only be natural honey, since it is, roughly speaking, sugar already processed by bees.

Separate food Shelton - table

Diet according to Sheldon - the menu for the week is preferably made up of good compatible products.

It is advisable not to consume more than three types of foods at one sitting - this is what the Shelton diet says, reviews of those who have lost weight confirm this. Also, according to the doctor, food should be as simple as possible - then it will bring maximum benefit to the human body.

It is a real find for those who want to get rid of excess weight without limiting yourself in any products. R Separate food Shelton allows you to eat almost everything - only certain combinations of products are prohibited. Also this technique will provide you with not only getting rid of extra pounds, but also general health improvement and excellent health. Your body will be provided with all essential substances, vitamins and minerals, all metabolic and digestive processes. Thanks to the balance and satiety of the menu of the separate nutrition system, you can easily combine such a diet with physical activity and any additional procedures for losing weight.

Hello readers of my blog.
Today I want to continue the topic of proper nutrition, begun in the article.

I have also already talked about proper nutrition and the importance of their balance.

Here, I want to talk about one more fact that needs to be taken into account when compiling our daily menu- Compatibility of products for proper nutrition.

The use of compatible products will help our body to fully absorb nutrients one product or another.

How does this happen?

All foods have different chemical composition, which of course affects their "digestibility" in our body:
this is the time that needs to be spent on the digestion of a certain group of products;
this and certain enzymes that process this food.

Let me explain this in a little more detail.

There are fast-digesting foods, and there are, respectively, slowly digesting foods.
If we use them together, then the food, which should quickly leave our body, will linger longer, the digestion process is disturbed - food is not digested, but simply for simple - rot or wander!

So, for example, an apple eaten at work ( as a snack) leaves the stomach for half an hour. If we “ate” an apple after potatoes with meat ( digested for more than 4 hours), then it remains with these “slow” products and after 30 minutes it is already fermenting in full.

In addition, for a particular product in the stomach, a different environment is needed. So for meat you need acidic environment, and potatoes are "processed" into alkaline.

Participates in all this colon. In it, food is no longer "processed" by our enzymes, but by our microorganisms - bacteria.

Let's conditionally divide them into bad and good.

Good ones increase our immunity, help us “absorb” vitamins, process fiber, fight bad bacteria, etc.

Bad- These are all sorts of pathogens that are always present in our body. But some even help - they fight with our "wrong" food, help it to be quickly processed and removed from the body.

So - vegetable raw food processed by our well-wishers - beneficial bacteria, and the more and longer we consume such food, the more and stronger our immunity becomes. And when we interfere with food - meat with a salad, then a war begins in the intestines ( and the consequences are gases) who will win.

Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to properly combine foods with proper nutrition so that digestion time, enzymes, etc. more or less coincided, while there will be no imbalance in the process of their processing, because this is the basis.

Of course, we do not know what and what we process, and what is combined with what.

But there was such a doctor, Herbert Shelton, who offered us his food compatibility table for proper nutrition.

There is controversial points in this table, which modern scientists criticize (we know how they treat everything that contradicts their dogmas).
Of course, we cannot determine the correctness of all combinations of products, so believe or not believe is up to you.

And further. You can always check with your body, and it will always tell you whether you have chosen the right combination or not.

Compatibility of products for proper nutrition, Shelton's table

Some explanations for the table - food compatibility for proper nutrition

This table contains (vertically and horizontally) the products that we often use in our diet.
The skin product is assigned a number in the product name column, which is duplicated in the number row.

For example, row No. 9 is “semi-sour fruits” and column No. 9 is also “semi-sour fruits”. Their intersection is highlighted in white.

How to use the food combination table

The highlighted color means:
green cell– compatible products.
yellow- can be combined.
Red– incompatible products.

For example, we look at how butter is combined with bread.
Butter - No. 3, bread - No. 7. We look at the intersection No. 3 with No. 7 - we see green color, perfect. That is, they are compatible products.

