Raising dogs: useful tips. Education and training of dogs - general principles Dog psychology new ways of education

When a puppy is brought into the house, many people worry about the vaccinations and diet of their new acquisition. But from the very first days, he must be properly educated and gradually accustomed to the necessary commands. If you put it off, then later you will have to deal with retraining the puppy, and this is not always easy. Consider how to properly educate and train a puppy for training at home.

When to start

You can start training a dog of any age, but, of course, puppies will be easier to train than an adult. At whatever age you bring a puppy into the house, you need to start raising him from the very beginning of his stay with you.

First, give the baby some time to get used to an unfamiliar environment, and then teach him the nickname and the rules of the hostel. Up to three months, you can train your puppy on your own by teaching him the commands, “Give!” and start learning the command "Aport!" (optional). If he has mastered these commands, then from the age of three months you can gradually add new ones. Full training usually begins at four months.

Of course, some puppies learn faster, others more slowly, but all this is individual. Ill-bred and untrained dogs of large breeds can be simply dangerous, including for you.

Dogs are social creatures and communication, training is only for the benefit of both them and you.

Proper upbringing and training of a puppy will help to raise an intelligent family member who:

  • will go to the toilet correctly;
  • will not steal food from the table and spoil your things;
  • make noise, bark and howl when not necessary;
  • know your place, do not climb into your bed;
  • be safe for others, including children;
  • will be an excellent travel companion;
  • with it it will be possible to receive guests and other strangers;
  • serve you faithfully and be a devoted friend.

Did you know? The most trainable breed is the border collie. This dog has excellent attention span, which makes training very easy, but it requires constant activity, which can be a problem. Therefore, many beginners stop their attention on the poodle - the second most trainable dog in the world. In addition, she can be kept in an apartment and her coat is hypoallergenic. Next on the list are: German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Sheltie, Labrador Retriever, Papillon, Doberman, Rottweiler and Australian Shepherd.

By properly raising a puppy, a strong bond is formed between you, which will benefit you and your four-legged friend.

The time and patience you put into training your pet will save a lot of your time and nerves in the future.

Basic rules of education

It is important to establish contact with the baby, showing him attention and care. To establish this connection, it will be better if one owner takes care of the puppy, and not all family members.

Of course, they can also be attracted, but only sometimes. If the baby happily rushes to you when he sees or is bored, searches and whines when you are not there, contact has been made.

Your methods of work should cause only positive emotions in the puppy (weasel, encouragement, play are suitable).

It is also better to immediately show firmness to the pupil and show who is the boss in the house, so as not to fight with him later for leadership.
In this case, you can observe some features adopted in the flock:

  • Start eating first, and feed the dog after everyone has eaten and do not give her pieces from the table, no matter how plaintively she asks. The pack leader in nature always eats first.
  • Don't let the dog in front of you from the street. When you enter your home, you must not let the dog go ahead of you, even if it breaks. Use "brake" commands.
  • Always be a winner. Even during playful games with a pet, you must be “on top”, win. You also have to start and end the game.
  • Execution of commands. The dog must always be required to complete the commands.
  • Place. The dog must know its place and not sleep with you. She must also know that her place in the pack is for her wife and children, otherwise, in your absence, they will not be able to get obedience from her.
  • Punishment. Without it, you are unlikely to manage, but physical punishment should be excluded. The maximum is a puppy's slap on the croup, and then only at a young age. Over time, the command “Fu!” Will be enough for the dog. But at first, you can’t do without a slap on the pope. Do not use your palm at the same time, the owner's hands should evoke only positive emotions - these are feeding and stroking hands. Use a twig or rolled up newspaper. Accompany this punishment with the word "Fu!" and a piercing displeased look in the eyes.

Dogs are very sensitive to voice intonation. Speak to your four-legged friend in a gentle, gentle voice when he is well-behaved, and give commands in a firm voice.

Stop bad behavior with a sharp and displeased tone (some owners, at first, even growl at puppies, imitating the behavior of a mother dog).

Proper upbringing is the most important thing to start with for successful subsequent training of a puppy.

The main education of a puppy up to three months should be aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Learning to name. Call your pet by its name as soon as you bring it. The fastest he will get used to it in the process of feeding. Show the baby a plate of food and affectionately call him the chosen nickname. When he gets comfortable and starts running to the kitchen at your call, start calling him to you.

  • . The pet is up to three months old, until the time of quarantine after vaccinations has passed, and the bladder is still weak, they are taught to go to a certain place in the room (newspaper, diaper, tray). You need to immediately determine the place where exactly he went, and lay a newspaper there or put a tray convenient for him. Until the baby is accustomed to the place of the toilet, all carpets and paths should be removed. Sometimes they sell him already accustomed to walking on a newspaper or in a tray, then the animal is taken to a prepared place some time after eating. When the puppy is ready to walk, do it first after each feeding and do not leave the street until he recovers. Then praise him and encourage him.

