Do I need to correct an overbite before implantation? The importance of professional diagnosis. How long does the implant procedure take?

As a rule, the need for dental prosthetics is obvious: it occurs when the tooth is destroyed. At the same time, many people do not notice malocclusions and live with them for years - until they find themselves in the office of an implantologist. And here they can expect unpleasant news: due to problems with the bite, implantation cannot be performed immediately. What is the relationship between these two areas of treatment?

Correct and incorrect bite

Bite is a way of closing the dentition. Correct, or orthognathic, bite is one in which the upper incisors cover the lower ones by 1/3 evenly along the entire row of teeth. If the lower jaw is too forward or, conversely, pushed back, the teeth close differently - such a bite is incorrect.

There are several types of malocclusion, but a common problem one: improper closure of the dentition leads to an increased load during chewing. Enamel, especially the incisal edge, wears out faster, and the roots of the teeth can suffer from malnutrition. If the bite is not corrected, the problem can lead to tooth loss in the future.

Why bite affects prosthetics?

Implant placement is a complex multi-stage procedure that requires extremely accurate calculations. Its first stage - the implantation of the implant - should be carried out after the diagnosis, which will show the doctor how the roots of the teeth are located in the jaw, whether the bone tissue is thinned. The doctor must calculate the place and angle of the implant. If the teeth are in wrong position, there may simply not be a suitable place for installation! A conscientious specialist in this case will refuse to perform the operation. Indeed, in this case, the implant with highly likely may not take root - an incorrectly distributed load on the teeth during chewing will interfere.

What to do?

Correct malocclusion - and as soon as possible. Even if it's too early for you to think about implants. When visiting a dentist, you will probably hear about malocclusion, if you have them. In this case, do not postpone a visit to the orthodontist. The sooner you correct your overbite with braces (and this is far from being as long as it seems), the more likely what's healthy correct location teeth will allow them not to collapse (as a result, implantation is not needed at all).

Braces and a cup of coffee

Agree, having addressed to the doctor-implantologist, it is unpleasant to hear refusal in carrying out treatment. Or find out that it is possible only after wearing braces. It is much more profitable to immediately correct all problems with the location of the teeth and in the future only maintain their health by visiting a doctor at scheduled appointments.

But what if the cost of orthodontic treatment seems too high for you? Specially for you in the clinic "Super Smile" there is a promotion: modern, effective and very beautiful braces Damon-Q at a price... only 3,000 rubles per month, or 100 rubles per day! That's less than a cup of takeaway coffee from a coffee shop.

For this money you get fast, comfortable treatment and results - perfect smile. Straight, correctly closing teeth are a guarantee that they will not suffer from increased load, they will be easier to clean, which means that you will protect yourself from caries and other diseases that lead to tooth loss for a long time.

Most likely, you simply do not need implantation. But even if you need to undergo such treatment, you can do it without laying time for alignment of the bite.

Treatment must be comprehensive.

Dental implants

Implantation is the best way to recreate the missing elements of the dentition. After a series of procedures, the bite looks aesthetically flawless, the functions of the chewing apparatus are fully restored. Unfortunately, the installation of implants is not for everyone. Let's take a closer look: How is implantation carried out? Who can't do it?

Implantation ban: who is contraindicated

There are a number of pathological conditions of the body, due to which it is impossible to carry out implantation of teeth. Doctors of the clinic "My Orthodontist" carefully study the anamnesis of each patient. What conditions should be excluded?

  • Violation of hemocoagulation (the process of blood clotting). Implantation is always accompanied by a little bleeding - this is normal. If you ignore the pathology of blood clotting, there will be serious complications.
  • Diabetes mellitus (today it is not an unconditional contraindication, but the operation can be performed only in patients with compensated type II diabetes. With type I diabetes, implantation is not indicated).
  • Autoimmune and inflammatory pathologies connective tissue. These conditions will interfere with the healing of periodontal tissues.
  • Any malignant neoplasm.
  • HIV and venereal diseases.
  • Open form of tuberculosis.
  • Immune disorders (they will interfere with tissue healing and bone regeneration).
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Mental and nervous diseases, drug addiction. Implantation requires a restrained behavior from the patient, compliance with all medical recommendations. People with neuroses, mental and behavioral disorders may not be able to cope with this task.
  • hypertonicity facial muscles(chewing muscle).

There is relative contraindications which hinder immediate implantation. They can be eliminated surgical methods, cured therapeutically or resolved naturally. These "temporary" bans include:

  • carious teeth, tartar;
  • gum disease, temporomandibular jaw joint;
  • malocclusion and jaw defects;
  • infections and inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • partial resorption of the bone tissue of the gums (for correction, bone grafting, sinus lift);
  • smoking, alcoholism;
  • pregnancy.

There are a number general contraindications health related. Implantation should not be carried out when the patient is exhausted, weakened by long-term illnesses, or has anemia. In case of intolerance local anesthetics procedures will also fail. Dental implants can lead to deterioration in the condition of "cores", rheumatic patients, people with CFS and chronic stress. Taking immunosuppressants and certain other medications can interfere with postoperative tissue healing.