Explanation of some products from the table

No. 8. Tomatoes and sour fruits
These are tomatoes and fruits that have acid - currants, strawberries, pineapples, pomegranates, strawberries, limes, tangerines, grapefruits and oranges.

No. 9. semi-acid fruits
These include - quince, grapes, gooseberries and raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, gooseberries, nectarines and peaches, pears and apples, plums and apricots

No. 10. sweet fruits
These are figs, bananas, dried fruits, mangoes, persimmons, etc.

No. 11. Non-starchy vegetables
Brussels sprouts, white and cauliflower, broccoli, parsnips, celery, sorrel, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, peppers (sweet), swede.
Seedlings: wheat, barley, alfalfa, etc.

No. 12. starched vegetables
Artichoke, beans, carrots, corn, peanuts * Jerusalem artichoke, peas, potatoes, pumpkin.
* Peanuts, lentils, legumes and all grains - combine both protein and starch.

How to combine food at the table, 7 rules

1. One type of protein food at a time
Let it be fish, or chicken fillet - but only one thing.

2. Carbohydrates and proteins - do not eat together
Protein foods require an acidic environment for digestion.

3. Sour and starchy foods should not be eaten together.
Acidic foods neutralize alkaline environment, which is so necessary for the study of starch. As a result, the stomach begins - fermentation, as patients say - "the stomach does not boil."

4. Protein foods and sour fruits should not be eaten together.
Such fruits inhibit the secretion of our stomach, which digests protein. And not digested protein is already decomposed by bacteria, and not by enzymes. Which can lead to toxicity.

5. Eat Fats and Proteins in Different Meals
Some foods, especially nuts, have over 50% fat, which takes a long time for our bodies to process.

6. Watermelons, melons - eat without anything
These products, in our body, do not combine with anything. Well, it's easy - I think few people, melon or watermelon, eat with something.

7. Sweet fruits and protein food eat separately

8. Never drink water, tea, juice, etc. with food.

Eh ... favorite sandwich with sweet tea ...

The liquid that enters with food dilutes the gastric juice, makes it less concentrated, as a result of which its "strength" of digestion decreases. Food is not digested properly, a lot of unprocessed food enters the intestines and heaviness in the stomach is felt.

If something is not clear, you can watch a video on the topic, everything is perfectly told in it.

Well, that's all I have for today. I look forward to your comments. Goodbye.

What and how to eat for weight loss? This question worries everyone more people, as the activity of earthlings decreases. A number of nutritionists offer a method of separate nutrition for obesity. Although for the first time they learned about the diet at the beginning of the last century, it is still popular today.

The essence of separate nutrition

The founders of the direction were W. G. Hay and G. Shelton. The theory of separate nutrition is based on the concept of compatibility and incompatibility of products, which are divided into three large groups- proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

The principles of such diets are as follows. Proteins and carbohydrates are not consumed at the same time, since it is believed that an acidic environment is needed for the processing of the former, and an alkaline one for the latter. Different time takes the digestion of products: 30 minutes is enough for fruits, the body spends several hours on the assimilation of meat.

Proponents of separate nutrition believe that with the simultaneous use of protein and carbohydrate foods, part of it does not have time to be digested and remains in the intestines. This triggers the mechanism of decay, intoxication sets in, toxins accumulate, and the process of full absorption of vitamins and minerals is disrupted. This is how a person grows extra pounds. To compose correct menu, a product compatibility table has been created.

Although Herbert Shelton and William Hay became the ideologists of separate nutrition, they proposed different approaches to diet planning. But both are used for weight loss.

Diet principles according to Herbert Shelton

Book " The right combination food products” was released in the 1920s. In it, Herbert Shelton was the first to suggest separating foods according to their composition. The main message of the book is that the simpler the food, the more useful it is for the body.

