How to calculate who will be born by the renewal of blood. Is it possible to calculate the conception of a child of a certain gender - a boy or a girl, by updating the blood of the parents

Many people in the modern world are accustomed to planning their future. The birth of a baby is no exception. Increasingly, future parents want to know in advance who will be born to them. One of the popular research methods is the calculation of the sex of the child according to How much can you trust this method? This is exactly what this article will tell you. You will learn how to calculate the sex of the child by updating the blood. You can also find out the features of this process.

Blood renewal

Normally, every person goes through this process. In addition to blood, mucous membranes and skin are also updated. does not require outside intervention. It happens on its own.

The terms of the described process are set individually for a man and a woman. For example, males undergo this procedure once every four years. Among girls and women, renewal occurs more often. Their blood is cleansed every three years.

Calculation of the sex of the child by updating the blood

The calculation can be done in two ways. The first involves dividing the age at which a person was at the time of conception by the desired number. The second one starts counting directly from the date of birth. However, it is less convenient. All due to the fact that during life many phenomena can occur that affect the period of blood renewal.

How to calculate the gender of the child by updating the blood? When using the first method, you need to find out the total number of years of the mother and divide the resulting number by three. Over the years, fathers do the same. However, the divisor in this case is four. The results obtained are compared. Whose blood turned out to be younger, the child of that sex will be born to this couple.

How to update the blood to calculate the sex of the child by another method? In this case, you take the year of the woman's birth and add 3 to it, then another 3, and so on until the moment of conception. Do the same with your father's age. Only in this case you need to add 4.

Calculation example

  • Option one. Mothers at the time of conception, for example, 26 years old. This number must be divided by 3. The result is 8.7. The age of the father at this moment is 27 years. Divide these years by 4 and get 6.8. Compare leftovers. The mother's blood is younger. Therefore, there will be a girl.
  • The second way. The woman was born in 1989. Her blood will be renewed in the following periods: 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. The man was born in 1986. His blood will undergo renewal in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. If the child will be conceived in 2014, then the couple will have a boy.

Special cases

How to find out the sex of a child by updating the blood of parents if they were born on the same day? The answer to this question experts still can not find. Some scientists say that in such a situation there is a big one. Other scientists argue that two babies are born at the same time when the balances are equal.

In any case, in such a situation, as in other cases, it is necessary to take into account external factors that can affect the renewal of blood before calculating the sex of the child from the renewal of the blood of the parents.

The popularity of the described method and its reliability

Researchers say that at present there are many different ways to determine the gender of the planned baby. These include all kinds of tables and pentagrams, online applications and calculations. The most popular among them is the ancient Chinese table and the method of blood renewal.

Despite the acquired popularity, experts say that the effectiveness of this method is quite low. So, some scientists call the probability of an accurate hit 2%. Others are talking about 50%. How is it really?

Is it possible to trust the method described above?

Determining the sex of the child by updating the blood of the parents is quite simple. However, this does not guarantee that you will receive accurate data. In most cases, a good match is just a coincidence. This fact is explained as follows.

During fertilization, two cells fuse: male and female gametes. The egg cell contains only the spermatozoon, but the structure is more interesting. It may contain a set of X chromosomes. In this case, the couple will have a girl. When a male cell has one y-chromosome in its composition, a boy is born in the near future. Based on these data, we can conclude that human blood absolutely does not affect the gender of the unborn baby. All ways are recognized as mere entertainment, rather than truthful information.

The opinion of married couples

Many families who were told how to calculate the sex of a child by blood renewal were able to plan ahead for the birth of a boy or girl. They simply made a calculation and found out in what years and months they will have a baby of one sex or another. These couples speak extremely positively about the described method.

Most of the individuals tested disproved the above theory. Simple calculations did not confirm the birth of a child of a certain gender. It is on this information that scientists rely, citing the percentage of positive outcomes of the calculation.

Necessary information

Before you try to update the blood, you need to take into account all the data. So, a change in the bloodstream can occur not only at the above intervals. This process is also sometimes influenced by external factors.