  • Place. The dog in the house should have its own place for sleeping, resting and solitude. It must be chosen where no one will disturb the pet and there are no drafts. Put a bed in there and take the baby as soon as he starts to fall asleep.

  • Learning to inspect. Practically from infancy, dogs need to be taught to be examined, so that later the veterinarian can safely perform all the manipulations. Look into the puppy's ears, open the mouth and touch the fangs, examine the eyes, inspect and, if necessary, trim the claws. Do not let him growl at you at the same time, stop any aggression on his part. Do this often, sometimes, if necessary, combine with hygiene procedures.

  • Solving Behavior Problems. Of course, the baby will have undesirable behavioral reactions for you. Don't close your eyes to them. It is necessary to wean a dog from them from childhood. Always stop unwanted behavior and reward good behavior.

  • Getting used to transport. Car owners need to take their pet by car not only to the veterinarian, but also out of town or to the park. You should first make sure that the puppy went to the toilet and calmed down.

  • Leash training. First, the baby needs to be taught to the collar, and then to the leash, which are a must when walking on the street.

Important! Don't say the puppy's name when you punish him. Never punish your dog for puddles and piles in the wrong place. It is better to look him in the eye and say “fu” in a clearly displeased tone. Hide from him the things you need that he can chew on, and offer toys. For damaged things, do not yell and do not punish - it was you who hid them badly. For natural and playful behavior, jumping on their feet and biting will be punished unfairly - at this age they cannot behave differently.

You also need to create a routine for the puppy: feed and walk at the same time. For eating, he must have his own place and his own bowls for food and drink.

Basic rules of training

The basic rules for training a puppy largely overlap with the basic rules for raising a puppy.

Here is their list:

  • Forbid and do not allow to do what is impossible. No matter how sorry you feel for this ball of wool, it would be better if you immediately teach him to sleep and eat separately, and the latter only after you. It is forbidden to growl at you while eating, bark at any occasion, bite your hands and clothes, etc.
  • Do not cancel your orders. If you give a command, do not stop, demand its implementation, no matter how long you have to wait and achieve this with explanations and encouragement. Otherwise, your orders will remain empty words for the puppy.
  • Do not call the dog by name when punishing, you can not deceive. If you call the dog for punishment, while mentioning its name, then in the future the animal will simply refuse to approach. Also, you can’t lure a puppy into an unpleasant procedure by deception, with the help of commands that are pleasant for him.
  • If the dog does not follow the command correctly, then you are to blame.. When a dog follows the “down” command at the “down” command, it means that you have taught it the wrong way. Review your training techniques, consult an experienced dog handler, but do not be angry with the dog.

  • Take care of your dog and its health. Dogs of any age cannot tell if they are in pain. Therefore, carefully monitor their behavior and well-being. If the animal whines all the time, curls up in a ball, aggression and nervousness appear, it needs to be shown to the veterinarian.
  • Do not demand the impossible from a dog. Do not expect the puppy to immediately understand what is required of him, be patient. Try to explain everything to the baby as clearly as possible and do not swear if he does not understand you. Try again and again.
  • Better to underestimate than overestimate. You should not expect much from the puppy's abilities. Even if the pet pleases you with exemplary behavior, be prepared for the fact that this will not always be the case. He may rush across the road or just want to bite his hand, so always be on the lookout.
  • dog respect. To lose the love and respect of a puppy is to ruin everything. Shouting, swearing and aggressive unreasonable behavior on your part will lead you to lose your leadership status. Some breeds of dogs may hold a grudge for such behavior and subsequently retaliate.

Important! Beginners should not start their acquaintance with dogs by buying a puppy of the following breeds: Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Rottweiler, Moscow Watchdog, Chinese Shar Pei, Dachshund, Doberman, Dalmatian, Siberian Husky. Some of them are not simple in nature, aggressive, others are difficult to care for.

How to start training a puppy

From the first days in the new house, it is already possible to start training puppies, and we will now find out in what order to study the commands. First of all, the dog is taught to the nickname, to the place and to the command “Come to me!” When they are called to the kitchen to eat or want to play with it.

Gradually, this list expands and appears in it: “Fu!”, “Sit!”, “Next!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” etc.
Be sure to continue training outside, as the puppy will follow commands at home, and in a different environment may stop doing it.

For the first lessons, it is better to choose a place where nothing will distract your pet, and over time, take it to places where irritants will be present: people, cars, other dogs, and so on.

It is enough to train a puppy 2-3 times a week.

The first workouts can be done for 30-40 minutes, and over time, increase their duration to an hour or even a little longer.

Do not delay the workout too much or overload your pet with new exercises.