G. Shelton divides products into groups:

  • vegetable and animal proteins - meat and fish low-fat varieties, eggs, lean dairy products, nuts, mushrooms, legumes;
  • carbohydrates - potatoes, cereals, sugar;
  • fats - butter, fatty sour cream, cheese;
  • starchy vegetables - cauliflower, carrots, beets, pumpkin, corn, Jerusalem artichoke, radish;
  • non-starchy and green vegetables - cucumbers, onions, asparagus, bell pepper, green beans, zucchini, spinach;
  • sour fruits - citrus fruits, pineapples, pomegranates;
  • sweet fruits.

The nutritionist identified a group of products that is incompatible with anything. These include melon and watermelon. Shelton believed that these gourds contain a lot of sugar, which provokes fermentation in combination with any other products. This group included milk. According to the author, it coagulates in the stomach from the juice produced. And if milk gets into digestive organ with other food, it envelops the walls of the stomach and makes digestion difficult, causing the food to rot.

Sweets are removed from the diet due to the risk of fermentation. An exception is made only for natural honey, which has already undergone processing in the body of bees and is complex carbohydrate, that is, it is absorbed more slowly than sugar and is included in diets for weight loss.

Product Compatibility Chart by G. Shelton

Product group Optimal combinations
Cereals, legumes Vegetables - starchy (but not potatoes), non-starchy, green vegetables, fats
Sour fruits, tomatoes Cow and vegetable oil, sour cream, nuts, non-starchy, green leafy vegetables, cheese, cheese
Starchy vegetables (not potatoes) Cottage cheese, sour milk products, nuts, cheeses, bread, cereals, potatoes, butter - butter, vegetable, legumes, vegetables - non-starchy and green
Vegetable oil Grains and legumes, breads, cereals, starchy, non-starchy and green leafy vegetables, nuts, sour fruits, tomatoes
Cow butter Cereals, bread, tomatoes, sour fruits, starchy, non-starchy, green leafy vegetables, cottage cheese, sour milk products
Lean proteins Green and non-starchy vegetables
Bread, cereals, potatoes, meat, fish, poultry, offal, grains and legumes, butter - cow, vegetable, sour cream, nuts, eggs, cheeses, all kinds of fruits, tomatoes
nuts Vegetable oil, sour fruits, tomatoes, vegetables - starchy (not potatoes), non-starchy, leafy greens, cottage cheese and dairy products
Sweet and dried fruits Non-starchy, green leafy vegetables, cottage cheese, dairy products
Sour cream Cereals, legumes, bread, potatoes, sour fruits, tomatoes, starchy, non-starchy, green leafy vegetables, cottage cheese, dairy products
Cheese, cheese Cottage cheese, products made from sour milk, vegetables - green, non-starchy, starchy (not potatoes), sour fruits, tomatoes,
Curd, dairy group Vegetables (but not potatoes), sweet fruits - fresh and dried, fats, nuts
Bread, cereals, potatoes Cow and vegetable oil, vegetables - starchy, non-starchy, green leafy
Eggs Non-starchy, green vegetables

Rules from G. Shelton

The diet prohibits such combinations:

  • several concentrated proteins;
  • two or more concentrated starches;
  • fats with proteins;
  • sour fruits with proteins;
  • concentrated protein and concentrated carbohydrate;
  • starches with sugar;
  • carbohydrate and acid foods.

Diet principles according to William Hay

A slightly different approach to writing healthy menu proposed by William Hay. As a basis, he proposes to take products plant origin which is good for weight loss. Vegetables, fruits, salads in the diet should be at least 50% of the total daily portion. Refined food is not consumed. Between meals, observe the interval of 4-5 hours.

The nutritionist divided the products into the following groups:

  • food rich in vegetable and animal proteins - eggs, meat, offal, fish, legumes, nuts, etc .;
  • food with a predominant carbohydrate content - pastries, bread, pasta, sugar, potatoes;
  • neutral food - fats, sour cream, cheese (fat content from 45%), fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, greens.

Proteins and carbohydrates are not eaten at the same time. Products from the neutral group are compatible with both proteins and carbohydrates.