Preparation for implantation - a reminder to the patient

Implant placement is a complex procedure, but it can be made as easy as possible by following simple guidelines.

  • Don't worry. Before the procedure, you can take a vegetable sedative drug: valerian extract, motherwort tincture or decoction.
  • Do not go to the procedure on an empty stomach, be sure to eat.
  • Check again if your teeth and mouth are healthy. Tell your doctor about any suspicions - infection at the time of surgery is unacceptable.
  • Do not smoke, do not drink alcohol even the day before.
  • Strictly follow medical prescriptions throughout all stages of implantation.

It is better to make an appointment with an implantologist at the beginning of the day: human psyche in the first half of the day it is easier to cope with stress.

Stages dental implantation

After studying your history and eliminating contraindications, you can proceed with the operation. If no preliminary surgical procedures are required for implantation, the procedure will consist of three successive stages.

First stage. Under local anesthesia a recess is made in the jaw where the implant is inserted. From all sides, the intraosseous element is covered with mucous. It takes up to six months for it to fully grow into the bone tissue of the jaw. The control of ingrowth is carried out by X-ray.

Second phase. Under local anesthesia, a gum shaper is placed to give the tissues a natural anatomically shaped. After a few days, if there are no complications and the patient does not notice discomfort in the oral cavity, the shaper is replaced with a titanium abutment - a cylindrical screw that acts as a transition element between the implant and the artificial tooth. Prosthetics are appointed in one to two weeks.

Third stage. An orthopedic dentist takes a cast of the jaws, which serves as a model for creating a prosthesis. A dental technician makes a crown. You will be tried on the manufactured design several times; The prosthodontist will adjust the crown to a perfect match with the adjacent natural teeth.

The result of a series of procedures will be a completely restored dentition. High-quality implanted teeth cannot be visually distinguished from real ones.

Are there any complications?

The risk of complications or an unsuccessful result during implantation is possible - usually such an outcome is associated with mistakes by implantologists. Sign up for the procedure only in a trusted clinic with a good name, study patient reviews, do not be afraid to inquire about licenses medical institution and qualifications of physicians.

Implantation is considered a low-traumatic intervention. The intraosseous element takes root in 97-98% of cases. A successfully placed implant completely fuses with the surrounding jaw tissues. Specialists of the clinic "My Orthodontist", observing the treated patients, note the durability of "new" teeth and normal condition surrounding tissues.

How long to see a doctor after implantation?

The success of the operation depends on the coordinated work of the team of specialists and the behavior of the patient. Before the operation, the doctor will consult you on oral hygiene, tell you what pastes, brushes, flosses you need to buy. Regular care of implanted teeth is easy.

At the end of the main procedures, a schedule of inspections is drawn up. You will visit the doctor once every six months (in some cases - every 3 months). At a preventive examination, the specialist will assess the quality of oral hygiene and the condition of the jaw tissues.

Dental implantation is a progressive method of restoring the chewing apparatus and a beautiful smile. This is a complex multi-stage process, but the result is worth it!

An overbite is the relationship between the upper and lower teeth. mandible when they close. Correction of the bite - achieving the correct relationship of the dentition, is one of the main tasks of any dental treatment, along with the correct occlusion (correct contact of the teeth). That is, a competent physician integrated approach to treatment initially sets the task of achieving the correct bite, correct occlusion, and builds all subsequent treatment on this independently or with the involvement of relevant specialists, the main place among which is occupied by orthodontists.

Contrary to the popular belief among patients that it is necessary to correct the bite mainly from an aesthetic point of view, even small bite pathologies lead to both a deterioration in the condition of the teeth and an overload of the temporomandibular joint, and hence to headaches and other unpleasant consequences. Our country is only on the way to realizing the need to correct the bite in most adolescents, unlike Western countries, where the installation of braces is often included in medical insurance, because. treatment of the consequences of malocclusion is much more difficult, longer and more expensive.

Fortunately, currently bite correction in adulthood is an absolutely normal practice, many patients older than 50-60 successfully correct their bite.

Why it is necessary to correct an overbite

Speaking about the need to correct malocclusion, one could enumerate many indirect consequences, such as the effect on the digestive system, etc. But despite their importance, ordinary person they seem distant and intangible, therefore, let us dwell on the specific consequences of malocclusion and the lack of proper contact of the teeth:

