Someone crawls over the body: causes of discomfort. Types and mechanism of "goosebumps". But the treatment of these diseases is completely different and is useless for restless leg syndrome.

Update: October 2018

Every cell of the human body has a connection with the nervous system - its ancient part, which we do not control, and the young cortex, which gives out commands from consciousness. Communication is carried out with the help of nerve fibers, and they can exist normally if they are not pressured from the outside and they are not affected from the inside. When such a situation does arise, it is manifested by a sensation as if goosebumps run along the skin. Then this symptom is not associated with the experience of any emotions and does not go away after switching to another thought.

What can this or that localization of these discomfort, and what is the duration of the "goosebumps" about what it says, we will analyze in more detail.

Types and mechanism of "goosebumps"

The sensation of tingling and crawling in medicine is called "paresthesia". They appear in response to irritation of nerve endings, brain or spinal cord. The nature of this phenomenon is as follows: several different unrelated signals enter the sensory nerve ending at once, layering on each other. As a result, the nerve does not know how to respond correctly to this variety, and “turns on” numbness, burning, “goosebumps” or tingling.

Paresthesias are usually felt below the irritated area of ​​the nerve. May be accompanied by "goosebumps" - "pimples" in the area of ​​​​hair growth, which is an analogue of the fluffing of wool or needles in animals.

Paresthesia can be:

  1. temporary, arising from sitting in an uncomfortable position, freezing, sexual arousal, a feeling of euphoria from listening to music, or when negative emotions. They are usually described as "goosebumps" and go away when the irritant stops. Not accompanied by convulsions, pain or impaired sensitivity;
  2. chronic, recurring. They are signs of a disease, and can be accompanied by two types of symptoms:
    • indicating damage to the nerve fiber. These are: numbness in the limbs or only in the fingers, a tingling sensation, goosebumps. Sometimes local twitches (convulsions) develop here;
    • indicating damage to those nerves that are associated with the vessels of this area. This is evidenced by: pallor of the skin, deterioration in temperature and pain sensitivity, its cool temperature,.

Transient (temporary) paresthesias are a variant of the norm and do not require medical intervention. If the “goosebumps” run without a visible effect on the skin, it is imperative to look for their cause and eliminate it.

What diseases provoke paresthesia

The causes of goosebumps are varied. Let's list them first:

  • nerve fiber damage various localizations– neuropathy;
  • high ;
  • malnutrition of nerve fibers in case of poisoning, including chronic alcohol intoxication - polyneuropathy;
  • low blood levels of calcium or magnesium;
  • nerve fiber injury;
  • damage to nerve fibers by antibodies;
  • varicose disease;
  • atherosclerosis of arterial vessels;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins B1, 6, C;
  • arthritis;
  • syndrome restless legs;
  • tumors of nerve fibers;
  • tumor in the region of the parietal lobe of the brain;
  • insufficiency of function parathyroid glands- hypoparathyroidism;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • taking certain medications;
  • follicular hyperkeratosis;
  • getting the filling mass into the canal of the tooth with a live nerve;
  • nerve ending damage.

If they call "goosebumps" outward manifestation- "goosebumps", without any other symptoms, this pathology is called follicular hyperkeratosis.

Here, due to malnutrition of the skin or its constant irritation, it thickens excessively. upper layer skin, and mouths become inflamed hair follicles. Dermatocosmetologists treat pathology with various local and systemic remedies.

Goosebumps on the body, arms and legs

This symptom is accompanied by many diseases. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.

Hypovitaminosis B1

Vitamin B1 is needed for normal operation nervous system. He is involved in the production of acetylcholine - a substance that allows a nerve impulse to get to the muscle, intestines, sweat gland, heart - and transmit its command to it. Its insufficient intake with food or the acceleration of its decay leads to:

  • sensation of goosebumps on the legs and arms;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • memory impairment;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the heart;
  • edema;
  • shortness of breath
  • sometimes - even paralysis and cardiovascular insufficiency.

Such symptoms require an early diagnosis and treatment: the introduction of synthetic vitamin thiamine and dietary modification.


This is a reduced function of the parathyroid glands, in which the level of calcium in the blood decreases. It is manifested not only by goosebumps in the limbs, but also:

  • painful contractions of the muscles of the limbs, body and face: the arm is brought to the body, it “bends” at the wrist and elbow joints, the corners of the mouth drop, the eyelids drop halfway, the body arches back;
  • paroxysmal swallowing is disturbed;
  • there is a stabbing pain in the abdomen;
  • may be vomiting, diarrhea;
  • fainting occurs;
  • twilight vision is impaired;
  • "pawns ears;
  • there are pains and interruptions in the heart;
  • hair becomes sparse, the number of falling hair rods increases;
  • the skin is flaky;
  • a large number of teeth are affected by caries;
  • nails become dull;
  • at prolonged absence therapy is evolving.

Decreased calcium levels

Here, the same symptoms develop as with hypoparathyroidism, but they are not so pronounced, they proceed more easily. Often, the pathology is manifested only by painful spasms of the muscles of the limbs and face, which follow immediately after the goosebumps, increased heart rate, trembling and recurrent vomiting. With an extremely low content of this electrolyte in the blood, difficulty in breathing can develop until it stops, painful arching of the entire body.

Low levels of magnesium in the blood

This state manifests itself:

  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • trembling of the body or individual muscles;
  • convulsions may occur, in which the entire body contracts or arches. This is most typical for children.

Taking medications

The appearance of goosebumps can be caused by taking drugs such as: "Ofloxacin", "Protionamide", "Isonazid", "Cycloserine", drugs against epilepsy and lowering blood pressure.


In the case of the development of paroxysmal (paroxysmal) rhythm disturbances, a person may note:

A similar state lasts from ten minutes or more; most often develops at night.

brain stroke

Paralysis or partial immobility of the limbs on one side may be preceded by a feeling of numbness and crawling, sometimes on the opposite side. It is also noted here headache, there may be short or long-term loss of consciousness, there are focal symptoms: facial asymmetry, different width palpebral fissures inability to speak or understand speech.

Damage to the parietal lobe of the brain

A tumor or encephalitis that develops in the lobe responsible for sensitivity is accompanied by other symptoms: the inability to perform complex actions, unrecognition of objects if you close your eyes and feel them with your hands, and the loss of the ability to write. There may also be a loss of half of the visual field and a loss of sense of one's own body schema.

Guillain-Barré syndrome

This condition occurs after viral infection(mainly colds and herpetic), or intestinal, caused by the bacterium Campylobacter or enteroviruses.

Here, in the period from 5 to 21 days after the illness, antibodies are formed to certain parts of the roots of the spinal nerves. This is manifested by the appearance of a feeling of goosebumps on the legs, the range of movements gradually decreases here, sensitivity is disturbed. The process can appear immediately on hand. It can capture a certain volume, but can spread towards the chest. The last symptom is very dangerous, requires urgent hospitalization to the intensive care unit, as it can progress up to respiratory arrest.

Head injury

A contusion of the brain can lead to the appearance of goosebumps on one or both sides. After this, loss of sensation may develop.


The disease is caused by the same virus as chicken pox; occurs in those who have already had it once. It is manifested by the appearance of goosebumps in the projection of any nerve, but more often - one of the intercostal ones. Goosebumps precede the appearance of redness here, on which bubbles with transparent contents soon appear. The affected area burns and hurts.

Multiple sclerosis

it autoimmune pathology, when their own antibodies begin to attack the sheath of most nerve fibers, as a result of which the latter become "bare" and begin to break down themselves. There is no clear sequence or algorithm for fiber damage, so it is difficult to recognize the disease.