  • breakfast: fruit, cheese, sour cream, bran bread, cow's butter, cottage cheese;
  • lunch: it is advisable to eat protein foods, meat and fish - without a carbohydrate side dish, but with vegetables from a neutral group, as well as fruits, vegetable soup;
  • dinner: recommended carbohydrate food, which is quickly digested - dishes from potatoes, carrots, sweet fruits.

Going on a diet

Before switching to a separate diet for weight loss or recovery, it is recommended unloading menu for 2-3 days. Below are two examples of such a diet for the transition period.

Fruit menu

  • From morning to 15.00 - any fruit is raw, but not bananas.
  • After 17.00 - two medium bananas, two potatoes "in their uniforms" (do not salt the dish).

Vegetable menu

During the day, eat a little stewed or raw vegetables- alone or in the form of salads. Seasonings or sauces are not added. A cup of weak vegetable broth is allowed.

Diet of B. Khrobat and M. Polyanshek for 90 days

This is one of the variations on the theme of separate nutrition. The diet, according to the creators, is useful for people who are concerned about losing weight, for the course allows you to get rid of 25 kg of excess weight. The peculiarity of the diet is that it is somewhat depleted, but allows the use of sweets.

The 90-day weight loss course is formed from four-day cycles:

  1. Day of proteins: eat meat and dairy products, a slice of bread is allowed.
  2. Day of starches: eat vegetables, root vegetables, cereals, beans.
  3. Day of carbohydrates: pastries, desserts, chocolate are allowed.
  4. Day of vitamins: on the menu - fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables.

Every 29th day monthly cycle declared unloading, no food, drink only non-carbonated mineral water. The course for weight loss is calculated so that the fasting day is between vitamin and protein (in that order).

The diet is important:

  • daytime and evening meals are planned from 12.00 to 20.00;
  • a portion of food for lunch is twice as much as for dinner;
  • fruits are eaten in the morning, as well as in the intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • juices (only freshly prepared) are counted as a separate meal (usually a snack).

Advantages of the technique

The method of separate feeding has its advantages.

  1. There is no fermentation and decay.
  2. The weight is normalized, the effect is maintained if the diet is followed (with the exception of the 90-day course).
  3. The diet can be recommended for certain diseases of the stomach and intestines, heart and blood vessels, as it reduces the burden on the body.
  4. The menu remains varied and complete.
  5. For weight loss, it is not necessary to reduce the number of calories, since the technique itself triggers the mechanism of natural weight loss.
  6. Not lost muscle mass, because the diet contains all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Disadvantages of separate power supply

For a hundred years of the existence of the technique, the issue has been scrupulously studied by physicians. Therefore, there are many critics of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bseparate nutrition.

One of the main warnings is related to the possible deterioration in the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

The main argument used by opponents is the unnaturalness of the system, as a result of which normal digestion laid down by nature.

As centuries of experience have shown medical practice, gastrointestinal tract humans have adapted to process a variety of foods at the same time. If we introduce a constant strict division of food, as suggested by W. Hay and G. Shelton, then the body will eventually learn to digest only individual products, but not culinary specialties. After switching to a normal diet, digestion may be disturbed, constipation or diarrhea may occur.

Healthy eating experts also point out that there are few mono-foods in nature that contain only protein, fat or carbohydrates. Therefore, the technique exists in theory, but it is impossible to implement it in practice, and separate nutrition cannot be taken as a basis. healthy diet for weight loss.

If there is chronic diseases, making a decision to switch to a diet without medical advice is dangerous to health. If the condition worsens, you should immediately seek medical help.

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Many nutritionists, nutritionists, athletes argue that the most wonderful way to lose weight without harm to health is a separate diet. Exist various systems, which are based on separate meals. All of them have their own rules and nuances, they are great for some losing weight and completely unsuitable for others.

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Separate meals according to Shelton

Herbert Shelton - nutritionist, who became known to the whole world, thanks to the fact that he was the first to offer separate meals, explained the essence of his method of nutrition. This American nutritionist was the founder of the idea of ​​​​separate nutrition, and also offered the world idea of ​​"simple" food. The essence of "simple" nutrition is that a person is recommended to eat as simple as possible monotonous food, which does not require long and complicated preparation. He believed that the simpler the food, the faster and easier it is absorbed by the body.