Premature renewal of the bed occurs during childbirth, operations, with severe blood loss, various injuries, treatment, blood and plasma transfusions, as well as among donors. It is from this moment that a new countdown begins. Many couples do not take into account this information. That is why they do not agree on the data obtained and the actual outcome of events.

A small summary of the article or conclusion

Now you probably know by updating the blood of his parents correctly. When choosing this method of calculation, always take into account the full information about both partners. Otherwise, the data may be incorrect.

You can absolutely know the sex of the unborn baby only during an ultrasound scan performed at 20 weeks of pregnancy or later. However, even in this case, the assumption may be wrong. Do not trust the described calculation method too much. Good luck and fulfillment of desires!

Probably the most common question that future parents hear is: “Who are you expecting, a girl or a boy?” It is believed that daddies want boys more, but moms, of course, want girls. The medical side of the aspect has been known for a long time; male spermatozoa, which are carriers of X and Y chromosomes, are responsible for the sex of the child. The X chromosome is a girl and the Y is a boy. But how to determine the sex of the child, if the ultrasound is still far away? Or do you unconditionally want a boy, or vice versa, a girl? Is it possible to plan the gender of the child in advance? Let's try to understand the existing methods.

How to calculate the gender of the unborn child. Tables of the sex of the child by the age of the parents

  • The table of the sex of the child by the age of the mother or father is the most popular method for determining the sex of the child. For example, the Chinese table of the sex of the child by the month of conception and the age of the mother has been used for more than 700 years. The original source is located at the Beijing Institute of Sciences, and it was discovered during research in one of the temples. It is believed that the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom themselves still trust and check with the ancient table. If you have already given birth and want to check the correctness of the table, then do not forget to add 9 months to your age, because this is how age is calculated in China. In the first column, determine your age (+9 months), and in the top line, the month of conception. The intersection cell will tell you the gender of the unborn child, M is a boy, D is a girl.

For example, a mother is now 27.5 years old, adding 9 months, we get 28, the child was conceived in January, which means she is expecting a boy.

  • The Japanese table for determining the sex of a child is based on the date of birth of the parents. In general, in Japan, the issue of the appearance of an heir in the family was considered extremely important. The son will be able to stand at the head of the family, take care of his parents and sisters, preserve and increase the traditions of the family, so the appearance of a boy was and remains a much more joyful event.

The table itself consists of two parts, the first part is a table for determining the sex of the child by the age of the father and mother, first of all, you need to determine the code number (from 1 to 12). Then we find the code number in the second table and look for the intersection with the month of conception of your baby, the more stars in the column, the higher the probability of a child of this gender.

We use this table during the onset of pregnancy to find out the sex of the child by the age of the mother and father, if the mother was born in August and the father in March, then the code number is 12. The child was conceived in July, which means that the couple will most likely have a boy soon.

Sex of the child according to the renewal of the blood of the parents

The sex of the child can also be determined by the renewal of the blood of the parents, which is calculated from the date of birth. In men and women, this process takes different times, the blood in women is updated more often - once every three years, this is due to menstruation, and in men less often, once every four years. The count is also affected by various operations associated with blood transfusion or large blood loss. It is believed that whose blood is “newer” at the time of conception, the child will be of that gender.

For example, dad is 29 years old, and mom is 24, respectively 29/4 = 7.25; 24/3=8.0. Thus, the blood of the father was renewed 7 times and a new process of renewal has been going on for a year now, and the mother's blood has been renewed exactly 8 times, which means that at the time of conception her blood is newer. The couple is expecting a girl.

How to determine the sex of a child according to the Vanga table

Popular for the past few decades, Vanga is known for the accuracy and reliability of her predictions, even ardent skeptics recognize her abilities and believe her words. But it is worth noting that Vanga's table was actually compiled by her student, Lyudmila Kim. The sex of the child according to the Vanga table can be determined by knowing the month of conception and the age of the mother. At the intersection of the data, the sex of the unborn child is indicated.

