Is HPV 16 transmitted through saliva. Ways of transmission of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Why do warts appear on the body

HPV is the abbreviation for human papillomavirus. Infection occurs by contact-household way. However, this does not mean that every person who has contact with the patient will be infected. For the penetration of the virus into the body, accompanying conditions are needed, and one of them is a violation of the barrier function of the skin and mucous membranes.

It is very easy to get HPV when the skin has:

  • abrasions;
  • wounds;
  • cuts;
  • other minor injuries.

Violation of natural defense mechanisms is due to the deterioration of the immune system in general and specifically local immunity. Class A antibodies are responsible for protecting the body from viruses. If they are insufficient, the system fails, and the body becomes susceptible to viruses.

Causes of human papillomavirus can become diseases of an infectious nature, the transmission of which occurs sexually. Ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and other STDs contribute to HPV infection. In this case, the disease can manifest itself as condylomas formed on the genitals.

A decrease in local and general immunity can occur due to a violation of the intestinal and vaginal biocenosis. Suppression of the immune system in recent years has been observed against the background of HIV infection, a pathology that increases susceptibility human body to any microorganism.

The activation of papillomavirus occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  1. intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis;
  2. harmful working conditions;
  3. exacerbation of any diseases with a chronic course;
  4. hypothermia;
  5. acute forms of infectious and non-infectious diseases;
  6. susceptibility to stress;
  7. malnutrition.

The HPV incubation period is long - the pathogen may not make itself felt for several years. But when it comes favorable conditions it activates immediately.

Ways of transmission of human papillomavirus infection

The need to know the mechanisms of the development of the disease allows you to protect yourself from infection. The main source of infection is infected person With visible manifestations skin pathologies.

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted? The main transmission mechanisms are represented by contact and vertical, that is, from a pregnant woman to a fetus. The contact mechanism is understood as sexual and contact-household methods of infection. This means that infection is possible in such situations:

  • general use of personal hygiene products;
  • bathing in public places ah with high humidity;
  • wearing someone else's shoes and underwear;
  • handshakes.

The maximum risk of contracting the virus is inherent in people who lead a promiscuous intimate life. The more often a person changes sexual partners, the more he has a bad chance of contracting HPV.

A large proportion of the risk group is assigned to homosexuals, whose mucous membranes and skin during intercourse are injured much more often than other categories of people. In the photo, the human papillomavirus is shown in the form of genital warts that affected the genitals after infection. This type of wart is very easily injured.

The risk of carrying papillomavirus during pregnancy is due to possible development in the fetus papillomatosis of the larynx, leading to impaired respiratory function. The risk of infection of the baby exists with breastfeeding.

Video: Who is at higher risk of contracting HPV?

How to recognize HPV?

The activity of the papillomavirus leads to a change in the functions of the cells that form the epithelium. As a result of their division, specific neoplasms appear on the body, which are popularly called warts. But in the human papillomavirus, the symptoms can be different - the behavior of the strain depends on the type of pathogen.

In young people, the initial manifestation of HPV can be expressed by the growth of warts on different parts of the body. Most often, neoplasms affect the elbows, knees, fingers. Their character is benign, the color varies from light yellow to black. The diameter of dense to the touch formations reaches 10 mm.

Later, the body is "adorned" with papillomas - another type of formation. Soft to the touch, they are attached to the skin with a thin stem or wide base. Their color differs little from the surrounding skin, but sometimes the growths are dark brown.

A favorite place for papillomas are:

  • face;
  • genitals;
  • armpit area.

In men, the human papillomavirus can infect any area of ​​the penis (glans, frenulum, etc.). Rarely, HPV affects the urethra. Infection leads to difficulty urinating and causes discomfort.

If the papillomavirus affects women, characteristic neoplasms form on the mucous membranes of the external genital organs. Occasionally they are found on the skin of the labia majora, in the throat and on the oral mucosa. The harmful virus can affect the cervix, anus, urethra, and vagina.

The danger of neoplasms for human health lies in their possible degeneration into malignant tumors. They cause complexes in a person and spoil appearance body. Experts recommend removing them after the examination.

Methods for diagnosing HPV

Diagnosis of papilloma viral infection carried out during gynecological examination or by giving special analyzes for the human papillomavirus.

To differentiate neoplasms from other pathologies, specialists resort to the following methods:

  • biopsy;
  • colposcopy.

With PCR diagnostics, doctors receive quantitative analyzes for each type of virus. This technique is good and the ability to determine the number of copies of HPV DNA in the material taken. Together, this allows doctors to accurately determine the severity of the disease and make predictions.

Taking material for research occurs in the form of scraping from the urethra or cervix. On the eve of the test, the person must stop sexual life, drinking alcoholic beverages and antiviral agents. Any therapeutic procedures on the genitals are also canceled for the time being. Before the day of taking samples for analysis, you should not wash yourself, and a few hours before the manipulation - urinate.

In the Invitro laboratory, human papillomavirus analysis is performed using a colposcope.

This special microscope makes it easier to study the cervix. By increasing the area, the doctor can examine the individual elements, each of which has its own loop-shaped capillary. Before examination, condylomas are lubricated with a solution acetic acid, which leads to spasm of the capillaries and a change in the color of the growths to pearl white. Before acid treatment, the affected cervix is ​​a large pink spot, and staining clearly highlights papillomas.

During the biopsy, the affected tissues are taken. Then they are stained and sent for study. The technique is highly accurate. In addition to it, histological and cytological studies of the material can be carried out.

How papillomas are transmitted

Among neoplasms on the skin, papillomas are the most common. That is why the questions are relevant: how is papilloma transmitted, are papillomas contagious. These are benign formations, but there is a risk of their degeneration into oncological forms.

Most often they look like growths or warts. different shapes, color and size. They rise above the skin, so they can cling and interfere, they are easy to damage with an awkward movement, possibly even to the point of blood.

Scientific research clearly confirms viral origin papillomas and the possibility of infection by contact-household.

Today, more than 70 types of such viruses are known, but not all of them pose a danger to the human body. For example, viruses 18 and 35 cause papillomatosis of the larynx, and types 6 and 11 lead to the formation of genital warts on the genitals of women and men.

But the presence of papillomavirus in the body does not always mean the development of cancer. The body has incredible abilities and strength to resist diseases, although the person himself can significantly reduce these forces in the wrong way life.

Methods of transmission of the virus

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is persistent and able to survive in the environment, but not for long. Things, clothes, household items of a sick person are not contagious.

HPV can be transmitted:

  1. Sexually.
  2. Contact household way.
  3. From mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth.

Most often, young people from 18 to 30 years old get sick. After 45 years, there is a decrease in the number of cases, this is due to the immunity formed during life.

sexual route of infection

Papillomavirus infection is considered one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. With unprotected sexual contact with a sick person, there is a high probability of infection. Although the use of a condom will not always protect against infection, it will greatly reduce the possibility of transmitting the infection.

The patient will be contagious only if the papilloma has actively grown on his skin and mucous membranes. When the latent period of the disease passes, the infection is not transmitted. For example, if, according to the results of tests, HPV is found in the body, but a person has no complaints and no skin changes, then as a sexual partner a person will be non-infectious.

When infected sexually, women complain of itching and irritation in the vagina. Small growths appear on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, this causes discomfort during sexual contact. Papilloma contributes to the recurrence of cervical erosion, if it was previously carefully treated.

A man can also be a carrier of this infection. They may have genital warts on the penis, pubis, and scrotum. And in these places, the condom will not be able to act as a reliable protection. Possible growths in the area anus and urethra.