  • In the absence of contact, teeth tend to opposing teeth; with supercontact or incorrect closure teeth are destroyed, there is abrasion of teeth. Both cases lead to a gradual loss of teeth, and the process occurs over the years, and not to old age, as many believe. There is sensitivity in the teeth. The installation of one high-quality implant costs from 70-100 thousand rubles, and on the front teeth (which often suffer due to malocclusion), it is necessary to install metal-free crowns, which are even more expensive, but they will not replace healthy teeth. This is not counting the fact that bone grafting is often necessary before implant placement. Thus, bite correction, the prices for which are much more affordable than subsequent orthopedic treatment, has a very specific economic justification.
  • Incorrect closure of the teeth leads to an overload of the temporomandibular joint. Previously, this point was given insufficient attention, but modern concepts proceed from the need to create conditions for the proper functioning of the joint in the treatment of teeth. The consequences of improper operation of the joint appear quickly enough: a crunch, clicks or discomfort appears. Often, headaches are added to them.
  • It is impossible not to mention social consequences malocclusion: from a medical point of view, they are not so important, but for patients they are usually the decisive factor. AT modern world Straight teeth are part of the image of a healthy, successful person. In addition, not correct bite leads to irregular, unnatural proportions of the face. Beautiful smile helps to arrange a personal life, to receive a higher income, it is easier to find contact with people - all this is difficult to measure in monetary terms.

When is an overbite corrected?

Normal (orthognathic) bite is considered when upper teeth slightly overlap the lower ones. There are many other signs - the relationship, location, inclinations of specific teeth, their turn, closure, etc., therefore, only an orthodontist can accurately determine whether a person has a normal bite.

Unfortunately, the bite is not ideal for most of the world's population. However, this is not always a direct indication for bite correction (from a medical, not an aesthetic point of view).

There are cases when it is obvious to the patient that his bite is wrong, the lower jaw is too forward or backward, the teeth do not close, etc. However, most situations are borderline.

Thus, in view of the large percentage of cases of detection of malocclusion, the importance of its correction and the impossibility of determining the need for treatment by the patient on their own, we recommend that everyone, without exception, visit an orthodontist to determine the correct bite, occlusion (tooth closure) and determine the need for treatment, or lack thereof.

It is correct to visit the orthodontist in the following periods of life:

  • During the formation of a temporary bite, when the child is 4-6 years old. The doctor will determine whether the bite is formed correctly, give recommendations on the use of children's orthodontic appliances that prevent the formation bad habits.
  • From 6 to 11 years old, the doctor may prescribe treatment with plates or other devices, which later will help simplify the treatment on braces (kappa), or avoid it altogether.
  • During the formation of a permanent bite from 11-12 years old (or later, when the doctor prescribes) - the most correct period to control and correct an already permanent bite with braces, mouthguards or other orthodontic appliances.
  • At any older age. At the same time, it is not necessary to visit the orthodontist in each of these periods: at the first visit, the doctor will determine how the dental system and will give recommendations on the need and time of the next visit.

Contraindications for bite correction

It's hard to talk about absolute contraindications to correcting the bite: there are situations when the doctor together with the patient decides whether it is possible and necessary to correct the bite in each particular case, or how to eliminate obstacles.

What can interfere with orthodontic treatment:

  • Serious periodontal disease (gums and everything that holds the tooth in the jaw). When correcting an overbite, the teeth move, therefore, it is necessary that they be fixed in a new place. This can be difficult to do with severe periodontitis - in this case, prior periodontal treatment or abandonment of orthodontic treatment is required.
  • Mental illness can interfere with the correction of the bite, because. bite correction is a long process, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations, etc.
  • Carious and other lesions of the teeth, poor hygiene- these are overcome obstacles: before starting treatment, the orthodontist necessarily sends the patient for examination to the therapist in order to carry out a complete sanitation.
  • Pregnancy is not a direct contraindication. However, it should be borne in mind that the process of bite correction is lengthy, requires visits to the doctor (usually once a month or once every 2 months, depending on the case and the equipment chosen for treatment), which can be difficult during pregnancy. In addition, orthodontic treatment often does not require anesthesia or x-rays, but they may be required if other manipulations are needed - dental treatment or extractions, which sometimes accompany bite correction. And we should not forget that a lot of calcium, resources, energy goes into the development of the child, which can affect the treatment. Although there are many cases in practice when, for example, braces are used during pregnancy, it is better to plan for the correction of the bite for the period after the birth of the child. But if pregnancy occurs during the period of orthodontic treatment, there is nothing to worry about, mouthguards: braces during pregnancy are a completely normal situation.
  • Other situations where it is difficult to visit a doctor. For example, long-distance business trips can interfere normal treatment, although many of our patients arrive for appointments from abroad and successfully undergo treatment.
  • Allergy to metal and mature age are not contraindications, as it was before: treatment is performed at any age, and other materials can be used instead of metal.
  • No matter how strange it may sound, the reluctance to correct the bite is the main contraindication. After all, the process takes enough long time, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations, carefully monitor hygiene, etc. Therefore, in the absence of desire, including in a teenager, when he is forced (and does not explain the need for treatment), it is extremely difficult to achieve a good result.

