A ball jumped up on the labia and hurts. Genital warts - HPV. Typical symptoms of bartholinitis

Neoplasms on the labia are problems of the intimate area that worries every woman. If a bump appears on the labia, it is important to immediately seek help from a doctor. First, it is important to determine the factors contributing to its occurrence, which will help prescribe the correct treatment.

Why do formations appear?

The skin in the genital area is characterized by increased thinness, each damage must be treated carefully, and it is advisable to do everything to prevent it. To do this, you need to know the causes of cones. They can be described as follows:

  • local irritation;
  • bartholinitis;
  • blockage of the duct of the sebaceous gland;
  • inflammation of the hair follicle.

The hair root and surrounding area can become inflamed due to shaving, which can cause the hair to grow into the skin. Irritation occurs due to improper hygiene, poor quality underwear. If an infection occurs at the same time, the risk of a bump is very high, and it can be painful when probed.

A bump in the form of an accumulation of fat appears as a result of blockage of the duct of the sebaceous gland. This is due to the accumulation of skin fat in it. The functions of the gland may be impaired due to the use of certain hygiene products. The cause may be dry skin. These two factors lead to narrowing of the pores. This disrupts the function of the gland, accumulates fat and clogs the duct. Such a bump usually does not cause pain, but with strong pressure, the contents may flow out of it. Basically, such a lump is formed on the labia majora.

A cyst of the gland in the intimate area can also appear in the form of seals. At the same time, they are located, as it were, inside the lip near the vagina. The cause of bartholinitis is various pathogens, for example, Trichomonas, Escherichia coli. If a inflammatory process does not go away on its own, pus accumulates, the cyst becomes larger. Then the bump causes pain, even when walking, not to mention cycling, physical activity.

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Formations can appear during pregnancy. This indicates that an infection has appeared in the urethra or vagina, the immunity of the expectant mother has failed. Bartholinitis during this special period is dangerous for the baby in the womb, it can cause a miscarriage. It is very important to identify the pathogen as early as possible. The fact is that some pathogens cause various pathological processes in a child and negatively affect the process of its intrauterine development. The gestational age at which seals on the labia were found matters. If this happens before 13 weeks, the baby may die.

Associated symptoms

Yes, in addition to the bumps themselves, a person may feel other symptoms, because the presence of pus causes the following manifestations:

  • pain, tingling and burning in the intimate area (pain may radiate to the anus);
  • fever;
  • chills.

It is not difficult to identify a bump on the labia. A small seal becomes noticeable quite quickly, especially if you regularly examine the intimate area. If you touch this place, you get the feeling that under the skin there is something like a bean. The bump may be red at first. Over time, the color changes to blue. Education feels hot to the touch.


As soon as bumps on the labia began to be felt, you should immediately consult a doctor. He prescribes treatment only after a complete examination. To begin with, he conducts a standard examination of the labia. Vaginal discharge is taken from the patient for microbiological examination, which helps to determine the presence and type of pathogens. Laboratory tests help determine the cause of the disease.

Women feel extremely uncomfortable in this state, it can interfere with a full sexual life. But much worse is that neoplasms can pose a health hazard.

No need to self-medicate. Some women are embarrassed to go to the doctor with such a problem, while others simply do not want to spend time on this and prefer to be treated with home methods. It is important to remember that it is necessary to identify the causes of the disease, otherwise the treatment will be useless, and the condition sometimes worsens. In some cases, the bumps can grow so large that it will be difficult for a woman to move around. In these cases, surgery is required, because it is necessary to open and remove the abscess. Some people think that the abscess will eventually open itself. In this case, there is no certainty that another formation will not appear. Opening an abscess on your own can lead to other problems. In no case should you remove the bump with your own hands!

Still, there is good news: if the bump is a consequence of inflammation of the hair root, no special treatment is required. Of course, some means will need to be used, for example, local anesthetics. But even they should be prescribed by a doctor only after examination and finding out the exact cause.

But if the ducts of the sebaceous gland are clogged, the treatment should be thorough. The surgeon is doing it. Most often, he decides to remove the bump before the moment when it breaks on its own. This can be achieved even with the help of special ointments.

Symptoms such as fever, chills and others will persist until the abscess opens. To get rid of the abscess, the doctor performs the following actions:

  • opening of an abscess;
  • drainage;
  • treatment with antibacterial agents;
  • removal of the Bartholin's gland, if necessary.