The first book of a nutritionist was published in the twenties of the last century. She was called "The Right Food Combination". In his opinion, all products can be conditionally divided into groups that are combined and not combined with each other. He advised eating some foods together, and said that this would not only not harm the body, but would also benefit it. Other products strongly recommended eat separately, and do not mix with products from other groups. Herbert Shelton believed that some vitamins and minerals are better absorbed in combination with certain types of foods. His main recommendation was that never do not combine more than 2-3 types of products at one meal.

10 principles of separate nutrition

1 Shelton emphasized that any product from our diet can be conditionally attributed to one or another group. He highlighted the following product groups:

  • protein products (low-fat dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, legumes, nuts, etc.);
  • fatty foods ( different types oils, fatty dairy products, cheese, etc.);
  • carbohydrate foods (cereals, sugar, sweets, bread, potatoes, etc.).

2 Vegetables and fruits he divided into several groups:

  • starchy vegetables (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, corn, beets, etc.);
  • non-starchy vegetables (green vegetables, cabbage, pepper, zucchini, cucumber, etc.);
  • sour vegetables (for example, tomato);
  • berries and fruits, sweet and savory.

3 Some products, according to the nutritionist, do not belong to any of the above groups, and should only be used as independent meals. That is, these products cannot be combined with any other products at all. Such products include watermelon, melon, milk.

4 In addition to distinguishing product groups, strict prohibitions on combinations of certain types of products. For example, a nutritionist strictly prohibits combining starchy foods with protein. But an unenlightened person, as a rule, combines products in exactly this way. How often is such an unacceptable combination prepared as mashed potatoes with fried chicken, or rice with fish, or ice cream with nuts and chocolate, or oatmeal with milk and banana. But it is precisely this combination that is considered the most harmful to the body and incredibly hard to digest.

5 meat, fish products should be low in fat. The fat present on the meat, or the skin on the part of the bird, must be removed before cooking. It is advisable to choose when buying dietary lean meat. This rule should be followed due to the fact that proteins are quite poorly combined with fats, and are worse absorbed in tandem with fatty foods.

7 Animal squirrels cannot be combined with alcoholic drinks , since alcohol inhibits the action of the enzyme necessary for the digestion of animal protein. Therefore, if you are used to having dinner with a piece of meat with a glass of red wine, then you will have to forget about it.

8 The nutritionist advises to completely abandon sweets and confectionery, as well as the addition of sugar. Sweets are digested too quickly, poorly saturate a person, cause a second attack of hunger through short span time. Also sugars cause fermentation in the intestines. Sugar can be substituted natural honey, which is absorbed much more slowly than sugar, and brings much more benefit the human body.

9 Milk, watermelon and melon, as mentioned above, cannot be combined with other foods. Watermelons and melons are supersaturated with sugars, therefore, when they enter the body along with other products, they cause active fermentation. milk under the influence acid environment gastric juice, curdled and digested. If other foods are present in the stomach, then digestion slows down significantly, food begins to spoil and poison the body with toxins.

10 Get additional information you can find out which products are ideally compatible with each other from a special table.