Types of malocclusion

Normal, healthy is orthognathic bite. When determining one or another type of malocclusion, Angle's classification is most often used, who identified several classes of occlusion. The basis, among other things, is the ratio of the location of the sixth teeth of the upper and lower jaws:

  • Grade 1 - neutral bite, when the ratio of the teeth of the lower and upper jaw is normal, however, there may be crowding or gaps and other deviations from the normal position of the teeth.
  • Grade 2 - distal bite, when the lower jaw is too pushed back. If a distal occlusion is detected in childhood, it is corrected by limiting the growth of the upper jaw and stimulating the growth of the lower. In adulthood, special equipment is used to push the lower jaw forward.
  • Grade 3 - mesial bite, when the lower jaw is too advanced forward. Correction of the underbite, especially when the size of the lower jaw is too large, is a rather complicated and lengthy process with the use of additional functional devices.

These types of bite can be combined with the following anomalies in the location of the teeth:

  • Deep bite - the upper incisors overlap the lower teeth too much, the lower teeth do not rest on the tubercles of the upper incisors, biting food is difficult, and therefore it is very important to start correcting a deep bite as soon as possible. Often combined with a distal bite.
  • Open bite - the incisors of the upper and lower jaws do not close due to the presence of a gap between them; the upper teeth are often tilted and project forward.
  • Cross bite - when the teeth of the upper and lower jaw intersect; also there may be no intersection in the anterior region, but due to the displacement of the lower jaw laterally, the lower teeth may overlap the upper ones; there is no normal contact; a person usually chews food on one side. Correcting a crossbite is very important because missing normal function chewing food.
  • Crowding - Teeth are misaligned due to lack of space. This is one of the most common pathologies. Often the result of macrodentia (large teeth), and can also occur after the eruption of the last, eighth teeth (wisdom teeth).
  • The gaps between the teeth are the opposite of crowding anomaly. Including, diastema - the gap between the first incisors.
  • Displacement of the center is a common anomaly, and sometimes the result of incorrect orthodontic treatment, when there is no symmetry: the center of the upper and lower jaws (which is located between the front incisors) should be in line with the nose.
  • Progenia is a more general concept than underbite, when the anterior teeth of the lower jaw are in front of the anterior teeth of the upper jaw. In this case, the bite can be neutral.

bite correction methods

Correction of bite is a complex task, which involves doctors of various specialties, and the orthodontist plays a leading role in planning and treatment. Based on the age of the patient, the type and degree of pathology, as well as the wishes of the patient, one of the following methods to correct an overbite:

  • Plates are removable orthodontic appliances, usually installed in childhood (up to 11-12 years old). They are made individually for the patient from plastic mass.
  • Braces - most commonly used in correcting an overbite over the age of 11–12 years.
  • Mouthguards are a modern alternative to braces. They are removable and made of transparent plastic individually for the patient.
  • Trainers are removable orthodontic appliances, usually made of silicone. As a rule, the purpose of their application is to solve a specific problem within the framework of complex treatment(muscle relaxation, getting rid of thumb sucking habits, etc.).
  • Functional devices such as Herbst apparatus, Twin Force Bite Corrector, TwinBlock, etc. also help to solve a specific problem within the framework of complex treatment - to expand the jaw, move the jaw, etc. In addition, there are many other devices that are used in conjunction with braces or mouth guards to solve specific problems when correcting an overbite.
  • Orthognathic surgery - it is resorted to in rare cases. This is a surgical operation to correct an overbite by changing the shape of the jaw. It is usually also accompanied by orthodontic treatment.
  • Installation of crowns, veneers - strictly speaking, bite - the ratio of the location of the teeth, but also when correcting the bite, they achieve the correct occlusion (correct closing of the teeth). Both tasks can be solved without moving the teeth, but by installing dentures or changing the shape of the teeth with the help of veneers. I must say that this method should be used strictly according to indications (i.e., healthy teeth should not be turned to install crowns if orthodontic treatment is possible). Also orthopedic treatment can be used in combination with orthodontic, when the correct occlusion cannot be achieved by one movement of the teeth.

Stages of bite correction in orthodontic treatment

Correction of the bite is divided into several important stages: the neglect of each of them will make the entire treatment in vain, or even harmful to health.

Diagnostics, planning, preparation

Any quality treatment should be based on correct diagnosis correctly diagnosed. Diagnosis in orthodontic treatment includes the following procedures:

  • Examination of the patient, determination of the correct bite, occlusion. Determination of the need and possibility of treatment.
  • Panoramic X-ray of teeth (OPTG, Orthopantomogram) is an X-ray examination. The picture shows all the teeth of both jaws at once. This image is obligatory in our clinic for all patients: it can be used to evaluate general state teeth, the condition and location of the roots, which is important when moving them, as well as to see unerupted teeth, the existence of which patients sometimes do not even know.
  • A teleroentgenogram (TRG) is also an X-ray study made from a certain distance, which allows you to most accurately convey the dimensions and proportions of the jaws. Usually a lateral x-ray is taken, according to which the orthodontist can make the necessary calculations. This study is not always carried out as directed by a doctor.
  • Taking casts and making plaster models - an exact copy of the patient's teeth - allows the orthodontist to see the picture most fully and make calculations for treatment planning.
  • Computed tomography (CT) - appointed in recent times more and more often doctors of all specialties, tk. it allows to reveal the smallest, hidden defects of bone tissue in a three-dimensional form.
  • Photographing is a possible, but not obligatory element of diagnostics during treatment with braces. Usually required in the treatment of mouthguards, because. aligners are modeled remotely and photographs of the patient are required.