After that, the doctor advises to do antibacterial baths. It is important to follow all his recommendations exactly. A bump on the labia minora is sometimes a sign of a sexually transmitted disease, then the treatment is more serious. In any case, if any seals are found on the labia, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the cause, so that the treatment is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms.

Is it possible to treat bumps on the labia with folk methods? In our age, the trust of many people in medicines is falling. Such patients decide to treat any diseases only with folk methods. Any doctor will say that this is not an option. Alternative methods of treatment can only be an addition to medical methods. Perhaps the doctor himself will recommend doing some lotions, compresses, baths. You should consult with your doctor about the introduction of new folk methods.

If left untreated, any disease becomes chronic and torments a person for life. Bumps will continue to appear if a woman catches a cold, catches a virus, or simply becomes cold. If her immunity decreases, then during the next menstruation, seals and pains of the Bartholin gland will reappear. A woman will face unpleasant and painful sensations during sexual intercourse.


It is best to avoid the appearance of bumps on the labia. Based on the reasons, we can give some useful recommendations.

  • You should buy and wear underwear made of quality materials. Plus, it has to be comfortable!
  • Do not neglect hygiene in the intimate area, especially during menstruation!
  • It is better to refuse depilation in the intimate area or it must be done very carefully and with high-quality, clean tools.
  • It is important to treat any infectious diseases caused by various pathogens in time.

Various formations on the large and small labia can occur due to a huge number of reasons. The etiology of the appearance can be infectious, neoplastic, allergic or associated with external stimuli. Some of the neoplasms on the labia can go away on their own, some require some treatment, and some are a sign of a dangerous sexually transmitted disease. Since the tactics of treatment will depend on the cause of acne, it is worth classifying them depending on the etiology.

  1. Violation of personal hygiene. Pimples on the small and large labia may appear due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Girls can neglect the shower, do not change pads or tampons in time, which naturally leads to irritation, and then the appearance of pimples. Also, the reason that acne jumped on the labia may be synthetic panties, due to which the skin is not sufficiently ventilated. By the way, all of the above leads to excessive reproduction of the bacterial fauna, which can cause inflammation.
  2. Hypothermia. The female reproductive organs are very sensitive to low temperatures. Even a slight hypothermia leads to the appearance of a large pimple on the labia. Pimples are characterized by severe constant itching, very hard and do not hurt. It is important to know that such seals are easily infected with the formation of a secondary infection.
  3. Blockage of pores. Clogged sebaceous glands lead to the appearance of a bump inside the labia, which is characterized by painlessness, high density and does not bring discomfort. Such a morphological element is called a tubercle and it does not require special treatment, however, it should be carefully observed in dynamics so that it does not turn into, for example, into.
  4. Injuries. Damage to the skin in the genital area can be different. For example, poor-quality epilation can lead to ingrown hairs into the skin and the appearance of white pimples on the labia. In such situations, pimples on the labia minora will hurt and suppurate. A completely different kind of damage occurs with blows, bruises, after abortions, and similar factors. In these situations, hematomas of the labia occur, which look like blue-burgundy formations that are painful on palpation. Hematoma of the labia often requires emergency medical care, since, in fact, it is internal bleeding, and the genitals are famous for a dense network of blood vessels.

Pathologies of a non-infectious nature

  • Tumor formations. A bump on the inner labia is an alarming sign and is often of oncological origin. And although tumors on the genital organs are most often benign, you should not treat them with disdain.

Among benign neoplasms on the labia, there are:

  • Myoma (located in the form of a ball inside the labia);
  • Fibromyoma (a lump inside the labia majora, formed by muscle tissue);
  • Lipoma (a small nodule or several nodules located near the vulva);
  • Hydradenoma (rare and also looks like a nodule).

A seal on the labia minora or labia majora in the form of a large node or tubercle is most often a malignant formation that requires immediate medical attention.

  • Nerve strain. Albeit rarely, but pimples on labia minora may appear due to frequent stress and tension. Rashes resemble allergic or caused by mechanical factors.