Before you start training, you need to consider the following basics of puppy training:

  • walk well so that they are not distracted during classes;
  • pause between commands for at least 5 seconds so that the pet can keep up with you;
  • the command is given only once, and obedience is required immediately;
  • no need to work out commands in the same order, sometimes it needs to be changed;
  • if you see signs of fatigue in your pet, complete the workout, do not overexert it;
  • if you were too strict or overstressed the animal, then the pet may be lethargic, not cheerful (try to quickly work out an easy, well-executed command with him and vigorously praise him for obedience, give him a treat);
  • so that the dog does not try to run away somewhere during training (for example, after a cat), use a leash for initial training, develop endurance;
  • always achieve full execution of commands in any situation. First in a calmer, then in the presence of various stimuli;
  • any member of the family can do training, but only one person should be with her during training.

It is advisable to train the puppy in a playful way, encouraging in every possible way with praise for the correct execution of commands and preparing goodies for him in advance.

As a treat for training puppies, it is best to use the food that they especially like.

Take a look at your pet. Some puppies are delighted with liverwurst, others are looking forward to being treated to cheese, and still others will work for cookies. If any yummy is good for him, then it is convenient to use a sausage cut into small pieces.

Keep in mind that the size of the treat should be small so that the puppy does not eat up during training, but can also keep the food in its mouth.

In pet stores, you can buy ready-made promotion in packs for training dogs and puppies.

If one delicacy is tired, it can be changed to another.

The puppy will be more willing to follow commands for a treat if he is not full. He should eat up not in class, but after training, not as a reward.

Did you know? A dog can be taught a hundred different words, and especially smart individuals can master the vocabulary of a three-year-old child. For example, the boder collie Rico, was able to master more than two hundred words.

Basic commands

First of all, during training, the puppy is taught the commands that he will have to perform most often:

  • "Place!". As we have said, the puppy should have its own place to sleep and rest. When it's time for bed or you're cleaning the house, for example, take the puppy to his bed and command "Place!". If he does not sit still, return him there again and again with this team. When the baby remains in place, reward him with affection and treats. Of course, the baby can sleep and rest in other places that are acceptable for him, but the place must follow the command.

  • "To me!". This command is served in a cheerful, affectionate tone along with a nickname and showing a delicacy. After the puppy came up to you, you need to caress him and give him a treat. Over time, the command can be worked out without a treat, by gesture (palm clapping on the thigh). If outdoor training is not going well, use a leash to start with and keep your baby off it until you are sure that he does it the first time. When the pet gets used to obey without a leash, calling him to you, do not immediately fasten the harness. Pet him, play with him.

  • "Ugh!". This command is used to prevent unwanted actions (chewing things, barking at passers-by, etc.), and is one of the most important. Try to put the maximum of dissatisfaction into this word. Look angrily and firmly into the puppy's eyes, if he persists, slap him on the croup, on the street, if necessary, use a leash. At first, the baby will often hear this command from you, but over time he will begin to understand what is possible and what is not.

  • "Sit!". Usually used when traveling or when waiting for you to keep the pet in the same place. To teach this command to your puppy, take a bite of a treat, let him sniff it, say "Sit!" firmly and confidently, and wait. The kid will jump and spin around you, begging for goodies, but sooner or later he will sit down. Then you will give him a treat. The command should not be repeated - you have already said it. When the pet learns this command, begin to gradually increase the time of sitting. You can train with a leash - after the order, pull it up with one hand, and with the other press on the croup and seat the puppy.

  • "Beside!". It is necessary for the pet to walk next to the owner. This is especially important when crossing the road. Here the leash will have to be used without fail. Before the start of the lesson, the pet must be walked, and already on the way home, begin to work out the “Near!” command. If the baby is cowardly next to you, praise him while continuing to move. The leash must be loosened so that the pupil has freedom to maneuver. If he lags behind or runs ahead, adjust his movement by pulling on the leash. For each segment of the path passed nearby, reward with a treat. When the pet is more or less used to walking next to you on command, complicate the task - move along the curve and change the speed of movement.

  • "Lie!". In everyday life, it is used infrequently, but it is a pose of absolute submission. When you learn the command, then assert your leadership positions more. Perhaps it is she who will help you when visiting the veterinarian or on a trip. For a puppy, while he is small, it is enough to put him in a sitting position, put a treat in front of him and, pressing on the withers and pronouncing the command, lay him down. You can simplify everything by commanding “Lie down!” When the baby is already lying, encouraging him and not letting him get up.