Household route of infection

An infection such as papilloma is transmitted through close bodily contact. For example, they shook hands with a person who has papilloma in the palm of his hand, received a portion of the virus. They scratched the neck with this hand, on which there are microcracks, - they received the introduction of HPV inside. It is difficult to track how papilloma is transmitted, because it can take about a month from the moment of infection to the appearance of a visible growth. In some cases, external manifestations on the skin may not appear at all.

You can also get infected in the pool, in manicure and pedicure salons, through someone else's shoes.

Papilloma prefers a moist and warm place, which is why it easily appears on legs that often sweat. Such neoplasms may appear in different places almost never in the mouth. When located in close proximity, it is possible to merge into one large wart.

Transmission of the virus from mother to child

There is evidence of HPV infection of the fetus from the mother through the placenta, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to be tested for the presence of the human papillomavirus and, if necessary, undergo treatment. But such an infection does not affect the development of the fetus. The presence of such growths (especially large sizes) can complicate childbirth and provoke severe bleeding.

The virus can still be transmitted at birth during passage through the birth canal. Excessive infection of the newborn is undesirable, so you need to take care of the safety of the child in advance. In such children, papilloma of the larynx is often detected.

At birth by caesarean section, the risk of contracting human papillomavirus infection is slightly reduced. This method of childbirth is recommended only if the usual method is impossible due to the many papillomas in the genital tract of the woman in labor.

All forces to fight the virus

In most cases, the human body copes with the infection on its own without drugs in a few months.

The virus can be of 2 types:

  • productive;
  • unproductive.

An unproductive virus does not manifest itself in any way in the human body, it is detected quite by accident. A person may not even suspect that he is a carrier of such an infection. Warts may disappear on their own after some time, but this does not mean that the virus is no longer in the body. Getting rid of the virus will confirm only the result of the analysis. But re-infection is also possible.

A productive virus is fixed inside the human body, begins to influence the cells, causing them to regenerate.

The development cycle of the virus is 4 months. If a person has strong anti-oncological protection, then the virus will not find an opportunity to infect other cells, it will die and be released.

In order for the body to have the strength to fight any infection, it is necessary to maintain a high level of immune defense.

For example, the presence in the body of a large number free radicals(these are molecules that can damage the DNA of healthy cells).

Conditions that increase free radicals:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Prolonged stay in a stuffy room.
  3. Lack of sunlight. A visit to the solarium cannot remedy the situation.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Excess weight.
  6. Hormonal disorders.
  7. Irrational nutrition, the use of genetically modified foods.

Despite the high contagiousness of the papillomavirus, it can be successfully dealt with, relying on strength own organism and advances in medicine.

Ways of transmission of the human papillomavirus (HPV)

The human papillomavirus is a highly contagious virus and, according to statistics, from 50 to 70% of the population are infected with it. However, clinical manifestations of infection are not so common, in about 1-2% of cases. A person does not even realize that he is a carrier of HPV until there is a decrease in immunity and activation of the virus. Knowing the basic ways transmission of HPV, you can protect yourself from the appearance of unwanted symptoms. So, HPV - how is the disease transmitted? All will be discussed below. possible ways transmission.

Papilloma: how is it transmitted and what is it?

Currently, about 100 different varieties of the virus are known. Among them there are both harmless to humans and dangerous in terms of development. oncological diseases. The following facts can be encouraging: viruses, causing education warts and papillomas, belong to 6 and 11 subtypes, which have a low carcinogenic risk. Oncogenic subtypes include strains 16 and 18, which provoke cell mutation and cervical cancer.

The papilloma virus multiplies exclusively in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, causing their uncontrolled division. As a result, a person has the following clinical manifestations:

  • various warts (common, flat, plantar);
  • genital warts;
  • papillomatosis of the mouth and larynx;
  • papillomas of internal organs.

The role of the virus in the development of cervical cancer in women and penis cancer in men has been proven, so it is important to know how papillomavirus is transmitted in order to prevent infection.

Human papillomavirus: ways of transmission

It is impossible to detect the presence of a virus in the body on its own if there are no characteristic growths on the skin or mucous membranes. Specialized medical tests will allow identifying a sleeping pathology. The absence of symptoms does not guarantee that a person is not dangerous to others.

How is papillomavirus (HPV) transmitted? Physicians distinguish several ways.

Contact household way

HPV is transmitted through the household. It is worth noting that infrequently, but this option for obtaining human papillomavirus infection (PVI), nevertheless, has the right to exist. You can get infected by shaking hands, using common household items - towels, slippers, wearing someone else's clothes, especially underwear. Often infection occurs when visiting the pool, fitness center. The microscopic organism has such a high activity that HPV is transmitted through saliva, a kiss.

The risk of infection increases if the skin has abrasions, scratches, microcracks, and various wounds. Particularly contagious are people with characteristic manifestations diseases - warts and papillomas.

A fairly common question: Will washing your hands regularly reduce the risk of infection? Of course, clean skin is more protected. However, hygiene measures do not protect against infection with papillomavirus.

Is papillomavirus (HPV) transmitted sexually?

One sexual contact is enough to infect a person. HPV is transmitted through oral, vaginal and anal sex.

More often, the infection comes from a man, but the opposite situation is also possible, when reverse infection of HPV is recorded - from a woman to a man.

Predisposing factors are:

  • early intimacy at a young age;
  • frequent change of sexual partners, because do not forget that papillomavirus is sexually transmitted;
  • the presence of genital warts on the genitals.

Papilloma is also transmitted sexually through homosexual relationships, during which minor injuries of the skin and mucous membranes of the anal region occur. This significantly increases the risk of infection, especially if one of the partners has external manifestations of the disease - anogenital warts.

Is the human papillomavirus transmitted through protected sex? Unfortunately yes. HPV is transmitted through a condom, since warts invisible to the eye can be located in an unprotected product inguinal region. Using a condom greatly reduces the risk of infection, but does not provide a complete guarantee of safety. Despite this, the use of a condom is recommended for all people who have multiple sexual partners.

HPV is easily transmitted through oral sex. This increases the risk of developing tonsillar cancer, especially if a person has become infected with oncogenic strains.

Papillomavirus: transmission from mother to child (vertical method)

Many pregnant women worry - is HPV transmitted from mother to child? Unfortunately, such a route of infection does take place, and infection can occur both transplacentally (in the prenatal period) and during childbirth. If the first option is an incredible rarity, then when a baby passes through an infected birth canal, a child can get papillomavirus with a high degree of probability.

Possible infection of the larynx, bronchi and trachea in a newborn. The virus is introduced into the mucous membranes and stimulates the formation of growths. Laryngeal papillomatosis can lead to stenosis and suffocation of the child, especially if the vocal cords are affected. Any infection, cold leads to swelling of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, and in the presence of concomitant papillomas, this ends with difficulty in inhaling and exhaling.

A logical question arises: is it possible to protect the baby from infection with a caesarean section? The operation is not a guarantee of the baby's health, since the papillomavirus is transmitted from mother to child in this case as well. You should not resort to caesarean section without special need, although this method is also used for multiple warts.

Members of the same family often have warts or papillomas on the body, but the hereditary factor has nothing to do with it. Can HPV be transmitted to a child through close contact between parents and children? The fact is that people living under the same roof become infected from each other. However, parents should be reassured: HPV is not inherited.

Self-infection (autoinoculation)

Is papillomavirus transmitted through self-infection? Definitely yes. Infection occurs during shaving, cutting nails, epilation. Toddlers often pick at warts, they can tear them off, scratch them. In this way, the HPV transmission process spreads to neighboring tissues and causes the virus to multiply in them.

Papillomavirus (transmission routes can be quite non-standard) can be transmitted by airborne droplets. But this is an extremely rare option. To date, only a few cases of infection of hospital medical staff during HPV surgery and while caring for patients have been recorded.