For example, how to determine the sex of a child using Vanga's table if the child was conceived in December, when the mother was 29 years old? We look at the table, we find the corresponding columns - she is waiting for the appearance of a boy.

How to calculate the sex of the child by ovulation

Many women are wondering how to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation? This method is the most difficult to plan and requires some preparation from future parents, which will be to establish the exact date of ovulation. Ovulation is the time when a mature egg is released to meet with a sperm, the duration of this period takes about a day. A spermatozoon can have an X chromosome set for a girl or a Y for a boy. Scientists have found that X spermatozoa are more tenacious, but less mobile, while Y, on the contrary, is faster, but they live much less. If sexual intercourse took place a few days before ovulation, then most likely only X spermatozoa remained alive, which means that the couple is expecting a girl. If sexual intercourse took place on the day of ovulation, Y spermatozoa will reach the target faster.

There are several ways to determine the day of ovulation:

  1. Calendar - ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle.
  2. Use test strips to determine ovulation, which are sold in pharmacies.
  3. Measurement of basal temperature, this method will require daily measurements, the signal will be a decrease in temperature on the day of ovulation.
  4. A gynecological ultrasound will also show whether ovulation has occurred or is still expected.

The methods described, of course, do not give any guarantees, but with their help you can get a little distracted and daydream. How to calculate the sex of a child by 100 percent, unfortunately, no one knows yet. Ultrasound screening as early as 12 weeks, with the proper qualifications of the doctor, will allow you to find out the sex of the unborn baby. Perhaps, after a while, a table of conception and sex determination of the child will be developed, giving an absolute guarantee, but this is a matter of several decades.

Blood washes all parts of the body, and its cells - reflect the situation in the body, are indicators of health. The proteins in their composition carry genes that are transmitted to the child during the connection of maternal and paternal DNA. Every day, the composition of the blood changes: some cells age and die, new ones appear in their place. Therefore, in each certain period of time, fresh or old units predominate in the structure.

Cells are reborn cyclically. It has been established that in the female body the process occurs every three years, and in the male - every four. You need to count the time of updates from the time of puberty of a person. For women, it is customary to count from 12 years old, for men from 16 years old. Therefore, the calculation uses the following progression for the female: 12, 15, 18, and so on, and for the male - 16, 20, 24.

How to find out the sex of a child by updating blood?

It is believed that younger blood brings stronger DNA to a new cell - an unborn child, which means it predetermines its gender. For example, a couple at the age of 28 found out about the pregnancy. By calculations, we determine that a man's blood was renewed at the age of 28, and women a year earlier, therefore it is older. According to preliminary calculations, the couple should expect a boy. However, the method requires precision in the definition. , offered on sites, offer to enter the year, month and date of birth of a man and a woman, as well as what is not always known.

Calculator for determining the sex of a child by updating blood

Using a calculator that combines several methods.

Controversial moments of the blood renewal method

Only with an extreme desire for conception, keeping a schedule of basal temperature and a sexual life calendar, a woman is able to name the date of conception. Fertilization can occur within seven days after ovulation. Signs of egg maturation - indirect or calculated. Therefore, most often women can either plan the sex of the child according to the method in advance, or make a very inaccurate calculation based on approximate information.

If a man and a woman are approximately in the same phase of blood renewal, then the method actually loses its power. For example, a twenty-seven-year-old woman and a twenty-eight-year-old man will not know whose blood is newer if they were born on the same day. Although this case is rare, it perfectly illustrates that the determination of the sex of a child by blood renewal is based on assumptions.

Abdominal surgery, large blood loss, blood transfusion can also serve as starting points for blood renewal, which once again proves the failure of fixed time intervals.

Other instruments of the blood renewal method

Some scientists develop complex tables with percentages of the probability of having a boy or a girl, given the father and mother. However, there is a simplified method. If a woman has the first blood group, then the combination with odd groups of a man increases the likelihood of having a girl, and with blood of group 2 or 4 in a partner, the birth of a boy. But this method shows inaccuracy on the example of large families in which children of different sexes are born.