  • "Stand!". It will help you in caring for the dog (examination, hygiene procedures, etc.), and may also be needed during walks when the puppy runs where it should not (on the road, behind a bicycle, etc.). When the dog is already frozen in the rack, say "Stand!" and encourage her, or put the pet in the right position yourself, command and hold it like that, and then praise. On the street, during a walk, training can be done with a leash. As you move, give the command and if the dog moves, tighten the leash until he is next to you. If the puppy sits down, put him on his paws and repeat the command, hold him in this position for a while, encourage him and move on again. After a few meters, repeat, and so 3-5 times.

If the puppy is willing to learn everything, you can not stop and learn other commands “Fetch!”, “Give!”, “Fas!” and others, according to your desire and need.

How to teach a puppy to a leash

Even in puppyhood, the pet should walk calmly on a leash, which will greatly facilitate the task of walking an adult dog.

When developing this habit, first put a collar on the animal when it is busy (for example, eating or playing), and only then you can add a leash to it.

Important! Do not remove the collar if the puppy tries to remove it, as he will take this event as a reward. He will decide that if he constantly tightens the collar, then the owner will definitely remove it.

The collar must be chosen according to size and preferably from a material that is soft in structure. A nylon collar with a plastic clasp works well. Ask an experienced dog handler if you can leave the collar if it is not fastened to a leash.
Sometimes hunting dogs must remove it so that the pet does not catch on a thorny bush or something else and does not get hurt. Some dog owners teach very young puppies to the presence of a collar by tying ribbons around their necks.

The next important point is teaching a puppy to a leash. At an early stage, it is better to use a ribbon or rope.

Dogs like to chew the leash at a distance of 10-20 cm from themselves and may end up chewing it.

Therefore, try to distract the puppy with a game when he is fastened - this will save on chewed leashes. Like a collar, to get used to the leash, you need to put it on at the moment when the puppy is passionate about something, and take it off when he forgets about his presence.
Do not leave your puppy unattended if the leash is fastened to the collar, the pet may chew it or accidentally get tangled, caught on a tree or something else.

It is also important to teach a puppy to approach the owner and move next to him. For this purpose, it is better to use the reward method in the form of a favorite treat. Using pieces of your favorite food, you can get the puppy to go in the right direction.

It is very good to take a bowl of food during feeding and use it to teach the puppy to approach the owner, as well as to follow him. When the puppy performs the desired action, he should be praised in every possible way, encouraging him with pieces of his favorite food.

As soon as the baby gets used to the collar and leash, the owner can take the leash in hand. If the puppy, out of habit, begins to act up and does not express a desire to walk alongside, then it is strictly forbidden to drag him by the leash - he can injure his throat.
You need to try to distract the puppy so that he relaxes and gets distracted from the leash. The owner of a small pet must learn to use the leash without too much pressure. The puppy needs to be shown that the leash does not cause him any inconvenience.

Moreover, the negative situation of a tense leash is created not by the dog, but by its owner, who often believes that a constantly tense leash is normal. This is an erroneous opinion, since the leash in the hands of the owner must be free.

You can sometimes follow the puppy, but you also need to use the developed methods of motivation (approving intonation, goodies) so that the dog follows the owner. Try to keep the attention and mood of your pet.

If the puppy tries to pull his owner forward, he should stop and calmly wait until the baby realizes that there is no point in pulling on the leash. It is necessary to immediately make it clear to the four-legged friend that no one will indulge his whims.
As soon as the animal realizes that all attempts to pull the owner on a leash wherever he wants are doomed, you need to try in a playful way to make him run after you with the help of an incentive prize - your favorite treat.

Do not let your puppy's upbringing take its course, give it time and you will not regret it. As he grows older, an understanding of what his owner wants from him will come more and more.

Teaching your pet basic commands will benefit him and you, build understanding between you, and make living together much easier.

The internet is full of dog training tips. And many owners who have no time to think about the pet's psychology take everything at face value and diligently follow the recommendations, which cannot be attributed otherwise than to "bad advice", because the consequences are often sad.

So, how do you train a dog to destroy relationships and instill in your pet an aversion to being with you? Easily!