Most often, it begins with one eye, the sensation of a foreign body in it, the appearance of a blurring of the contours of the objects in question. This condition lasts for about a week, then it goes away on its own, but not completely. Subsequently, the symptom will recur. Gradually, it leads to a violation of the coordinated movement of the eyes, a change in the normal reaction of the pupils to light. Usually, after this, goosebumps and pain appear on the face, which is the basis for the diagnosis "" or "Neuralgia trigeminal nerve". Later, a violation of coordination develops, a change in handwriting, a transient trembling of objects.

Also to initial manifestations diseases include goosebumps, burning, numbness or tightening of the skin that occurs anywhere on the body. It goes away on its own and often does not serve as a reason for contacting a neurologist or therapist.


This disease is characterized by damage to the peripheral nervous system due to poisoning (including alcohol surrogates), metabolic disorders(mainly for diabetics). It is dangerous because the nerve shutdown that starts in the remote parts of the body (fingers and toes) spreads closer to the respiratory muscles, and can also involve the nerves that command the contraction of the muscles responsible for breathing.

Polyneuropathies are manifested by deterioration motor activity legs and arms, starting with the fingers, the appearance of goosebumps and numbness in these areas, a gradual “turn-off” of sensitivity in the areas of socks and gloves.

Goosebumps on face and hands

If goosebumps crawl on the skin of the face and hands, this may be one of the following pathologies.


In the beginning, goosebumps appear on the face (especially around the mouth) and hands, then a headache develops mainly in one half of the head. In this case, paresthesia should be regarded as a migraine aura - a condition that precedes an attack of pain.

Tumor or inflammation of the frontal lobe of the brain

A change in personality (a person becomes “not the same as usual”), along with goosebumps in the lips and fingers, may indicate damage to the frontal lobe. Only a neurologist can refute such a diagnosis, sometimes only on the basis of an MRI of the brain.

Goosebumps on the scalp

If goosebumps run down the back of the head, it may be:

  • Neuropathy of the greater occipital nerve. At the same time, goosebumps, numbness and tingling are felt in the back of the head to the crown of the head; there is also increased or decreased sensitivity. You can find pain points in the back of the head.
  • Neuropathy of the cervical plexus with compression of its sensitive nerves. Here in the back of the head, neck, shoulder girdle and behind the ear, pain and goosebumps are felt.
  • . In this case, tingling is felt for 1-2 hours, then disappears, leaving no focal changes behind.
  • Bell's palsy. At first, goosebumps are felt on the face on one side, after which muscle weakness appears on this side, and then they completely cease to provide movement on one side of the mouth and facial muscles.

Goosebumps on hands

If you notice crawling on your arm, please note: this may be due to the following reasons.

scalenus anterior syndrome

With an overstrain of this muscle, which is caused by compression of the lower trunk brachial plexus and subclavian artery, there are pains and goosebumps in the arm - from the shoulder to the little finger and ring finger. When turning the head, the pain radiates to the back of the head and chest. There may be numbness, chilliness in the arm, her skin becomes pale or more cyanotic.

Brachial plexus syndrome

It is characterized by a deterioration in movement in the hand, goosebumps, and decreased sensitivity in the part of the hand that is located on the side of the little finger.

Raynaud's disease

It is manifested by coldness and blanching of the fingers. Goosebumps crawl over them, the fingers first turn blue and start to hurt, then their skin turns red, and the pain subsides. Often, not only fingers are affected, but also legs.

Osteochondrosis, trauma, spondylolisthesis, or tumor of the cervical spinal cord

These diseases are characterized not only by the appearance of goosebumps in the hands, but also by pain in the muscles of the hands, a gradual decrease in strength in their muscles, a deterioration in temperature and pain sensitivity in the hands. If a pathological process(by a tumor, edema or vertebrae) is compressed and the vessels going to the brain will be noted, impaired hearing or vision.

Myositis of the neck muscles

Goosebumps in the hands are accompanied by pain in the neck. These symptoms are aggravated in a certain position of the neck. .

costoclavicular syndrome

This is the name of the compression of the vessels and nerves of the brachial plexus, which occurs in vertical position if the shoulder girdle is pulled back and down (for example, when carrying a heavy backpack). In this case, the pain when taking the stand "at attention", accompanied by goosebumps, develops according to inside hands and forearms.

Neuropathy of the musculocutaneous nerve

This nerve gives commands to many muscles of the shoulder, including the biceps, reaching the forearm, it is divided into anterior and posterior branches. If the nerve is pinched at the level of the elbow crease, pain occurs in this place, which radiates to the side of the forearm and is accompanied by burning and goosebumps. The pain intensifies with flexion-extension of the elbow, turning the forearm inward-outward.

Compression of the median nerve in the armpit

Pathology occurs mainly when carrying weights resting against the armpit, as well as when co-sleeping spouses when the head of one of them is under the arm of the second.

Here, goosebumps run down the palm of your hand; at first, this is not accompanied by pain and dysfunction. If similar situation repeats with compression, the work of the palm flexor muscles and those muscles that are responsible for flexing the large and index finger. The palm loses its sensitivity; the muscles that form the elevation of the thumb are hypotrophied.

Intermetacarpal Tunnel Syndrome

This is the name of the condition when the nerve is pinched by the heads metacarpal bones. Symptoms: numbness and goosebumps in the area of ​​the surfaces of the fingers facing each other, which are aggravated by flexion-extension of the fingers.

Pinched nerve between the heads of the triceps muscle

The causes of the condition are an injury to the back of the arm, a fracture of the humerus.

Symptoms: deterioration or inability to straighten the hand, if you press on the back of the forearm, pain and goosebumps appear near the thumb.

Compression of the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve

This is due to the habit of resting your elbow on the edge of the table. There are pains on the inside of the hand. If you press on the beginning of the wrist from its inner side, the pain intensifies, there is a feeling of goosebumps.

Goosebumps on the legs

A symptom when goosebumps "run" on the leg is called various states. Let's consider the main ones.

Neuropathy of the lumbar plexus

It appears due to compression of the plexus by altered upper lumbar vertebrae, hematomas, abscesses, phlegmon, tumors in this area.

Symptoms: pain and goosebumps - from the bottom of the abdomen, in the pelvis, on the thigh. They are aggravated by lifting up the outstretched leg.

Varicose disease

The legs, especially when standing for a long time and at the end of the working day, itch, swell, they feel heaviness. Dilated veins and purple vascular networks are visually determined.

restless leg syndrome

This is the name of the condition caused by various reasons when there is a burning sensation, tingling, feeling of fullness or squeezing in the legs, due to which lower limbs perform a frequent reflex movement of "dropping".

To clarify and eliminate the cause of such sensations, they turn to a therapist and a neurologist.

Bernhardt-Roth disease

It manifests itself:

  • goosebumps, burning, numbness, tingling of the area from hip joint along the anterolateral surface of the thigh to the knee;
  • pain and goosebumps increase when walking, disappear if you sit or lie with your legs bent;
  • if you touch the skin in this area, it will hurt, there will be a feeling of heat, prick;
  • sensitivity is increased here;
  • can be both dry skin and excessive sweating in this region.

After lumbar puncture

Nerve root injury during lumbar puncture can lead to pain, impaired sensitivity of the legs, weakness in their muscles.

Operations on the spinal cord, spinal nerves, spine

If you were injured during the intervention nervouser roots, arise:

  • goosebumps in the legs;
  • weakness of the muscles of the legs;
  • decreased sensation in the legs.

Raynaud's disease

It is manifested by the appearance of pain and coldness of the fingers, then the fingers turn blue, which is accompanied by increased pain. Then the vasospasm passes, the fingers turn red, and the pain and goosebumps go away.

Neuropathy of the femoral nerve

It can be caused by a fracture of the pelvic bones with bleeding into the muscles surrounding this nerve. It can occur if the nerve was injured during the puncture of the femoral artery, or if it was squeezed by lymph nodes or a hematoma localized in the inguinal fold.