Based on a complete set diagnostic procedures, the orthodontist plans treatment:

  • Calculations are made on the basis of plaster models and TRG: an orthodontist cannot simply estimate by eye how the teeth will stand as a result of treatment. Accurate calculations are needed to understand whether there is enough space for the teeth (or vice versa, there is too much of it), how the teeth will stand as a result of the treatment.
  • Based on the calculations, examination, a treatment plan is drawn up. The need for separation (grinding the teeth from the sides) or extraction of teeth in case of insufficient space is determined. The tactics of treatment, the need to expand the jaw, the need to use rods to move the jaw, other functional devices, etc. are determined.
  • Orthodontic equipment is selected for bite correction, treatment methods: braces, mouth guards or other instruments, including based on the patient's wishes, aesthetic considerations and how much it costs to correct the bite on this equipment.

Preparation for treatment includes:

  • Sanitation of the oral cavity. Before correcting the bite, it is necessary. put all the teeth in order, cure caries, remove tartar and plaque.
  • Gum treatment if necessary.
  • Sometimes, according to the doctor's prescription, it may be necessary to wear removable trainers before starting treatment.

Orthodontic treatment

First stage

If occlusion correction with braces was chosen, first of all, they are installed. Often braces are placed first on one jaw, and in next move to another. The installation consists in gluing the actual braces (small metal locks) on each tooth and fixing the arc on them. It is the arc that pulls the teeth in a given direction. There is direct and indirect installation of braces: with direct braces, they are glued directly to the teeth one at a time; with indirect, the brackets are fixed on the model of the teeth in the right places and then glued to the teeth all at the same time.

Against the wishes of patients, even when the teeth are crooked in only one jaw, most often, braces must be installed in both, because. after moving the teeth in only one of the jaws, there will be no proper closure of the teeth.

During treatment with mouth guards (transparent plastic aligners), if necessary, the doctor glues attachments to the teeth - small tubercles that help the mouth guards to better adhere to the teeth and, accordingly, move them more efficiently. Then the doctor simply gives the patient several sets of mouthguards (which will last until the next visit). Because Mouthguards are removable, the patient independently changes them.

Continuation of treatment, scheduled visits to the doctor

Treatment depends on the diagnosis different stages, such as:

  • Expansion of the jaw, freeing up space in order to place exactly all the teeth.
  • Body movement of teeth (i.e., movement of the entire tooth).
  • Correction of the inclination, reversal of the tooth.
  • Moving the lower jaw back or forward (actual bite correction), etc.

In the case of treatment on braces, the doctor sets different archwires at different intervals - soft, hard, applies traction, elastics - each of these tools performs its function.

When treating with mouth guards, it is also possible to use additional accessories to correct the bite.

The frequency of visits to the doctor depends on the selected equipment:

  • Ligature braces - about 1 time per month.
  • Self-ligating braces - about 1 time in 1.5-2 months.
  • Kappa - depends on the stage of treatment and the doctor's recommendations - perhaps 1 time per month or 1 time in 2 months.

End of treatment

After achieving the planned result, the doctor, in agreement with the patient, decides to end the treatment. During treatment with braces, they are removed and the remaining glue is removed from the teeth.

retention period

Highly milestone, which comes immediately after orthodontic treatment - the retention period. It fixes achieved result. It is the neglect of them that often leads to negative feedback from patients., such as "after the treatment, all the teeth returned to their place, the treatment did not make sense." The fact is that the teeth need to be fixed in the position in which they stood after the treatment. Therefore, immediately at the end of treatment, usually:

  • Wire retainers are placed on 4 front teeth. This is a thin wire that is attached to inside teeth and fix them.
  • For a certain period of time (for example, 6 months), a mouthguard is put on at night, which also allows you to hold your teeth, or a retention plate.

Timing for bite correction

Each stage of treatment takes certain time:

  • Diagnosis, planning, preparation - can take from one day to several weeks, in the case when the patient's teeth are in bad condition and require prior long-term treatment in several stages, or the extraction of teeth is required. The first consultation itself takes about one hour.
  • When treating with mouth guards or individual braces, for example Incognito, a certain time is required for their manufacture and delivery - from one to two months, because. they are made individually for each patient, often abroad - a lot of time is spent on their delivery and customs clearance.
  • The installation of braces usually takes place at the next appointment after diagnosis and preparation and takes about one hour. Approximately the same amount is needed for the installation of attachments in the treatment of mouthguards.
  • The timing of wearing braces is highly dependent on the diagnosis. It can be generally said that in a large percentage of cases, this period is 1-1.5 years with medium degree crooked teeth and malocclusion. In simpler cases, treatment with braces takes about 6 months, and in complex cases, it can take 2 years or more. Usually teeth move 0.5-1 mm per month.
  • The removal of braces (or attachments for mouthguards) takes approximately one hour.