Shelton Food Compatibility Chart

Products Compatible Products
Dairy products Any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, sweet fruits and dried fruits, cheese, cheese, nuts, sour cream
Sour cream Potatoes and other starchy vegetables, non-starchy and green vegetables, dairy products and curd products, bread and bakery products, cereals, grains, legumes, sour vegetables, tomatoes
Lean fish, meat, poultry, offal Non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, onions, all types of cabbage, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, etc.), green vegetables (greens, leaf salad, arugula, spinach, etc.)
Cereals and legumes (wheat, rice, oats, buckwheat, barley, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc.) Starchy vegetables except potatoes (beets, carrots, pumpkin, radish, cauliflower, corn, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke), non-starchy vegetables, herbs (dill, parsley, celery, sorrel, etc.), sour cream, vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, etc. .)
Starchy vegetables except potatoes Cheese, cheese, cereals, butter and vegetable oil, cereals, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, herbs, cottage cheese, dairy products, nuts
Non-starchy vegetables and herbs Lean meat and fish products, offal, cereals and legumes, bread, any cereals, potatoes, eggs, cheese, cheese, butter and vegetable oil, nuts, sour fruits, sweet fruits and dried fruits, sour cream, tomatoes
Eggs Non-starchy vegetables, greens
nuts Sour fruits, tomatoes, any starchy vegetables except potatoes, any non-starchy vegetables, herbs, dairy products, cottage cheese, vegetable oil
Sour fruits, tomatoes Butter and vegetable oil, moderately starchy and non-starchy vegetables, herbs, feta cheese and cheese, sour cream, nuts
Sweet fruits, dried fruits Dairy products, cottage cheese, starch-free vegetables, greens
Bread, cereals, potatoes Various types of oil, any starchy, non-starchy and green vegetables
Cheese and cheese Dairy products, any vegetables except potatoes, tomatoes, sour fruits, greens
Butter Citrus fruits, bakery products, cereals, any starchy and non-starchy vegetables, dairy products, cottage cheese
Vegetable oil Beans, grains, breads and baked goods, cereals, starchy and non-starchy vegetables, sour fruits, tomatoes, nuts
Melon watermelon Not compatible with other products
Milk Not compatible with other products

Fasting for weight loss

In addition to the principles of separate nutrition, Shelton was sure that periodic hunger strikes. He claimed that hunger strikes beneficial to the body, they unload internal organs and systems that cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. In his opinion, in order to start fasting, you do not need to somehow prepare the body. During fasting, only drinking is allowed. Do not drink more than your body requires, always listen to your body!

During fasting, he recommends to patients refrain from big physical activity , decrease water procedures, set the body for complete rest and recuperation. For Shelton's conviction of the need for fasting, his weight loss system has been and is being criticized a lot. Despite this, many used and use this weight loss system to this day. In the next article you will learn sample menu separate power supply, practical advice for separate meals.

Separate food. Product Compatibility Chart:

Although many foreign nutritionists have never avoided the problem of the correct combination of foods, Herbert Shelton nevertheless considered and substantiated it in most detail. The Right Food Combination (1971) is written simply and convincingly. It should also be noted that separate nutrition is not something new and artificial. The right combination of products has always been inherent in nutrition ordinary people and folk traditions, but only recent centuries Civilizations have greatly changed the diet of people, not for the better.

Separate nutrition greatly facilitates the absorption of food, gives a noticeable health effect, reduces a person's weight even with the same amount of food intake. It can be considered one of the most important requirements healthy eating along with moderation, carefulchewing, consumption primarily of foods rich in vitamins and fiber (vegetables), individual diet selection, etc.

Simplified food combination table according to G. Shelton

(meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy)


FATS(butter, cheese, sour cream)

(cereals, potatoes, bread, flour)






Table notes:

    Vegetables and herbs go well with almost everything. Fats are excellent with starches, vegetables and greens and bad with proteins. Protein food- incompatible with starches.

    Some foods do not combine with anything at all and must be eaten separately from everything. So Fruits should be eaten separately from everything and before meals, and not after. Sweets (pies, sweets, ice cream) should also be eaten in a separate meal. Drinks (water, juices, tea, coffee, etc.) should be drunk between meals. The same applies to watermelon, melon and milk.

    It should also be noted that there is no purely protein or purely any other food. So, for example, bread contains both starch and proteins and fats, but is classified as starch, because. contains the most starch. For this reason, cheese, sour cream, cream can be attributed to fats.

A detailed table of food combinations according to G. Shelton and the recommendations of other nutritionists, compiled by I.I. Litvina.