  1. Learn and Apply outdated theories– for example, the theory of dominance! Well, so what, that scientists have already proved its inconsistency, since it is valid only for animals that find themselves in unnatural conditions with extremely limited resources? How else can you try on the role of a warden in a maximum security prison without leaving your home?
  2. Bite the dog to get your point across to her, or dump her on her back! It does not matter that the dog does not perceive you as another dog and that your behavior will look in his eyes, to put it mildly, dangerous. Let it be ready for surprises at any moment! True, for starters, I highly recommend learning how to dodge: what if the dog still believes that you are another dog and decides to bite you back? And the reaction of the dogs is great! But if your face survives, you can be proud of your reaction too.
  3. Stick to the rules that “experienced” dog handlers give you, not those that are convenient for you. And let scientists prove that the main thing is consistency, and it doesn’t matter who eats first or goes through the door. Even if you want the dog to share the couch with you or it is more convenient to feed him before you sit down to dinner yourself, by no means do this! After all, “experienced cynologists who trained 28 Alabaevs to work at customs” know for sure that your Labrador is sleeping and sees how to move you to the mat and take your seat at the dinner table!
  4. Take the dog's bowl of food. Is always. And be sure to pretend that you started eating from there. Pick up toys too. It doesn't matter that your dog guards favorite things. All these modern techniques are complete nonsense. Taking away the bowl or favorite toy is the best way to solve the problem! Do you have a couple extra hands? In addition, now, they say, they make good prostheses ...
  5. If you are going for a walk, and the dog starts to express joy, be sure to sit him down for a soak - at least 15 minutes from the first day, and preferably an hour! And not a step out the door until the dog sits all this time as if he is passing the OKD test! Perhaps the next walk under such conditions will take place only in a couple of months, if it takes place at all - so what? The small steps technique is for the weak, and you are not one of them, are you? You need everything at once!
  6. In no case do not let the puppy communicate with relatives! So what if he grows up cowardly-aggressive? But it will be a pet that does not need other dogs!
  7. Don't play with the dog! Otherwise, she will think that you can fool around and take liberties. You're in a maximum security prison, remember?
  8. If the dog did something wrong - pull on the leash! And as strong as possible! The dog will survive, she's a dog. Well, so what, that from this she will become nervous and aggressive and / or damage the trachea? But you will prove that you are the leader and you should not joke in your society! Oh yes, I almost forgot. Have you already been told that the best ammunition is a "stricter" or a noose? And have you already bought a stun collar?
  9. Another way to prove that you are an “alpha individual” is do not let the pet in the place. Let all humanists at least prove that the dog's place is its refuge, where it should feel comfortable and safe. For you, authority is “an experienced dog handler who has trained 28 Alabaevs”! And let the dog suffer, it is useful for her once again to realize his position.
  10. Give your dog an old telephone book or magazine as a toy.. But then be sure to punish her if she tears up the right books and magazines! In the end, let him learn to read and distinguish the useful from the unnecessary!


Dear editors! My dream is to have a purebred dog. But I don't know how to properly educate her. Please post the basic commands to teach the puppy.

Science and life // Illustrations

Practicing the command "Come to me!"

Practicing the command "Sit!".

Practicing the "Down!" command.

A. Nikonov (Kazan).

Many people, when getting a purebred dog, are sure that obedient behavior is “attached” to its pedigree and that in any situation a four-legged friend will behave “smartly”. Meanwhile, raising a dog should be done no less than raising a child.

As a pack animal (and there is no pack without a leader), the dog tends to insist on its own. Usually this behavior is more characteristic of males. Compliance, gentleness of the owner, the dog interprets as weakness and gradually occupies a dominant position in the family. To prevent this from happening, become an authority for your pet from the very first days (even if it is a tiny toy terrier). He must obey you, but not be afraid.

There is a certain distance between the average inclinations of a dog and the ideal, which can only be overcome with the help of training.

Start by giving the puppy a nickname and giving him a permanent place in the apartment, otherwise he will always settle down where he is not supposed to. To accustom the dog to a place, you need to repeatedly take him there and repeat the command "Place!". On the street, this command means that the dog must remain in a certain place even in the absence of the owner.

True contact between man and animal is based on subtle psychological moments, on a reasonable combination of power and kindness. If a four-legged friend has been mischievous, guilty, talk to him concisely and sternly.

Reward good behavior with kind words. The key concepts in rewarding or punishing should always be the same.

Never set your puppy on other dogs, let alone people. Do not anger him during the game or in the process of eating, by doing this you provoke the aggressive behavior of the pet.

Teach your puppy to follow the commands: "Next!", "Sit!", "Lie down!", "Stand!", "Come to me!", "Walk", "Fetch!", "Give!", "Fu!". Correction of the behavior of an adult animal is much more difficult, but possible.

Train your dog to walk with a short leash. If she walks fast or lags behind, restrain or pull her on the leash while giving the command "Close!".

The dog must walk on a leash so that its chest is in line with the owner's legs.

To train your dog to sit, pull the leash back and up, while simultaneously pressing your hand on the dog's croup, give the command "Sit!".

Practicing the "Down!" command: pull the leash to the ground, press the withers of the sitting dog and give the command "Down!".

Practicing the “Stop!” command: put your hand under the belly of the sitting dog, lift the dog while repeating the “Stop!” command.

When teaching the command "Come to me!", take a treat (a piece of cracker or sausage) in your right hand, show it to the dog, and then transfer it behind your back to your left hand. The dog, following the treat, will go around behind you and end up at your left foot. Give her the command "Sit!", reward her with a treat.