The retention period always lasts differently and is set by the doctor: the younger the patient, the shorter the retention period. Of course, other factors also play a role. Approximately, we can say that the wire retainer should be worn 2 times longer than the patient wore braces or mouthguards. However, the retainer does not cause inconvenience to the patient, a visit to the doctor is extremely rare, therefore, it is justified prolonged wear to fix the result.

If you see a smile tightened by your lips in the mirror, if you are embarrassed to show your own teeth even to yourself, then you need to decide on a trip to the dentist. Flaws appearance develop complexes, isolation. Communication with people has to be limited. Why can't you afford to be better? Moreover, the technology of dentistry today is high, capable of “working a miracle” for any malocclusion. It is no secret that the reasons for dissatisfaction with the reflection in the mirror are crooked teeth or malocclusion. Correction of bite with crowns is one of the most cardinal methods of correction, possible at any age.

What does it mean for a person? What are?

Overbite is the state of closing of the teeth. When closing, it is carried out tightly, which allows you to finely chop food and chew better.

The beauty of a smile is extremely important for any person. Among scientists, it is accepted that beauty determines the harmony of the soul and body, is the main sign of health. An open and wide smile is the key to success in both business and personal life.

If teeth are not an object of embarrassment, but a reason for pride and confidence, then many possibilities of a commutative nature are revealed to a person.

And, on the contrary, incomplete closing of the teeth is not only ugly. With an improper bite, poorly chewed food can lead to disruption of the digestive system. Deformation of the bite does not allow to fully clean oral cavity, this provides an additional environment for the development of harmful bacteria, creates prerequisites for the development of caries and unpleasant odors from the oral cavity.

These shortcomings and problems lead to a restriction in communication and the development of uncertainty, to social self-isolation. In such a situation, it makes no sense to talk about the level of happiness or success.

In order not to repel people with complexes and not cause unpleasant associations, you need to take care of an open smile, decorated with an even row of snow-white teeth, tune in to serious changes that will become feasible when visiting the dental office.

Determination of the correct bite

Only a specialist can judge the state of bite. The correct bite is determined at the moment of complete closing of the teeth. The correctness depends on the evenness and density of the adjacent teeth to each other.

Dentists test the correctness of the bite by compressing a special plate between the teeth.

People with the right bite can hardly imagine what difficulties even the slightest deviation can present - this circumstance speaks of a natural connection between the process of eating and other aspects of human life.

Those who have at least a slight violation in the bite know how difficult it is to pronounce some sounds and how difficult it is to chew food, what a test a dialogue with a new acquaintance can be.

Bite testing may show the following abnormalities

  • When moving the jaw forward, occurs additional load on the muscle that fixes the lower jaw. This deformity of the jaw joint can contribute to pain in the temporal region, as well as provoke involuntary complete closure of the jaws. Constant emerging load without muscle relaxation leads to pain and fatigue.
  • When the jaw moves back narrowing occurs respiratory tract, blood circulation becomes difficult. These deficiencies lead during sleep to possible respiratory arrest and metabolic disorders.
  • Malocclusion any kind leads to early loss of teeth, can be a prerequisite for the development of diseases endocrine system, heart failure, and even shortened lifespan.

Prevention and, if necessary, treatment of bite is necessary condition for physical and social health.

Dentists say that occlusion is, first of all, complex connections between the interactions of the body system, and only then the aesthetic side of things.

Ways of bite correction

There are five main ways to correct the bite, each of which corresponds to the conditions of the structural features of the jaws and the condition of the patient's dentition.

  1. The path of a complex of regular exercises. During exercise, the load falls on the chewing and facial muscles. Exercises contribute to the prevention, easy correction and correction of malocclusion. They also improve diction, form the correct position of the jaws and develop muscle memory of the correct movement; With all the advantages of this method of bite correction, there are also disadvantages - this process is quite lengthy, it requires a lot of time, effort and perseverance from a person.
  2. Way of using orthodontic appliances. In this capacity, trainers, plates, caps and braces are used. They allow you to correct the bite at any age with the help of physical impact. One of the most effective ways bite correction, minus - some ease of use, and there are also restrictions on use for serious bite deformities.
  3. The path of surgery. Surgical correction applies only to adult patients. Advantage - it is possible to correct even the most complex malocclusion, negative side that surgery is always a risk in itself.
  4. Complex method. The method combines the use of orthodontic and surgical intervention; This method good for cardinal actions in terms of bite correction.
  5. Orthopedic correction (prosthetics). This includes the replacement of an extracted tooth with a prosthesis, the installation of veneers and crowns. The method allows you to correct the bite in the shortest possible time.

Most cardinal decision According to the bite correction is the correction through the installation of crowns. This procedure recommended by dentists in the case when there are teeth in the dentition, the size of which does not correspond to physiological harmony, and also when some of them have large chips or a turn about their own axis. Experts recommend the same method of correction in the case of a large interdental space.