  • pain - in the groin;
  • spreads to the lumbar region, to the thigh and lower leg along their anterior inner surface;
  • goosebumps are determined here and sensitivity is reduced;
  • flexion-extension of the hip and knee can be performed in too small a volume;
  • climbing stairs is especially difficult.

Subcutaneous nerve compression

Goosebumps, pain and loss of sensation are determined on the inside of the leg from the knee to the big toe.


The disease is caused by the bite of an infected animal, which introduces the rabies virus into the wound. The pathology is manifested by the appearance of goosebumps in the bitten leg. Subsequently, light, water and sound phobia develop.

Goosebumps on the tongue

This is typical for:

  • rubbing with dentures;
  • bite changes resulting from the removal of one or more teeth;
  • galvanization, when an electric current occurs due to the fact that the crowns are made of different metals;
  • getting into the canal of filling material;
  • hypovitaminosis B12;
  • lesions of the sensitive fiber of the glossopharyngeal nerve;
  • inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain;
  • peptic ulcer upper divisions digestive system;
  • ENT diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis.

Goosebumps in the back

Goosebumps on the back "run" with a pathology of the spine, such as spondylosis. If the vertebrae in the cervical region are deformed, then goosebumps and pain will be felt in the neck, crown and upper back; they intensify with certain movements. If such symptoms develop in chest area, we are most likely talking about spondylosis or osteochondrosis thoracic. Finally, in pathologies, when the nerves coming from the lumbosacral region are infringed, goosebumps will be felt in the lumbar region.

Algorithm for analyzing the state when "goosebumps" appear

Before you panic, remember, after which paresthesias appeared. It is also important to assess your condition as objectively as possible and notice additional symptoms:

Then the goosebumps appeared Where do they feel Additional symptoms What could it be Which doctor to contact
How to confirm
After spinal injury In the area of ​​the limbs Numbness, impaired sensation and movement in the limbs. With an injury to the cervical spine, there may be dizziness, impaired coordination. " goose skin" No Fracture, fracture-dislocation of vertebrae


X-ray or computed tomography of the spine in the injured area

For no reason, but more often - if a person suffers from thrombosis, arrhythmias, hypertension On one side of the body Sudden poor sensation and inability to move the arm and leg on one side Stroke


Examination by an ambulance doctor, a neurologist, CT scan of the brain, performed under the supervision of a resuscitator

For no apparent reason In the region of the limbs, but not on one side of the arm or leg, but capturing either the foot (hand), or the foot and lower leg (hand and forearm), or the entire limb Numbness, skin pallor, decreased local temperature, loss or reduction of hair growth in the place of sensation of "goosebumps"

Poor patency of the arteries: obliterating atherosclerosis or obliterating endarteritis.

It could also be nerve compression.

Vascular surgeon, neurologist

Ultrasound with dopplerography of the arteries of the extremities (both).

Neurologist examination, tendon reflex testing, electroneurography

At frequent use alcohol In the region of the limbs (lower, upper or all) The same Examination by a neurologist, checking tendon reflexes
After an arm/leg injury In the area of ​​injury, above and below the impact site Feeling of "goosebumps", decreased or increased sensitivity to cold / heat, weakness of the muscles of only this limb nerve fiber injury Neurologist examination
After working with paints or heavy metals Legs, hands "Goosebumps" on the limbs (more often - the legs), while the sensitivity in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe socks decreases, they also become weak muscles. Weakness and decreased sensation can also be observed on the hands, in the area of ​​​​gloves, spread through the arms / legs towards the torso Toxic polyneuropathy
In the presence of diabetes In the region of both or four limbs "Goosebumps" on the legs / arms, decreased sensitivity, muscle weakness Diabetic polyneuropathy

Endocrinologist together with a neuropathologist

Blood test for sugar (glucose) level, glycated hemoglobin level, electromyo- and electroneurography

For no apparent reason In the region of the lower / upper or all 4 limbs Changes in temperature and pain sensitivity, cold skin, muscle weakness Vitamin deficiency (most likely B1)

Therapist - in adults, pediatrician - in children

Examination by a neurologist, determining the level of vitamins in the blood

During pregnancy In the area of ​​the legs There are signs of pregnancy. May have night cramps Lack of magnesium or calcium


Determination of calcium, magnesium in the blood

For no apparent reason Both on the body and on the limbs A persistently low temperature that does not decrease with antibiotic treatment, but passes by itself. Often - spots on the skin, there may be a "mesh pattern". Weight loss. Pain in muscles, joints Vasculitis

Therapist, rheumatologist

Rheumatology tests, LE cells and other tests ordered by a rheumatologist

Against the background of the same type of work performed In a separate area of ​​​​the limb (less often - the body) Pain in this area, impaired sensitivity, goosebumps. Pass through time Infringement or inflammation of a single nerve fiber


Examination by a neurologist, determination of sensitivity and tendon reflexes

After suffering a cold intestinal infection, vaccinations, operations It starts from the feet, it can end there, it can rise, capturing the shins, thighs, hands, forearms. Breathing, swallowing, regulation of vascular tone may be disturbed Numbness, loss of sensation, muscle weakness, impaired movements of the limbs or their departments up to paralysis, which can be treated if started in a timely manner. When immobilization of the limbs sets in, the "goosebumps" disappear Infectious-allergic polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barré or Guillain-Barré-Landry syndrome)

Neurologist, sometimes together with infectious disease specialists

Examination by a neurologist, determination of sensitivity and tendon reflexes

Either for no reason, or after suffering ARVI In any area, but more often between the ribs In the affected area, vesicles such as chickenpox are observed. It is also accompanied by burning, pain when breathing. Infectionist together with a neurologist
For no apparent reason Hands, face, mouth area After the crawling, there is a headache, usually in one half of the head. migraine with aura Neurologist examination
After hypothermia Separate area of ​​the face Pain in this area, lacrimation, increased sweating on this side trigeminal neuralgia Neurologist examination
After being bitten by an animal At the site of the bite Increased sensitivity of this zone, sensation of a "twitching" muscle, photophobia, rabies Rabies The diagnosis is made according to the examination of an infectious disease specialist / rhabiologist
For no apparent reason Any area Accompanied by a completely different set of neurological symptoms: headache, impaired coordination, decreased vision, loss of sensitivity of any part of the skin of the face, limbs, torso Multiple sclerosis, some mitochondrial diseases MRI of the brain and cervical spinal cord with contrast, electroneurography, laboratory tests which will be prescribed by a neurologist after examination
For no apparent reason "Goosebumps" appear paroxysmal in any part of the body, the localization of which can change. Most often they are felt in the back of the head. Distorted perception of one's own body parts, unrecognition of objects, inability to perform complex movements, loss of the ability to count and solve arithmetic examples. There may be a loss of field of vision Damage (often by a tumor) of the parietal lobe of the brain


brain MRI

After hypothermia of the head, overload of the neck muscles. Maybe for no apparent reason In the back of the head type of "drilling", "shooting", occurs in attacks. In the interictal period, a dull pain in the back of the head may remain. You can find points on the back of the head, pressure on which increases pain and goosebumps Neuralgia of the occipital nerve Neurologist examination

If goosebumps:

  • run around the local area, especially in the limbs,
  • violation of consciousness, vision, breathing, swallowing is not accompanied,
  • to respiratory tract does not rise

it can be any of the multiple nerve neuropathies. This diagnosis is made by a neurologist based on scheduled inspection patient. We will not list all the diagnoses in the table, especially since their treatment is of the same type.