Every time you need a dog, call her name and say the command "Come!". Run up - caress. It is important that the command "Come to me!" was not associated in the dog with the end of the walk, but caused only pleasant sensations. It is forbidden to punish a dog that came up to you on command, even if it was guilty of something. Otherwise, the next time she hears "Come!", she will run away from you.

Team "Aport!" means giving the dog an object thrown by the owner. It is usually accompanied by a guiding movement of the hand towards the thrown object. Bringing it in his teeth, the dog should run around you from behind and sit on the left side.

To get the object to be fetched, you need to work out the command "Give!". Accompany it by stretching your hand palm up to the dog's face.

Any undesirable action of your pet is interrupted by the command "Fu!".

After the dog has completed one or another order, be sure to praise it, pet it, and give it a treat.

Domestic dogs need to interact with people. They perceive isolation as a punishment and yearn. Usually, in order to pass the day before the arrival of the owner, some dogs howl and bark out of boredom, others gnaw on doors and furniture, and others chew on shoes and clothes left unattended. Evening thrashings and poking your nose into the created disgrace do not help.

The conditions for inappropriate behavior of pets were created by people themselves, depriving dogs of their historical legal "work". Here is what the French magazine for dog breeders "Vos Chiens" wrote about this: "Losing its inherent role since ancient times, the dog nevertheless retains all its instincts in their original form, and they, of course, tend to break out through the first vent that comes across ... Therefore, it is completely it is wrong to believe that a dog's happiness is sweet idleness. Just like a person, she suffers when she is forced to "sit" without work, and life loses all meaning for her.

But there is still a way out of this situation. Organize dog leisure so that the animal does not want to smoke. During the morning walk, try to tire the dog as much as possible. Play with her, throw balls and sticks to her. Feed at home. A well-fed and well-fed pet will behave calmly alone.

Toys and quiet music on the radio will help brighten up a lonely existence for your pet.

Dog toys are designed to be chewed on or pushed around by the dog. They are made of food-grade plastic coated with food coloring, and made of natural veins. Balls and artificial bones are especially popular with dogs. There are also special vitamin bones. The dog plays with these toys all day long.

If you went with your pet into the forest and he, being free, does not come to you on command, do not run after him with loud screams, provoking the game. When he returns, in no case punish them, on the contrary - caress and give a treat.

Never use a leash to punish your dog or let him play with it.

Feed the dog is supposed to be at the same time, in the same place and from the same bowl. Feed rations are available at pet stores.

Do not allow the dog to persistently beg from the table. Just take him out of the kitchen and take him to his place.

Teach your dog from puppyhood to sit quietly when brushing or doing routine checkups. Then, at the doctor's appointment, she will behave calmly. Reward your pet with treats for good behavior.

Sparing no time and effort on raising a puppy, you will grow a reliable and faithful friend out of him. A well-bred dog is a compliment to the owner. Neither the owner nor those around him will suffer from it.

And finally. Choosing a pet, we choose his fate - happy or unhappy. The meaning of the union of man and animal is in their harmony. The animal must be confident in its owner. And a person should be responsible for the one he tamed. The world's oldest association of dog breeders - the English Kennel Club - acts very wisely, offering everyone who decides to get a dog to answer a special questionnaire. Here are some questions from this survey. Do you have someone at home who can look after the dog? Is your home large enough to keep a dog? Are you ready to walk your dog for a long time? Can you afford the possible costs of a veterinarian? Are you aware that dogs, like people, age and may require special expenses?

I would like to believe that someday we will learn how to responsibly decide the fate of our smaller brothers. And there will be no abandoned and destitute animals on our streets.


Woolhard D., Bartlett M. What all good dogs should know (training through understanding) / Per. from English. - M.: OKO, 1996.

Mazover A. Puppy. Choice. Care. Upbringing. Education. - 1968, Nos. 2, 5, 9; 1969, no. 1.

Mazover A. Training of service dogs. - 1971, No. 5.

To make an obedient friend out of a dog is the cherished desire of any owner. It doesn't matter if the dog got into the house as an adult or is it still a puppy, you can always put it in the frame by applying the right upbringing. The training process should start from childhood.

The dog's place in the house

From the very first minutes the owner of the dog must make it clear to his pet who is the owner. To do this, you must follow a number of rules:

  • the host, along with the whole family, should take their meals first. No matter how sorry the dog is, in the face of a man, the dog sees a leader who should receive all the benefits first;
  • the first owner should go through any gate. So, every leader does. If the dog does not fulfill this condition, then it should be pulled back by commanding the word “no”;
  • in any game, the superiority must be won by a person. If the dog has seized the toy and does not give it back, it is necessary to seize it by force. In case of lack of strength, pick up by using the word "give";
  • each game should start at the request of the owner and not be downloaded until the appropriate command arrives. If the animal does not want to stop, correctly pronounce the “sit” command and pause for up to 40 seconds so that the dog calms down;
  • a properly trained animal executes commands with lightning speed. This is difficult to achieve, but such a dog is very easy to manage;
  • educate your pet's fear of being on a bed or sofa. To this end, all means are good, except the application of physical force;
  • the dog must know the word "place". You need to accustom her to this from childhood;
  • Sometimes pets stop listening. In this case, temporary measures of influence should be applied to the dog. Start chasing her for no reason. This is done until the animal recognizes the supremacy of man.