HPV: features of transmission depending on gender

HPV in women - how is the infection transmitted in this case? Most often, human papillomavirus infection enters the female body through sexual contact, including oral and anal sex. PVI, many ladies get already at the first sexual experience.

How is HPV transmitted to men? Belonging to the male sex in no way becomes a barrier to getting the disease: PVI in men is also diagnosed very often. The only difference is that for a long time the pathology proceeds in a latent form and hence the hidden carriage.

Risk factors

Even if a person is infected with papillomavirus, this does not necessarily mean that he has genital warts or warts. The virus is insidious in that it can exist in the body for a long time without giving itself away. When they come favorable factors, namely - a decrease in immunity and others - the activation of virions begins. The factors provoking the awakening of the virus include:

Antiviral protection weakens in the presence of other infections with sexual transmission: chlamydia, ureplasmosis, erased form of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. The knowledge that human papilloma (how the virus is most often transmitted was discussed in sufficient detail) is contagious, helps protect yourself and your loved ones from the "uninvited guest".

The following factors predispose to the disease:

  • childbirth at a young age;
  • deficit folic acid and antioxidants;
  • low economic standard of living;
  • social maladjustment.

As practice shows, women from dysfunctional families are less likely to seek help from a gynecologist, so cervical cancer in this population group is detected already at later dates. If women were informed about the dangers of HPV types 16 and 18 (many people know how the disease is transmitted), then they would be more careful in choosing a sexual partner.

Diagnosis and prevention of PVI

Usually, a doctor, knowing how the human papillomavirus is transmitted, can make a diagnosis already during the initial examination of the patient. However, the presence of skin growths and genital warts require additional examination.

Prevention of the human papillomavirus (as you know the infection is transmitted) is quite possible. And, above all, it is the practice of protected sex. As in the case of contracting an infection from the STD category, both partners should be treated for papillomavirus, since the likelihood of spouses having it is more than 70%. In addition, vaccination can protect yourself from infection.

Is papilloma transmitted by household route? Yes, and this must be taken into account. That is why when you visit public baths, saunas and pools need to be extremely careful. In conditions high humidity the virus can exist for quite a long period of time.

Studies show that no matter how the infection occurred, there is a risk of developing oncology: low, but, nevertheless, you should not forget about it. To protect against infection will help the observance of the simplest rules:

  • use only personal hygiene items;
  • sexual life with a regular partner;
  • A varied diet and hardening procedures help maintain strong immune defenses.

It is also important to visit the doctor regularly, take tests, and do not forget to treat the skin lesions with antiseptic solutions.

How HPV infection occurs: the main ways

Papillomavirus infection (PVI) is included in the group of anthroponotic pathogens (transmission is carried out exclusively from person to person). If we talk about how you can get infected with papillomavirus (HPV), then mainly through sexual contact with an infected partner. In addition, the virus can remain in the environment for a certain time period (relatively short). active state in dead skin cells, therefore, in certain situations, infection with the human papillomavirus is carried out by household means. Now a little more about how to get HPV and what methods of infection exist.

Contagious papillomatosis

First of all, it is worth answering the question: “Is papilloma contagious?” Undoubtedly. And the appearance of warts requires complex treatment, including not only the removal of formations, but also the administration of the necessary medications.

Is latent HPV contagious? Another frequently asked question asked by patients. The answer to it will also be positive. It is worth knowing that even the practice of protected sex is not a full guarantee against infection. The virus can be based in the groin and the surface of the genitals, not protected by a condom.

Human papillomavirus: sexually transmitted infection

The main mode of transmission of papilloma is sexual intercourse with an infected partner. This type of transmission is typical for most varieties of the virus with high oncogenic activity.

The risk of getting the disease is especially high in men and women who are promiscuous when choosing a sexual partner. People with homosexual inclinations should also be included in the risk group. Practice anal sex accompanied by injury to the skin and mucous membranes, which greatly facilitates the process of introducing HPV DNA into the human body.

The maximum likelihood of getting the virus occurs if the partner has external signs of the disease - anogenital warts (genital warts). They are incredibly contagious and easily damaged by sexual contact.

Features of infection with papilloma in women

The virus enters the human body through microcracks in the skin or mucous surfaces and is embedded in superficial cells epithelium. A woman gets a human papillomavirus infection during intercourse. The “gates” are the vagina, rectum and mucous surfaces of the oral cavity. This means that HPV infection is possible not only during a classic sexual intercourse, but also during oral sex and anal sexual contact.

Is it possible to get papilloma during the first sexual experience? Yes. Approximately 68-70% of women get an infection with the onset of sexual activity. The likelihood of HPV infection increases in proportion to the number of sexual partners, i.e. the more active and varied the sexual life of a woman, the higher the risk of getting PVI.

Features of the transmission of human papillomavirus infection to men

How do men get infected with the human papillomavirus? Here, too, sexual contacts become the main transmission option.

A characteristic feature of the course of pathology in men is a long latent (asymptomatic) period, accompanied by total absence symptoms typical of the disease. The defeat of genital warts occurs only with a significant decrease in immune defense or an experienced stressful situation.

Men are active carriers of HPV because the virus is present in all biological fluids, i.e. not only in semen, but also in saliva. This greatly increases the risk of infection of the partner already at the first sexual contact. In percentage terms, this indicator reaches 80%.

HPV (ways and means of infection) during anal sex

How is HPV transmitted through anal sex? The main route of transmission is anal-genital contact. At the same time, the risk of infection does not depend on such indicators as the depth of penetration of the penis into the rectum, the duration of frictions and the full completion of contact (ejaculation).

Can HPV be contracted through other types of anal sex? Yes. There is a high probability of transmission of the virus through anal-oral contact. This option refers to indirect transmission methods.

Rare routes of transmission include:

  • oral sex following anal-genital contact;
  • use of infected saliva as a natural lubricant.

How can you get infected with papillomavirus: contact-household method of transmission

Papillomavirus belongs to the category of STIs. That is why many believe that the contact-household method of transmission is completely excluded. But this misconception, since in some cases HPV is transmitted by household means.

How do papilloma get infected? Here are some ways:

  • When kissing. Do not forget that the virus is also present in saliva.
  • With close bodily contact during hugs.
  • When using personal items belonging to a sick person.
  • With insufficient quality processing of medical instruments.

But there is no serious cause for concern. And although papillomas are contagious, the likelihood of transmission of the infection by household means is practically reduced to zero.

The contact-household method of infection is dangerous for children. Sick parents become the source. It is in childhood that children, most often girls, receive dangerous strains of HPV. As a rule, the disease is asymptomatic. The presence of the virus is detected quite by accident when performing certain tests.

With the household version of infection with papillomavirus - the ways and means of infection are completely different - the culprits can be:

  • Handshake. Transmission of the virus through injured surfaces skin.
  • Shared items. The source of infection can be, for example, dishes.
  • Public areas. HPV infection is possible in swimming pools, baths, etc.
  • Through kisses. Papillomavirus is contagious and can be transmitted through saliva.

It should be noted right away that HPV cannot be inherited. This is completely out of the question.

Papillomavirus is transmitted from mother to child during childbirth and this method of infection is called "vertical". Infection occurs during the passage of the baby through birth canal, in particular the cervix and vagina, on the mucous membranes of which papillomas are located. To protect the child - in cases of advanced pathology - from receiving the virus, a caesarean section is prescribed. But operative delivery in this case - an extreme measure.

How not to get infected with papillomavirus?

There is a prevention of papilloma (you know the ways of infection).