Do not forget about the existence of a positive and negative Rh factor for any blood group. It is believed that if both parents have a positive or negative Rh, then a girl will be born. Boys are more often born with different values ​​of the Rh factor. Women with negative Rh blood should be especially careful about planning conception and childbirth, since the risks of Rh conflict increase if the fetus has a positive group. This method does not guarantee accuracy either, since it does not have statistical evidence and scientific justification.

Opinion of obstetricians and gynecologists

Medical workers question the renewal of blood in general, and, moreover, the planning of the sex of the unborn child. The calculated indicators of starting age and time intervals used have no scientific justification, they are based on averaged data on the ages of puberty. The averaged calculations are correct with an accuracy of 50%. Blood renewal does not occur according to the calendar, but depends on lifestyle, illness, stress, physical activity and hormonal status.

Determination of the sex of the child by the blood of the mother

Back in 2011, scientists from the United States invented a simple blood test for a woman, which can be used to determine the sex. The technique is based on the purification of free-floating DNA and the search for the Y-chromosome, indicating the conception of a boy. The test was designed to detect chromosomal abnormalities, suspected hemophilia in boys, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which is associated with early puberty. The analysis was tested on 6,500 pregnant women participating in 57 studies over 15 years. Perhaps soon this test will be available in all diagnostic centers in the world.

Often a young family dreams of a boy or a girl. And when a child is born, there comes a certain disappointment associated with the discrepancy between the desired sex. Many resort to a long-known method that has a medical justification and a high probability of successful calculations - this is the determination of the sex of the child by updating the blood of the parents.

Doctors can, before the birth of a child, during pregnancy, announce the gender of the unborn child to the lucky ones. The ultrasound machine allows you to perform such a miracle. But, unfortunately, it can be wrong and does not guarantee the reliability of the data by 100%.

But this miracle is not enough for young families. And today, floor planning is quite accessible, as, however, it has always been available. Determination of the sex of the embryo by renewed blood by 90% gives the correct result. In 90% of cases, children are programmed in the blood of a couple.

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    How is the calculation done?

    Calculating the sex of a child by blood renewal is a simple process. Blood has the ability to renew itself.

    The female renewal cycle takes place 1 time in 3 years, the male renewal cycle takes place 1 time in 4 years. In the case when the female cycle has passed earlier, the sex of the embryo will be female, if the male cycle has passed earlier, the sex of the embryo will be male.

    In this case, the Rh factor plays an important role. If the mother is a carrier of a negative Rh factor, then the sex of the baby will depend on who has more "stagnant" blood (the update was 2.5-3 years ago).

    • there was any operation;
    • donor parent;
    • mother has already given birth;
    • have ever lost a lot of blood (accident, etc.);
    • had an abortion;
    • had a miscarriage.

    If one of the above moments took place, then the calculation starts from the date of the last blood change.

    An example of calculating the gender of the baby

    To make the picture of determining the sex of a child by blood clear, an example is given.

    Mother's birth on September 2, 1995. The blood was not removed from the mother's body for the reasons given above.

    Father was born on February 24, 1993. In 2008, an operation was performed. That is, there was an interference with the circulatory system.

    Starting the calculation, it should be remembered that the renewal cycle for women is more frequent (1r./3y), for men it occurs less often (1r./4y). Having carried out simple calculations, we can affirmatively say that the mother's blood is fresh. The last cycle was in 2016.

    The father was on the operating table in 2008. This is the date when the blood was supposed to be renewed for the last time. That's where you need to start. We add 4 years of the cycle to the date of 2008, we get 2016. In this case, the month is also considered, since the years coincide. The man was born in February and the woman in September. This means that the mother's blood is fresher. We need to wait for the girl.

    It turns out a very simple formula that reveals the secret of how to plan the floor:

    reference date + 3 (women) / 4 (men) years = update date.