Infections leading to the appearance of seals in the labia

  1. HPV. The human papillomavirus enters the body with a decrease in immunity and is transmitted sexually. There are several types of HPV. Some are papillomas in the form of papillary skin growths, which are considered a precancerous condition. And the latter cause the appearance of warts on the labia, photos of which can be viewed on the Internet. They look like cauliflower and can also lead to cervical cancer. They grow quickly and appear at the same time. There are cases when they disappeared themselves, falling away. However, in most cases, only surgical treatment will help get rid of them.
  2. Bartholinitis. Bartholin's glands are located near the entrance to the vagina and can become inflamed due to blockage of the ducts. The symptomatology of the disease appears gradually and a characteristic sign of the pathology is a seal on the labia majora, which develops only a couple of weeks after the onset of inflammation. Tubercles when wearing tight underwear cause discomfort and pain, and later swelling appears on the labia. During the disease in the perineum, pain and burning are noted. Sometimes the development of the disease ends with suppuration, but, fortunately, this rarely happens. This pathology does not involve complex therapy, however, it is impossible not to treat bartholinitis at all, since it can develop into a recurrent form, and subsequently turn into a cyst.
  3. Syphilis. A serious sexually transmitted disease, which in the primary period is characterized by the appearance of a hard chancre (that is, an ulcer in the area where the pathogen enters). If the ulcer develops into an internal pimple on the labia, then the disease has passed into the secondary period, affecting more and more organs and body systems. Pimples on the labia with syphilis can be of various types and sizes. They can be ordinary papules, or they can be purulent formations. Most often there will be pimples. There will be no subjective manifestations in the form of burning or itching in patients with syphilis, however, such rashes should not be ignored. It is useless to try to bring them out at home, since syphilis is treated only with special drugs, and the sooner you start therapy, the less consequences will remain after this disease.
  4. Candidiasis. The second name of the disease is thrush. The main symptoms of this pathology will be white vaginal discharge, as well as subjective sensations in the form of itching. However, in rare cases a pimple can form on the labia majora, either one or several. The formations are large and painless. Treatment can only be a special, prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Genital herpes. The main problem of all types of herpes is that it is incurable. Fortunately, its manifestations occur only during periods of reduced immunity. A herpetic rash is a small, watery pimple in the vaginal area that is itchy and very painful. After a while, the pimples burst, forming painful ulcers. The treatment of rashes is carried out using a special drug that suppresses the herpes virus, however, the therapy is completely symptomatic, since the pathogenic agent will still remain inside the body.

  • Pimples that have arisen as a result of non-compliance with personal hygiene rules or other external factors do not require specific therapy. It is enough to remove the irritant, and the rash will go away by itself. However, to reduce itching and burning, if any, antiseptic ointments and tinctures can be used. You can also use drying agents - zinc ointment or baby powder. Even baby diaper cream can alleviate the condition.
  • Hematomas, if the general condition of the woman is normal, are treated with the application of cold. However, it should be remembered that any deterioration in the general condition of the girl or the growth of a hematoma requires immediate medical attention.
  • Due to nervous tension, in addition to soothing ointments, you should pay attention to the general condition of the body, the normalization of which will immediately lead to the disappearance of pimples.
  • Tumor-like asymptomatic balls inside the labia require an appointment with a gynecologist, and then, most likely, a visit to an oncologist.
  • There are a number of signs (they are inherent mainly in the formations of an infectious nature), the appearance of which requires an immediate visit to the gynecologist:

If within a week or two the rash does not disappear, and even more so, it worsens, then contacting a gynecologist becomes a matter of prime necessity. Home treatment helps only with ordinary irritations, but not with serious pathologies.

  1. The rapid growth of the rash;
  2. An ulcer that turned into a pimple and vice versa;
  3. swelling of the genital organs;
  4. watery pimples;
  5. An increase in many groups of lymph nodes and fever.

As it becomes clear from the above, seals on the labia minora and labia majora are most often an unfavorable sign.

The genitals require special care, more delicate and careful than the rest of the body. Any changes cause pain and discomfort, since the mucous membrane is much softer than the skin.

The appearance of a bump can be a symptom of a serious pathology that requires immediate intervention, or indicate a violation in the body.

It is not worth ignoring the appearance of such a symptom, it is necessary to identify the cause in a timely manner and take measures to get rid of the disease.

Causes of bumps on the labia

Occurrence bumps on labia occurs when the Bartholin gland is blocked, as a result of which it occurs.

The disease occurs only in sexually mature females in whom this gland is fully developed. There are many reasons that can cause the onset of the disease. It is important to identify the pathogen in a timely manner and prevent the situation from worsening.

Domestic causes of bumps

A bump can be the result of improper hygiene or other household causes. In the absence of diseases, it can occur due to reduced immunity in the following situations:

  • the use of someone else's towel, a rare change of underwear;
  • insufficiently frequent and thorough care of the intimate area using special tools;
  • wearing tight underwear, synthetic clothing, "thongs";

In these cases, inflammation of the gland occurs, due to a decrease in immunity or the ingress of microorganisms, which causes the appearance of bumps on the labia. Ignoring the symptoms can only aggravate the situation, therefore, if it is necessary to eliminate the possible domestic causes of its appearance.