  • Family people are encouraged to remain faithful to their sexual partner. When HPV symptoms it is necessary to carry out simultaneous treatment. Keep in mind that HPV is contagious and both partners should get the drugs.
  • People who do not have a regular sexual partner should use a condom. In addition, it is advisable to periodically examine the genitals and inguinal region and regularly take tests from a venereologist.
  • Everyone, without exception (both men and women), is recommended to maintain personal hygiene.
  • All family members are required to bring their own towel and washcloth.

Prevention of infection with the human papillomavirus - the ways of infection can be different, including the contact-household method - is vaccination.

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted?

Papilloma belongs to the group viral diseases and is manifested by the formation of growths on the skin and mucous membranes.

Some types of neoplasms pose a serious danger to humans.

Therefore, in order to avoid infection, you need to know how papilloma is transmitted and follow simple rules for prevention.

What it is

The human papillomavirus belongs to the group of viruses belonging to the papillomavirus family.

This group includes 5 genera, about 43 species, more than 170 types.

Human papillomavirus is one of the most common groups. About 60% of the world's population are its carriers.

The danger lies not only in the question “is the virus contagious”, but also in the fact that an infected person may not feel any symptoms and does not even suspect that the virus has entered his body.

Papillomaviruses live and actively multiply on the basal layer of the skin. At the same time, they are able to spread from one organism to another.

It has been proven that the virus can develop in the external environment for a short time, but usually its entire life cycle passes through the cell.

Most of the types of the virus are not dangerous to human health, however, there are species with oncogenic properties that can provoke the occurrence of malignant or benign tumors.

They can be classified as follows:

  • safe (if we consider the likelihood of developing cancer). They run without severe symptoms and are not dangerous to the human body;
  • low risk. When they enter the body in 90% of cases, genital warts occur. Mutation of cells can be observed in some cases;
  • high risk. In the presence of certain factors, they can cause the development of cervical cancer and provoke the degeneration of cells into atypical ones.

There are viruses that are transmitted from person to person, but there are also types that exist in the organisms of birds and animals, but do not pose a danger to humans.

A photo

Methods of infection

Given the prevalence of the virus, it is necessary to know how papilloma is transmitted.

  • HPV can be transmitted by contact or vertical (from mother to fetus during pregnancy) way.
  • Contact includes contact-household and sexual ways.
  • Can you get the virus through kissing? This is also possible if an infected person has warts in the mouth caused by HPV.
  • The fetus can become infected through a damaged placenta. Laboratory research revealed the likelihood of infection against the background of toxicosis.

Prerequisites for infection

The papilloma virus can be transmitted both sexually and through household contact.

  • In the latter case, ordinary communication with a carrier person does not always lead to infection. One of the conditions under which the likelihood of infection increases significantly is a violation of the barrier function of the mucous membrane and skin. The risk of infection is high when there are scratches, cuts, wounds, and abrasions on the skin.
  • Due to a decrease in general and local immunity, the defensive reactions organism. With insufficient production of class A antibodies, the normal functioning immune system, and the body's susceptibility to viruses and infections increases.

As a provoking factor contributing to infection with papillomavirus, various infectious diseases sexually transmitted: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc.

The standard manifestation of papillomavirus in such a situation is the occurrence of genital warts.

The deterioration of immunity is observed against the background of a violation of the microflora of the vagina and intestines. Immunity is severely affected in people with HIV.

Papillomavirus is activated under the following conditions:

  • dysbacteriosis and intestinal diseases infectious nature;
  • acute stage of any chronic diseases;
  • poor working conditions;
  • hypothermia;
  • congenital immunodeficiency state;
  • acute stages of infectious and non-infectious diseases;
  • stressful conditions;
  • improper nutrition.

The course of HPV is characterized by a long incubation period.

After infection, it may take several years before the onset of symptoms, which become pronounced during a period of reduced immunity.

Photo: infection can occur through a handshake

Ways of transmission of papilloma

The papilloma virus is transmitted by contact-household way:

  • through handshakes;
  • through general funds personal hygiene (soap, towels, etc.);
  • due to trying on someone else's clothes (you should never wear someone else's underwear);
  • when visiting public baths, saunas.

The sexual route of infection is especially dangerous, since the risk of infection with an oncogenic subtype of the virus is high.

Those most at risk are people who have big number sexual partners.

  • This also applies to men who are prone to homosexual relationships, since with such sexual intercourse there is a high probability of injury to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Also, the likelihood of passing the virus to each other during intercourse increases if the partner has genital warts - they are easy to injure and they are very contagious.

Human papillomavirus in women who are expecting a child can be transmitted to the fetus.

  • During pregnancy, this occurs in rare cases, usually the child becomes infected during passage through the birth canal.
  • It should be noted that the virus is inherited from the mother to the child only if there are external manifestations of the disease on the genitals. Infection of children at birth is accompanied by papillomatosis of the larynx, which is characterized by serious violations of the respiratory function.
  • There is also a chance of infection during breastfeeding.

Photo: infection of a newborn during childbirth

How to recognize HPV

This human virus causes changes in cells, as a result of which they divide, leading to the appearance of neoplasms (warts).

  • At a young age, warts most often appear on the fingers, elbows, and knees. These are non-cancerous formations, dense to the touch, the color of which can vary from light to black. Their size is about 1 cm in diameter.
  • In the older HPV age manifested by the formation of papillomas. They are soft, attached to the skin with a leg. As a rule, their color matches the color of the skin, but sometimes they can be dark brown.

Most often, papillomas are located on the following parts of the body: face, neck, armpits, genitals.

  • In men, neoplasms can occur anywhere on the penis, and sometimes the presence of a virus can affect the condition of the urethra, causing difficulty with urination and pain.
  • When the virus enters the female body, neoplasms appear on the mucous membranes of the external genital organs. Sometimes they can be found on the oral mucosa and in the throat. The human papillomavirus can infect the cervix, urethra, vagina, and anus.

Looking at photos of people with HPV, you can see how much neoplasms can spoil the appearance, although the main danger lies in their possible degeneration into malignant tumors. Doctors advise, when papillomas are found, to conduct studies that determine oncogenicity and remove them.

What types of HPV are the most dangerous

Even for those who know how the human papillomavirus is transmitted, it is not always possible to avoid infection.

However, you should not panic if you have been diagnosed with this. First you need to find out the genotype of the virus - some of them are safe for humans.

90% of those infected were diagnosed with HPV-6 and HPV-11, which are characterized by low carcinogenic risks.

The most dangerous strains are: HPV-16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59.

Video: "Colposcopy"

Features of the course in women

90% of women who die of cervical cancer have HPV.

  • Often the virus develops against the background of inflammation affecting the genitals. It can be: vulvovaginitis, endocervicitis, pseudo-erosion of the cervix.
  • Often it is combined with such diseases as: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, syphilis, herpes.

The main symptoms of papillomavirus in women include:

  • itching and burning in the genitals;
  • specific secretions;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • growth and fusion of warts on the genitals.

Photo: growth of genital warts on the genital mucosa

Genital warts can occur on the vulva, urethra, vagina, cervix, anus, rectum, and perineum.

  • These manifestations of HPV not only look unattractive, but also cause discomfort: pain, itching, and may bleed.
  • The detection of cervical intraepithelial dysplasia in HPV indicates the development of a cancerous process.


Diagnosis is carried out by passing tests and conducting laboratory tests.

Is it dangerous to remove papillomas at home?

Which doctor treats papillomas in women? Find out here.

The following methods can be used:

  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy.

An effective diagnostic method is the PCR method.

It allows you to get an analysis for each type of virus, as well as determine the number of copies of DNA in the material for research.

Due to the accuracy of this method, specialists can determine the severity of the disease and make a prognosis.

You need to prepare for the test.

The patient should not have sex for several days, drink alcoholic beverages and antiviral drugs.