A few words about crowns

- this is a product for micro prosthetics, which covers the entire outer surface of the tooth prepared for prosthetics as a protection.

The main functions of crowns are as follows: to cover the damaged part of the tooth, protect the tooth with large fillings, and also serve as a protective shell for the implant. The crown can be used as a fastener for a dental bridge. A popular use of a crown is to change the color of a tooth to look natural or for other aesthetic effects.

Types of crowns

  • Stainless steel crown. material is good as protective measure for temporary closure of a damaged tooth. A crown made of steel is also used in pediatric prosthetics.
  • Metals and metal alloys used for permanent crowns. When they are installed, a small part of the dental covering is removed (since the thickness of the crown shell is minimal) and attached to the cement. During operation, such crowns damage third-party teeth least of all, they are durable in themselves. The disadvantages include only the unnaturalness of the color.
  • Metal-ceramic crowns often used in prosthetics of the front teeth, as you can choose a color that is close to natural.
  • All-ceramic crowns It is preferable for people who are allergic to metal. The disadvantage is that they are more brittle than the materials described above, and wear the opposing teeth somewhat more.
  • Plastic crowns- these are the most not expensive, but they wear out quickly, and they are also more prone to breakage and chips than others.

Bite correction through the installation of crowns

Permanent crowns usually require two or three visits to the dentist.

The procedure for correcting the bite with crowns

  • During the first visit, a diagnosis of the condition of the teeth as a whole takes place, the recommendation of a specialist for corrected bite. Coordination of work with the wishes of the patient. Grinding of teeth scheduled for microprosthetics with crowns is carried out. Then making casts for the laboratory of both the teeth ready for prosthetics and other teeth of the upper and lower rows to confirm that the crown will correct the bite. During the same visit, installation is carried out temporary crowns while the permanent ones are being made.
  • At the second visit to the dentist, the patient is fitted with permanent crowns. By testing, the correction of the bite is confirmed.
  • A third visit to the dentist is possible if the patient begins to feel pain or discomfort. The dentist eliminates the cause of irritation or discomfort.

Proper care of crowns

The patient should remember that the installation of crowns does not cancel hygiene care behind the mouth.

It is usually believed that if the tooth is covered with a crown, then it is completely protected, is a deep delusion.

The tooth under the crown is also susceptible to caries and gum disease.

Therefore, care for crowns (and for the condition of the teeth in general) must be constant and thorough. Brush your teeth with toothpaste at least twice a day.

And if it is observed hypersensitivity teeth, you may recommend brushing your teeth with a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth lowering the threshold of sensitivity. Once a day, carefully remove food debris with dental floss.

There are a number of habits that you should not get carried away with in order to prevent fillings and teeth in good condition: you need to wean your nails, open packages with your teeth, crack caramel, etc.

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Statistics show that about 70% of the population of our country has some kind of bite problems. And often people do not seek to correct them, citing the fact that only public and wealthy people should take care of the beauty of their teeth. But, unfortunately, the aesthetic component is just the tip of the iceberg, and the main danger of malocclusion lies beyond the visible problems.

It is worth starting with the origin of this defect. Like most bone problems, malocclusion can result from:

  • genetic regularity, because heredity has a paramount influence on the formation of the jaw of a child;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract, for example, with forced mouth breathing, the growth of the facial part of the skull is disrupted, which causes the development of deformation;
  • injuries received during the development of the dentition;
  • bad habits in infancy, such as constant thumb sucking.

It is worth noting that even a violation of posture can provoke an incorrect bite in a child. Banal scoliosis due to improper functioning spinal muscles, can affect the work of the jaws.

Varieties of malocclusion

The location of the jaws relative to each other is a determining factor in the process of diagnosing bite:

  • distal, during the development of which the upper jaw is more developed relative to the lower. With such a deviation, the pressure is unevenly distributed, as a result of which back teeth take on the load of the front, which is fertile ground for the development of caries on them. Main feature distal bite - a disproportionately small chin. As the years go by it leads to premature development periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • mesial characterized by excessive protrusion of the lower jaw. A clear sign of this deformity is the protruding chin of the patient. This change contributes to the dysfunction of chewing and early development inflammatory diseases teeth and gums;
  • deep, diagnosed at entry upper teeth behind the lower ones to a distance exceeding the length of their crown. Often, with this type of bite, the face has insufficient height, and the lip is constantly in an everted position due to lack of space. Over time, the first consequence may be periodontal disease, that is, loosening of the teeth, as well as permanent damage to the oral mucosa by the teeth.
  • open, which is the impossibility of closing the jaws with each other. This pathology can be observed both in the front of the jaw and in the side. An invariably parted mouth, or a general asymmetry of the face - that's clear signs open bite;
  • cross, observed with underdevelopment of one of the sides of the jaw. Such a deformation primarily impairs the chewing function, since patients are forced to chew mainly on one side of the jaw. the main objective treatment is the alignment of both sides of the jaw relative to each other.
  • dystopia affecting the location of the teeth in their "own" place. For the most part, it is a consequence of a violation of the timing and sequence of teething. Teeth that have changed their location can injure the mucous membranes of the tissues of the mouth, and also lead to the development of erosion.