The influence of sexual life on the appearance of bumps

Sexual activity can also cause bumps on the labia. The gland can become inflamed under the influence of the following factors:

  • , promiscuity in sexual relations.
  • frequent sexual intercourse without the use of additional lubrication (if there is a shortage of it);
  • , which was transmitted during sexual intercourse;
  • oral sex without observing the rules of personal hygiene of the partner.

Normal sexual intercourse is not capable of causing disease if the rules of hygiene are followed and there is confidence in the health of the partner. Lack of lubrication in rare cases causes bumps on the lip, as this should be preceded by serious discomfort during intercourse.

Bump as a result of epilation and other hair removal options

After unsuccessful hair removal, you can also get a bump in the intimate area. Especially often this occurs during epilation, less often - during shaving. When using the machine, the cause may be inaccurate shaving, leading to tissue injury. An infection or other microorganisms can enter the damaged area, causing inflammation and suppuration, blockage of the channel and the appearance of a bump. Avoiding this is not difficult - it is important to immediately treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide and avoid dirt.

When epilating, the likelihood of bartonilitis is much higher. It appears for the reason that the pulling of hairs occurs with the root and against growth. In the future, new ones, causing blockage of the channel. The hair follicle begins to become inflamed, pus forms under the skin, causing the appearance of a painful bump. To prevent this situation, cosmetologists recommend using a scrub in the process of hair regrowth after epilation.

Diseases and infections dangerous to health in general

Bartonilite is usually divided into two types:

  • acute form, in which there are severe pain and fever;
  • chronic form, in which severe symptoms are replaced by a sluggish course of the disease.

Bartonilitis includes several types of diseases, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms. Depending on the severity, there are three types of bumps on the lip:

  1. Canaliculitis. In this situation, there is practically no pain, and the channel is not clogged and is able to remove the secret. The excretory duct of the gland is inflamed, which causes the appearance of a bump.
  2. False abscess is characterized by inflammation of the canal and accumulation a large number pus. Pain and discomfort appear, while the tissues remain intact.
  3. - the most severe form, in which the tissues of the gland become inflamed. In this case, the pain interferes with movement, constantly reminds of itself with a pulsation, in this case, the lump must be opened surgically in a hospital setting.

It is impossible to independently determine the stage of the disease, only with a true abscess it is difficult to confuse the disease with other options. Many other diseases can cause the disease, including:

  • infectious diseases;
  • staphylococcus, streptococcus, and other microorganisms and bacteria;
  • autoimmune disorders;

To get rid of the bump, you will need not only to open it and remove the pus, but also to cure the disease that caused the disease.

When should you not worry about a bump?

When bumps on the lip due to inaccurate shaving or epilation, a visit to a doctor is not necessary. You can solve the problem yourself, but it is better to consult a beautician.

To get rid of the bumps, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the surface of the mucosa and open the abscess, removing the ingrown hair and pus. After that, for several days you will have to carefully monitor the injured area, constantly maintaining cleanliness and sterility.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland and the appearance of a wen also often do not require treatment, but it is still worth identifying the cause of the bumps. Often, such formations pass on their own, but if pain and discomfort appear when walking, you should not hope for the absence of consequences, the symptom requires treatment.

How to determine the cause of the disease?

To determine the cause of the disease, which, upon external examination, will establish a presumptive diagnosis. It is necessary to identify the exact cause by going through the following studies:

  • vaginal smear for infectious diseases;
  • donate blood for the detection of sexually transmitted diseases.

Quiet studies are often enough to pinpoint the cause and prescribe a treatment that will help get rid of the formation quickly. If the bump is a wen or papilloma, the doctor will determine this even without tests, giving recommendations on how to eliminate the trouble.

Video about inflammation of the Bartholin glands

Is it possible to continue an intimate relationship with such a symptom?

Intimate relationships with bartonylitis are very specific, since sexual intercourse causes severe discomfort and even pain.

In the acute stages of the disease, it is possible to open the abscess during intercourse, which will cause the contents of the bump to enter the internal organs.

Wen and seals that have arisen due to inaccurate hair removal cannot interfere with intimate life, there are no prohibitions in this case.