How to train a dog?

This job is not easy and requires a lot of effort. Gotta learn that that there are no unyielding dogs, there are lazy trainers. The upbringing of each individual is based on a certain approach, however, there are also basic components:

  • the quadruped must strictly observe the daily regimen. This is important for both dogs and humans. The dog does not have the opportunity to express his desire, so he is preparing for certain actions in accordance with the regime. Knows what time lunch, walk or sleep;
  • in the family, the animal chooses a leader and obeys him. On the other hand, she obeys all family members;
  • training should strictly adhere to the regime. Only in this case, the upbringing of the dog will be at the level. There are different breeds, however, both shepherd dogs and poodles are amenable to this process. If difficulties arise, then it is necessary to look for a solution to the issue only in a person who, elementarily, is underworking. It is better to contact a specialist before training. However, not everyone has this opportunity. On the other hand, professional instructors can point out the reason for the difficulty in learning from a distance.

Attraction to the street toilet

An important issue in raising dogs is to train them to use the toilet for a walk. Here you need to follow the advice:

Punishment limit

It is strictly forbidden to beat animals. Dog training, in general, excludes such a concept. The owner's hand should evoke only positive emotions. She gives him food, caresses, relieves pain. The use of physical force will cause distrust on the part of the animal. If before that the dog was attached to the owner, now this feeling will be lost.

Up to a certain limit punishment is needed. This is required so that the dog does not take treats from the wrong hands or does not choose food from the garbage. In such cases, the following methods are applied:

If an adult individual enters the family, then cases of disobedience are more frequent. In this case, it must be torn off the ground by holding the collar. Lack of earth support, will cause the dog to feel insecure, and he will lose the ardor of resistance. Education by such methods is very effective and correct.

Host behavior

The upbringing of animals is a complex process that requires a return from a person. Here are some tips:

  • Owner training must be continuous. Wrong knowledge can only hurt. You can study using literature or the advice of professionals.
  • never leave a neglected situation for tomorrow. It will no longer be possible to fix;
  • always keep calm. If the nervous system is not in order, do not take up the education of the dog until it is completely calm.

You should know that the baby does not always grow into an obedient dog. From the first days, the education of a puppy must be put on the right level. For yourself, you need to develop rules that must be followed before the puppy appears in the house:

Working with dogs up to a year, you need to make sure that they correctly master all the necessary commands: “sit”, “place”, next to”, “fu”. It is important to start classes after close contact has been established with the animal. Then it will begin to reach out to the owner.

Working with dogs immediately after their birth, you can always achieve positive results. However, you should know that in order for the dog to become obedient, follow all the commands and not bark to no avail, it is necessary to show firmness of character in the correct upbringing of the animal.

An obedient dog is the dream of all pet owners. But in order for the pet to be docile and well-mannered, it is necessary to make efforts on the part of the owners. Whether an animal came into the family as a puppy or as an adult, it is always possible to correct its behavior. How to raise a dog correctly, what methods of reward and punishment should be adopted, and what line of behavior should be followed?

It will not be possible to influence the behavior of a pet (this applies not only to puppies, but also to adult animals) if the owner cannot become an authority for him - the leader of the pack. How to show a dog who is the boss in the house? There are a few simple rules:

  • The owner is always the first to start the meal, this is exactly what happens in a flock of animals - the leader is saturated, then everyone else in turn. The dog should be fed only after the whole family has eaten. If in the morning there is no such possibility, then you can feed the pet first, but on the weekend do everything as it should be.
  • The leader enters the gates, doors, gates first, the rest of the pack members will definitely let him through. You should teach your pet to this order. All attempts to climb through, squeeze in, pushing the rest, must be stopped. To do this, you need to give the command “No!” in a strict voice, and holding the dog by the chest, enter first. Shouting while constantly pulling the animal by the leash is not recommended.
  • Leadership of the owner should be shown even in the game. In any fun of a competitive nature, a person must win. Both puppies and adult dogs love to drag objects, in this case, the prey should be in the hands of the owner. If the pet is superior in physical strength, or there are no strengths left during the game, you can use the “Give” command and pick up the item.
  • Ideally, the game should start with the submission of the owner. Of course, when it comes to puppies and young animals, it is very difficult to follow this rule. Sometimes you can succumb to a provocation from a pet. But the dog must finish the game exclusively at the suggestion of the owner. One command is enough for a pet - “No!”, But if this does not work, it is necessary to command “Sit!” and maintain this position for 30-40 seconds. This pause will allow the dog to calm down.
  • A well-bred dog must carry out all assignments and commands the first time. Of course, it is not easy to achieve such unquestioning obedience, but subsequently it will be much easier to control the animal, which means that the time is well spent.
  • A pet in the house should have its own corner - a place. Not all owners agree that a dog cannot sleep on sofa beds, but only on his own. But when an animal growls when trying to kick it out of the owner's furniture, serious measures must be taken, as the animal began to forget about its status in the house.
  • The rank of a pet will be significantly lowered if all its attempts to lie down on a sofa or bed are stopped for some time. You can block furniture, close doors, put the animal out of the room before going to bed - all means are good, except for physical impact.
  • It is necessary to accustom the pet to the “Place!” command. Of course, if the goal is for the animal to always sleep there, you need to be firm and send the animal back to the place again and again, even if the dog just sprawled on the floor. It is easier with puppies in this matter - the main thing is not to give slack to the owners themselves, you will have to work hard with an adult.
  • If the dog went too far, stopped obeying, you can apply another method - to drive the dog out of the place where it lies for no reason. Even if it's his bedding. This should not be the norm, but should be used only for educational purposes, since such an attitude will remind the pet who is in charge in the house. You can also restrict access to certain rooms by putting the puppy out the door.

Outdoor toilet training

An important issue of education, concerning not only puppies. Sometimes a family gets an animal accustomed to street life, or people move from their home to an apartment. In the latter situation, you should not give up your pet, because in most cases you can accustom the animal to new conditions.

Appropriate punishment for a dog

Use physical force - in no case should you beat or kick a pet. An example of such an attitude is yard dogs, which everyone strives to offend, which leads to the embitterment of the animal.

In addition, the owner's hand for the dog should evoke exceptionally pleasant emotions. Her pet caress, give food, treat damage. If the hand is used to beat, then the dog's trust will disappear, after which it will be difficult to earn it back. The dog will be aggressive even if the owner takes it by the leash.

Of course, education without punishment is impossible, it is necessary to wean the dog from picking up garbage while walking, not taking treats from strangers, etc. It is necessary to choose other, more suitable methods:

  • Word. A command uttered in a hard, confident voice in most cases works better than physical assault. In this case, the “Fu!” command will help, and it will become an indicator that the owner is not satisfied with the behavior of his pet.
  • The use of force. This is an extreme measure, most often applied to puppies who do not want to obey. In case of disobedience, they get a spanking by the scruff of the neck from their parents. Since the owner assumes the duties of a guardian and educator, he must do the same. It is enough to shake the baby by the withers, while raising his voice, and then stand, looking menacingly down. The puppy tucked his tail, ears and looks guiltily? It means that the meaning of punishment has reached him.

Sometimes a similar effect is required for adults. Most often, dogs of fighting breeds are distinguished by special stubbornness, especially if they are already adults in the family. In a flock of a recalcitrant leader, he presses down to the ground, baring his teeth menacingly, and the owner should do something similar.

Initially, the pet, taking the collar and croup, should be raised above the ground. Having lost the feeling of the ground under his feet, the dog will become worried and his self-confidence will be shaken. Then you need to lower it to the ground, laying it down and slightly pressing it to the ground. This attitude will remind you that a person is a leader and requires respect and submission.

Video on how to raise the perfect dog

Basic rules of education

Of course, having no experience in dealing with dogs, it is difficult to immediately understand all the subtleties of education. If you don’t have time to delve into it yourself, entrust this matter to a professional. If this is not possible, you will have to work hard and not let everything go by itself. An animal of any age needs education, but a number of tips will help you find an approach to a pet of any age:

  • The owner must learn. Without knowledge, you should not take on the upbringing of the dog, as wrong actions can do harm. Today there are many films and books made and written by professional cynologists and veterinarians that help in this difficult task. You should allocate time for gaining new knowledge - 40-60 minutes a day will be enough.
  • You can't use the word "later". You should not think that the wrong behavior of the dog will correct itself, or it can be corrected later, when there is a desire, free time, etc. Having missed the moment, you can forever lose the authority of the animal, and the dog handlers will have to carry out the correction.
  • Self-control is important. Being a teacher and educator is difficult in any field, whether it is working with children, an adult audience, or animals. Before training, you need to tune in a positive way, but if any events have pissed you off, you should not start classes until the nervous system returns to normal. In no case should you scream, break loose, spank the dog, not everything works out right away, so it is important to be patient.

A well-bred dog is not only pride for any owner, but also a reliable support and protection.

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