It should also be noted that important information regarding paresthesia:

  1. the lower (closer to the toes) is the area on which goosebumps run, the closer to the coccyx is the pathology;
  2. a large area of ​​​​running goosebumps, going from a large (hip or shoulder) joint to the fingers, indicates a pathology of the spine, while the reverse course (from the fingers up) indicates nerve damage;
  3. if sensitivity is disturbed, pain appears and goosebumps run in a small area between the hand (foot) and shoulder (thigh), most likely, a small nerve fiber is damaged (compressed);
  4. pain that comes with goosebumps
  5. goosebumps and impaired sensitivity in patients are especially dangerous diabetes, as well as after suffering an intestinal or catarrhal disease;
  6. anxiety and an urgent visit to a neurologist should be caused by conditions when, along with goosebumps, it is found that the affected area does not distinguish whether it was touched with a sharp or blunt object, and also does not distinguish between hot and cold water;
  7. visit a neurologist or vascular surgeon it is necessary if the skin where goosebumps has turned pale, has become cold, few pale hairs grow on it.

What can cause goosebumps in children

Goosebumps in children can be caused by:

  • Guillain-Barré syndrome;
  • intoxication (due to or poisoning) polyneuropathy;
  • encephalitis with damage to the parietal region;
  • syndrome scalene muscle due to an additional rib;
  • neuropathies due to muscle spasm;
  • vasculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • spondylosis;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia.

Wandering pain throughout the body often baffles not only patients, but also the doctors themselves. It occurs in different bodies and delivers serious inconvenience, while ongoing examinations may not show any inflammation or disruption of certain parts of the body. What are the reasons for such an unpleasant feeling? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of wandering pain throughout the body

If a person has wandering pains throughout the body, the cause is most often called vegetative-vascular dystonia. But in reality, in the international classifier of diseases ICD-10, such a disease does not exist. In most cases, the problem is hidden in a classic systemic neurosis, which requires the consultation of a psychotherapist.

The fact is that our nervous system is divided into vegetative and central. The first controls the operation internal organs, and the second is responsible for complex and simple reflexes. The autonomic system, in turn, is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic. The function of the sympathetic is to accelerate the work of the heart muscle, increase blood pressure, inhibition of intestinal motility and other functions that activate the body in stressful situations. Parasympathetic, on the contrary, slows down the heartbeat, reduces pressure, increases intestinal motility.

AT healthy body both of these sections are in balance, but in the event of a violation given equilibrium there is an imbalance vegetative system, which entails improper functioning of the organs of the body. As a result, wandering pain occurs, forcing a person to go to doctors and spend money on various diagnostic measures.

"Walking through the torment" can go on for quite a long time. After all, if, for example, a person has a heart attack, he goes to a cardiologist and after an examination, he finds out that he is absolutely healthy. Then he goes to a neurologist, a therapist, other specialists - and they all claim that they do not see any abnormalities. Meanwhile, unpleasant sensations continue to cause discomfort and require clarification of the causes of their occurrence. Only when he gets to a psychotherapist, a person learns that his problem is hidden in the dysfunction of the autonomic system and a banal neurosis, which is successfully treated. medicines and a comprehensive psychotherapeutic program.

Read also: When to have a cardiac CT scan

Wandering pain in different parts of the body

Sometimes wandering pain does not occur throughout the body, but in its individual places. Consider the main sources of such sensations.

In joints and muscles

Wandering pain in the joints and muscles is often a symptom of a disease such as arthralgia. This ailment happens independent disease associated with stimulation of neuroreceptors in synovial bag joint, or is a harbinger of the development of arthritis or arthrosis. The main causes of arthralgia include:

  • joint injuries;
  • infections (viral or bacterial);
  • tumors;
  • disorders in the immune system;
  • excessive loads on the joint due to the professional activity of a person.

The pain syndrome can be aching, acute, dull, occurring in one or the other joint. In most cases, the treatment of arthralgia is symptomatic, that is, wandering joint pain is eliminated with the help of analgesics. At the same time, self-medication is highly discouraged, since pathology is often early symptom more serious illnesses.

If a person is worried muscle pain, then in addition to arthralgia, doctors consider a number of other diseases:

Wandering pains in the back have the same causes as painful sensations in the joints. In many cases, their culprit is arthralgia, associated with pinching of nerve endings in one of the sections of the spine. When infringement occurs, a violation of blood circulation or a spasm of the periarticular muscles, which entails irritation of neuroreceptors and discomfort.

in my head

Wandering pain in the head most often occurs in the occipital region and is associated with a pinched cervical nerve. Under the influence of certain factors (osteochondrosis, myositis, spondylosis, etc.), the nerve endings in the spinal column are squeezed, which leads to pinpoint pain in different parts of the back of the head.

At first there were just panic attacks, which used to be rare, then they began to increase, anxiety increased exponentially. For me, someone "crawled" constantly, itched like crazy and thought up all sorts of garbage. I didn’t get out of the hospitals, I took all the conceivable and unthinkable tests, forced me to check the doctors where I didn’t have to, “just in case”. But the disease progressed, pains appeared in the region of the heart, as a result, an ambulance was almost on duty at my entrance, since it seemed to me that I was almost dead. Doctors can't see anything. Then there were pains in the neck area - I was choking, then an unbearable headache, which was removed only by Relanium, then in the chest area it constantly burned, it hurt - "well, that's it, just like a heart attack." I was "circling" constantly, I had no strength. I began to be afraid to leave the house, so what, I began to be afraid to go to the toilet and shower alone, my husband was on duty nearby. He even stopped going on a business trip, he was on duty next to me. I couldn’t go to work, under any pretext I left, I was about to quit, because it was scary. There was no question of my own business trips, I couldn’t even talk about the plane, about the train too, I refused all trips, before tantrums, before layoffs, but so that they would not touch me. In short, she brought herself up. Has addressed in clinic of neurosises. There I was quickly under white hands and for treatment. All the pains were somatic - from the nerves, it was not necessary to treat either the heart, or the head (physically), or the neck. Doctors each treated their own and no one talked about somatics - in the end, it was just necessary to treat the head in a psychological matter. Panic attacks heal quickly with somatic pain more difficult, the head is not so easy to cure)) 2 months of the clinic, plus after discharge, I still went to a psychotherapist to continue treatment. I told the ending of the disease. Although it may not be the ending. who knows what will happen next. But so far, more or less returned to a full life. But the beginning was harmless, I didn’t even pay special attention to the “crawling”, I laughed that it was nervous. But there was a bell ... In general, immediately pull yourself together, it is easy to cure and help you at an early stage. I just don’t wish anyone the hell I was in and to which I brought myself. No one is to blame but my sick head. We need to help ourselves. With anxiety and stress, if you don’t know how to relax and turn off yourself, then you need to help with some light relaxing ones - motherworts, valerian, some herbs, fees. if possible - go to a NORMAL psychotherapist, they will quickly put everything in its place. Or at least a clinical psychologist.
For understanding, a psychotherapist is the same psychiatrist, who has only completed his studies as a psychotherapist, deals with neuroses as well. This is a doctor for neurotics. He can prescribe medicines if necessary. Psychologist in terms of psycho. assistance in principle, too, as a psychotherapist. But he has no right to prescribe medicines. The psychiatrist is more for psychotics.

Even despite the fact that modern technologies have made a huge step forward, and now everyone is able to understand the causes of almost any ailment, people still treat even such seemingly trifling manifestations as a slight tingling all over the body with trepidation and fear.

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Don't make a big deal out of molehills!

Roots of the problem

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Don't make a big deal out of molehills!

It just so happens that when you start studying a multi-volume reference book on medicine, you will inevitably come to the conclusion by the end of your analysis that things are really bad. The pages will immediately give you frightening data: it turns out that your sensation of tingling in the body can be anything, up to the manifestations of cancer. Do not panic and grab your head - it is better to study the basic nuances.