Types and methods of treatment of cones

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of its course. In the acute stage, treatment necessarily includes taking antibiotics or their intramuscular administration to prevent the development of complications. In addition, at the initial stage of the disease, the following procedures are recommended:

  • applications in place of bumps with antiseptics;
  • sitz baths with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • applications with Levomekol or.

In addition, it is necessary to take drugs or vitamins to increase immunity, since the frequency of relapses depends on it. If necessary, painkillers are prescribed for oral or local action. Also needed drugs to restore the microflora of the vagina, which are used topically in the form of suppositories or capsules.

Seeing a doctor at the abscess stage involves surgery to remove the lump.

The operation is performed under anesthesia and involves opening the abscess, removing all contents and washing with an antibiotic solution. After the operation, complete rest is required, as well as constantly being in a comfortable temperature. In especially severe cases, the bump is removed along with the gland to stop the process of tissue infection.

Consequences of missing treatment

At the initial stage, bartonilitis is easy to cure without medical intervention, using available home remedies. If there is no treatment, the disease will not go away on its own. The abscess will grow, the inflammation will intensify, and eventually you will have to resort to surgical intervention.

Not treating the bump will not work at all - over time, the situation will worsen, causing serious discomfort, pain and making it difficult to move around. The disease is especially dangerous during the period of bearing a child, when spontaneous opening of the abscess can infect the fetus and cause premature birth or abortion.

In especially severe cases, the lack of therapy and the necessary surgical intervention can cause blood poisoning, threatening the life of a woman.

Prevention of the appearance of bumps on the labia

Every woman can prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to follow simple rules.

There are 5 main ways to avoid illness:

  1. Carefully monitor personal hygiene and the quality of underwear. Regular showering with special intimate hygiene products and wearing cotton underwear that does not press on the genitals can prevent the disease.
  2. Careful choice of a sexual partner, avoidance of promiscuity and adherence to the rules of contraception and hygiene.
  3. Regular visits to the gynecologist for examination and taking a smear from the vagina to ensure normal microflora.
  4. Annual blood donation for sexually transmitted diseases and timely treatment of identified ailments.
  5. The use of home methods of treatment at the first sign of the appearance of bumps on the lip.
  6. and keeping the problem area clean and dry.

The most important thing is to maintain immunity at a high level. Compliance with all the rules will allow you not to encounter unpleasant signs of the disease in the form of bumps and ensure the health of the genital organs.

VIDEO Lump on the labia: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Acne, bumps around or inside the vagina often bring discomfort and anxiety. Most women tend to believe that they are caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or more dangerous causes such as cancer. But there are many other possible causes that are harmless.


Pimples and bumps in the groin can form in groups or solitary manifestations, they can be small or large in size, painful or painless. Some of them look more like ulcers than bumps.

To better understand that you have a lump in your intimate area, below are the messages of two women from the forums:

“3 days ago I woke up with no bumps, but as the day progressed, the area of ​​skin to the left of the vagina became more and more sore. It wasn't until I got home that I decided to look at the disturbing area. There was a hard ball, the size of a pea, and you can push it a little. I thought it was a cyst, but could it have developed within 8 hours? I usually have some vaginal discharge, but it seems to have increased in the last few days. What could it be? I don't think it's an STD because I haven't seen the young man for a long time... so there was no sexual intercourse (he is my only partner). I'm concerned because the bump has come on suddenly and is painful when walking (when it rubs against underwear)." Grace11

“Can a pimple develop on the outer area near the vagina? I often have unprotected sex with my boyfriend, who I've been with for over three years, but I get tested every year and so far nothing has been revealed. Recently, during intercourse with penetration, I felt some discomfort ... not inside, but when touched on the outside. Then I found a bump that was painful to the touch and looked like a pimple. When I tried to press on her, the pain did not increase. She slowly passes. Should I be worried about herpes?" Anonymous

The reasons

Some of the causes of bumps and pimples are harmless, while others can potentially cause complications.

ingrown hair

If you frequently shave or wax your private area, ingrown hairs are one possible cause of genital pimples.

ingrown hair

An ingrown hair “forms when the pointed tip of a hair twists or grows sideways under the skin from a hair follicle.” This is not only a problem for women, it can also affect men.

To prevent them, proper hair removal techniques and procedures must be ensured, such as using a sharp razor, shaving in the direction of hair growth, using shaving gels or creams, choosing the optimal pubic hair removal, etc.

Ingrown hairs usually heal without treatment. However, sometimes a pimple that forms can become red, warm, painful, and irritated, especially if it is infected. In this case, medical attention may be needed, such as removing the ingrown hair and using antibiotics to fight the infection. A prescription can be obtained from a dermatologist.