    There is another formula by which you can make calculations on the couple's renewed blood and say how to determine the sex of the child. The years of mom or dad are divided into 3 or 4 years. The figure obtained after the comma is considered. If the father has less, then a boy will be born, and vice versa. Example: mother is 22 years old, father is 27. We divide 22/3, and 27/4. The following results are obtained 22/3=7.3, 27/4=6.7. The result was the number 3 for the mother and 7 for the father behind a comma. More "fresh" will be maternal blood, the child will be female.

    The age of mom and dad is divided by 3 years (women) / 4 years (men) = the lower number after a comma determines the gender.

    If the difference between the numbers is small, then the parents will remain in the same ignorance. A baby can be born both male and female, and this technique will not help parents clarify the situation. It is possible that one and the other parent has a zero behind the comma - then there is the possibility of the birth of twins.

    Influence of blood type and Rh factor

    It is not difficult to determine the sex of the child by updating the blood of the parents, but it is important to know some of the nuances. Today 4 antigenic sets are recognized. Some historical sources indicate that earlier all people had only group I. It is connected with life and the halo of habitation. Perhaps that is why the I Rh factor is considered the most ancient. Later, people had the opportunity to settle in other lands. Changes in the diet, general climatic conditions led to changes in the blood composition, additional II and III groups appeared. The mixing and alteration of antigens continued. As a result, IV appeared - the youngest blood group.

    Over the course of one human life, such serious changes in the blood cannot occur, so people resort to possible and affordable calculation methods that allow you to plan the sex of the child. The motivating factor is the fact that medicine does not deny them.

    Blood renewal in women occurs more often, given the three-year cycle and possible various interventions in the blood system: operations, first, second, etc. childbirth.

    Women with group I have a significant priority over all men. Such a woman will give birth to a girl if her husband has group II, III or IV. If both mother and father have I - the most ancient group, then the probability of having a girl is higher, since blood renewal in the female occurs more often.

    How to find out the sex of a child by blood types:

    1. 1. Mom II gr. + dad I gr. = male sex (if the father's blood is more "fresh").
    2. 2. Mom II gr. + dad I gr. = female (if the mother's blood is more "fresh").
    3. 3. Mom III gr. + dad I gr. = always male (the father has the 1st group - the oldest. If this is the second child, and the first was born no more than a year ago, then it is more likely to be a girl, since the mother has renewed blood cells).
    4. 4. Mom IV gr. + dad I gr. = always a boy (no exceptions).

    Based on the chronology of the appearance of Rh factors, it is easy to draw the following conclusions:

    • woman with I gr. or II gr. will give birth to a girl married to a man with III gr. or IV gr.;
    • woman with III gr. will give birth to a girl married to a man with IV gr.;
    • woman with II gr., III gr., IV gr. will give birth to a boy married to a man with I gr.;
    • woman with III gr., IV gr. will give birth to a boy married to a man with I gr., II gr.;
    • woman with IV gr. will give birth to a boy married to a man with I, II, III gr.

    So, in most cases, a woman is more likely to give birth to an assistant, especially if you do not make preliminary calculations by gender. Maybe that's why there are more women on earth than men. The first blood group always has priority in its antiquity, and if its owner is female, then this is the determining factor. If the blood of the parents is of the same Rh factor, the woman is still on top, since she updates more often. A man wins only if his blood is renewed earlier.

    The method of determining the sex of a child by the blood of the parents has significant advantages:

    • reliability up to 90%;
    • the method is scientifically substantiated;
    • prevalence (many couples around the world use this method before conception);
    • you can use the online calculator to determine the sex of the child;
    • availability (free of charge can be calculated manually or online).

    Another method is to calculate gender from two tables. The first contains data on the age of the parents and the coefficient of blood renewal, the second - the month of birth of one of the parents and the month of conception of the child. But this counting method makes it possible to determine who will be - a boy or a girl, already when the child is conceived, and not "simulate" his gender.