1. Meat, fish, poultry (lean)

2. Pulses

3. Butter, cream

4. Sour cream

5. Vegetable oil

6. Sugar, confectionery

7. Bread, cereals, potatoes

8. Sour fruits, tomatoes

9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits

10. Vegetables are green and non-starchy

11. Starchy vegetables

12. Milk

13. Cottage cheese, dairy products

14. Cheese, cheese

15. Eggs

16. Nuts

Notation: red - bad, yellow - acceptable, green - good

Classification food compiled by I.I. Litvina
(appendix to the Food Combination Table)

The first column is the most important, because this is where it's easiest to break product compatibility rules. Meat, poultry, fish must be lean. During the processing of these products, all external fat must be removed. For meat of all kinds, a combination with green and non-starchy vegetables is favorable, since this combination neutralizes harmful properties animal proteins, helps their digestion and removal of excess cholesterol from the blood. The combination of animal proteins with alcohol, according to I.I. Litvina, brings great harm, because. alcohol precipitates pepsin, necessary for the digestion of animal proteins.

PULSES (beans, peas, lentils...)
Features of the compatibility of legumes with other products are explained by their dual nature. Like starches, they go well with fats, especially those that are easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream, but as a source vegetable protein good with greens and starchy vegetables.

These products are one-dimensional in origin. With all products containing starch, butter and cream (like all fats) make a good combination, but with meat products - a bad one.

Classified as a fat rather than a protein, it is said to be incompatible with meat products, sugar, nuts (concentrated plant protein), and of course milk.

Vegetable oil is a highly beneficial product when consumed raw and unrefined.

The use of sugar and confectionery, according to Litvina, should be avoided. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. For their digestion, neither saliva nor gastric juice is needed: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other foods, then, lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the mobility of the stomach. sour burp, heartburn - the results of this process. Honey is excluded by Litvina from the category of sugars. At the same time, she relies on data obtained by D.S. Jarvis, who established that honey is already a processed product digestive apparatus bees, is absorbed into the bloodstream 20 minutes after ingestion and does not burden the liver and all other body systems.

I.I. Litvina believes that all foods rich in starch should always be treated with great attention, because. starch itself, pure form, is an extremely difficult to digest product. The ban on the combination of animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and perhaps the most important law of separate nutrition. Bread is considered a separate meal (for example, with butter), and not a mandatory addition to each meal. However, bread made from unrefined whole grain can be eaten with various salads, regardless of their composition.

Sour fruits in all cases include citrus fruits and pomegranates, and all the rest to taste. Tomatoes stand out from all vegetables with a high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.

Their combination with milk and nuts is acceptable, however, in a small amount, because it's hard on digestion. But better fruits(sour and sweet) in general it is better not to combine with anything, because. they are absorbed in the intestines. You need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating. This rule should be especially strict in relation to watermelons and melons.

These include tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild "table" herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onion, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green pea. Radishes, rutabagas, radishes and turnips are "semi-starchy" vegetables that, when combined with various products rather adjoin green and non-starchy.

This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation, other combinations are either good or acceptable.

Milk is a separate food, not a drink. Once in the stomach, the milk should curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, rots, the digestion process is delayed.

Cottage cheese, fermented milk products
Cottage cheese is an indigestible complete protein. Products similar to sour milk(sour cream, cheese, cheese) are compatible.

The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the home type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed. Brynza is useful protein product, requiring, however, soaking in cold water from excess salt.

This protein product is not easy to digest. However, eggs are not so bad: their combination with green and non-starchy vegetables neutralizes the harm from high content cholesterol in the yolk.

Due to their rich fat content, nuts are akin to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, and nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats.


Very interesting and informative books on nutrition for health by I.I. Litvina: "Three Benefits", "Live Long", "Health Cooking: From Principles to Recipes". They very popularly introduce the principles of healthy eating, based on views on proper nutrition famous naturopathic nutritionists G. Shelton, P. Bragg, N. Walker, K. Jeffrey and other supporters of natural nutrition. There are hundreds of healthy food recipes in the books. All this distinguishes these books from others like them.

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