Roots of the problem

So, what causes tingling all over the body? The reasons that provoke such discomfort are most often quite simple and harmless: the fact is that for proper and healthy functioning, your body needs to be in a state in which blood flows freely to all its points. But when this does not happen, what happens is what is commonly called "draining" - a sensation that appears along with a slight numbness of a part of the body in which the blood has ceased to circulate normally.

Most often, such situations occur when you wake up and feel tingling in different parts of the body. Do not worry - this is a fairly common phenomenon, which does not entail any negative consequences. It is enough to warm up well so that the blood continues to circulate in the usual way, and the discomfort will subside.

What could such a symptom indicate?

However, sometimes tingling of the skin all over the body can also talk about completely different problems. It happens that as if moving tingling sensations are the result of such serious illnesses, like a hernia and diabetes, so we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist and only after that draw conclusions regarding your illness. Tingling, the main focus of which falls on the head, may be a harbinger of a stroke.

In addition, similar symptoms (tingling, itching, and others) can also occur with neurogenic and mental disorders. It is not uncommon for such unpleasant sensations to become signs of neurosis and even schizophrenia. Even indirect diseases, such as depression, can cause completely illogical, it would seem, manifestations. Tingling and itching may well develop against the background of anxiety-depressive affect, as well as a number of other neurological diseases.

Should I be worried?

How to determine how dangerous your particular case is and should you be wary if there is a tingling sensation in the body? Too often people ruin their own lives by trying to make a diagnosis from entries on the Internet or a medical encyclopedia.

It is worth being alert if the tingling all over the body does not go away for a long time (the reasons for this have been eliminated). If an unpleasant sensation does not leave you - this is one of the alarm bells. In this case, you will need to contact a specialist for advice. Also, tingling of the skin throughout the body can be accompanied by sharp muscle contractions, which is also a pathology in this situation.

Prevention of discomfort

A sedentary lifestyle is not only unnatural for a person, but even fatal. Exists great amount diseases that have come to us along with the development of modern technology and, as a result, a sedentary lazy lifestyle.

How to eliminate tingling in the body? The reasons that are considered the simplest and most common should be minimized. As is known, most of The population of our world is not particularly mobile. And even working time people are spending more and more time in chairs or cars. Now, when everyone is trying to solve their physical ailments with pills and pharmaceutical products, for some reason it has become unpopular to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor your well-being every day, instead of remembering it only when it gets really bad. In the situation we are considering, no pill will work better than correct routine days and folk remedies.

Physical education is the key to health!

You can forget about the tingling sensation in your body forever only if you start thinking about your health. If your work does not involve special physical activity, you can always diversify your day with a light workout. Remember how in kindergarten been charging? Stand up, thoroughly stretch your neck, major joints and muscles. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the seams - do ten rotations of the head clockwise and the same amount - counterclockwise. Next are the hands. Make sure you leave enough space so that you don't touch things that are important to your work. Do ten to fifteen swings in one direction and the other, completing everything with several approaches of turning the body left and right. Well, finish everything with squats: 20 quality slow reps. This warm-up will allow you to drive blood through the body, increase overall tone and give you good health. You will be surprised how much better and more energetic you will feel by performing such a simple set of exercises every 3-4 hours.

As is known, in ancient greece there was a cult of the body: people revered both the spiritual and physical development. And if we are still more or less coping with the first, then for some reason everyone has forgotten that their “temple” needs to be protected.

However, back to the topic of our article. Should I panic if there is tingling all over the body? The reasons, ailing- this is just a sign that something is wrong with the body, you do not give your physical health enough attention. The advice is simple: sign up for a gym and visit it at least once a week. This will not require large material costs, but will significantly affect your well-being.

Life is motion

A good addition to all of the above will be a mobile lifestyle. Try to walk more, let your goal be 10,000 steps a day - this is not at all a phenomenal figure, however, according to doctors, such a decision will significantly improve your well-being and allow you to forget about such discomfort as body tingling and itching. How to determine this amount? Buy a simple pedometer - it does not cost much, but it will serve you well. Sometimes it’s enough just to get off one metro stop early to significantly improve your health. Our body is an amazing mechanism.


What about active sports on weekends? How long have you been in last time were playing football? What about basketball? Sports grounds can now be found in every yard. Get together with close friends and arrange leisure Forget TV and sofa. It is free and available to everyone, so do not miss this opportunity to chat with people you like, have fun and get healthier at the same time.

When a person understands why there is a tingling sensation throughout the body, it will be much easier to eliminate the causes. As it was said earlier, the best assistant in the treatment of your illness will be qualified specialist Don't be afraid to ask for help if you really need it. Timely measures taken will help to solve the problem and avoid disastrous consequences.

A person can experience a wide variety of sensations.

Some of them are painful, others are unpleasant, and there are those that are bewildered by their own unusualness.

But they all talk about some processes occurring in the body.

One of the most unusual sensations is tingling all over the body.

Much more often it is caused by an uncomfortable posture and disappears after the end of the change in body position. But in some cases, this feeling can cause problems for a person and be the result of significant health troubles.

Based on this, it is worthwhile to carefully understand what it is.

Tingling all over the body: symptoms

Any person at least once during own life he felt as if goosebumps were crawling over his body or someone was pricking him with needles. In medicine, this condition is called paresthesia. Many people know that this appears due to a lack of blood supply. But in some cases, a tingling sensation throughout the body is accompanied by second symptoms:

It may be preceded by numbness or coldness of the extremities.

Joint mobility may decrease and muscle weakness may appear.

Increased sensitivity to touch.

The skin may feel itchy or burning.

For some time, the sensitivity of certain areas of the skin decreases.

Apart from the feeling of needles, probably not a strong tickling, or, on the contrary, a strong stabbing pain.

All symptoms show that this malaise is related to sensations on the surface of the skin. As a rule, they are caused by a violation of the blood circulation of some areas or a decrease in the sensitivity of the nerve. But not everything is so: that such seemingly harmless symptoms can indicate the development of important diseases. And also if the tingling does not cause huge troubles, it is necessary to figure out what it might be called.

If possible, it is necessary to avoid provoking factors, treat diseases in a timely manner and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Tingling all over the body: circumstances

Much more often, such a feeling appears due to compression of nerves or blood vessels when in an uncomfortable position. This can happen, for example, in a dream, at a time when a person is not able to control himself, while sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable chair or driving.

In most cases, in this case, the tingling is concentrated in one part of the body and disappears after the change of position. Blood circulation is restored, and discomfort slowly disappears.

Why then appears just a tingling?

The highlight of the functioning of the human body is the need for free blood circulation in every cell of the body. If the blood does not flow to some place, then there is a feeling of numbness. At the end of the restoration of blood circulation in that place, tingling and burning are felt, from time to time strong pain. Often such sensations are also caused due to nerve compression or other actions on nerve endings.

Paresthesia is possibly chronic. For example, in old age, blood circulation slows down, and tingling can appear quite often. Nerve cells function worse and acquire less nutrition.

In addition, tingling throughout the body may be caused by other circumstances:

Prolonged and exhausting, much more often monotonous physical activity.

Various skin diseases or fungal infection.

Allergic reaction to cosmetics and medicinal preparations.

Long exposure to high or low temperatures.

Various disorders and mental illnesses.

Lack of certain vitamins and minerals, for example, potassium, sodium, calcium or vitamin B12.

Poisoning with lead, arsenic or mercury, alcohol, tobacco or other poisons, and toxins from broken food.

But in some cases, tingling throughout the body may be caused by more important circumstances. There are diseases that occur in a latent form and practically do not manifest themselves. Only numbness, tingling and itching all over the body can be their consequence.

What can lead to such?

Pathological disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver.

Various cardio vascular diseases.


Malignant tumors.

Acute violation cerebral circulation, spasm, blockage or rupture of blood vessels.

Joints and diseases of the spine.

Various injuries.

Inflammatory diseases that cause swelling and compression of the nerves.