    The table below draws a line horizontally and vertically. The figure is displayed in turn: the month of birth of the mother + the month of conception, the month of birth of the mother + the month of conception. Then you need to add the coefficient from the first table with the number in the second. Whoever has a smaller number will have a child of this gender.

    How to conceive a boy?

    Male sperm can be of two types:

    • X-spermatozoa;
    • Y-spermatozoa.

    X has oval heads, they are slow, their survivability is higher, they have higher durability, but they are always outnumbered by Y.

    Y has round heads, they are fast, they have low survivability, they are very fragile, but there are many more of them than X.

    The egg is always X-type.

    As a result, two options are possible:

    • X-ovum+X=XX (girl);
    • X-ovum+Y=XY (boy).

    Knowing this, you can slightly increase the chances of conceiving a male child.

    All you need is more Y sperm. It is also important to provide the Y-sperm with a ready-made egg. The term of ovulation is calculated and sexual activity is stopped (3-4 days before conception) for better accumulation of sperm.

    You need to conceive on the 1st day of ovulation. At this time, the vaginal environment becomes more alkaline, and "male" Y survive better than X. This creates the most favorable environment for Y-sperm on the day of ovulation. The "sperm boys" get more mobility and the "sperm girls" cannot overtake them and be the first to fertilize the egg. The accuracy of this method of conception is very high.

    To increase the chances of having a boy:

    1. 1. You should not make love 3-4 days before the estimated day of ovulation. The number of sperm cells will be greater.
    2. 2. For future fathers, hot baths are excluded for at least 7 days.
    3. 3. The concept operates only during an act of love aimed at creating a fetus.
    4. 4. Sexual contact after conception is carried out using contraceptives (condoms).
    5. 5. When creating a fetus, bringing the state to orgasm is the best state.
    6. 6. Enjoy a longer foreplay to achieve maximum sperm concentration.
    7. 7. The position should provide deep penetration.
    8. 8. Coffee before the act of love (2 hours before) will increase the number of sperm.
    9. 10. No lubricants are used.

    Diet for conceiving a boy

    Two months before conception, a special diet should be followed, which will oxidize the body and allow sperm boys to survive. In order to conceive a boy, future parents:

    • Must eat meat, potatoes, pickles, sausages, mushrooms, bananas, apricots, oranges, peaches and figs.
    • Drink tea, coffee and fruit juices.
    • Eliminate dairy products, cabbage, nuts and beans from the diet.
    • It is undesirable to eat eggs, shrimp, cheese, nuts, milk chocolate and green salad, drink milkshakes, soft water and mineral water with calcium.

    This diet gives good results. It helps create a more acidic environment. This affects the biochemical composition of the egg, which becomes more favorable for the conception of a boy.

    How to conceive a girl?

    In creating a female child, the combination and coincidence of chromosomes is also important.

    As it became clear from the above, the female egg and the "female" chromosomes are the same. But in order to conceive a girl, certain conditions, the right time and condition are also needed.

    The time of girls is 2-3 days before ovulation. It is at this point that the egg is predisposed to accept "female" X-sperm. Wednesday, perfect condition. It is enough for a woman to keep a calendar of her cycle, and then it will be easy to calculate a favorable day.

    To increase your chances of having a girl:

    1. 1. The position should provide shallow penetration (classic).
    2. 2. Acts of love can be performed both before and after the day of conception.
    3. 9. The duration of sperm fixation in the body is 20 minutes.

    Grandmothers knew and performed certain actions that, in their opinion, helped to conceive a girl:

    • before the act of love, a "female" object (comb, mirror) was placed under the pillows;
    • the room where the act of conception takes place should be decorated in pink (pink curtains, bedspread, bedding, wallpaper);
    • an act of love in the summer can be carried out in nature, it is advisable to do this under a female fruit tree (apple, pear);
    • rain or frost are helpers in this matter;
    • the name of the month does not play a special role, but the name of the day of the week is chosen as feminine (Wednesday).

    How did you find out the sex of the child before?