The second possible cause of vaginal bumps is a cyst. These are "sac-like cones filled with liquid, air or other contents." Blocked glands, ducts, or injury are common causes of their formation.

Types of vaginal cysts

Common types of vaginal cysts include Mullerian duct, Gartner's duct, Bartholin's, and epidermal cysts (the most common type, which are small and occur on the underside of the vaginal walls).

Signs and symptoms

When cysts are not infected, they are usually painless, ball-like, movable to the touch, pimple-like, and under the skin. However, when they become infected, they often become swollen, tender, and filled with white or greyish pus that can be foul-smelling.


In most cases, cysts do not require any treatment. However, a biopsy may be recommended to make sure they are not cancerous. If infected, antibiotics may be needed.

Large cysts may require drainage by a gynecologist.

If there is pain, you should try the baths - sit in a basin filled with warm water just a few centimeters.


In addition to a Bartholin's gland abscess, which occurs when they open, become blocked, and become infected, STIs and other bacteria can also cause an abscess to the vagina and hence the formation of bumps, i.e. "an abscess may be the result of the entry of bacteria, including those that cause genital diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.

If the abscess is large (more than 1 centimeter), painful, enlarges, red spots appear, or pain spreads to the rectal or groin areas, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, home remedies such as warm compresses can be tried, but the abscess should not be punctured or squeezed out.

Acne (pimples)

Like any other part of the body where there are sebaceous glands and hair follicles, acne can also occur in the intimate area.

Common types of pimples that can occur on the body, including the genital area (eg, labia, inner thigh, pubis) include whiteheads, comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.

A pimple is a small papule or pustule that "occurs when the sebaceous glands at the base of hair follicles become overactive" and, along with dead skin cells, can clog pores. When this happens, a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive develops, and thus pimples or blackheads appear.

For some women, they tend to occur during menstruation, while for others they are cyclical, especially when associated with hormonal changes (during puberty and pregnancy).


Common causes of this problem include tight clothing, touching with dirty hands, hormonal changes, excessive sweating, certain medications, stress, polycystic ovary syndrome, and other external factors.


There are many prescription creams, lotions, serums, oral medications, or even injections that are often recommended once the cause of acne has been determined.

Common ones include benzoyl peroxide, retin-A, sulfur, azelaic acid, salicylic acid, resorcinol, isotretinoin, photodynamic therapy, oral antibiotics, oral contraceptives, light therapy, spironolactone, etc. It is worth asking your doctor for help in choosing the best treatment option.

home remedies

When treating acne in the intimate area, many choose home remedies such as neem, burdock, lavender essential oil, tea tree, calendula, comfrey ointment, bristly akalifa and others.

Since these remedies do not have scientific support, it is not possible to say whether they are effective or not. Some people claim they work miracles, others don't.

To relieve pain, you can try a warm compress. In addition, Epsom salt baths should be used and proper hygiene should be observed.

Precautions in treatment

Avoid using products intended to treat pimples or blackheads on other parts of the body, use only non-perfumed medicated antibacterial soaps, do not pop pimples, wear loose breathable clothing, especially natural fabric underwear, avoid pollution and maintain personal hygiene!


Another cause of bulging vaginal bumps and pimples is sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Most of these diseases have some other accompanying symptoms. Common STIs that can lead to bumps or blisters include the following:

This is the most common cause of ulcers, not just pimples in the groin. It is caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 or, less commonly, herpes simplex virus type 1, which affects both men and women. Manifestations in the form of watery pimples and ulcers often affect the buttocks, anus and mouth in women and men, the vaginal area, cervix and vulva in women, and the penis, urethra, scrotum in men.

Signs of herpes include pain, burning, and itching that occurs within 10 days of having sex with an infected partner, as well as "small red pimples or tiny, light-colored blisters that may appear a few days later." Ulcers form after the blisters rupture, ooze, and bleed, then scab (crust) as they begin to heal. Other symptoms may include body pain, increased vaginal discharge, swollen lymph nodes, and fever.

Genital herpes herpes type 2

There is no cure for genital herpes. However, antiviral drugs can be used to reduce the severity and frequency of its manifestation.

Genital warts - HPV

Genital warts are "small, fleshy growths, bumps, or skin changes that appear on or around the groin or anal area" caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). While most of the time they can be painless, sometimes these "growths cause pain, discomfort, and itching."

In some cases, HPV can lead to complications such as cancer of the cervix, vulva, penis, and rectum.