  • Colposcopy is an examination of the cervix using a special microscope. The neck is lubricated with a solution of acetic acid, which shows papillomas, and they become clearly visible.
  • During a biopsy, a portion of the affected tissue is taken for examination. Subsequently, this material is stained and examined. Biopsy is a highly accurate research method that can be used in combination with histology and cytology.


Unfortunately, it is not known how HPV is treated with medication.

  • That's why the only way treatment today is the removal of papillomas.
  • Medicines are prescribed only as maintenance therapy (immunomodulators) and to reduce the likelihood of the formation of new papillomas (interferons). Viferon, cycloferon, reaferon can be used.

Direct removal can be carried out in several ways:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser;
  • radio waves.

The method of electrocoagulation is the use of high-frequency current.

  • After treating them with papilloma, a crust forms, which itself departs after a few days.
  • The method is used to remove neoplasms located on the face and neck.

Laser removal is also common, but it has several disadvantages.

  • First, the removed papilloma cannot be examined.
  • Secondly, the formation of scars at the site of removal is possible.

The most modern is the radio wave method.

It's safe painless method, after which no traces remain on the body.

The cryodestruction method for removing papillomas is based on the use of liquid nitrogen.

  • Areas of tissue to be removed are instantly frozen. This may cause minor discomfort.
  • The area of ​​dead skin is completely torn off 2-6 weeks after treatment.


Realizing the prevalence of the virus, I want to not only find out if papillomas are contagious, but also what can be done to avoid infection.


As preventive method a special vaccine may be used that reduces the risk of infection with common, highly oncogenic types of HPV.

It is used mainly for prevention in women. As a rule, it is recommended to do it at the age of 9 to 25 years.

It is believed that even if the virus has already entered the body, the vaccine can cause its inactivation and increase immunity.
Is red papilloma dangerous?

Which papilloma virus is more dangerous 16 or 18? Find out here.

How to get rid of papillomas and warts? Read on.


Non-specific prophylaxis methods include elementary rules personal hygiene and correct image life:

  • if the integrity of the skin is damaged, they must be processed;
  • you can not use other people's personal hygiene products;
  • in public saunas, the use of rubber slippers is recommended;
  • the transition of any disease to the chronic stage should not be allowed;
  • relationship with a regular sexual partner;
  • condom use;
  • hardening and moderate physical activity;
  • proper and regular nutrition.

Compliance with these simple rules will help significantly reduce the risk of infection with papillomavirus and protect your body from its penetration.

Video: "Human papillomavirus"

Signs and ways of transmission of human papillomavirus infection

Papillomavirus is determined both in practically healthy people and in those who have various pronounced clinical forms of HPV infection. So, up to 10% of healthy women are its carriers, and if genital warts, cervical lesions, intraepithelial carcinomas are observed, then carriage reaches 80% of cases. What is human papillomavirus and what is its danger?

Transmission and manifestation of the disease

Human papillomavirus (in modern medical science more than 150 types of it have been identified) affects precisely epithelial cells. Depending on its type, the human papillomavirus affects the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body: for example, various neoplasms appear on the body, these include warts, various warts. Precancerous diseases reproductive organs- a consequence of the presence of a virus in the human body.

Contact and contact-household way - this is how HPV infection can occur.

The vast majority of people do not experience any ailments due to the introduction of papillomavirus infection into the body, the virus does not manifest itself in any way until a certain point. The asymptomatic course of the infection stage is negative point than positive. Firstly, for the person himself, his carriage is unknown, and secondly, he can, without malicious intent, become a source of infection for many people.

Infection and oncogenicity

Infection persists throughout life, the papillomavirus remains in a latent state and does not manifest itself in any way. This condition does not require special treatment. Only if the virus begins to activate, competent medical intervention is necessary. With this infection, an infected mother is very likely to pass it on to her newborn child: the passage of an infant through the birth canal infected with the mother's papillomavirus often causes papillomatosis of the child's larynx, the presence of genital warts.

The main reason that causes particular concern in those people who have been diagnosed with the presence of HPV in the body is its oncogenicity. There are many known cases of squamous cell carcinoma in patients suffering from HPV. If a human papillomavirus is detected in a woman's body, the situation with the state of her reproductive organs, especially the cervix, should be constantly monitored.

Indirect signs of the presence of the virus

As already mentioned, the presence of genital warts is a sign of the presence HPV infections. A person develops characteristic tumor-like formations different kind and size on mucous membranes. This is what most people suffer from young age sexually active: this is how the transmission of the virus mainly occurs. Moreover, from the moment it enters the body before the development of the disease, it can take from several weeks to a couple of years. Often these formations are found on the genitals of women and men. Diagnosis and further treatment of papillomavirus infection is the task of a gynecologist for women and a urologist for men, and in the presence of formations in the rectum, a proctologist. Diagnosis is carried out using a sample with acetic acid, serological studies blood, cytological samples of smears from mucous membranes. If necessary, a biopsy is performed.

Methods of treatment

To remove warts on the body, to avoid the occurrence of new ones, cryodestruction is performed. Other methods: electrocoagulation, external treatment of affected areas with special medications. The use of antiviral agents is an obligatory step in the treatment of human papillomavirus infection. Alas, it is impossible to completely remove papillomas from the body: the virus lives at the cellular level. Competent medical treatment can significantly weaken the virus and minimize the appearance of new genital warts on the body.

Strengthening the immune system is what anyone infected with human papillomavirus infection needs. The use of immunomodulators in the treatment is another important step. The reason for using these medications is clear: strong organism better fights against any viruses. In addition, the higher the immune defense, the less likely the appearance of new formations on the body, which means that the partner is less likely to become infected. Carriers of the human papillomavirus are advised to use condoms during sexual intercourse, regardless of whether there is this moment signs of papillomavirus infection or not.


What are the reasons for the spread? Speaking about the methods of transmission of human papillomavirus infection, the following most probable causes: direct contact with mucous membranes and skin of an infected person. The main route of infection is sexual. In connection with the spread of oral-genital contacts, anal sexual contact, a more rapid spread of infections like HPV began to be noted. If a person has genital warts on the skin and mucous membranes, the likelihood of transmission dangerous virus partner is almost 100%.

The image shows an example of genital warts caused by HPV.

Removing warts on the body does not mean that the disease has weakened. Eliminating the visible consequences of infection with the papillomavirus, you need to fight a dangerous disease from the inside. Gynecologists, naming the causes of cervical cancer in women, not least note the presence of papillomavirus in her body. All infected women should have regular check-ups, swabs for cytological examination to prevent the development of dangerous cancer.

Vaccination and diagnostics

Since recently it has been possible to vaccinate against HPV. A vaccine has been developed that is best given to young girls before sexual activity begins. This requires, among other things, laboratory confirmation of the absence of papillomavirus in the human body at the time of vaccination. However, this vaccine can cause infertility! The vaccine has varieties. It is intended for both women and men for whom it is important to protect themselves from such ailments caused by human papillomavirus infection, such as cancer of the genital organ and anus.

  1. Subclinical (without external manifestations of papillomas) form of virus infection requires dispensary observation and treatment aimed at preventing the progression of the disease.
  2. At clinical form appointed adequate therapy, which may include antiviral and immunity-enhancing drugs, procedures for restoring the vaginal biocenosis in women, destructive methods, and other non-specific actions.

It is important that the therapy is comprehensive. It is necessary to apply methods aimed at eliminating the existing conditionally pathogenic microflora, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms.


A lifestyle that excludes the presence of a large number of sexual partners, especially casual ones, strong immunity and competent medical intervention - the prerequisites for the fact that in the presence of the papillomavirus in the body, health can be maintained. After vaccination, it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist or urologist in order to monitor possible deviations in the state of health and take timely measures against the development of cancer. Any vaccine is not a panacea, and there are still various strains of human papillomavirus infection against which it does not protect.