    Among the people, grandmothers often used various objects to tell the future mother who she would have. They took a thread and a needle. A thread was threaded into the eye of the needle, the needle was pulled through and hung up. It turned out to be a kind of pendulum. He was held at arm's length. If the needle rotated in a circle, this meant that a female baby would be born, if parallel - a male.

    Folk methods are not as common as methods with a medical justification, but they can also be used. You can only resort to folk methods, or you can double-check the results that the methods given above gave.

    "Grandma's" methods:

    1. 1. Sex determination by the moon. The moon plays an important role in human life. The birth of a child is no exception. Knowing the sign of conception, you can tell who will be born. There are 6 male and 6 female signs in the zodiac calendar. If the Moon was in a female sign, there will be a girl, and vice versa.
    2. 2. Sex determination by the shape of the abdomen. The mother's tummy can give out the sex of the embryo. The round shape indicates the female gender, elongated to the male.
    3. 3. Sex determination by movements. The embryo begins to push and show its activity at 16-24 weeks. Waiting for this wonderful moment, mother should be very attentive. If it started on the left side, then this is a sure sign of the female sex, if on the right - male.
    4. 4. Sex determination by toxicosis. Toddlers often introduce their mother into very unpleasant, severe states of toxicosis. Boys are especially tormented. If the mother is often sick, she vomits endlessly, she feels dizzy, she generally feels bad - this discomfort is brought by the boy. Girls also bring some discomfort. But they treat their mother lovingly and rarely give her trouble. There is almost no toxicosis with the girl.
    5. 5. Determination of sex by chest. The breast can also indicate the sex of the embryo. The areola of a dark color speaks of the female field, a lighter tone - of the male field.
    6. 6. Determination of gender by appearance. Pregnancy brings a woman an unusual beauty. Future mothers are not ugly. But there are several signs that indicate the gender of the baby. If there is a girl under the heart, then wrinkles, pimples, and spots may appear on the mother’s face. If there is a boy under the heart, then the skin becomes smooth, toned, elastic.
    7. 7. Sex determination by nutrition. When carrying a girl, she attracts her mother to sweets, the boy makes her mother eat citrus fruits and meat.

    It is not so difficult to determine the sex of a child by blood and "program" it. Blood renewal plays an essential role in sex determination. There are various factors, individual characteristics, situations that can affect the birth of a boy or girl. And, having foreseen all the nuances, it is possible with a probability of up to 90% to say who will be born. Facilitates the calculations of determining the sex of the child by the updated blood calculator online. You can double-check the result in other ways, given above.

Of course, for every parent it is important that his child was born healthy and strong. However, for many, the gender of the baby is an equally important issue. Some dream of a boy, while others, on the contrary, want to have only a girl. There are many methods for calculating exactly when you need to conceive so that a child of a particular gender appears in the family. Whether they all give an accurate result is debatable. There is a method based on the renewal of the blood of the parents.

What is the theory of blood renewal?

The method of predicting the sex of a child by renewing the blood of the parents has its roots in ancient times (see also:). Even then, people knew that almost everything changes periodically in the human body - from blood and tissues to mucous membranes and cells. This knowledge has reached the modern world.

These physical changes continue throughout life. However, in women and men, such changes occur after a different period of time. The fair sex is updated every three years, but the stronger sex updates its internal reserves less often - once every four years. It is these time differences that give rise to attempts to determine the sex of a child by the blood of the mother and father.

Let us dwell in more detail on the renewal of blood on the basis of modern research, and not old beliefs. Blood consists of a large number of various elements and blood bodies. The title of the longest-lived is rightfully carried by erythrocytes. The number of these blood cells in an adult reaches 25 trillion. The process of updating them on average takes about 120 days, that is, they are updated in 4 months. As for platelets and leukocytes, their life cycle is only a few days.