Once HPV enters the bloodstream, it cannot be cured. However, to reduce the appearance of genital warts, drugs such as podophyllin and podofilox, imiquimod, or trichloroacetic acid can be tried.

Visible genital warts that do not go away may require surgical removal as some types of HPV can lead to cancer. Finally, vaccination can be used to reduce the risk of human papillomavirus infection.

Syphilis at an early stage

During the primary stage of syphilis (approximately 21 days after infection, up to 90 days), syphilitic sores, often called chancres, can develop at the point of contact with the bacterium Treponema pallidum. They can occur in the mouth, lips, vagina, anus, rectum, penis, etc. Depending on where the bacterium entered the body from. Chancres may be solitary or occur in clusters.

They are usually round, painless, and hard to the touch, and stay on the skin for 3 to 6 weeks and may heal with or without treatment. But this does not mean that syphilis has passed if certain treatment has not been applied.

This disease is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi. It can cause "open sores, usually on the penis, rectum, and female genital organs, especially around the opening to the vagina, which may become pus-filled and painful," as well as swollen lymph nodes.

In addition, the sore is usually soft, painful, with well-defined boundaries, covered with a grayish or yellowish material, may bleed, and its diameter ranges from 0.3 to 5 centimeters.

Ulcers are usually located on the labia, inner thighs and the area between the genitals and anus, i.e. "four or more red bumps on the labia, between them and the anus, or on the thighs".

Treatment is with antibiotics, and if the lymph nodes are inflamed and become very enlarged, local surgery or a needle may be used to drain them.

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that causes growths or lesions in any area of ​​the body, and the genitals are no exception. Often it lasts for 6-12 months, in some cases it can stay longer.

The lesions are "small, raised, and usually white, pink, or flesh-colored with a dimple in the center." They are smooth, hard and have a slight indentation.

They can range in size from a pinhead to 2-5 mm, and are common on the neck, arms, legs, abdomen, and genital area, where they may be found in clusters or singly.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Shellfish treatment is generally recommended if the lesion is in the genital area (on or near the penis, vulva, vagina, or anus)."

Treatment is by physical removal using cryotherapy, laser therapy, or curettage. Oral cimetidine therapy is recommended if you are afraid of the pain and experience associated with cryotherapy, laser therapy, and curettage, especially in young children.

In addition, a cream containing podophyllotoxin can be used (if you are not pregnant or do not plan to become pregnant). Finally, a healthcare professional may recommend other oral therapies such as salicylic acid, iodine, tretinoin, cantharidin, and imiquimod.


Acrochordons (soft fibromas)

Acrochordons (soft fibromas) are harmless small, painless, and soft skin growths found in the armpits, neck, groin, eyelids, and under the breasts. Sometimes they can appear in the genital area, especially in the vulva or labia.

They occur when collagen clots and blood vessels enter thicker areas of the skin and are common in pregnant women, people with diabetes, people with HPV, those who use steroids, and those who are obese.

Since they are easily confused with genital warts, a gynecologist should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Treatment is by freezing, cauterizing, cutting, and tying with thread.


Any of the common types of eczema (eg, atopic, seborrheic, allergic, and irritant contact dermatitis) can affect the female genital area, causing a red, itchy rash and bumps on the vulva. Sweating, tight clothing, rubbing against the surface of the skin, soaps, shower gels, bath foams, talcum powder, wipes, deodorants, perfumes, antiseptics, and hemorrhoid preparations sometimes cause eczema in the intimate area.

To avoid further irritation, you should consult a doctor for treatment. Emollients and steroids are often used to reduce itching and irritation. Finally, anti-itch medications may also be recommended in severe cases.

Cancer of the vulva or skin

Skin cancer, especially cancer of the vulva, is a rare but likely cause of bumps. It is a slowly growing skin cancer, accounting for about 4% of all types of gynecological diseases. It affects many older women.


When caused by cancer, the bumps may change color, be larger than 5 mm, grow, have an uneven contour, and they may be asymmetrical. In addition, they may bleed after intercourse, accompanied by pain or burning.


If detected early, vulvar cancer can be cured, especially during the precancerous stages. Treatment is surgical, including laser and scalpel surgery, as well as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, "Angioma is a benign growth of small blood vessels" that can be located on any part of the body. Angiomas are usually dark red, purple, or bluish in color and do not bleed when squeezed.


There are various types of angioma, including cherry angioma, venous lake, and spider angioma, which can occur in the genital area.