Pills from human papillomavirus infection Wart between the toes photo

HPV is the abbreviation for human papillomavirus. Infection occurs by contact-household way. However, this does not mean that every person who has contact with the patient will be infected. For the penetration of the virus into the body, accompanying conditions are needed, and one of them is a violation of the barrier function of the skin and mucous membranes.

It is very easy to get HPV when the skin has:

  • abrasions;
  • wounds;
  • cuts;
  • other minor injuries.

Violation of natural defense mechanisms is due to the deterioration of the immune system in general and specifically local immunity. Class A antibodies are responsible for protecting the body from viruses. If they are insufficient, the system fails, and the body becomes susceptible to viruses.

Causes of human papillomavirus can become diseases of an infectious nature, the transmission of which occurs sexually. Ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and other STDs contribute to HPV infection. In this case, the disease can manifest itself as warts that have formed.

A decrease in local and general immunity can occur due to a violation of the intestinal and vaginal biocenosis. Suppression of the immune system in recent years has been observed against the background of HIV infection, a pathology that increases the susceptibility of the human body to the effects of any microorganisms.

The activation of papillomavirus occurs under the influence of the following factors:

The HPV incubation period is long - the pathogen may not make itself felt for several years. But with the onset of favorable conditions, it immediately activates.

Ways of transmission of human papillomavirus infection

The need to know the mechanisms of the development of the disease allows you to protect yourself from infection. The main source of infection is an infected person with visible manifestations of pathology on the skin.

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted? The main transmission mechanisms are represented by contact and vertical, that is, from a pregnant woman to a fetus. The contact mechanism is understood as sexual and contact-household methods of infection. This means that infection is possible in such situations:

  • general use of personal hygiene products;
  • bathing in public places with high humidity;
  • wearing someone else's shoes and underwear;
  • handshakes.

The maximum risk of contracting the virus is inherent in people who lead a promiscuous intimate life. The more often a person changes sexual partners, the more he has a bad chance of contracting HPV.

A large proportion of the risk group is assigned to homosexuals, whose mucous membranes and skin during intercourse are injured much more often than other categories of people. In the photo, the human papillomavirus is shown in the form of genital warts that affected the genitals after infection. This type of wart is very easily injured.

The risk of carriage of papillomavirus during pregnancy is due to the possible development of papillomatosis of the larynx in the fetus, leading to impaired respiratory function. The risk of infection of the baby exists with breastfeeding.

Video: Who is at higher risk of contracting HPV?

How to recognize HPV?

The activity of the papillomavirus leads to a change in the functions of the cells that form the epithelium. Due to their division, specific neoplasms appear on the body, which are popularly called. But in the human papillomavirus, the symptoms can be different - the behavior of the strain depends on the type of pathogen.

In young people, the initial manifestation of HPV can be expressed by the growth of warts on different parts of the body. Most often, neoplasms affect the elbows, knees, fingers. Their character is benign, the color varies from light yellow to black. The diameter of dense to the touch formations reaches 10 mm.

Later, the body is "adorned" with papillomas - another type of formation. Soft to the touch, they are attached to the skin with a thin stem or base. Their color is not much of the surrounding skin, but sometimes the growths are dark brown.

A favorite place for papillomas are:

  • face;
  • genitals;
  • armpit area.

In men, the human papillomavirus can infect any area of ​​the penis (glans, frenulum, etc.). Rarely, HPV affects the urethra. Infection leads to difficulty urinating and causes discomfort.

If the papillomavirus affects women, characteristic neoplasms form on the mucous membranes of the external genital organs. Occasionally they are found on the skin of the labia majora, and on the oral mucosa. A harmful virus can affect the cervix, anus, urethra and.

The danger of neoplasms for human health lies in their possible degeneration into malignant tumors. They cause complexes in a person and spoil the appearance of the body. Experts recommend removing them after the examination.

Methods for diagnosing HPV

Diagnosis of papillomavirus infection is carried out during a gynecological examination or by passing special tests for the human papillomavirus.

To differentiate neoplasms from other pathologies, specialists resort to the following methods:

  • biopsy;
  • colposcopy.

With PCR diagnostics, doctors receive quantitative analyzes for each type of virus. This technique is good and the ability to determine the number of copies of HPV DNA in the material taken. Together, this allows doctors to accurately determine the severity of the disease and make predictions.

Taking material for research occurs in the form of scraping from the urethra or cervix. On the eve of the test, a person must stop having sex, taking alcoholic beverages and antiviral drugs. Any therapeutic procedures on the genitals are also canceled for the time being. Before the day of taking samples for analysis, you should not wash yourself, and a few hours before the manipulation - urinate.

In the Invitro laboratory, human papillomavirus analysis is performed using a colposcope.

This particular microscope makes it easier to study. By increasing the area, the doctor can examine the individual elements, each of which has its own loop-shaped capillary. Before examination, condylomas are lubricated with a solution of acetic acid, which leads to capillary spasm and a change in the color of the growths to pearl white. Before acid treatment, the affected uterine cervix is ​​a large pink spot, and the staining clearly highlights the papillomas.


The human papillomavirus affects at least almost all the inhabitants of the planet. And as a result of its exposure, on the skin, mucous membrane or internal organs, one can observe benign tumors- papillomas.

Condylomas and warts are neoplasms that appear on the body as a result of infection with papillomavirus.

But the question arises:is papilloma contagiousand for whom, if so?

Some varieties of the virus, if left untreated, can turn into oncology. People in the medical field have long known that HPVsexually transmitted. But How is the human papillomavirus transmitted? more? Is it possible to get infectedvirus in infancy and how to behave so as not to get sick HPV? Every resident of the country, regardless of age and gender, should know the answers to these questions.

What is papillomatosis and what is its danger?

It is believed that HPV can be transmitted through butchered meat or fish, but such cases are extremely rare.

So what is a viruspapillomas, how is it transmitted, how it is treated and how to avoid infection?Human papillomavirusthe second most common infection sexually transmitted from person to person. In the first place is herpes. The papillomavirus occurs so often that absolutely anyone can get infected with HPV , neglecting simple rules hygiene. Female representatives are most susceptible to the virus, but the infection also causes a lot of inconvenience to men.

Often papillomas on the bodypose a real threat to healthy body. This can be explained by the fact that the virus has more than 100 strains, some of which are oncogenic, that is, capable of leading to the development of a cancerous tumor.

Types 16 and 18 are considered the most dangerous, and 35, 45, 39 and some other types also pose a serious threat to the body.

But even non-oncogenic strains of the virus cause a lot of inconvenience to an infected person, because as a result HPV infection , unpleasant growths form on the body, which have an unaesthetic appearance. All this significantly lowers the patient's self-esteem, makes him insecure and distant, but is contagious this virus for others?

Human papillomavirus for womendangerous because in advanced form it leads to the development of cervical cancer. And for men, the virus is practically not dangerous, since they are usually passive carriers of the infection, infecting the surrounding people with it. But in advanced situations, HPV in men leads to cancer of the genital organs. In order to avoid infection with papillomavirus, you need to know aboutHow can you get infected with the human papillomavirusto avoid such situations.

Ways of transmission of HPV

It is easy to get infected with the human papillomavirus because the virus can easily be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person. Many people who have encountered this problem are concerned about the question:How can you get papilloma? There are 4 main ways of transmission of infection:

  • through sexual relationships;
  • contact-household way;
  • from mother to child;
  • self-infection.

Consider the listedmethods of infectionvirus separately.

HPV transmission through sexual contact

The genital papilloma virus may be in a latent state; it is impossible to determine from which partner the infection came.