A serious form of alcohol dependence.

Raynaud's disease.

Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Tingling all over the body: diagnosis of probable diseases

In those cases, at a time when such sensations disturb a person quite often, you need to consult a doctor for advice.

This is necessary both when the tingling is noted in one part of the body, and if it improves with a sharp muscle contraction. Consultation is especially responsible if this feeling is accompanied by second symptoms: dizziness, nausea, darkening of the eyes and muscle spasms. Much more often, the examination begins with the therapist, who will prescribe blood tests, collect information about the symptoms, and later refer them to experts. The circumstances of tingling all over the body will help to find out such diagnostic procedures:

MRI or CT of the brain and spine;


Electrocardiogram of the heart;


Non-specialized blood test;


From time to time, a biopsy of the skin or nerves is prescribed, and an analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid.

In some cases, based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment, but may refer you for a consultation with experts: a neurologist, cardiologist, psychotherapist or doctor.

What specific diseases can lead to tingling throughout the body

Spondylosis of the cervical spine.

This disease is characterized by the fusion of several adjacent vertebrae, as a result of which nerve compression occurs. This results in a tingling sensation in the neck, occiput and upper back.

Intervertebral hernia also pinches blood vessels and nerves. Because of it, unpleasant sensations in the back and legs can appear.

Cardiovascular diseases lead to tingling all over the body, numbness of the extremities, especially the left arm, or

Joint diseases: arthritis, gout and arthrosis. The inflammatory process leads to compression of the nerve roots. As a result, a feeling of needles or goosebumps is felt in the limbs.

Acute cerebrovascular accident, blockage or rupture of a vessel, stroke - all these troubles lead to tingling on the scalp, accompanied by darkening of the eyes, paralysis and nausea of ​​the muscles.

some psychological disorders can also be the cause of tingling throughout the body. Much more often it is neurosis, depression or schizophrenia.

Tingling in the extremities can excel as an indicator of the development of diabetes.

Since, along with this disease, the nerve endings are affected. This is called diabetic neuropathy.

If these sensations appear infrequently and disappear on their own after a change in body position or a light warm-up, then you should not worry. But in those cases, at a time when tingling appears throughout the body without any apparent reason, the feeling of needles appears in one place or another, or any one part of the body becomes numb, treatment must be started.

The doctor is obliged to prescribe it after determining the cause and a thorough examination of the ailment. But before that, it is possible to try to relieve discomfort on your own:

For numbness due to an uncomfortable posture, it is necessary to improve circulation through exercise. it is better to make a couple of slow circular movements with your head, stretch your legs and arm muscles, rub the numb part of the body.

If tingling all over the body is accompanied by itching, redness of the skin or burning sensation, then perhaps this is allergic reaction.

In this case, antihistamines will help.

For tingling caused by nervous disorders or psychological stress demonstrated the use of sedatives.

Unpleasant sensations in certain areas of the skin can be removed with a cream or ointment with a cooling effect. Such an impact is cold shower or ice cubes.

Tingling in the hands caused by tunnel syndrome treated with anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs that improve blood circulation.

If the circumstance of paresthesia is established, the doctor prescribes special treatment. In most cases, this is the appointment of B vitamins, antioxidants, and drugs that improve blood circulation and reduce blood viscosity. Treatment for tingling all over your body may include:

Drug therapy: Finlepsin, Piracetam, Cavinton, Nootropil, Actovegin, Mexidol, Trental, Magne B6, preparations that contain Gingko biloba extract and other drugs.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of paresthesia suggests drinking infusions of parsley and horse chestnut fruits, birch leaves, sweet clover grass, nettle, goldenrod, viburnum peel and willow bark.

Each therapy must be used only at the end of the doctor's prescription.

It is forbidden to take any drugs or decoctions of herbs on your own. Almost all of them affect the circulatory system and vessels. Since it may be that the tingling all over the body is not caused by these circumstances at all. And every medicines can only exacerbate the situation.

If the examination did not recognize any important deviations in a state of health, it means that tingling throughout the body is called in the wrong way fate. In order to prevent the appearance of these unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to change the habits of behavior and establish proper nutrition.

What can be done so that the tingling is no longer there?

Do not stay for a long time in one pose. It is recommended to change the position of the body 10-20 times within an hour.

If the work is associated with monotonous movements, it is necessary every 15-20 minutes. take a short break to warm up.

Do not wear tight, compressive clothing. It is necessary that her style does not hamper movement, and the material is natural.

Avoid tight shoes and tight belts.

It is necessary to constantly look after your posture, do not sit cross-legged and do gymnastics for the spine.

In cold weather, it is necessary to dress up warmer in order to prevent hypothermia of the limbs.

It is possible to improve blood circulation through massage or yoga.

You need to go to the gym or pool at least once a week.

A person can experience a wide variety of sensations. Some of them are painful, others are unpleasant, and there are those that simply cause bewilderment due to their unusualness. But they all testify to the processes taking place in the body. One of the most unusual sensations is tingling all over the body. This feeling of partial numbness occurs, most often, from a long stay in one position, after sleeping in awkward position due to compression of nerve endings.

The symptom quickly disappears if you change your position so that the blood begins to circulate freely throughout the body. At low temperatures fingers and toes may also tingle due to insufficient blood supply limbs. If the tingling passes quickly and no longer bothers you, then you should not consult a doctor. But in some cases, this feeling can give a person trouble and be a consequence serious problems with health. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully understand what it is.

Symptoms - tingling like needles

Every person at least once in his life experienced a feeling as if goosebumps were crawling over his body or someone was pricking him with needles. In medicine, this condition is called paresthesia. Many understand that this occurs due to a lack of blood supply. But in some cases, a tingling sensation throughout the body is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • It may be preceded by numbness or cold extremities.
  • Joint mobility may decrease and muscle weakness may appear.
  • Increased sensitivity to touch.
  • The skin may feel itchy or burning.
  • For some time, the sensitivity of certain areas of the skin decreases.
  • In addition to the sensation of needles, a slight tickling is possible, or vice versa, a strong stabbing pain.

All symptoms indicate that this ailment is associated with sensations on the surface of the skin. In most cases, they are caused by a violation of the blood circulation of some areas or a decrease in the sensitivity of the nerve. But not everything is so simple: it happens that such seemingly harmless symptoms may indicate the development of serious diseases. And even if the tingling doesn't hurt big problems, you need to figure out how it can be caused. If possible, it is necessary to avoid provoking factors, treat diseases in time and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Causes of tingling all over the body

Most often, this sensation occurs due to compression of nerves or blood vessels when in an uncomfortable position. This can happen, for example, in a dream, when a person is unable to control himself, while sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable chair or driving. Usually in this case, the tingling is concentrated in one part of the body and disappears after a change in posture. Blood circulation is restored, and discomfort gradually disappears.

Why does it cause tingling after this? Feature of functioning human body is the need for free circulation in every cell of the body. If the blood does not flow to some place, then there is a feeling of numbness. After the restoration of blood circulation, there is a burning sensation and tingling, sometimes severe pain. Very often, such sensations are also caused due to compression of the nerves or other effects on the nerve endings.

Paresthesia may be chronic. For example, in old age, blood circulation slows down, and tingling may occur frequently. Nerve cells function worse and receive less nutrition. In addition, tingling all over the body can be caused by other reasons:

But in some cases, tingling all over the body can be caused by more serious reasons. There are diseases that occur in a latent form and almost do not manifest themselves. Only numbness, itching and tingling all over the body can be their consequence.

What can cause such feelings?