They usually get worse with pregnancy. However, being non-cancerous, angiomas do not need treatment unless they bleed or cause discomfort. For treatment, fulguration (cauterization with a plasma), laser or liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery) are used.


At first, folliculitis may look like "little red bumps or white bumps around hair follicles - tiny pockets that hair grows out of." If ignored, it can spread and turn into crusty sores that won't heal.

Although this disease is not life-threatening, there may be pain, itching, discomfort, or a large, swollen bump. Severe recurring infections can lead to scarring and hair loss in the affected area.

Shaving, tight clothing, use of substances that block or irritate follicles, and HIV and diabetes can all increase the risk of this problem.

Folliculitis is treated with benzoyl and antibiotics. To speed up healing and soothe itching, try a warm salt compress.

A seal on the labia is a subcutaneous formation that looks like a nodule or tubercle. The formation of seals may be accompanied by pain, redness skin, swelling and the formation of an abscess with purulent discharge at the stage of neglect.

In most cases, a neoplasm of this type is benign, but having found a subcutaneous tubercle in the area of ​​the labia, one should not exclude the development of serious pathologies, an infectious lesion or a malignant tumor. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of the appearance of seals. In order to protect your health, you need to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Etiology of the disease

The following factors can provoke the appearance of subcutaneous neoplasms:

Only a doctor can identify the cause of the development of compaction and prescribe an appropriate treatment based on the data of the initial examination and palpation of the neoplasm, the collection of anamnesis and the results of complex laboratory studies.

Varieties of neoplasms

Depending on the localization of dense subcutaneous cones, the following types are distinguished:

Seals in the area of ​​the external labia

Most often, as the root cause of the formation of subcutaneous seals in the area of ​​the labia majora, inflammation of the Bartholin gland, which is localized before entering the vagina, is diagnosed. Its main purpose is the production of mucous secretions. If pathogenic pathogens penetrate the gland from the vagina or urethra, the inflammatory process begins and the excretory channels become clogged, causing the appearance . In contact with linen fabrics or even when walking, such a neoplasm is prone to injury. If you don't start on time competent treatment, the subcutaneous bump can bleed and fester, provoking the spread of infection into the blood and to the skin.

The development of seals in the region of the labia majora can be caused by microtraumas obtained when wearing tight clothing (damaged cell elements mixed with lymph and blood accumulate in tissues irritated by constant friction). Also, such a reaction is often provoked by non-compliance with the rules for caring for and cleansing the skin in the intimate area, fungal infection (thrush), weakened protective functions of the body and infection with pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonococci, Trichomonas, etc.). On the labia majora, a tumor neoplasm can be localized - fibroma or fibromyoma. Fibroma develops in the structure of connective tissue, while fibromyoma is formed by muscle fibers.

Dense subcutaneous formations on the small lip

The same factors that affect the tissues of the labia majora can provoke the development of compaction on the labia minora. In addition, bumps can appear due to friction of uncomfortable underwear with fabrics (for example, panties of the “thong” model). Also, such benign tumors as lipoma and hydroadenoma can be localized in this area. Lipoma has the appearance of a dense tubercle, formed from adipose tissue and located near the vulva. Neoplasm can be single or multiple. Lipoma is dangerous with complications such as swelling and hemorrhage. Hydroadenoma occurs due to the presence of individual pathologies of the functioning of the sweat glands, in particular their excessive activity. Such a tumor is palpable in the form of a single solid nodule, it can also be distributed throughout the skin of the labia. The danger of hydroadenoma is in its ability to degenerate into a malignant formation.

If the appearance of a seal in the area of ​​​​both large and small labia is accompanied by fetid secretions from the subcutaneous bump, we can talk about the formation of a malignant tumor. In order to prevent complications that threaten health and life, it is necessary to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Features of treatment

If the cause of the appearance of seals on the floor of the lips lies in the abnormal development of the organs of the genitourinary system or the neoplasm is diagnosed in a newborn child, an infectious or viral nature is excluded. In this case, drug therapy is not needed, it is enough to monitor the condition of the compaction and follow the rules of personal hygiene. If the formation has arisen as a result of an infectious lesion, an inflammatory process or a sexually transmitted disease, a course of treatment with antimicrobial, restorative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs is prescribed. The selection of medicines and the preparation of a scheme for their administration is carried out exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the nature of the pathology, its pathogenesis and the individual characteristics of the organism. Treatment of benign neoplasms is carried out by surgical intervention and subsequent restorative therapy.

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