If a bite defect is detected on its early stage, then the treatment can be gentle, and the elimination of the problem is fast enough and not expensive. That is why regular preventive examinations are so important.

Insidious malocclusion

Incorrect bite entails a whole series of unpleasant consequences, some of which are very difficult to eliminate:

  • an increase in the load on individual teeth, which leads to accelerated abrasion of the enamel and, as a result, an increase in sensitivity;
  • disorders in the work of the articulatory apparatus. Often, malocclusion becomes the root cause of lisping and other diction disorders due to the forced unnatural position of the tongue;
  • accumulation of plaque in places where the teeth overlap, which leads to the development of caries, periodontitis and other diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • deformations in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint, which is quite difficult to correct due to its three-dimensional structure;
  • in severe cases, there may also be difficulty in eating and breathing.

Headaches and even pain when chewing food can also become a consequence of malocclusion.

Identification of malocclusion

There are some of the most obvious signs of the presence of a defective bite, which allows you to identify it yourself:

  • protruding lower jaw;
  • drawn upper lip;
  • unnaturally closing dentition;
  • unevenly growing teeth.

These are only the most obvious signs of existing deviations. Put more accurate diagnosis and only an orthodontist can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Prosthetic malocclusion

With a neglected bite problem, the only way out is prosthetics that can restore the proper row of teeth. There are several ways of prosthetics that allow you to deal with bite problems:

mouth guard

It is a removable overlay on the teeth made of a transparent polymer, which fights with the curvature of the teeth with the help of pressure. Allows you to achieve results without tangible discomfort and pain. There are several types of caps for correcting an overbite:

  • standard made without taking into account personal characteristics. It has a low cost, but is not able to deal with complex cases of curvature;
  • thermoplastic, following the contours of the teeth thanks to the individual production of a special polymer. Have short term manufacturing and ample opportunities for use, but have a slightly higher cost;
  • invisalign, made with the involvement of a plaster model and using 3D modeling. The most expensive and effective type of cap. Able to cope with small deformations without undue discomfort.


Due to their design, they are able to fix almost any dental deformity, except for extremely complex cases requiring surgical intervention. There are 2 main types of braces:

  • vestibular attached to the front of the tooth;
  • lingual placed on inner surface teeth, making them invisible to others.

They can be made from a variety of materials: metal, ceramics and even semi-precious stones.

Removable prosthesis

It is used in the almost complete absence of a number of teeth. It is made mainly from hypoallergenic acrylic and can be of the following types:

  • full, used in case total absence teeth on the jaw, fixed on the gum directly;
  • partial, used in the absence of several teeth in a row and is attached both to the problem jaw and to the remaining adjacent teeth.

They are distinguished by durability and relatively low cost, as well as the possibility of individual selection due to the extremely wide color range of products.


This variety is a series of interconnected dental crowns on a metal base. Rigidly attached to adjacent natural teeth with fixing elements. They restore the chewing efficiency of the jaw by 100% and do not disturb tactile, taste and temperature sensations. The use of metal in the design can significantly increase its service life, but increases the final cost of the product.

So they put a "bridge" on the teeth


Most modern way prosthetics for bite deformity. It is implanted directly into the bone tissue with subsequent fixation of a denture on it. The most durable method of all presented, with an almost lifetime warranty. Aesthetic component this method also beyond any competition, because even upon closer examination it is impossible to distinguish an implanted structure from a natural tooth.

It is important to remember that up to about 7 years, you can correct a bite defect with a massage. problem areas and special gymnastics. It is necessary to wean the child from bad habits so that later they do not have to resort to complex, lengthy and expensive methods of treatment.

Video - Incorrect bite: how to fix it

Methods of insurance against bite anomalies

It is worth remembering that the main causes of deviations are born in early childhood, so that, for the most part, the responsibility for the crooked jaws of children lies with their parents. And if there is no obvious genetic anomaly, then you should only adhere to the following simple rules:

RecommendationReasons for the development of deviationsWhat to do
Take care of your health during pregnancyMineralization of teeth begins at the 20th week of pregnancyControl the amount of consumed calcium and fluoride-containing elements
Properly feed your newbornUneven muscle development due to improper suckingTo pay attention correct work facial muscles during sucking
Check your child's nasal breathingThe habit of breathing through the mouth causes an open bite.Make sure the child breathes mainly through the nose
Wean from bad habitsSucking fingers and nipples during eruption of the first teeth can cause them to curve laterControl the emergence of these habits and stop them as quickly as possible

It is worth remembering that the teeth of each patient are unique, and requires an individual selection of treatment methods. Does not exist universal ways getting rid of the problem. Only a thorough diagnostic examination by a specialist will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis based on images and casts.

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