In most casespapillomas are transmittedthrough sexual contact. The infection enters the body through open areas of the genital organs, so contraceptives do not always provide the necessary protection. Transmission of the virus occurs regardless of the type of sexual intercourse, traditional sex, or oral, anal. After infection, benign tumors - papillomas - form on the genitals. In this regard, the question is:Does a condom protect against HPV?? No, still 100% protect the body from the penetration of the virus, he will not be able to.

In cases of transmission of the virus through non-traditional sex, growths may appear near the anus or in the oral cavity. Sometimes the infection can even be transmitted through a kiss or mutual caresses of the genitals. After the virus enters the mucous membrane, it quickly enters the body through small lesions. HPV transmission usually occursfrom man to womanand, in rare cases, vice versa. Big risk homosexuals, in particular passive ones, are infected with the papilloma virus. Knowinghow is HPV transmitted, you can protect yourself by living a sexual life with one permanent partner.

Contact-household transmission of HPV

In addition to sexual contact, HPV is also transmitted by household although such cases are rare. Contacting infected a person, there is a chance of getting infected, especially when shaking hands. The virus may be in saliva , urine, sweat. Therefore, if kiss on the cheek of a person, you can infect him. And even in public transport By holding the handrail on which the virus is located, and then touching the eyes, face, or any other part of the body, you can become infected with HPV. But infection HPV in this way occurs quite rarely, since the papillomavirus cannot exist for a long time outside the human body.

Very often infected virus in the pool, bath. Also not rare cases infection in healthcare facilities beauty salons. This can happen when a doctor examines patients without gloves. The risk of HPV infection is especially increased if there are various injuries, cuts, scratches on the body.

It is necessary to monitor hand hygiene, do not sit down to eat without washing them, and also do not use other people's hygiene products: towels, soap, washcloths. This is the only way to reduce the risk of infection in public places.

Transmission of HPV from mother to child

Having HPV in a mother does not increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm birth.

Many women who have HPV in their body, I wonderAre papillomas contagious?for the fetus? passing through infected birth canal, newborn pick up virus. Infection in this way leads to the appearance of papillomas on the respiratory organs. And papillomatosis of the larynx makes breathing difficult and can lead to suffocation of the child. Sometimes a virus can be transmitted during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Some resort in such cases to a caesarean section. But even so, the child can become infected. Therefore, caesarean section is recommended for extreme cases or if the mother has a large number of papillomas on the genitals. HPV is not inherited if the family has HPV carrier , then he is able to infect the rest of the household. Therefore, being a latent carrier of the virus, one should think abouthow not to infect your partner.

HPV self-infection

There is a possibility get infected virus on its own while shaving, cutting nails or epilating. And children who constantly peel off warts can transfer the already existing virus to healthy areas of the skin, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.

Is the human papillomavirus transmitted?airborne? This happens very rarely, but it does happen.

For example, when medical personnel become infected during an operation on a patient with HPV. But this rarely happens.

Who is at risk for HPV infection

After infection, the virus initially does not manifest itself in any way. Papillomavirus can be in the body in a latent state for a long time, from several weeks to 20 years. The infection is activated when there are favorable factors for this. This factor is usually considered reduced immunity who is no longer able to fight the virus. To others factors provoking the development of the virus include:

  • constant stressful situations;
  • Availability bad habits;
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

People who are most susceptible to HPV are:

  • often change sexual partners;
  • live in a place with low level economy;
  • give birth at an early age;
  • had abortions;
  • socially unadapted;
  • prefer non-traditional types sex.

Women get infected HPV during sexual contact, even in the first sexual experience. You can determine the presence of a virus in the body at a scheduled examination by a gynecologist, so it is not recommended to postpone going to the clinic for later.

Men are often infectedpapillomavirus, but it is more difficult to find out about this, since the infection remains in a latent state for a long time, andpapillomas on the body do not appear.

That is, it often happens that a man is a hidden carrier and carrier of the virus, although he does not even know it. But knowinghow is human papillomavirus transmittedwhat is papillomatosis a person like get rid of it, you can protect yourself from infection. Therefore, you only need to enter protected sexual contact and sexual relations with only one verified partner.

On earth, about 80% of the population is infected with human papillomavirus. Since not only harmless papillomas, but also genital warts, as well as outgrowths that can malignantly degenerate, can appear on the body due to HPV infection, it is very important to know how HPV is transmitted. Perhaps this knowledge will help someone avoid infection and protect themselves from such dangerous diseases as cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, penis, and even the breast. In our article we will talk about HPV: how it is transmitted, risk factors and prevention measures.

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted?

To begin with, it is worth saying that papilloma is transmitted through the epidermis and saliva. At the same time, the infection may not make itself felt for some time and manifest itself in the formation of genital warts and papillomas only with a decrease in immunity. If we talk about how the papillomavirus is transmitted, then the likelihood of infection is significantly increased if there are damage, scratches and abrasions on the skin.

Attention! Many people are interested in whether papilloma is inherited. The answer is no. Just when one of the family members is infected, the papilloma virus is transmitted at home or from mother to baby during childbirth.

The following ways of transmission of a viral infection from person to person are known:

  1. It is transmitted by everyday means, that is, through touch, common household items, clothing. Transmission of infection can occur through kissing.
  2. If a person has genital papillomas, transmission could have occurred sexually, that is, during unprotected sex.
  3. Self-infection is possible with shaving, epilation and other skin lesions. Since papilloma is contagious to surrounding healthy skin cells, the person himself can transfer the virus from diseased areas of the body to healthy ones.
  4. The vertical way of infection is the transmission of infection from mother to child during birth.
  5. Much less often, infection occurs through transfusion. donated blood, during the surgical removal of neoplasms caused by HPV. Also, infection is not excluded in beauty salons, manicure rooms, baths, saunas and pools, where asepsis rules are neglected.

If we talk about how you can get infected with papilloma, then in 70% of cases of sexual infection, the culprit is a man. In the presence of an epithelial neoplasm on the lips or genitals, the probability of infection is almost 90%. It is also worth considering that the presence of a condom, although it reduces the risk of infection, still does not guarantee 100% protection, since HPV can penetrate through microtraumas on the skin of the hands and other parts of the body. Moreover, warts can be localized in the groin or on the pubic part, where a condom will not protect against direct contact with a partner.

Important! If one of the partners is a carrier of the virus, but he does not have papillomas, warts or genital warts, the risk of infection of the second partner is significantly reduced.

If you list the ways how a newborn can become infected with papillomavirus, then infection during the prenatal period is unlikely, since the virus does not penetrate the bloodstream and the fetus is reliably protected by amniotic fluid, bladder and placenta. However, in medical practice there have been rare cases of intrauterine infection with damage to the placenta and fetal bladder.

It is important for women planning a pregnancy to know whether the father of the child is contagious and whether he can pass the infection to the expectant mother, since genital warts that appear during pregnancy are dangerous for the child. In case of infection of the baby during childbirth, there is a threat of papillomatosis of the larynx and subsequent suffocation. Since the infection is transmitted through saliva, it is important to take into account the presence of papillomas, condylomas and warts in a man at the mouth and on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, because a woman can be infected with oral caresses.

If one of the family members has papilloma, how it is transmitted in everyday life, it is important for all households to know:

  • through common bed linen, towels, soap, cosmetics and a washcloth, the virus can penetrate into microtraumas on the skin;
  • infection through saliva is possible when using one toothbrush or dishes;
  • contamination through clothing is not excluded.