  • Pathological disorders in the liver and kidneys.
  • Various cardio vascular diseases.
  • Disorders in the work of the thyroid gland.
  • Diabetes.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident, spasm, blockage or rupture of blood vessels.
  • Diseases of the spine and joints.
  • Various injuries.
  • Inflammatory diseases that cause swelling and compression of the nerves.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Migraine.
  • Severe form of alcohol dependence.
  • Raynaud's disease.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Diagnosis of possible diseases

In cases where such sensations bother a person often, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice. This is also necessary when the tingling is observed in one part of the body, and also if it intensifies with a sharp muscle contraction. Consultation is especially important if this sensation is accompanied by other symptoms: dizziness, nausea, blackouts in the eyes and muscle spasms. Most often, the examination begins with a therapist who will prescribe blood tests, collect information about the symptoms, and then refer you to specialists. The causes of tingling all over the body will help determine the following diagnostic procedures:

  • MRI or CT of the spine and brain;
  • x-ray;
  • electrocardiogram of the heart;
  • ultrasound examination of blood vessels;
  • electromyography;
  • general blood analysis;
  • electromyogram;
  • sometimes a biopsy of the skin or nerves is prescribed, as well as an analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid.

In some cases, based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment, but may refer you for a consultation with specialists: a neurologist, cardiologist, psychotherapist or surgeon.

Diseases that cause tingling all over the body

  • Spondylosis of the cervical spine. This disease is characterized by the fusion of several adjacent vertebrae, resulting in compression of the nerves. This causes a tingling sensation in the neck, occiput and upper back.
  • A herniated disc also pinches nerves and blood vessels. It can cause discomfort in the legs and back.
  • Cardiovascular diseases cause tingling all over the body, numbness of the extremities, especially the left arm.
  • Joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis and gout. The inflammatory process causes compression of the nerve roots. Because of this, a feeling of needles or goosebumps is felt in the limbs.
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident, blockage or rupture of the vessel, stroke - all these problems cause tingling on the scalp, accompanied by darkening of the eyes, nausea and muscle paralysis.
  • Some mental disorders can also cause tingling all over the body. Most often it is neurosis, depression or schizophrenia.
  • Tingling in the extremities can be the first sign of developing diabetes. After all, with this disease, the nerve endings are affected. This is called diabetic neuropathy.

Tingling all over the body: treatment

If these sensations appear infrequently and go away on their own after a change in body position or a light warm-up, then you should not worry. But in cases where tingling appears throughout the body for no apparent reason, the sensation of needles occurs in one place or another, or any one part of the body goes numb, it is necessary to begin treatment. It should be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and determination of the cause of the ailment. But before that, you can try to relieve discomfort yourself:

  • If you are numb due to an uncomfortable posture, you need to improve blood circulation through exercise. It's best to take some slow circular motions head, stretch the muscles of the arms and legs, rub the numb part of the body.
  • If tingling throughout the body is accompanied by itching, redness of the skin, or burning, then this may be an allergic reaction. In this case, antihistamines will help.
  • With tingling caused by nervous disorders or mental stress, sedatives are indicated.
  • Unpleasant sensations in certain areas of the skin can be removed with a cream or ointment with a cooling effect. Similar action is having a cold shower or ice cubes.
  • Tingling in the hands caused by tunnel syndrome is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs that improve blood circulation.

If the cause of paresthesia is established, the doctor prescribes special treatment. Usually this is the appointment of B vitamins, antioxidants, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation and reduce blood viscosity. Treatment for tingling all over your body may include:

  • Drug therapy: Finlepsin, Piracetam, Cavinton, Nootropil, Actovegin, Mexidol, Trental, Magne B6, preparations containing Gingko biloba extract and other drugs.
  • Physiotherapy: electrophoresis, diadynamic currents, mud therapy, acupuncture, darsonvalization, magnetotherapy and massage.
  • Traditional medicine for the treatment of paresthesia suggests drinking infusions of horse chestnut and parsley fruits, birch leaves, sweet clover grass, nettle, goldenrod, viburnum peel and willow bark.

Any therapy should be used only after a doctor's prescription. You can not take any drugs or decoctions of herbs on your own. Almost all of them affect the vessels and the circulatory system. After all, it is possible that tingling all over the body is not caused by these reasons at all. And any medications can only aggravate the situation.

If the examination did not reveal any serious deviations in the state of health, then the tingling throughout the body is caused by an incorrect lifestyle. To prevent the appearance of these unpleasant sensations, you need to change your behavioral habits and establish proper nutrition.

What can be done so that tingling no longer appears?

  • Not to be long time in one pose. It is recommended to change the position of the body 10-20 times for an hour. If the work is associated with monotonous movements, it is advisable to take a short break every 15-20 minutes to warm up.
  • Do not wear tight, compressive clothing. It is desirable that her style does not hamper movements, and the material is natural. Avoid tight belts and tight shoes.
  • You need to constantly monitor your posture, do not sit cross-legged and do gymnastics for the spine.
  • In cold weather, you need to dress warmer to prevent hypothermia of the extremities.
  • You can improve blood circulation with massage or yoga. It is advisable to visit the gym or swimming pool at least once a week.

When a person understands why there is a tingling sensation throughout the body, it will be much easier to eliminate the causes. As mentioned earlier, the best assistant in the treatment of your illness will be a qualified specialist - do not be afraid to seek help if you really need it. Timely measures taken will help to solve the problem and avoid consequences.

A person can experience a wide variety of sensations. Tingling like needles all over the body: arms, legs, back and other parts of the body - one of the most unusual and unpleasant. This can be a signal of health problems, following which you need to contact professionals.

The mechanism of occurrence of stabbing sensations in the limbs and causes

Each person experienced a feeling of stabbing goosebumps throughout the body. There is clinical term this feeling is paresthesia. Often it is accompanied by a number of additional symptoms:

  • the skin becomes numb and appears cold temperature hands and feet;
  • muscle weakness;
  • reduced joint mobility;
  • itches and burns the skin;
  • skin sensitivity decreases;
  • there is a feeling of slight tickling or sharp pain.

Almost always, these symptoms are associated with poor circulation or decreased sensitivity of the nerves. Such, at first glance, vivid symptoms may be signs of serious illness.

Diseases that occur latently are characterized by such degrees of paresthesia as numbness, itching and causticity throughout the body. If the symptoms progress, the tartness becomes more acute and turns into pain, and numbness does not occur often and does not go away for a long time - it is worth taking immediate medical measures.

What diseases can cause tingling

This unusual sensation can be caused by a number of medical conditions. The important thing is that stabbing sensations throughout the body can be like primary sign, and additional symptom. Diseases that cause itching sensations:

Diagnosis of diseases

If the patient during long term stabbing sensations are disturbing - it is worth contacting a specialist at the clinic. This is especially true if the tingling is observed in one part of the body and its intensity increases with any muscle activity. The doctor will be able to take a general history taking into account secondary symptoms(such as nausea, muscle spasms, dizziness, darkening in the eyes) and determine the exact cause of the tingling sensation.

First of all, you should contact a therapist. He will prescribe a blood test to the patient, ask for general well-being and proceeding from this, he will already direct him to a more narrow-profile specialist. For the diagnosis of diseases, the following series of procedures is prescribed:

  • electrocardiogram of the heart;
  • x-ray;
  • MRI (CT) of the spine and brain;
  • electromyogram;
  • Vascular ultrasound;
  • electroenteromyography;
  • blood analysis.

As needed, refer to:

  • analysis of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • skin or nerve biopsy.

Based on the results of the tests, the therapist refers the patient to a psychotherapist, surgeon, cardiologist or neurologist.