Drawing conclusions from this, we can say that the theory of blood renewal every 3 and 4 years is erroneous. Despite this, many mothers continue to calculate the sex of the child before conception in this way, and often they manage to correctly determine the gender of the crumbs. According to statistics, the chance to correctly find out the sex of the unborn baby is 68–88%, and these are impressive numbers, especially for an erroneous approach. For this reason, the technique is still popular among expectant mothers and fathers.

How, using the method of blood renewal, to plan the sex of the child?

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What the method is based on is understandable, but how can such a theory be applied to determine sex even before conception? The main idea is that the baby will "choose" the sex of the parent whose blood is younger. If the mother has recently renewed blood, then a daughter will appear in the family, if the father has a son.

The main task is to determine who has younger blood at the time of pregnancy planning - a man or a woman. There are two ways to calculate who will appear after childbirth, a boy or a girl:

  1. Use of special tables based on the update calendar by age. They have come down to us from very ancient times. Horizontally, the table shows the full age of the future dad, vertically - mom. The intersection of these lines will give the answer to the question of interest. For example, if at the time of planning a child, the mother is 32 and the father is 36, then a boy will appear after the birth. This is an easy way, but it is up to parents to decide whether to trust such a test.
  2. Calculation. Without using the table, the sex of the child can be calculated independently. Counting also does not take much time and effort. To determine the sex, you need to divide the number of full years of mom by 3, and dad by 4, and then just compare the quotient of the division. Which of the parents will have a lower result, he will transfer his gender to the crumbs. For example, mom is 22, and dad is 27. Divide 22 by three and get 7.3, and divide 27 by 4 and get 6.75. Dad's value is less than mom's, which means that there is a high probability of a boy. If the values ​​turned out to be equal, then there is a chance to become parents of twins. This is possible if the blood of both parents was renewed in one year.

There is a third option for calculating who will be born, a boy or a girl. To calculate this, you need to know the year of birth of each of the parents and the year in which the family wants to plan conception. For example, mom was born in 1994, which means that her blood was renewed in 2015, dad - in 1998, his blood changed in 2016. If you conceive in 2016, then a son will be born, since the blood of the pope is younger.

What do scientists think about the calculation of the sex of the unborn child by renewing the blood of the parents?

Although many parents manage to calculate the sex of the child, and tabular tests also give a high percentage of matches, scientists do not take this method seriously. The opinion that it is realistic to calculate the sex of a child by changes in the blood is considered superstition by doctors.

The method based on blood renewal, as well as tables and calculations in accordance with it, are not able to take into account even all the nuances regarding this valuable biological fluid. If you rely solely on such a test before conception, then it would be useful to take into account the factors of blood loss that affect the process of blood change, leading to its earlier passage.

The process of blood renewal is affected by:

  • transfusion and donation of blood;
  • surgical intervention;
  • trauma;
  • childbirth;
  • spontaneous and induced abortion.

Doctors believe that even minor injuries or cuts can provoke blood renewal. Without laboratory tests, it is impossible to say exactly when the blood was renewed, which means that the result of the calculations is also controversial.

Such an opinion of specialists does not prevent ordinary people from considering the method reliable, trusting it and making calculations. Women around the world often resort to the help of a blood renewal test to calculate the sex of an unborn baby in a few minutes.

What does the gender of the baby really depend on and is it possible to “order” it?

In accordance with the research of biologists, which have scientific justification and have received worldwide recognition, if the spermatozoon that fertilized the eggs was the carrier of the X chromosome, then there will be a female baby, if the Y chromosomes, then a boy will be born. The blood or age of mom and dad does not have any effect on this process.

Those who wish to give birth to a child of a certain gender "by order" should take into account that spermatozoa - carriers of the Y chromosome are more mobile, but less tenacious, and their counterparts, carrying the X chromosome, move more slowly, but live longer. Therefore, in order to conceive a boy, a man and a woman need to have sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation, and for the birth of a girl, 3-4 days before it.

However, this method can also fail. It is absolutely possible to “order” a son or daughter only in the case of in vitro fertilization and subsequent replanting of embryos of the desired gender.

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