Risk factors

We figured out how you can get infected with the human papillomavirus, but it is equally important to know not only the ways of HPV transmission, but also the risk factors for infection with papillomavirus. So, human papillomavirus is much easier to penetrate the skin and mucous membranes against the background of the following provoking factors:

  1. In men, children and women, infection is most likely against the background of reduced immunity. This can be facilitated by a common cold or sore throat.
  2. The risk of contracting HPV increases when the intestinal or vaginal microflora is disturbed. In the first case, general immunity suffers, in the second case, local defensive forces organism, and increases the likelihood of sexually transmitted infection.
  3. Sexual routes of infection are more likely to become the cause of infection against the background of other sexually transmitted diseases(syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.).
  4. Any methods of transmission can be potentially dangerous for a person against the background of an exacerbation of a chronic illness, when the body is weakened by the disease.
  5. There is no doubt whether papillomas are contagious. The virus can easily penetrate from the carrier into the cell healthy person, if his defenses are weakened by stress, loss of strength, overwork or depression.

Important! Any viruses are more easily transmitted to men and women who have bad habits (smoking, alcohol). The risk of infection is also significantly increased in women taking combined contraceptives.

Predisposing factors for sexual transmission of the virus are following states and diseases:

  • earlier onset of sexual activity;
  • prostitution;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • venereal diseases in history;
  • age over 35;
  • pathology of the cervix;
  • immunodeficiency states.


We figured out how the human papillomavirus is transmitted (women, men and children), now it remains to consider preventive measures. It should be said right away that the most effective method How not to get infected is preventive vaccination. To date, two types of vaccines against this infection are known - these are Gardasil and the drug Cervarix. They protect against the most dangerous oncogenic strains of a viral infection. However, the high effectiveness of such protection is observed only when vaccinated at an early age, before sexual activity or before infection with one of the HPV strains.

As for other methods of prevention, no one canceled the rules of hygiene, the use of a condom, a selective sex life and the rejection of bad habits. It is useful to maintain the strength of the immune system: eat right, harden, play sports, walk on fresh air, periodically drink vitamins.

The probability of the presence of human papillomavirus infection in the body of each person exceeds 50%. Knowing how HPV is transmitted can help you take effective preventive measures against infection.

HPV classification

Today, few people know whether the human papillomavirus is contagious. Given the high infection rate of the population (70-80%), it is easy to give a positive answer. However, not all strains of the virus are equally dangerous to humans. Experts divided the known types of viruses into several groups depending on the degree of risk of developing oncological pathologies:

  • high-risk oncogenic viruses,
  • oncogenic medium risk,
  • oncogenic low risk,
  • non-oncogenic.

Types of skin growths in papillomavirus infection

Clinical manifestation HPV - the formation of growths on the skin. Depending on location and external characteristics this is:

  • warts (hardened growths mainly on the face, arms and legs);
  • papillomas (softer skin neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes);
  • flat and genital warts (a type of papillomas in the anogenital region).

It is necessary to pay close attention to such symptoms of the manifestation of infection. All growths are contagious because they are the focus of infection.

How is papillomavirus transmitted?

The main ways of HPV infection are known:

  • contact-household (with a kiss, handshake, use of common hygiene items);
  • sexual (with intimacy);
  • parenteral, through the blood (with the infusion of donor blood);
  • vertical way (from mother to child during childbirth);
  • self-infection (when shaving, epilation).

The virus is not inherited.

There have been isolated cases of infection of medical staff by airborne droplets during excision of growths, but how papilloma is transmitted in such a situation is still being investigated.

The use of poorly sterilized instruments in a medical or cosmetic establishment (dentistry, nail salon) is also dangerous.

Contact household way

get infected HPV household way you can from your loved ones. If someone in the family has skin growths, he is a carrier of the infection. Therefore, it is important not only to treat the sick person, but also to take preventive measures in relation to other family members: use separate funds personal hygiene (towels, toothbrushes, razors), do not spare dishwashing detergents.

Some people have no idea how you can get papilloma from a sick person through a kiss. Very simple. In the presence of warts on the oral mucosa, the human papillomavirus is transmitted through the saliva of an infected person.

To contact-household way HPV transmission refers to infection while visiting public places. While in the pool, sauna, gym or public bathroom, try to protect yourself as much as possible - do not use other people's towels, rugs. It is possible to become infected with papillomavirus even when shaking hands with a sick person, especially if there are untreated wounds or scratches on the hands. They provide unhindered access to the virus to the cells.

sexual way

The chance of transmission of the human papillomavirus during sexual intercourse is very high. HPV belongs to the group of genital STIs (sexually transmitted infections). Moreover, a condom does not fully protect against HPV infection, because the foci of infection may be outside the closed area. And yet, doctors strongly recommend practicing safe sex, which significantly reduces the possibility of contracting the human papillomavirus and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Infected with the human papillomavirus and during unprotected anal sex: inner surface the rectum is easily injured, which opens up the possibility for the penetration of the virus. The result will be the appearance of anal warts.

HPV is also transmitted through oral sex, resulting in warts in the mouth and larynx.

Until recently, it was believed that the virus was mainly transmitted from a man to a woman, but this is not so. The carrier of the virus is identified incorrectly by its belonging to certain sex, as in the style of sexual life.

For infection with the human papillomavirus, one contact with an infected person is enough.

Through the blood

HPV is transmitted parenterally. In medical practice, there have been cases of infection with papillomavirus during blood transfusion. But since the human papillomavirus primarily infects epithelial cells, and even a blood test for HPV is considered by physicians to be of little information, it can be assumed that in these cases the infection occurred more likely from a poorly sterilized instrument. Although the possibility of transmission through the blood is not excluded.

vertical path

How is papilloma transmitted to children? There is a vertical route of infection when the virus is transmitted to the baby during childbirth. If a woman has warts on her cervix, they will not only complicate childbirth due to their injury and bleeding, but will also cause reinfection female body and infect the child. The infection will manifest itself in the form of neoplasms in the oral cavity and nasopharynx of the baby, which will lead to difficulty breathing and problems during feeding. Such neoplasms must be removed.

If cervical warts cannot be removed before the baby is born, gynecologists recommend C-section. This approach reduces the risk of infection of the baby, but does not guarantee 100% safety.


Human papillomavirus infection also occurs by self-infection. Most often this happens during shaving or epilation, when, as a result of microtrauma, the cells become vulnerable to the virus. This especially happens when existing growths are damaged, which are foci of infection. Transmission of papillomavirus through the blood is unlikely.

Are papillomas and warts contagious when touched?

Untreated wounds, scratches, all kinds of damage epithelial tissue How can you get infected with the human papillomavirus. Any, since this is where the infection lives and multiplies. But from person to person, papillomas are transmitted only if the body of the second “lets in” the virus to itself. The risk of infection increases when “doors” open on the body - a violation of the integrity of the skin or a decrease in immunity, as a result of which the skin becomes unable to fulfill its protective function.

When the infection appears

Time period after infection to onset clinical picture called the incubation period. The virus reveals itself after a few weeks, months or even years. The duration of this period depends on the state of health of the person after the infection has occurred. Strong the immune system prevents the development of the virus, so that the disease may never manifest itself.

If the body is no longer able to fight, growths will appear on the skin and mucous membranes caused by HPV activation.

Do I need to take tests and which ones?

To prescribe effective HPV treatment, it is necessary to pass tests. Diagnosis of papillomavirus is carried out using:

  • biopsy - sampling of cells or tissues for cytological or histological studies;
  • colposcopy - examination of the female genital organs using special device;
  • PCR - a high-precision method that determines the strain of the virus and allows predicting the development of oncology;
  • additional tests to detect other STIs.

Should both partners be treated?

Mostly papilloma is transmitted sexually. The question of whether it is possible not to become infected with HPV again if only one partner has been treated is highly doubtful. The course of treatment for HPV doctors advise to go together.

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