Depending on the cause of the symptom, the doctor most often prescribes the following treatment options:

  • Allergic reaction - tingling accompanied by itching, burning and redness of the skin. Antihistamines are prescribed.
  • Nervous disorders and mental stress - taking sedatives.
  • Short-term stabbing sensations are eliminated by the use of cooling ointments.
  • Tunnel syndrome - stabs the hands. Prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to improve blood circulation.
  • Paresthesia - a complex of B vitamins, drugs to reduce blood viscosity and improve blood circulation are prescribed.
  • If tingling is observed throughout the body, they may prescribe drug therapy and prescribe drugs with ginkgo biloba extract and antibiotics (Mexidol, Finlepsin, Cavinton, Actovegin, Magne B6, Trental, etc.).
  • Physiotherapy: diadynamic currents, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, mud therapy, darsonvalization, acupuncture, massage).
  • From funds traditional medicine recommend drinking infusions of goldenrod, willow bark, horse chestnut, sweet clover grass, parsley and birch leaves.

Any measures of a therapeutic nature should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. All of these procedures affect circulatory system. An incorrectly chosen method of treatment or drug can worsen the situation.

Prevention against tingling in the body

You can not only eliminate the unpleasant sensation with medicines and procedures. To avoid discomfort, you can resort to the following preventive methods:

  1. Constantly monitor your posture and do not sit cross-legged for a long time.
  2. Do exercises to strengthen the paravertebral muscles.
  3. Do massages and do yoga. Workouts in the gym or swimming pool also help a lot.
  4. Avoid hypothermia and dress warmly in bad weather.
  5. Do not sit constantly in one position (change it up to 20 times within an hour). During prolonged stay in sitting position do a little exercise.
  6. Do not wear too tight clothing. It should allow the body to move freely. It is better not to wear tight belts and tight shoes.

These methods can timely prevent the appearance of sensations of needles or goosebumps. The main thing is that training should be regularly present in life and clothes should not interfere with free movement.

A person has the ability to perceive with the skin not only tactile sensations, but also various signals of the body from the inside. Signals can be random, temporary, caused by momentary circumstances or internal diseases.

Some sensations are included in the list of symptoms of specific diseases. One example of sensations on the skin is a feeling of slight tingling, sometimes along with itching, burning, soreness all over the body, the reasons for which we will talk about today.

What is the tingling sensation on the skin

Tingling on the skin is at least rare, but every person experiences it.

  • If this sensation appeared after a long stay in one position, for example, after a night's sleep, and then quickly passed, then this normal reaction organism to the fact that the nerves were in cramped circumstances.
  • If the tingling on the skin does not have a logical explanation for its origin, and even the symptom often repeats, then you need to contact a specialist to undergo an examination and understand the cause of what is happening.

FROM medical point we feel tingling vision when:

  • nerve endings do not have the ability to transmit signals to the brain (for example, due to oppression during sleep),
  • in the area where there is a tingling sensation, blood circulation is disturbed.

His classification

The phenomenon, when a tingling sensation is felt on the skin, as if with needles, can be of the following types:

  • all over the body
  • in certain parts of the body.

According to the duration of the symptom, cases are distinguished:

  • chronic manifestations of tingling sensations,
  • symptom wears episodic- a person experiences such signals on the skin sometimes, or they are associated with a temporary specific factor.

About identifying the symptom and cause of itching and tingling of the scalp, face, arms, legs, genitals, back, skin tingling chest, abdomen will be described below.

Symptom identification

Every cell in the body receives nourishment through circulation. If any part of the body is pressed, for example, by the weight of the body during sleep, then the blood circulation in this area is obstructed, and numbness may be felt. The restoration of the blood flow will be signaled by tingling on the skin for a while.

In old age, due to the slowdown of processes, including blood circulation, can be observed constantly symptoms present tingling and numbness on the skin (chronic manifestation). A person may experience discomfort, malaise. To determine what sensations make up the picture of malaise and what they are most often associated with, the patient should be more attentive to the various signals of the body.

Possible causes of tingling on the skin all over the body and in different places described below.

Possible violations

If the appearance of tingling on the skin does not have a simple and understandable reason for a person suffering from this problem, then the symptom may be a manifestation of the disease:

  • diabetes,
  • functional disorders in the liver,
  • diseases of the skeletal system: joints and spine;
  • malignant tumors,
  • cardiovascular disease,
  • injuries of a different nature,
  • migraine,
  • carpal tunnel syndrome,
  • circulatory disorders in the brain of an acute nature,
  • an inflammatory disease that can initiate the effect of nerve compression, as well as pathological formations;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland,
  • epilepsy,
  • Raynaud's disease
  • frostbite,
  • ear barotrauma,
  • cold allergy;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • bullous dermatitis,
  • severe alcohol dependence,
  • herpes of various types (shingles, simple and genital herpes),
  • mental illness.

Fighting the Sign


To understand what to do with tingling on the skin, you need to find out the cause of this phenomenon. You should be wary if the symptom is always observed on one side of the body, and the presence of other accompanying symptoms is also a bad sign:

  • blackouts in the eyes
  • dizziness,
  • muscle spasms,
  • nausea.

Specialists will conduct an examination to find the cause that causes tingling on the skin. If necessary, the following methods can be used:

  • electroneuromyography,
  • heart electrocardiogram,
  • magnetic resonance imaging,
  • electromyogram,
  • x-ray,
  • blood analysis,
  • possible analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, nervous tissue, skin areas.


If the examination reveals a violation that manifests itself through a symptom of tingling on the skin, then treatment course to stabilize the condition and prevent possible undesirable consequences, for example, a stroke.

When tingling sensations are caused by cases that do not have any underlying reason, then you should observe simple rules to make this happen less often:

  • increase the beneficial loads on the body (consult a doctor) to improve blood circulation, these can be classes:
    • swimming,
    • yoga,
    • visiting a massage parlour,
    • as well as a gym;
  • if a person is forced to lead sedentary image life, it is necessary:
    • do workouts often
    • watch your posture
    • eliminate the cross-legged pose;
  • you should not linger for a long time in one position, do warm-ups;
  • dress in such a way that the limbs do not get cold;
  • in clothes, refuse elements that can squeeze the body: belts, tight styles of dresses or shirts; try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

As if this could be due to several reasons. For example, mental disorder, panic, poisoning. Regardless, the body gives a signal to a person that something is wrong and an urgent need to bring himself back to normal.

There are cases when, after prolonged laughter or drinking a cup of coffee, you may feel as if you are pricked with needles all over your body. It all depends on the structural features of the human nervous system, his psyche. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question, it is precisely such sensations that manifest themselves. Each case requires specific consideration. Below are the most common cases when tingling sensations are felt throughout the body.

Overheating of the body

Often there are cases when tingling begins after overheating of the body. A person experiences obvious inconvenience, cannot get rid of the tingling for several minutes. Overheating can happen when physical work, while running, after a long laugh, in hot weather. There are many reasons. At the same time, if a person suffering from such an unpleasant symptom goes to the doctor, rarely find deviations from the norm in the state of health.

To stop suffering similar ailment, you can change the diet in favor of plant foods. If there is bad habits, they must be discarded, replacing by pouring cold water in the morning. At first, due to strong impact cold water strong tingling will be felt, but after a couple of weeks it will become much easier. At proper nutrition and healthy way life normalizes pressure, work endocrine system, get better metabolic processes.

nervous tension

Life in a big city, a frantic pace often leads to stressful situations and nervous breakdowns. When a person is always in nervous tension, he often begins in the whole body during periods of great excitement and emotional outburst. Unfortunately, even if this is a positive emotional outburst, needles will still prick all over the body.

To return to a normal state - to get rid of the feeling that needles are pricked all over the body - you need to restore nervous system Try to lead a more active lifestyle. Good for visiting the pool, walking on fresh air. The best option is to rest for at least two weeks where no one knows you, so that nothing reminds you of your familiar surroundings.

sexual arousal

Some people experience tingling all over the body with intense sexual arousal. But these are rather pleasant sensations, as they are part of admiration. Don't even try to get rid of similar symptoms, since nothing can be done against the physiology formed in the course of ontogenesis.

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